-- -VoL2- JANUARY, 1945 ——s“No.l_~ FARLOWIA A Journat or CryprocamMic Borany — ANNIVERSARY NUMBER > COMMEMORATING © THE ONE HUNDREDTH BIRTHDAY OF WILLIAM GILSON FARLOW 1844-1944 ay PUBLISHED BY FARLOW LIBRARY AND HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY -20 Drvinrry AvE., CAMBRIDGE, Mass. FARLOWIA Published semi-annually. Four numbers compose one volume of scotorintitely five hundred pages. Subscription prices: Vol. 1, $5.00; Vol. 2, $7.50. Single numbers: Vol. 1, $1.50; Vol. 2, $2.25. Subscriptions and remittances should be addressed to FARLOWIA, 20 Divinity Ave., Cambridge 38, Mass., U.S. A. Numbers lost in the mails will be replaced if reported within a reasonable period. Epiror1AL Boarp DAVID H. LINDER, Editor E. V. SEELER, Jr., Managing Editor - J. R. BARTHOLOMEW R. SIncER E. B. BARTRAM F, VERDOORN N.F.Conant W.H. WEston, Jr. H. F. Harris R. M, WHELDEN CONTENTS OF VOL. 2, NO. 1 In Honor or Wirt1am Guson Fartow. By David H. Lie Boe Cg a ay THE CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. Fartow purine His StupEnt. Dae AT SYERABHOURG, Hittnuaacr. degeres 8 o.. Op eg a Rae ee NoTEs on Fartow’s AGARICALES FROM CHocoruA. By Rolf Singer . . . . 39 Wittiam Gitson Fartow: Promoter or PuycotocicaL RESEARCH IN AMERICA, ied4-1919.. By Won. ancora Tavior. 6 ea ee BB FarLow’s INTEREST IN AN INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING JOURNAL. By Frans Ver- PIN RF GO pO we the a 4%, kk en So ee eee e OCE ae _ Dr. Fartow’s INFLUENCE on Mycotocy. By William H.Weston,Jr.. . . . 85 THE BOLETINEAE OF FLORIDA WITH Notes oN EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES. I, STROBILO- BEVCETACEAR: DY AGN) SON geR ee ee ee OF Vol. 1, No. 4, was issued on July 18, 1944. & FARLOWIA A JoURNAL OF CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY VOLUME 2 1945-1946 PUBLISHED BY FARLOW LIBRARY AND HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY 20 Divinity AvE., CAMBRIDGE 38, Mass. con Rhodophyllus Farlowii Singer L. C.C. Krieger pinxit See page 49 FARLOWIA A JOURNAL OF CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY Vor, 2 January, 1945 No. 1 IN HONOR OF WILLIAM GILSON FARLOW Davin H. LINDER Although this journal is but two years or one volume old, it is never- theless not too young to recognize the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of the man who, through the founding of the Farlow Reference Li- brary and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany, made possible its existence. The occasion is of greater importance than the mere fact of the journal’s existence, for Dr. Farlow was more than a means of making its existence feasible, he was the first professor of cryptogamic botany in America and played an important part in the development of this branch of botany. Not only did he stress the importance of systematic cryptogamic botany and morphology, but he initiated in this country the teaching of what is now known as phytopathology and he also began, with Professor W. R. Nichols, the study of the réle of algae as impurities in drinking water. His versa- tility and his contributions have been ably and more amply described in the biographies appended to this paper and for this reason only a brief sketch is needed on this occasion. William Gilson Farlow was born in Boston on December 17, 1844 and there spent the first fourteen years of his life before the family moved to Newton, Massachusetts, then considerably less urban than it is today. Perhaps it was the life in the country where he was surrounded on all sides by Nature’s beauties and curiosities that stimulated his enquiring mind and influenced him to become a botanist or maybe it was the influence of his father, John S. Farlow, who although a successful business man, was equally enthusiastic about horticulture, as is attested by the prizes that he won at the exhibitions of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society and by the gifts that he made to that institution. Whether it was the father’s in- terest in plants or his own discovery of the wild Hepatica, which has been said to have stimulated him to pursue botany as a life study, there can be little doubt that William Farlow received the encouragement and backing of his family, and that his father by example set the pattern that he was to follow. While at Harvard College, from which he graduated in 1866, he contin- ued his interest in natural history, taking the courses offered by Asa Gray and being elected president of the then active Harvard Natural History 1 2 FartowiA, Vor. 2, 1945 Society. On graduating from college, he spent four years at the Harvard Medical School where he obtained his M.D. degree. He did this, even though highly successful as a student, not because he was primarily inter- ested in medicine, but because in those days botany was the hobby of amateurs who were for the most part physicians and ministers and there was little opportunity for the professional botanist. To quote his words (Science N. 8S. 37: 79. 1913) “When I graduated from college in 1866 and wished to become a botanist, Professor Gray told me that I ought to study medicine first because the possibility of gaining a living by botany was so small that one should always have a regular profession to fall back upon.” . . . “In 1866, there were very few botanical professorships in this coun- try, the salaries were very small and the equipment very shabby. Gray was professor at Harvard, D. C. Eaton at Yale and Porter at Lafayette. Tor- rey, in spite of his distinction as a botanist, really depended on his position as a Chemist for his living. The comparatively few positions in government and state stations offered few attractions and changes were frequent. To a young man the prospect was not assuring.” Upon graduating from medical school, Farlow returned to botany, be- coming Asa Gray’s assistant. He began in earnest to pursue his studies of cryptogamic botany but after two years, found that if he wished to pro- gress in this field, it would be necessary for him to go to Europe. Hence, in 1872, he went abroad and spent the two following years, for the most part in the recently founded laboratories at Strasbourg under the guidance of Anton De Bary, a brilliant crytogamic botanist whose scientific conclusions were often in advance of his time and whose teaching appears to have been most provocative. But despite the fact that he was learning De Bary’s methods of teaching and research, he nevertheless, on the recommendation of Dr. Gray, took out time for intensive studies of the lichens with Dr. J. Mueller and of the algae with Thuret and Bornet. The trips, if we may judge by his letters, gave him an opportunity to visit many important herbaria in different parts of Europe and to make the acquaintance of the distinguished botanists of the period, acquaintances with whom, after his return to America, he maintained an active correspondence. His stay in Europe also provided him with an opportunity to obtain rare and important volumes for his library and equally important specimens for his herbarium to which he added while still abroad, the most important Curtis collection which contained parts of the types of species described by Berkeley and other specimens obtained by exchange with Schweinitz, Ravenel, Sprague, Fries, and Duby. Thus in spite of being small in stature, a fact about which Dr. Farlow was very sensitive, he was a giant when measured by his physi- cal and mental activity. Although worried about the prospects of a position as a professional botanist on his return home, when he did come back to America he was appointed through the friendly efforts of Dr. Gray to an assistant profes- sorship and five years later, in 1879, became Professor of Cryptogamic Botany. During the early days he taught not only cryptogamic botany, but LINDER: WILLIAM GILSON FARLOW 3 at the Bussey Institution where he was stationed the first five years, gave instruction to special students in the applied side of mycology, probably the first to be given in that now thriving field known as phytopathology, to which he was then making contributions. When he became Professor of Cryptogamic Botany he moved from the Bussey Institute to Cambridge where he apparently enjoyed greater free- dom of action and where he continued with zeal to build up his already im- portant herbarium and library. Although still devoting his attention to mycology, he devoted more time to the algae, his first love, and published among other papers, the “Marine Algae of the New England and Adjacent Coast,” a manual that has been in use up to very recent days. Although interested in the morphology and taxonomy of the algae, for which his studies well prepared him, just as with the fungi, he saw the practical im- portance of the freshwater algae and published three or four papers which resulted from his study of the water supply problems of the City of Boston. Again, although primarily a systematic botanist, he was one of the first in this country to demonstrate the importance of the lower forms of plant life in the welfare of the people. Little more need be said here on Dr. Farlow’s reputation as a mycologist or phycologist since these subjects are more amply discussed in accompany- ing papers. Less well known were his interest in lichenology and bryology, perhaps because he published little on these two subjects. However, that he did much work in these two fields is attested by a perusal of the speci- mens in his herbarium where can be found a considerable amount of ma- terial that had been named by him, as well as the critical notes and observa- tions that were written in his characteristic and occasionally not too legible hand. His remarkable memory and his very broad knowledge of these groups enabled him to provide information of great value to students and specialists alike, and his herbarium was available to those who were prop- erly qualified. At times he has been criticized for not allowing the herbarium to be used unless under supervision. This was not because of selfishness on Farlow’s part but rather the result of abuse by thoughtless visitors who ruined or even entirely removed some precious specimens from his collec- tions. Farlow did not bring together the many specimens for immediate consumption and dispersal, for his endeavors were all directed towards building a reference collection that would serve future generations of botanists who were capable of profiting by what he had done. One cannot but be impressed by the tremendous energy shown by Dr. Farlow. Although he gave up undergraduate instruction twenty-three years before his death, he continued to take a keen interest in graduate students. In addition to his teaching, he gave considerably of his time to answer correspondence and through it to maintain the friendships that he had made as he went through life; the administrative needs took no small por- tion of his efforts, and withal he did a tremendous amount of research in very diverse groups of non-vascular cryptogams. Yet somehow he found time to make collecting trips inside and outside of the country, to attend 4 Fartowia, Vo. 2, 1945 meetings of the various societies to which he belonged, and to be present at the International Botanical Congresses. It is small wonder that he had little time for publishing the results of his own observations. In addition to the activities indicated above, he was also interested in founding an international journal in which could be found the names of new species of plants that had appeared in the scattered literature during the short inter- vals between issues, thus serving to lighten the bibliographic tasks of the systematists and applied botanists as well. As papers were being published at an increasing rate in widely scattered journals, it was even at that time a problem to keep abreast of the current literature and only by personally sup- porting an assistant and bibliographer was he able to maintain an index of his own covering the fungi that had been described from North America. This index, in 1919, contained some 300,000 entries and was available to colleagues for consultation. The reason behind all these efforts seems best to be explained by his own words (Science N. S. 37: 7. 1913): “I, who was almost the first American student to seek the benefit of botanical instruc- tion abroad, have lived to see the time when a very large number of bota- nists have brought back to America the best that Europe has to offer. There was a time when our botany might have been said to bear the mark ‘made in England.’ In more recent years it may be said to have been ‘made in Germany.’ There are some patriotic souls who hope the time will come, if it has not already come, when we may say ‘made in America.’ I do not share their feeling. To me it seems that botany is destined to become world- wide and it will be enough if we can contribute our proper share to the general stock.” Dr. Farlow died in 1919 before the intense nationalism that grew up in the following years exploded into the chaos of our time. Let us hope that when the present conflagration is over, humanity may have learned the need of not only the scientific but also the political cooperation that he hoped to see. While still a student in Europe, Farlow realized the dangers of the mad rush to every new fad that comes up in each generation to the neglect of systematic botany, for he wrote to Gray “I have been to see Prof. Pfitzer, who is a pupil of Hanstein, the man who doesn’t think it any consequence to study the forms of common plants, but much better to mope over the ‘Vegetationspunkt.’ Dr. Hillebrand and I agree that, at the rate the Ger- mans are going on, in twenty years there won’t be a botanist in Germany who knows anything about the flora of the country.” In many respects his prophecies were fulfilled, though at a slightly later date. At all events, he was sufficiently convinced of the importance of systematic botany to bend all his energies and a goodly portion of his means towards building up the library and herbarium to make possible the continuance of this line of study. He bought books, new and old, as they appeared on the market; he bought exsiccati sets and had one of the best collections of these in the country; he collected specimens during his trips at home and abroad and determined many specimens for his colleagues and thus gathered an her- barium that was very representative of nearly all groups of cryptogamic LINDER: WILLIAM GILSON FARLOW 5 plants. All of this he gave to Harvard University along with an endowment which, although not sufficient to maintain an adequate staff was, until the recent depression, enough to carry on in a very modest way the one that he had started. Just as Dr. Farlow was a systematist who saw the importance of other biological fields and, indeed, helped to initiate them, his successor, Dr. Roland Thaxter was of much the same stamp and likewise continued to stress the importance of systematic botany when all young mycologists were stampeding into the rapidly growing field of phytopathology. A for- mer student and later a very close friend of Dr. Farlow, Roland Thaxter continued his predecessors’s policies, buying the important mycological herbaria of von Hoehnel, Patouillard, Burt, and Bucholtz, the lichenological herbaria of G. K. Merrill and of Sbarbaro, and the bryological collection of Fleischer and parts of the Stephani herbarium. To these have since been added the Sprague and Bartholomew herbaria of fungi and the Verdoorn herbarium of Hepaticae. These herbaria in addition to the Curtis collection of fungi, the James, Austin, and Sullivant collections of bryophytes, and the lichenological herbarium of Tuckerman, are rich in type specimens and accordingly very important to the systematist. As a result of the accretions over the years, the Farlow Herbarium is one of the largest, if not the larg- est, of its kind in America and rivals the few large ones in Europe. Today the library contains some 36,000 volumes, including periodicals, pamphlets, and reprints, most of which deal with the field of cryptogamic botany. It contains many rare and indispensable books of which some are not repre- sented elsewhere in this country. The herbarium, with its many types or classical species, today contains 969,610 specimens distributed in the vari- ous groups as follows: fungi 529,885, lichens 119,315, algae 54,582, mosses 222,579, and hepatics 43,249. Thus the Farlow Reference Library and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany in collaboration with the Laboratories of Cryptogamic Botany, which have become separated and are now located in the Biological Laboratories building nearby, is in an excellent position to continue the tradition established by Farlow. Since Dr. Farlow placed so much emphasis on systematic botany and showed his faith in the importance of the subject by devoting the greater part of his life and means to building up the institution that bears his family’s name, it seems desirable to examine the standing of this phase of botanical science as it is at present. There is little doubt that with the opportunities opened up by plant and forest pathology, and to a lesser extent medical mycology, systematic mycology has been neglected, much to the detriment of both mycology and those related fields. The war has brought to light additional fields in the study of antibiotics (with penicillin as a shining example) and of deterioration of manufactured materials which, although a less spectacular field of investigation, is nevertheless im- portant because it increases the cost of the war and thus effects every American through that sensitive organ known as the pocketbook. There is little doubt that these two new lines of endeavor — they cannot be called 6 FarLowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 fads since they are of tremendous immediate importance — are for some time going to drain young men from mycology, and that systematic studies, in the eyes of the public and even of scientists themselves, for they are not beyond the reproach of being shortsighted when it comes to recognizing a subject outside of their special fields, will fall into oblivion and accordingly will lose the meagre support that they now receive. We have seen how German botany, once virile, almost perished without systematic botanists. How would the related fields of botany, or of chemistry or any other branch of science that deals with living organisms suffer? We have already seen in this war that when a person not properly trained is assigned to a primarily botanical task, it is not until the botanist with systematic training and with the accompanying techniques is called in that the essentially botanical problem begins to clarify and to yield results or to clear up in- consistencies that have previously been baffling. Just as it is nearly impos- sible for a chemist to step in and solve a mycological problem (and vice versa) most effectively, so too is it when a chemist, a doctor, a physiologist or what-have-you tries to do monographic work or determine unusual forms of plant life. To do this needs the experience that the taxonomist has re- ceived through training and, even more important, through the experience of constantly studying a wide range of material and the necessary litera- ture. The classification of organisms is but one phase of systematic work. Another phase is the collecting of material. Taxonomists are looked upon much in the same light as the pack rats, — never satisfied with what they have. This is rather praise than criticism, for it is only by gathering exten- sive lots of material from various localities and under different ecological conditions that it is possible to determine the range of variation of a species. Furthermore, it has been from the kleptomaniac instinct that our knowl- edge of the organisms that inhabit this green globe has increased, not in- frequently to the great benefit in a practical way to the economics of a people, as is shown by the development of disease resistant strains of wheat. Whatever of an experimental nature is performed, it is fairly certain that the experiment cannot be repeated or of general value unless the organism has been accurately described and properly named. Much more could be written concerning the importance of systematic botany and of the necessity of libraries and herbaria, to say nothing of financial support, for its proper and continued development. However, it is hoped that the present remarks are sufficient to emphasize that while immediate practical or economic application of knowledge is of great im- portance, nevertheless it is impossible to tell when the so-called useless knowledge of pure science may be called upon. It is therefore desirable that there be a balance of a sort between applied and pure science. This seems to be one of the lessons that we can learn from Dr. Farlow’s life. HaArvarp UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, Mass. *Emmons, C. W. — Misuse of the name “Trichophyton rosaceum” for a saprophytic Fusarium. Jour. Bact. 47: 107-108. 1944. LINDER: WILLIAM GILSON FARLOW 7 A LIST OF NOTICES AND BIOGRAPHIES Blakeslee, A. F., R. Thaxter & W. Trelease. William Gilson Farlow. Amer. Jour. Bot. 7: 173-181. 1920. With portrait and bibliography. Clinton, G. P. William Gilson Farlow. Phytopath. 10: 1-8. 1920. With portrait. Jackson, C. L. William Gilson Farlow. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 57 (18): 484— 491. 1922. Mangin, L. Notice sur M. William Gilson Farlow. Comptes Rend. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 169 (11): 445-448. 1919. ; Riddle, L. W. William Gilson Farlow. Rhodora 21: 1-8. 1920. With portrait. Robinson, B. L. in S. E. Morison. The Development of Harvard University since the inauguration of President Eliot. Chapter XXII Botany, 1869-1929. pp. 366-370. 1930. S. H. V. William Gilson Farlow. Ann. Bot. 33 (132): XV-XVI. 1919. Setchell, W. A. William Gilson Farlow, 1844-1919. Nat. Acad. Sci. Mem. 21: 1-22. 1927. With portrait and bibliography. Thaxter, R. William Gilson Farlow. Harvard Graduates Magazine. pp. 269-277. 1919. With portrait. . William Gilson Farlow. Bot. Gaz. 69 (1): 83-86. 1920. With portrait. ———.. William Gilson Farlow. Amer. Jour. Sci. 49 (290): 87-95. 1920. With por- trait. . The Farlow Library and Herbarium of Cryptogamic Botany. Harvard Alumni Bull. 29 (24): 679-686. Illus. 1927. —_—_.,, W. J. V. Osterhout & T. W. Richards. Minutes on the life and services of Prof. William G. Farlow. Harvard Univ. Gaz. 15: 60. 1919. Wl[akefield], E. M. William Gilson Farlow. Kew Bull. Misc. Inf. 1919 (9) ; 388-390. 1919. THE CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW DURING HIS STUDENT DAYS AT STRASBOURG Hitpa F. Harris 2(1): 9-37 FARLOWIA January, 1945 THE CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW DURING HIS STUDENT DAYS AT STRASBOURG Hitpa F. Harris In June, 1872, Asa Gray wrote to his friend Alphonse De Candolle in Geneva, “My youthful assistant of the past two years goes in a week or two to Europe, to study in some German university for a year or two; to Strasburg, I think, unless he first should go to Sweden, and there study Algae, with Agardh, if he will receive him. He takes a fancy to lower Cryptogamia. His name is Farlow, an honest, good fellow. He will most likely be in Switzerland in the summer; and I shall give him a letter of introduction to you, whom he will wish to know. But take no trouble on his account, except to introduce him to Dr. Miiller, from whom, as a work- ing lichenologist, he could learn much.” 4 With this modest introduction, William Gilson Farlow set out to indulge his “fancy for Cryptogamia” in two profitable years of study and travel in the outstanding botanical centers of Europe. Farlow’s interest was well placed, and received the whole-hearted approval of Gray, who was quick to recognize the abilities of his young assistant, and was eager to have him return home equipped to introduce the study of the lower plants into the Harvard curriculum. The story of Farlow’s study in the laboratory of Anton De Bary is chronicled in an exchange of letters between the two men — long letters from Farlow, rich in newsy narratives of the activities at Strasbourg, and briefer ones from Gray, revealing his deep interest in Farlow’s progress and generous with wise advice as to the most profitable plan of study. By direct quotation from these letters? it is possible to create a picture of this interesting period in Farlow’s life in which he re- ceived the preparation which was to influence so strongly his botanical 1 Letters of Asa Gray edited by Jane Loring Gray. 2: 625. Houghton Mifflin. Bos- ton. 1893. ? The letters from Gray and De Bary may be found in the Farlow Library; those from Farlow have been generously lent by the Gray Herbarium, and the writer wishes to express her thanks to the Director, Prof. Merritt L. Fernald, for permission to quote from them. The two Christmas letters from Strasbourg have been added recently to the collection at the Farlow Library by Dr. David H. Linder, whom the writer wishes also to thank for suggestions made during the preparation of the manuscript. Dr. Rolf Singer has very kindly contributed the translation of De Bary’s letter from the German. In a few of the letters quoted, obvious errors in grammar or spelling have been corrected. Prate I, A portrait of W. G. Farlow, sent home during his European trip. Gray ac- knowledged its receipt in his letter of March 23, 1873, of which the portion is here reproduced in which he characteristically remarked, “Thanks for your photo. Very nice! How your moustache sets you off!” 11 12 FartowlA, Vo. 2, 1945 work in this country, and during which time he acquired the nucleus of his now famous herbarium and library. Farlow’s first months in Europe were spent in traveling, but even then he was anticipating the prospect of his winter’s work, for he wrote on August 12: Everyone speaks in glowing terms of De Bary and I hope to be suited with Stras- burg. Hofmeister has gone to Tiibingen and it will not be far to go to see him if it seems best . . . I am anxious to get to studying. I enjoy roaming about very well but I like better to be settled. It was not until October 6 that he wrote that he was in Strasbourg at last, and had met De Bary. “His appearance is not striking. He is small and homely and looks too young to have written as much as he has.” If this initial meeting with De Bary failed to come up to his expectations, Farlow’s impressions of Strasbourg were even more disappointing. Stras- bourg had surrendered to the Germans in 1870 during the Franco-German war, and Farlow arrived there two years later to find the city still filled with soldiers, the university enrollment shrunk to a mere 250 students, and the German language, which he had hoped to master thoroughly during the course of his studies, spoken poorly and with an ‘“‘Alsatian twang.” Farlow took an immediate and permanent dislike to the city itself. In his letter of October 6 he complained: I do not, now, think I shall be able to endure Strasburg longer than one term. It is one of the most disagreeable places I have ever been in. The weather has been horrible. I have been here, in all, ten days and not a single one at all pleasant and the weather cold and raw. I cannot keep warm. As for society, there is absolutely none. The university instead of having 1500 students has only 250 and no English or Americans . . . Prof. De Bary thinks Strasburg will be a very good place to learn German but I do not agree with him. The people don’t speak German and there is no society here except military men with whom I am not likely to become acquainted. I am almost sorry that I didn’t go to some northern city and study the language and let botany alone for some months. As time passed, only a growing realization of the excellence of De Bary’s instruction forced him to admit reluctantly to himself that he could not hope to receive such training in any other place. As he said later (April 23, 1873) after a visit to Heidelberg: [It] is certainly one of the loveliest places I ever saw and is particularly beauti- ful in spring when all the trees are in flower. I was glad to come here because I wanted to find out, for myself, whether it is really a good place to study or not . . . Accordingly Veni, Vidi, but mot Vici. I find that H. is not to be compared with Strasburg for botany and I leave tomorrow for the latter city to stay during May and June with De Bary. Farlow has described conditions as he found them at the University of Strasbourg in a short paper which he wrote in October, 1873, intending it Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 13 for publication in the series of articles which appeared in the American Naturalist. In it he said: The University of Strassburg which has, for two years, been under the control of the Germans, stands, as far as botany is concerned, in the first rank. It is rather the fashion to say that the University has been created by the Germans. This, however, is not true, unless we adopt the view that nothing can be a Uni- versity which is not conducted on the same plan as those of Germany. Before the Franco-German war, the name of Academy was given to what is now the University, although the number of students was then much larger than at pres- ent. Strassburg has for a long time been the residence of distinguished scientific men. Of the botanists of the old régime, Schimper and Buchinger still remain. Millardet, the most promising of the younger men, is now in Nancy. Prof. Schimper, perhaps the most distinguished member of the scientific faculty, still gives lectures on fossil botany and has a very large and rich collection of fossil plants. The active botanical work is performed by Prof. De Bary and Ass. Prof. Solms von Laubach with Dr. Fritz Sc[h]mitz as assistant in the laboratory. The num- ber of students attending botanical lectures, if we except the course on Medical plants, which must properly be included in the medical department, has never been greater than fifteen and quite frequently not more than five. The attendance has sometimes been as low as two. I give these numbers simply to show how different are the conditions from those of our own universities. An American pro- fessor would hardly think it worth his while to deliver a lecture to five students. The different proportion of instructors and students affords the clue as to how the Germans are able to do so much high scientific work. The professors have very little else to do. It is for this object that they are appointed professors while in America the professors are only able to do any purely scientific work in intervals between long courses of elementary instruction which is done in Ger- many in the gymnasium. Farlow began his own studies at the laboratory in October, 1872, and he described his work in two letters to Gray. Strasburg, Oct. 6. Dear Sir; _. . L have now been in Strasburg five days in my rooms, up four flights, in the Hotel Allemannia. Every day I go to the laboratory where there are three other students besides myself: a young man, quite young [Rostafinski] who is a genius. He draws and paints very well, and is now at work on a book on the Myxomycetes; another, a native of Strasburg [Gilkinet] who is skilful with his fingers and a third, somewhat older [Suppanetz] from Gratz who is doing some- thing or other with Pediastrum and some of the Desmids. The first two students have been with De Bary three years. Prof. De Bary is a very good teacher. He is very thorough. He put me, at first, on to Chara and makes me draw everything with a camera. I find it rather slow work, and am afraid I shall have to stay two or three years with him to learn much, which is longer than I think I shall be able to. Here every one thinks that a knowledge of the larger fungi or algae is contemptible. That the only thing worth living for is to study the development of some of the lower forms. A sys- 14 Fartowia, Vor. 2, 1945 tematic botanist of Fungi or algae is regarded as a shallow person, of course, without any ability . . . You will be surprised to hear that I have come to the conclusion that England is, on the whole, the best place to study as they have not such a mortal dread of anything systematic. I should like your advice about what I should study. W. G. Farlow. Hotel Allemannia. Strasburg, Nov. Ist. 1872. Dear Sir: . . . I have now been a month in the laboratory but the lectures did not begin till this week. The lectures I have decided to attend are, De Bary’s on Vegetable Anatomy and on the Lower Forms of Life, Graf Solms on Cryptogamia, and Schimper on fossil botany. Each lecturer lectures three times a week. Graf Solms has the uncomfortable hour of 6 to 7 in the evening. None of the lectures begin till a quarter past the hour. When it is light and I am not at lecture, I work in the laboratory, with the three students that I mentioned in my last letter. At first, I had the development of Chara and, then, started on vegetable anatomy, first, with the sieve cells, which are interesting, and, now, I am studying the milk ducts in Euphorbia, a tedious but not uninteresting work. There is a new mono- graph on the latter subject by David, a pupil of Cohn. The probability is that I shall devote six months to anatomy and then take the Myxomycetes. At first, Prof. De Bary gave me as much attention as I could desire, but, lately, he has been entirely occupied by his duties as Rector in matriculating the students. He told Rostafinsky that he should soon be able to devote considerable time to me, which will please me very well, as I don’t like his assistant Dr. Schmitz very well. De Bary is an excellent instructor and a very pleasant man. The students all like him. His German is a little peculiar and it is hard to understand him but he speaks very good English. He has not much mechanical or artistic skill but he is business like and doesn’t poke like most of the others. As a lecturer he is poor. He doesn’t speak distinctly, doesn’t draw well, and is not at all interesting. Here, there is nothing to learn in the way of addressing an audience. The Professors have a very careless way. De Bary’s audience consists of five persons. Graf Solms, as he is called, doesn’t speak English at all. I understand his lectures very well and they are interesting. He seems to be a very industrious man and very well trained in microscopic anatomy and the general structure of the lower orders. I should hardly think that he knew as much about flowering plants as was neces- sary for such a position as he has. He also lectures on Pharmakognosie but I don’t attend. His delivery is somewhat better than De Bary’s but still he is not a model. He has an audience of six .. . On Wednesday I was matriculated. The imposing ceremony consisted in listen- ing to a short poorly delivered address from Prof. De Bary, who is rector, then shaking hands with him, and receiving a ticket of admission. There are, now, about three hundred students in the University. I have to pay for lectures and laboratory 120 fr., not including Prof. Schimper’s lectures which have not yet begun, and for which I have not paid. Schimper is, it appears, a fine zodlogist and geologist as well as botanist. He is attached to the zodlogical depart- ment... Yours, in haste, W. G. Farlow HARRIS: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 15 Farlow had not been long at Strasbourg when the opportunity arose for him to acquire, for his personal herbarium, his first famous collection of fungi. Before he left America he had discussed with Gray the possibilities of buying the Curtis Herbarium, and in October he received the following note from Gray. Cambridge Oct. 16, 1872 My Dear Farlow We have much enjoyed your letters — the last from Berlin, & including several of the Linné photographs. They are most delightful, and I beg you will keep up the habit of so writing to me. When I can I will write to you in return . . . When you left you were a good deal disposed to acquire the late Mr. Curtis’s coll. of Fungi. Mrs. C. is now ready to divide the Fungi from the rest and to take $1000. I have to-day seen Mr. Sprague of Boston who advised my securing them, and offerred — long ago — to pay $500 towards it. He tells me that he is now in different circumstances from what he was, and wishes to forego the pur- chase — don’t think he can afford to pay $500 at all. And putting in the steam- warming here has used up the means of the Herbarium for last year & much of this year. So, if you are still very fungously inclined, and want to be set up in this de- partment, I am out of the way, and you can buy the collection if you will. What say you? If you decline, I shall offer it to the British Museum. Ever, dear Farlow, Yours sincerely, Asa Gray Farlow replied promptly (November 1): As to the Fungi, I have concluded to take them. The price seems to me to be a fair one and, although I know nothing about fungi now, I hope to some time hereafter. The collection is unique and certainly should not leave America. I think it will be worth a thousand dollars to me as a recommendation in securing a position when I return. It is something to possess the finest collection of fungi in America and I hope, before long, to have a good collection of algae, certainly the best in America . . I will write, at once, to my father about paying you for the Fungi and will ask my brother to call and see you about the payment. What shall be done with the collection? Had I better have it sent to my father’s house? How can it be for- warded to Boston? I will ask my brother to settle these questions with you. Cambridge Nov. 25, 1872 My Dear Dr. Farlow, I received your letter —saw your Father, same morning — wrote to Mrs. Curtis — and now have this reply: — Will attend to all... Ever yours, A. Gray 16 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 Gray enclosed in this note the letter from Mrs. Curtis. Wilmington. Nov. 22nd. /72 Dear Doctor Gray, I have this morning received your last letter, forwarded to me from Hills- borough, and hasten to reply, lest you should imagine me doubly neglectful. The former one, advising us to pack and forward to you, the books relating to Botani- cal science, left by my dear Husband, was received a few days before I left for a visit to my friends in this place, and it was scarcely possible to write just then. I shall return home in two or three weeks, and will try to pack the Fungi, as you wish, although it is a subject for regret to all of us, that the Collection must be separated. When we have all arranged to send off, I will communicate with you again, and let you know in what manner to make the payment. With the greatest respect and regard, I am, dear Sir, Yours, M. De R. Curtis. Farlow acknowledged Gray’s kindness in offering to look after the collec- tion, and in the same letter expressed his rather dubious opinion of De Bary’s way of running the laboratory. Strasburg, Dec. 19th. Dear Sir; I received your letter with the accompanying one from Mrs. Curtis a few days ago and am glad that you have consented to see whether the collection is in proper order although, I am afraid, that it may take more time than you ought to give. The collection of M. De Brebisson is for sale in fragments and I have ordered Cape and S. American algae to the extent of a few dollars. His collection of diatomes is very good and is supposed to be worth 2000 Thalers. A Dutchman I believe is going to buy it. .. , Asa whole, the laboratory looks about as much like a chemical laboratory as a botanical, since there are any quantity of bottles of reagents, test-tubes, evaporating dishes and a great hood. There is an immense amount of strong 40 p.c. alcohol used as everything, even algae, are put into it at once and we have each a small wash bottle full to moisten our sections every few minutes. In some things they are deficient since there is only one drawing prism and one Redresseur and, what is abominable, not a single dissecting microscope. On Monday next, begins a recess of a fortnight and I am going to Frankfort for a few days to rest, and, then, shall come back to study. I have now been here three months and can form an opinion of the merits of Strasburg. As far as the town itself and social advantages are concerned, it is detestably bad. It is a very bad place to learn any language and there is no redeeming feature about it. As far as the botany goes, sometimes I am satisfied and sometimes not. From what I learn from the other students, what I regard as deficiencies in the instruction are common to all Germany and not peculiar to this place. Everything is slow to me, but, then, I am in Germany. There is no plan of instruction whatever. That is, I must know what I want to study and ask for the material myself and go to Prof. De Bary as I would to a dictionary, for information. I have learnt, as have all the others, not to ask Dr. Sc[h|mitz questions, as the answer is more perplexing than previous ignorance and, when he comes round to ask what I am about, I tell him I have material enough to last for some time. I never let him Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 17 know that I want something more for, in that case, he picks up the first thing that comes handy whether it has any reference to my previous studies or not. About eleven, Prof. De Bary comes into the laboratory for a little while and, generally, again late in the afternoon. He knows a great deal and is very pleasant but is very often interested in abstract propositions which no one but a German cares anything about. A fortnight ago Dr. Schmitz gave me a Lycopodium Selago to study and, after making sections and preparations of one kind and another, I thought I knew it pretty well when De Bary asked whether the capsule arose from the stem or the leaf. After two or three days’ work I managed to get sec- tions which satisfied him and, of course, myself that it arose from the leaf. Then came the question how it arose which he didn’t know or, as far as I can find out, anyone else. After much more labor, I discovered that the epidermal cells begin to divide parallel to the surface and it grew out in that way. Then came the, to me, transcendental question what might the subepidermal cells do, and, for a week, I made section after section of the Vegetationspunkt with no result what- ever till I used up a great bottle of material which put a stop, fortunately, to further investigation. I ventured to suggest to my neighbors that I thought, as I wasn’t to stay in Europe forever, that my time might be better employed than searching for a needle in a haystack which I could do as well at home. My Alsatian friend, from whom I learn more than anyone else, said Oh! in a few months you will be able to write a monograph on the subject. That remark was a clue to the whole thing; they study for the sake of writing monographs, just what I don’t wish to do here. I can do that when I get back... | Remember me to Mrs. Gray, and all the gentlemen in the herbarium. Yours, respectfully, W. G. Farlow Farlow was always on the lookout for books as well as specimens which would provide him with a good working collection when he returned to America. He browsed through every available bookshop and catalog, and gradually accumulated for himself and for Gray an enviable collection of the best botanical books in Germany. By the summer of 1873 he wrote that he had a trunkful of books which he would like to send home, and the following summer he observed with some pride that as an added qualifica- tion for a position he had “the Curtis Fungi and the finest collection of algae and algological books in America and a good collection of modern works on fungi.” Many of his letters to Gray contained reference to books which he had seen on the market, as well as observations on the usefulness of some of the newer works. [December 19, 1872] Books are uncommonly dear, it seems to me, and we get German books in America very nearly as cheap as here. Among books which may interest you, are Thomé’s of the Real Schule, Cologne, Lehrbuch der Bo- tanik. He has also written a Zodlogy and both books are the standards in Ger- man schools. In the Botany, the plates are very good and he goes into the anatomy and Cryptogamia much farther than in our own text books, and, I think, too far for common school scholars. But that is a German failing. The third edition of Sachs Lehrbuch has just appeared. The principal change is in the article on Aleuron. The Lehrbuch in Germany is a sort of botanical Bible and there is no use in telling a German that there is a great deal in it that is stupid 18 FarLowI!A, VoL. 2, 1945 and had better have been omitted particularly as it is borrowed from Hofmeister. A book which I am going to buy sometime and which would be a great help in your lectures on Economical Botany is Berg & Schmidt’s Officinelle Pflanzen, in four moderate sized volumes with very good colored plates. It costs, I believe, 26 Thalers, a pretty high price. [January 4, 1873] A book which I shall buy for myself and which, certainly, ought to be in the Cambridge library is Tulasne’s Carpologia Selecta Fungorum, of which, if I remember rightly, you have only the volume on the Tuberacei. It is expensive, coming to, at least, fifty dollars, perhaps more. Another work, which I, possibly, mentioned in my last letter, is Schimper’s Paleontology in three vol- umes, in French and horribly expensive considering. It is 30 fr. a volume, I was told. Strasburger’s Coniferae & Gnetaceae is regarded as a good morphological work, that is, a book which nobody ever finds time to read. The algae of De Brebisson which I ordered were previously engaged. I think, before I come home, I shall get Fuckel’s Fungi Rhenani and Rabenhorst’s Fungi Exsiccati unless they are already in Curtis’s collection. Have you Rabenhorst’s Characeae? I have been advised to get them. Dr. Schmitz has sent you his article from the Flora and I asked him also to send Mr. Wright a copy. I spent Christmas week in Frankfurt stopping at the Hotel du Nord but spend- ing most of my time at the Consul’s Mr. Webster, father of the only real American in Strasburg besides myself. I went into the store of Joseph Baer and spent some hours looking over his books. He has a Jacquin’s Flora Schénbrun- nensis, in good condition for 68 thalers, a Hooker & Greville which Prof. Eaton may like. I bought Martius’s Plant. Crypt. Brasil for $18, Mohl Vermischte Schriften for $1, Boerhaave’s Historia Plantarum Lugduni-Batav. 1731, Dillenius Cat. Plant. Circa Gissam 1719, for 50 cents, the two last simply as curiosities. I found a Vegetable Materia Medica of the United States by Barton, Vol. 1 for $1.50 and bought it. I don’t know whether a second volume was ever published. Michaux’s Flora Am. Bor. 1803, 2 vols for $3.00. There was a Barton’s Flora of the United States Ist vol. complete, and second not bound and not certainly complete for about $10. I couldn’t find out how many plates ought to be in the second volume. If I had been sure that it was complete, I should have bought it for you as I heard you say you wanted it. In Mrs. Curtis’ letter she mentions sending her husband’s cryptogamic books to you. Have you bought them for the library or is there something which I ought to purchase? If I felt sure of getting a permanent position at Cambridge, I should limit my purchases of books to those which, as far as I know, are not in the library at Cambridge. But, as it is, in consequence of losses by the fire, I suppose the college will not feel like increasing the number of its instructors for some time to come, so I must buy books which will be necessary if I go to a place where the library is not as well stocked as at Cambridge. The same feeling interests me in collecting. I don’t want to preserve the phaen[er]|ogams which I may collect but the knowledge that I have a collection of flowering plants will help me in getting a position in some other place than Cambridge. The fungi and algae, of course, I save and perhaps I shall the mosses . . . | March 6, 1873] Last week I saw a catalogue of Moser in Tiibingen with some excellent things remarkably cheap. I wrote at once but found the best things gone to my regret. I bought several pamphlets, on algae principally, and an Endlicher. I saw a copy of Sprengel’s Das Entdeckte Geheimniss, which I know you wanted, but it had been sold unfortunately. I agree with you that single odd Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 19 volumes are a delusion and a snare. About De Bary’s work every day something of his which I have never seen before turns up. As I expect to be here next term I shall secure more of his pamphlets for myself and next week I shall buy some of those for sale. Perhaps, when the photographs arrive will be a good time to suggest that he should send you a complete set of his works. Brefeld’s Penicillium has just arrived in manuscript with ten plates said to be very interesting. Stras- burger’s Azolla is like all his works but I don’t believe you will want it. Russow, a Russian, has written a book in German on the structure of higher cryptogams which I may possibly buy but I don’t think you will want. Have you Schwen- dener’s Flechten-Thallus? [May 12, 1873] I have just ordered and secured! Sprengel’s Entdeckte Ge- heimniss which I know you wanted. At last, I have got hold of a Postels & Ruprecht for 32 thalers in Berlin. [June 30, 1873] A copy of Corda’s Icones Fungorum is for sale and De Bary has told me that it is an indispensable work and advised me to buy it although the price is 130 Thl. [November 15, 1873] Ruprecht’s Tange, I bought before I left Cambridge. Eaton wants to use my big Postels & Ruprecht until my return and I shall write to my father to mail it to him. I have lately bought a few books and shall order more. I expect soon a Tulasne for 60 Thl. Two indispensable and unfortunately unprocurable books are Corda’s Icones Fungorum and Sowerby’s British Fungi. A Corda was sold last year for 130 Thl. Is there a Corda in America? Sowerby is in the Bost. Nat. Hist. I now have a good many pamphlets which have cost a heap of money. However, most of them are very useful and not to be found in America. Is the set of Pringsheim’s Jahrbiicher in Cambridge complete? I shall try to get De Bary to let me have his duplicate set, not quite complete, of Fuckel’s Fungi. [June 13, 1874. London] De Bary has bought Duby collection. I have bought Sowerby’s Fungi and a Harvey for my own use. I can’t make up my mind to give $200 for Kiitzing’s Tabulae Phycologicae. I feel more like giving $80 for a Bulliard which is very useful for fungi and not often to be had. After Farlow found himself more or less oriented to the German way of research, he began to shape up more definitely his own plan of study. His language difficulties, coupled with his intense dislike for Strasbourg, brought up the question of whether to stay on with De Bary, or to move to some more congenial city. Some of his problems were settled when, early in January, he received a number of suggestions from Gray who, kept at home by an attack of influenza, found himself with plenty of time for planning. Cambridge Jany. 10, 1873 My dear Farlow, Yesterday came another of your welcome letters — to solace me in illness: for I suffer with a dreadful influenza — & Goodale is away, at Baltimore. While lying sleepless I have thought over your studies &c — We are going to have the Cryptogamic Flora of U.S. done up, pari passu with the Phanerog. Sullivant is engaged to do the Mosses, in a volume —to which I hope to have Austin do the Hepaticae. I want you to come home prepared to do — 20 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 1. The Algae — one vol. 2. The Fungi — 3. — since they are only Algae & Fungi! either dwelling together — or the lamb inside of the lion—you will probably have to do the Lichenes! Unless we can get them out of Tuckerman, in an intelligible form — which is doubtful. He is somewhere among your friends the Germans. I should think you are doing pretty well — learning what you ought to know — getting the ways of working. But tell De Bary that if you stay there another semester, you must be put at work on & be taught Fungi. Of course, only low Fungi could be noticed there — or could be worthy of notice by your philosophers, such as the mould upon a Strassburg cheese or a bad-smelling sausage: Wurst — I think they call them, which is descriptive when spelled with an O. If De Bary can’t see that you are taught this special lore, why, I would migrate in due time... I doubt if Hofmeister has ever been much of a teacher. Yet I always thought much of his work. I suppose your best chance would be with Nageli. If they find him intelligible, there need be no despair anywhere. Tubingen should be a cheap place to live, and a complete University town. Hegelmaier who worked up Lemna & other low Pha[e|nogams is a Botanist, and I should think you might learn much of him, as to ways of research. Suppose you look in at Tubingen & see a little for yourself. Munich is cold enough in winter, but an attractive town. Négeli conducts a well-ordered botanical laboratory. Radelkoffer, his aid is a jolly good-natured man, who knows plants & flowers somewhat, as well as vegetable anatomy. So, I should be content with Munich for one trial. But I have a capital idea for you when your summer vacation comes — Dr. J. Miiller, Candolle’s curator, at Geneva, is one of the best practical workers at Lichens &c.— the very man to initiate you into Lichen genera & Lichen work. When summer or spring arrives go up there, and arrange with him to take you in hand, & have with him, & De Candolle, & Boissier your respect raised for Botany. In 3 weeks of work with Miiller you would learn Lichens, and Geneva is the place of departure & return for the Swiss excursions you will enjoy .. . They are going over the collection of Fungi, Mrs, Curtis & son, — and in reply to a letter, I insisted that they were to see that all was thoroughly poisoned or repoisoned! Get as many of the Lehrbuch’s as you think worth while . . . Oh — as to Cohn at Breslau. I think you might do well with him, for a while, as you say. And then, if Goeppert is not too old you might really learn somewhat of fossil-plants — which you never would from Schimper’s lectures. But I have another good idea. Get Schimper in a series of private lessons, as the days get longer, to put you up to Musci. He is an old & famous hand at that, — and you might learn all his wrinkles in a fortnight. Mrs. Gray is as much broken down as I am — & suffers with, what Dr. Wyman assures us is Pelliosis rheumatica! —I, with influenza diabolica! Always Dear Farlow, Yours truly Asa Gray HARRIS: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW pal Farlow replied on January 27. . .. | am very sorry to hear that you and Mrs. Gray are sick. I had hoped that, with the better heating of the herbarium, you wouldn’t be liable to attacks of bronchitis as before. However, I suppose, you are glad that Mrs. Gray is sick, since misery always likes company. I was glad to get your advice about my studies. In a week or two I shall have finished my anatomy and shall then go on to Pilze. So far, my regular study has been anatomy but I have made occasional excursions into other branches. I learn a great deal, also, from the studies of the other students who always show, to me what they have interesting. Stahl is at work making a lichen out of a fungus and an algae. I have now saved about 70 microscopic preparations which will be of very great service to me as I know exactly what points each specimen illustrates. We are taught to make very thin sections, no matter how small or ragged they look. I think I could stay with De Bary another term to study Fungi and Con- jugatae and lower algae. Strasburg itself, however, is utterly unendurable and I find it fearfully hard to learn the language here. I had some thoughts of going to Bonn to spend the summer semester and study botany only forenoons and the language afternoons and evenings. I must learn the language at once. If I was in a private family and could give my whole time to German, I could get it. As it is, my best energy is spent entirely on botany. Your letter however, changes my plans. I must decline going to Tubingen or any other small town in South Germany until I have learnt the language better. I hope to study in Munich next winter. Your statement of what I am to learn hardly comes within the bounds of your usual modesty. I think I could stand the algae and, in course of time, the fungi, but, when you come to add the lichens, I begin to despair. I should like, as you propose, to study in Geneva and should like a letter of intro- duction to Mueller if you feel inclined to give me one. As the term neared its end Farlow was able to estimate the value of the courses he had studied, and he seemed suddenly to find a surprisingly large number of reasons for enjoying his work at Strasbourg. On March 6 he wrote: . . . For myself, the most interesting thing at present is that the semester will end next week and we have a recess of about six weeks, till May ist, when according to all appearances I shall return to Strasburg for the months of May and June. .= I like De Bary better and better the more I know about him and the students in the laboratory are pleasanter than I can again expect to meet in any one laboratory. Rostafinsky leaves and goes to Munich where I shall meet him again. Suppane[t]|z also leaves to secure an appointment in Gratz. Dobrach goes to Bonn, but he was by far the least interesting of all. Gilkinet and Stahl remain but go with me to Munich next winter. Besides the botanists, I have only one acquaintance in Strasburg of any account, that is Webster, the American law student. As to my studies (in botany not German) I suppose I am as near satisfied, as I, who am a first class grumbler, can expect. I have been over anatomy practi- cally and by lectures very much more thoroughly than ever before and there is but one point which I have omitted which can be better studied in summer, the development of the embryo. I have about a hundred preparations and some ANTON DE Bary Ernst STAHL ALFRED GILKINET JoseFr ROSTAFINSKI PratTeE II Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 23 drawings which will be of use to me and what is most important have learnt the German way of work and managing a laboratory which is radically different from ours. Lately I have been at work on the Pilze and their development in which branch De Bary has more practical knowledge than anybody else in the world. He is very pleasant and takes an interest in his students and gives them a reason- able amount of time and attention. I have studied the potato disease, Mucor and the allied forms, Piptecephalis and Chaetocladium, Ascobolus and Eurotium as types of Sphaeriaceae and Dictyostelium mucoroides. The last was particu- larly interesting from sowing the spores till the ripe sporangia were produced on the object glass. De Bary spent an hour showing me the original preparations of Brefeld’s Mucor and Hallier’s cholera Pilze, the latter very shabby, dirty and composed principally of striped muscular tissue. Incidentally I have examined other fungi, Uredineen &c. My neighbors in the laboratory are very obliging and help me in any way they can. Next term, De Bary has two courses, a course on general anatomy which I shall not regularly hear as it is too simple, elementary, and once a week on the important medical plants. Graf Solms has two courses on Systematic Botany which I shall attend, if they are good, and on Phaenogamic Parasites. With re- gard to Schimper I don’t think I care to study the mosses with him; he is learned but now old and a little tedious. I could learn nothing from him in a short time. I may instead study lichens with Graf Solms one or two afternoons in the week as a relief to the Pilze study. With De Bary I shall study only fungi and their development and leave the algae for Munich or, if I am so lucky, Thuret .. . I have taken tea twice at De Bary’s and a few Sundays ago all the botanists were invited by Gilkinet, the Belgian to dine. De Bary was there and we sat down to the table at one and rose at half past nine, a fearful feed. At the begin- ning each guest was provided with two enormous bottles of wine, and, when these were disposed of, more was brought on . . . Next week, I believe, Rostafinsky is to give a dinner. Farlow derived a great deal of pleasure and no little amusement from his contact with De Bary’s assistant, Graf Solms von Laubach. He described him as “a strange man, good hearted and well meaning but very awkward and, as a Graf, filled with strangely absurd stories about America.” The Graf, however, was not the only one to have extraordinary ideas of America, because Farlow remarked in one letter “I am not unfrequently asked whether our lectures are in English or German by intelligent people. I have, also, been asked if it wasn’t very pleasant collecting near Boston because the Gulf of Mexico must be a very good place for sea-weeds.” At another time he told of meeting Miiller’s young son, who had recently been reading Cooper, and was “delighted to see some one who could tell him all about the Indians of Boston.’”’ Unfortunately Farlow did not elaborate upon the Graf’s conception of this country, but he has described how he enlivened the work at Strasbourg. In a letter to Mrs. Gray (October 27, 1873) Far- low told of a collecting trip to which Graf Solms contributed most of the entertainment. Prate II. Contemporaneous portraits of Anton De Bary and three of the laboratory students with whom Farlow associated at Strasbourg. 24 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 Day before yesterday we all went on an excursion to the other side of the Rhine to a village called Kork. First, of course, we had to have some dinner and Graf Solms, who is one of the most awkward and amusing men I ever saw, began by upsetting his soup all over his clothes which was followed by a volley of Donnerwetters and wailings over grease spots which never can be taken out, requiring all the skill of De Bary to quiet him. The rest of us were so con- vulsed with laughter that we couldn’t say or do anything. We all ran for the train and had to pay a fine of 50 ct. for coming so late. Kork is a flat plain interspersed with mud puddles and ditches and here the Kork youth with woollen night caps watch large herds of swine and geese. We proceeded slowly through this charming region the only question as to how wet we should get. At length we came to a very dirty pool full of different species of Elatine and Graf Solms began digging in the mud and screaming every time he fished up an Elatine to the great delight of all the swineherds and De Bary who called the plant Elatine spectaculosa in consequence. Another pool was full of Marsilea and the botanists all lay down flat in the muddy grass and began digging up the mud with their fingers and my umbrella, Graf Solms screaming at intervals and jabbering mixed French and German. When we were all dirty enough to go home, he discovered that he had not worn his excursion shoes which distressed him exceedingly. His troubles were drowned in a glass of beer at the depot. As to his lectures, Farlow said (February 4, 1873): Graf Solms I don’t like particularly well on the Cryptogamia. He is now on the algae, of which he has made a perfect botch. There is no classification of the algae to be allowed because the ‘Entwickelungs-geschichte’ isn’t well enough known; therefore, by German logic, Graf Solms is not to have any system in his lectures, in which negative point of view his lectures are a perfect success. Today a specimen of Gracilaria was passed round to illustrate Gigartina compressa and Wormskioldia was described as Delesseria. Porphyra was also in Florideae. The mixture was so bad that I don’t wonder that the students here, not one of whom has ever seen the sea, think that the algae are in a wretched state. Later he wrote (March 6, 1873): Lately he [Graf Solms] has been lecturing on the Pilze and as his lecture room is next to De Bary’s private laboratory he was afraid De Bary might hear his mistakes so that he has lectured in a whisper for some days to our great amuse- ment. His greatest fault is that he has no system about his lectures but perhaps that is because he is an aus[ser]ordentlich[er] professor. There was some thought at this time of calling a European botanist to Harvard on Gray’s retirement, and this possibility made Farlow wonder about his own prospects after his return to America. Fearing that Harvard might not have a place for him, he asked Gray about the opportunities in California, saying that while he preferred to be in Cambridge, he was not “of the number who believe that all colleges but Harvard are barbarous.” Gray, in his letter of February 23, 1873, hastened to reassure him. He wrote: Take your time — prepare thoroughly. Meanwhile, if you get in a hurry — and if, as is likely any other place turns up — and places are sure to turn up — I will see to your interests all round. Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 25 Do not be at all uneasy. By the time you are ready there will be some good place for you. Anyway as soon as you come back there will, at the least, be an assistant-professorship here for you, I cannot doubt. But your winning card, as it is what is most wanted in U. S. is Cryptogamy — especially low Cryptogamy. Fungi will be the most telling card. There you will have an exhaustless and a popular field —in which, well prepared — you can make a mark here. Algae — are well, but marine soon exhausted .. . Then Lichens. Tuckerman is hors de combat, I fear. You must really go into them! And, indeed, when Sullivant goes off the stage — which must be before very long — there is no fit moss-man. Whether you should stay at Strasburg longer I am not competent to advise. I should say stay if Strassburgh were a pleasanter residence. You are just now entering upon the field in which De Barry can teach you much, & I hope would do so. But you must take the universities in their turn. Perhaps in some you will find good lecturing — which is also to be studied. Perhaps you must go to France for that. The French ‘expose’ best. . We were so amused with your account of Solms’ lecture on Algae. If you stay at Strassburg, you had best be a Privat-docent in Algae. It would tell! Farlow replied gratefully on March 24: Dear Sir; Yours of Feb. 24 was received a few days ago and I was even more glad than usual to hear from you. Of course, there are times when I feel anxious to know what I am to do when I get back and that anxiety does not help my studying for the present moment, but, as long as I feel that there is some one who has an eye to my interests, I do not feel so much inclined to hurry up my studies here. I cannot express my obligations for the expressions of interest in me contained in your last letter. There are evidently two ways of studying the botany. The first, to catch the plan of work in different places and then myself to transfer that plan to America. With such an object I feel as though I had already had enough of Strasburg. I know De Bary’s method of investigation and could apply it at home —if I had time. A term with Nageli and a short time with Hofmeister and two or three months in France would teach me the methods of study adopted by European botanists and in a year and a half I might come home, not so very badly pre- pared, at least, to tell what other people are doing. The second plan involves in addition a continuous work under the different professors and requires, I am afraid, double the time required by the first men- tioned course. In pursuance of this plan, the most thorough and the one I should rather adopt, if I could spare time, I ought to stay longer in Strasburg. Accord- ingly, when I left Str. a week ago I told De Bary that I should probably return for the months of May and June. I left my preparations and microscopic affairs there. Next winter as I have said, I expect to go to Munich . If you were amused at the account of Solms lectures on the algae you would also have been amused at those on the lower fungi. He told us that we must regard the Myxomycetes as animals for he didn’t have time to lecture on them. If he had had two more lectures he should have made them out to be plants. He tumbles over his chair puts his fingers in his mouth and goes through con- tortions that would make a cat laugh. He is goodnatured however. Just before 26 FARLOwWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 I left Strasburg I invited all the botanists, eight in number, to dinner. De Bary was at one end of the table and I at the other and Graf Solms in the middle where he kept up his old habit of swigging down red wine. Suppane[t|z the Austrian was more blooming than ever and went into rhapsodies over some figs on the table, Siid-europaische friichte, Liebe[r| Gott, classische, colossale, ganz eminente. He flourished his knife in a way to make me fear for my life. The supper lasted, for Strasburg, a short time, that is from half-past eight till a little before twelve. The greater part of the company then retired to the Deutscher Kaiser to finish up with a few glasses (10 or 12) of beer. The laboratory broke up last week. Suppane[t]z is ordered by the Austrian government to Prague in- stead of Gratz where he will probably get a place; Rostafinsky went home, Ddl- brach to Bonn and I cleared for Frankfurt. At Carlsruhe I ran into Graf Solms who was characteristically trying to back round a corner. He spent the time till we reached Heidelberg in repeating to me how ‘komisch’ it was that we had MEL“. 4 « You are getting so modest in your demands that in your next I expect to hear that I must study the ferns, as, in course of time, Eaton will depart this life, and possibly the flowering plants also. The lichens I should like to study and in Geneva where I understand one can learn French better than in Paris. However, I must first learn German, and it will be provoking to find that just as I am getting so as to be comfortably up in the language I must go home. Rostafinski’s plans of studying algae with Thuret raised the hopes of Farlow that he might be as fortunate, for, as he said “There is no one in Europe I should so much like to study with as Thuret.” On receiving the letters of introduction which Gray wrote to Thuret and Miller, Farlow lost no time in sending them off to the two men, with his own request for per- mission to study with them. On May 12, Farlow wrote: I had a very polite letter from Thuret saying that he should soon leave Antibes for the summer and he should be happy to have me meet him this sum- mer in the vicinity of Nantes or next winter in Antibes. I accepted the latter alternative with pleasure . . . Thuret wished, in very polite language, to be re- membered to you and Mrs. Gray. Of the new semester’s work he said in the same letter: I omitted to write you, I believe, that, during the vacation, De Bary had a call to Vienna which he declined. Since then Sachs has also declined. It appears that the University in Vienna is on the decline in every department except medicine and there is so much intrigue and chicanery at work there that no distinguished men will accept positions. It was a disappointment to me that De Bary didn’t accept, as I should have then spent next winter with him in V. and this summer have gone to Munich. . . . I returned here at the beginning of the semester. I do not regret return- ing. In a social point of view, the laboratory is not so pleasant as last semester since Rostafinsky and Suppanetz are gone and Stahl is at home most of the time getting ready for his examination in June. A new Pole is here, a beginner, and three students who only work three afternoons in the week. But De Bary is capital. He has a general course from 8 to 9 which I don’t hear and then is in the laboratory nearly all the morning. He pays me a great deal of attention. At HARRIS: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW ou present, I am on the Uredineen and I am cultivating rusts and inoculating sound barberry leaves. I have an ergot Cultur underway but, I am afraid, the material is poor. Tomorrow I begin on Cystopus. There yet remain the fermentation pilze which I shall soon take up. We have all been catching flies for Saprolegnia and Achlya. De Bary began today on Medicinal Plants to a class of 36, a large number. It was simple and practical, in short, excellent. The same cannot be said of Graf Solms’ lectures which I attend simply from personal attachment not because I like the lectures. Systematic Phaenerogams is a hurried humble-jumble and Parasitic Phaenerogams once a week, considering the materials which he has spent so much time and money in collecting, are not very interesting. He is soon going to publish something on the latter subject. He has several ‘junks’ of Rafflesiae in alcohol . . . The semester opened a week ago, on Thursday. De Bary, as Rektor, gave an address, delivery abominable, substance very good. De Bary’s personal appear- ance is certainly unprepossessing. Everyone says, at first, is that man really De Bary? In the evening was a torchlight procession in honor of the three pro- fessors who declined calls to Vienna. The scene was very interesting as the pro- cession passed by the Cathedral to the Palace where the Professors addressed the students. Afterwards they all marched to the Kleber Platz and burnt up their torches in a heap and sang Gaudeamus as at the funeral: of a Chor student. At ten o’clock began the Commers and lasted till nearly morning. I left at two. 4500 glasses of beer were drunk on this intellectual occasion. The singing was at first splendid, afterwards slightly confused. There were generals and professors and students all mixed up together drinking, all dressed as gayly as possible. Gilkinet and I sat in the gallery where we could see the whole performance. There were speeches, songs, Salamanders, shouts, howls, and above all drinking. The scene was new and interesting and I shall not forget it. Several times the waiter upset our table with several glasses of beer upon it. Fortunately, the beer ran over onto Gilkinet’s side and he soon got to be tolerably wet. After a while I found myself about ankle deep in beer and concluded to find another seat. I am happy to say that I managed to get along without what is here known as a Katzenjammer or as the students say a Kater. In the course of the evening Graf Solms appeared miraculously in the gallery with Dr. Schmitz and we drank the health of the University. What that means I don’t know. Afterwards the ubiquitous Graf wandered round the hall holding up an empty beer glass until after a while he lighted upon General Carminsky and the two talked ‘Faderland’ till morning. A letter from Cambridge in June left no doubt that Gray was looking forward to seeing Farlow established at Harvard on his return to America. Gray also suggested that it would be well to begin to work up some special research which could be published within the coming year, and Farlow im- mediately responded to the idea. June 9, 1873 My Dear Farlow You know how very busy I must have been — and still am, with Goodale gone since May 1. So you see why I have not promptly responded to yours of March 24, from Frankfurt, April 23, Heidelberg, & May 12, Strasburg — And even now — late in evening, I can only write a line. 28 FarLowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 You seem to be going on famously well, and doing your best and wisest. I am glad you are back with De Bary. And I like the way you are laying out your work for summer and winter. Especially I am glad of Thurets kind response to you, & that you will get some time with him next winter or early spring . . . Mrs. Curtis writes that she has sent the Fungi; but I have not yet heard if your Father has received them. Goodale has been appointed ‘Assistant Professor of Vegetable Physiology & Instructor in Botany.’ — his name will go to Overseers, I think to-morrow. The Corporation begin to be anxious about Bussey School — wants some Professors to work there —& are determined to have students. Things are shaping as fast and formally as I could wish,—and when you come home — unless you are called away by better offers elsewhere, you will certainly find something to do here. I see they are beginning to want you, and you may fairly count upon offers when you come home — very likely before. I have said, that you can’t think of returning to America for a year yet — perhaps not even then — your time & opportunity in Germany too valuable. I think it best for you—after consulting De Bary as to what —to get up some research which you can publish in Germany — or —still better — send over for me to publish here —in Amer. Academy — or in Amer. Naturalist — according to circumstances. Then another thing will be very well. Send home to me, from time to time, notices of interesting works or researches, Botanical news — criticisms &c —to be published with your initials among the miscellanies in Sill. Journal. Or, if you will write some sprightly letters on such matters that I can print in Amer. Naturalist, it will be well. But lose no working time. Solid work is better than any display ... All good things you can send me to print, under your own name, or initials — which will duly be known — will be advantageous . . . Ever yours truly Asa Gray Strassburg, June 30. Dear Sir; Shortly after sending my last letter I received your letter of the 9th and the notices of the death of Dr. Torrey and Sullivant. I was quite surprised to hear that the latter was dead and I had no idea that he was so old a man ae I have spoken to De Bary about some special work. He proposed, The fertili- zation and fructification of Agarics, ditto of the Oscillariae, ditto of Scenedesmus and the Entwickelung (cultivation and growth) of Oidium lactis. The last I selected but, as one may work an indefinite length of time without meeting with any success or result, I have also taken as nebensache or collateral, the micro- scopic structure and growth of the Haftorganen i.e. the disks of Ampelopsis, and the rootlets of Tecoma &c. From one or the other I ought to make out something, As for writing notices, I should be glad to do that and must try and find time in the vacations. The following subjects suggest themselves: late German Bo- tanical Text Books, reviewing Sachs and Thomé, Rostafinsky’s Myxomyceten; or, possibly, Cornu, Saprolegnieen and Strasburgers, Coniferen, For light letters, an account of Upsala, and botanizing in the Vosges. I might give a detailed ac-- count of the management of De Bary’s laboratory and cultures but that is too much like letting the public into the secret . . . Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FarRLow 29 I should like, after finishing my studies to write a compendium, something like Sachs, about Algae and Pilze, giving the latest modes of working and results so far as known. Such a book is very much needed as Berkeley is thoroughly bad and there is positively no other book in English. The writing would serve for me as a review of my studies and could also be available as a text book in classes where I had to teach the subject. The first thing, however, is for me to learn the subject myself. Remember me kindly to Mrs. Gray. Yours, respectfully, but tired, W. G. Farlow. Farlow left in August to spend a pleasant six weeks in Geneva with Dr. Miiller, and returned regretfully to Strasbourg in October, to take the last of the courses with De Bary which he needed to round out his studies there. Strassburg, Oct. 27th. Dear Sir; I am again installed in Strassburg and, after Geneva, dislike the place more than ever . . . In comparison with other cities, it seems barbarous . . . I found my six weeks in Geneva very profitable. Dr. Miller gave me an unlimited amount of attention and I was surprised to find how much, with his help, I was able to do in so short a time. I have no means at present, to repay his kindness. Of course, I thanked him and gave him a book as a memento, but it would give me pleasure, if you should hereafter, if you have occasion to write to him, men- tion that I have written you that I feel under obligations to him for his attention and instruction. While in Geneva, I had an opportunity to make several excur- sions into the Jura and mountains near the city, in which excursions I succeeded in collecting a large number of lichens which are not only numerous but valuable, as I have studied them tolerably carefully, and, also, saved duplicates with an eye to future exchanges in America. Although, perhaps, having studied lichens under the most favorable and agreeable circumstances possible, I must confess that I think they are the stupidest and, at the same time, the most difficult plants I have ever studied. However, if it is necessary for me to study them in America, I feel as though I had had a good preparation here. During the summer, I find that I have collected quite a lot of Erysipheen, Uredineen, Perinosporeen, and the smaller fungi generally and have laid by a number of duplicates which I think will be of good service, hereafter, in America. So far, although I have constantly regretted being obliged to shut myself up in Strassburg, I feel as though I could no where else and in no other manner have learnt so much of that part of botany which I needed to know and which is in America entirely unknown, certainly practically. I have now learnt so much anatomy, that is histology, that De Bary doesn’t advise my spending any more time on it here. Then I have studied the orders of minute fungi tolerably thor- oughly. Of course, to know the subject perfectly is a work of a life time. I have learned De Bary’s method and, although a knowledge of forms and species is here discouraged, I have learnt a great many forms and, with the knowledge of their development and growth which I now possess, the determination of species comes tolerably easy ... The remaining botanical subjects which I wish to study are, the development of the higher cryptogams, i.e. the fertilization of ferns, Marsilea, &c; second, the algae, marine and fresh water in respect to their development, and physiology; 30 FarLowIA, Vou. 2, 1945 and thirdly, a short study of the cell, in the abstract, as has been done by Hof- meister in his latest work. Whatever I now study comes a good deal easier than it did a year ago, showing that the somewhat slow preparation recommended by De Bary is beginning to bear good results. I don’t feel as though I wanted to stay much longer with De Bary. I should only be continuing the same work I have already begun. It is simply now a matter of detail and, if I am to stay here, till I know all he can teach I shan’t get back to America for a long time. If I should stay here too long, I should be more likely to turn out a botanist of the Graf Solms type rather than like De Bary himself . . . If I can return in September, as I hope, the question will be whether to go to Pringsheim in May, which will perhaps be decided in the negative if I study fresh water algae with Thuret, which may be possible, or to go to Wurzburg where Stahl and Gilkinet are going, and study the cell under Sachs and attend his course on general Vegetable Physiology without actually going through the experiments in his laboratory. In this way, I should get all the Physiology necessary for me as a cryptogamist. Brefeld is also a physician in Wurzburg and is now studying hefe pilze and, perhaps, could help me some. I hardly think I should find it profitable to stay more than two months in Wurzburg. Afterwards, there is nothing which I care specially to do but, perhaps, to visit Rabenhorst, of whom both De Bary and Prof. E. Fries have a poor opinion. Then a few days on the coast of France or England and a visit to the leading English cryptogamists . . I think now I have stated the whole story. I should like to return next fall. If it is necessary for me to remain a year longer, I must simply spin out longer the list of studies I have mentioned and, possibly spend a short time with Stras- burger in Jena, and, although I should at the end of that time know more botany, I should, perhaps, be less qualified to teach in America. Whether, as far as America is concerned, the opportunity is good for my returning you know very much better than I. I think you also know from a former letter of mine that, although I should like to return to Cambridge, I don’t feel as though my future success entirely depends on it. As I then wrote, I should like also to go to either New York or California should there be opportunity in either place. At any rate, I feel perfectly safe in trusting to you, knowing that you will recognize what is for my best interest. Here in the laboratory are Stahl, Gilkinet, and Carminski who remain, and two new students, Prof. Czerokin of Kasan, Russia, and Dr. Linsted of Berlin who has written on Saprolegnieen. After Christmas, Dr. Schmitz goes to Halle as Docent and Rostafinsky, who is now in Petersburg, may take his place. De Bary repeats his course on Anatomy and soon expects to finish his book. Graf Solms also repeats his Cryptogams. In accordance with your request I have written four gossipy letters for the Naturalist. I do not know whether you will not find them too light . . . I also send the promised critique on Thomé and Sachs. In a few days, I shall send notices of some recent magazine articles. I hope to be able to send you soon a critique or summary of the Lichen, algo- fungus question... Farlow These ‘“‘gossipy letters” were edited by Gray, and soon appeared in three parts in the American Naturalist, vol. 8, 1874, under the title Notes from the Journal of a Botanist in Europe. Part I. Sweden. Part II. Norway, etc. Part III, Geneva and the Alps. Gray wrote on November 17: Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 31 I am arranging for the articles in Am. Naturalist — to begin in Jany no. Nat- urally enough these articles are not so sprightly as your letters. I wish you would write only on one side of your paper. I should like to season up the articles by sandwiching in bits from your letters. On January 11, 1874, he announced their publication: The Ist part of your Notes is in Jany Naturalist. It reads nicely. I have had proofs of the 2d — for Feb. number. I made it up out of your letters! In the meantime, at the suggestion of De Bary, Farlow was at work on a new topic for research, which was to culminate in the much discussed paper on the discovery of apogamy in ferns. He first mentioned it on December 7: Last week was rather an eventful one. I discovered an entirely new Puccinia on the common mallows in the botanical garden which germinates at this season. I presume De Bary will cultivate and describe it. My work has been the fertili- zation of ferns and a week ago De Bary found a case in Asplenium molle where the fern is produced directly from the prothallus without the intervention of an archegonium and fertilization. He gave that to me, as a subject to work up and I am now working busily away and have made quite a number of drawings. I shall finish the work as soon as possible for I want to go to Paris with Jackson about Christmas. However, I cannot leave till my work is completely done. It will probably be printed in the Botanische Zeitung and I will send you the same in English for the Am. Journ. if you wish. What shall be done about the figures? Had they better be copied from the Botanische Zeitung or shall I send you the drawings? With regard to the letters I sent, it was difficult to say just how ‘sprightly’ I ought to make them. What I sent would here have been considered dreadfully frivolous. You did not say whether they wanted any more or not. You can make any insertions you please, but I don’t want the editors of the Nat. to change anything. With regard to sending criticisms or abstracts of magazine articles, now I am too busy with my paper to write any and if I am to leave sooner than I expected for home I ought to spend my whole time in study . . . You will of course imagine that I am anxious to know what will be done in Cambridge this summer as my plans and travels may be so much affected thereby. If the college determines to introduce the study of cryptogamic botany I hope they wont forget that they must have microscopes. I think you will be disap- pointed when you again see me in the amount of systematic fungology which I have learnt but, on the other hand, I have studied development as applied to some of the minute forms, to a much greater extent than I should have ever done if I had not come abroad. The work on the fern prothallus was not finished by Christmas, so instead of going to Paris, Farlow joined his laboratory friends Rostafinski and Gilkinet, in celebrating Christmas Eve with the lively De Bary family. On the following day he wrote his mother and sister his description of the festivities. a2 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1945 Strassburg, Dec. 25. Dear Mother: I take advantage of today to wish you all a merry Christmas. As far as I am concerned the day is Sunday intensified, that is very much quieter than Sunday is here. Last night we were invited to De Bary’s to see his Christmas tree. It was all explained to me as though I had never seen a tree and Rostafinsky with his usual impudence and fondness for giving good advice hoped that I would introduce the custom into America. After the tree we had supper and at the end I was presented with a plate of candy on the top of which was a mock sausage for my benefit as I am so fond of such things. Today the weather is raw and foggy and I gave up my project of a long walk thinking the less I got of such air the better. This morning Rostafinsky made me a long call and this afternoon I called on Dr. Alexander and also took a look at the Vespers in the Cathedral where the altar was all lighted up. The soldiers had a tree in St. Thomas church but as there are 18000 soldiers I imagine that if one tree held all the presents a good many must have gone without. I should have liked to have seen the tree as it stood directly in front of the celebrated monument to Marshal Saxe which is very large and of white marble. Today the city has swarmed with soldiers and many of them being new recruits the uniforms looked clean and fresh. Last Saturday I went to Frankfurt to see the Websters . . . In the evening a woman called who is keeping an American boarding house in Frankfurt. She had her pockets filled with great red apples she had received from America. After being so long in Strassburg the Frankfurters looked very swelly. The greatest treat at the Webster’s is an American bed. That is, they don’t have the feather plumons which the Germans always have. The plumon is a thing too large for a pillow and not large enough to cover me although I am not very long. Conse- quently as they don’t have such things as bedquilts and comforters one’s feet and hands are always out in the cold... Your affectionate son, William Strassburg, Dec. 25. Dear Mary: Unless you consider yourself included in ‘our’ family I will wish you and your family a Merry Christmas. Last night I went to De Bary’s to see his tree. I wasn’t there at the opening at six o’clock being too busy to go so early. Mrs. Gilkinet was there and said there was a great running about and trying to look through the key hole. When I arrived I found the Norway spruce already lighted up. Instead of the hideous wax doll called the Christ child there was a bunch of gilded pine cones which Mrs. De Bary had prepared for the occasion. There were four children Wilhelm the oldest who was very sheepish and didn’t say a word, August more lively, Marie, a rather too lively young lady six years old with a pug nose and little black eyes which are generally half strained out of her head by the two black pig tails on the back of her head, last night however her hair was flying in all directions, and little Hermann with very red cheeks and blue eyes. The presents were put on little tables near the tree. Hermann was perfectly absorbed and could not say a word all the evening. All the boys had a lot of soldiers. They seemed to have more toys than American children. Marie had only four dolls and a doll house besides a lot of other stuff and the older ones had books and games. The candies and cakes were a sight to behold and Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 33 came from all parts of Germany from Berlin to Strassburg. There was a young law student named Von Jacoby from Berlin who had a table with presents. He seemed to be a sort of protégé of Prof. De Bary’s. He had an enormous mouth out of which he spilt his words. His conversation was principally about how much beer they could drink in his Chor. On his table were a lot of gloves, and such gloves. The Germans never wear any which are not ten sizes too large. There was an indescribable thing which Rostafinsky told me was a Pommern Gansebrust and a great delicacy. It was a great goose skin sewed up at both ends and dripping with oil. It was full of uncooked smoked goosemeat and said to be delicious! The Pommern geese are very celebrated. There were also Erlangen Lebkuchen and Berlin gingerbread and two cans of condensed milk on his table. Mrs, De Bary had amongst other things two bottles of arrack punch. At the table the company appeared much interested in my description of peanuts which they thought couldn’t be very nice and they couldn’t understand how our You meant the same as their Du Ihr and Sie. They of course didn’t see the point when I explained how senseless and inconvenient their Sie was. The other day De Bary had a great present from America. A box containing a swamp pitcher plant, some hickory nuts and twelve cranberries. As I said they were good to eat they cooked them and liked them very well. Today I dined with Gilkinet. I asked if his little Georgie 1114 months old was coming home with his Alsatian nurse to spend Christmas. Ever since he was born he has been farmed out to a peasant near Strassburg. His mother didn’t know whether he would be at home or not today but had an idea, she wasn’t quite certain, that he was to spend the day in some village near the Vosges. Such independence in a child of his age would be remarkable in America. His mother seemed very calm and philosophical on the subject. So is Prof. De Bary who after giving Hermann a glass of wine before sending him to bed refused to let August, aged 8 or 7 yrs., have any more because he brought on a typhoid fever last year by drinking too much punch New Years. Will. A few more days of hard work brought the paper to its conclusion and on New Year’s Day, 1874, Farlow wrote: Today I send you the manuscript of an article on which I have been studying some weeks. I presume you will think it very short for the time spent upon it but all such work requires an everlasting amount of time. The article seems to me not at all adapted to the Naturalist but rather to Silliman’s Journal. You are at liberty to dispose of it as you please provided, wherever it appears, the draw- ings are as good as those usually found in the Botanische Zeitung. I must make this a condition because when printed I should feel bound to distribute a few copies in this region and if the execution was not up to the mark there might be some very invidious remarks made about American publications here. I wrote the first draught in German and then afterwards wrote in English, having shown the German to De Bary. I have made a German abstract which will appear at once without plates in the Botanische Zeitung . . . There may be a good many clerical errors in my manuscript but there is no English speaking person here to whom I can show it. I should like to see the proof of the figures I send before the article is published. Gray acknowledged the paper with a brief note on January 11: 34 FaRLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 Your New Year letter, and the Mss. & drawings have come to hand. I write a hasty line to tell you so. I think of reading your paper to the Amer. Acad. And, if they will engrave the drawings to print in the Proceed. — otherwise in Naturalist unless Sill. Jour. will engrave on stone or copper. We will see soon. Your paper is very interesting! On February 15 Gray sent the first proof. I read your paper to Amer. Academy — it is accepted for Proceedings. Here is a rough, unread proof. I may keep it back till I can get corrections from you. That the figures may be photographed for the new process of reproduction, I have to get the drawings gone over in pen & india ink: pencil will not do. Farlow returned the proof from Antibes, where he was enjoying at last his long anticipated visit with Thuret, and he protested that the drawings were not in pencil, but in neutral tint, and should not be inked over without his supervision. On March 21 he wrote again from Antibes. A week ago I returned the proof corrected which you were so kind as to send me. Last night Rostafinsky and Janchewsky arrived and Rostafinsky said that the fern prothalli are now grown up into Pteris cretica instead of Aspidium molle. Today De Bary sent me a copy of the Botanische Zeitung with my short Ger- man extract in which he had changed Aspidium molle to Pteris cretica through- out. Will you be kind enough to do the same with the English or if it is too late for that, to write a little note at the end saying that in consequence of the further development of the prothalli enabling the species to be accurately determined it is necessary to change the Aspidium for Pteris cretica throughout. I thought myself that it was more probably Pteris cretica but De Bary thought the con- trary. Now it is settled. Gray replied disconcertingly that the “proof returned came just too late,” and Farlow wrote again on May 4: I reached Strassburg Saturday evening and, on my arrival, I found yours of Apr. 10th which had been forwarded from Antibes. I am quite anxious about the publication of my article as the preliminary remarks in the Botanische Zei- tung have been attacked on all sides particularly in Berlin and Wurzburg. I don’t understand exactly what you mean by my proof arriving too late. I hope you do not mean that it has been published just as it was. If so, don’t let a copy get into Germany for there were some horried mistakes in the quotation from Wi- gand. I hope also that the drawings are well done otherwise the remarks of the Germans, who don’t believe the thing because it is contrary to their theories, will be disparaging to the last degree. For De Bary’s sake as well as my own I must be extremely careful about the form in which the article appears. The paper, titled Au Asexual Growth from the Prothallus of Pteris ser- rulata, was published in the Proceedings of the American Academy, vol. 9, 1874, and the correction of the name to Pteris cretica had to be made in a note at the end. That Farlow was far from satisfied with the appearance of the article is evidenced in his letter of May 21 when he wrote: As to the Fern Prothallus, I must confess that I was decidedly disappointed in the appearance of the plates which fall very far short of those in the Bot. Zeit. Harris: CORRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW 35 and the criticisms have been so unfavorable on the execution of the plates that I hope you will not distribute any copies in Germany. I may have to translate and reprint the article with better plates in the Bot. Zeit. As it is, I shall have to leave any preparations, which I should like to take to America, with De Bary who will show them to other botanists. I hope you have kept the drawings . . . As Farlow’s sojourn in Europe drew near its close he became more anxious about what he was to do on his return to America, and although Gray hoped and expected to have a place for him at Harvard, there was as yet no official confirmation of a position. On March 27 Gray wrote: Presdt Eliot is in England, till May . . . My impression is that he wished in spring to put you on to the Bussey-foundation, & do some work there — perhaps start a fungus-laboratory — as well as here. I’ll be responsible that you get the full of an Assistant-Prof. salary ...& in time more... As the Bussey develops, I think it likely summer work may be in order there. But if so, you will have an equivalent in winter. Do not fear about that. The President is getting a great idea of the importance of research —and will see that you have a chance. As to Goodale’s course of this summer, —as you need not begin till 1st August, I advise you to agree to come & take it then — give a month to it —if you intend to come home this fall at any rate. —If you think of staying another winter, that is another matter. I think it will be for your advantage to take hold of this work next summer — tho’ it wont amount to much. It makes the right beginning. The last letter from Gray which we have of this long correspondence expressed once more his confidence in the establishment of a cryptogamic laboratory. Cambridge May 4, 1874 My dear Farlow. Yours of April 11, came while I was in Washington. What I & Goodale had previously written will by this time tell you all we can say. Presdt E. is not home yet, — but may be expected to-morrow. I see you are decided to come home this summer, any how. In that case, I would, if I were you, get home before the end of July. But I would not hurry to be here sooner. The summer course this year will not probably amount to much, but will lay a foundation. The plan of Goodale taking it for July, & turning it over to you in August is best — You will then work independently. And you can go on into Sept. if you like. We shall, I doubt not be able to establish a labora- tory for Cryptogamic & Anatomical Botany, in which you can make name & fame .. . Your paper has done you great service. More of them, and your success as teacher will do the rest .. . I am sadly hurried — will write again soon. Ever yours cordially Asa Gray Farlow sailed for home in June, 1874, and immediately received from Harvard his appointment as Assistant Professor of Botany. He entered at once upon the task of creating a laboratory in cryptogamic botany and 36 Fartow!A, Vor. 2, 1945 phytopathology, and his subsequent success at Bussey and later at Cam- bridge has fully justified the years of preparation that had gone into his European study. He continued to keep in contact with his friends in Europe, and his correspondence with De Bary was maintained until the latter’s death. A letter written by De Bary in the summer of 1877 is of special interest, as by giving news of the whereabouts of the students in the laboratory, and of the completion of De Bary’s own book, it brings to a natural close the narrative of Farlow’s two years at Strasbourg. Montreux, August 17, 1877 Dear Mr. Farlow: From the stamp you will see that I have taken refuge in order to get peace, not in the desert like the ancient prophets, whom I do not emulate in general, but at that very corner on Lake Leman which you will remember as beautiful and quiet, especially at this time of year, because now people think it is too hot, while in winter the English and Berliners abound here. When you imagine this charming bit of land and water where redwood and giant trees, together with laurel, Lauro- cerasus, Punica, and Passiflora are being reflected in the blue surface of the lake, and right now the whole atmosphere is filled with the scent of the flowers of Ligustrum japonicum — while nearby the Phyllachora Congress is having its in- ternational meetings, and the wine ripens untouched by the disease these gentle- men are talking of —if you imagine all this, your heart will probably become reminiscent too, and you will forgive an old sinner inasmuch as he has retired to this idyllic spot in order to write you at last. The narrator may proceed subjectively, so, I start with the news that the Anatomy is entirely finished four to six weeks ago, 640 plus 20 pages strong. I have been working desperately on it since last summer, except for a short inter- ruption which I shall mention later. That’s why you did not hear from me for so long a time. Two proofs which may have surprised you in April have been sent to you as a mute sign of life on my part . . . Since the middle of July I have finished everything excepting the last proofs. I have become human again, but I had to arrange and clean up so many things, and consider so many other matters that I could not find time to write a detailed letter. The cleaning-up-process also includes working up the material that has col- lected in the last three or four years for your ‘Pteris story.’ I have finished this during these last days, and I hope to have cleared up this matter now as far as three species of ferns are concerned. Your side is thoroughly correct. It turns out — when compared exactly — to be a very instructive special case of a com- mon phenomenon. With this I have come to answering your letters, for yours of last October starts with Pteris. As for the complaints which you add to your remarks, I can answer only with the wish that you may not take to heart what the American botanophiles and mycophiles say about you and Cooke. If you continue in the same way as in the last papers you sent me, these gentlemen will certainly come to reason, if not all, then at least many of them. It’s not different with me: Berkeley and his set always consider my kind as very wretched fellows, and still, by now, all intelligent people know what they should think of it. The only way to achieve something, is not to let yourself be bewildered. I had a lot more trouble with Hallier, Sollman, Hoffman etc. than anybody has nowadays. To continue with your mycological questions —I see in Fischer von Wald- heim’s new survey of the Ustilaginales that he indicates Urocystis colchici on Harris: CoRRESPONDENCE OF WILLIAM G. FARLOW oy several monocotyledons, also on Allium (A. rotundum). On another Allium, A. magicum, he indicates another Urocystis species, U. magica. This is about all that is known about Urocystis on Allium. Considering the great similarity of the spore characters of most of the species a decision on the identity of species seems to be very difficult to me. Why are not all species of Urocystis, or all species on monocotyledons, a single species? I shall send your fungus to Fischer, so he can compare it with his materials. But I shall wait till winter because he is probably absent from Warsaw now... You know all that’s important about Rostafinski, that is that he is in Krakov, very industrious, and with good success. I would not know much more myself without going into details. As for Stahl, you probably don’t know that he is privatdocent in Wiirzburg. He went there in the summer, and is very satisfied with everything thus far. I talked with him recently in Strasbourg, and I hope he will also write me. You do not have to fear that Gilkinet has forgotten you even if he should not have written to you in the meantime. I can tell you so with certainty, for we talked about you very much when I visited him last April in Liittich. Here in Strasbourg we had the same experience with him as you had — not a word from him. In April I had a chance to go to the Horticulture Exposition in Amsterdam, and I took advantage of this trip to visit him in Littich. After a very friendly reception, I soon found out the good reason for his personal and botanical silence —he has accepted the position of chargé de cours at the University, that is to say for pharmaceutical chemistry. He has to manage a chemical laboratory and, at least for a long time, he was entirely absorbed by the necessity of remodeling himself for work in this new job. This is understandable and it will justify him also in regard to you... There is not much to say about Solms except that he is as you know him — short active semesters, alternating with long vacation trips. Last fall he was in Moscow and Stockholm, at Easter in Athens. Otherwise there were many changes in this laboratory. Dr. Wilhelm, whom you knew, is the only stable man. This summer it was very lonely, since, because of illness and other reasons, only two people were working. I shall send you some dissertations which were made dur- ing the last year... In order to achieve a symmetrical conclusion to this letter, I shall talk sub- jectively again. In my house, everyone is rather well, and so am I, especially the last four to six weeks. I accompanied my family to Switzerland yesterday — they are in Interlaken again. I left them for a week to go here, and then to Bex (Rhéne Valley) to the Swiss Meeting of Natural Scientists, and then to Inter- laken, too. In mid-September we shall be at home again. Goodby for this time, best regards from my family and myself, and do not. punish me by too long a silence. Sincerely yours A. De Bary Harvarp UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 2(1): 39-51 FARLOWIA January, 1945 NOTES ON FARLOW’S AGARICALES FROM CHOCORUA RouF SINGER ! To those who are acquainted with the White Mountains of New Hamp- shire, the name Chocorua brings to mind the beautiful lake in which is reflected picturesque Mount Chocorua, but few realize that the region is a mycologist’s paradise. In this region of beeches, birches, maples, oaks, pines and hemlock at the lower elevations and of spruce and balsam below the nearly bald granitic summit of the mountain, there are habitats of widely varied types and ecological conditions that make possible the oc- currence of many different species of fungi. Whether it was beauty of the scenery, the presence of congenial faculty colleagues, or the presence of these varied and excellent collecting grounds or some other factor that caused Dr. Farlow to choose Chocorua as his summer home it is impossible to say. However, it is obvious from the large number of fungi in his herbarium which were collected in this region, that when he left his office on the top floor of the Botanical Museum in Cam- bridge where his herbarium was at that time maintained, he lost few oppor- tunities for going out into the woods of Chocorua and vicinity to make collections of fungi, many of which he sent to his colleagues who were interested in special groups. Among these colleagues was his friend and former student, Dr. E. A. Burt, who cites many of Farlow’s Chocorua specimens in his monographic studies of the Thelephoraceae and who in 1909 wrote to Farlow that he was turning up many unusual and interesting species of Hypochnus (i.e. Tomentella) in that region. While he was mak- ing these miscellaneous collections, he also had in mind the eventual pub- lication of an illustrated agaric or mushroom flora and it was at Chocorua that Joseph Bridgham and L. C. C. Krieger, under his critical supervision, executed in water color and at natural size a large number of exquisite illustrations, a small number of which have now appeared in the ‘‘Icones Farlowianae.” The larger proportion of the paintings that remain unpub- lished, and unfortunately not available except to those mycologists who come to the Farlow Herbarium to study specimens and plates, nevertheless _are extremely valuable as permanent records of the fungi as they appeared when freshly collected. They are also of value because they illustrate species which, although Farlow collected and determined many of them, were in many instances seen and verified by Charles Peck of the State Museum at Albany, the foremost American agaricologist of the period, as well as by European specialists in the group. Thus Chocorua was the source of a large number of specimens, not only for Dr. Farlow but to many colleagues with whom they were shared, as well as for those who + The writer is indebted to Dr. David H. Linder for the introduction to this article. 39 40 FaRLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 were fortunate enough to be guests at his summer home and do their own collecting. However, despite the sharing of specimens and his efforts to have identified accurately all those fungi that were illustrated by his artists, there nevertheless remain many that are still to be identified. Also, there are others which, although named as accurately as the knowledge of the time permitted, are worthy of additional notes. A few of these are dis- cussed in the following paragraphs. I. Surirtus GRANULATUS IN NortH AMERICA AND EUROPE One of the common species observed near Chocorua is a bolete generally determined as Boletus granulatus L., and under this name illustrated and described in the [cones Farlowianae(3). This species, described by Linnaeus and Fries from Sweden, has previously been studied by the author in Europe. It was, therefore, interesting for him to compare his notes with data gathered on abundant living material at Chocorua. We shall at this point anticipate our eventual conclusion, and stating that the American form actually differs macroscopically, microscopically, and ecologically from the European type, name it Suillus 2 granulatus ssp. Snellii * Sing. ssp. nov. Suillus granulatus ssp. Snellii ssp. nov. Notis macroscopicis subspeciem leptopodem fortiter revocantibus in mentem; notis chemicis haud notabilibus in comparatione cum typo; sporis minoribus (6.8-8.2x3 mu) a subspeciebus ceteris recedens; habitatio: cum Pinibus strobis (rarissime cum aliis coni- feris) ad terram plerumque arenosam gregatim in America boreali; collectio typica in Farlow Herbarium conservata atque a D. H. Linder & R. Singer prope Chocorua, N. H. collecta est. Macroscopical characters: There is no need of wasting space by rede- scribing S. granulatus ssp. Snellii macroscopically. The reader will find good descriptions of it in most American books and papers dealing with boletes, e.g. in “Icones Farlowianae,”’ Atkinson, and others. We may only add that the spore print is ‘Isabella color.” 4 Microscopical characters: Spores pale yellowish or pale melleous, thin- walled ellipsoid-subfusiform, frequently attenuate toward the upper end and usually with a subhilar depression, 6.8-8.2 x 3-(3.5) pw; basidia clavate, 4-spored, hyaline, but at some spots covered with brownish resin- ous masses emanating from the cystidia, 20-24 x 6-7 p; cystidia frequent, extremely crowded on the pores where their excretions or incrustations cover large portions of the hymenium, honey color or hyaline when seen without the incrustation (after crushing the preparation in an alkaline * Since it has been proved by D. P. Rogers that S. F. Gray’s “Natural Arrangement” is post-Friesian, the author thinks that Snell’s (12) proposal of the name Swallus instead of Ixocomus is justified. *'W.H. Snell was the first accurately and reliably to indicate one of the main char- acters which separate the American subspecies, i.e. the small spore size; we therefore feel that it is most appropriate to dedicate this subspecies to him. * All colors cited in quotation marks are those of Ridgway unless indicated otherwise. SINGER: AGARICALES FROM CHOCORUA 41 medium), thin-walled, smooth, clavate-fusoid, more rarely claviform or fusiform, or ampullaceous, or subcapitate, or a combination of these, 34-38 x 6-10.5 3 trama of the tube walls divergent and with a distinct regular mediostratum; cuticle with a distinct ixotrichoderm, some of the hyphae somewhat incrusted; kyphae of the context hyaline, thin-walled, consist- ently without clamp connections; glands consisting of masses of strongly incrusted and pigmented or rarely hyaline dermatocystidia similar to the ones observed on the pore mouths, but more variable in size. Chemical characters: KOH on the surface of the pileus: lilac, becoming grayish brown in a few seconds, young stages more intensely and persist- ently lilac; on the context of the pileus: lilac, becoming grayish brown, young stages usually not showing any reaction except where the context is showing the first yellowish spots (near the tubes); on the pores and tubes: almost black immediately. — NH (prolonged action) and NH,OH on the surface of the pileus: slowly lilaceous brown, in young stages slowly gray or grayish brown; on the context of the pileus: lilac (except for young stages with no appreciable reaction) ; on the pores and tubes: lilac (except for young stages with no appreciable reaction). Habitat: On the ground in coniferous and mixed woods, in mycorrhizal connection with Pinus strobus and P. monticola, rarely, near stands of these pines, transgressing into pine-free stands of hemlock (Tsuga) or fir (Abies). Fruiting from June to November. Distribution: The distribution of this subspecies has not been established satisfactorily because of the fact that many species have been wrongly de- termined as “Boletus granulatus” in the past. The geographic area of ssp. Snellii most probably coincides with that of the five-needle pines with which it is associated. COMPARISON WITH CLOSELY RELATED SUBSPECIES AND SPECIES OF SUILLUS 1. Suillus granulatus (L. ex Fr.) Snell ssp. typicus. In the Ameri- can form the context, tubes and the stipe remain white or pallid for a longer period than in ssp. typicus; the color of the pileus and the glands of the stipe reach darker tones than in the latter. In our specimens from - Chocorua as well as from Massachusetts and New York, the color of the well-pigmented pilei was about “orange cinnamon,” sometimes near “‘cin- namon rufous,” or darker than these, and then reaching almost all shades familiar in Suillus luteus (L. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray, but pale or bleached forms are not uncommon, the bleaching starting mostly in the center of the pileus; the glands tend to become purple or blackish long before such a change is seen in the European form. There are, however, cases where the glands remain rather inconspicuous in the American form, and others where they darken early in Europe. The former should be interpreted as transitions toward Suillus brevipes (Peck) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus brevipes Peck) while the latter appear to be transitions toward another subspecies of S. granulatus which we shall discuss later. The macroscopical difference between the European type and the American form is easy to see 42 FarLowiA, Vor. 2, 1945 when good colored illustrations of both these forms are compared side by side, though the comparison of dried material does not show striking differences. The microscopical differences between these two forms are restricted to the spore size. This, however, is the most important distinguishing charac- ter. The spores of a specimen collected by Buchholtz in the Mikhailovski Park in the Moscow region were found to be 8.3-9.8 x 3.3-3.5 p, and other notes on ssp. typicus contain similar measurements which, in comparison with ssp. Snellii, are decidedly larger. The other microscopical characters do not seem to differ noticeably in these plants. The chemical characters of the European form are nearly identical with the chemical characters given above for ssp. Snellii. 2. Suillus granulatus ssp. leptopus (Pers.) Sing. comb. nov. (Bo- letus circinans ssp. leptopus Pers.) (8). This is the same as the species this author indicated under the name /xocomus Bellinii (Inz.) Maire.® Cer- tain features of the American form, ssp. Snellii, seem to indicate a close relationship with ssp. leptopus. However, the spores of ssp. leptopus are not small as in ssp. Snellii but large as in ssp. typicus. The author found them 8.5—-10 x 3.5-4.5 , and occasionally reaching 16.7x7 p, and the basidia 27-29.5 x 6.8-9.5 4 in a specimen from Hammam EI Cif, Tunisia, collected by Bénier and determined by Patouillard. 3. Suillus placidus (Bon.) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus placidus Bon.). This is the same as Boletus albus Peck as found abundantly in Massachu- setts and New York as well as in Europe by the author. Kallenbach thinks that this is the same as Boletus Bellinii or what we call Suillus granulatus ssp. leptopus. But this confusion merely results from the fact that Kallen- bach does not know the latter except from the literature. We have found that though S. granulatus ssp. Snellii and S. placidus often grow associated with one single tree, side by side, there is no difficulty distinguishing these species macroscopically. The spore size of S. placidus is about intermediate between S. granulatus ssp. leptopus and ssp. Snellii. This difference even though slight is constant. It is in accord with European measurements. Snell (11) has also indicated the slightly larger size of the spores of S. placidus when compared with the American form of S. granulatus. While thus the microscopical difference between S. granulatus ssp. lep- topus and S. placidus is very slight, the chemical characters which are about the same in all subspecies of S. granulatus including ssp. leptopus, tend to separate the latter from S. placidus. The ammonia reaction tends more towards red tones in adult specimens of S. placidus than in S. granulatus sensu lato. It is remarkable (and should be kept in mind when the useful- ness of chemical reactions in boletes is discussed) how constant these re- actions are if specimens of corresponding stages are compared. In the ° Revue de Mycologie 3: 48. 1938. “Et si nous preferons de le classifier comme va- riété de ce-dernier (J. granulatus), nous pouvons reprendre le nom de Persoon.” Konrad (6) considered it as a subspecies of S. placidus; Gilbert (4), as an independent species. SINGER: AGARICALES FROM CHOCORUA 43 writer’s paper cited above (9), this same reddish reaction was indicated from specimens growing on Pinus cembra on granite soil in Europe, and later was checked on specimens growing under Pinus strobus on sandy soil in the Adirondack Mts. of New York, U. S. A. The results were identical. In order to give the reader the full descriptive facts as drawn from Ameri- can material of S. placidus for comparison with S. granulatus, American form, we cite our notes on the chemical characters of the former species: KOH on the surface of the pileus: lilac to violet, after a while becoming deep reddish brown to chocolate, in young stages occasionally salmoneous or purplish salmoneous at first, lilac or violet after a while; on the context of the pileus: lilac to violet, strongest on the yellowish colored places in very old specimens, and only on these places (if there are any) in younger material; on pores and tubes: reddish brown in adult specimens, but no reaction or else a slow change to pale sordid brown in young stages. NH3 on the surface of the pileus: lilac to violet; same reaction on the context, but none when young; on pores and tubes: initially salmon color to reddish tan, but no reaction when young. NH,OH on surface of the pileus: stronger and deeper than with NH3; on context of the pileus: same re- action as with NH; on pores and tubes: blue to gray, but no reaction on young stages; in the very old yellow stage the tubes reach “zinc orange” (R.) with NH3-vapors, and the surface of the pileus becomes brownish- red, the context of the pileus salmon color under their influence. The above data prove that Kallenbach’s opinion (5) is erroneous. Kal- lenbach thinks that he can divide S. placidus into four “formae”: 1. f. Pini strobi; 2. f. Pini cembrae; 3 {. Pini halepensis (our ssp. Bellini); 4. f. americana. As it looks to us, if there are any forms to be distinguished, they should be f. Pini cembrae and f. americana (in Kallenbach’s terminology). The European plant on P. strobus is either introduced with the trees, and therefore the same as f. americana, or it has originated from the European form on P. cembra (which is much less probable), and then it would be the same as f. Pini cembrae since there is no evidence of acquired specialization (inability to grow on the old host, P. cembra), nor any morphological or chemical differentiation. Kallenbach’s f. Pini halepensis is not a form of S. placidus as shown above. Consequently, all he says about the geographic area of his S. placidus is to be understood “cum grano salis.” The African and Asiatic localities given refer to S. granulatus ssp. leptopus. The Eu- ropean ones are almost irreparably mixed up. MYCORRHIZAL CONNECTIONS OBSERVED IN THE RACES OF S. GRANULATUS The writer has studied the typical European form in Central and Eastern Europe. It has consistently been found in the neighborhood of Pinus sil- vestris, in some cases under Pinus montana (in the Alps) and Pinus uncinata (in the Pyrenees); it has also been collected under Pinus austriaca in the Wiener Wald. This latter location, however, may not be the correct place . to look for the typical S. granulatus; at least, my notes seem insufficient for definite conclusions when seen in the light of more recent developments. 44 FaRLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 The Mediterranean form, S. granulatus ssp. leptopus, was studied by the writer in large numbers on the sand dunes of the Mediterranean Coast near Prat de Llobregat, Catalonia, Spain, in 1934. They were associated with pine, mostly Pinus pinea, and were fruiting most plentifully in October. In Africa they reach a maximum in January and February. Other hosts or symbionts are: Pinus halepensis, P. pinaster, and P. pithyusa. In mixed stands of these Mediterranean pines and Pinus silvestris some intermediate forms may be observed, thus the soil also may play an important réle in this. Besides, old specimens of the Mediterranean race often are hard to distinguish from S. granulatus typicus. The American form, in contrast with the European forms, grows with Pinus strobus, at least preferably so. The Chocorua specimens, observed by D. H. Linder and the writer, were obviously connected with this five-needle pine, and occurred as well in pure pine stands as in mixed woods with scattered pines. However, some of the fruit bodies were too far from any pines to assume connection between their mycelium and the pine roots. They grew in a Fagus grandifolia stand with intermixed Tsuga canadensis, and were obviously connected with the latter. They were not otherwise different from the pinophilous majority. In Newcomb Co., N. Y., where the boletes were likewise found to be connected with Pinus strobus, a sim- ilar ecological anomaly was observed when a form similar to S. granulatus in a few rare cases grew far from pines in a very open stand of Populus tremuloides and Salix spec. with numerous intermixed firs (Abies balsamea), and was clearly connected with the latter. But in this case, the fruit bodies seemed to be morphologically modified: they were somewhat larger than the average pinophilous plants and the stipe was pure white as in Suillus brevipes (Peck) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus brevipes Peck), and not dotted- glandulose in its lower third to three-quarters, and only minutely granulose in its upper portion; it was rather elongate and slightly attenuate or swollen below; the margin of the pileus was strongly fibrillose-tomentose, probably from a rudimentary veil as occasionally observed in S. brevipes; the tubes were strongly decurrent as in a certain form of S. brevipes, growing under abnormal ecological conditions (in dense mesophytic hammocks) in Florida (this form was described as Boletus pseudogranulatus Murr.) ; the context showed reddish discoloration. All this points to the conclusion that the American form of S. granulatus is not, as the European races probably are, at least when growing spontaneously in nature, confined to very definite soil conditions and to a certain limited number of hosts (two-needle pines only), but able under certain conditions to pass over to other neighboring conifers, either with slight morphological changes (as in New York with Abies °), or without any such changes (as in Chocorua). In neither case did the soil contain a considerable amount of lime. In the light of recent ° At the present stage of my studies, I do not think that it would be wise to insist on the above determination of the specimens concerned. It is also possible that they were not closest to the American form of S. granulatus, but rather an extreme form of what Peck called Boletus albidipes. SINGER: AGARICALES FROM CHOCORUA 45 publications it seems probable that the western white pine (Pinus monti- cola) is another symbiont of S. granulatus ssp. Snellii, a relationship which, considering the taxonomic position of this pine, would not be surprising at all. As for the ecological characters of S. placidus it is well known that this species grows in symbiosis with two five-needle pines, P. strobus and P. cembra. It thus appears to be closest ecologically to S. granulatus ssp. Snellii, not ssp. leptopus. Consequently each of the races of Swillus granulatus evidently has, in nature, its own requirements as to mycorrhizal hosts. Since these hosts have very definite geographic areas, the fungi concerned have them also. All this corroborates the statement that there are myco-ecological as well as geographic races for which we use the taxonomic term subspecies. S. placidus, however, not having a host of its own, yet morphologically and chemically more differentiated than the other forms discussed, must be treated as a separate species. I am aware of the fact that many taxonomists prefer to call forms like ssp. Smellii autonomous species rather than sub- species. More detailed information on Suillus albidipes (Peck) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus albidipes Peck) will be needed to decide whether in this case we have to deal with a group of small species, or rather with a complex species consisting of several subspecies, possibly including even S, albidipes and S. brevipes. II. REDESCRIPTION AND NOTES ON BOLETUS RUBINELLUS PECK Macroscopical characters: Pileus “light Corinthian red,” “Corinthian red,” “Etruscan red,” “deep Corinthian red,” and often reaching “Indian red” in the middle, often more brownish tones mixed in when old, or bleach- ing to a uniform pale yellow, but normally only the margin, if at all, light yellow to yellowish white, warty-floccose, occasionally almost squarrulose- verrucose on the disc, more faintly tomentose on the margin, the flocculae more or less detersible, subviscid when wet, dry in dry weather, the margin sterile (about 0.5-2 mm.), broadly conical or convex, eventually often broadly umbonate, 10-50 mm. broad. — Tubes (bluish) pink to salmo- neous, or dingy reddish, eventually with a brownish tone, adnate or de- pressed around the stipe, medium long (about 5 mm.), pores initially daedaleoid, later angular, and rather small to rather wide (up to 1 mm. in diameter), sometimes radially elongate near the stipe. Spore print fer- ruginous-brown. — Stipe subconcolorous, often mixed with yellow or yel- lowish white, subglabrous to slightly pustulate-subflocculose, dry or almost so, smooth or almost so, equal or slightly enlarged near the base or with widened apex, solid, 10-50x 2-10 mm.— Context whitish yellow to brownish yellow, usually more intensely colored in the stipe, or near the base with some pink portions in some specimens; odor none; taste mild. — Habitat: On the ground in woods, always under conifers. July to Septem- ber. Mostly gregarious. Infrequent to locally moderately frequent. Microscopical characters: Spores 9.5—13.8 x 34.2 p, long ellipsoid, some 46 FartowiA, Vor. 2, 1945 more fusoid, smooth, thin-walled, brownish to melleous, rather pale; basidia 25-32 x 8-10.5 p, 4-spored; cystidia usually ampullaceous or fusoid with a bottleneck-shaped apex, but also subulate or fusiform without an elongate apex, 38-52x 7-10 yw, the “bottleneck” if present about 3-3.8 » thick, hyaline or more rarely brown, not as conspicuously incrusted as in S. pipe- ratus,’ rather numerous and occurring on the pores as well as in the tubes; trama of the tubes well differentiated in a completely hyaline, more gelat- inized and consequently somewhat loosely arranged and slightly but dis- tinctly divergent lateral stratum, and a slightly colored, denser, regular mediostratum, though in mature specimens this differentiation becoming more and more indistinct, and the hyphae more and more parallel, without clamps, but with occasional nodules or bridge-like connections between parallel hyphae; warts of the covering layer consisting of long, cylindric, hyaline, thin (1.5—8 » in diameter) hyphae with thin walls and without clamp connections, their wall more or less gelatinized and imbedded in a gelatinous mass, their free ends obtuse, and sometimes with strange pro- tuberances. Chemical characters: KOH on the surface of the pileus: blackish, then becoming brown, eventually brown-red; on pores and tubes: dirty brown; on context: tawny brown. — NH,OH on the surface of the pileus: yellow, then becoming olive yellow; on the pores and tubes: deeper pink, eventu- ally gray. — Aniline oil on the surface of the pileus: characteristically rapidly deep grayish purple. — Formol: no reaction. The above description has been drawn from collections made by D. H. Linder and R. Singer near Chocorua, N. H., and additional fresh material collected by the writer near Newcomb, N. Y. This material has been com- pared with the type at Albany which macro- and microscopically proved to be identical. The type of Boletus Vanderbiltianus Murr., collected in North Carolina and preserved at the New York Botanical Garden, is the same species. It is said to grow in thin oak woods, but Dr. H. D. House who collected it there remembers that there were conifers scattered in the woods (oral communication). On the other hand, Coker and Beers (2), describe and figure (p. 38, pl. 3, fig. 2-3, and pl. 62, fig. 13-14) this species in a way suggesting that some other species must have been mistaken for Boletus rubinellus. This opinion is in accordance with the fact that these authors do not recognize Boletus Vanderbiltianus as a synonym of B. rubinellus, but say, instead, that they have not collected the former. Furthermore, in a note concerning their conception of Boletus rubinellus, they suggest that it “may be only a form” of Suillus piperatus. This is probably correct as far as B. rubinellus sensu Coker & Beers is concerned, but in our opinion their species is the same as Suillus piperatus var. amarellus (Quél.) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus amarellus Quél., Boletus Pierrhuguesii Boudier, Boletus rubrotubifer Kauffm.), a species which I collected in fresh condi- ‘Suillus piperatus (Bull. ex Fr.) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus piperatus Bull. ex Fr., Ixocomus piperatus Quél., Chalciporus piperatus Bat.) SINGER: AGARICALES FROM CHOCORUA 47 tion in the Pyrenees, and which is mild and also has the other characters of the North Carolina fungus. The true B. rubinellus is a northern species, more frequent in the Adirondacks and the White Mountains, reaching Ken- tucky in the West, and the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee in the South. It does not occur in Europe. As for its affinities, the gelatinized surface hyphae and the color of the tubes and spores, as well as its habitat near conifers suggest a close affinity with the section Piperati of the genus Suillus (Ixocomus sec. Piperati Sing. 1938, genus Chalciporus Bat. 1908). This relationship is confirmed by the anatomy of the tube walls which is quite typical for a Swéllus. The chemical reactions also agree with those indicated by Singer (9) for this group. Consequently, the new combination Suillus rubinellus (Peck) Sing. is proposed. III. On LACTARIUS NIGROVIOLASCENS ATK. EX BuRL. Macroscopical description: Pileus dark brownish gray or dark grayish brown to almost black, opaque, pruinate-tomentose to strongly velutinous, dry, smooth, convex, eventually depressed, but usually only in the center, and, at the same time, showing a small but distinct papilla, especially when young, 33-73 mm. broad; the margin frequently short-sulcate or coarsely crenate as in many Leucopaxilli.— Lamellae light ochraceous yellow, arcuate sickle-shaped, rather narrow: 3-4 mm. broad, acute in front and behind, not anastomosing, moderately close to subdistant, polydymous, simple, decurrent or adnate but from the point of attachment down the apex of the stipe proliferating into very short and low parallel ribs. Color of the spore print on white paper yellow, “F” (Crawshay).— Stipe con- colorous, whitish at the extreme base which is buried in moss, versiform but usually subequal or equal with only the extreme base tapering downward, faintly tomentose-velutinous, solid, 50-75 x 7-15 mm.— Context white, becoming dark violet when wounded. Latex white, showing dark violet spots when exposed to the air in contact with the context. Odor not sig- nificant. Taste mild. — Habitat: Coniferous wood or mixed wood under conifers, on moss or sometimes on naked soil. Microscopical description: Spores 8-13—(15) x 7-11.5—(13) yu, subglo- bose, with conspicuous 1.5—2 » high ridges forming an ornamentation of the type II or IIIa, more or less asymmetric; in authentic print from N. Y., 10.5—11.7 x 8.5-10.5 » with a moderately dense to rather loosely arranged ornamentation of type IT to IIIa (as above), or IIIb, more rarely IV or V, the spines and ridges usually connected by an extremely faint network which is easily overlooked, 1.3-2.3 » high; basidia 27-46 x 9-13 yp, 4- spored, but very few 2-spored ones intermixed; cystidia none; cheilo- cystidia on the heteromorphous edge of the lamellae versiform (cylindric, clavate-balloon-shaped, fusoid, or basidiomorphous), hyaline, 14-52 x 3.3-8 pw; cuticle of the type called Virescens-type in Russula, consisting of a subcutis of globose cells (about 17-20 x 15-17 4) which mostly proliferate into a subulate, more rarely clavate or cylindrical hair with narrowed or broadly rounded apex and 0-2 septa (not counting the wall between the 48 FartowlIA, VoL. 2, 1945 subcuticular cells and the hair); these hairs, 20-120 x 6.5—9 uy, are strictly erect and form the epicutis; pigment grayish brown, dissolved in the cell- sap; all hyphae without clamp connections. OBSERVATIONS ON THE ANATOMY OF THE CUTICLE, THE SPORE WALL AND THE HISTORY OF THE SPECIES The above description shows that this interesting and rare species be- longs in the section Plinthogali Burl., because of the structure of the surface and the combination of the macroscopical characters. The structure of the cuticle, strongly reminiscent of what is known as Virescens-structure in the genus Russula, has never been described correctly in any species of Lac- tarius where it is characteristic for the whole section Plinthogali. We have observed this structure in L. fuligineus, L. azonites, L. lignyotus, L. acer, L. nigroviolascens, a southern species with unchanging latex, and a new Florida species with yellow watery latex. Unfortunately, Neuhoff in his work on the ‘“Milchlinge” (7), misinterpreted the structure of the Plintho- gali by taking the cellular subcutis for the outer layer, and the hairs for the inner layer. Nothing like this, however, can be observed in any Euro- pean or American Lactarius. The spores of L. nigroviolascens, as described above, seemed to be more cristulate than the description given by G. S. Burlingham (1) would indicate. However, Miss Burlingham was kind enough to send me some authentic material, probably from the type locality, or not far away from it, consisting of a good spore print obtained from a specimen that she herself collected near Ithaca, N. Y. If the extremely faint connecting veins found here between the warts and ridges are not taken in consideration, at least a minority of spores of this print shows about the same marks as two of the three spores figured (1. c., fig. 37). It must, there- fore, be admitted that the ornamentation of the spores of L. nigroviolascens Atk. ex Burl. varies to a certain amount not only in different collections but also occasionally in a single print. The uniformly cristulate spores were observed in all our New Hampshire material. Farlow had it from Chocorua, Shelburne, and other places in New Hampshire, and his collections remained partly undetermined, or were tentatively determined as L. lignyotus Fr., a closely related but different species, easily distinguishable by the pink to latericious color of the wounds. Fresh material in excellent condition was collected by D. H. Linder and R. Singer in the same region where Farlow collected this species for the first time, i.e. in 1891, and 1910. Farlow had the essential data on this species, and gave correct notes with the specimens, indicating how it differs from similar Lactarii. Though realizing it was different from all species known to him, he did not describe it as a new species. At that time, many mycologists would have described a species on far less evidence than Farlow had, but Farlow was much more conscientious in this regard. Incidentally, Atkinson, who collected his specimens many years after Farlow, did not describe them either, but gave them the her- barium name Lactarius nigroviolascens which was later (1932) validly published by Miss Burlingham. SINGER: AGARICALES FROM CHOCORUA 49 IV. A NEW SPECIES OF RHODOPHYLLUS: R. FARLOWII COLOR PLATE Rhodophyllus Farlowii Sing. spec. nov. Pileo laete aurantiaco-luteo, non fortiter hygrophano, convexo, umbilicato, ad mar- ginem pellucide striato, levi, glabro, haud viscido, 24-40 mm. lato; lamellis salmoneis vel pallide salmoneo-latericiis, subangustis vel moderate latis, adnatis vel dente decur- rentibus, confertis vel subconfertis; stipite concolori pallidioreve, glabro, levi, sicco, cavo vel farcto-subcavo vel solido, aequali vel ad apicem subattenuato, 50-76x 2-6 mm.; carne alba vel subconcolori in adultis, inodora; habitatio ad ligna et humum in silvis montanis et in paludosis, aestate. Pileus rich orange-yellow, more yellow between the deeper orange striae, tending to bleach from the center outward, and somewhat hygrophanous, convex with a distinct broad umbilicus, the margin transparently striate about halfway to the center, smooth, glabrous, not viscid, 21-40 mm. in diameter. — Lamellae salmon-pink to salmon-pale-lateritious, 2.5—5 mm. broad, broadest in the middle or in the inner third, adnate with decurrent tooth or subdecurrent to decurrent, close or subclose. Spore print pink. — Stipe concolorous with the pileus, or slightly paler, the base more whitish, glabrous, smooth, dry, hollow or solid, or stuffed-subcavous, equal or slightly tapering upward, 50-76 x 2-6 mm., usually about 4 mm. broad at the base, and 2-3 mm. at the apex. — Context white, at times somewhat concolorous when old. Odor insignificant. — Habitat: On wood or on humus in mountain forests and swamps, under Tsuga and other trees in mixed stands. July and August. Microscopical description: Spores 7-10 x 5.2-6.3 yw, pale pink, approxi- mately hexagonal and the shape of a benzine ring when seen frontally, or the sides odulose and the spores thus becoming symmetrical-complex, their hilar portion forming an angle of about 90° when seen frontally; basidia about 50x 14 y»; cystidia not seen. This beautiful species is easily mistaken for a Hygrocybe (Hygropho- raceae) because of its color and habit. It has been found by D. H. Linder and the writer in July, 1941, near Chocorua, N. H., and was compared with dry material preserved at the Farlow Herbarium, collected by W. G. Far- low himself near Chocorua in August 1906 (“‘Kr. 229”). Another collection was made by Davis at Stow, Mass. (“‘Kr. 280”). Both were painted by L. C. C. Krieger and are unmistakably the species described above as the northern form. Then, in 1942, the writer twice collected what seems to be the same species in Highlands Hammock State Park in Florida. These southern specimens are sometimes of a pure yellow rather than orange, and the pileus is perhaps somewhat smaller. Though these differences are slight and not striking, and the microscopical characters are the same, it seems wiser to describe them separately. Pileus “light orange yellow” to “deep chrome,” or more yellow without an orange tinge: “light cadmium” with the margin “mustard yellow,” 50 FartowlA, Vor. 2, 1945 eventually much more sordid and bleached: “honey color,” margin ‘‘car- tridge buff,” hygrophanous, but not very strongly so, transparently striate on the margin, convex with narrowly depressed disk, later infundibuliform, smooth, glabrous, not viscid, 13-22 mm. in diameter. — Lamellae “pale orange yellow” or (in the yellow specimens) ‘‘maize yellow,” bleaching to “cartridge buff” or more pinkish from the spores when old, horizontal, decurrent, rather narrow, subclose. — Stipe subconcolorous with the pileus or “lemon chrome” at the apex and gradually paler downward, the base pallid or whitish, glabrous, smooth, not viscid, subequal, 40-55 x 2-3 mm. Mycelium white. — Context whitish or somewhat concolorous. Odor in- significant. — Habitat: On the forest soil in low hammock, especially where the broad leaved trees are intermixed with Pinus palustris. Septem- ber. Infrequent. Farlow did not make an attempt to determine this species, and even the determination of the genus was very difficult at the time. Thus, one collec- tion was called “Eccilia or Clitopilus” while the other was marked “Leptonia spec. vel. Entoloma,” and this in spite of the fact that Farlow was aware of the specific identity of the collections mentioned. This proves once more how ridiculous the argument is that Fries’s classification, though not nat- ural, allegedly has the advantage of being very practical for determination. Here we have the example that a man of the skill of Farlow put two col- lections of the same species tentatively in four different genera. In the modern scheme used by Romagnési (im litt.) and the writer (10), Rkodo- phyllus Farlowii is easily determined as belonging in the subgenus Leptonia Fr. sensu Romagnési & Sing. In color, this new species comes close to R. salmoneus (Peck) Sing. which likewise occurs around Chocorua. Micro- scopically, however, and also as far as the shape of the pileus is concerned, the new species belongs in a different taxonomic group. Two colored plates, executed by Krieger, and illustrating the specimens from Chocorua and Stow, are preserved at the Farlow Herbarium, and so are the specimens from these collections. The type collection is the one collected in 1941, and this is also preserved at the Farlow Herbarium. This may be a fitting occasion to recommend the genus Rhodophyllus Quél. as a nomen conservandum to the next International Congress dealing with the problems of fungus nomenclature. Not only is this name used by those authors who have proved, by adding valuable new information on the genus (Kiihner, Lange, Romagnési), that they are competent specialists, but it also would be historically just to use the name given by the author who first discovered that the Friesian subgenera and Saccardo’s genera Entoloma, Clitopilus (excluding the C. prunulus-group), Leptonia, Nolanea, Eccilia and Claudopus (excluding the C. variabilis-group), are all con- generic. However, the most important reason for recommending that Rhodophylius be conserved is that if the rules are to be followed literally in this case, one of the just mentioned Friesian subgenera must be emended and all the Rhodophylli would become either Entoloma, or Nolanea, or Eccilia, etc. In this case, whatever the “legally” chosen genus may be, the ~ SINGER: AGARICALES FROM CHOCORUA 51 number of new combinations necessary to transfer the species listed by Fries and his followers in one of the remaining genera, plus the species recently described in Rhodophyllus only, would be much higher than the number of new combinations still necessary in order to transfer the species not yet transferred to Rkodophyllus (such as a number of American species properly belonging in this latter genus in case of its conservation). This statement may or may not be true if only the number of species and so- called species in Saccardo’s ‘‘Sylloge Fungorum” are compared, but it is overwhelmingly true if the number of important, widely distributed and valid specific names is taken as a base for comparison. If this question is not taken care of soon, it is to be feared that some McGinty redivivus will turn out a hundred new combinations a day, making Entoloma rhodopolium an Eccilia, or Claudopus byssisedus an Entoloma, or Rhodophyllus Farlowit a Claudopus, depending on which combination of names appeals to him at the time. The scores of resulting synonyms will have to be carried along for centuries. HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, Mass. LITERATURE CITED (1) Burlingham, G. S. Two new species of Lactaria. Mycologia 24 (5): 460-463. 1932. (2) Coker, W. C., and A. H. Beers. The Boletaceae of North Carolina. Chapel Hill. 1943. (3) Farlow, W. G. Icones Farlowianae. Cambridge. 1929. (4) Gilbert, E. J. Les Bolets. Paris. 1931. (5) Kallenbach, F. Die Pilze Mitteleuropas I. Die RG6hrlinge. Leipzig. 1926-38. (6) Konrad, P. Notes critiques sur quelques champignons du Jura. Troisiéme série. Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 43 (2): 145-204. 1927. (7) Neuhoff, W. ix Die Pilze Mitteleuropas II (b) Die Milchlinge. Leipzig 1935-[39]. (8) Persoon, C. H. Mycologia Europaea II. Erlangen. 1825. (9) Singer, R. Sur les genres Ixocomus, Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gom- phidius. Rev. Myc. 3: 36-53, 157-177. Pl. IV. 1938. (10) —————. ‘Type studies on Agarics. Lloydia 5: 91-135. 1942. (11) Snell, W. H. Notes on Boletes II and VI. Mycologia 25 (3): 221-232. 1933 and Mycologia 33 (1): 23-37. 1941. (The latter in collaboration with E. A. Dick). (12) —————. New proposals relating to the genera of the Boletaceae. Mycologia 34 (4): 403-411. 1942. 2(1): 53-70 FARLOWIA January, 1945 WILLIAM GILSON FARLOW PROMOTER OF PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN AMERICA 1844-1919 Wma. RANDOLPH TAYLOR It is not often that an American botanist has deeply influenced two diverse fields of his subject, but William Gilson Farlow is recognized as a dominant figure both in the study of algae and of fungi. His active career started just as the subject of Botany in this country began to be divided into specialties, and men began to concentrate their attention somewhat on a particular field, thus following the example of the Europeans. Farlow was not without the knowledge of general field botany appropriate to his day, but he both in teaching and research was a specialist in cryptogamic botany. He exercised a profound influence in this field. The algae were his first enthusiasm; he never lost his liking for them and it is the purpose of this sketch to outline the development of his prestige among phycologists, and to try to see how he influenced the study in this country. It is not proposed to attempt to give a general biographical account; that has been well done by others, particularly Setchell. Farlow seems to have gone through his college career with some definite- ness of purpose. Biographical sketches by his students and associates indi- cate that his scientific taste exhibited itself in the active pursuit of botany during his undergraduate days, though this was balanced by a marked skill in music. Probably there was little formal instruction available to him in his future field, although what the academic customs of the day denied the infectious enthusiasm of his teacher, Professor Asa Gray, no doubt supplied. The career of a professional botanist doubtless looked like a rather barren prospect to his parents; he with his keen mind for business affairs no doubt had a fair estimate of it. He pursued what we today would consider an essentially classical training and followed the academic term with two years at Harvard Medical School, where he did exceedingly well. Thereby he equipped himself for a remunerative profession; having, thanks to his family’s comfortable circumstances, no urgent need for exercising it, he turned to his favorite science of botany and entered Gray’s laboratory as his assistant. For an insight into Farlow’s earliest botanical activities we have avail- able little material. In a day when the keeping of diaries was a common custom, he seems to have abstained, and the correspondence of his college days does not seem to have survived. As a result we have nothing before his adult scientific correspondence to tell us when he became especially interested in algae, though of later scientific correspondence there is an abundance. 53 54 FartowlA, Vo. 2, 1945 We do know that when Farlow joined Gray’s Cambridge group he did so not to follow in his steps as a vascular botanist, but specifically to enter the practically vacant field of American cryptogamic botanical training. The study of these plants in this country was the professional concern of almost no one. A very few scattered persons were doing specialists’ work on lichens, mosses or hepatics which was excellent, but they did not gen- erally hold positions in institutions of such prominence and facilities that their work could be very widely effective. A man in a leading university, concerning himself with the whole field, and organizing its facilities for general training in this field, was urgently needed. In many of the floras of the day a few cryptogams appeared, but in no group had studies in America begun to give for this country the knowledge equivalent to that available to Europeans. Gray saw this clearly, and he had begun to assem- ble materials as occasion favored. It seems that he had a small but notable collection of algae, the result in the first instance of his friendship with W. H. Harvey who had held the professorship at Dublin, and J. G. Agardh, who was professor at Lund. With this as an incentive it is not strange that Farlow’s first active botanical productivity concerned the algae. While still in his apprenticeship he studied a small collection of Cuban marine algae collected by Charles Wright, and published an account of the Chlorophy- ceae among them in 1871. This, his earliest botanical essay, quaintly illus- trated with negative line-cuts on a black ground, shows his painstaking care. He was not yet familiar with the European literature necessary to make this a critical work, but it does show skill and care. It is representa- tive of a type of research which will appear frequently during his career, the report on materials for some exploring expedition. Meanwhile, his major research work on marine algae was developing. Farlow had joined a group of biologists who spent the summer of 1871 at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, laying the foundation for a biological survey of the area. The United States Commissioner of Fisheries was looking to- ward the establishment of a research center and hatchery somewhere along the coast, and Commissioner Spencer F. Baird over several seasons exam- ined intensively the advantages of several sites which had been suggested along the New England coast. A small laboratory was set up on the Light- ship Service wharf on Little Harbor. Just what share the botanical part of this survey played in the unfolding plans of the Bureau is not clear. In Farlow’s own development it confirmed his interest in the New England coast flora. Knowledge of these plants in this country, such as it was, lay with Professor D. C. Eaton of Yale University. He published very little on algae, but did have at New Haven a small collection of New England ma- terial, and some additional material from abroad secured by exchange. The friendly connection between these two students of Gray was very useful. Even at first no doubt it greatly fortified Farlow’s beginning algal interests; later under pressure of his work on ferns, Eaton gave over the algal field entirely into Farlow’s hands. The first fruits of Farlow’s interest in New TAYLOR: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 55 England algae was a short note (1872) on the algae of the Atlantic Coast, indicating the general character of the flora and some of the striking species. By now, twenty years after its appearance, the inadequacy of Harvey’s Nereis Boreali-Americana was evident. Excellently prepared though they were, and for the times accurate, his three volumes had quite too little field work behind them. The months of his too brief visit, with considerable demands on his time apart from collecting of marine algae, were too short to obtain an idea of the algae of the long American coastlines and so he relied on the collections submitted by a few amateurs to complete his catalogue. Local botanists everywhere soon found that Harvey had in- adequately presented the algal vegetation of their particular coast, and there began to appear lists aimed at amplifying the record. However, knowledge of marine algae in America was as yet too ill-advanced to permit these lists in general to be taxonomically accurate. They did signalize the general desire for a more complete account of these plants. Farlow, sharing this desire for more complete studies, brought together his observations in a list published in 1873. This is the true start toward his major algal work. Based especially on his 1871 collections at Woods Hole, but including Olney’s Rhode Island algae collected in 1846-48, of which those of 1846 and 1847 had been checked by Harvey, and also 1870—71 materials from Greenport and Orient L. I., this paper also contained records which Eaton contributed of plants from New Haven and Watch Hill, and a Miss Pease from Edgartown and Vineyard Haven. This gave Farlow a very respectable list of 103 plants, with eight others considered rare or new to America. It is a matter of interest that Farlow visited and collected intensively at Woods Hole localities recognizable and productive today, over seventy years later. He made this more than a list; though not giving much of descriptive morphological data regarding the various species, he analyzed the flora in relation to other shores, recognized its peculiarities and the importance of Cape Cod as on the line dividing the northern and southern North Atlantic floras. The publication of this paper was delayed a year and meanwhile Farlow had gone abroad on the first of his notable visits to European institutions. He went with a considerable lot of algae in hand for comparison. His chief base for the taxonomic study of marine algae in Sweden was at Lund, where C. A., succeeded by J. G. Agardh had developed resources for the study of marine algae unapproached elsewhere. Hospitably received there, he firmly established himself in the good graces of Professor Agardh, who through his life gave generous help to Farlow on every occasion. These Agardhian collections are still intact, the specimens numbered in the origi- nal sequence, the very large specimens such as Ecklonia, Macrocystis and Durvillaea on great cardboard sheets as Farlow saw and admired them. At Stockholm he was able to accomplish little on his first visit and went on to Uppsala. Here he enjoyed meeting both Fries, the elder at seventy-eight feeble, but assigning Farlow to his son, now the Professor, to be shown the 56 FarLow!IA, VoL. 2, 1945 University. Professor Areschoug, another phycologist, lived nearby, and Farlow noted the excellence of his extensive microscopic preparations of algal structures. He also visited the tomb of Linnaeus at the cathedral, a matter of sentimental duty to all botanists. After about a year with De Bary at Strasbourg, he went to Switzerland where he collected lichens with J. Miiller and, in line with his early general botanical training and his notable aesthetic sense, admired hugely the spread of colors which flower- ing plants developed on the alpine meadows. The developing facilities for botanical research at Geneva impressed him. He contrasted the attitude here with that in Germany where, he writes with scorn, the “Vegetations- punkt mania . . . affects many of the younger botanists to such an extent that they are quite unfitted for practical work.” However, he returned to study under De Bary at Strasbourg and there developed such a respect for the morphological approach to a fundamental knowledge of algae that he nearly always insisted that his students develop research from this angle, urging that they reserve the systematics for a time when, by fuller experience, they were more thoroughly equipped. He himself here began a study of Pteris, particularly its apogamy, which resulted in the publica- tion of three papers. These papers were not really very important ones in his career, nor did he return afterward to a similar topic for research, but they signalize his conversion to a particular approach in research for younger investigators. Another most interesting algal contact which he made on this trip was that with J. B. Eduard Bornet in France. Bornet in his collaboration with Gustav Thuret was in a position of great influence in French botanical circles; scientific skill and judgment here combined with financial resources to produce elegantly scientific work of exceptional excellence, and the re- sult was widely acclaimed. Bornet heartily welcomed Farlow and these men became close family friends as well as scientific collaborators. At Bornet’s laboratory he was joined by Rostafinski and Janczewski, Polish phycologists who worked chiefly on morphology. Farlow developed the utmost regard for Bornet, and a very extensive correspondence continued throughout their lives, centering chiefly on comparison of specimens. How- ever, the profits from this friendship with Bornet were to develop slowly; the most immediate results from this European trip was to come from his prolonged residence at Strasbourg. This visit to biological centers in Europe lasted through two years and was followed by other trips during which he firmly established and extended the high regard in which he was held there, resulting, among other advan- tages, in generous contributions of valuable reference specimens, and ex- changes with his herbarium. We cannot follow his tour further, but must consider the later development of his algal interests in America. He returned from Europe to Harvard, and an appointment which from 1874 was primarily at the Bussey Institution, although he gave instruction in cryptogamic botany at the Botanical Garden in Cambridge, and in 1879 transferred to Cambridge as Professor of Cryptogamic Botany. However, TAYLOR: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH a7 the brief contact with applied botany at the Bussey Institution induced him to attempt some studies and publication on certain disease-producing fungi, and so began a shift of interest which, though slow to absorb all his research attention, eventually did so. During this time Farlow worked on the project of a catalogue of Ameri- can marine algae foreshadowed by his first brief papers. His collections, thanks to his correspondence with Dr. C. L. Anderson and others on the west coast, as well as with all phycologists on the east coast, and his friends abroad, had grown to the extent that he felt accurately informed about these plants. Many specimens had been verified during his conference with Agardh at Lund, and others were sent to him from time to time. In 1873 he published his list of the algae of the south coast of New England, and in 1875 after his return from Europe he expanded this to a list of United States marine algae, adding especially west coast and Florida records, to- talling 430 items. This was a list with a short general introduction and a few notes, a less elaborate form of the same appearing the next year under the auspices of the U. S. Fish Commissioner with the addition of notes upon economically useful seaweeds. A small accumulation, especially of California and Florida algae, was published with a number of new species in 1877, but he never developed this general project further. Instead, he took New England records out of the 1875 list, provided a very useful general introduction, descriptions to the major categories and the species, and in 1881 published his Marine Algae of New England and the Adjacent Coast, the work which closed his major algal productivity. This paper well deserved its long career of use- fulness; clearly presented and complete for its time, it was the uncontested reference work for its area for over fifty years. His fame as a phycologist chiefly rests on this work. So much for the general main line of Farlow’s algal evolution. What other lines of productivity did he develop? It would seem that we can group them into three classes. First in importance was the exsiccata which he founded and issued with the aid of D. C. Eaton of Yale and C. L. Ander- son of California. Second was a group of papers of considerable importance locally, dealing with algal contaminants of Boston’s water supplies. Third, a group of minor algal taxonomic papers. Almost all his remaining work falls into one of these three classes. First we may deal with the Algae Americanae Boreali Exsiccatae. This appears in his correspondence but little before it was actually produced. Probably he talked it over with Eaton on some visit, so that little was left for written arrangement. However, Eaton (March 5, 1876) refers to a dis- cussion of label size, perhaps for the exsiccata, and in succeeding letters references to specimens in multiple probably have the same significance, while Eaton (September 8, 1877) refers to “. . . enough for the 30 sets with a few I had already,” and a week later refers to “‘. . . specimens too large for the small fasciculus,” after which this work entered considerably 58 Fartowia, Vor. 2, 1945 into the interchange. The Eaton correspondence was voluminous, that with Anderson less so. Anderson writes (Sept. 16, 1876) “I like your sugges- tion in regard to publishing an authentic set of our algae. I shall have con- siderable time this winter that may be devoted that way. I do not know that I have enough of our species to make a set of fifty but . . .” This seems to open up the business of western participation in the series. The fifth and final issue appeared in July, 1889. The importance of the series lies in the good quality of the specimens, the accuracy of the determina- tions, and particularly the fact that this first exsiccata of American algae now introduced these plants into many important collections at home and abroad, where before probably only the Harveyan and Agardhian collec- tions had any large representation. It did very much to increase Farlow’s prestige abroad. He was largely instrumental in starting the project and in the end it was practically under his full control. The series of five papers 1876-80 dealing with algae in the reservoirs of the Boston water supply and related topics probably called for little critical research, but they were very important in discharge of Farlow’s civic re- sponsibilities. These papers at first dealt with a simple problem of unpleas- ant taste. Farlow found nothing clear-cut in the algal flora that could be specifically responsible. He indicated a few of the most characteristic freshwater algae present, and was able to assure the public that these algae were in no way dangerous to health. Apparently in at least one ‘pond’ the trouble was due to a Spongilla. Finally in the 1880 paper he wrote a semi- popular treatise on the general features of the algal floras of reservoirs. Lastly one turns to what may best be described as Farlow’s shorter algal works. When one inspects the list it is clear that relatively little bears upon his own collections. Farlow travelled and collected extensively on the west coast, in Florida and in Bermuda. The material went into his collections and presumably was used for exchange, but he published few of the new records which it contained. As papers covering material which he had col- lected himself, or which at least came from an area and a flora familiar to him, we may recognize his Notes on New England Algae in 1882, in 1889 On Some New and Imperfectly Known Algae of the United States I, and in 1899, Three Undescribed Californian Algae. The prominent feature of these shorter papers is based upon his com- manding position in American botany. While the era of great unspecialized natural history exploration was passing, nevertheless it had not disap- peared. Parties were still going off and bringing back heterogeneous, often small, often inexpertly collected lots of material to be parceled out to vari- ous specialists for study. As always the algae were a minor part, assembled very clumsily, but they represented a cherished bit of the treasure of the often arduous journey, and they could only be entrusted to Dr. Farlow. So, because he greatly liked these plants and felt it his duty to care for these hard-won little collections, he studied them, occasionally reported new species, and published an annotated list. The geographical range cov- ered is very great, though sometimes there were as few as a half-dozen TAYLOR: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 59 species included. His Cuban Seaweeds of 1871 was followed by reports on algae from Kerguelen Island in 1876, Cumberland Sound in 1879, Texas and northern Mexico in 1883, Alaska in 1885, Ungava Bay in 1886, South America in 1888, Peary Arctic Expedition in 1895, Azores in 1897 and the Galapagos Islands in 1902. Farlow’s last strictly algal paper appeared in 1916, a very scholarly dis- cussion of the general character and distribution of Pacific Ocean algae, showing that his interest had persisted through the years. His last recorded paper was directly connected with algae too, as it was a biographical sketch of his friend J. B. E. Bornet, published in the same year. One of the chief circumstances of Farlow’s career and one of great poten- tial importance for the development of his phycological interests was his share in the development of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole in Massachusetts. The prospectus for this organization was dated 6 April 1887, and Farlow was the Trustee first named in this document. He desired to resign the following year, but letters from Minot and others urged him not to do so, and he served for some years before he severed his connection. During this period of development under the directorship of Professor C. O. Whitman of the University of Chicago, the Trustees were called upon for much financial help. Eventually some came to feel that they were losing control of the finances of the institution, that its expendi- tures were exceeding what the Trustees should be called upon to bear, and that the limitations which they set upon the activities of the Director were disregarded. Director Whitman clearly had a larger vision than these Trustees, a vision less trammeled by concern over details of economical operation and balanced budget. A group of the Trustees resident near Boston were particularly resentful of the attitude of Whitman and the business management of the Laboratory. Having organized and financed the institution, they felt that they should direct its administration. On the other hand, in the course of ten years the biologists who formed the Cor- poration, who actually came to work at the Laboratory, now felt that the institution was peculiarly their own, that they could shape, expand, and staff it as they chose, and that the Trustees who were commonly not per- sons working at the Laboratory during the season, should defer to the general desire of the active group. The meetings of the Corporation and Trustees had been held in Boston in the winter and most of the Corporation members could not attend; a strong desire for greater participation of the biologists from all over the country led to a demand that meetings be held at Woods Hole during the summer. This was done in 1894, when a meeting of the Trustees was held there, but the Annual Meeting at which the major business was transacted was still held in Boston. The actively dissatisfied group of Trustees, some seven or eight out of twenty-one, engaged in an exchange of bitter letters among themselves, looking toward more effective control of the Laboratory. A special Corporation meeting was called at Boston, 16 Aug. 1897, to pass 60 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 by-laws changing the Annual Meeting to Woods Hole, and the date from January to August. This meeting was presided over by Farlow as Acting President; he tried to show that the meeting was illegally called, but failing of support, withdrew. The meeting proceeded under C. G. Kidder to make important changes in the by-laws, improving greatly the scheme of organi- zation. However, seven of the Boston group of Trustees afterward resigned. Six of them, and one other dissatisfied Trustee, attacked the administration of the Laboratory in a very severe article in the journal Science, and to this Farlow was a party. The correspondence in Farlow’s file shows the stages in the development of this Science article, the anger of the participants, and Farlow’s share in keeping the text within reasonable bounds. The support- ers of the Whitman administration replied in a privately printed pamphlet, subsequent to which, with the withdrawal of the chief dissidents, the whole matter quieted down. Thus ended Farlow’s direct part in what has evolved into the most am- bitious project of codperative biological organization ever attempted. It remains for us to enquire into his share in the work of the Laboratory dur- ing his trusteeship, and the persistence of his influence after he resigned. It does not appear that Farlow was ever active in instruction at the Labora- tory, or that he was in any large way an investigator there. The first year there was no staff botanist; in 1889 James E. Humphrey was appointed, to be followed the next year by W. A. Setchell. Humphrey had been intro- duced to the algae by the Rev. J. D. King at the Martha’s Vineyard Sum- mer Institute; he studied the development of the perforations in Agarum for his B.S. degree thesis at Harvard, though he turned to the Saproleg- niaceae for his doctorate in 1892, and eventually he deserted mycology for cytology. Setchell, another student under Farlow, was obviously an ap- pointment favored by him. Setchell returned in 1892 and subsequently through 1895, when he departed for the west coast. Obviously Farlow, al- ready retiring from teaching at Harvard, was content to transmit his algal enthusiasms through his students. In 1896 a greatly enlarged scheme of botanical instruction was initiated under the leadership of Professor J. M. Macfarlane of the University of Pennsylvania, who had been trained at Edinburgh, but here again Humphrey and one of Farlow’s students, George T. Moore, guided the work on cryptogamic botany. This brings one to the year of the great upheaval, but in 1897 B. M. Davis, another student from Farlow’s laboratory, who had gone to the University of Chicago, took con- trol and with G. T. Moore again gave the cryptogamic work. The greatly expanded list of botanical instruction soon was restricted, but Davis re- mained in charge, and Moore was associated with him until 1905. During this time various other additional instructors appeared, for algae in par- ticular J. J. Wolfe from 1902-1906, again trained by Farlow. Moore took charge of the cryptogamic botany in 1906 and carried it through 1918; associated with him until 1914 was G. R. Lyman —a Farlow student — and others, including some Harvard-trained men, but probably none who were directly trained by Farlow. TAYLOR: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 61 Here, then, ends the immediate influence of Farlow and his students in this venture, which has grown from a handful of investigators in 1888 with most trifling equipment, to a group averaging over 360 for the five years before the present war, and about 125 students, with extensive equipment, large permanent buildings and a considerable maintenance staff. By 1900 it had become clear that the Laboratory was not to collapse; in spite of the adverse judgment of Farlow and his friends for which there was some jus- tification, the administration rallied scientific and financial support, and went its way. Farlow never took further active share in it; neither, how- ever, did he dissuade his students from doing so and under their guidance its botanical work prospered for thirty years. While it is extremely doubt- ful that Farlow actually was diverted from algal study to any great degree by the Woods Hole dispute, it is clear that for other reasons he was willing to let others do the research on these plants. By now he had two promising protégés, his student Setchell and an amateur, F. S. Collins, who was an accountant and business man of Boston and Malden. For the rest of our analysis of Farlow’s influence we may go to his list of academic students and to his friends, their records and their correspondence with him. A formal list of Farlow’s students does not seem to have been compiled. From the congratulatory volume of photographs and letters sent to him on the occasion of his seventieth anniversary we may, however, glean the names of most of those of his students who specialized in algae at least for a time. The first man, apparently, to take a doctorate degree under Farlow was B. D. Halsted, who in 1878 submitted his successful thesis on American charophytes. This was the nearest to a taxonomic dissertation that Farlow ever permitted a student to submit. Halsted became Professor of Botany at Rutgers College where his interests changed and he mainly concerned himself with plant diseases and the breeding of crop plants. However, perhaps an earlier student contact was that with F. W. Hooper, who took a bachelor’s degree at Harvard in 1875, but his master’s degree only in 1898, and did not proceed to the doctorate. There is no record of significant phycological publication on his part, but he contributed Florida algae to the Algae Exsiccatae Americae Borealis. His interests shifted to other fields and he became Director of the Brooklyn Institute. The next student was a very notable one, and for Farlow his appearance was a fortunate circumstance, because into his hands Farlow consigned with confidence the teaching of cryptogamic botany when his affairs in- duced him to drop it in 1897. This was Roland Thaxter, who took his bachelor’s degree in 1882 and his advanced degrees under Farlow six years later. Thaxter’s brief excursion into the algal field included especially his paper on Compsopogon, a morphological study. He then turned his atten- tion to the fungi and became a very notable figure in that field. At this period there came under Farlow’s influence Kingo Miyabe, an able Japanese botanist who had had his early training at Sapporo. He took 62 FarLow1A, Vou. 2, 1945 his doctorate at Harvard in 1889 with his phanerogamic thesis on The Flora of the Kurile Islands. In later years he published extensively on the marine algae, and especially the Laminariaceae, of Japan. While Thaxter was a student, three others were pursuing algal problems with Farlow. J. E. Humphrey took a bachelor’s degree in 1885 and went out to teach at Indiana University; he returned to take his doctorate in 1892 with his thesis upon the Saprolegniaceae. He introduced the study of cryptogamic botany and especially the algae at the Marine Biological Laboratory, but his interests shifted to cytology in later years. While hold- ing a post at Johns Hopkins University and in charge of a biological party in Jamaica, he contracted yellow fever and died in 1897. R. P. Bigelow, likewise taking a bachelor’s degree at Harvard in 1887, studied and published upon the structure of the adult growing point of Champia. He shifted his interest to zodlogy and held a professorship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1887 Farlow’s friend, Professor Eaton of Yale, sent a very promising new graduate to study with him. This was W. A. Setchell who, like Miyabe, continued actively in algal research to the end of his long career. These were the only students of Farlow who did so. Setchell took a master’s degree in 1888 and a doctorate in 1890, going eventually to a professorship at the University of California. His publications on the marine algae of the west coast are extensive and fundamental, but he had many and varied auxiliary interests which also led to publication. G. J. Peirce took a bachelor’s degree at Harvard in 1890 and thus came under Farlow’s influence, though he went to Leipsic for his doctorate. Peirce was essentially a physiologist, and eventually Professor of Botany at Stanford University. He published on the relation of Nostoc to Anthoceros, gamete extrusion in Fucus, irritability in algae and on brine organisms. The next year H. M. Richards likewise graduated from Harvard; how- ever he continued and completed the doctorate in 1895. His early algal work dealt among other matters with parasitic algae; later his interest shifted to the fungi, wound reactions and the like. He held a professorship at Barnard College. From this time on, all of Farlow’s students held a bachelor’s degree from another institution, although some added the Harvard one to it. B. M. Davis came to Harvard from Stanford University. Taking the master’s and doctor’s degrees in 1894 and 1895, Davis went on to a detailed study of algal distribution in the Woods Hole area for the U. S. Fish Commission, which was published in 1913. Although Davis’s interest in the morpho- logical side of algal studies continued, his actual research interest changed to plant genetics. He held a professorship at the University of Michi- gan. G. T. Moore came to Harvard in 1895 and repeated the bachelor’s de- gree, taking the master’s the next year and completing the doctorate in 1900. His early interests were particularly in the freshwater algae; later the burden of administration kept him from activity in the field. He be- TAYLOR: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 63 came Professor of Botany at Washington University and Director of the Missouri Botanical Garden. In 1897 E. W. Olive took a master’s degree, and in 1902 a doctorate at Harvard. His early interest was in Myxophyceae, particularly their diffi- cult cytology. Later his interests shifted to mycology and he served as curator at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden before leaving academic fields. J. J. Wolfe came to Harvard, to take his doctorate in 1904, and made a cytological study of Nemalion which was well considered at the time. He did not continue with algal research. He held a professorship at Trinity College, Durham, N. C. The next student at Harvard with claims to specialization in algae was R. F. Griggs. He took his doctorate in 1911 and studied the various fea- tures of the west-coast brown algae before becoming interested more in general matters of plant distribution. He holds a professorship at George Washington University. Finally we may mention F. K. Butters, who took a second bachelor’s degree at Harvard in 1900, returning to complete his doctorate in 1917. He studied especially the genus Liagora and was interested in Hawaiian algae, but later concentrated his attention on ferns and phytogeography, holding a professorship at the University of Minnesota. Reviewing this list we see that only two men continued consistently in algal research. Four, namely B. M. Davis, G. T. Moore, H. M. Richards and R. F. Griggs continued profitably with algal work for a time, and then went on to other fields. In teaching no doubt these all transmitted some- thing of their early enthusiasm; to the teaching at Woods Hole, largely algal, Humphrey, Setchell, Davis, Wolfe, Moore and their academic de- scendents, all contributed. It is hard to judge the worth to science of these men. Some were active researchers, like Thaxter and Setchell, others administrators like Moore. Of the fifteen names, eleven carried the star with their listing in American Men of Science, indicating a considerable recognition by their colleagues; Humphrey died before the custom was initiated, and Miyabe was a for- eigner and so not included. In the voting for the first edition, Farlow him- self ranked first among botanists, Whitman second among the zodlogists, exceeded only by W. K. Brooks. Seven of Farlow’s students were starred in this first edition, one being in zodlogy. Almost all of his phycological students came to hold full professorships in large and well-equipped uni- versities, many being the departmental heads. That the actual output of algal research is not great for such a number over so long a period is prob- ably related to the specialized character of the field and the few openings favorable to specialists in marine algae. The thread of inspiration was not broken, however, but carried on into the next generation through Setchell. The topic of Farlow’s relations with.other botanists is too huge to de- velop fully in the space remaining for this article. One may well doubt if any botanist of his generation or since has conducted as extensive a per- 64 Fartowia, Vou. 2, 1945 sonal correspondence. Farlow knew every phycologist of note, and kept the acquaintances active. The lesser men at home and abroad constantly referred material to him for advice; he in turn sent material overseas to persons in a position to give expert help, and thereby kept up the acquaint- ances established during his trips abroad. Farlow never cared for either an amanuensis or a typist; he wrote his letters, one may judge from some remarks, concise ones, with his own hand and seldom kept copies. The letters reaching him he kept, thousands of them, and in his later years he had them sorted and bound into scores of volumes. A person who had grown up with knowledge of Farlow since college days would be in a much better position than the present writer to extract a connected story of Far- low’s life and friends from these letters. Only half of the story is there, the other half must be surmised, for in only such rare cases as those of Gray, Bornet and Collins has the other side of the exchange been brought into the Farlow library. The earliest correspondence certainly is missing, and there is no way of telling how much has been eliminated before what Far- low thought was important was bound together. In the first place we must recognize that the bulk of the scientific matter in these letters consists of lists of identifications and notes on various plants, discussions of nomenclature and the like. From this, little suitable to the present presentation can be extracted. Of the general material only a few glimpses can be offered, to give an idea of the nature of the problems which were referred to Farlow for advice. The first group of correspondents are those dating from Farlow’s Bussey Institute period and his first European trip. Eaton, Anderson and Wolle represent the main American contacts of these days. Professor D. C. Eaton of Yale University, also interested in the marine algae, was for many years his best and most. active correspondent. The exchange opens with a letter from Eaton describing the results of dredging under Baird’s direction near Eastport, Maine. He writes that the dredge had brought up Delesseria sinuosa and Ptilota serrata from at least 400 feet depth. Two years later Eaton seems to have visited Farlow at Woods Hole for a collecting trip. The trip must have been strenuous, or at least ended in a rush, for Eaton accounts for the whereabouts of his own and borrowed attire after what one suspects to have been a classical attack of professorial absent-minded- ness: “‘Dear Dr. I remembered the coat before I left Woods Hole, but too late to reclaim it. Your night shirt I have here, & will presently send it to your Boston address by the Express Co. . . . I suppose you are hav- ing a real good time of it now your students have gone.” (20 August, 1875). The next year begins a very long correspondence about the exsiccata for which Eaton and Anderson shared the responsibility with Farlow, which includes their own collecting and that of Edward Palmer and F. W. Hooper in Florida. In 1879 Eaton was proposing Farlow for a position at Johns Hopkins University, as he mentions having written to this effect to Mr. Gilman. Nothing came of it. In earlier letters it is Eaton’s preoccupation with ferns which calls for apology, but from 1881 it becomes evident that TAYLOR: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 65 Farlow’s interest was shifting to the fungi. Setchell’s name is mentioned first in 1885 at a time when it is evident that these correspondents were. building up their bryophyte collections; two years later a discussion of Setchell’s plans appears, and in June Eaton refers with pleasure to his appointment at Harvard. Apparently Eaton did not think much of or- ganized scientific groups: in 1893 he writes to Farlow expressing disap- proval of a botanical congress: “. . . I have the heartiest possible con- tempt for the whole crowd of priority-worshippers . . . and shall not feel the slightest obligation to conform to their ‘Laws’,” and regarding an em- bryo organization in this country “. . . the longer I think of the botanical society the worse I think.” There seems to have been close social contact between the families, and Eaton’s daughter kept Farlow closely informed of her father’s illness and death in 1895. Dr. C. L. Anderson was the other partner in the Exsiccata enterprise. He writes to Farlow in 1876 expressing enthusiasm for the prospective series, and continues with letters regarding the specimens and labels for it. Francis Wolle, clergyman head of a Moravian girls’ seminary at Bethle- hem, Penna., was an indefatigable student of freshwater algae, on which he published largely, his books on freshwater algae, desmids, and diatoms having a considerable vogue fostered by the numerous, if not very precise, illustrations and descriptions. The correspondence with Farlow lasted for about ten years from 1875, mainly with regard to specimens the identity of which was in question. Apparently Farlow distrusted Wolle’s determina- tions and for this reason sent some of his specimens to Bornet for redeter- mination. From a last letter of 1884 we gather that the edition of the Desmids of the United States was limited to 460 copies, a venture with the initial success of which Wolle was quite pleased. The foreign correspondence beginning in this period centers on Farlow’s first European trip, and continues until when toward the turn of the cen- tury, these older botanists had passed from the scene. The earliest Agardh- ian exchange opens when J. G. Agardh (8 January, 1872) welcomes Farlow as a new correspondent, and indicates his desire for west-coast algae, espe- cially Laminariaceae. Later that year, correspondence arranging for Far- low to visit Lund appears and the facilities there are explained. Twenty years later Agardh again writes to Farlow at Paris inviting him to revisit Lund, and in August expresses his pleasure in the occasion after Farlow had left. There was much reference to the notable “Algae Muellerianae” from Australia, of which he was sending a series to Farlow. Farlow’s mar- riage in 1900 was greeted with the friendliest expressions and a congratu- latory poem. In 1873-74 we have letters from Farlow to Thuret and Bornet arranging for his visit to Antibes. Farlow was having the traveller’s perennial diffi- culty of fitting his plans into the vacation plans of the Europeans. The correspondence with Thuret was necessarily brief, but that with Bornet was very extensive for many years. In 1874 he wrote to Farlow encourag- ing him to prepare an introduction to the algae of his region, 7.e., New 66 FartowI!A, Vor. 2, 1945 England, and telling him the gossip regarding the Antibes group of bot- anists which Farlow had lately left. Of course the correspondence dealt largely with determinations of Myxophyceae. They exchanged their major as well as minor works: Bornet in 1878 writes of sending the Etudes Phycologiques and in 1882 of receiving four copies of Farlow’s New Eng- land Algae and of Hervey’s Sea Mosses. In 1883 writing in reply to an ac- count received of Farlow’s trip to Minneapolis, he indicates the part which Longfellow’s Hiawatha and Cooper’s tales bore in forming his ideas of that part of America! Correspondence with Areschoug, Hauck and very many others of lesser note exists, but lends little to the interest of this account. That with Sir Joseph Hooker is more significant; Farlow could act as intermediary and tell him of the waning health of his friend Professor Gray. Fairly early, in 1878, replying to a request for portraits of botanists, Hooker tells what he can supply and which exsiccatae he has in duplicate for exchange. Finally, in 1907 he acknowledges formal congratulations, received on attaining his ninetieth birthday. With the next age group the importance of the letters shifts to the American field. Farlow is by now a recognized leader, and while his con- tact with older Europeans flourishes, he is not particularly impelled to active correspondence with the younger group. However, we find some new names, as contact was developing, for instance, with Hariot and Lagerheim. Among Americans, we have now the period of development of Collins as a phycologist, Farlow’s encouragement of the Curtiss family in botanical collecting, and the establishment of his earlier students. Frank S. Collins was a business man employed by the Boston Rubber Company in charge of their accounting. He had little leisure, but he employed it in ardent botanizing. He was quite as much interested in freshwater algae as in marine plants; from contributing to Dame and Collins’ Middlesex Flora and the algae of Rand and Redfield’s Flora of Mount Desert, through many smaller papers, he developed his Green Algae of North America. On his Green Algae ... , the Algae of Bermuda which he prepared with Hervey’s cooperation, and on his spectacularly successful Phycotheca Boreali-Americana, largest exsiccata of algae ever issued, his fame chiefly rests. His work was for its day very accurate and scholarly, particularly the smaller papers in which he described the novelties he later incorporated in his larger works. For much of this Farlow provided the critical back- ground, the reference collections and encouragement, although ultimately Collins assembled an excellent herbarium and library of his own. As it was possible to confer personally, the amount of correspondence was all the more remarkable. The letters begin in April 1881, but refer to earlier matters, discussing trips to Nahant and Woods Hole, and the plants col- lected. In Oct. 1894 appears a sentence, ‘“. . . I want to distribute this species, either in the Phykotheka Universalis or in the set which Setchell, Holden and I have been talking of issuing, if we ever get to it; and I don’t want to give a new name only to have to take it back again.” There is TAYLOR: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 67 much interchange at about this time regarding the C. E. Pease and E. Butler collections of Jamaican algae on which Collins was to publish. The queries about labels for the Phycotheca, to which Farlow contributed specimens, begin to appear and Farlow writes to Collins in February 1895 acknowledging the receipt of Fascicle I, and in April Collins writes “. . . I have sent out about all the first lot I made up of Fascicles I and II, and am laying out the specimens for another batch of the same.” From letters to Setchell in 1908 it seems that Farlow was trying to secure money to bring Collins to the herbarium at Harvard, but that enough was not forthcoming. As early as Oct. 1901 Collins mentions that five or six years earlier he had done a good deal of work toward a book on New England marine algae, and that he now contemplated making it cover the whole east coast; this manuscript was never modernized and completed, but went on Collins’ death with his collections to the New York Botanical Garden. This inter- change, too long to follow through, only ceased with the death of Farlow in 1919, Collins dying the next year. Another useful interchange, likewise outside the academic sphere, took place about this time between Farlow and the Curtiss family, Mrs. Floretta A. Curtiss and her son, A. H. Curtiss. Mrs. Curtiss, living in Florida, issued three series of Marine Algae of Florida starting in 1895, with many of the determinations by J. G. Agardh. Much earlier correspondence had been exchanged between Mrs. Curtiss and Farlow regarding various Florida algae, starting in 1877. Apparently Mr. Curtiss travelled much for govern- ment agencies; he also seems to have collected natural history specimens of all sorts for sale. Mrs. Curtiss especially cared for the algae, which her son rough-dried for her in the field, and which she soaked out and mounted. In 1899 he writes of his mother’s partial paralysis and her desire to have her personal collection of algae, which contained much valuable foreign mate- rial received by exchange, gotten together for the U. S. National Museum. Three months later her death is referred to, and the plans for assembling the Algae Curtissianae into volumes for preservation. As late as 1904 let- ters were exchanged, but seemingly no more algae were to be expected. Letters between Farlow and his student J. E. Humphrey began earlier, but extend into this period. What we have from 1888 tells of Humphrey’s arrival at Indiana University, the lack of a botanical library, his plans to build up the department and his hope for separate departmental status. In 1897 the letters came from Johns Hopkins University, his last post. A curious exchange here illustrates the lack of centralized authority at the Marine Biological Laboratory at the time. Humphrey had been teaching the algae course there; he was preparing for his last Jamaica trip and was asked to secure a substitute. Humphrey arranged with H. M. Richards to come, but Director Whitman without consulting Humphrey or Farlow, engaged B. M. Davis and printed the announcement. Farlow and Hum- phrey were indignant at having the matter taken out of their hands with- out warning; Humphrey died on this Jamaica trip, but both Davis and Moore served on the Woods Hole staff repeatedly. This was no doubt one 68 FarLowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 of the items which collectively induced Farlow to sever his connection with the laboratory. Except for the Collins correspondence, that with Setchell is the most important domestic correspondence relating to American algae. The first letter is one dated December 1885. Through Eaton, Setchell had sent a specimen to Farlow for identification which proved of interest, and Setchell was forwarding more of it. Then follow a series of letters dealing with Lemanea, Batrachospermum and Tuomeya. There intervenes next appar- ently a period when Setchell was ill with rheumatism and spent some months at Sharon Springs, N. Y., and did some field botanizing about there, but with land plants rather than algae. The work at Woods Hole comes up for conference in 1891, and various persons as Davis, Brannon and Rothrock are mentioned as students who later became well known in the botanical world. A perennial topic of discussion still, the Marine Bio- logical Laboratory ‘‘mess” is at that time reported as somewhat better than it had previously been, but Setchell complains of the high room rent: $1.00 a week each, two in a room in the Gardiner cottage! Each summer there is more about Woods Hole, and in July 1894 he mentions settling into the then new Botany building. Next June from Yale he writes to ask Farlow to recommend him for appointment to a professorship at the Uni- versity of California at Berkeley; this after testing the disposition of Yale to meet the competition and getting no encouragement, he reiterates, and tells that he will receive $3000 as department head. In December he writes from Berkeley of the pleasure at the welcome he received, says he has about 500 volumes in the botanical library and tells what other funds are available to him. M. A. Howe and W. L. Jepson were there as instruc- tors; but Setchell felt that since Howe’s interests were similar to his own, that Howe should go elsewhere so that the activities of the department might be diversified; he recommended him highly to Farlow and asked help in placing him. The early issues of the Phycotheca came in for discus- sion and Setchell writes appreciatively of Farlow’s review in the American Journal. Later in 1896, when the large expansion of the botanical lecture list at Woods Hole occurred, Setchell wrote with some amusement “. . . I understand that Macfarlane wants a botanical garden at Woods Hole &c — &c. . . .” Apparently Setchell doubted the wisdom of such am- bitious plans. Setchell wrote to Farlow in some detail of his trips abroad, as to New Zealand and Europe in 1905 and again in 1911, and of the algae he collected and those he saw at the British Museum, Kew and the Linnean Society’s rooms. M. A. Howe opened correspondence from Berkeley with a question on Fucus evanescens, and asks help on the identification of Pacific Grove algae. He mentions his paper on California hepatics as his doctorate thesis and as a collateral interest. In 1894 he wrote inquiring of any opening at Harvard and in 1898 there were some moves toward bringing Howe to the Harvard herbarium in charge of bryophyte work. The financial terms were set forth at some length, Howe being very explicit regarding what he Taytor: PHYCOLOGICAL RESEARCH 69 felt were the conditions under which he could come. Nothing resulted, however, and other applications to Missouri and Oberlin which he men- tions likewise having petered out, he wrote hopefully to Farlow regarding obtaining the headship of the department at Berkeley, which went, how- ever, to Setchell. The latter encouraging him to move, in 1897 he writes of having taken an assistantship at Columbia University. After a break, the correspondence begins actively again from the New York Botanical Gar- den, and a great many inquiries regarding various plants occur, as finally those during 1919 regarding the Bahama Flora. Howe was eventually the Director of the Garden, and his work on marine algae, while less extensive than Setchell’s, was at least equal in quality. It is not possible to follow the correspondence with European botanists through this period, but one must not fail to notice the friendly interchange with Alexander Gepp as it covered the period of his marriage to Ethel S. Barton, another English phycologist, her later very precarious condition due to tuberculosis, and death. An amusing reference to the compilation of the British Museum of Natural History catalogue occurs, which Gepp describes as having been made up by J. Britten, himself, Wiltshear the attendant, with two words contributed by George Murray. In Gepp’s own words (5 July, 1905) “We were the scribes, & George Murray was the Pharisee who contributed but 2 words — viz his own name.” It is impossible for a person who had no personal acquaintanceship with Farlow to write as understandingly of his witty, friendly personality as his own students. One could hardly improve on the charming biographical account by Setchell 1 to which all should refer for details of his life and the complete list of his publications. Without question Farlow dominated algal study in America for a con- siderable period, and represented it before European scientists. Also un- questionably this high regard was justified; the problem is to appreciate truly how this came about. It was not due to the quantity of publication which, respecting algae, was never great and for the later years very small. Nor was it due to the importance of the, material studied, for with the exception of the New England report it was never comprehensive, nor in general were many new species described. It did not derive from the sump- tuousness of publication, for his best work appeared in government reports, nor the elegance of the illustrations, which when from his pen were few, stiff and labored rather than skillful. So far as his publications go they, by the care in preparation, clarity and lack of error, confirm rather than accent his reputation. One must recognize that the high esteem in which Farlow was held was due to other factors. In the first place he was skilled in gathering together collections. He developed a personal herbarium and library of rare excel- lence, including items scarce and costly even at that day. His collections *Setchell, W. A. 1927. William Gilson Farlow 1844-1919. Memoirs Nat. Acad. Sci. 21 (4): 1-22. Portrait and complete bibliography. 70 FartowlA, Vor. 2, 1945 were in only secondary degree the result of his own field work. Again ex- cepting New England, where at a few places he did get a variety of mate- rial, his collecting was not extensive and did not contribute largely to his publications. Rather by purchase and exchange did he secure from others splendid representation of the flora of many parts of the world. These treasures he was quite willing for others to consult, under strict super- vision. As a result the more active descriptive phycologists, such as Collins and Setchell, came constantly to him for consultation, appreciated his careful assistance, and spread his fame. In the same way his European travels and active correspondence served abroad. Here then we have probably the clue to Farlow’s most significant con- tribution. He developed the first good reference collections for algal study in this country. He published skilfully, if not abundantly. He encouraged several young investigators to attempt algal problems, gave them rigorous training in meticulous research, and the two or three most productive among these he assisted in every way, so that they in turn dominated algal studies in America after Farlow’s own interests were largely forced to the fungi. Professor Farlow was, then, clearly more important as a promoter, developing resources and trained men, than he was as an investigator him- self, and as such he fills a distinguished place in American botanical history. For the hospitality of the Farlow Herbarium and Library, for access to Professor Farlow’s extensive correspondence, and for patient help in using these treasures, the writer is greatly indebted to the kindness of the curator, Dr. D. H. Linder. UnIvErsITY oF MICHIGAN Anw Arzpor, MIcHIGAn 2(1): 71-82 FARLOWIA January, 1945 FARLOW’S INTEREST IN AN INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING JOURNAL FRANS VERDOORN ! In collecting data about the history of international relations and codper- ation in the plant sciences, I have gathered a large number of letters written by the late W. G. Farlow. Dr. Farlow, though a charter member of the Association Internationale des Botanistes, took no great part in its activi- ties. He has never been a member of the council or of one of its commis- sions. Yet, during his fruitful life he was in touch with more men abroad than most of his contemporaries and was particularly active in undertaking and developing exchange relations. He was greatly interested in various aspects of abstracting and listing the new botanical literature of the world. In this field he exercised probably more influence than is realized. The need of establishing a truly international botanical abstracting journal was felt and discussed by him at an early date.2, Dr. David Linder has suggested that it would be useful to publish in this special number of Farlowia a few of Farlow’s letters on this subject. They are not only of interest for the student of international relations but throw an interesting light on Farlow’s attitude towards a number of other problems and persons. Since 1890 dissatisfaction had been growing, both in the Old and the New World, about the way the Botanisches Centralblatt, at that time the only abstracting journal in our field, was being conducted. In October 1900, Goebel, who had already repeatedly viewed his opinion about the matter and who had even been planning to establish a second abstracting journal in Germany, met Lotsy in Ambach and discussed the situation with him. Lotsy was much interested and subsequently held con- ferences with R. von Wettstein in Vienna, with M. Raciborski in Lemberg, and with S. Nawaschin in Kiev. In November 1900 he wrote Goebel about a definite plan to start a new international botanical abstracting journal, as well as an international association of botanists which would not only edit and publish the journal, but would also undertake many other things. In the United States there was at that time no less dissatisfaction. In an address (December 27, 1899) to the American Society for Plant Morphology and Physiology, Dr. Farlow had spoken in detail about the need of either changing the Botanisches Centralblatt or establishing a new journal. A committee was then established consisting of Dr. Farlow, Dr. D. T. Mac- Dougal and Dr. von Schrenk. This issued a first report on June 27, 1900 1 The author is under considerable obligation to F. O. Bower, Sc.D., LL.D., F.RS., of Glasgow and to William Trelease, Sc.D., LL.D., of Urbana, Ill., for their help in securing data about the history of international relations work in botany and for their permis- sion to reproduce the letters reprinted in this article. 2 Dr. J. C. Bay’s earlier efforts in this field are not discussed in this article. 71 rz FartowiA, Vor. 2, 1945 and a definite report on December 27, 1900. The committee, and Dr. W. F. Ganong, at that time secretary of the society, had been very successful. They obtained from Dr. O. Uhlworm, the editor of Botanisches Central- blatt, various promises, described in detail in Dr. Farlow’s letter of Feb- ruary 4, 1901, reproduced below. As we will see from the following letters, Dr. Lotsy and his group went on with their plans and established the Asso- ciation at a meeting in Geneva in August, 1901. The society acquired the Botanisches Centralblatt. We reproduce now three letters by Dr. Farlow which throw some interesting light on the events of that time. The first letter is addressed to Dr. Bower of Glasgow, an old friend of Farlow and also a friend and supporter of Lotsy and his work. The second letter is addressed to Dr. Trelease, a former student of Farlow, who was also much interested in botanical bibliography and who had undertaken to share in the work of the American editorial committee of the Botanisches Central- blatt, as referred to in Farlow’s letter of February 4, 1901 to Dr. Bower. The third letter is again addressed to Dr. Bower. Lotsy’s letter to Farlow, of which a copy is in the Chronica Botanica Archives, is not so impulsive or Naive as one may expect after Farlow’s reaction. Lotsy was planning some- thing much bigger than only a journal, he was dreaming of an international botanical bureau, as many others after him have done. Farlow was only interested in the journal and seems to have had little sympathy with Lotsy’s plans and way of thinking. Cambridge Feb. 4, 1901. Dear Prof. Bower, I suppose that last June you received a copy of the report of a committee of the Society of Plant Morphology and Physiology appointed to consider the best means of securing a good record of current botanical literature. A second and final report was sent you about a month ago. Assuming that the reports were received by you it is not necessary for me to repeat their contents now. The last report was presented by me as chairman of the committee at the meeting of the Soc. Plant Morph. in Baltimore on Dec. 27.3 After I returned from Baltimore I received a letter from Lotsy which took me entirely by surprise. I did not know that there was any project for a new journal of reviews in project. About six months ago, I believe, I had a letter from Goebel in which he expressed great dissatisfaction with the Centralblatt and said that he had sometime thought that he would like to start a new journal. But from what he said I did not understand that there was any intention of doing so now and the project seemed to me to be all in the air. Up to June of last year the reply of the editors of the Centralblatt to our suggestions for improving their journal had not been satisfactory to us but at the meeting of last June our com- mittee was directed to continue negotiations with the Centralblatt and, if they would not do what we wanted, to present a plan of a new journal at the meeting of Dec. 27, 1900. Early in November the editors replied agreeing to do all that we had asked ° Cf. Farlow in Bot. Gaz. 29: 64. 1900. A further report was issued in 1901 by Farlow, MacDougal and von Schrenk. VERDOORN: INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING 13 them to do. They decided to put all their worthless articles into the Beihefte and to put all the reviews and the list of new works into the Centralblatt and also to allow one to buy the Centralblatt without the Beihefte (which nobody wants) at the old price. They also asked us to select American editors whose names should appear on the title page to see that American notices were kept up to the mark. They furthermore said that they hoped to have similar editors appointed by botanists in other countries. Such an arrangement seemed to us at Baltimore to be a good one and a com- mittee was appointed (of which I am a member) to inform the Centralblatt that their proposition seemed satisfactory and to nominate American editors. In fact, we have already selected one editor and have been considering other candidates. You will imagine my surprise after returning from the Baltimore meeting on hearing from Lotsy 4 that a new journal was proposed and he wished me to join his International Association. I should be glad to join the Association were it not that its main object appears to be the starting [of] a new journal in opposi- tion to the Centralblatt. Having, in perfectly good faith, gone so far in our negotiation with the Centralblatt it seems to me that it would not be honest for me, no matter how brilliant a list of names of associates Lotsy reports, to join now an association which is directly opposed to the Centralblatt. ... I have written this to you not knowing to what extent you feel confidence in Lotsy as a manager but merely wishing to let you know the circumstances which prevent my accepting Lotsy’s invitation. I feel that we here are in duty bound to give the Centralblatt a fair trial under the proposed arrangement. It may or may not succeed but, if it does not succeed now, it will be in part our own fault. If it turns out that the Centralblatt people won’t do as they should, then all the sub- scriptions will go to Lotsy’s journal if it is a good one. I take it for granted that the Centralblatt people mean to act in good faith. Certainly they already have -dropped original articles from the Centralblatt itself, and, as far as American editors are concerned there has not yet been time for us to select editors and, until that is done, one could hardly expect a change in the character of American reviews. As far as improvement in the quality of the notices is concerned, I should expect that it would be gradual not sudden and we cannot complain if it takes at least six months before a perceptible change is seen. Yours, truly, . W. G. Farlow. Cambridge, March 1, 1901. Dear Trelease, This noon I received a letter from Lotsy which quite took away my breath. After receiving my cable and letter saying that it was too late for me to accept his invitation to join his International Society since we had promised to help the Centralblatt, Lotsy decided to buy the Centralblatt. They have agreed to sell out to him and he now wants me to cable to him at once that I will join the new Society. I shall take the liberty of thinking over the matter until tomorrow morning. I have consulted Thaxter and he agrees with me in thinking that I can and should accept. The way things have turned out is, I think the best solution of the complication. * For a biographical account of Lotsy vide Genetica 13: 1. 1932. 74 Fartowia, Vor. 2, 1945 Uhlworm 5 is to be kept for five years and the American editors we may select will be accepted by the managers. It is proposed to capitalize the Centralblatt at $10,000. Stock is to be placed on the botanical market and we shall have the opportunity to invest. The assets on hand are something like 100 complete sets of the Centralblatt &c. The whole thing seems very funny but I think it will succeed. The main point as far as we are concerned is that our Committee is practically tied up for the present awaiting the cons[u|mmation of the purchase by Lotsy. There is one snag in the way; the purchase must be confirmed by the board of the new Society. What the board is I do not know but I suppose that Lotsy’s action will be endorsed. It is too dark to see what I am writing and I must close. Yours, truly, [W. G. Farlow. | Cambridge, April 5 1901. Dear Prof. Bower, Since I wrote to you in regard to my correspondence with Dr. Lotsy I have had another communication from him which surprised me even more than his previous letters. A week ago I had a letter in answer to my inquiry as to the individual responsibility of stockholders in which he said but little about the Centralblatt but instead wrote several pages describing a project of forming a sort of museum for collections of microscopical slides and type-specimens in general and a bureau for collecting all sorts of miscellaneous information for botanical travellers. I presume that you have received a similar letter. The letter seemed so very visionary and reckless that I could not help coming to the conclusion that Lotsy is what we call a “crank.” He certainly must have very little commonsense. To manage the Centralblatt so that it would become a first-class journal will be quite enough to absorb all his time and energy without launching out on any such wild- cat sort of speculation as his proposed museum. He stated that he needed an endowment of $130,000. He added that Goebel despaired of being able to raise that sum in Europe. I am not surprised that Goebel thinks so. Lotsy however is confident that some of the numerous American millionaires will give him all he wants. He said that if I thought that I could introduce him to a number of our millionaires, he would start for America at once and come to Cambridge to see me. Unfortunately I do not know any millionaires and if I did, I most certainly would squeeze all I could out of them for our own botanical department which needs money very much indeed and I should never think of asking them to give anything to Lotsy for a museum. I feel sure that all our botanists who are connected with universities or other institutions would act just as I have said I would do. There is only one rich botanist in this country and he certainly would give nothing to Lotsy in any case. I have not yet answered Lotsy’s letter because he said that he was going to send me at once the proof of the circular to be issued in regard to his new Society. After I have seen the proof of his circular I shall be able to write to him some- thing definite. ° Shortly after Lotsy’s Association acquired the Botanisches Centralblatt he and Uhl- worm quarreled. After this Uhlworm retired entirely. He may have had some part in abortive attempts, made in Berlin a little later, to start another abstracting journal. These plans, however, did not materialize (cf. letter of Thost to von Schrenk, 15 Jan. 1902, in Chron. Bot. Archives). VERDOORN: INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING 75 He will not be able to see me in Cambridge because I intend sailing for Europe . on April 30. My plan of going to Europe is due to the fact that I have been asked to attend the celebration of the University of Glasgow in June as a delegate of the National Academy of Sciences. I am so busy that it will be difficult for me to leave then but there [are] certain matters of business for me to attend to in Europe and my wife has two nieces of whom she is guardian now studying in Paris and she wishes to go to see how they are getting along. Unless something happens to prevent, we shall start for Cherbourg on the 30 and after attending to my affairs on the Continent, we shall go to England and then to Scotland so as to reach Glasgow in time for the meeting on June 15. Therefore there is a chance that I may have the pleasure of seeing you in June. Yours, truly, W. G. Farlow. Between January 1902 and the last year of the First World War, Lotsy edited the Botanisches Centralblatt with great care. Except for Schramm’s Botanical Abstracts we have never had anything in our field that was as satisfactory as the Botanisches Centralblatt between 1902 and 1919. With- out doubt it was more satisfactory in its early years than later when Lotsy became involved in many other activities. During this entire period, Dr. William Trelease acted as American editor (“Président du Comité National des Etats Unis”). He gave freely of his time and energy and has done more than any other North American botanist to report well in the Botanisches Centralblatt, then still the only abstracting journal in our field, on the dra- matic progress made in the U.S. A. between 1900 and 1918. He had the .codperation of a small, rather constant group of American ‘“Rédacteurs spéciaux.” Of some of these men the names do not often occur in the col- umns of the Centralblatt. That the journal was not always too satisfactory from the point of view of the North American editors and their colleagues we may gather from the following two letters of Dr. Farlow: — Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 27, 1908. Dear Trelease, I see no reason why your letter should not be sent to Lotsy except that — suppose that he lets you go? Then I do not envy you if you feel that you must go ahead and start an American journal. I understand your reference to the Americans as “prepared to start an abstract journal of their own when etc” to be a bluff rather than a statement of fact. My recollection is that when I tried to suggest a journal for giving abstracts of American literature I was very, very coldly received. Galloway I remember as particularly “pooh-poohy” and declared it impossible. In fact, I do not remember that anyone gave me any real encour- agement. Perhaps you mean an American journal giving abstracts also of Euro- pean papers. Ughm! I had no confidence in any real improvement in the Centralblatt when I heard that Lotsy was to run it . . . He is impractical and given to putting all sorts of unnecessary irons on the fire. Still I suppose it was a question whether any better man could be got. Although far from what one would like, it may perhaps be the fact that, as at 76 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 present conducted, it is as good as such a journal is likely to be. Some want notices like those in Engler’s Jahrb. but that is impossible unless few things are to be noticed. The “sympathetic” notices as I have heard them called can only come from experts who have taken their time to read and use the books noticed and that takes a long time and experts are not to be depended on in a journal like the Centralblatt. People complain of Just [Botanischer Jahresbericht]| that it is too far behindhand. For my part, I think that Just is as near perfection as any- thing of the sort can be. I was sorry not to go to Chicago but I was too dreadfully busy and I was especially sorry that none of our other botanists could go but Goodale was not well enough and Robinson, Fernald & Thaxter were driven by the printer and Jeffrey had only that time for going after fossil material. Like us, I suppose that you have had a remarkable winter. I do not object to the mildness. W. G. Farlow. Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 10, 1908. Dear Trelease, While you are “jogging” the Centralblatt let me suggest one point where it seems to me that something should be done. I do not like the idea of giving notices in the Neue Litteratur. Why should not the notices be given all of them in the regular place? It looks as if the reviewers despairing of getting their notices into the regular pages smuggled them in in the Litteratur where no one would look for them. It is unjust to writers so noticed since it looks as if their papers were not worth noticing. Generally for my purpose the very short abstracts in the Neue Litteratur are enough and that brings up the question, Why not give all the notices in this short form with the titles issued in Neue Litteratur? Who wants (see p. 24) more than a page of Dittrich & Pax, Herbarium cecidiologicum? The trouble is and prob- ably always must be that a good many reviews are given to immature students who have no sense of proportion. Yours, very truly, W. G. Farlow The Botanisches Centralblatt was first published for the Association by Messrs. Brill of Leyden and printed in Germany at the same press where it had been printed before it was acquired by the Association. Later it was printed in Leyden at Sijthoff’s and published by Messrs. Fischer of Jena for the Association. Though the Association remained a purely international society till the end (in 1917 its council was formed by D. H. Scott, Wm. Trelease, and J. P. Lotsy, and its editorial board by Wm. Trelease, C. Bonaventura, A. D. Cotton, C. Wehmer, and C. H. Ostenfeld) and though its journal was edited and printed during the First World War in a neutral country, the fact that it was published in Germany and that much (without doubt much too much for an international journal) of the contents was in German caused highly complicated difficulties with American (not British! ) authorities and resulted in only a few copies of the journal reaching Ameri- can subscribers. This and other things caused considerable ill-will amongst a number of North American botanists. In Great Britain, where the inter- national character of the journal was better understood, as Drs. Bower, VERDOORN: INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING 77 Seward and others have assured me, there never was any feeling against the journal or the society. Feeling dissatisfied, a group of U. S. colleagues, amongst whom Dr. Livingston was very influential, established at that time Botanical Abstracts. This probably happened too recently to allow us to decide if it was wise to do so, especially as Dr. Lotsy, tired of the difficulties of keeping his jour- nal going during the war years, offered the North American group the fullest possible codperation of himself and the Association, a somewhat informal offer in which he would, without doubt, have had the backing of the Council. This offer was not accepted. It was hardly considered, which seems a great pity to the student of international affairs. As a result, we have two not entirely successful ® abstracting journals from 1919 onwards. Since this article is not primarily concerned with these problems, it may be more interesting for us to see what Dr. Farlow, then nearly seventy-five, had to say about these developments in 1917, 1918 and 1919 in his letters to Dr. Trelease, the chief American editor of the abstracting journal of the As- sociation Internationale des Botanistes till its discontinuation. Cambridge Nov ctA. 1OL7. Dear Trelease, I agree with you entirely about the desirability of improving the Bot. Central- blatt rather than starting a new and similar journal in this country. Reddick was here a fortnight ago and asked my opinion about an American Centralblatt to include everything in this world and apparently everything in the Solar System. I do not think that he favored it. His account of the genesis of the idea of an American Centralblatt was not altogether clear. He said that Stevens had been impressed by the success of the new American journal of bacterial diseases to which he said there were a good many medical men who subscribed. The universal success of that journal did not impress me because I had never seen a copy and had not heard anyone speak about it. If, however, as Newcombe appears to desire, the new journal is to include not only reviews of bacterial papers but also all papers on plant diseases and even botanical papers on non-bacterial or pathological Sue I have an idea that the medical sub- scribers would soon drop out. My first answer to Reddick was that it seemed to me to be folly to start a new journal of any kind at this time for financial reasons. Until the war is ended no one knows whether he has any money to spend or not and it is now evident that the war will not end for a long time if it is to end in favor of the Allies and, if not, Germany will take all the money that can be squeezed out of us. Reddick said that it was expected (?) that the Brooklyn Bot. Gard. would furnish the money or most of it. My answer to that was that if Brooklyn fur- nished the money they would have to do with it what the Brooklyn people wanted and that the desires of those who did not furnish any money would not count for much. ® Tt is not the fact that they were commercially not too successful which I deplore, but the fact that none of them was truly international, while in 1919 we did have the frame- work of a truly international botanical society! Cf. also my remarks in Nature 154: 595. 1944, 78 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 Furthermore, I told him that I did not desire to see established a new journal of reviews. As it is, I am loaded down with journals which give reviews of the same papers over and over again and unless the current journals would agree to give up reviews or notices of new papers I did not want to be bothered with more reviews. He said that he believed that Mycologia would agree to give up reviews. Mycologia, however, is practically the organ of the N. Y. Bot. Gard. and has no interest in noticing any work not done in connection with the Garden. Other journals probably would not agree to give up reviews as they help to sell the journals. Those who take only one journal would be likely to select that one which gave reviews in addition to original papers. The notices in the Bot. Gaz. for example certainly draw in subscribers. Again I have little faith in the ability of our enthusiastic friend to produce a journal which would replace the Bot. Centralblatt. As you say, at the present time that journal does not help us as we do not receive the current numbers but after the war I presume that it will reach us as before. If the Centralblatt gives out later, then it will be soon enough to think about an American journal. The Bot. Centralblatt certainly might be made better. I hope that it will. I have my own ideas of what is desirable. In the first place no author should be allowed to write a notice of his own papers unless he happens to write in a lan- guage like Japanese, or Czech perhaps, which is not readable by the ordinary editors. In the next place the editors should not be allowed to turn over papers to their students to review unless they themselves revise the reviews themselves. The younger students are not capable of writing good condensed reviews and, being paid by the page, there is no inducement to be brief. My own opinion, not shared by some, is that in a Centralblatt, as far as pos- sible all papers should be noticed as soon as possible after their issue and that the reviews should be descriptive not critical. That is, one should have the titles and a brief statement of contents of as many papers as possible so that everyone can tell whether a paper on subjects in which he is interested is one which he ought to look at and read. Really critical reviews are generally too long for a Centralblatt, they must be written by experts and they cannot be written at short notice. Robinson does not agree with me. He thinks that reviews should be “sym- pathetic.”” That means I suppose in a review of a systematic paper there should be a list of at least the new species and perhaps others with comments. Those not interested in the subject would I think have little ‘‘sympathy” with reviews of that kind. I really do not believe that there are any botanists to speak of who really want a new journal but at botanical meetings the crowd is easily persuaded to vote for anything proposed by a pleasing and plausible speaker. If the question comes up at Pittsburgh (I shall not be there) it may be voted to start the journal. Some very foolish things have been voted by the A. A.A.S. The war news is certainly depressing and people here see no end of the war in sight unless it is to be very unfavorable. Our family have lately been rather anxious. My niece we hear has reached France. Her brother, an aviator, is on his way somewhere, we do not know where. Our available relatives are now all in Europe except one who is still at the Hydroplane school in Pensacola. Remember me kindly to Mrs. Trelease. Yours, very truly, W. G. Farlow. VERDOORN: INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING 79 Cambridge Febr. 26, 1918. Dear Trelease, Do you remember the Guepinia lutea Bres. which you collected in Alaska? I have recently received from near Seattle a Guepinia near G. merulina which may be your plant. We have here what I take to be G. merulina but it is rather rare. The Seattle fungus has spores which are rather larger and more septate than in our plant. The basidia are narrow and the tips are very short . . . but I do not know whether this is constant. I had only a very little of the Guepinia with a large junk of the host. I have written for more and, if I get it, I will send you some for comparison if you have any of the G. /utea on hand. I am just sending in my preliminary ballot of the Nat. Acad. I put on the names of Atkinson and Forbes. The latter will probably be elected. About Atkin- son I am more doubtful for there are some who are strongly opposed to him. At any rate I do not see how I can go to Washington in April to the meeting. It appears now to be practically impossible to secure a room at any hotel and the journey is subject to long delays. Prof. Palmer a short time ago was 27 hours on the road to New York. To be sure he was so imprudent as to take the boat on a very cold day and was blocked by ice. Reddick was here two days ago and told me about the Pittsburgh meeting. O. L. Howard was also here apparently to make arrangements about the Ass. meeting in Boston next winter. He is down on Richards for advising giving up the last meeting. If next winter is anything like this and no more coal than now, the A.A. A.S. will not be welcome guests. Both Reddick and Howard said that the Pittsburgh meeting was a great suc- cess. Reddick had become a convert to the new extract journal and he said that they were going to start work at once and get out the first number in June. It appears that the Waverly Co. of Baltimore which issues the bacterial extract journal thinks it can make a success of the new journal. It is supposed that the larger libraries would be willing to pay a good price if they receive slips during the year and the whole in book form at the end of the year with the right to buy other copies at a reduced rate. Something was said of charging $10 a year to individuals. I thought that not many botanists would want to pay that amount but Reddick thought they would if the journal was indispensable. The zf seems to be important but also uncertain. The Brooklyn Garden was said also to be ready to help. I was told that it was Macdougal who was negotiating with the Waverly Press. I wonder what you wrote on your card of the Man Power Census sent by Kern I presume. Not knowing what else to write I wrote “Mycology” diagonally across the card but Thaxter says that that will only show what a fool I am for only a short time ago a prominent Phytopathologist said that he thanked God that he was not a mycologist. A letter has just come from Whetzel asking me to attend a meeting in Boston on March Ist to organize work. I can hardly suppose that they want me to help them do the talking for they are already well equipped in that department. Winter seems to be gradually slipping away. That is we now have some com- fortable days as well as some very uncomfortable and March is still to come. Yours, very truly, W. G. Farlow. 80 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 Cambridge, Dec. 27, 1918. Dear Trelease, Things are in a mess. I presume that the fact is that the Centralblatt manage- ment has become unpopular on account of Lotsy’s . . . domineering and not conciliating [manners]|.7 Chodat I presume represents the attitude of some Euro- peans outside Germany and they would be glad to see a rival established in some other country. Most Americans, especially the young men, seem determined to cut out the Centralblatt as too decidedly under German control... . If Botanical Abstracts seems to fill the bill it will have a circulation abroad as well as here. My question is, will it fill the bill? The first number was not re- assuring but later numbers may be better. Livingston’s statement that botanists were much pleased with it would have more weight if I knew who the botanists were who liked the first number. . . . At any rate, the war is now on. The Bot. Abstracts committee after Livingston’s letter do not desire to conceal the fact that they propose to squelch the Central- blatt if they can. If I were you, I would wait until getting an answer to your letters of Dec. 24 to Livingston and Williams & Wilkins. They will have to say whether they intended to have their letters sent to the Ass. Intern. or not. Very likely you already have their answers. If they did intend to have their letters, or their contents, sent, then of course they should be sent. If they say no, all you can do is to tell Lotsy that you have communicated with Williams & Wilkins and that they have no intention of explaining or apologizing. As to your own relations to the Ass. Int. Bot., if you have reason to suppose that its affairs are run by “secret diplomacy” as Chodat says or, if you have reason later to think so, you had better withdraw. Otherwise you will be in the position of endorsing measures which you know nothing about and may not approve at all. Whether the abstracts will win the day is after all to a great extent a question of dollars and cents. Just now it is a matter of sentiment but in the end the question will be can we in America compete with the Germans in cost of printing and can we control at as small cost as the Germans a large body of reviewers, revisers, etc. No one knows what the condition of scientific workers is to be in Germany. It may be that the hitherto large number of trained men willing to spend their time in writing reviews, bibliography and what may be called dic- tionary work at a very small price will be much diminished. I am skeptical as to the reduced condition of Germany. I believe that they are still in good condition and really better off than France and perhaps as well off as England in equipment for scientific work. Of course much depends on what sort of a new government is formed in Berlin. So far at least the German leopard shows no signs of chang- ing his spots. Yours, very truly, W. G. Farlow. 7 Lotsy, his work and his personality, has often been criticized. He was, however, a great man, and has done more than anyone in the history of our scientia amabilis to promote international relations, cooperation, and understanding. Dr. Farlow’s impres- sion, without doubt shared by others at that time in the U.S.A. (but not in Great Britain, where Lotsy had more friends than anywhere else), of Lotsy’s political sym- pathies is so erroneous that one can hardly understand it. It teaches us how easily misunderstandings may arise, during years of mental stress, even amongst the repre- sentatives of a single race. VERDOORN: INTERNATIONAL ABSTRACTING 81 Cambridge, Dec. 31, 1918. Dear Trelease, A letter from Mangin dated Dec. 13 contains the following which will interest you. “Nous avons eu a discuter la question de l’Association Internationale des Bo- tanistes. Cette association est virtuellement dissoute et les membres ne (parvien- dront . . . word not clear but this as far as I can make out) la liquidation. Mais il serait utile de la reconstituer entre alliés et d’utiliser comme urgane de cette association les abstraits botaniques qui ont fait leur apparition chez vous.” If I understand the above, the association is bankrupt which can hardly fail to be the case since subscriptions must have fallen off very much. I am a loser to the extent of $500, the amount of bonds I took... . It seems to me just as well that the Centralblatt should stop. I should prefer an international reorganization to a purely American conducted journal but Bot. Abstracts has started in ahead... . Happy New Year, W. G. Farlow. Cambridge Jan. 26, 1919 Dear Trelease, It is to be regretted that Mangin’s letter to me and Flahault’s letter to Duggar did not reach us before the Baltimore meeting. Had that been the case it would have been possible for you to state the facts contained in those letters to the representatives of Botanical Abstracts at Baltimore and you might (?) have been able to convince them of the desirability of trying to make some international combination which would result in making the Abstracts really an international organ. Now, the case seems to be rather hopeless. It looks as if our younger botanists were cock-sure that our American botanists were better able than any others to issue an international journal. I hear that a contract has been made with Williams & Wilkins to run the Abstracts for five years. Of course W. & W. are not well informed as to the requirements of a real international journal and are quite satisfied that the Abstracts, as illustrated by the single number issued is just what is wanted. The number issued did not strike me favorably considered as a general inter- national review of botanical literature. It was really nothing but a guide to American botanical literature and the value of notices of papers in Bot. Mag., Torr. Bull., Phytopathology, Am. Journ. Bot. does not seem to me to be great since all our botanists practically see all those journals for themselves. Further- more the comparatively large amount of space taken by Shull to review papers having no relation to botany is looked upon unfavorably by all botanists I know and, unless he is to be restricted in later numbers, the journal will suffer. Flahault’s letter is interesting. He speaks of the possibility of the non-germanic members of the Assoc. Intern. breaking up the agreement with Fischer and ap- parently is not sure whether it can be done. Of course it can be done for in these times international pre-war agreements count for nothing. 82 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1945 It looks to me as if the feeling against the Germans is too great at the present time to make it possible to form any international union. Opinions may be modi- fied later but not for some time to come. Meanwhile the Bot. Abstracts is to be pushed in the hope that it will replace the Centralblatt. If it is to succeed in that object, future numbers will have to be very different from the first number. There is no doubt, as you say, that an abstract journal with a German title would not be taken in the allied countries now. But any journal would have to give abstracts of German botanical papers as well as others. Such reviews need not be in the German language although I see no reason why they might not. There are certainly more botanists here who read German than who read Italian. It may be said, however, that one can often “guess” what the Italian means. The meeting 1° in London referred to by Flahault appears to be merely the general meeting of scientific delegates and it could not have had any special sig- nificance for botanists. I should be glad to know what Scott’s opinion is. In short, the Centralblatt is dead and cannot be revived as a world journal under a German title and issued by a German house. . . . From the point of view of science itself, I do not think that a union of English, French, Italians and Americans alone would be for the general advantage. There therefore remains the question, what are the chances that Botanical Abstracts will fill the place of the Centralblatt? That cannot be even guessed now. I hear that the editors of Bot. Abstr. wish to raise a fund of $1000 to pay reviewers. That would not go very far and the Brooklyn Garden people or others specially interested ought to be able to get that amount without a general appeal. If their credit is no greater than that, the future is not promising. . . . W. G. Farlow. Though Farlow’s interests were wide, ranging from the lowest to the highest of the cryptogamic plants, from general botany to taxonomy and phytopathology, from music to the humanities, though he travelled very widely and intensively in the interval between 1872 and 1874, and he also visited Europe thereafter, he was not in the broadest sense an internation- alist, as were some of his contemporaries. His own collections came first and these he protected for future botanists by adopting measures, often criticized by his colleagues, that would as far as possible assure that the collection of books and specimens be available to future botanists. How- ever, despite this preference for his own collections, he was much interested in the personality of his foreign colleagues, as Setchell (Mem. Nat. Acad. Sci. 21: 14. 1927) has told us, but as a practical and typical New Englander, was still more interested in the results of their work and especially in the abstracting and listing of the botanical literature on a truly international basis. To this extent he was an internationalist, and as his early letters show, a pioneer in American abstracting work. CHRONICA BOTANICA WALTHAM, Mass, * One of the early meetings of the Conseil International des Recherches (now Inter- national Council of Scientific Unions). PLATE I 2(1): 84-95 FARLOWIA January, 1945 DR. FARLOW’S INFLUENCE ON MYCOLOGY WiLLiAM H. WESTON, JR. In attempting to evaluate the imprint on a field of science made by an outstanding worker in that field it soon becomes obvious that lists of publi- cations often tell but part of the story and that a man’s influence may make itself felt through various channels less obviously recorded. In Dr. Farlow’s case, even the partial list of his publications in two of the bio- graphical memoirs noted in the introduction to this number, reveals that the scope of his activities was very broad including work on algae, bacteria, fungi, lichens, liverworts, mosses, ferns, and flowering plants. In addition he participated actively in botanical affairs for more than forty years, stim- ulated and promoted the development of several fields which were part of the rapid progress of botany in the United States during that time and played an active and constructive part in maintaining effective working relationships between botanists in this country and in Europe. Withal it was probably the field of mycology which he influenced most strongly. On attempting to analyze his effect on this branch of botany, it becomes clear that his was a manifold influence making itself felt to some extent through his teaching, to some extent through his published work, but chiefly through his devoting to the service of mycology his wide knowl- edge of the fungi and his extensive herbarium, library, and indices on which this knowledge in part was based. The force which gave especial strength to all these lines of influence was the power of his dynamic, stimulating, and catalytic personality. His influence on mycology was thus of the same pattern as his much wider influence on the whole field of cryptogamic botany. To understand the conditions which shaped his early aspirations into definite objectives that permanently motivated his life’s work it is necessary to appreciate the status of botany in the United States during the forma- tive years when Dr. Farlow began his training. During the 1860s, botany as a science numbered very few professional devotees in its ranks in this country and was largely the avocation of those, such as ministers and doctors, earning their living in other professions. As an indication of conditions at that time it is worthy of note that Asa Gray, Goodale, Farlow and others in this country, like De Bary and numerous botanists in Europe, on graduation secured medical degrees because this was the only available degree involving training and graduate work appli- cable to botany and also because the profession of medicine would yield a Doctor and Mrs. Farlow on the porch of their summer home in Chocorua, New Hampshire. Picture taken a year or two before his death. 85 86 FaARLowIA, Vor. 2, 1945 living permitting work in the unremunerative and precarious field of bot- any. Also, botany in the United States consisted almost wholly of work on the flowering plants with emphasis on their taxonomy, nomenclature, flo- ristics, and gross anatomy. The leading exponent and symbol of this type of work was Asa Gray who from his contact with the botanists of Europe was well aware, upon his return from abroad in 1870, that rapid expansion of botany was beginning and if the United States was to keep pace, other aspects of the science should be developed. Accordingly, as he was fully occupied with his own field of work in the Fisher professorship of Natural History which he had held since 1842, he was instrumental in the selection and appointment of two promising young men well fitted to develop im- portant fields in the rapidly expanding realm of botany. The first, George Lincoln Goodale, by his skill as a teacher and lecturer gave impetus to the growing field of plant physiology which was rapidly assuming importance in Europe, and by his efficiency as an organizer and administrator built up the Botanic Garden, which already had more than half a century of development and service to its credit, to its final perfection of usefulness and beauty; he vitalized and enriched the collections of the Botanical Museum started by Gray around 1860 and brought about the building of the spacious and well-equipped Botanical Section of the Uni- versity Museum. The second, William Gilson Farlow, as the man to devote himself to the development of cryptogamic botany, was a wholly logical choice, for even before graduating in 1866 he had shown unusual interest and promise in that newly burgeoning field while his further preparation, through attain- ing his medical degree in 1870, was the same as that which Gray and De Bary, the two who influenced him most strongly, had themselves received. After being appointed Gray’s assistant in 1870, Dr. Farlow worked with him for two years increasing the teaching emphasis on the lower plants, and carrying on research of his own, especially in the algae. Then, realizing the need for further training which only the laboratories of Europe could offer at that time, Dr. Farlow spent the two years from the summer of 1872 to the summer of 1874 travelling through England, the Scandinavian countries, Russia, Germany, France, Italy, and Switzerland and working in various laboratories, especially at Strasbourg in Anton De Bary’s labora- tory, at that time the world’s leading center of mycological activity. These were highly important years in Dr. Farlow’s development. He met distinguished botanists and visited and worked in their laboratories, establishing valuable contacts and friendships which he maintained through correspondence and occasional visits for many years. He became acquainted with the botanists of the period, both the recognized authorities of the time and the students working with them, who were to become the leading mycologists and algologists of their generation. He visited the famous herbaria and libraries and the convincing evidence of their indispensable function as working tools essential to fundamental botanical work gained through his own use of these treasures, started him on the discriminating WESTON: FARLOW’S INFLUENCE ON MycoLocy 87 purchases of books, periodicals, exsiccati, and specimens that were the nucleus of the Farlow Herbarium and Library so important in the ensuing development of cryptogamic botany in this country. Also in these two years he became aware of the trends and currents in botanical work and began to appraise what was fundamental and enduring, what held promise for future development, and what was merely transient in its temporary popularity. The evidence seems clear that Dr. Farlow returned from his two years in Europe with the firm conviction that the development of cryptogamic botany in the United States would be aided most effectively by three essen- tial facilities. First, there would be needed a herbarium of authentic ref- erence specimens to facilitate dependable identification of critical material. Second, accompanying this reference herbarium an extensive and complete reference library on the fungi and other lower plants would be an imperative supplement for adequately identifying material and establishing its rela- tionships and significance. Third, supporting both these, there would have to be an index comprising all significant published references to such ma- terial. One gains the impression that this enduring conviction was not so much the result of his earlier training with Gray as it was the logical out- come of his own analysis, during these two years, of the fundamental basis of botanical supremacy in Europe. There he saw, beneath the fads and fashionable trends which were gathering those adherents who gravitated naturally to the most publicized aspects of botany, the sound foundation on which botanical progress in Europe had depended. He realized the inter- dependence of such fundamental aspects of the science as taxonomy, mor- phology, and physiology, and retained his sense of proportion throughout his work in De Bary’s laboratory where, even in the 1870s, the develop- ment, reproduction, life histories, parasitism, and other activities of fungi were stressed and taxonomy was rather looked down upon as old fashioned, the systematists with their vasculi being significantly and disparagingly dubbed “Heusammler.”” There he worked on the morphology, development, and reproduction of fungi and other cryptogams and there he completed | the work on the apogamous development of Pteris, work which, on publi- cation in 1874 immediately attracted wide attention, a pioneer contribution to a field later developed by others to far reaching significance. His brief but vivid pictures of the atmosphere, activities, and personalities in De Bary’s laboratories as well as in others, such as Bornet’s, in which he worked for shorter periods are interesting sidelights on botanical history, enlivened by his characteristic humor and well worth seeking out in the bibliographies already noted. In the biographical sketches which appeared after Dr. Farlow’s death, there is detectable a tendency to apologize for his not too extensive list of published contributions. This is hard to understand for certainly his biog- raphers were well aware that the major part of his activity had been the accumulation and working over of collections not as an objective in them- selves but as an essential working tool applied to the service of cryptogamic 88 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 botany. After Dr. Farlow’s death in 1919 his herbarium, when officially taken over by Harvard, comprised around 500,000 specimens and the greater proportion of these had been studied and worked over critically by Dr. Farlow himself. Many of them bore enlightening notations in his characteristic handwriting, evidence of their having been compared criti- cally with exsiccati, type specimens, and other pertinent material and care- fully studied in relation to the significant and authoritative literature. No one who has consulted his extensive herbarium can fail to realize that it had been worked and reworked by Dr. Farlow until it became a fundamental part of his knowledge, his first hand familiarity with this material and with the wealth of original work in the extensive library he accumulated being the basis of his impressively wide knowledge so valuable to many workers in this country and in Europe. The list of his publications is ample evidence of the breadth of his interest and knowledge since it ranges through the cryptogams from the algae to the ferns, and in the fungi, which have the major emphasis, touches on all of the chief groups from the bacteria and Myxomycetes up through the Phycomycetes, Ascomycetes, and Fungi Imperfecti, to the Basidiomycetes. Here are found the several published lists comprising some of the many fungi studied and identified by him, fungi representative of many different localities, some collected by him and by his associates in the vicinity of Boston, in the White Mountains, and elsewhere in this country, others brought back from the arctic by the Peary expedition or by other expedi- tions from such regions as Alaska and Labrador, or the Galapagos and the Bahamas, or from Bolivia and elsewhere in South America. Here are pio- neer contributions to the field of plant-pathology, the papers on the Potato Rot, American Grape Vine Mildew, Black Knot of Cherries, and Diseases of Orange and Olive Trees in California representing part of his work at the Bussey Institution under his appointment as Assistant Professor of Cryptogamic Botany at Harvard from 1874 to 1879. There are also nu- merous more general papers in this field discussing common diseases caused by fungi, diseases of fruit-bearing trees, fungous diseases important in Massachusetts in various years and injurious fungi of California, while forest pathology shows a few pioneer papers on diseases of forest trees and diseases of trees following mechanical injury, and there are numerous studies of rusts, smuts, mildews, blights, and other fungi pathogenic to crop plants. There is also a brief note, in 1881, on the identity of a fungus found growing in the human ear, one of the early contributions in this country to the field of medical mycology, destined for rapid development forty years later. Papers on the edibility and poisonous quality of mushrooms and on the diseases of mushrooms with notes on truffles and other rarities are evi- dence of his interest in these economic aspects of the fleshy fungi as well as in their identity, classification, and relationship. There are notes also on some of the more spectacular aspects of mycology such as the identity of the fungi stored up by squirrels, the fungous diseases of insects, the mim- icry of fungi by insects, the famous ginger beer plant with its combination WESTON: FARLOW’s INFLUENCE ON MycoLocy 89 of yeast and bacteria collaborating to produce a liquor more or less potable, and the nature of the spots of rose leaves thought to be a fungous disease but in reality merely the adherent sporangia explosively discharged from a mold growing on the mulch below, a phenomenon that still continues to mislead botanists of the present as it did those of Europe and the United States in 1886. His publications offer convincing evidence that even though his interests were primarily in systematic botany in its broadest sense, yet he was never oblivious of the practical importance of various aspects of cryptogamic botany and when need arose, turned his capabilities to such problems with telling effect, producing pioneer work of significance in several such fields. In plant pathology his work stands with that of Burrill and other pioneers as the first in this country, the beginning of a rapid development that within two generations gave preéminence in this field to the United States. Similarly his study of the pollution of drinking water by fresh water algae was a classic, pioneer investigation paving the way for the later develop- ment by Moore, Kellerman, and others, of this field of applied algology. Even more than by his publications, however, he contributed to the advancement of botany by the services his herbarium, library, and indices, as well as his own knowledge, stimulus, and counsel rendered to workers in many areas of that rapidly expanding field of science. Here was available authentic reference material unequalled by any similar assembly in this country, a source where under the authoritative and interpretive guidance of Dr. Farlow, the interested seeker could find the answer to difficult ques- tions as to the nature, identity, and relationship of the lower plants. Al- though such service is hard to estimate in quantitative terms, yet it was probably of the greatest value to mycology for while the library and her- barium covered the whole field of cryptogamic botany, the herbarium comprised more fungi than all the other specimens of algae, lichens, and Bryophytes combined, while the two Indices were devoted to the fungi alone. These facilities served, in the case of potentially harmful fungi, as the fingerprint files and criminal records from which the identity and dan- gerous characteristics of poisonous, injurious, or disease producing fungi could be determined with certainty, and, in the case of fungi potentially valuable to science, industry, or agriculture, as the personnel roster from which their names, locations, and capabilities could be ascertained. Visit- ing scientists in increasing numbers sought this center, coming from labora- tories and institutions from all parts of this country and even from Europe, while by correspondence and exchange or loan of specimens and other ma- terial the service rendered by Dr. Farlow and the herbarium was extended even more widely. The numerous published acknowledgments frequently occurring in the significant contributions to botany over a period of nearly fifty years eloquently witness the effectiveness of this aspect of his par- ticipation in the development of mycology. Dr. Farlow’s influence on cryptogamic botany and on its specialized branch of mycology began through his teaching in 1874 when on returning 90 FarLow1iA, VoL. 2, 1945 from Europe he was appointed Assistant Professor of Cryptogamic Botany at Harvard University and commenced work at the Bussey Institution in Jamaica Plain. There, along with his investigations of plant diseases, he guided the research of advanced students, the first of whom was Byron D. Halsted, while two days a week he gave more elementary instruction in general cryptogamic botany to undergraduates in Cambridge and in the summer gave similar instruction in summer school. After five years of pro- ductive activity in this dual role, he relinquished his work at the Bussey and under his appointment as Professor of Cryptogamic Botany in 1879 devoted all his time to a full program of research, teaching, herbarium work, and other activities in Cambridge. In 1891 he secured the appoint- ment of Thaxter, one of his most promising Ph.D.’s then working at the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, to carry on the undergraduate teaching while he travelled and worked in Europe and on his return in 1892 resumed only the instruction of graduate students working for higher de- grees and the guidance of other investigators coming to the laboratories from the United States and abroad to carry on advanced research under his direction. In 1896, to devote himself untrammeled to the steadily growing herbarium, library, and indices that had become ever more important and widely known, he relinquished to Dr. Thaxter even this advanced instruc- tion and guidance although his helpful and stimulating influence on gradu- ate students through occasional contacts continued until shortly before his death. Thus through seventeen years of undergraduate courses and twenty- three of official graduate instruction his influence as a teacher made itself felt on a long list of men from students gaining chiefly general pre-medical background to advanced workers who became important figures in various fields of botany. Of the courses he gave it was the general survey of crypto- gamic botany variously designated in successive catalogues that most effec- tively demonstrated his unusual ability as a teacher. This covered the structure, development, reproduction, relationships, classification, and 1m- portance of the lower plants, a stimulating and challenging course with characteristically enlightening and enlivening lectures by Dr. Farlow and with strong emphasis on the laboratory study of representative types espe- cially of the algae and fungi. He was at his best in the laboratory where his practical and psychologically sound approach of leading on the student by patient but persistent questioning used this plant material as a means for developing the student’s latent capabilities for accurate observation, effective interpretation and precise description. His methods of inducing the student by his own efforts to master the difficulties of interpreting three dimensional features of complicated solid structures through interpreting the two dimensional visual images seen through the microscope were highly effective. A modern teacher might wonder what sections of a block of pine wood might have to do with cryptogamic botany or with mycology but as applied by Dr. Farlow, the study of this complicated structure became a highly challenging and enlightening initiation and apprenticeship to the WESTON: FARLOW’S INFLUENCE ON MycoLocy 91 student with any spark of initiative or resourcefulness. Some.of Dr. Far- low’s convictions on the basic philosophy of teaching, the importance of the student’s seeking and obtaining his answers from the material itself through his own efforts, are well brought out in his few articles on teaching, especially in his paper in the Scientific Monthly of 1886. Here the inter- ested reader will find a discerning portrayal of some of the “modern” meth- ods of teaching biology with a keen analysis of the types of students he finds in his own classes today and no teacher, no matter what school of education may have given him his training, can fail to profit by reading this paper of fifty years ago. The facilities for this undergraduate teaching would now be considered meager. The microscopes were the early type Leitz, the low power focussing achieved by means of adroitly twisting the barrel in its friction collar, the high power focussing accomplished by a very simple but effective lever mechanism. Crude though they seem to the modern student, these little microscopes are still capable of excellent work in the hands of a discrimi- nating user and several of them, fifty years later, still in good working con- dition, have given excellent service on field trips to present members of the staff. As there was no botany building until 1890, his courses were held in various buildings, one being Boylston Hall which still survives after years of service as a chemical laboratory, as a library, and in other capacities despite occasional arsonous attempts of students to do away with its gray grimness. From Dr. Farlow’s class records it can be assumed that it was even more cheerless then than now for entries, during the winter of 1879, in his characteristic handwriting, record: “January 7: Lecture on Fucus and Vaucheria. Laboratory too cold for work. January 8: Lecture on the Peronosporeae. Laboratory too cold for work,” while on January 14 it is safe to assume that milder weather enabled the class to make up for lost time as there was no lecture and the laboratory successfully covered Fucus, Cystopus, and the Saprolegniineae. Also, in these records there is a sug- gestion of the locker trouble which still afflicts the biology teacher, for in June, 1878, after the class of ten (six seniors, two juniors, one Divinity School and one Lawrence Scientific student) had successfully completed Natural History 9, he notes with relief that the microscopes (borrowed from the Botanic Garden and the Bussey Institution) are all accounted for but a new key will have to be made to replace the one missing for locker 16, although fortunately key #9 can do double duty as with a little coaxing it can be used for locker 8 in place of its own key, now lost. Incidentally it is of interest to note that Alfred Worcester, who became a leading and dearly loved physician in the vicinity, had locker 3 in 1877-78, Wm. Trelease, later Director of the Missouri Botanic Garden, had locker 1 in 1880-81, while in 1881-82, Wm. Patten, later widely known for his theory of the evolution of higher vertebrates from the Ostracoderms had #4 and Roland Thaxter #1. : The general course in cryptogamic botany served primarily to give a foundation knowledge of the lower plants to premedical and other students 92 FaRLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 concentrating in biology, and it fulfilled this function most ably giving the students also the training in observation and interpretation already noted and stimulating them with the enthusiasm and ideals which were essential ingredients of Dr. Farlow’s teaching. Some, however, such as Thaxter, found in this course and in the more advanced ones to which it led, the impetus in mycology as a life work, hence even this undergraduate teaching contributed in some measure to Dr. Farlow’s influence on this field. It is for his guidance and training of more advanced workers that Dr. Farlow was best known and therein lay the major influence of his teaching on mycology. Stimulating in his leadership, exacting in his requirements, unfailing in his extensive knowledge, he contributed notably to the develop- ment of the men who carried on advanced work under his direction and guidance. It is significant that the problems he suggested for these men were almost without exception in the fields of morphology, histology, cytology, development, or parasitism rather than taxonomy. This was be- cause, from the breadth of his own experience, he realized that such work would afford them better training than premature attempts at taxonomic monographs of various groups. Also he realized that systematic botany in its broad requirements needed all the evidence available from the rapidly developing fields of morphology and physiology as these, in turn, were dependent on taxonomy. In the testimonial volume of letters and photo- graphs given him on his seventieth birthday, there is an impressive list of some fifty-eight workers who had studied with him or benefited from his guidance in the Cryptogamic Laboratory between 1874 and 1914. Among them are some who had become outstanding figures in algology, others had contributed notably to zodlogy, medicine, bacteriology, or even more spe- cialized fields while the greater number were those who had played an im- portant part in developing mycology and plant pathology in this country. The names of these men are eloquent testimony to the influence of Dr. Farlow’s teaching; here are the algologists Setchell and others, discussed more fully elsewhere in this number; here are the outstanding teachers such as Lyman, Butters, and Grover; the famous men of medicine such as Kelly; the bacteriologists such as Barber; the botanists who contributed notably to physiology, genetics, cytology, taxonomy or other branches, men such as Blakeslee, Duggar, Davis, Robinson, Peirce, and Oakes Ames; the plant pathologists and mycologists such as Clinton, Rorer, Johnston, Faull, Schrenk, Fink, Riddle, Burt, Jackson, and Thaxter. All the aspects of Dr. Farlow’s influence on mycology and indeed on the whole field of cryptogamic botany whether through his teaching, research, or herbarium activities derived power and enhanced effectiveness because they were quickened and vitalized by his personality. In him there was no dullness nor stolidity, rather he was dynamic, highly active, quick of mind and motion, congenial, witty, and stimulating. Any discussion in which he participated was activated through his participation, any meeting he at- tended was enlivened and enlightened by his presence, any scientific move- WESTON: FARLOW’s INFLUENCE ON MycoLocy ' 93 ment in which he took part was given impetus. Even as a student he had shown the qualities of leadership and as his prestige grew through years of constructive activity it was the stimulus of his personality as well as the soundness of his judgment and the scope and accuracy of his knowledge that made him one of the leading figures in American botany. In the biographical sketches which appeared after his death, especially in the excellent memoir by Setchell, are many revealing glimpses of Dr. Farlow’s personality, while the spontaneity of his wit and the deftness of his humor enliven the pages of his contributions. Some of the many stories concerning him have already been written, numerous others are treasured in legend. A couple of these, apocryphal perhaps, are yet so characteristic - that they may not be out of place here. For example, it is said that his method of informing Dr. Thaxter of his engagement to Lilian Horsford was to remark at the end of one of their daily discussions of laboratory affairs, “By the way, did you know that Miss Horsford is engaged?” and on Thaxter’s astonished reply “No, to whom?” his answer was “To me, of course.” Also, as an instance of his ability to deflate pomposity there is the story that once, when he was crouched, digging in a patch of shrubbery by the side of a road near Chocorua, a dowager driving by with all the pomp and circumstance of footman, driver, and prancing team of horses, im- periously stopped the equipage and called out “Little boy, who are you and what are you doing here,” at which Dr. Farlow straightened up and with impressive dignity answered, “Madam, I am Dr. William Gilson Farlow, Professor of Cryptogamic Botany at Harvard University and I am collect- ing hypogaeous fungi,’ at which disconcerting and unexpected reply the woman is reported to have driven rapidly away. Those of us who were fortunate enough to have had even a slight asso- ciation with him as graduate students looked upon him with awe because of his attainments, and delight because of his whimsical humour. While I was in charge of the teaching laboratory as Dr. Thaxter’s assistant, Dr. Farlow liked to use the large tables on free days for sorting specimens and his comments, while rapidly shuffling packets from one herbarium folder to another and critically looking over new accessions, were worth straining the ear to hear and such straining was necessary, for in his rapid sorting, both hands would be busy and he would frequently hold one or two packets between his teeth. Yet even when thus occupied he would carry on a run- ning fire of comment on the specimens, with anecdotes of those who had collected them and reminiscences of his own collecting trips. It was on one such occasion that he spoke of collecting algae on the West Coast and dry- ing his specimens in his hotel room using the iron bed, which he had turned upside down and festooned with cords, as an improvised drying rack. His imitation of the Chinese houseboy opening the door, taking in the situation with one glance, uttering a wailing ‘““A-wah, A-wah” and retiring for a more favorable opportunity to tidy the room, was unforgettable. In some of the biographical sketches his quick, light step is noted. This step was familiar to all of us in the laboratories, as we noted also his char- 94 FarLow1A, VoL. 2, 1945 acteristic habit of taking a couple of shorter, quicker steps just before com- ing to a threshold, then hurdling the threshold as it were and taking a few more quick steps before resuming his regular pace. For this characteristic entry I used to listen, for he had a way of trying out my reactions on ma- terial he was studying, seeking, no doubt, the opinion of the general public of less experience and lower I.Q. in addition to the expert opinion of Dr. Thaxter. On one occasion he brought in two slides, asked me to compare them and after watching me examine them carefully under high power asked my opinion. My reply, noting their general similarity but pointing out certain differences, seemed to please him highly and he rapidly departed with the slides remarking ‘‘Very interesting, some people seem to have thought they were the same.’’ When his note in Science in 1912 appeared shortly after, I realized he had been showing me some of the critical ma- terial on which his transfer of the chestnut blight fungus from Diaporthe to Endothia was based. It was typical of his geniality that he would invite all of us, graduate students and investigators in the laboratory, to his house for occasional din- ners. Those were memorable evenings. Mrs. Farlow, gracious and kindly, presided at the table over a dinner excellent and sumptuous, in striking contrast to the meager Foxcroft Hall menu which the limited finances of most of us permitted. Then followed examination of priceless volumes in the small fire-proof room which projected toward what is now the Faculty Club; perhaps some music in which he showed himself a versatile and ac- complished pianist; and certainly reminiscences and anecdotes of his own experience and of well-known mycologists and algologists here and abroad, unforgettable to us who were just beginning our mycological work. On one occasion there was discussion of ant lions with which, of all of us, only Owen Burger was familiar from his work in Florida and I remembered well Dr. Farlow’s vivid demonstration, on the deep piled Oriental rug, of the proper posture to assume while calling ‘““Doodle, doodle” to the ant lion in the right pitch to jar him with the vibrations so that he would emerge from his hiding place in the center of his effective sand trap. (Incidentally, some years later in the Philippines I found this technique successful with the ant lions under the eaves of my house at Los Bajos even though the magic words are certainly not Tagalog! ) All of us working in the laboratory at that time received some measure of help in our research and large measure of inspiration in our lives from our contacts with Dr. Farlow and this was in 1911 to 1915, only a few years before his death and long after he had, officially, relinquished all direct contact with teaching. Still treasured in my collections are specimens he gave me to facilitate identification of algae I had gathered at Woods Hole and around Halifax, Nova Scotia; but one of many instances of his helpfulness toward all of us. That his aid to the younger generations of botanists was not only scien- tific but in many cases financial is less well known, largely because such aid was very unobtrusively and often vicariously and anonymously achieved. WESTON: FARLOW’s INFLUENCE ON MycoLocy 95 Setchell mentions one or two such instances and Mangin gratefully acknowl- edges other cases in which French botanists were benefited while many others have received only private, though equally grateful, recognition. To the beginner as well as to the expert, the assistance of Dr. Farlow’s incomparably broad and expert knowledge was ever available if sought, and as his prestige grew he occupied a position of esteem highly regarded in this country and abroad as the final authority in difficult questions in the taxonomy of the lower plants. Because of his wide contacts with the work going on in this country and Europe, his familiarity with a wider range of workers and laboratories, his grasp of important developments in various fields, his opinion was sought not only in taxonomic problems but also on questions of general policy and purpose. It was the combination of his accomplishments and his personality that made him the spokesman and representative of mycology for many years. Finally, as an adjunct to all the other channels through which he influ- enced cryptogamic botany and especially mycology, the part he played in fostering and promoting publications should be noted. He was the first of the American editors of the influential British periodical The Annals of Botany and, through his efforts over several years, it was strengthened by notable contributions from workers in the United States. In 1883, as the volume of work accomplished by investigators in his laboratory began to increase, he started the well-known series of “Contributions from the Cryp- togamic Laboratories of Harvard University” and in 1896 when he relin- quished the guidance of research workers to devote himself to his other activities, the numbered publications in this series, together with a few similar contributions for one reason or another not included, had reached over forty. Each of these papers by students or associates was within its limits a significant contribution and the whole series has materially ad- vanced the development of botany. This very periodical, Farlowia, itself is not only a tribute in name to Dr. Farlow, but concrete evidence of the ways in which his influence on mycology and other branches of cryptogamic botany still makes itself felt. HARVARD UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, Mass. 4 2(1): 97-141 FARLOWIA January, 1945 THE BOLETINEAE OF FLORIDA WITH NOTES ON EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES I. THE STROBILOMYCETACEAE -RoLFr SINGER The present paper is intended to be the first of a series of monographic studies devoted to the basidiomycetous flora of the State of Florida. For the first time an attempt will be made to treat taxonomically the Boletineae of a large region with due consideration of the anatomical and chemical characters which, according to the author’s view, are of no less importance in the taxonomy of this group than are adequate macroscopical descriptions, Considering the many inevitable changes that will be noticed when this paper is compared with the traditional American and European system of classification, the author has thought it necessary not to confine himself to the discussion of the species occurring in Florida. While giving complete descriptions only of Floridan species, notes on extralimital species have been added in order to avoid the mistake bound to impair the work of the locally minded taxonomist. At the same time, this procedure seems to offer the only means of providing all the evidence for the solutions proposed in this paper. This seemed especially important in some thus far controversial groups such as the Strobilomycetaceae, Jugasporaceae, and the genera Pulveroboletus and Phylloporus (Boletaceae). It will also illustrate the specific representation of Florida fungi in the world flora of Boletineae. Another factor determining the present arrangement was the author’s wish to coordinate European and American nomenclature and classification. As a matter of fact, many so-called American species have been known previ- ously to European mycologists under other names, and many European species have turned out to be later synonyms of species published by Amer- ican authors. In the case of Boletellus ananas and Strobilomyces pallescens a similar situation has developed between this country and Australia. The mycoflora of Florida is especially fascinating as a part of a transi- tional vegetation, changing from the North American temperate flora into the neotropic flora of the West Indies and South America. This transition is a very gradual one, the northern and the southern elements overlapping each other’s areas of distribution until, in a comparatively narrow zone along the south tip of the peninsula it becomes more truly tropical. Never- theless, while not all of the representatives of tropical South and Central America reach South Florida, there are still some more northern elements following the species of Quercus all through the peninsula. The extra- tropical part of what is usually called South Florida, and Central Florida up to a line running somewhere through North Florida is characterized by a progressive (towards the north) increase of the absolute number of species 97 98 FARLOwIA, VoL. 2, 1945 of Boletineae observed, and also by the progressive increase of the percent- age of northern elements, and a progressive division of the fungus flora into a thermophilous summer flora, and a more hardy winter flora. While all tropical elements reaching as far north as the zone where this bi-seasonal fruiting period becomes most distinct naturally belong to the summer crop, and all the truly northern elements belong to the flora appearing during the winter rainy period, it nevertheless is true that some unexpected fruiting periods are observed for certain species, e.g. Boletellus Russellii with the center of its area far to the north, still appears among the summer-fruiting species. The bi-seasonal division rather seems to follow generic lines: with very few exceptions the genera Strobilomyces, Porphyrellus, Boletellus (i.e. all Strobilomycetaceae), all Boletaceae except Suillus, and the genus Clito- pilus belong to the summer-fruiting group, while Gomphidius, Suillus, Pax- illus, and also some single exceptional species of the Boletaceae belong to the winter-fruiting group. These seasons are strictly parallel with the main periods of precipitation in this part of the state, ie. June to August, and depending on yearly fluctuations, frequently also in May (even April) and September (October) and again in December and January (sometimes in- cluding November and February, or even a part of March). The periods between these rainy seasons are not altogether devoid of fungus growth, but only very exceptionally will any representatives of the Boletineae be found during the dry spells between the main seasons, and never will a typical summer species be collected in winter or vice versa. It will be re- membered that a somewhat similar situation has been reported from Cuba by Berkeley and Curtis though their statement regards only the montane zone. A very interesting fact, noteworthy in this connection, is the discovery by the writer of true seasonal dimorphism in boletineous species in Florida. Two species, Suillus hirtellus (Peck) Snell and Suillus australis Sing. ined., show morphological and chemical differences according to the period of appearance and these are constant in different regions and analogous in both cases cited. They will be discussed in the second part of this paper. As for the association of the mycorrhizal fungi with certain hosts, we have some interesting examples of specialization in Florida. While it is generally assumed that there is little evidence of a mycorrhizal association with forest trees in the tropics, the occurrence of several species of pines down to the south tip of the peninsula and in the Caribbean area, and also the presence of many species of Quercus, explain the fact that Florida, even the tropical zone of the State, makes an exception of this rule. It is remark- able that two closely allied species, or, in the writer’s opinion, subspecies of the genus Pinus, i.e. Pinus palustris and Pinus caribaea, clearly differ bio- logically if their symbionts are considered. P. palustris has many more spe- cies forming mycorrhiza obligatorily confined to Pinus, and most stands and a fair number of individual trees if not practically all in certain regions have either Boletinus-, Suillus-, or Gomphidius-mycorrhiza, or at least a mycorrhizal flora consisting of such Agaricales that do not occur on or with Pinus caribaea. This latter pine is comparatively rarely found to be asso- SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I oo ciated with mycorrhiza-forming Agaricales, and if it is, the species are dif- ferent from these observed with Pinus palustris. Pinus caribaea is associated with Boletus griseus, Boletus rubricitrinus, Boletus rubellus or in other words, fungi belonging to a genus where the formation of mycorrhiza with conifers is mot a generic character, and not even a specific character as far as the species just cited are concerned. This strict differentiation may best be explained by the fact that to the slight morphological difference between these two pines there is added a somewhat stronger climatic, and a very strong ecologic factor. Most of the area of Pinus caribaea is situated in the tropical zone of South Florida, and the soil usually is hot and dry lime rock. Whatever the explanation, this interesting relationship tends to furnish one more argument in favor of the results of the recent investigations by De Vall.1 For example, in Highlands Hammock State Park, Pinus caribaea was indicated by some authors. The analysis of the accompanying fungus flora shows that it is typical for Pinus palustris, not P. caribaea. Actually De Vall and West were able to state that the pines in question were Pinus palustris. As for broad leaf trees the main mycorrhiza-bearing genus is Quercus. Here again I was surprised to learn how little some of the mycorrhizal fungi seem to be influenced by the variety of vegetation types in which they find themselves growing, as long as there is a suitable mycorrhiza-host. In Florida all species of Leccinum (group of Boletus scaber) are dryophilous, i.e. confined to oak; yet, Leccinum chalybaeum Sing. ined. was found in a flatwood under Pinus palustris. It was not until I found a patch of two inch high Quercus minima that I felt satisfied to explain the occurrence of a Leccinum in pine land. This little oak also grows in symbiosis with Por- phyrellus subflavidus. Only a few feet from there, I observed several car- pophores of T'wlopilus conicus, an indubitable pine-symbiont. This shows how carefully field observations on questions of mycorrhiza must be made in order to provide information usable as a basis of future experimental studies or as a basis for taxonomic purposes, instead of being a source of perpetual confusion. Among the vegetation types of Florida in which species of Boletineae participate, are all types of hammocks (low, mesophytic and high ham- mocks as well as tropical hammocks), pinelands (high pine and flatwood, and even the lime rock flats of the south) and scrub areas on white sand in sand dune regions. This enumeration is given in the order of relative importance. In open grassland (lawns, grassy places in open woods and gardens, so-called prairies and marshes, possibly some parts of the ever- glades), Boletineae are found exceptionally: Clitopilus Giovanellae and C. scyphoides var. floridanus being the only species growing outside the wooded areas, entirely independent of mycorrhiza, or as it seems even of the cooling shadow of the trees. In the scrub, under scrub oak and Pinus *De Vall, Wilbur B. The taxonomic status of Pinus caribaea Mor. Proc. Fla. Acad. Sci. for 1940, 5: 121-132. 1941. 100 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 clausa, I have observed two species of boletes, Boletus luridellus and Xero- comus subilludens, but both these species are not exclusively inhabitants of the scrub. A phenomenon of interest for those who search for new and more con- vincing facts about the problem of the phylogeny of the Boletineae, has been observed in Florida: the occurrence of gastroid conditions of two now well-defined species of Boletineae, Boletus rubellus ssp. caribaeus and Bole- tinus decipiens. In the former they were sterile while in the latter they produced spores of the same kind as were produced on the pseudoangio- carpus (i.e. normal) carpophores. These parallel forms of fructification will be discussed at their proper place. The number of species of Boletineae now known to occur in Florida is at least sixty-five. This is a remarkably high figure if the fact is kept in mind that several genera of prevalently or exclusively northern distribution such as Gomphidius, Paxillus, Hygrophoropsis, and Boletinus are represented by only one or two species each, and still the total is higher than in France, and probably higher than in the entire Caribbean area. Some special arrangements and abbreviations to be used on the following pages need explanation. In the key, the Florida species are numbered, the numbers referring to the figures preceding the name and description of the species in this paper. The unnumbered species appearing in the keys are those studied by the author and discussed in this paper under the heading “Extralimital species.” For these species the synonymy has been kept down to the most essential binomials, while for Florida species the full synonymy has been established. The keys are thought to enable the experienced reader to determine all sufficiently known species, and it is hoped that this arrange- ment will make the paper useful beyond the state limits of Florida, and also abroad. Under the heading “Material studied” we indicate all material that has influenced the description given. The herbaria in which the material is preserved are indicated by the abbreviations recommended by J. Lanjouw (Chron. Botan. 5 (2/3): 143-150. 1939). A special effort has been made to secure type material of the species treated, and all material collected in Florida, though the latter is scarce with the only exception of the collections preserved at the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Florida at Gainesville. All the descriptions and notes including the syno- nyms are entirely based on the author’s own studies; in the very few cases where citations from other sources have been necessary, these sources have been indicated. A complete list of literature and an index of the genera and species will be given at the end of the last part of this paper which will be published at a later date. The color names in quotation marks given in the descriptions and keys are those of R. Ridgway. Color Standards and Color Nomenclature, Washington, D. C., 1912. Colors that cannot ade- quately be determined in Ridgway are cited from A. Maerz & M. Rea Paul, Dictionary of Color, New York, 1930, and then ““M. & P.” is added after the quotation marks. SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE. I 101 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS A fellowship of the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation has made this study possible. It enabled the writer to get a first-hand knowledge of the fungi of Florida in the field, and also to carry through a careful examination of the types of species described by W. A. Murrill at Gainesville, Florida. The author wishes to thank Dr. D. H. Linder for loan of scientific appa- ratus during the trip, for reading the manuscript and for the drawings on plate I of this paper. He also wishes to acknowledge his gratitude for per- mission to study material from other institutions than the Farlow Her- barium, namely to Dr. John N. Couch and Dr. Alma Holland Beers of the University of North Carolina, Dr. Homer D. House of New York State Museum, Dr. Fred J. Seaver, New York Botanical Garden, Dr. Walter H. Snell, Brown University, Mr. E. West and Dr. W. A. Murrill, University of Florida. It is a pleasure to acknowledge the kind and efficient help the author had from all botanists he met in Florida. He wants to extend his thanks for innumerable courtesies to Erdman West, University of Florida, for laboratory space and valuable advice to Dr. Williams, University of Miami, for office and transportation facilities to Mr. Altvater, Highlands Hammock State Park, now in the Armed Services, for determination of hosts to Dr. Buswell, University of Miami, and Miss Lillian Arnold, Uni- versity of Florida. The writer is also thankful for the help in planning the trip offered by Dr. E. D. Merrill, Harvard University, and Dr. D. Fairchild, Coconut Grove, Fla. Their competence in everything connected with plant life in Florida made it possible for the author to be at the right time at the right place, probably the most important thing for anyone who wants to collect in Florida. It is impossible to mention all the names of those who have turned in specimens of fungi, but their contributions are highly ap- preciated. SUBORDER BOLETINEAE (Opat. 1836 ut fam.) Pilat 1926, em. Sing. 1936. KEY TO THE FAMILIES A. Spores never pale pink, mostly ornamented, or nearly black to black, or “warm sepia” to “Sudan brown” or “hazel” in print, or extremely long (most of the spores of a print over 20 uw in length), or with thick (thicker than 1 «) wall applanate or provided with a germinative pore at the apex; hymenophore ordinarily (in Florida always) tubulose; clamp connections none. Strobilomycetaceae A. Spores either pale pink, or smooth (constantly and persistently so), if nearly or dis- tinctly black, and if larger than 20 w, the hymenophore is lamellate; if thick walled, the hymenophore usually lamellate and/or clamps present; germinative pore none; hymenophore either lamellate or tubulose, also merulioid, or showing some configu- ration intermediate between lamellae and tubes; clamp connections absent or present. B. Hymenophore tubulose, rarely merulioid or (in one species) Jamellate, and then the surface of the pileus turning deep blue or greenish blue with ammonia. Boletaceae 102 Fartowla, Vo. 2, 1945 B. Hymenophore lamellate. Pileus not turning deep blue nor greenish blue with ammonia. C. Spores evenly rounded, not angular when seen from one end, nor furrowed; carpophore usually well pigmented, mostly strongly reacting with NHs, KOH, FeSQ,, and other reagents; lamellae sometimes very thick and distant; clamp connections absent or present; cystidia absent or present. D. Clamp connections absent; spore print black or nearly so; spores clearly elongate. Gom phidiaceae D. Clamp connections present; spore print brownish to “chamois,” or creamy white; spores not elongate. Paxillaceae C. Spores not evenly rounded but angular when seen from one end, and often furrowed longitudinally; pigment none, or grey, not reacting strongly with NH:, KOH, FeSO,; lamellae not thick, not distant; clamp connections none; cystidia none. Jugasporaceae STROBILOMYCETACEAE Gilb. 1931 (as Strobilomyceteae) Characters of the family: pileus squamose to squarrose, or squamulose to glabrous, viscid, or not viscid, small to large, the margin frequently pro- jecting; hymenophore tubulose, rarely lamellate, tubes usually compara- tively long halfway between the margin and the stipe, strongly convex be- neath, depressed to adnate, pores medium wide to rather wide when mature, discolorous or more frequently concolorous with the tubes: whitish to gray, or whitish to pale grayish cream color, becoming vinaceous pink to sordid purplish, or yellow, golden yellow, the pores sometimes orange to red, at last olivaceous or yellowish brown, sometimes becoming black or red or blue on pressure; spore print black or nearly so, or, if not black, a very deep brown with an olive tinge, or deep porphyry brown to reddish brown (‘warm sepia,” “hazel,” “Sudan brown’’), rarely (in some olive brown col- ors) approaching spore colors observed in Boletaceae, and then the spores differing microscopically from the latter; spores richly colored when quite mature, fuscous to deep succineous-melleous with darker ornamentations, more rarely persistently smooth, and then either remarkable for their unique size (20-30 u), or for their comparatively thick walls (more than 1 »), the endosporium usually interrupted at the apex forming an incomplete germi- native pore, or the apex applanate as in Ganoderma, or even more acumi- nate than it is in the Boletaceae, outline globose, subglobose, short-ellipsoid, fusoid, rarely ovoid-fusoid; basidia and cystidia comparatively voluminous, mostly more so than in species with equally large spores in the Boletaceae; trama of the tube walls pronouncedly bilateral in youth, hyphae without clamp connections; stipe usually approximately cylindrical and compara- tively long and slender, smooth or ornamented with woolly or fibrillose scales, or with shallow to conspicuously projecting alveolate networks which in the most typical cases are waxy-slippery and bearing a hymenium; veil often present and then woolly or membranaceous, sometimes viscid, either fugacious, or persistent as an annulus on the stipe or as an appendicu- late margin on the pileus, or both, never entirely glutinous, not yellow- pulverulent; stipe always destitute of glandulae. Habitat: on earth, more SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 103 rarely on the base of trees, or on decaying wood, most species preferring warmer climates, only few species reaching Canada, and only two species known from Europe and adjacent regions. When any local flora is analyzed, and the representatives of the Strobilo- mycetaceae compared with each other and with the Boletaceae, it usually so happens that they are not easily recognized as a homogeneous group. In Europe, the spores of the two species found there are very different, espe- cially when studied superficially, and the classification of the boletes accord- ing to the macroscopical characters of the pileus and the stipe that had been usual in both the American and European literature up to very recently, deepened the impression that the North American Strobilomy- cetaceae were widely different macroscopically, and only the “incidental” characters of the spores simulated an allegedly non-existing relationship. Even in South Carolina with its comparatively rich flora, Coker and Beers (The Boletaceae of North Carolina, p. 74. 1943) offer the opinion that “‘to attempt to segregate them as a unified group would seem to us unadvisable.” Strangely enough, the strobilomycetaceous species of Boletus sensu lato in the same book are arranged much like a unified group. They are treated in the following order: B. chrysenteron sensu Coker & Beers, B. sordidus, B. chrysenteroides, B. ananas, B. Russellii, B. betula; — missing only B. gracilis (with the spores erroneously described as smooth), B. projectellus (with actually smooth spores), and S. floccopus (already transferred to Strobilomyces). If all characters and all species known (including those from Asia and Africa) are considered, there is no doubt that the Strobilo- mycetaceae constitute a natural group though related to the Boletaceae, but not showing clear kinship with any genus of the latter, differing not only in the finer structural characters of the spores, but also in their color. They also show a combination of macroscopical characters that makes it possible for the experienced collector to foretell the spore characters in a general way. The relatively large size of the basidia and cystidia in most species is an additional criterium. The astonishing similarity of the chem- ical characters in Porphyrellus pseudoscaber (Secr.) Sing. and Strobilomyces floccopus convinced the author still more that the two species and genera are more closely related than formerly has been suspected. Nevertheless the gaps between some of the species known to belong to the Strobilomyce- taceae may seem rather wide, and some striking types may, rightly or wrongly, cause the taxonomist to erect several separate genera. That is why, indeed, a number of genera already have been proposed for them: Strobilomyces Berk. for S. fleccopus and allied species, Porphyrellus for B. pseudoscaber, Boletogaster for a form near B. jalapensis, Frostiella for B. Russellii and B. betula, and Boletellus for B. ananas. However, if all the groups and species from all over the world are taken into consideration, the gaps between them do not appear to be so striking, and one has difficulty in distributing the species in genera or sections rather than in finding connecting links between them. In Gilbert’s scheme the Strobilomycetaceae are divided in two genera 104 FARLOwIA, VoL. 2, 1945 according to the color of the pores which are whitish to gray in Strobilo- myces and yellow in Boletellus. In Leccinum where a similar situation exists, this character has certainly no more than sectional value, and neither in Leccinum nor in the Strobilomycetaceae is it accompanied by any one correlated character. As a matter of fact, the squamose condition of the pileus in Strobilomyces is found in the type species of Boletellus as well as in some other species and the reticulate short spores known in S. floccopus are also found in Boletellus retisporus, a species characterized by yellow pores. Thus, the characters on which Berkeley based his genus Strobilo- myces are not confined to this genus. On the other hand two African species, S. costatisporus and S. pterosporus, have all the essential characters of S. floccopus but short ellipsoid spores with the same longitudinal wing-like ridges as known in Boletellus singaporensis or B. Linderi where the pores are yellow or red and the veil of a quite different structure. Likewise the color of the spore print, often useful in the classification of the Boletaceae, cannot be used to the same extent in the Strobilomycetaceae because of the uncorrelated occurrence of some shades and tinges. The spores of Strobilomyces floccopus and Boletellus ananas are practically black in print though very different in ornamentation and shape. Porphy- rosporus subflavidus and Boletellus betula, otherwise similar, have the hymenophore, including the pores, and the spore print differently colored. Porphyrellus subflavidus and P. pseudoscaber though having the same color of the spore print, are chemically different. The species, intermediate be- tween these, Porphyrellus gracilis, has the spore print of a shade differing from both P. subflavidus and P. pseudoscaber. The situation is not even as simple as it seemed at first, since further studies revealed that there are not merely white, gray, and yellow-pored species, as Gilbert thought, but there also are species with initially pallid cream-colored pores (e.g. Porphyrellus tristis), species with white pores that become vinaceous pink (Porphyrellus gracilis, P. malaccensis, P. sub- flavidus) and species with discolorous pores that are tinged orange to red (Boletellus Linderi, B. pictiformis). The spores are not only of two types, as was assumed formerly, but there is a third type, usually described as punctate or warty; in this case cylindric spines are imbedded in the exosporium, protrude slightly or scarcely, and when they are seen from above, they are described as punctate (Boletellus betula), but when they are seen in an optical section showing the outline, the spores are mostly described as smooth (Porphyrellus gra- cilis, P. subflavidus), or warty-rough (Porphyrellus malaccensis). In some cases species with the essential macro- and microcharacters of a related rough-spored strobilomycetaceous species, have not seemingly but actually smooth spores. These smooth spores are easily recognized as strobilomy- cetaceous by their size, color, or thickness of the walls, or by the shape of the apex of the spore, and the combined remaining characters put these forms in the neighborhood of some indubitable representative of the Stro- bilomycetaceae rather than of the Boletaceae where most smooth-spored SINGER: FLorRIpA BOLETINEAE. I 105 species belong. If it could be doubted hitherto that there are any smooth- spored species actually related to some species of Strobilomycetaceae, there is no longer room for doubt in view of the fact that both smooth and per- forated spores are found in a single preparation of some specimens of Por- phyrellus pseudoscaber and Strobilomyces velutipes. In both cases the majority of the spores is smooth even when mature, and the minority is ornamented. The above-cited facts show that the Strobilomycetaceae are a homo- geneous and probably natural family within the Boletineae, and have to be treated as such. The difficulty in achieving a satisfactory division of the family into genera could be avoided by recognizing only one genus for all tube-bearing Strobilomycetaceae. However, this would mean only a delay in solving the problem, for poor genera will never constitute good sub-genera, and a single genus for all species involved would not match well with the generic conception now generally adopted in the Boletineae. As the author thinks now, the difficulty will be solved most naturally by adopting a third genus for the tube-bearing Strobilomycetaceae, besides Strobilomyces and Boletellus. This genus has to take care of the species with elongate, smooth or perforated spores that are somehow reddish brown without an olivaceous tinge. Since it would therefore, among others, em- brace the Porphyrellus pseudoscaber-complex on which the genus Porphy- rellus has been based, it would not be necessary to propose a new generic name, but merely transfer Porphyrellus from the Boletaceae to the Strobilo- mycetaceae. Gilbert, not satisfied with the naming of a genus to replace Bataille’s homonym Phaeoporus, transferred several species to Porphyrellus, American species which he did not know personally. Here started a con- fusion which could only be straightened out by studies in America using fresh spore prints and good fresh and authentic dried material. It turned out that Boletus alboater Schw. and Boletus nigrellus Peck, synonyms by the way, are not related to Porphyrosporus pseudoscaber, as claimed by Gilbert, but belong in a section of Tylopilus Karst. (Boletaceae) , not repre- sented in Europe. This explains why Gilbert, not knowing any species of this section, and not having recognized the genus T ylopilus at all, misplaced the two American species in his Porphyrellus. Porphyrellus differs from the above-mentioned section of Tylopilus in having more strongly pig- mented spores with a different color in print, and with thicker walls and either acuminate or truncate apex. It also differs in having the pores much wider in age than they are in Tylopilus, and finally, their hymenial elements are decidedly more voluminous, especially in proportion to the spore size. The chemical reactions also support this distinction. Though both in 7'y- lopilus and in Porphyrellus there are species with a pileus covered by a trichodermium, the structure of this layer on the stipe is not quite identical, and the trama of the dissepiments of the hymenophore becomes subregular in Porphyrellus in a much earlier stage than in Tylopilus. The occurrence of spores with imbedded warts in some forms of Porphyrellus pseudoscaber 106 FartowlA, Vor. 2, 1945 emphasizes the difference between the type species of Porphyrellus and the genus Tylopilus with its constantly smooth spores. Porphyrellus pseudoscaber is closer to Strobilomyces than it is to Tylo- pilus. This is shown by the occasional presence of spores with imbedded warts as in Strobilomyces velutipes, by the above-mentioned similarity of the chemical characters of P. pseudoscaber and S. floccopus, the intensely colored spore wall in both Porphyrellus and Strobilomyces and the rather large size of the basidia when compared with spore size in both these genera. It is therefore surprising to see that Fries, who did not know any of these characters, by mere intuition treated Boletus porphyrosporus (i.e. Porphy- rellus pseudoscaber) and Boletus strobilaceus (i.e. Strobilomyces floccopus) within one and the same subgroup, the section Favosi Fr. Bataille had Eriocorys strobilaceus (S. floccopus) and Phaeoporus porphyrosporus (P. pseudoscaber) in the same series Porphyrospori Bat. There are now about forty-five species known to belong or probably be- longing in the Strobilomycetaceae, of which roughly two thirds are suffi- ciently studied. Only about one quarter of the total is not prevalently or exclusively tropical or subtropical. Eight species and varieties have been observed in Florida. Three of these are endemic and have not thus far been found except in Florida. This puts Florida among the regions richest in strobilomycetaceous forms: the southern part of North America, the West African tropics, and the Austral-Asiatic tropics. KEY TO THE GENERA AND SECTIONS A. Hymenophore, at least in its larger part, distinctly tubulose. B. Spores globose to short-ellipsoid; hymenophore white to gray at first, becoming darker in age; stipe not waxy-costate-lacunose; pileus and stipe either warty, or woolly, or spinose-squarrose. Gen. Strobilomyces Berk. C. Spores smooth, at least a considerable percentage of them, or beset with warts and short ribs, or either of these, imbedded in the exosporium, or with more or less imbedded to subfree reticulate ridges, forming a complete network on the spores. Sect. Genuini Sing. C. Spores with longitudinal wing-like thin ridges running from the hilar end to- ward the very apex of the spore where they abruptly stop. Sect. Pterospori Sing. B. Fungi not combining the characters outlined above, ie. spores either distinctly elongate (Q larger than 1.5), or hymenophore not white, nor gray at first; if the pileus is adorned by projecting warts, floccons, or erect spines, the hymenophore is yellow to red, and the stipe is not strongly floccose, or a veil is entirely want- ing, or both. D. Tubes and pores of the young carpophores white to pale grayish cream color, becoming light pinkish vinaceous or sordid gray to porphyry brown with a grayish tinge when quite mature; spores with short cylindric warts or with slender spines perforating the exosporium, making the spores appear punctate when their upper surface is focussed upon under an oil immersion lens; in some cases the vast majority, or even all spores are virtually smooth; spore print reddish brown (varying from “warm sepia” to “Sudan brown” or “hazel”) without any olivaceous tinge (at least in the species studied in this regard). Gen. Porphyrellus Gilb. em. SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE. I 107 E. Pileus sordid or at least very dull-colored, gray or umber. Context strongly reacting with KOH, NH.OH, FeSO, etc.; stipe not reticulate, its trichodermium usually forming a distinct velutinous layer. Sect. Tristes Sing. E. Pileus brighter-colored: yellowish brown, light yellow to occasionally white, chestnut, or some other shade of reddish brown; context either weakly or not at all reacting with KOH, NH.OH, FeSO,, etc.; stipe at least finely or even obscurely reticulate, or partly so, or deeply waxy- costate-lacunose. Sect. Graciles Sing. D. Tubes yellow in youth, becoming melleous or brownish melleous, or oliva- ceous with age; spores with an ornamentation as described above, or smooth, or—most frequently —longitudinally winged to striately ribbed, in one species reticulate as in Strobilomyces floccopus; spore print deep brown with an olivaceous tinge to blackish, not reddish when fresh. Gen. Boletellus Murr. em. F. Pileus pink, purple, or carmine, but frequently at least partly expallent, not viscid; spores ornamented with longitudinal wing-like ridges or striate with narrow ribs or veins from the hilar end to the tip, never smooth, nor otherwise ornamented; length of the majority of the spores when fully mature more than 17 wu. Sect. Ananae Sing. F. Pileus rarely showing the above colors, and then either viscid, or (and) spores smooth, or differently ornamented, or shorter. G. Spores either smooth and very large (length 20 » and above), or short (around 12 ) and reticulate; apex of the stipe with a rather indistinct to very distinct reticulation, or most of the stipe with longitudinal veins that anastomose, but never entirely smooth, nor with waxy- costate-lacunose surface in the species known. H. Spores strongly elongate, smooth; margin decidedly projecting. Sect. Mirabiles Sing. H. Spores short, reticulate; margin not distinctly projecting. Sect. Retispori Sing. G. Spores either smaller than 19.5 « if smooth, or, if they are not smooth, never reticulate; stipe either waxy-costate-lacunose, or smooth, or woolly-shaggy-subreticulate. I. Neither pileus nor stipe viscid when wet, and veil, if present, not viscid. Sect. Chrysenteroidei Sing. I. Either pileus or stipe or veil (if present) viscid, or all three viscid. K. Spores with longitudinal wing-like ridges. L. Stipe smooth or almost so, sometimes annulate; pileus not velutinous-tomentose. Sect. Ixocephali Sing. L. Stipe waxy-costate-lacunose, the thin lamellose ribs very high, limiting deep honeycombs where rain-water remains stored; pileus tomentose (at least in the American species), and not distinctly (if at all) viscid. Sect. Dictyopodes Sing. K. Spores with short cylindric warts which for the most part are imbedded in the exosporium, and when the upper surface of the spores is focussed upon, it appears punctate. Sect. Allos pori Sing. A. Hymenophore lamellate. Gen. Phyllobolites Sing. 108 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1945 Strobilomyces Berk., Decades of Fungi 32-33. Hook. Journ. Bot. 3: 77. 1851. Eriocorys Quél., Ench. Fung., p. 163. 1886. Characters of the genus: see key (p. 106). Type species Strobilomyces strobilaceus (Scop. ex Fr.) Berk., a synonym of S. floccopus (Vahl in FI. Dan. ex Fr.) Sacc. Sect. Genuini Sing. sect. nov. Sporis levibus, perforato-verrucosis, cristulatis, reticulatisve. Characters of the section: see key (p. 106) and the above Latin diag- nosis. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Spores smooth or with short perforating warts in the episporium, making the spores appear punctate when seen from above. S. velutipes A. Spores not smooth (only a small minority occasionally smooth, and many immature spores smooth, but then the ornamented ones not as above), and not punctate when seen from above. B. Spores with short ridges and occasional isolated warts, incompletely connected with each other to form a fragmentary network; pileus with a covering of rigid, very acute, erect, thin spines or pyramids which often are cristate, or fimbriate, or fasciculate, the single ones frequently applanate in one direction, and never with a base wider than 1 mm. along its smallest diameter, and 2 mm. along its largest diameter in dried condition. 1. S. confusus B. Spores with a complete network; pileus with less rigid and more woolly scales with a larger basal diameter when dried, or with the same kind of warts as de- scribed above (the scales rather smaller than those), but at the same time with merely squamulose marginal half. C. Warts or spines or scales of the pileus larger than 2 x 1 mm. at their base, and not very rigid. 2. S. floccopus C. Warts acute, and their base smaller than 2 x 1 mm., rigid, confined to the disk; the marginal half merely squamulose. S. nigricans DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SPECIES OBSERVED IN FLORIDA 1. Strobilomyces confusus Sing. spec. nov. Pratt I, Fic. 1 Pileo atro, spinulis erectis, rigidis, acutissimis, subinde fimbriatis vel cristatis obtecto, spinulis densioribus in centro, margine velo appendiculato, sed haud distincte nec persistenter lanato, sicco, 40-85 mm. lato; tubulis porisque albido-griseolis vel griseis, siccando nigrescentibus, cinnamomeo-maculatis ubi tacti sunt, at maculis eis gradatim nigrescentibus, 10 mm. longis vel longioribus, plerumque subdepressis ad stipitem; sporis in cumulo nigris, cristulatis et incomplete reticulatis, 10.5-12.5 x 9.7— 10.2 uw; basidiis 37-48 x 11-13.5 uw; cystidiis clavatis, dein fusoideo-mucronatis vel vesiculosis apice ampullaceo, fuscescentibus, (22)-34-61 x 7.5-26.5 mw; stipite griseo, ad apicem reticulato, lanato-lacerato infra zonam reticulatam, plerumque attenuato basin versus, ad ipsam basin saepe incrassato, solido, 42-78 x 10-20 mm.; velo pro ratione sparso; carne pilei alba, celerrime rubescente, in stipite alba, autoxydatione et rubente et nigrescente; odore haud notabili. Habitatio: in pratulis umbrosis, in hortis, in pinetis mixtis prope Quercus minimas, in dumetis frondosis sub Quercubus laurifoliis et Q. virginianis. Secundum litus Atlanticum Septentrionale occidentemque versus usque ad Ohio et Tennessee. SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE. I 109 Pileus between fuscous black and black, with thin but rigid, not woolly, very acute, erect spines which are denser toward the center, and often cristate, fimbriate, or fasciculate, also not rarely compressed, the basal diameter not over 2 x 1 mm. in dried material, occasionally the spines oblit- erated or evanescent, and then the pileus appearing areolate-squamose and not much different from similar forms of S. floccopus, never viscid, not woolly, or at least not strongly and persistently so because of the greater coherence and scarcity of the veil which often hangs in small patches from the margin, surface convex, the center flattened when old, 30-85 mm. broad. — Hymenophore whitish-gray to gray, becoming blackish even if carefully dried, becoming spotted with “cinnamon” where touched in fresh condition, these cinnamon places then changing to deep chocolate and finally black; tubes 10-18 mm. long, very slightly depressed around the stipe, but also adnate-subdecurrent in smaller, and decidedly depressed in larger individuals; pores medium wide, about as in S. floccopus; spore print black. — Stipe gray, reticulate at the apex above the annulus (or remnants of the veil), shaggy-woolly below it, solid, tapering downward or more rarely equal, the base often somewhat thickened, 42—78 x 10-20 mm.,; veil not abundant, and annulus not persistent. — Context whitish, quickly red- dening in the pileus reaching a deep carrot color except for a narrow zone under the cuticle, the context of the stipe white, reddening and blackening simultaneously on exposure; odor not remarkable. Spores short-ellipsoid to globose, fuscous, with very fragmentary dense network, or merely echinate, cristulate with occasionally connected spines, the ornamentation 0.3-1.7 » high but usually partly or almost entirely im- bedded in the much paler exosporium, wall rather thick with an incomplete or complete germinative pore, 10.5-12.5 x 9.7-10.2 yw; basidia (3)-4- spored, 37-48 x 11-13.5 »; cystidia clavate, then becoming fusoid-mucro- nate and brown, also sometimes clavate-mucronate, or vesiculose with am- pullaceous apex (neck), (22)—34-61 x 7.5-26.5 «; étrama of the dissepi- ments of the hymenophore with a colored, denser mediostratum and a paler lateral stratum of divergent hyphae, hyphae without clamp-connec- tions; cuticle (tips of the warts) of strands of parallel hyphae which are brown, 17.5—63 x 3-20 ,, with transverse outgrowths, horns, buttons etc., the terminal members sometimes clavate. Chemical reactions: not separately studied (hardly much different from those of S. floccopus). Habitat: On shaded grass lawns in gardens, in mixed pine woods (e.g. woods of Pinus palustris and Quercus minima), and also in high and meso- phytic hammocks under hardwood trees (e.g. Quercus laurifolia and Q. virginiana). Summer. Distribution: From Massachusetts west to Ohio and Tennessee south to central Florida. In Florida not rare though not quite so common as S. floc- copus which seems to go farther north as well as farther south. Material studied: Fla.: Eustis, Lake Co., Oct. 1897, Thaxter 6177 (immature) (FH) ; Flatwood east of Gainesville, Alachua Co., July 1943, Singer F 2782, type (FH) ; other 110 FartowlA, Vo. 2, 1945 collections in and near Gainesville, Singer F 2766 I, F 2531, F 2647, co-types (FH). Mass. Wood’s Hole, Farlow (FH) ; Plymouth, Aug. 1889, Farlow (FH).— Pa.: Martic Forge, Marticville, on humus in chestnut orchard, Aug. 1910, J. F. Collins (FH).— Ohio: Symmes, Hamilton Co., July 1935, W. B. Cooke 41452. (FLAS, FH).— Tenn.: Cades Cove, Blount Co., July 1938, J. P. Porter, mixed collection (FH). This species, so strikingly different microscopically, has never been dis- tinguished from S. floccopus (S. strobilaceus) in this country. Both these species apparently require about the same conditions for their develop- ment since many collections in the herbaria are mixed. Once the distin- guishing features are understood, they are so pronounced that it is possible to foretell what type of spores a certain dried specimen will have, and vice versa. Allowance, however, should be made for specimens which under certain conditions, do not develop or preserve the characteristic acute spines on the pileus. These forms are, fortunately, rather rare. On the other hand, the ornamentation of the spores is quite constant. Among pub- lished photographs Krieger, Popular Guide ... , p. 444, fig. 125, phot. Cummins, may well belong here, while Atkinson, Mushrooms, fig. 172-174 certainly is S. floccopus. 2. Strobilomyces floccopus (Vahl in Fl. Dan. ex Fr.) Karst., Bidr. Finl. Nat. Folk 37: 16. 1882. Boletus floccopus Vahl in Fl. Dan. ex Fr., Syst. Myc. 1: 292. 1821; Persoon, Myc. Eur. 2: 144. 1825. non Rostkov. Boletus gossypinus Pers., Myc. Eur. 2: 144. 1825. Boletus squarrosus Pers., Myc. Eur. 2: 145. 1825, Boletus cinereus Pers., Myc. Eur. 2: 144. 1825. Boletus strobilaceus Scop. ex Fr., Elench. 1: 127. 1828. Boletus stygius Wallr., Comp. Fl. Germ. Sect. II, 4: 608. 1833. Boletus strobiloides Krombh., Nat. Abb. 10: 21. pl. 74, fig. 12-13. 1846. Strobilomyces strobilaceus Berk., Dec. Fung. 32-33, Hook. Journ. Bot. 3: 77. 1851; Outl. Brit. Fungol., p. 236. 1860. Boletus lepiota Vent., Micet. Agr. Bresc., p. 37. pl. 43. 1863. Boletus hydriensis (Hacquet ut Clathrus ex) W. Voss, Oesterr. Bot. Zeitschr. 32: 40. 1882. Eriocorys strobilacea Quél., Enchir., p. 163. 1886. Eriocorys strobilacea var. floccopus Bat. Bolets, p. 11. 1908. Prater I, Fic. 2. Pileus between “mummy brown” and black, or about “sepia,” or more gray all over or particularly near the margin, the rimosely diffracted por- tions of the pileus between the scales either much paler, almost white, or even darker (black) if the discoloration of the context has reached the surface, paler on the margin because of the abundance there of the woolly gray or white or sordid veil that hangs in soft patches from the margin and initially continues into the corresponding layer of the stipe, the scales often with blackened tips, softer than in S. confusus, entirely covering the surface of the pileus, not viscid, large (larger than 2 x 1 mm. at their base in dried specimens), erect and pyramidal, often curved, or imbricate and more or less appressed, hardly denser toward the center of the pileus, surface pulvinate, finally flattened, 44-155 mm. broad. — Hymenophore gray, or white, be- SINGER: FLorIDA BOLETINEAE. I 111 coming gray, the pores concolorous but reddening or blackening on pressure, or reddening and subsequently blackening, angular, usually lamellose around the stipe when mature, medium to wide, tubes 12—14 mm. long or occasionally longer, adnate to somewhat decurrent, or slightly depressed around the stipe; spore print black. — Stipe gray to concolorous with the pileus, and with gray or white or sordid abundant veil at least in the middle portion of the stipe where it forms a thick woolly covering, sometimes several subparallel belts up to a usually amorphous annulus, the apex sub- glabrous, striate with longitudinal veins running down from the walls of the tubes, the base tomentose, solid, subcylindric, or tapering upward, or downward, 50-125 x 12-21 mm.; veil sometimes consisting of two distinct layers, the outer one more colored. — Context white or whitish in the pileus, either merely blackening, or reddening while blackening, or reddening and then blackening, these discolorations sometimes blending into a dirty pink or fuliginous-lilac shades, the same colors and color changes taking place in the stipe though the discolorations there quite frequently in contrast with the context of the pileus, rather dry, especially in the stipe when compared with some other species of Strobilomycetaceae and especially with Boleta- ceae, and slightly tougher than these; odor not remarkable; taste mild, nutty. Spores 9.7-15 x 8.5-12 , covered entirely by a constantly complete net- work that raises 0.3-1.7 » high, but frequently almost entirely imbedded, the wall rather thick, with a more or less distinct germinative pore, asym- metrical, buff brown with deeper brown ornamentation; basidia 30-58 x (7.5)—-10-18 yp, 4-spored; cystidia numerous, 17—90 x 8-26 yp, clavate, very frequently mucronate-apiculate, hyaline, occasionally containing a brown drop when very young, later brown throughout, few cystidia more lanceolate or fusoid, but never really acute above; trama of the dissepiments of the tubes consisting of a denser, brownish mediostratum, and a looser, hyaline divergent lateral stratum, hyphae of the mediostratum cylindric (few ve- siculose), parallel-subinterwoven, clampless; spines of the pileus made up of strands of parallel hyphae with clampless septa at a distance of (20)— 40-88 yp, cylindric or slightly narrowed at the septa, brown, the terminal members often slightly attenuate toward the apex, but always rounded, 7-17.5 p thick. Chemical reactions. KOH on surface of pileus brown; on context red then usually becoming brown or brownish, the red reaction usually bright and distinct, rarely dull because of the beginning blackening due to autoxy- dation; NH,OH on context ochraceous, or (in Dade Co. specimens) nil; FeSO, bluish gray, bluish-greenish-gray, or glaucous; HNO, on context yellow. Habitat: In mixed woods, more frequently under frondose trees than under conifers, in Florida frequently on well-shaded lawns, in gardens, also in mesophytic, high, and tropical hammocks, usually under oaks. Summer and fall. Distribution: With certainty from Spain to the Caucasus, and from Sweden to North Africa in the Old World, and from tropical Florida to 112 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 Canada, apparently west to the Pacific Coast, also observed in eastern Asia (e.g. Japan); its occurrence near the Equator and southward is not quite certain. In Florida probably in all counties. Material studied: Fla.: Dade Co., Fairchild Tropical Garden under Quercus vir gini- ana Sept. 1942, Singer F 750 (FH); Brickell’s Hammock under Q. virginiana, November 1942, Singer F 931 (FH); Alachua Co., numerous collections in 1943, Singer F 2766, 2647a, 2194, 2752, 2020a, 2020b, 2606, 2899, 2532, 2736/II (all FH), some Murvill (FLAS).— Canada: Petawawa Forest Experiment Sta. C. G. Ridley 9531 (FH).— Me.: Kittery Point, Aug. 1897, Thaxter (FH) and Aug. 1895, Thaxter 1559 (FH).— Mass.: Milton, Aug. 1896, H. Webster (FH); Plymouth, Farlow (FH); Hornblower, det. D. H. Linder (FH); Wakefield, Singer (FH); Harvard, Singer (FH).— Pa.: Center Co. State College, Sept. 1933, W. L. White 1284 (FH).—Ga.: vicinity of Tallulah Falls, July-Sept. 1901, A. B. Seymour, det. W. G. Farlow (FH).— Iowa: Iowa City, G. W. Newton, det. A. P. Morgan (FH).— Mich.: Whitmore Lake, July 1921, L. E. Wehmeyer (FH).— Tenn.: Cades Cove, Blount Co., July 1938, mixed with S. confusus, J. B. Porter (FH).— Austria: Rekawinkel, Niederoesterreich, Hoehnel (FH) ; — Germany: Chiemsee, southern Bavaria, Aug. 1922, Singer; — France: sev- eral collections of fresh material; — Spain: Catalonia, La Sellera, Codina, det. Singer, Aug. 1934 (BC) ;— Caucasian Mts.: Swanetia, Kha, under Corylus ?colurna, Aug. 1929, Singer (W) ; Filimonov Range, under Fagus orientalis and Abies Nordmaniana on decayed wood, Aug. 1935, Vasilieva (LE, KAZ.) ; also other Caucasian localities, once on rhizomata of Struthiopteris germanica, etc. There is no doubt that this species can easily be separated from all other species of this group. Unfortunately, the well-introduced and generally accepted name S. strobilaceus is illegal since Fries in his Systema Mycolo- gicum used a name ex Flora Danica, but later has both species side by side, with the unexpectedly jovial comment (translated): “in my sense not enough different, but I figure, I have to concede a bit to others also.” Had it been possible to emend this and similar situations by replacing Fries’s Systema by the Epicrisis as the nomenclatorial starting point, while there was still time (see Revue de Mycologie 3: 39. 1938), the usual name could have been saved. Since, mostly because of the war, no steps have been taken, I do not want to make my own rules in monographic papers, but I think it is the general desire of all taxonomists that now, since it is too late for drastic changes, no belated halfway measures may punish those who have followed the rules strictly. Many important monographic papers have appeared since my suggestion appeared, and it is to be hoped that their nomenclature, not the nomenclature of older and now less important papers be preserved. As for S. strobilaceus, however, there may still be a faint chance to preserve this name for a valid species, if future careful studies should prove that S. floccopus and S. strobilaceus represent two independ- ent species. I have tried to distinguish between a form with reddening flesh and another one with blackening context, and at first it seemed that a slight difference in the KOH reaction runs parallel with this differentiation; it also appeared that there was a correlation between these characters and the more sepia or more gray color of the pileus, and the shape of the scales; but on the other hand, there seemed to be at least one more form with a different combination of characters (the form from Dade Co.). Intermedi- SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE. I 113 ate forms, in the long run, made me abandon my initial scheme. As I see now, these intermediate forms may at least partly be explained by the fact that many of them eventually turned out to be S. confusus, but even after their elimination, the distinction between the typical S. floccopus and S. strobilaceus is not quite clear, and it would be unwise to identify these forms as observed by us with European species described as poorly as Boletus floccopus in Fries’s Systema. Unless further accurate data on a large num- ber of specimens in Europe as well as in America prove the opposite to be true, I treat S. floccopus as a variable but homogeneous species. S. floccopus is considered, by mycophagists, as edible though mediocre in quality. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Strobilomyces velutipes Cooke & Mass., Grevillea 18: 5. 1889. PLATE I, FIc. 6. Described from Australia, it is said to be ‘“‘resembling S. strobilaceus and S. nigricans, but entirely different in the spores.”’ I have studied a fragment of the type (NY). This species actually differs from 5. floccopus and S. nigricans in having spores which are either smooth, or differently orna- mented, and smaller than in the other species. I found them short-ellipsoid to subglobose, fuscous, thick-walled, more often without any ornamentation than with it, and, in the latter case faintly rough in the outline of the main wall which is often surrounded by an indistinct hyaline perisporium, 8.5— 10.5 x 7—7.7 y»; the ornamentation consists of warts which frequently are so dense as to form an interrupted partial reticulation, the reticulation at least in its lower part imbedded in the main wall much as in Porphyrellus gracilis but less conspicuously so because of the low ornamentation and the slight difference in color between the warts and the remaining portions of the wall (ornamentation rarely reaching 0.7, in height) ; basidia 24-30 x 10-10.5 p, clavate-subfusiform and short, 2-3—4-spored, often aborted and cystidia- like; cystidia fusoid and usually apiculate at the apex; hyphae without clamp connections. S. indicus Lloyd (Mycol. Notes 7: 1331. 1924) is, ac- cording to the data given by its author, the same species. S. velutipes demonstrates the transition from smooth to ornamented spores. It does not demand too much imagination to draw a connecting line between the smooth short spores of this species and the elongate smooth spores of Porphyrellus, both with a varying percentage of perforately warted spores intermixed in a single preparation, with the same chemical characters (if it can be supposed that the reactions of S. velutipes are essentially the same as in S. floccopus), the same dull colors, the same habit, etc. The elongate spores, naturally, have the wall slightly thinner and lighter col- ored. For those who are used to phylogenetic thinking, there remains little doubt that the genus Porphyrellus has derived from such forms as S. velu- tipes. 114 Fartowia, Vor. 2, 1945 Strobilomyces nigricans Berk., Dec. Fung., Lond. Journ. Bot. 4: 139. pl. 6. 1852. Described from Khassya, British India, it was rediscovered by Patouillard in one of the collections sent to him from Indo-China. In his Herbarium, now preserved at the Farlow Herbarium, the dried specimens described by him (Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 39: 54. 1923) are found in good condition though still labeled with an herbarium name since Patouillard initially thought this species was new. The acute warts of the center of the pileus remind one of S. confusus, but S. nigricans is smaller, at least the Indo-Chinese collection, and the warts are denser. When compared side by side with either of the American species, it seemed to be different. The spores were found to be identical with these of S. floccopus: dark fuscous, thick-walled, short-ellipsoid to subglobose or globose, with a complete network of arcuate ridges and veins which are up to 0.5 » high, 9-11.5 x 8.5-10.3 p. The existence of this species shows that S. floccopus, usually characterized as a very isolated form, is only one out of a whole series of closely related species. SPECIES IMPERFECTLY KNOWN Strobilomyces polypyramis Hook. fil. apud Berk., Dec. Fung., Hook. Journ. Bot. 3: 78. 1851. The type comes from India. I have not seen any specimens. This is probably another species of this section. Strobilomyces montosus Berk., Dec. Fung., Hook. Journ. Bot. 3: 78. 1851. The type comes from India. I have not seen any specimens. This may be another species of the Floccopus-complex. Strobilomyces echinatus Beeli, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 58: 212. pl. 15, fig. 11. 1926. The type comes from the Belgian Congo. I have not seen any specimens, but this species appears to be remarkable because of the acuminate disc, and the punctate spores (according to Gilbert, Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 52: 258. 1936). It probably belongs in this section. Sect. Pterospori Sing. sect. nov. Sporis de apice usque ad hilum alato-costatis. Characters of the section: see key (p. 106) and the above Latin diagnosis. Strobilomyces pterosporus Sing. spec. nov. Pratt I, Fic. 8. Pileo umbrino-fuligineo, inter squamas subpallidiore, squamis umbrino-atris, ap- pressis maculato, plus minusve 40 mm. lato, convexo; tubulis griseo-brunneolis in adultis, longissimis (radio pilei longioribus), circum stipitem depressis, poris concolo- ribus, irregularibus, compositis, angulatis, amplis, superficiem hymenophoralem ventri- cosam efformantibus; sporis fuscis vel melleo-fuscis sub microscopio, atris in cumulo, longitudinaliter (6)-12-costatis vel -alatis, ornamentatione 1.6-2 u alta, ad polum api- calem abrupte levibus, 16.5-21 x 14-14.5 4; basidiis tetrasporis, circa 25x17 ; cystidiis SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 115 versiformibus; hyphis tramalibus haud fibuligeris; stipite concolori, centrali, plus du- plico longiore quam diameter pilei, e velo ipsum apicem stipitis approximante fibroso- tomentoso, cylindrico, solido; carne pallida, mutabili, tenui (1-3 mm.) in pileo. Habi- tatio: Ad terram in silvulis intersecatis apricis Augusto mense. In Liberia Africae Tropicalis Occidentalis, Firestone # 3, Du River. D. H. Linder 312 (FH). Strobilomyces costatisporus (Beeli) Gilb., Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 52: 260. 1936. Boletus costatisporus Beeli, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 59: 162. 1927. Described from the Belgian Congo, this species differs from S. pterosporus in being larger, but having shorter tubes and smaller pores, and also defi- nitely smaller spores. I have not seen any specimens. S. lepidellus Gilb. (Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 52: 259. 1936) nom. subnud., has, as far as I know, not been validly described since, and therefore cannot be compared with either S. pterosporus or S. costatisporus. Porphyrellus Gilb., Bolets, p. 99. 1931. Phaeoporus Bat., Bolets, p. 11. 1908, mon Schroeter, Krypt. Fl. Schles. (1888). Boletus subgen. Porphyrosporus Smotlacha, Monog. Cesk. h. Hribov. Dr oil hott Characters of the genus: see key (p. 106). Type species Boletus por- phyrosporus Fr., i.e. Porphyrellus pseudoscaber (Secr.) Sing. Sect. Tristes Sing. sect. nov. Pileo haud laete colorato; sporis plerumque levibus; carne fortiter colorata reagen- tium alcalinorum ope. Characters of the section: see key (p. 107), and the above Latin diag- nosis. Type species Boletus tristis Pat. & Baker. DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES OBSERVED IN FLORIDA Porphyrellus pseudoscaber (Secr.) Sing. comb. nov. ssp. typicus. Boletus pseudoscaber Secr., Mycogr. Suisse 3: 13. 1833. Boletus porphyrosporus Fr. in Hok, Boleti, p. 13. 1835. Krombholzia porphyrospora Karst., Hattsw., p. 17. 1882. Gyroporus porphyrosporus Quél., Enchir., p. 162. 1886. Boletus nebulosus Peck, 51st Rep. N. Y. St. Mus., p. 292. 1898. Boletus umbrosus Atk., Journ. Myc. 8: 112. 1902. sec. Snell. Phaeoporus porphyrosporus Bat., Bolets, p. 11. 1908. Tubiporus porphyrosporus Ricken, Vademecum, p. 205. 1918. Porphyrellus porphyrosporus Gilb., Bolets, p. 99. 1931. There is no need for a detailed description of the type subspecies, since Kallenbach has given a fairly complete account on the European species, and Snell has described the American collections (see the following illus- trations: Die Pilze Mitteleuropas, pl. 26, fig. 1-13, and Mycologia 24: 336. 1932). I found the spores (average of several measurements on various materials from Austria) 13.5-19—(20.4) x 6.3-8.5-(10.2) p», and among ? Porphyrosporus Smotlacha has been incorrectly cited as a genus by both Gilbert and Kallenbach. 116 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 them some smaller spores, several of which (among several hundreds of normal spores) have warts imbedded in the pallid exosporium, 8—9 x 5.4-6 pw; basidia 34-41 x 13.5-15.3 p, 4-spored; cystidia fusoid-mucronate with the tip rather acute or quite acute, hyaline or more often brown, especially in old specimens; trama of the hymenophore and structure of the cuticle exactly as in ssp. cyaneocinctus Sing. (p. 117), the hyphae of the tricho- dermium are illustrated in Kallenbach, l.c., pl. 33, fig. 47 7%%14°. Old herbarium material from Europe (Hoehnel, FH) did, however, not show a true trichodermium. This latter was preserved in but a few fragments, in others the repent thin cylindric hyphae of the surface (up to 6.5 » in diam- eter) were either the remaining base of the trichodermium after it had been rubbed or washed off, or such a trichodermium is not constant in European plants. The context of the European form is also variable. Sometimes there is no bluing at all, and these forms are mostly found in coniferous woods (see Singer, Pilze aus dem Kaukasus, Beih. Botan. Centralbl., Abt. II, 48: 519. 1931); they also were described as a variety, Boletus porphyrosporus var. minor Bat. & Crawshay (Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 39: 267. 1924) but the decision whether these variations are indications of the presence of a col- lective species in Europe, or merely fluctuations within an homogeneous species, must be left for European mycologists. W. H. Snell’s American collections have, notwithstanding statements to the contrary by the original authors of evidently identical species, all more or less bluing flesh, and seem to represent a single form, certainly identical with at least a part of the European P. pseudoscaber ssp. typicus. In the type of Boletus nebulosus, the larger spores are thin-walled, and the smaller ones thick-walled, fusoid or ellipsoid, or constricted; the dimensions of the spores are extremely vari- able as far as the length is concerned (variation of 100%), but little variable in breadth: 11—20.5 x 5.8—7.5 ys, mostly 12.5-15.5 x 6—7 yp; basidia large, 4-spored; cystidia brown often clavate, often gigantic; trama truly bilateral as in ssp. cyaneocinctus; epicutis of erect to repent clampless hyphae, some fascicles of hyphae forming fragmentary trichodermia, termi- nal members of the chains 5—11 p» in diameter, subfusoid, or clavate, not subulate. When trying to distinguish the typical form of Europe and of the northern part of the Atlantic Coast States from ssp. cyaneocinctus, one should keep in mind that most boletes tend to become rimose-tessellate in age, and unless several observations on many specimens corroborate the first observations, the positive-finding should not necessarily mean that the form studied is ssp. cyaneocinctus. It is also important to note that the characteristic color ring of the latter subspecies does not serve to distinguish dried specimens, since it disappears on drying. 3. Porphyrellus pseudoscaber (Secr.) Sing. ssp. cyaneocinctus Sing. nom. nov. Boletus fumosipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. St. Mus. 50: 108. 1897, pro parte. Ceriomyces fumosipes Murr., Mycologia 1: 154. 1909. Pileus “snuff brown” to ‘‘Saccardo’s umber” with paler portions, veluti- nous or subvelutinous, cracking readily into areoles so that all adult speci- SINGER: FLoriIpA BoLeTINEAE. I 17 mens are conspicuously rimose-tessellate, the crevasses whitish and running in all directions, not viscid, convex, 25-115 mm. broad. — Hymenophore between “cartridge buff” and “cream buff,” becoming grayer, and eventu- ally with a tinge from the spore color, greenish blue on injury, tubes up to 21 mm. long, deeply depressed around the stipe, leaving no sterile margin outward, pores forming a very convex outer-lower surface, concolorous with the tubes, and discoloring on injury the same way as these, the dis- colored patches finally becoming chestnut brown, diameter up to 2 mm. Ve: rather wide when mature; spore print “warm sepia” in a good print. — Stipe pale yellowish at the very apex with lamelloid proliferations of the walls of the tubes which run down to a characteristic though sometimes indistinct greenish blue to green (‘deep lichen green” to “Rejane green’) color ring below which the stipe is “wood brown,” rarely without an apical coloring, extremely faintly fibrillose or velutinous on pale yellowish ground, later becoming ‘“‘Saccardo’s umber,” subequal usually with thickened base, solid, 46-70 x 12-16 mm. — Context white, on exposure staining “porce- lain blue” to “gobelin blue” near the tubes, but almost entirely bluing when young and fresh specimens are squeezed, the expressed sap coloring white paper blue, slightly dirty lilaceous under the cuticle, mostly more or less bluish in the apex of the stipe; odor none; taste somewhat sour. Spores variable in shape, usually more or less fusoid, also ellipsoid-oblong, 10.5-14.3-(18) x (4.5)—6—(7.7) , with suprahilar depression, rarely with- out it, usually with a wall consisting of a brownish inner layer and a hyaline or pallid, thin exosporium which looks like an optical halo when well de- veloped and seen under oil immersion, the exosporium usually optically empty, and then the spores definitely smooth, or in some rare cases per- forated with thin cylindric spines which do not emerge above the surface of the exosporium but make the spore appear punctate when the upper surface is in focus, the walls occasionally seemingly thick but this is caused by the invisibility, in some instances, of the inner surface of the main wall so that the latter seems to extend from the surface of the spore to the surface of the oil drop, but occasionally actually thick, especially in the apical, rarely in the basal portion; basidia 4-spored, 30-36 x 9.5-14.5 mw; cystidia fusoid, or broadly ventricose-mucronate, but obtusate, hyaline to brownish, 35— 58 x 10-20 ,; trama of the young tube walls truly bilateral, but very soon becoming xerocomoid, i.e. bilateral-subregular, the mediostratum initially darker and denser, soon all hyphae equally colored and equally dense, lat- eral stratum initially divergent, soon divergent but in a narrow zone where the trama turns into the subhymenium; cwticle a trichodermium, consisting of a hymeniform epicutis with dermatocystidioid terminal members of erect hyphae, arising from a subcuticular layer of more or less erect hyphae which frequently are to a certain extent broken down into chains of almost cubical to globose elements, and have a larger diameter than the basal septum of the cystidioid elements of the epicutis, the latter (dermatocys- tidia) subulate, a smaller number of them fusoid, the very apex rounded, 26-42 x 7-14 p, hyaline, smooth. 118 FartowlA, Vor. 2, 1945 Chemical reactions. KOH on surface of pileus purplish to reddish but not as bright as with NH,OH; on context “Etruscan red,” becoming “‘vina- ceous tawny.” — NH,OH on the surface of the pileus deep purple (‘dark livid brown’’), the center of the reacting spot eventually ‘English red”’; on context at some places reddening then browning, at others sordid (little reaction). — HNO; on context brownish. — FeSO, “deep glaucous gray” or “dark glaucous gray.” — Formol salmon color. — Methylparamido- phenol negative. Habitat: Under oaks on the soil, gregarious. May to August. Rather frequent though not abundant anywhere. Distribution: New York to North Florida, and “west to Kentucky” ac- cording to Murrill. In Florida known only from Gainesville, but certainly of quite general occurrence in North Florida. Material studied: Fla., Alachua Co. Gainesville, under Evergreen oak (Quercus lauri- folia), Aug. 1937, W. A. Murvrill (Boletus fumosipes) (FLAS, co-type) ; also other col- lections in high hammocks under oaks, June 1—July 25, 1943, Singer F 2193, 2607, 2825 (FH, co-types).— N. Y.: Type, also type of Boletus fumosipes, p.p. (NYS). As pointed out by Snell, a portion of the type of B. fumosipes Peck has striate spores and belongs to Boletellus chrysenteroides Snell, while another portion has smooth spores and this seems to be the basis of Peck’s descrip- tion. However, the fact remains that the type of B. fumosipes is a mixed sample, and no type specimen is designated. The author therefore pre- ferred to avoid Peck’s name by choosing a new name for the subspecies described above which has been called Boletus fumosipes by Murrill, and B. sordidus by Coker and Beers. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Porphyrellus tristis (Pat. & Baker) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus tristis Pat. & Baker, Journ. Straits Branch R. Asiatic Soc. No. 78: 70. 1918. I have studied the type in the Patouillard Herbarium (FH). This is an interesting species. The stipe is subvelutinous, somewhat thickened at the base, the tubes are subadnate at maturity, wide in age, 3.5 mm. long when fresh. The spores are fusoid to boat-shaped, porphyry-umbrinous, darker than all other elongate spores known in this family and in the Boletaceae, reminding one of Psathyreila (Psathyra), transparent, smooth, some at- tenuate almost from the base up, wall thin though not extremely so, the outer layer in some cases slightly obscurely cloudy-punctulate with paler and darker brown zones, 14—-17—(19) x (3)-4-5.5 w, with or without a suprahilar depression; basidia 4-spored, 9.5-12.5 y. broad. The cystidia are fusoid with rounded tips, or subulate, variable in size, hyaline, crowded at the pores. The trama of the tube walls is truly bilateral with a melleous to mahogany brown rather narrow mediostratum, and a hyaline, strongly divergent, somewhat looser, lateral stratum. The cuticle of the pileus is characterized by erect dermatocystidioid terminal hyphae which form an SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 119 epicuticular trichodermium-palisade; they are brown, fusoid-ventricose and rounded above, or fusoid-mucronate, 70-100 x 14-28 p. The velvet of the stipe is formed by thin brown erect hyphae with a capitate-balloon- shaped or clavate terminal hypha, 15-28 x 9-10 » (very characteristic). All hyphae have clampless septa. The flesh of this species is said to be white and unchanging, but the same statement has been made on other species of this group. The color and the whole appearance strongly suggest P. pseudoscaber which is the nearest species we know. The strange heterogeneity of the exosporium of many spores is indicative for the origin of the ornamentation of the spores in the Strobilomycetaceae by alternating condensations in the exosporium. This species has been abundantly collected in Singapore but not else- where. SPECIES IMPERFECTLY KNOWN Boletus sordidus Frost, Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci. 2: 105. 1874. Ceriomyces sordidus Murr. N. Am. FI. 9 (3): 149. 1910. Boletus sordidus reminds one of both the type subspecies and the more southern subspecies cyaneocinctus Sing. of Porphyrellus pseudoscaber. The spores are 10—15—(17.5) x (4)—5.5—7.5-(9.7) ,» much the same as in P. pseudoscaber if the measurements are expressed in range limits as above, but actually differing in being enormously variable as well in length as in breadth, some spores being as short as 10-11.5 x 6—7 yp, approaching the shape of the most elongate spores of Strobilomyces velutipes. The walls of the broadest spores of B. sordidus are very thick and have more or less in- complete germ pores at the apex which may also be applanate as in Gano- derma, the walls reaching 1.7 » in diameter at the apical end. The above data have been taken from authentic material received at Farlow Herbarium from the Boston Society of Natural History where some of the types of Frost’s were preserved; it is very probable that this speci- men actually represents a portion of the type collection. The type has been described from Vermont, but fresh material has thus far been re-collected neither there nor elsewhere in New England, and it is to be feared that B. sordidus is merely a form with abnormal spores of one of the two estab- lished subspecies of Porphyrellus pseudoscaber, either as Snell first thought (1.c.) ssp. typicus, or as he later says (Mycologia 28: 475. 1936) Boletus fumosipes Peck, i.e. Porphyrellus pseudoscaber ssp. cyaneocinctus Sing. As it seems to me, Boletus sordidus has to remain among the dubious species of Porphyrellus, sect. Tristes until further evidence shows its correct po- sition. Sect. Graciles Sing. sect. nov. Pileo laete colorato; sporis perforato-punctatis; stipite subreticulato vel lacunoso- favoso; actione acidorum et alkalium haud intensa. Characters of the section: see key (p. 107) and the above Latin diagnosis. 120 Fartow!A, Vor. 2, 1945 KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Stipe merely finely and sometimes obscurely, reticulate, not lacunose. P. gracilis. A. Stipe deeply anastomosing costate, and lacunose because of these anastomoses, the ribs lamellose in shape and waxy in consistency. B. Spores 14.5-18 x 6.5-8.2 ww. Pileus 47-107 mm. in diameter. 4. P. subflavidus B. Spores 10-14 x 5-6.8 uw. Pileus 40 mm. broad. P. malaccensis 4. Porphyrellus subflavidus (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Tylopilus subflavidus Murr., Mycologia 30 (5): 520. 1938. Boletellus subflavidus Snell, Mycologia 33 (4): 422. 1941. Prate I, Fic. 4. Pileus yellowish to almost argillaceous, or whitish, or with pallid center, most frequently about ‘‘Massicot yellow” and eventually often ‘clay color’’ when the weather is dry, occasionally with a slight “pale ochraceous buff’ or “pale ochraceous salmon” tinge, flocculose-velutinous, usually becom- ing rimose-areolate, eventually frequently fibrose-squamose, not viscid, convex, at length slightly depressed, 47-107 mm. broad. — Hymenophore pallid grayish with a vinaceous tint, eventually almost as in Tylopilus coni- cus, very convex or forming a wall near the depression which surrounds the stipe, tubes long (11-21 mm.), pores concolorous, rather wide; spore print on white paper ‘‘warm sepia,” in thinner layer “Army brown” or ‘Verona brown.” — Stipe yellowish white, pale yellow, or light yellow, lamellose to alveolate-lacunose, solid, occasionally becoming hollow in age, cylindric, or tapering down, the base usually acuminate, more rarely bulbose, 45-145 x 7-30 mm. — Context pure white, in the base of the stipe usually rich yel- low, unchanging in all parts; odor slight, fruity, or almost none; taste bitterish. Spores melleous with brown markings, somewhat less rich-colored than in Boletellus betula, with subsmooth to crenulate outline, the exosporium with imbedded, thin, cylindric spines which when seen from above make the spore appear punctate, fusoid, with a slight suprahilar depression, 14.5— 18—(20.5) x (6)—6.5-8.3-(8.8) ; basidia 4-spored, 33-38 x 11.5-15.5 p; cystidia not as striking as in most species of this family, versiform, i.e. clavate-fusoid, irregularly fusoid, elongate-claviform, fusoid-ampullaceous, etc., moderately numerous, 27—54x 5.5-10.2 yw, hyaline, not incrusted; trama of the tube walls truly bilateral, the mediostratum thin, very pale melleous, denser than the strongly diverging, loose, pure hyaline lateral stratum, hyphae without clamp connections, somewhat wavy in the medio- stratum, and somewhat gelatinizing in the lateral stratum, multi-septate, especially in the mediostratum and, as usual, in the subhymenium; cuticle of the pileus consisting of a trichodermium, the erect hyphae of the outer- most layer with ascendant or irregular basal hyphae, more or less fascicu- late, loose, and not parallel, with cylindric, cylindric-subcapitate, or clavate terminal hyphae which are neither colored nor incrusted, and have a not extremely thin wall, broadly rounded above, 30-78 x 3.5-11.5 1; lamellae of the stipe formed by rather parallel, thin, tender, thin-walled, cylindric, SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 121 multi-septate, clampless hyphae of 3—3.5 » diameter, the surface formed by somewhat inflated, hyaline dermatocystidia e.g. 38 x 11.3-11.5 yp. Chemical reactions: KOH on pileus cinnamon buff; on context negative; NH; on pileus avellaneous; NH,OH on pileus cinnamon buff; on context negative; HNO; on pileus yellow; on context negative; FeSO, on context negative. Habitat: In high hammock vegetation, under Quercus virginiana and O. laurifolia, and in flatwoods under Pinus palustris with Quercus minima, on the sandy soil, usually gregarious. June to October. Distribution: Northern Florida. Material studied: Alachua Co., Murrill (FLAS, type); authentic material (FH) ; Singer F 2200, F 2539, F 2673, F 2842 (FH). A well-defined species among the Strobilomycetaceae of this country, but closely allied to P. malaccensis and P. lacunosus. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Porphyrellus gracilis (Peck) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus gracilis Peck, Ann. Rep. N. Y. St. Mus. 24: 78. 1872. Tylopilus gracilis Henn. in Engl. & Pr., Nat. Pfl. 1 1**: 190. 1897. Puate I, Fic. 5. I have studied authentic material sent to Patouillard by Peck (from Ballston, N. Y.). This material seems to be identical with the Albany types (NYS). It is remarkable that no author has as yet seen the characteristic structure of the spore wall which is perforated, as in Ganoderma, by brown cylinders, scarcely projecting above the surface of the exosporium, but making the spore clearly appear punctate when the upper surface is focussed upon; they are 11—-15.3-(17.5) yw long and (5.5)—6.5—60.7 p», broad, melleous, basidia four-spored, 24—30 x 9.8-11.8 ». The cystidia are versiform, similar to these of the preceding species. Macroscopically, this species resembles a new species of Tylopilus, related to T. fellews which will be described in the second part of this paper. Old spore preparations are of the same color as in P. pseudoscaber, not as in Tylopilus. Coker and Beers indicate the spores as being “hazel’’ but a four-year-old good spore print from a speci- men of Coker’s was found to be “Sudan brown” by the writer. P. gracilis occurs in New York, New England, and North Carolina, and is said to be distributed “from Nova Scotia to Georgia.” It has, as Tylopilus gracilis (Peck) Henn., been indicated by Murrill (Florida Boletes, Mim. Contrib. Herb. Univ. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta., p. 2, 1942) as occurring in northern Flor- ida. However, I was unable to find any evidence in the Herbaria consulted. Porphyrellus malaccensis (Pat. & Baker) Sing. comb. nov. Phylloporus malaccensis Pat. & Baker, Journ. Straits Branch R. Asiatic Soc. No. 78: 71. 1918. It is hard to understand why this species has been published as a Phyl- loporus. It has nothing in common with that genus, and belongs in the 122 FartowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 closest neighborhood of P. subflavidus. The type from Singapore, which is deposited in the Patouillard Herbarium (FH), is somewhat smaller than the Florida species, and has smaller spores, 10—14—(17.5) x 5-6.8 ». No other difference between these two species can be discovered. Nevertheless we consider them as independent species. SPECIES IMPERFECTLY KNOWN Porphyrellus Cookei (Sacc. and Syd.) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus lacunosus Cooke & Mass., Grevillea 18: 5. 1889. The type, which I have not seen, comes from Australia. This species evi- dently belongs in the P. malaccensis-subflavidus-group. If the spores are described correctly, this species would be distinguished easily by the spore measurements which are given as “15x10 »’’ (Cooke & Massee). If it were not for this one character, I would be unable to point out how it could be distinguished from P. subflavidus unless “‘pileo subviscoso” indicates an actual difference in the structure and consistency of the cuticle. SPECIES EXCLUDENDAE Porphyrellus alboater (Schw.) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 99. 1931. This is a Tylopilus (Boletaceae). Porphyrellus nigrellus (Peck) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 99. 1931. This is the same as T'ylo- pilus alboater (Schw.) Murr. Porphyrellus indecisus (Peck) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 99. 1931. This is a Tylopilus (Bo- letaceae) . Boletellus Murr., Mycologia 1: 10. 1909, em. Gilbert, Bolets, p. 106. 1931. Boletogaster Lohwag, Beih. Botan. Centralbl. 42 (2): 274. 1931. Frostiella Murr., Mim. Contrib. Herb. Univ. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Jan. 5, p. 6. 1942; Snell, Mycologia 34: 409. 1942 (nomen nudum). Characters of the genus: see key (p. 107). Type species Boletellus ananas (Curt.) Murr. (Boletus ananas Curt.). Section Ananae Sing. sect. nov. Pileo roseolo, purpurascente, rubello, rubido-vaccineo, saepe fortiter squamoso vel squamuloso-furfuraceo, haud viscido, margine velo appendiculato vel subnudo; sporis elongatis, longitudinaliter striatis vel vittatis, magnis (i.e. magnitudine majoritatis sporarum maturarum 17 yw excedente). KEY TO THE SPECIES A. The longitudinal ridges of the spores high (projecting about 1 « above the surface of the spore) ; stipe sometimes red, but not red-tomentose above, nor squamulose, nor furfuraceous; pileus imbricate-squarrose, bearing large scales (see B1, B2, B3). B1. Stipe umber brown; carpophore small. B. porphyrius B2. Stipe pallid or white, sometimes becoming red at the apex or gray at the base, but never prevalently umber brown; carpophore medium to large. 5. B. ananas B3. Stipe yellow above, red below; carpophore medium to large. B. emodensis SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 123 A. The longitudinal ridges of the spores usually low (projecting much less than 1 4, or occasionally just reaching 1 « height), never transversely veined-striate; stipe either red furfuraceous to tomentose above, or squamulose or furfuraceous; pileus mi- nutely squamulose to glabrous, or tomentose-scrobiculate. C. Stipe longitudinally striped red, white tomentose at the base, red tomentose- furfuraceous above, 100 x 12-13 mm.; pileus uneven, scrobiculate and tomentose, not scaly, not glabrous, 60-70 mm. broad. B. obscurecoccineus C. Stipe not striped with red, not red tomentose-furfuraceous above, but distinctly furfuraceous or transversely squamulose, 30-50x4-9 mm.; pileus minutely squamulose or glabrous, 20-40 mm. broad. B. cubensis B. lignatilis B. guadelupensis DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES OBSERVED IN FLORIDA 5. Boletellus ananas (Curt.) Murr., Mycologia 1: 10. 1909. Boletus ananas Curt., Amer. Journ. Sci. II 6: 251. 1848; Berk., Hook. Journ. Botan. 1: 101. 1849. Strobilomyces pallescens Cooke & Mass., Grevillea 18: 5. 1889. Boletus isabellinus Peck, Bull. Torr. Club 24: 146. 1897. Boletellus pallescens Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. ?Boletus coccineus Fr., Epicr., p. 423. 1838. ?Strobilomyces coccineus Sacc., Syll. 6: 50. 1888. ?Boletus ananaeceps Berk., Linn. Soc. Lond. Journ. (Bot.) 13: 161. 1873. ?Strobilomyces ananaeceps Sacc., Syll. 6: 50. 1888. ?Secotium excavatum Kalchbr., Ertek Termész. Kéreb Kiadja a Magy. Tud. Ak. 13 (8): 7. pl. 3. 1884. ?Strobilomyces excavatus Henn., Hedwigia 43: 187. 1904. Prate I, Fic. 7. Pileus with “deep vinaceous,” or “Pompeian red” and “Isabella color” fibers, a general color of about “russet vinaceous” resulting, bleaching when old, fascicles of the fibres forming large woolly-squarrose or subimbricate scales which are the more erect the nearer they are to the center, non-viscid, subglobose at first, becoming convex-expanded, 45-95 mm. in diameter; margin extended into a thick membranaceous veil which is white or nearly so, and initially runs down the apex of the stipe in two indistinct layers, the outer one thin and fragmentary, later breaking off the stipe to leave a sleeve just above the surface of the stipe, finally becoming ragged to form a sordid and pale stramineous, irregularly crenulate-denticulate appendicu- lation on the margin; these remainders of the appendiculate veil disappear at or after maturity. — Hymenophore yellow, often tinged with reddish brown, staining blue where injured, eventually becoming yellowish brown or reddish brown all over; tubes depressed around the stipe, 11-16 mm. long; pores concolorous, large, irregular, angular, forming a distinctly con- vex lower surface; spore print black or nearly so. — Stipe white, or pallid, often with a red belt on the apex (‘‘Pompeian red” or lighter, corresponding to the blue or green belt of Porphyrellus pseudoscaber ssp. cyaneocinctus), described as grayish below (Cleland for Australian specimens), but only becoming pinkish sordid or sordid when old in American specimens, sub- fibrillose-subglabrous to fibrous, but rarely with an actual annular remnant 124 FartowiA, Vor. 2, 1945 of the veil on the stipe, not scaly-floccose nor shaggy, smooth, tapering up- wards when young, later rarely with subbulbous base, or sometimes taper- ing downwards, or more frequently subequal, solid, 60-140 x 8-15 mm. — Context yellowish white or whitish yellow in the pileus, white in the stipe or only in the base of the stipe, readily and strongly bluing when cut, at least in the pileus, occasionally reddening in the stipe; odor none; taste mild. Spores 13.8-25.5x 7-11 py, mostly 17.5-22.5 x 7.5-9.2 » in American specimens, with strongly projecting longitudinal, slightly spiralling, lamel- losely-thin wing-like ridges which abruptly are cut off before they reach the indistinct germinative pore, leaving a very narrow hole at the very apex of the spore, the sides of the ridges and the bottom of the furrows between them transversely venose-striate, the ridges numbering from 12 to 14, and measuring from 0.6—1.2 », mostly 1 » in height; basidia 22.5—50 x 9.5-17.5 pt, 2- to 4-spored; cystidia fusoid, mucronate, or ampullaceous to ampulla- ceous-capitate, hyaline, brittle, 24-50 x 5-15 yu; trama of the tube-walls truly bilateral with more colored mediostratum and looser, divergent lateral stratum, the hyphae without clamp connections; hyphae of the outer layer of the vezi hyaline, semiopaque, long-cylindric, irregularly interwoven, thin- walled, 4—7 p» thick, the septa without clamp connections, the terminal members of the hyphae long, with attenuate though rounded, or suddenly broadly rounded, or subcapitate tips. Chemical reactions: KOH on context yellow, becoming brown; on the surface of the pileus olive-yellow, becoming maroon; NH,OH on the sur- face of the pileus olive-yellow; FeSO, on the context green; aniline nega- tive; chlorovanilline on context becoming yellow where the context had been white (probably only the acid — HCl — reacting). Habitat: In various kinds of woods, from open pine-oak woods to dense tropical hammocks, frequently on the bases of trees (Pinus palustris, P. caribaea, Quercus virginiana, Q. Catesbaea, Nectandra coriacea), or on shaded stone walls, climbing at times as high as three feet above the ground, but also on sandy soil under oaks or pines, solitary to gregarious. From May to November in the Northern Hemisphere, December to May in South Australia (according to Cleland). Distribution: Southern States of the U.S. A., from South Carolina to the south tip of Florida and west to Alabama and Mississippi, probably reach- ing Mexico and the South Pacific Islands but known with certainty only from New Caledonia, also in Queensland and South Australia. In Florida through all zones. Material studied: Fla.: Dade Co. Matheson Hammock and Fairchild Tropical Gar- den, September to November 1942, Singer F 709, F 709a, F 709b, F 1391 (FH); Lake Co., Eustis, Oct. 1897, Thaxter 2444; Alachua Co., Gainesville, August 1937, Murrill (FLAS, FH); Sugarfoot Hammock, July 1943, Singer F 2541, F 2541a (FH); New- nan’s Lake, July 1943, Murrill (FLAS); Madison Co., Cherry Lake, July, Murrill (FLAS): Marion Co., Goldhead Park, May, Murrill (FLAS).—S. C.: Santee River, type of Boletus ananas Curt. (Curtis Herbarium, FH).—Ga.: North-east Georgia, vicinity of the Tallulah Falls (Tallulah Falls, Bad Branch, Sunset Rock, Rock Moun- SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 125 tain), from August to September, A. B. Seymour & W. L. Moss, det. W. G. Farlow (FH).— Ala.: Earle (FH).—Miss.: Type of Boletus isabellinus (NYS).— New Caledonia (Nouvelle Calédonie): on iron-rich soil, Le Rat, 1808, det. Patouillard (S. pallescens), (FH).— Queensland, Australia: Type of Strobilomyces pallescens (NY). Coker and Beers, and also Murrill, Earle, and others emphasized the growth of the carpophores on the base of trees, exclusively pines as it was understood by these authors. Earle supposed parasitism, and Murrill based the genus Boletellus, among other characters, on the epixylous growth of the carpophores. This, however, is not in full agreement with the facts. I have in numerous careful observations never been able to find any injury on trees that could be attributed to this fungus, nor is it true that this species is always epixylous, or confined to pines. At some stations, there were abso- lutely no pines in the vicinity, and at others, the carpophores definitely preferred the bases of oak trees to those of pines in a mixed stand. The fact that many specimens grew, of all places, on scanty humus and débris on stone walls, the mycelium appressed to the rocks, seems to show that Boletellus ananas merely prefers to grow along hard surfaces, but most cer- tainly it is not a parasite unless, of course, the mycelium is connected with the roots, and has loose mycorrhizal relationship with oaks and pines, with possible disturbances of the mutual character of the symbiotic relations in favor of the fungus, as it happens under certain conditions with other boletes. However, the lack of specialization on the part of B. ananas, as well as the growth on stone walls instead of close to the roots of the trees, or on the ground under trees, makes it highly dubious whether it is a my- corrhizal fungus at all. Without experimental studies proving the fact of actual formation of mycorrhiza, field observations are not sufficient to answer this particular question. At any event, the idea that B. ananas is an exclusive parasite of pine trunks must now be abandoned. Another interest- ing fact about B. ananas is the geographic area occupied by this species. If it is interrupted, this would by itself constitute a rare and interesting phe- nomenon, but it may well be that the many little explored regions and small islands between the known areas, after more exploration, will furnish a bridge between the American and the Australo-Oceanic centers of distri- bution. The spores seem to average a trifle larger in the Australian plant, but we obtained two practically identical measurements from the New Caledonian material in Patouillard’s Herbarium and from our Dade Co. (Fla., U.S. A.) collections: 19—22.5 x 8-9.5-(11) » in New Caledonia, and 18—22.5 x 8.8- 9.2 » in South Florida. There is also Cleland’s indication that the stipe is gray below, but Cooke (Queensland-type) says it is pallid. It seems there- fore that these spurious differences cannot be used for the substantiation of geographic races. Lloyd’s Strobilomyces pallescens from this country is, no doubt, plain B. ananas. Krieger (The Mushroom Handbook, p. 441. 1936) uses the name Stro- bilomyces coccineus (Fr.) Sacc. for our Boletellus ananas. As for the ge- 126 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 neric name, I refer to the observations in the present paper (p. 105); the specific name has the advantage of being undoubtedly the oldest possible name having priority over Boletus ananas. When Fries described this spe- cies, he based his data on Plumier’s laconic characterization and somewhat fantastic picture in black and white. Notwithstanding the very inadequate description and the poor drawing, it is hard to imagine what other species it could possibly represent. On the other hand, it has to be remembered that Plumier gives no locality, and all we know is that it was found some- where in America. Nobody has ever heard of there being any specimens preserved. This is, in my opinion, not enough evidence to unsettle an established name like B. ananas, and Murrill is right in referring to Boletus coccineus in the list of doubtful species. Murrill also was right in referring Boletus isabellinus Peck to Boletellus ananas asa synonym. The type speci- mens at Albany do not leave any doubt as to their identity. If there is the slightest similarity between plate 3 of Kalchbrenner (l.c.) and the fungus painted, this latter, Secotium excavatum, cannot be a Boletellus, and by no means B. ananas. But Hennings who has seen the “originals” flatly de- clares Boletus pallescens and Secotium excavatum to be synonyms. Re- examination of the types of the latter will decide if he is right. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Boletellus porphyrius (Pat. & Baker) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. Strobilomyces porphyrius Pat. & Baker, Journ. Straits Branch R. Asiatic Soc. No. 78: 72. 1918. Described from Singapore, this species has been transferred to Boletellus by Gilbert because of the indication in the original description ‘Spores longitudinally striate” and because of the sordid yellowish hymenium. The examination of the type reveals that Boletellus porphyrius actually belongs in this genus, and that it can be characterized as a smaller B. ananas with umber brown stipe. The spores are the same in both these species. I found them with exactly the same double markings as in B. ananas and of the same size: 17.5—21 x 7.5—9.5 ». Basidia 32-46 x 12-18 »; hyphae without clamp connections. Boletellus emodensis (Berk.) Sing., Ann. Mycol. 40: 18. 1942. Boletus emodensis Berk., Hook. Journ. Bot. 3: 48. 1851. Strobilomyces annamiticus Pat., Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 25: 6, pl. 1, fig. 1. 1909. Boletellus annamiticus Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. The characters of this beautiful Asiatic species are plainly those of the section Ananae, even the peculiar veil of B. ananas being well represented. The originals of Hooker’s paintings of Sikkim fungi are preserved at Far- low Herbarium, and they show clearly enough that B. emodensis is very similar to B. ananas. We have not studied the types which are in England, but we have had material from China, province of Kwangsi, and the types of Strobilomyces annamiticus Pat. in the Patouillard Herbarium. The lat- ter is doubtless a mere form of B. emodensis if not a plain synonym. The SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE. I 127 spores of B. emodensis are 18-22.5 x 8.3-11 mw with the wings transversely striate, and 1-1.5 » high. The spores as indicated by Patouillard come from immature material. Immature carpophores of the Chinese collection have the same spores as indicated by Patouillard (though there is a printing error in his description: 10 instead of 20 »). The basidia are 39-68 x 12— 14.3 u. The cystidia we have seen are smaller than the basidia or equal the basidia and they are smaller than indicated by Patouillard. The lateral stratum of the hymenophoral trama is distinctly divergent. The mycelium of all specimens is very strongly developed, forming a large, sometimes yellow tomentum. This species differs from B. ananas in the color of the stipe, and possibly the deeper red of the pileus and of the hymenophore. It also differs from B. porphyrius in the colors and the size. Nevertheless, these three species form a closely related group (a stirps) within the sec- tion. This stirps is characterized by the marginal veil, large spores with double ornamentation, and scaly pileus. Boletus squamatus Berk. is prob- ably another species of this group, if it is not a synonym of B. emodensis with somewhat faded colors. Boletellus obscure-coccineus (H6hn.) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus obscure-coccineus Hohnel, Sitz.-ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 123 (1): 88. 1914. Hohnel, who collected and described this species in Java, mistakenly thought it was especially close to Boletus versicolor i.e. B. rubellus Krombh. The type specimens preserved in the Herbarium Hohnel (FH) show that it is a Boletellus with the hymenophore convex beneath, 8-9 mm. thick, and the spores 15.5—21 x 7.5—8 y, melleous when mature (not brown) with comparatively thin walls but with distinct, fine, venose, longitudinal ridges. Basidia 30—42 x 8.5-12.5 yu, 4-spored. Cystidia mucronate, about 100 p» long and 14—24 » broad. Hyphae of the tube-trama hyaline, cylindrical, smooth, without clamp connections. This species reminds one macroscopi- cally of Boletellus emodensis, and microscopically of Boletellus cubensis and its allies. Boletellus cubensis (B. & C.) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus cubensis Berk. & Curt., Journ. Linn. Soc. 10: 304. 1868. The spores of the fragment of the Kew type (NY) are 20-22.5 x 7.5-10 p, and striped with longitudinal low ridges (less than 1 » high), deep mel- leous, fusoid, somewhat truncate at the apex, the ridges slightly anastomos- ing but not transversely veined as in Boletellus ananas, with suprahilar depression. This shows that it belongs in the neighborhood of Boletellus obscure-coccineus, It may well be that it will be discovered in South Florida or on the Keys since many Cuban species have been found there by the writer. Boletus lignatilis Berk. & Curt., Journ. Linn. Soc. 10: 303. 1868. This species also comes from Cuba, and the spores of the fragment of the Kew type (NY) are longitudinally ridged (ridges up to 0.8 » high) and the ridges connected by occasional to frequent anastomoses (but not 128 FartowI1A, VoL. 2, 1945 transversely venose as in Boletellus ananas or B. chrysenteroides). They are deep melleous and depressed above the hilar end, 18-21.5 x 7.5-9 up. This is doubtlessly a Boletellus of this section, but no new combination is proposed because of the probability that this and the preceding species are identical. Boletus guadelupensis Pat., Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 16: 177. 1900. Collected on Guadeloupe, West Indies, this is possibly another synonym (a younger stage) of Boletellus cubensis (B. & C.) Sing. The spores of the type (FH) are 14~-19.5 x 6.5-8.5 yw, and longitudinally striate from the hilar end to the tip where the striae suddenly end, very few mature (col- ored) spores remaining smooth or almost so, melleous, the walls browner, with a slight suprahilar depression or applanation; I have not seen the yellow prominent cystidia. According to the original description, this spe- cies differs from B. cubensis in chestnut brown pileus and appendiculate margin. The former difference may be due to the fact that the specimen dried to that color, but was reddish when quite fresh, as is evident in the dried specimen. This may be explained by the hypothesis that this species represents a younger stage of B. cubensis which would also account for the smaller size of the whole carpophore as well as of the spores. There are also minor differences in the description of the surface of the stipe. Never- theless, I think it is necessary to refrain from transferring B. guadelupensis to Boletellus as an independent species, as long as no data on the fresh plants are available. Unfortunately the Cuban plants as well as B. guade- lupensis seem to be rare. SPECIES IMPERFECTLY KNOWN a Boletus squamatus Berk., Hook. Journ. Bot. 4: 137. 1852. I think that this Indian species is another member of the section Ananae, but since nothing is known about the spores, further studies are necessary, before a new combination can be justified. Berkeley thinks that his species is allied to Boletus subtomentosus and B. chrysenteron, but Hooker’s origi- nal painting reminds one of Boletellus porphyrius and B. emodensis rather than of any Xerocomus. Sect. Mirabiles Sing. sect. nov. Pileo minute tomentoso vel squarroso, margine secedente sterili; stipite plus minusve reticulato; sporis giganteis, levibus. Characters of the section: see key (p. 107), and Latin diagnosis above. This is a remarkable section because of the enormously large, smooth spores, and the projecting margin. It has been treated by Singer conditionally in Xerocomus, but it actually is close to the remaining sections of Boletellus. The type species is Ceriomyces mirabilis Murr. There are no representa- tives of this section known to occur in Florida. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 129 Boletellus mirabilis (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Ceriomyces mirabilis Murr., Mycologia 4: 98. 1912. Xerocomus mirabilis Sing., Rev. Myc. 5: 6. 1940. The type of this western species has been studied by the writer and com- pared with material obtained by Alexander H. Smith. As I said in 1942, “The exact structure of the trama could not be stated. If this would be extremely bilateral, generic separation from Xerocomus should be taken in consideration.”’ Actually, the trama of the tube walls zs truly bilateral. The spores are 18—26.3 x 7-10.5 pu, smooth, ellipsoid-oblong to subfusiform or fusiform, yellowish brown (color in mass unknown to me), wall 1-1.8 p» thick, but also thinner in many cases, slightly obtusate at the apex in many cases, with suprahilar applanation; basidia 33.5-39 x 10-14.5 yu, 4-spored; cystidia 60-80x 11-16 yw, ventricose or ampullaceous or more or less strongly capitate above, or plainly fusoid; hyphae of the truly bilateral trama without clamp connections and divergent in the lateral stratum; papillae of the cuticle consisting of chains of thin (about 8 ,»), or thick (10-18 ») clampless hyphae, in the latter case attenuated toward the septa, brown, about 20—60 p» long between septa, the terminal member occasionally shortened, and rarely spherocystoid. Kauffman (Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci. Arts & Lett. 5 (1925): 115. 1926) redescribed this species from Mt. Hood, Ore. (Wehkmeyer 28130, MICH). Snell had it from Manitoba, Slip and Snell indicate it from Idaho, the type came from Washington, and Overholts indicates it in Pennsylvania. This latter extension of the area of distribu- tion is surprising, if true. Boletellus projectellus (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Ceriomyces projectellus Murr., Mycologia 30: 524. 1938. Boletus projectellus Murr., Mycologia 30: 525. 1938; Coker & Beers, Boletaceae, p. 51. 1943. This species has been found in Virginia and North Carolina, U.S. A. For a good macroscopical description and a colored picture see Coker and Beers, l.c., pl. 1, fig. 3-4. The type specimens (Murrill F 9296, FLAS), authentic material (J. N. Couch F 16045, FLAS) and other North Carolina material (J. N. Couch 13193, FH), were compared by the writer and found to be identical. Couch’s collections are evidently the basis of the description and plate of Coker and Beers. The anatomical characters of these plants have been found to be as follows: spores (20)—22—30—(32) x (5.8)—-8.5-11-(12) p», smooth, melleous to deep melleous, the walls 1-1.5 » thick when mature, the upper portion attenuated from the lower third, or the outline more evenly elliptic-oblong to boat-shaped in frontal view, with a slight depres- sion in profile, always more or less acuminate though obtuse at both ends, the inner wall interrupted and the germ pore incomplete since the exospo- rium is continuous; basidia 23-36 x (10)—12-15 yp, 4-spored, few 2-spored; cystidia fusoid with ampullaceous apex, or lanceolate with obtuse tip, hyaline, (33)—35—70 x 10-17 yw; trama truly bilateral, the mediostratum slightly denser and dilutely colored, the lateral stratum somewhat diverg- 130 FarLowI1A, Vor. 2, 1945 ing (in nearly adult specimens), clamp connections none. Boletellus pro- jectellus is one of the representatives of the Agaricales with the longest spores, and belongs to the species with the most voluminous spores of the whole order. It certainly has the largest spores of all boletes. Sect. Retispori Sing. sect. nov. Sporis breviusculis, reticulatis. Characters of the section: see key (p. 107) and the Latin diagnosis _above. The section is unique in combining spores of the type of Strobilo- myces floccopus with entirely different macroscopical features. The only species is Boletellus retisporus which has not been found in Florida. Boletellus retisporus (Pat. & Baker) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 108. 1931. Boletus retisporus Pat. & Baker, Journ. Straits Branch R. Asiatic Soc. No. 78: 72. 1918. This Singapore species is extremely interesting, and easily identified by the combination of yellow hymenophore and short, reticulate spores. I have studied the type specimen in the Patouillard Herbarium (FH). The spores are asymmetrical, brown, the ridges forming the complete and con- spicuous network are 1.3—2 » high, but often half or entirely imbedded in a colorless outer wall. My measurements are: 12—12.5 x 8-9.5 w. Basidia 28x11 yw. Hyphae 5-12 » thick in the trama, without clamp connections. The mycelium is white, and the pileus, though this is not mentioned in the original description, is distinctly appressed-squamulose. Sect. Chrysenteroidei Sing. sect. nov. Pileo haud roseo nec purpurascente nec carmineo, at flavo, fusco, castaneo; sporis longitudinaliter vittatis vel striatis, aut levibus, elongatis, aut latissimis (10.5-11 ») aut moderate voluminosis (circa 12.5-17 « longis) ; velo spurio vel nullo; pileo stipiteque haud viscidis; stipite haud ceraceo-lacunoso. Characters of the section: see key (p. 107), and the above Latin diag- nosis. The type species is Boletellus chrysenteroides (Snell) Snell. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Spores consistently smooth. Boletellus turbinatus A. Spores, at least their overwhelming majority, ridged because of longitudinal lamel- lose wings. . B. Wings of the spores striped transversely by low veins, or, at least, the bases of the wings connected by such transversal veins, giving the spores an appearance reminiscent of the ornamentation of the spores in Boletellus ananas. Boletellus chrysenteroides B. Wings not connected nor striped by regular transversal veins. C. Pores discolorous, not yellow to melleous as the tubes, but red. D. Spores 15.5-17 x 10.5-11 yu, with the lamellose wings projecting 1-1.7 uw. Boletellus Linderi D. Spores 12.5-15.2 x 6.5—7 w; wings lower than 1 yu. 6. Boletellus pictiformis SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 131 C. Pores concolorous, yellow or melleous. E. Spores (12.2)—-13-13.8-(15.3) x (5.5)-6-(6.8) w. Boletellus pictiformis var. fallax E. Spores 14—22.5 x 6.5-10 » (compare B. chrysenteroides, if collected on the North American Continent, and B. guadelupensis if collected in the West Indies) . DESCRIPTION OF THE SPECIES OCCURRING IN FLORIDA 6. Boletellus pictiformis (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. var. typicus. Suillellus pictiformis Murr., Lloydia 6 (3): 226. 1943. Pileus castaneous, densely shaggy-tomentose, convex, 40-60 mm. broad. — Hymenophore yellow or melleous with red pores, changing at once to cyaneous when wounded, plane pores 1 mm. in diameter. — Stipe lateri- tious above, castaneous below, very shaggy, sulphureous at the apex, en- larged upward, 60-80 x 10-13 mm.— Context citrinous, yellow, turning blue at once; taste mild or acid. (Macroscopical description drawn from W. A. Murrill’s notes.) Spores 12.5-15.2 x 6.5—7 yp, intensely melleous, subfusoid, with longi- tudinal ridges from the tip downward to the hilar tube, the ridges occa- sionally anastomosing or forking, but their sides and the space between them not veined transversely; basidia 27-34 x 11.5-14.2 p, 4-spored; cys- tidia clavate-mucronate, or fusoid-ventricose with a cylindric ampullaceous neck which sometimes is curved, or merely fusoid with obtuse apex, hyaline, or with a melleous belt-like incrustation; terminal hyphae of the tomentum of the pileus melleous, clavate, 82 x 10.8 », the lower hyphae 4-14 p» in diameter, without clamp connections. Habitat: On banks under trees. July to August. Distribution: North Florida. Material studied: Kelley’s Hammock, Alachua Co., Murrill (FLAS, type); also authentic material from Sanchez and Planera Hammock, Alachua Co., Murrill F 17945, F 17862 (FLAS). The type variety is evidently very rare even in the large hammock re- gion northwest of Gainesville where it has been found exclusively. It is so rare indeed that W. A. Murrill has collected it only four times since 1938, and I was not able to gather specimens during my stay in Gainesville. It is remarkable because of its relation with an African species, B. Linderi. These species are very similar in many regards and are no doubt closely related. It is interesting to find two species with striking affinities at two isolated points on opposite sides of the Atlantic. B. pictiformis may well be derived from forms with African ancestry, but it would be dangerous to generalize concerning this probability for all Strobilomycetaceae of this hemisphere, since B. ananas and B. porphyrius, Porphyrellus subflavidus, P. malaccensis and P. lacunosus, and also Boletellus jalapensis show quite different geographic relationships, extending rather across the Pacific than across the Atlantic. i3z FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 Boletellus pictiformis (Murr.) Sing. var. fallax Sing. var. nov. A typo differt poris concoloribus cystidiisque paucis incrustatis. Pileus brown because of the “‘Prout’s brown,” “mummy brown,” or “bis- ter” appressed fibrose scales with the pale yellow flesh showing through between them, not viscid, convex, without or with only slightly projecting margin, 42-53 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “yellowish citrine” to “olive lake” when mature, with concolorous pores which are angular and number 5-10 per 5 mm. transversely, and individually 0.3—1.5 mm. in diameter, i.e. rather large when quite mature, the tubes somewhat depressed around the stipe, moderately long (5-7 mm.), turning blue on injury. — Stipe below “mummy brown,” in the middle ‘“‘madder brown” to “Vandyke brown,” or paler and with yellow shining through, and at the apex “Pinard yellow,” fibrous-scaly-shaggy in the color of the pileus, the scales often arranged in a coarsely reticulate manner, solid, equal, with acuminate-tapering base, 60 x 12-13 mm. — Context of the pileus yellow, richer yellow at the apex of the stipe (“‘baryta yellow” to “empire yellow”), between ‘“‘bay” and blackish brown at the base, strongly and readily turning blue in the pileus when cut, rather thick in the pileus; odor and taste not remarkable. Spores (12.2)—13-13.7-(15.3) x (5.5)—6-(6.8) , deep melleous, with low to medium high longitudinal lamellose wings which are not connected by regular transverse veins, but occasionally by oblique anastomoses of the wings which are often forked, with suprahilar depression or applanation, ellipsoid-fusoid; basidia 4-spored, 25-39x 12-13.7 yw; cystidia numerous near pores, mostly ampullaceous, pale melleous to hyaline, not incrusted or occasionally somewhat incrusted, (23)—38—60 x 10-14.2 »; also some ex- tremely versiform cheilocystidia are present at the very edge of the tube walls; cuticle of the pileus made up of repent or obliquely ascending strands of parallel, cylindric hyphae with the second-last member always elongate and 4-10 ,» thick, the terminal member cylindric with rounded ends and as long as the other hyphae, or shorter, with some rare spherocysts on the very surface. Chemical reactions: KOH on the surface of the pileus eventually deep reddish brown; on tubes and context ochraceous brown. — NH,OH on the surface of the pileus black; on the tubes and on the context negative, or removing the blue stain when applied after autoxydation has taken place. — HNO; on the surface of the pileus rufous; on the context pale reddish- brown. — FeSO, on the surface of the pileus negative; on the context negative, or removing the blue stain if applied after the autoxydation has taken place. —— Formol on the context provoking more blue coloration. Habitat; Under mixed hardwoods, in a mesophytic hammock. July. Distribution: North Florida. Material studied: Kelley’s Hammock, N. W. of Gainesville, Alachua Co., July 14, 1943, Singer F 2716 (FH). This variety lacks the most characteristic feature of the type, and Mur- rill did not recognize it as his species when he saw it in fresh condition. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 133 However, the complete identity of the anatomical characters and the fact that the type of var. typicus and the type of var. fallax were found in the same hammock, and also the agreement of the important macroscopical characters, makes it impossible to consider the variety as a separate species. I have called it var. fallax because it suggests other species rather than B. pictiformis, e.g. Boletellus chrysenteroides (Snell) Snell which, however, has not a floccose-fibrillose-squamose stipe, but only shows furfuraceous punctations. Its spores usually have distinct transverse, regular anastomos- ing veins between the wings, reminding one of the ornamentation of B. ananas. Nothing like this is seen in spores of B. pictiformis var. fallax. The cuticle of B. chrysenteroides and B. pictiformis var. fallax also are very different in structure. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Boletellus chrysenteroides (Snell) Snell, Mycologia 33: 422. 1941. Boletus chrysenteroides Snell, Mycologia 28: 468. 1936. This has been described from New York, but additional material has been found in the Farlow Herbarium from Glenbrook Ravine, northeast Georgia, A. B. Seymour, det. W. H. Snell (B. fumosipes), and there is material in E. V. Seeler’s Herbarium, collected by him on Nantucket, Mass., det. D. H. Linder & R. Singer. W. H. Snell was kind enough to send me his entire material, including specimens from North Carolina, West Virginia, Ten- nessee, Missouri, and Pennsylvania, all the same species with the covering of the pileus like that of Porphyrellus pseudoscaber, and actually with the same type of structure, but of a different brown. The spores are somewhat variable from specimen to specimen, (9.5)—11—17.3—(18.2) x 5.8-9.8 yp, with longitudinal lamellose wings of 0.6—-0.8 » height, melleous, the wings connected by regular, transverse veins recalling those of Boletellus ananas but not always running all through and up the sides of the wings reaching their edges; basidia 4-spored, 25-39 x 11-19 p»; cystidia fusoid to ampul- laceous, hyaline or pale melleous, not incrusted, numerous on and near the pores, 34-62 x 9.5-18.5 »; trama initially truly bilateral (Boletus-type), later more regular; epicutis formed by a palisade of erect, septate hyphae, with the last members conic-fusoid or cylindric, the second-last ones conic- obtuse or like the lower ones, i.e. almost as broad as long and rather volu- minous, fulvous brown; they measure: last member 17-18 x 5.8-9.8 p, second 17-18 x 13-17 » below, and 7-11 » above, third and following mem- bers 17-18 x 13-17 »; hyphae without clamp connections. One of the specimens, a co-type of Snell’s, collected at Burnet, Quebec, Canada, differs from all other specimens in having the longitudinal wings of the spores more frequently anastomosing, or even with transverse ridges, but not always showing the characteristic thin, low veins found in the type; these spores are a trifle larger, 13-18.7—-(20) x 7.3-9.2-(10.2) mw, and thus are intermediate between B. chrysenteroides and B. guadelupensis; their wings are 0.8-0.9 » high, some lower. The external appearance of the fruit 134 FartowiA, Vow. 2, 1945 bodies is nearly the same as in the type, but they are larger in all parts. Since two small characters are coupled in this case, distinguishing the northernmost collection from all the rest, one may suspect that the Ca- nadian form is a geographic race. Further observations on this subject are needed. B. chrysenteroides is apparently the northern equivalent of the Floridian B. pictiformis. Boletellus Linderi Sing. spec. nov. Pirate I, Fic. 10. Pileo flavo (“Naples yellow” Ridgway), fibrillulis squamulisque badiocastaneis (“ma- hogany red” Ridgway) dense obtecto, (25)—60 mm. lato; hymenophoro poris primum rubris et aequalibus, deinde aurantiacis et irregularibus instructo, e tubulis longis con- sistente; sporis ellipsoideis, brunneis, 17—23—alatis, ornamentatione 0.9-1.7 yw alta, polo apicali levi, 15.5-17 x 10.5-11 w metientibus; basidiis 34x 14.7 yu, clavatis, tetrasporis; cystidiis circa 63x22 mu, ventricoso-ampullaceis; stipite ad apicem luteo (“light cad- mium” Ridgway) et atro-squamoso, fibroso, elongato; carne fracta caerulescente. Habitatio: Ad folia delapsa ad basin arboris Augusto mense. In Liberia Africae Occi- dentalis, prope Miamu. D. H. Linder 408 (FH). Boletellus turbinatus (Snell) Sing. comb. nov. Pirate I, Fic. 3. The type from Missouri (FH) shows the spores to be deep honey color with a fulvous tinge in the episporium, smooth but thick walled, the apical portion attenuate and mostly subacute, often with an incomplete germina- tive pore. These are typical Boletellus-spores in spite of their being smooth. I found them 13.5—20 x 5.5—9.5 yw; Snell finds them up to 21 » long. I sus- pect that the turbinate habit is merely incidental. SPECIES IMPERFECTLY KNOWN Boletus chrysenteron Bull. sensu Coker & Beers, The Boletaceae, p. 70, pl. 44 (be- low), pl. 64, fig. 8. 1943 (non Fr.). Discovered in North Carolina, this species agrees with the preceding one in many ways, but differs in the more truncate apex of the spores and the spore measurements as given by Coker and Beers. Material from Chapel Hill, however, has the spores larger than given by these authors, viz. (11.5)-13-17—(26) x 4.8-6.5 yw. This cannot be Bulliard’s plant, since species with spore characters like those described and figured by Coker and Beers do not occur in the environs of Paris. It is also not Fries’s Boletus chrysenteron which equals Boletus communis Bull. sensu Coker & Beers (d.c., p. 62). This latter name can not be accepted according to the rules of nomenclature. If Boletus chrysenteron sensu Coker & Beers should turn out to be different from Boletellus turbinatus, it must be renamed. How- ever, we are inclined to think that the turbinate shape of the latter is an accidental character of no taxonomic value and little if any constancy; consequently these species may be synonymous. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I 135 Sect. Ixocephali Sing. sect. nov. Superficiebus sterilibus carpophororum plus minusve viscidis; sporis longitudinaliter vittatis; stipite haud subceraceo-lacunoso. Characters of the section: see key (p. 107) and Latin description above. The type, Boletellus singaporensis (Pat. & Baker) Gilbert (Boletopstis singaporensis Pat. & Bak.), has a distinct annulus, but I think that evelate forms like Boletellus jalapensis are close enough to be placed in this same section. The section /xocephali is not represented in Florida. Boletellus singaporensis (Pat. & Baker) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. Boletopsis singaporensis Pat. & Baker, Journ. Straits Branch R. Asiatic Soc. No. 78: 69. 1918. The species has a beautiful, distinct, tardily lacerate annulus which is said to be viscid in fresh condition. The type (FH) shows a pretty species with long stipe and thick hymenophore, well agreeing with the original de- scription. The spores are comparatively short, 14-15 x 10.5-12.5 p, with about 13 longitudinal wing-like lamellose ridges which are brown on mel- leous ground, and 1.2-1.6 » high, and suddenly cut off at the apex, with a globose oil-drop and asymmetrically inserted hilar tube, some of the ridges not reaching the opposite end, not transversely veined, wall 0.8-1.1 » thick; basidia 23-27 x 15-17 ,; cystidia subulate-fusoid with rounded tips, 45x 10.5 ». This species, under a temporary herbarium name, is represented in Patouillard’s Herbarium (#4992). Boletellus jalapensis (Murr.) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. Ceriomyces jalapensis Murr., Mycologia 2: 248. 1910. The type (NY) from Mexico has 16-18-(25) x 10-11-(13.5) u large, deep melleous spores with 10-14 longitudinal ribs with scarce anastomoses but usually once or twice forked ribs among them, the ribs 1-1.5 » high; basidia 38—42 x 14-15.5 , 4-spored; cystidia not found but probably pres- ent; hyphae without clamp connections; structure of the cuticle of the pileus not clear, hyphae clampless, elongate, some claviform, some very thin, yellowish-subhyaline, of variable diameter. I have not seen the material determined as Boletogaster jalapensis by Lohwag but judging from the picture and the description, it may be a long- stemmed form of this species. This would extend the area of B. jalapensis to South China, another indication of the close relationship between the boletineous flora of North and Central America and Eastern Asia. It may, however, turn out that Lohwag’s determination was only approximate, and that the Chinese fungus is a third species of this section characterized by its stipe which is twice as long as in typical B. jalapensis. As for the de- scription of the ornamentation of the spores, I am not sure that Lohwag’s observations are quite exact. If they are, it would indicate an additional difference between this and the Chinese species. The spores of the Mexican type have the projecting angles (corresponding to the ribs) when seen from above, not semicircular but lamellose-rectangular, thinner than the distance 136 Fartowla, Vor. 2, 1945 they project from the surface of the wall proper, and their number, when counted at one of the poles never reaches twenty. Sect. Dictyopodes Sing. sect. nov. Pileo tomentoso, haud viscido; sporis longitudinaliter costato-vittatis, elongatis; stipite subceraceo-lacunoso et ex ea re reticulato vel Jongitudinaliter lamellato. Characters of the section: see key (p. 107) and the above Latin diagnosis. The type species is Boletellus Russellii (Frost) Gilbert (Boletus Russellii Frost). 7. Boletellus Russellii (Frost) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. Boletus Russellii Frost, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Hist. 2: 104. 1874. Ceriomyces Russellii Murr., Mycologia 1: 144. 1909. Boletogaster Russellit Lohwag in Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 2: 56. 1937. Frostiella Russellii Murr., Mimeogr. Contr. Herb. Univ. Fla. Agr. Exp. Sta. Gainesville, p. 6. 1942. Pirate I, Fic. 9. Pileus “Sayal brown” and “wood brown” mixed, later about “avella- neous,” strongly tomentose, becoming strongly furfuraceous to felty- squamulose, dry or scarcely subviscid after prolonged rains, with smooth margin which strongly projects beyond the hymenophore, appearing lobate or crenate from above, pulvinate, 35-80 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “naphthaline yellow,” becoming “barium yellow” to “strontian yellow,” pores concolorous but with a slight pinkish hue when young, surrounded by the sterile projecting margin which is pallid and reddening, tubes me- dium long, 5-9 mm., adnate, becoming depressed around the stipe when mature, pores rather small to medium wide, widest in the marginal row, 3 per mm., then becoming wider, most frequently 0.8 mm. wide, but some- times up to 1 mm. in diameter; spore print “dark olive.” — Stipe “cacao brown” to “walnut brown,” at least above, the ribs and mostly also the entire base “vinaceous pink” to “buff pink,” with very high (about 2-3 mm.) lamellose longitudinal ribs which strongly anastomose, making the surface appear conspicuously lacunose-favose, the single honeycomb of varying length (1-10 mm.), the base usually smooth but often covered with white to whitish yellow mycelial felt, solid, becoming slightly hollow, slightly to strongly viscid outside, especially below, tapering at the base into the ground, and also tapering upward in the upper one or two thirds, or thickened at the base and gradually tapering to the apex, the basal por- tion usually covered by rotten leaves, 63-80 x 14-20 mm. — Context whit- ish to creamy pallid, stramineous-pallid, becoming eventually melleous in the base of the stipe, and reddish under the cuticle, more so when wounded, eventually almost ‘walnut brown” in the upper portion of the pileus, almost unchanging on injury, rather hard in the stipe but the consistency of the ribs almost waxy, soft-fleshy in the pileus; taste mild; odor almost none, eventually slightly mawkish. Spores 16-19.5 x 8-11 », melleous, ornamentation and wall brown, with longitudinal, wing-like, Jamellose ridges which run from the apical pole to SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE. I ey the hilar tube, suddenly stopping at the apex, without the transverse veins of Boletellus ananas, occasionally some ridges connected by a few scattered anastomosing ridges, the longitudinal ridges numbering about 13 at the poles, and projecting 1.8—2.1 »; basidia 25-35 x 13-16 p, 4-spored; cystidia mostly fusoid-ampullaceous, often compressed, 45-70 x (6.5)—9.5-15 4p, occasionally with a colored incrustation but wall and contents always hyaline; ¢rama of the hymenophore truly bilateral, mediostratum slightly darker and denser than the strongly diverging hyaline lateral stratum; cuticle of the pileus consisting of multi-septate, erect chains of hyphae with clampless septa, most members of these chains rather short to almost sub- globose, but the terminal cell elongate (about 50 » long), cylindric or subu- late; surface layer of the stipe consisting of a palisade of dermatocystidia and abundant dermatopseudoparaphyses, also some basidia; the dermato- cystidia of the young specimens hyaline to brown, ampullaceous, up to 80-100 x 10.8 »; dermatopseudoparaphyses up to 11 p» broad; basidia 4-spored, about 46x 13.2 »; hyphae of the context without clamp con- nections. Chemical reactions. KOH on the surface of the pileus chestnut or ful- vous; on the context of the upper portion of the pileus brown; on the con- text of the stipe slowly brownish; NH,OH on the surface of the pileus somewhat deeper and more brick colored; on the context of the upper por- tion of the pileus red; on the context of the stipe slowly reddish; FeSO, on the surface of the pileus deep olive; on the context of the pileus and stipe negative; formol negative; phenol negative. Habitat: Under oaks, in Florida under Quercus laurifolia in high ham- mock formations on the soil amongst leaves. Summer. Distribution: All along the Atlantic Coast from New England to Central Florida and west to Wisconsin (according to Murrill) and Mississippi. In Florida not reaching the tropical part of the peninsula. Material studied: Fla.: Alachua Co., in and near Gainesville, R. Singer F 2500, F 2500a (FH); Lake Co., Eustis, on wood of Sabal, R. Thaxter (FH) ; — Vt.: type of Boletus Russellii, Brattleboro, in damp woods, 1865, C. C. Frost (FH).—N. H.: Shel- burne, Aug. 1891, Farlow (“form with scaly top”) (FH); Chocorua, September 1917, Farlow (FH); Intervale, August 1901, Thaxter 3473 (FH).—Mass.: Arlington, ‘HH. M. N. (FH): Middlesex Fells, August 1897, Farlow (FH); Canton, August 1925, D. H. Linder (FH).—N. C.: Glassy Mts., Flat Rock, August 1934, A. S. Rhoads (det. W. A. Murrill) F 9385 (FLAS). B. Russellii is unmistakable for anyone who has once collected it. Its history shows clearly that there was doubt about its specific taxonomy only once when Lloyd claimed its identity with B. betula, an error subsequently corrected by W. G. Farlow. There was, however, considerable fluctuation in its generic position. I cannot see any reason for splitting the genus Boletellus into several genera, but if it is done (which would make it nec- essary to go much farther in breaking up the genus than we do now in dividing the boletaceous genera and the agarics) it should be done accord- ing to the sections outlined in the key p. 107. However, Frostiella is not a 138 FarLowIiA, Vor. 2, 1945 valid name since it has been published without a Latin diagnosis, and in the sense of Murrill covers several sections of Boletellus; thus it becomes a synonym of the older name Boletogaster Lohwag. There is a fine colored picture in Jcones Farlowianae, pl. 80, and a good photograph has been pub- lished in Coker and Beers, The Boletaceae, pl. 48. Macllvaine pl. 118, fig. 2 is likewise correct. Elrod and Blanchard (Mycologia 31: 701, fig. 2, E. 1939) published a photomicrograph showing the structure of the trama. The difference of the picture obtained as compared with our results is due to insufficient consistency on the part of these authors in their choice of corresponding and comparable stages of development. In young hymeno- phores, the trama of practically all Boletineae is more or less bilateral, and all Strobilomycetaceae have the truly bilateral trama of the Boletus-type. SPECIES NOT KNOWN TO THE AUTHOR Boletellus costatus (Rostrup) Sing., Ann. Myc. 40: 18. 1942. Boletus costatus Rostrup, Botan. Tidskr. 24: 357. 1902. Described from Thailand, tropical Asia, this probably belongs in this section. Sect. Allospori Sing. sect. nov. Pileo viscido; sporis spinis exosporio immersis ornatis; stipite subceraceo-lacunoso et ex ea re reticulato vel longitudinaliter lamellato. Characters of the section: see key p. 107, and Latin diagnosis above. The type species, B. betula (Schw.) Gilbert, is so far the only species of this section. It has not been found in Florida. Boletellus betula (Schw.) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 108. 1931. A North American species, reported from many eastern and middle western states, has also been called Ceriomyces betula Murr., Frostiella betula Murr., and Boletus Morgani Peck. It was initially described as Boletus betula by Schweinitz, Schr. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig 1: 90. 1822. I have studied specimens from several localities, and the results of my micro- scopical analyses follow: Spores 16—21.5 x 8.5-10 p, deep ochraceous-melleous, with suprahilar applanation, ellipsoid-fusoid, with isolated punctiform warts if the upper surface of the spore is focussed upon, but actually the wall perforated by cylindric thin spines which are darker than the wall and hardly pass be- yond its outer surface; basidia 25-40 x11.6-16.5 p, 4-spored; cystidia present; the pellicle consists of a palisade of dermatocystidia (100 x 8 y) and more basidium-like bodies; the surface of the stipe consists of a pali- sade of sterile elements. SPECIES INCERTAE SEDIS Strobilomyces paradoxus Mass., Bull. Misc. Inf. Bot. Gard. Kew 1909 (5): 209. 1909. Boletellus paradoxus Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE. I 139 This species has been described from Singapore. I have seen no speci- mens. Boletus Rostrupii Syd., Ann. Myc. 1: 177. 1903. Boletus lacunosus Rostr., Bot. Tidskrift, 24: 357. 1902 (non Cooke). This species has been described from Thailand. I have seen no speci- mens but it seems reasonable to assume that it belongs in the Strobilomyce- taceae. Strobilomyces fasciculatus Cooke, Grevillea 20: 4. 1891. This. species from Australia may or may not belong in the Strobilomyce- taceae. No specimens have been examined by the writer. Strobilomyces ligulatus Cooke, Grevillea 20: 4. 1891. Boletellus ligulatus Sing., Ann. Myc. 40: 18. 1942. Described from Australia, this seems to be a Boletellus, provided the description is correct. However, the spore ornamentation (if there is any) has not been mentioned by Cooke. Strobilomyces rufescens Cooke & Mass., Grevillea 18: 5. 1889. The description of this Australian species reads much like that of Stro- bilomyces pallescens which is a synonym of Boletellus ananas. Boletellus pustulatus (Beeli) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 107. 1931. Boletus pustulatus Beeli, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 58: 211. 1926. Described from Belgian Congo, this species has been transferred by Gil- bert to Boletellus, and, judging from the original description, correctly so. If the spores actually are as small as indicated by Beeli, one would expect this species to belong in the section Chrysenteroidei, though its color is more suggestive of section Ananae. Phyllobolites Sing., Ann. Myc. 40: 59, 1942. No representatives occur in Florida. Harvarp UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, Mass. 140 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 EXPLANATION OF PLATE I All drawings are made with the aid of a camera lucida from dried material mounted in KOH-phloxine (basidia and cystidia) or either ammonium hydroxide or Melzer’s reagent (spores) under oil immersion lens. Magnification approximately x 1050. 1. Strobilomyces confusus Sing. Spores, basidium; from the type specimen. 2. Strobilomyces floccopus (Vahl ex Fr.) Sacc. Spores, basidium; specimen from Harvard, Mass. Boletellus turbinatus (Snell) Sing. Spores, basidium; from the type specimen. Porphyrellus subflavidus (Murr.) Sing. Spores; from authentic material. Porphyrellus gracilis (Peck) Sing. Spores, basidium; from authentic material. Strobilomyces velutipes Cooke. Spores, basidium; from the type material. Boletellus ananas (Curt.) Murr. Spores, basidium; specimen from North Florida. Strobilomyces pterosporus Sing. Spores, basidium; from the type specimen. Boletellus Russellii (Frost) Gilb. Spores, basidia and cystidia. Boletellus Linderi Sing. Spores, basidium; from the type specimen. © 60 GT OF a 141 SINGER: FLorIpA BOLETINEAE. I PLATE I Be | + ’ i : : . . | z +s MANUSCRIPT Contributions from anyone will be considered, preference being given to papers deal- ing with phases of the taxonomy of the Fungi, Algae, Musci, Hepaticae, and Lichens. Contributors should strive for a clear concise style of writing. A limit of 100 printed pages is set for any one article, but it is hoped that a paper of such length will be so arranged as to be divisible in two approximately equal parts. Writers are responsible for the accuracy of references to literature cited and to text illustrations. Papers containing lists of citations and descriptions of species should maintain a uniform and orderly arrangement of the parts of such citations, etc. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double spaced throughout, with a 14 ine margin on the left, on white paper, preferably 832 x 11 inches. Because of the cost of reproducing photographs, carefully made: line drawings in black ink are preferred. For the same reason, as many figures as are consistent with clarity should be grouped together to make up a plate. Numerous small figures in the text are to be avoided. Photographs, when necessary, should be printed on glossy, contrast paper and planned for reproduction as full page plates 414 x 7 inches, the standard size for all plates. Avoid combining line drawings with photographs. To comply with the International Rules, Latin descriptions must be supplied to vali- date new species and genera. PRICE OF REPRINTS Reprints should be ordered from the editor when proof is returned, 4pp. 8pb. 16pp. 32pp. 48pp. 64 pp. SO copies . . . . . $248 $3.62 $5.87 $10.81 $16.27 $19.95 100 copies gE SR OAS Oo a” Bone 25 46 200 copies. i ws. 450 681 | 96O 1038 (27.03: 34.04 Additional per Cl 2. 1 eae 4.83 7.65 8.97 Covers for reprints, printed with title of article, author, source; cost for first fifty — $2.63; additional — 114 cents each. ‘PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE , : CLINTON, G. P. ‘North American. Ustilaginea. 1904. (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. oe) Unbound... . . : ; . $ 2.00 FARLOW, W. G. ethos Prlewuen Illustrations of the Larger — _ Fungi.of Eastern North America. 103 colored plates by J. Bridgham and L. C. C. Krieger. Folio. 1929. Cloth. . . . 50.00 - JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY. ae 5, nos. 2, 3, 1889; vol. 6, | 1890-91; vol. 7, 1891-94. Unbound. The lot . es Te ; PERSOON, Cc. H. iad Botanicus to his Mycologia Europaea, — | prepared by Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Rogers and Dr. E.V.Seeler, Jr. 1940 Paper. eS en ee ee ‘SEYMOUR, A. B. Host. Index of the Fungi of North America. Te are, Clot oe 18 -THAXTER, R. Contribution towards a Monograph of the Laboul- beniaceae. (Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci.) Unbound. Eo TBR (Damaged a eee ee a TOG ee ee ee go Se ee ee ee TM Ae ae ee ee ee pe ee THAXTER, R. Entomophthoreae of the United States. 1888. | (Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.) Unbound . ... .. . 3.00 Postage extra : Address the Librarian, Farlow Reference Library, 20 Divinity Ave., ‘ - Camibridge 38, Mass. ee ye FARLOWIA A JourNAL oF CryptoGAMic BOTANY | - EDITORIAL BOARD DAVID H. LINDER, Editor E. V. SEELER, Jxr., Managing Editor J. R. BARTHOLOMEW R. SINGER E. B. BARTRAM - F, VERpooRN N. F. Conant W. H. WEsrTon, JR. H. F. Harris R. M. WHELDEN — ; PUBLISHED BY : FARLOW LIBRARY AND HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY 20 Drvinrry AvE., CAMBRIDGE, Mass. FARLOWIA Published semi-annually. Four numbers compose one volume of approximately five hundred pages. Subscription prices: Vol. 1, $5.00; Vol. 2, $7.50. Single numbers: Vol. 1, $1.50; Vol..2, $2.25. Subscriptions and remittances should be addressed to FARLOWIA, 20 Divinity Ave., Cambridge 38, Mass., U.S.A. Numbers lost in the mails will be replaced if reported within a reasonable period. CONTENTS OF VOL. 2, NO. 2 A Taxonomic anp Ecoxocica, Stupy or Somr DiaToMs FRoM THE Pocono PLa- TEAU AND ADJACENT REcions. By Ruth Patrick. . . . . ©.) . 143° THE BOLETINEAE OF. FLORIDA wiTH NoTES oN EXTRALIMITAL Spectres. II. THE BOLETACEAE (GYROPOROIDEAE). By Rolf Singer. . . . . . . . 223 Vol. 2, No. 1, was issued March 22, 1945. AVLVIALSITATTV ahd peor plnoys JYIALSATATIVAKd ‘42439 | ‘1E8t ‘duo ‘snuadqns WY NICIHLNVNHOF pear plnoys snusdqns OTH ENV NHOF Suipeey ‘21 ‘| “991 ‘d uO “SPOT ‘Gur “(Z) 2 vimopsny “SUOYEI] OUDD0g : yoy 4“ VLVUUF FARLOWIA A JOURNAL OF CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY Noles Jury, 1945 Now Z A TAXONOMIC AND ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF SOME DIATOMS FROM THE POCONO PLATEAU AND ADJACENT REGIONS RutH PATRICK The Pocono plateau, which is located in the northeastern section of Penn- sylvania, is part of the general Appalachian system. Geologically it is mostly sandstone of the Pocono and Catskill formation which was laid down in the late Devonian and early Carboniferous times. Here and there are present local limestone outcrops. In this study the diatoms were obtained from regions adjacent to as well as in the Pocono plateau. Various types of bodies of water in Carbon, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Pike, and Wayne County were included. Thus localities on the Martensburg shale, Helderberg, and Chemung formations were also studied. In this region there are many so-called lakes. From the limnological standpoint these are not lakes but ponds, for they have no thermocline. They are formed in one of two ways; either they are of glacial origin or are dammed up streams. Immediately after the Civil War there was much lum- bering in this region. The dams were constructed in the streams to form storage basins for the logs until the spring thaws. At that time they would be floated down stream. After these lumbering operations had ceased these ponds were used as a source of ice. During the winter, ice would be cut and stored in ice houses which were built on the shores of the ponds. With the advent of artificial ice, this business ceased and summer resorts were built about the ponds. : A description of the various localities from which the diatoms were col- lected is given below. The ecological information concerning these habitats is to be found in the ecological discussion. LACKAWANNA COUNTY 2044 Indian Lake, from squeezings of surface vegetation, Hodge, 7 July 1941 LUZERNE COUNTY 2042 Harvey Lake, from squeezings of the bottom vegetation, in quiet shallow water, Hodge, 7 July 1941 2043 Harvey Lake, from squeezings of vegetation in running water at the outlet, Hodge, 7 July 1941 143 144 FArLowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 MONROE COUNTY 262 263 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035° 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2045 2046 2047 2049 2051 2056 2065 Pocono Lake, a composite collection made by Mr. F. J. Myers during the summer of 1940. Jaggie’s Bog, Shulze Jaggie’s Bog, Shulze South Pocono Lake, in a small bay one foot deep, on rocks and on moss and weeds growing on bottom, Patrick, 8 July 1941 South Pocono Lake, squeezings from Sphagnum in 18 inches of water, Patrick, 8 July 1941 A small stream from springs, running under road to Davy’s Run, shallow, filled with Sphagnum, Patrick, 8 July 1941 Shallow ditch along road to Davy’s Run, very cold, in shade, Patrick, 9 July 1941 Davy’s Run, beaver dam, surface mud and scum around weeds, growing in 3-4 inches of water, Patrick, 9 July 1941 Davy’s Run, in running water below beaver dam, attached or enmeshed in Fontinalis antipyretica, Patrick, 9 July 1941 Davy’s Run, surface ooze in 3-4 inches of water, about 50 feet above beaver dam in shade, Patrick, 9 July 1941 Davy’s Run, open sun, running water, on or enmeshed in weeds, Patrick, 9 July 1941 Davy’s Run, deep shade, surface of mud, still, shallow water, Patrick, 9 July 1941 Davy’s Run, deep shade, rapid water, squeezings from Hypnum and Fonti- nalis, Patrick, 9 July 1941 Lost Lake, squeezings from Sphagnum, A. Turner, 5 July 1941 Raymondskill Falls, surface scum on rocks in pool in falls, Patrick, 2 July 1941 Mud Run, squeezings from moss in spillway, Hodge, July 1941 Tobyhanna Creek, shallow water near flat rocks on side of creek known as “Lover’s Leap”, Patrick, 8 July 1941 Tobyhanna Creek, near bank of creek, Patrick, 8 July 1941 Pocono Lake, on stones in 1 foot of water at Emlen dock, Patrick, 30 June 1941 Pocono Lake, from squeezings of Elodea, Dicranium, and Hypnum growing in 1 foot of water at Emlen dock, Patrick, 30 June 1941 Pocono Lake, from squeezings of Myriophyllum in 2 feet of water at Emlen dock, Patrick, 30 June 1941 Spring run near Emlen cottage, squeezings from weeds, C. Myers, 6 July 1941 Pocono Lake, plankton taken by tow net, Patrick and Hodge, 7 July 1941 Lake Tamaque, surface scum, Hodge, 7 July 1941 Lake Tamaque, scrapings from log, Hodge, 7 July 1941 Popomoning Lake, from squeezings of Elodea, Hodge, July 1941 Wier Lake, squeezings from surface vegetation, Hodge, July 1941 Wier Lake, squeezings from bottom vegetation, Hodge, July 1941 Trout Lake, squeezings from Spirogyra, Hodge, July 1941 Mountain Lake, from squeezings of surface vegetation, Hodge, July 1941 Davy’s Run, full sun, in running water, enmeshed in Fontinalis antipyretica, Patrick, 8 July 1941 Pocono Lake, scrapings from logs supporting Emlen’s dock, Patrick, 10 July 1941 NORTHAMPTON COUNTY 2050 Green Pond, from squeezings of vegetation, Hodge, July 1941 PIKE COUNTY 1 Z 3 Greeley, squeezings from Fontinalis in brook running through swamp, J. Burke, 4 July 1941 Greeley, squeezings from Sphagnum in swamp, J. Burke, 4 July 1941 Shohola Falls, from algae at top of falls, J. Burke, 4 July 1941 PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 145 4 Shohola Falls, from moss at top of falls, in swift water, J. Burke, 6 July 1941 5 Lake Wallenpaupek tributary passing under Route 507, J. Burke, 5 July 1941 7-9 Shohola Falls, scrapings from dripping rock face, side wall of gorge, above concrete bridge crossing road below falls, J. Burke, 5 July 1941 10 Shohola Falls, from algae in brook at head of falls near pond, J. Burke, 6 July 1941 11 Shohola Falls, from moss in brook above falls, near pond, J. Burke, 6 July 1941 12 Shohola Falls, edge of pond above falls, J. Burke, 6 July 1941 13 Shohola Falls, scrapings from dripping wall in small glen at head of falls, J. Burke, 6 July 1941 14 Shohola Falls, scrapings from face of rock at side of falls, J. Burke, July 1941 15 Shohola Falls, gelatinous algae on rock wall facing falls, J. Burke, 6 July 1941 127-130 J. Shulze (no other information except Pike County given) 1621-1623 Bushkill Creek, in spring opposite head of island, J. Shulze. (I cannot be sure whether this locality is in Pike or Monroe county.) 2188-90 J. Shulze (no other information except Pike County given) WAYNE COUNTY 2021 Angels, Mill Creek, in cool, shallow, swift water on rocks in middle of creek, J. Burke and R. Patrick, 5 July 1941 2022 Angels, small tributary of Mill Creek, deep shade, slow running, 2-5 inches deep, J. Burke and R. Patrick, 5 July 1941 2023 Angels, Mill Creek tributary, deep shade, from surface of leaves in spring bubbling through sand, J. Burke and R. Patrick, 5 July 1941 2024 Angels, scraping from surface of leaves in a very shallow pool or puddle, J. Burke and R. Patrick, 5 July 1941 2026 Angels, Mill Creek, full sun, growing on stones in swift, shallow water, R. Patrick and J. Burke, 5 July 1941 In this study it was thought wise to consider all obtainable collections that had ever been made in this region. Some-of these collections are quite old and no information is available concerning. the ecological conditions which existed when the collections were made. Because of this most of the ecological studies are based on a few of the most diversified ponds which were selected for this purpose. Much of the ecological data was obtained by Mr. Frank J. Myers who studied the rotifers present in these bodies of water (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 94: 251-286. 1942). The information concerning the calcium, bicarbonates, and color of the water was furnished by Dr. Thomas Edmondson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Laboratories. In the study of all collections, hyrax mounts were made and the species identified were ringed by means of a diamond marker. In the taxonomic discussion under each species the localities are given in which the species were found and the number in parenthesis indicates the slide in the her- barium of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia on which the identification was made. The materials prepared for the ecological studies were made from a quan- titative standpoint. The original amount of material collected in each case was as nearly as possible the same. If collections were made for epiphytic diatoms, one-half pint (236 c.c.) of weeds or debris was collected and squeezed. The drippings were retained and concentrated, and one half of this concentrate was cleaned. The cleaned material in each case was diluted 146 FARLowIA, VOL. 2, 1945 to a common dilution factor. This solution was then well shaken and im- mediately one tenth of a cubic centimeter was withdrawn and deposited on tonic and encrusted forms. In this study five terms have been used to denote the relative abundance of the species found. The slides, with the aid of a mechanical stage, were methodically studied. In most cases a 3 mm. objective was used in making these counts. However, when large forms were being studied a 16 mm. objective was used. “Rare” indicates that only a very few specimens were found on the slides studied. “Frequent” indicates that one or two specimens were present in about fifty per cent of the fields of the microscope. ‘Very frequent” indicates that an average of two or three specimens were found in each field. ‘“‘Common or abundant” indicates that several specimens were found in each field. The author is particularly indebted to Mr. Frank J. Myers who furnished much valuable information which he had obtained concerning these bodies of water, and who also made available the equipment of his summer labora- tory at Pocono Lake Preserve. The author also wishes to express her appre- ciation to Dr. Thomas S. Stewart who made the photographs included in the plates; to Dr. Thomas Edmondson who made the chemical analysis of the water; to Miss Jane Stenz who made the slides for this study; to Mr. Joseph Burke who made available his collections from Pike County; to Dr. Francis W. Pennell for his help with Latin descriptions; and to Miss Hilda F. Harris of the Farlow Herbarium, to Mrs. Gertrude Hess of the li- brary of the American Philosophical Society, and to Mr. Frank Patrick who made available additional literature necessary for this study. MELOSIRA AcarpH A. Sulcus absent, in girdle view frustule very finely striated ... M. varians A. Sulcus present B. Sulcus a distinct concave throat or channel C. Lives in running water on rocks or in moss; in valve view, puncta ar- ranged in definitely radiating rows ........... M. roeseana and var. C. Typically a pelagic form .................0.. M. ambigua B. Sulcus a narrow groove ......... 0c cece eee eens M. italica Melosira ambigua Miiller, 1905, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. Pflanzengesch. u. Pflanzengeog. 34: 283. pl. 4, figs. 9, 10. For a discussion of this species see my paper in Proceedings of the Acad- emy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 92: 195. 1941. This species was very frequent in a gathering made by Shulze in Pike County. Unfortunately we have no habitat data concerning this collection. Krieger (1929) states it is found in waters with a pH of 5.5-7.8. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2036 Patrick (A-2148), 2038 Patrick (A-2152); Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A- 2142); Trout Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2172). Pike County: 127-128 Shulze (A-2215-17). Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 147 Melosira italica (Ehr.) Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 55. pl. 2, fig. 6. Gaillonella italica Ehr., 1836, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1836: 53. This species was common in the pond above Shohola Falls. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Shulze (A-2223). Pike County: 130 Shkulze (A-2221); Shohola Falls, 10-11 Burke (A-2201-02), 12 Burke (A-2204), 14 Burke (A-2209). Melosira roeseana Rabh., 1852, Algarum Europaea no. 382, 1853, Sussw. Diat., p. 13. pl. 10, suppl. fig. 5. It is hard for me to be sure of the difference between M. roeseana and M. roeseana v. epidendron. I have checked my specimens with those of Rabenhorst’s on Rabh. Alg. Sach. Resp. Mitteleurop. no. 383 and with Van Heurck’s Type Slide no. 465. I find that M. roeseana on these slides has the ridges, perhaps spines, on the margins of the valve arranged at regular intervals, usually between each stria. In Melosira roeseana v. ept- dendron according to Van Heurck’s figure (Syn. Diat. Belgique, fl. 89, figs. 17-18) and in Van Heurck’s Type Slide no. 467 the spines are irregu- larly arranged. Also the structure of variety epidendron seems to be somewhat coarser. This species was present only in the locality given below. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 15 Burke (A-2211). Melosira roeseana v. epidendron (Ehr.) Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1882, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 89, figs. 17, 18. Sphenosira epidendron Ehr., 1848, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1848: 219. In collection no. 7 of Burke were found specimens which differ in number of striae in 10 » from the figure in Van Heurck’s Synopsis Diatomées Bel- gique. In girdle view the striae are 17—18 in 10 » instead of 14 in 10 p. This variety was of frequent occurrence in the collections cited. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 7-9 Burke (A-2196-98). Melosira varians Ag., 1827, Flora (Bot. Zeit.) 10 (2): 628. This species though present in two habitats was not of frequent occur- rence in either. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192). CYCLOTELLA Ktrz1nc A. Valves circular, center of valve marked by radiating lines producing a star-shaped DAtLERN etter ce. cet hte unia eerie yeas aes C. stelligera A. Center of valve otherwise marked or clear B. Marginal striae interspersed with thickenings, middle field of valve filled with radiating punctae’ ...28 o.4... eos C. comta v. radiosa B. Marginal striae without such thickenings C. Meneghiniana v. rectangulata Cyclotella comta v. radiosa Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1882, Syn. Diat. Belgique, i. 92, fig. 23, text (1885) p. 214. 148 FARLOwWIA, VOL. 2, 1945 Though only found in one habitat it was common there. Hustedt states that it is especially found in sub-alpine lakes. It seems to be found most commonly in this country in habitats north of or above the frost line. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042-43 Hodge (A-2160-63). Cyclotella Meneghiniana y. rectangulata Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1882, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 94, figs. 17-19. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 10-11 Burke (A-2200- 02). Cyclotella stelligera (Cl. and Grun.) Van Heurck, 1882, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 94, figs. 22-27. Cyclotella Meneghiniana v. ? stelligera Cl. and Grun. apud Cl., 1881, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 18 (5): 22. This species was found only once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174). ODONTIDIUM Ktrzinc emenp. BESSEY Odontidium anceps Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 127. This species was rare in several localities. It was common in very shal- low water, on the surface of leaves at Angels, Wayne County. The tempera- ture of the water was between 50-60° F. Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2234-36), 128 Shulze (A-2217); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123), 2023-24 Burke and Patrick (A-2127-29). Odontidium hiemale v. mesodon (Ehr.) Grun., 1862, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 12: 357. Fragilaria mesodon Ehr., 1839, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1838: 57. pl. 2, fig. 9. This variety was very frequent in shallow running water at Angels, and in squeezings from the bottom vegetation of shallow water in Wier Lake. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Wier Lake, 2046-47 Hodge (A-2169-70). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215); Lake Wallenpaupek Tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 15 Burke (A-2211). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-24 Burke and Patrick (A-2123- 29), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). TABELLARIA EHRENBERG Tabellaria fenestrata (Lyngb.) Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 127. pl. 17, fig. 22; pl. 18, fig. 2; pl. 30, fig. 73. Diatoma fenestratum Lyngbye, 1819, Tent. Hydrophyt. Danicae, p. 180. pl. 61, fig. 3. From this study it would seem that this species preferred shallow water. It is of very frequent or common occurrence in Mud Run, Pocono Lake, Tobyhanna Creek and the pond above Shohola Falls, in scrapings from dripping rocks. PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 149 Lackawanna County: Indian Lake, 2044 Hodge (A-2164). Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2161). Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2034-36 Patrick (A-2144—48), 2038 Patrick (A-2152), 2065 Patrick (A-2182), F. Myers (A-2213); South Pocono Lake, 2010-11 Patrick (A-2101-04) ; Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); Lake Tamaque, 2039 Hodge (A-2154); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2168). Pike County: 2188- 90 Shulze (A-2233-36), 127-30 Shulze (A-2215-21); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Shohola Falls, 10-14 Burke (A-2201-10). Tabellaria floceulosa (Roth) Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 127. pl. 17, fig. 21. Conferva flocculosa Roth, 1797, Catalecta Botanica Fasc. 1, p. 192. pl. 4, fig. 4; pl. 5, fig. 6. (This reference was checked for me by Miss Harris of the Farlow Library.) This species was very frequent or common in Pocono Lake, Mud Run, Tobyhanna Creek, Davy’s Run and Shohola Falls. It seems to prefer some- what more acid conditions than the preceding species and is often found associated with moss. Krieger (1929) states it prefers pH 3.5—-5.5. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014-19 Patrick (A-2109-19), 2056 Pat- rick (A-2180); Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Skulze (A-2223); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2034-36 Patrick (A-2144— 48), 2038 Patrick (A-2152), 2065 Patrick (A-2182), F. Myers (A-2213); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2102); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Ray- mondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A- 2174); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). Pike County: 2188-89 Shulze (A-2233-35); Bushkill Creek, 1621-23 Shulze (A-2227-31); Greeley, 1—2 Burke (A-2184—-88); Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 10-14 Burke (A-2200-10). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2124). MERIDION AcaArpH Meridion circulare (Grev.) Ag., 1831, Consp. Crit. Diat., p. 40. Echinella circulare Grev., 1822, Mem. Werner. Nat. Hist. Soc. 4 (1): 213-15. pl. 8, fig. 2. The specimens most commonly found in this study differ from the type in having the apex or head end of the valve acute instead of rounded. This species reached its best development in shallow, flowing, somewhat acid waters; — ina tributary of Mill Creek, in a brook running through a swamp at Greeley, at Jaggie’s Bog, and at Shohola Falls. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2161). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014-15 Patrick (A-2109-11), 2018-19 Patrick (A-2117- 19); Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Shulze (A-2223); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174); Wier Lake, 2046-47 Hodge (A-2169-70). Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217), 130 Shulze (A-2221); Bushkill Creek, 1621-23 Shulze (A-2227-31); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Shohola Falls, 150 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 10 Burke (A-2200), 14 Burke (A-2208). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-22 Burke and Patrick (A-2123-25), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Meridion circulare v. constricta (Ralfs) Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 51, figs. 14, 15, text (1885) p. 161. Meridion constrictum Ralfs, 1843, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 12: 458. pl. 18, fig. 2. This variety was found most often in Wayne County. As contrasted with the species the only habitat in which it was very frequent was from scrap- ings of dead leaves in a small, very shallow puddle at Angels. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2016 Patrick (A-2113); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215); Gree- ley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 11 Burke (A-2203), 12 Burke (A-2204). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-24 Burke (A-2124-29), FRAGILARIA LyNncBYE A. Valves united to each other at middle portion of valve, thus having the ends of the valve separate and free ... 2.2.0. eee cece ee euee F. crotonensis A. Valves forming bands by other methods B. Axial area linear and narrow, sometimes lacking or indistinct, central area lacking. See B’ and B” C. Valve constricted at center: ..éiccc4esss0xcieeens F. undata v. lobata C. Valve not constricted D. Valve elliptic or linear with rounded ends, striae about 11 in LO Wh gsi a ane ew oiob ee bea be eee cones F. pinnata D. Valve linear or lanceolate in shape, striae more numerous E. Valve capitate F. Some of the striae not opposite each other on either side of the pseudoraphe thus producing an irregular effect ............. F. bicapitata F. Striae regular, not as above ..F. virescens var. E. Valve not capitate ..... acerca ae: F. virescens B’. Axial area linear and narrow, central area present G. Central area bilateral, valve constricted in the middle F. capucina var. G. Central area unilateral, valve swollen on one side F. Vaucheriae B”. Axial area more or less lanceolate, wider at center than at ends of valve Hi, Striae very coarse; 6-8 In 10 @ ..ccncvavesseeave F. leptostauron H. Striae much finer, 14-17 in 10 uw I. Striae marginal J. Valve elliptical ................... F. elliptica J. Valve lanceolate with rostrate ends .F. brevistriata I. Striae longer, valves linear or lanceolate ...F. construens Fragilaria bicapitata A. Mayer, 1917, Denks. K. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13: ns. 7: 21. pl. 1, fig. 26. This species was only once of very frequent occurrence and that was in PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS Tha Wier Lake in association with bottom vegetation in shallow water. The pH was 6.6. Monroe County: Wier Lake, 2046-47 Hodge (A-2169-70). Fragilaria brevistriata Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 45, fig. 32, text (1885) p. 157. This species was rare in the two localities in which it was found. Monroe County: Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Fragilaria capucina v. mesolepta Rabh., 1864, Flora Europaea Algarum, p. 118. This variety was rare in the localities given below. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Pike County: 2189 Shulze (A-2235), 128 Shulze (A-2217). Fragilaria construens (Ehr.) Grun., 1862, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 12: 371. pl. 7, fig. 10. Staurosira construens Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841: 424. This species was found only in Pocono Lake, and then it was rare. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2034 Patrick (A-2144), 2035 Patrick (A-2146), F. Myers (A-2213). Fragilaria crotonensis Kitton, 1869, Science Gossip 1869: 110. fig. 81. This species was very frequent in one locality. It was probably washed into the brook from the lake. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2200). Fragilaria elliptica Schuman, 1867, Schrift. Phys. Okon. Ges. Konigsburg 8: 52. pl. 1, fig. 5. This species was common in one collection: squeezings from littoral bot- tom vegetation in Lake Wier. Monroe County: Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). Pike County: tribu- tary of Lake Wallenpaupek, 5 Burke (A-2195). Fragilaria leptostauron (Ehr.) Hustedt, 1931, in Rabenhorst’s Krypt.-Flora, 7(2): 153. fig. 668a-f. Biblarium leptostauron Ehr., 1854, Mikrogeologie, pl. 5, fig. II, 24, pl. 12, figs. 35, 36. This species was rare in the three habitats. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-22 Burke and Patrick (A-2124-25). Fragilaria pinnata Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 415. This species was rare in occurrence. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Fragilaria undata v. lobata var. nov. Valvae constrictae ad medium, longae 20-54 mu, apicibus porrectis, pseudoraphe nulla, striis transversis tenuibus 16-17 in 10 uw. 152 FaRLowlA, Vor. 2, 1945 William Smith (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2d ser. 15: 7. pl. 1, fig. 7) first refers to this variety as F. undata v. y. What may be this variety, though we cannot be sure as only the outline is shown and Ehrenberg questions it being in the genus Fragilaria, is given as F. constricta Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 415. pl. 1, fig. I, 21; pl. 3, fig. VI, 10. Hustedt has placed in synonymy the specimens of W. Smith under Ehrenberg’s name, Fragilaria constricta, and has clearly stated in his description that there are horns or spines on the margins of the valve. He has cited as reference Tempere and Peragallo, 2d Ed. Diatomées du Monde Entier nos. 831, 868, 907, 939. I have checked these slides and also one from Christiana (Febiger 3437) which may be one of W. Smith’s collections. In none of these specimens do I find any evidence of spines. It is true that on two specimens from Pocono Lake I saw evidence of spines, but this condition seems to be the exception rather than the rule. Since Ehrenberg clearly indicates that he is doubtful about placing his species in the genus Fragilaria and also since one cannot be sure from his short description just what he had, I believe it best to make this form a variety of W. Smith’s F. wndata. The specimens of W. Smith which he con- sidered typical for F. wndata are very different from the figures of Ehren- berg for F. constricta. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A- 2213). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 13-14 Burke (A-2206-09). Fragilaria Vaucheriae (Kiitz.) Boye, 1938, Bot. Not. 1938(1-3): 164-71. Exilaria Vaucheriae Kiitz., 1833, Linnaea 8: 560. pl. 15, fig. 38; Kiitz. Dec. no. 24. Though found in several habitats this species was frequent in none. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2018 Patrick (A-2118); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 11 Burke (A-2202). Wayne County: Angels, 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Fragilaria virescens Ralfs, 1843, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 12: 110. pl. 2, fig. 6. This species was very frequent in squeezings from H ypnum and Fonti- nalis in Davy’s Run, from the swamp at Greeley, from surface of dead leaves in shallow water at Angels, and from a locality of Shulze which was merely designated as Pike County. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110), 2016-19 Patrick (A-2113-19), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2037 Patrick (A-2150), F. Myers (A-2213); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2233-36); 127-130 Shulze (A-2215-21); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2208-10). Wayne County: Angels, 2024 Burke and Patrick (A-2129), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Fragilaria virescens v. capitata Oestrup, 1910, Danske Diat., p. 193. pl. 5, fig. 125. Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 153 In Jaggie’s Bog this variety was very frequent. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Shulze (A-2223); Pocono Lake Pre- serve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213). Pike County: 128 Skulze (A- 2217). Wayne County: Angels, 2024 Burke and Patrick (A-2129). ASTERIONELLA HaAssAtyi Asterionella formosa Hassall, 1855, Microscopical Examination of Water, p. 10. (As stated in previous papers I have been unable to verify this reference.) This species reaches its best development in eutrophic water, though, as seen from this study, it can grow in slightly distrophic water but does not flourish so abundantly. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042-43 Hodge (A-2161-62). Monroe County: South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2102); Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142); Pocono Lake, 2034-36 Patrick (A-2144-49), 2038 Patrick (A-2152); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2175). Asterionella Ralfsii W. Sm., 1856, Brit. Diat., 2: 81. This species, unlike the one above, seems from this study to have its best development in strongly distrophic, acid water. It reaches its best development in Lake Tamaque with a pH of 3.8, and is frequent in Lost Lake. Monroe County: Lost Lake, 2020 Turner (A-2121); Lake Tamaque, 2039 Hodge (A-2154). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2210). SYNEDRA EHRENBERG A. Striae typically 15 or more in 10 », often small diatoms with rather delicate structure B. Ratio of breadth to length 1:11 or greater ....... .,..S. minuscula B. Ratio of breadth to length less than above, central area distinct, often the valve slightly swollen at the central area ............ S. rumpens and vars. A. Striae less than 15 in 10 p C. Central area usually broader than long, striae 12 or less in 10 S. ulna and vars. C. Central area longer than broad, striae 12-14 in 10 », sometimes appearing (oma horhio me Mynona noo cabnuqodotecguoe oo unuomdn S. acus and vars. Synedra acus Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 68. pl. 15, fig. 7. This species was frequent among the moss growing at the top of Shohola Falls in swift water. This is evidently not the most desirable habitat for this species. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 10 Burke (A-2201). Synedra acus v. delicatissima (W. Sm.) Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1885, Syn. Diat. Belgique, p. 151. Synedra delicatissima W. Sm., 1853, Brit. Diat., 1: 72. In W. Smith’s original description he states that this diatom may vary from 130 to 220 p (he gives it in terms of inches). 154 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 This variety was frequent in the surface water of Mountain Lake, pH 7.3. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166) ; Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Synedra minuscula Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 39, fig. 13. Though found in several habitats this species was of frequent occurrence in none. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110), 2017 Patrick (A-2115), 2019 Patrick (A-2119), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140); Raymondskill F alls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 10-11 Burke (A-2200— 02), 13-14 Burke (A-2206-08). Wayne County: Angels, 2022 Burke and Patrick (A-2125), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Synedra rumpens Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 69. pl. 16, fig. VI, 4, 5. Though found in several habitats this species was always rare. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178) ; Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2175). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 10 Burke (A-2200). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2124). Synedra rumpens vy. familiaris (Kiitz.) Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 40, figs. 15, 16. (Grunow questions whether this should be a variety.) Synedra familiaris Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 68, pl. 15, fig. 12. Monroe County: Wier Lake, 2046-47 H odge (A-2169-70). Wayne County: Angels, 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Synedra rumpens vy. scotica Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 40, fig. 11. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). Synedra ulna (Nitzsch) Ehr., 1832, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1831: 87. Bacillaria ulna Nitzsch, 1817, N. Schrift. Naturf. Ges. Halle 3(1): 99. In these collections were found specimens which agree with S. una in regard to number of striae and the ratio between length and breadth but which had a central area which was longer than broad, as found in S. acus. This species was common in the squeezings from surface vegetation of Wier Lake. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-217 8); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Pike County: 127 Skulze (A-2215); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2022 Burke and Patrick (A-2125), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Patrick: Pocono D1aTomMs 155 Synedra ulna v. danica (Kiitz.) Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 38, fig. 14a, text (1885) p. 151. Synedra danica Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 66. pl. 14, fig. 13. This variety was very frequent in Mountain Lake, a shallow tributary of Mill Creek, and at Shohola Falls. It is often a plankton form and it is un- usual to find it so well developed in running water. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). Pike County: 2188-89 Shulze (A-2233-35) ; Bushkill Creek, 1621-23 Shulze (A-2227-31); Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 10-14 Burke (A-2200-10). Wayne County: Angels, 2022 Burke and Patrick (A-2125). Synedra ulna v. oxyrhynchus (Kiitz.) Van Heurck, 1885, Syn. Diat. Belgique, p. 151. Synedra oxyrhynchus Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 66. pl. 14, fig. 8, 2, IX—-XI. This species was found only twice and then it was rare. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Wayne County: Angels, 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Synedra ulna v. Ramesii (Herib. and Perag.) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Sussw. Flora Mitteleurop. 10: 152. fig. 163. Synedra Ramesii Herib. and Perag., 1903, Diat. Foss. d’Auvergne, p. 80. i. 11, fig. 28. (This reference was checked through the kindness of Miss Harris of the Farlow Library.) This variety was only found once and then it was rare. Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2124). EUNOTIA EHRENBERG A. Dorsal and ventral margins of valve parallel or nearly so B. Valve with raphe extending backward from terminal nodules, a jelly pore present at one end! of valve. ..-. 22.2.5... ---.---- E. flexuosa B. Valve not as above C. Valve strongly arcuate, spanning about 120° ..E. elegans C. Valves not so strongly arcuate D. Relatively large forms E. Ends of valve distinctly wider than rest of valve, some- what wedge-shaped F. Valves slightly swollen in middle E. formica F. Valves not swollen in the middle E. tautonensis E. Ends of valve not distinctly wider than rest of valve, but capitate, striae coarse, 8-10 in 10 pw E. monodon v. major D. Relatively narrow forms G. Ends of valve distinctly capitate on dorsal margin, ven- tral margin flat. See G’ and G”. H. Valve arcuate 156 FartowiA, Vor. 2, 1945 I. Striae 14-17 in 10 yw, terminal nodules small E. lunaris v. capitata I. Striae 10-13 in 10 uw, terminal nodules large E. gracilis I. Striae 12-14 in 10 y, terminal nodules dis- tinct but not large .E. arcus v. curta H. Valve not arcuate, sometimes slightly curved, striae 12-15 in 10xu..... E. fallax G’. Ends of valve not capitate J. Ends rounded, valve lunate in shape E. lunaris J. Ends rounded, cell wall thick, valve only slightly arched ..................E. valida G”. Ends of valve narrowed and attenuate K. Valve very narrow, striae 15-20 in 10 u E. Naegelii K. Breadth and length of valve variable, sometimes swollen at ends of valve, valves frequently occur- ring in long chains ....... E. pectinalis and vars. A. Dorsal margin smooth, convex, ventral margin straight or somewhat concave L. Ends of valve distinctly set off from rest of valve M. Typically large forms with coarse striae, not more than 12 in 10 u N. Valves with ventral margin straight or only slightly concave, ends of valve formed by a distinct narrowing of the valve, ends TUUDCAEG~ 4.24 i Gieaueealeceie eau ate es E. praerupta and vars. N. Ends of valve somewhat arcuate O. Ends slightly swollen to form rounded apices E. monodon O. Ends distinctly capitate ..... ...E. indica M. Typically small forms, striae more than 15 in 10 uw P. Dorsal margin only slightly convex, ends strongly capitate, usually as wide if not wider than main part of valve E. exigua P. Dorsal margin strongly convex Q. Ends of valve more or less capitate R. Striae about 21 in 10 u ...E. Meisteri R. Striae 15-19 inlOw..... E. septentrionalis Q. Ends of valve not capitate ..... E. rostellata L. Ends of valve not distinctly set off from rest of valve S. Striae 16 or more in 10 u T. Dorsal margin of valve somewhat pointed in the middle, thus giving the margin a slightly wedged appearance E. trinacria T. Dorsal margin of the valve smoothly convex, not as above E. tenella S. Striae usually 15 or less in 10 w U. Ends of valve distinct from rest of valve, ends attenuate, HOUMGER. 6 pcs bes He eG de lewinwavemue ree G E. sudetica U. Ends of valve not distinct from rest of valve Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS Ey V. Ends of valve acute, giving a sharp pointed appearance to the ends of the valves, sometimes slightly rounded E. veneris V. Ends of valve broadly rounded. .E. faba A. Valve with dorsal margin with definite undulations W. Valves small, two to five undulation on dorsal margin, striae about 18 sire) hase Gok ere were bs ote ee arene semen oes E. microcephala W. Valves more robust, striae 15 or less in 10 wu X. Ends of valve distinctly attenuate, undulations serrate, breadth of valvei/—bl uw. sce ow and, Xe mle +s E. septena X’. Ventral margin almost straight, undulations on dorsal margin crenate, two in number Y. Ends of valve distinctly truncate Z. Undulations well developed ....E. suecica Z. Undulations formed by a slight constriction in the dorsal MN ALON Se ater, cose. Lace ee Cee E. praerupta v. bidens Y. Ends of valve not truncate, but rounded E. diodon X”. Ventral margin more or less concave, undulations crenate, four or TTY O TG iy See ee rae Caap teense ehelene cpstelors E. robusta Eunotia arcus v. curta (Grun.) Schonf., 1906, p. 116. Himantidium arcus v. curtum Grun., 1862, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 12: 339. pl. 6, fig. 16. The identity of these specimens has been checked with Van Heurck’s Type Slide No. 268. My specimens vary in length, some of them being 30 » long. The striae are 12 in 10 p. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Shulze (A-2223). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215). Eunotia diodon Ehr., 1837, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1837: 45. This species, though found in several localities, was never represented by more than a few specimens. Hustedt states that it is typically found on bare rocks in Northern Europe, and also in damp moss. This corresponds to the type of habitat where it was found in this study. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015 Patrick (A-2111), 2019 Patrick (A-2119). Pike County: 127-128 Shkulze (A-2215-17); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Skulze (A-2227); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2208). Eunotia elegans Oestrup, 1910, Danske Diat. p. 172. pl. 5, fig. 105. I believe this is the first time this species has been recorded from North America. The length of the valve measuring along its curvature was 48.7 pn, the breadth was two p. The striae were 24-25 in 10 p. This species was found in one collection. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Eunotia exigua (Breb.) Rabh., 1864, Flora Eur. Algarum, p. 73. Himantidium exiguum Breb. ex Kiitz., 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 8. This species was rare in all habitats. Krieger (1929) says it is found in pH 3.5-5.5, especially with Sphagnum. 158 FarLow!A, VoL. 2, 1945 Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119). Pike County: 2188 Shulze (A-2234); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231). Eunotia faba Ehr. emend. Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, p. 143. pl. 34, fig. 34. Eunotia faba Ehr., 1837, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1837: 45. In all three habitats, this species occurred in running water associated with Fontinalis or other plants living in water. It was rare in all habitats. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2017 Patrick (A-2115); Pocono Lake Preserve, Spring Run, 2037 C. Myers (A-2150). Pike County: Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184). Eunotia fallax A. Cl., 1895, Bihang K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 21 (3) no. 2: 33. pl. 1, fig. 35. Monroe County: Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140). Eunotia flexuosa Breb. ex Kiitz., 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 6. The forms of this species found during this study were shorter and nar- rower than in typical specimens of the species. The ends were not inflated. I have carefully studied these forms and checked them with the isotype specimens in H. L. Smith, Spec. Typicae No. 555. These specimens differ a great deal from those which I found in my study of Brazilian diatoms, which have distinctly capitate ends. The specimens were found in distinctly acid water. This species was of common occurrence in Bushkill Creek and at the edge of the pond at Shohola Falls. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2035-36 Patrick (A-2146-49), 2039 Patrick (A- 2154); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169); Lake Tamaque, 2039 Hodge (A-2154). Pike County: 130 Skulze (A-2221), 12 Burke (A-2204), 14 Burke (A-2210). Eunotia formica Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 414. This species was rare and may be a contamination. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Eunotia gracilis (Ehr.) Rabh., 1864, Flora Europaea Algarum, p. 72. Himantidium gracile Ehr. 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 417. pl. 2, fig. 1, 9; pl. 3, fig. I, 41. This species was found only once and then in small numbers. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Eunotia indica Grun. apud Rabh., 1865, Beitrage Naheren Kennt. und Verbreit. des Algen, 2: 5. pl. 1, fig. 7. This species though found only twice was of frequent occurrence at the spring on Bushkill Creek. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2065 Patrick (A-2182). Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shudze (A-2227). PaTRIcK: Pocono DIATOMS 159 Eunotia lunaris (Ehr.) Grun. apvd Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 35, figs. 3, 4, 6. Synedra lunaris Ehr., 1832, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1831: 37. This species is widely distributed. Its most favorable habitats are found in Pike County, particularly Bushkill Creek and Shohola Falls. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2043 Hodge (A-2162). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2010 Patrick (A-2102), 2012-14 Patrick (A-2105-09), 2016 Patrick (A-2113), 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Shulze (A- 2223); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Lake Tamaque, 2040 Hodge (A-2156); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2168). Pike County: 127- 128 Shulze (A-2215-17); 2188-90 Shulze (A-2233-36); Bushkill Creek, 1621-23 Shulze (A-2227-31); Greeley, 1-2 Burke (A-2184-88) ; Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 7 Burke (A-2197), 10-14 Burke (A-2200— 08). Eunotia lunaris v. capitata (Grun.) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mittel- europ., Heft 10: 185. fig. 250. Synedra lunaris v. capitata Grun., 1862, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 12: 389. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227). Eunotia Meisteri Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mitteleurop. Heft 10: 179. fig. 230. Though occurring in several different habitats, this species was only once very frequent and that was in association with Hypnum and Fontinalis, in Davy’s Run. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014-19 Patrick (A-2109-19), 2056 Pat- rick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138) ; Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140—42) ; Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 12-13 Burke (A-2205-06). Eunotia microcephala Krasske, 1932, Hedwigia 72: 102. pl. 2, fig. 7. This is the same as Van Heurck’s concept of Eunotia tridentula and E. tridentula v. perminuta. 1 have critically examined Van Heurck’s Type Slides Nos. 309, 347, and his figures in Synopsis des Diatomées Belgique, pl. 34, fig. 29, 30. Eunotia tridentula was first described by Ehrenberg (Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 414. pl. 2, fig. J, 14). From Ehren- berg’s figure it is clear that it is a larger diatom than the one which Van Heurck had. Therefore Van Heurck’s specimens should be considered a misidentification and Krasske’s name should be adopted. This species was common in Spring Run. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142); Spring Run, 2037 C. Myers (A-2150). 160 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 Eunotia monodon Ehr., 1854, Mikrogeologie, pl. 2, fig. IJ, 26 a. b. This species was only once of frequent occurrence and then in a spring in Bushkill Creek. Monroe County: Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169); Jaggie’s Bog, 263 Shulze (A-2225). Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227). Eunotia monodon v. major (W. Sm.) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mitteleurop., Heft 10: 186. Himantidium majus W. Sm., 1856, Brit. Diat., 2: 14. pl. 33, fig. 286. This species was present in several habitats, but was very frequent or common in only two, Wier Lake and Mountain Lake. In both instances it was found in association with surface littoral vegetation. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2035 Patrick (A-2146); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2168); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2234-36); Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 11-12 Burke (A-2202—-04), 14 Burke (A-2209). Wayne County: Angels, 2023 Burke (A-2127). Eunotia Naegelii Migula, 1907, Kryptogamen Flora, 2: 203. This species is sometimes called Eunotia alpina (Naeg.) Hustedt. The name alpina in the genus Eunotia is preoccupied by a species of Kutzing, and therefore cannot be used for this species which when first named was in the genus Synedra. From this study, it seems that this species prefers definitely distrophic, acid water. It was of very frequent occurrence in Lake Tamaque and Lost Lake. Monroe County: Lost Lake, 2020 Turner (A-2121); Lake Tamaque, 2039-40 Hodge (A-2154-56). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2205). Eunotia pectinalis (Dillw.) Rabh., 1864, Flora Europea Algarum, p. 73. Conferva pectinalis Dillw., 1809, Brit. Conf., p. 43. pl. 24. From this study it seems that this species prefers moving water. It was very frequent in Davy’s Run, at the spring in Bushkill Creek, and on drip- ping rocks at Shohola Falls. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119), 2056 Patrick (A-2180) ; Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213); Toby- hanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2233-36); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 14 Burke (A-2208). Eunotia pectinalis v. minor (Kiitz.) Rabh., 1864, Flora Europaea Algarum, p. 74. Himantidium minus Kiitz., 1844, Bacill. p. 39. pl. 16, fig. 10, 1-4. Though found in several localities this species was very frequent only in Davy’s Run. PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 161 Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2018-19 Patrick (A-2118-19), 2056 Pat- rick (A-2180); Lost Lake, 2025 Turner (A-2131); Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2168); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231); Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192). Eunotia pectinalis v. minor f. impressa (Ehr.) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Stissw. Flora Mitteleurop., Heft 10: 182. Eunotia impressa Ehr., 1854, Mikrogeologie, pl. 3, fig. IV, 20; pl. 14, fig. 66. This form was very frequent in one locality designated as Pike County. Krieger (1929) states it is found in pH 4.5-S.5. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Spring Run, 2037 Myers (A- 2150); Pocono Lake, 2038 Patrick (A-2152), 2065 Patrick (A-2182). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2233-36); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A- 2231); Greeley, 1-2 Burke (A-2184-88); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 13 Burke (A-2206). Eunotia pectinalis v. recta Rabh. ex Mayer, 1917, Denks. K. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13 (ns. 7): pl. 1, figs. 37, 38. Mayer gives no description and I have not been able to find the descrip- tion of Rabenhorst. Therefore I am supplying the following Latin de- scription. Valvae lenes arcuatae 19-20 » longae, 3 wu latae, apicibus linibus rotundis; striis 15-16 in 10 ph. This variety was rare and found in only one locality. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2016 Patrick (A-2113). Eunotia pectinalis v. undulata (Ralfs) Rabh., 1864, Flora Europaea Algarum, p. 74. Fragilaria pectinalis v. undulata Ralfs, 1843, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 12: 108. pl. 2, fig. 3d. Ralfs refers to Pritchard, 1841, A History of the Infusoria, p. 220. fig. 171. I have looked up this reference and find that the species being con- sidered is listed under the name Fragilaria grandis. This species though found in several habitats was common only in Bush- kill Creek and at Shohola Falls from moss in swift water at the top and in scrapings from dripping rocks at Shohola Falls. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2016 Patrick (A-2113), 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138) ; Pocono Lake, 2034-36 Patrick (A-2144— 48), 2038 Patrick (A-2152), 2065 Patrick (A-2182), F. Myers (A-2213); South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2101); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Pat- rick (A-2140). Pike County: 262 Shulze (A-2223); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 4 Burke (A-2193), 10 Burke (A-2200), 12 Burke (A-2204), 14 Burke (A-2210). 162 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 Eunotia praerupta Ehr., 1841, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 143, 204. This species was found only once and then it was rare. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Eunotia praerupta v. bidens (Ehr.) Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 109. Eunotia bidens Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 413. Hustedt states that Ehrenberg’s identification is doubtful, so he uses W. Smith’s Himantidium bidens as the basis for the name bidens. W. Smith, however, gives Ehrenberg as the authority for the name Himantidium bidens, and refers to Kiitzing’s “Species Algarum,” p. 9. Kiitzing refers to Ehrenberg in Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841: 413 where he states that Himantidium bidens equals Eunotia bidens, which is described in the reference given above. This species was found only in Pike County. In the Greeley habitats it was associated with either Fontinalis or Sphagnum. In one collection, 2188 Shulze, specimens were found with spines on the dorsal margin of the valve. Pike County: 129 Shulze (A-2219), 2188 Shulze (A-2234): Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Greeley, 1-2 Burke (A-2184-88). Eunotia praerupta v. curta Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 34, fig. 24. (in the text, 1885, Van Heurck refers to this as forma curta). This variety is rare in each of the localities. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2204). Eunotia praerupta v. inflata Grun. apvd Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 34, fig. 17, text (1885) p. 143. Pike County: Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184). Eunotia robusta Ralfs apud Pritchard, 1861, A History of the Infusoria, p. 763. Unless, as I have previously suggested, De Toni’s “Sylloge Algarum”’ is taken as a starting point for diatoms, this name, according to the Inter- national Rules of Botanical Nomenclature section 10, article 56, will have to be discarded. In this study, the species was typically found in acid water. It reached its best development in Lost Lake which is strongly distrophic, and in South Pocono Lake in association with Sphagnum. Monroe County: Lost Lake, 2020 Turner ( A-2121); Pocono Lake Pre- serve, South Pocono Lake, 2010-11 Patrick (A-2101-03); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); Pocono Lake, 2034-35 Patrick (A-2144-47), 2065 Patrick (A-2182), F. Myers (A-2213). Pike County: 128-29 Shulze (A-2217-19), 2188-90 Shulze (A-2234-36); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2204). PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 163 Eunotia rostellata Hustedt. This species was invalidly described by Hustedt, 1913, in A. Schmidt’s Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde, pl. 289, figs. 3, 4. I have therefore in- cluded a Latin description. Valvae arcuatae 46 u longae, 4-5 u latae, dorsali et ventrali lateribus prope parallelis; striis 14-17 in 10 pw. I have checked my specimens with those of H. L. Smith, Spec. Typicae no. 160 which are from the type locality, and they seem to be the same. The striae usually vary from 14-15 in 10 » at the center of the valve to 17 in 10 » at the ends. Pike County: 2189 Shulze (A-2235). Eunotia septena Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 414. pl. 4, fig. I, 13. It would perhaps be wise to unite several of these species of Ehrenberg as Ralfs and Grunow have done. If this is done, however, according to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature, one of Ehrenberg’s names must be retained, as any additional name would be superfluous. This species was rare in one locality. Pike County: 127-30 Shulze (A-2215-21). Eunotia septentrionalis Oestrup, 1897, Meddl. om Gronld. 15: 274. pl. 1, fig. 10. This species occurred typically in acid water. It reached its best develop- ment in association with moss in running water and was very frequent in Sphagnum in the swamp at Greeley, and of frequent occurrence in Davy’s Run and Mud Run. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2109), 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138). Pike County: 2188 Shulze (A-2233), 128 Shulze (A-2217); Greeley, 1-2 Burke (A-2184-88); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 14 Burke (A-2208). Eunotia sudetica O. Miill., 1898, Forschungsber. Biol. Stat. Plén 6: 59. pl. 3, figs. 25, 26. Monroe County: Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2168). Eunotia suecica A. Cleve, 1895, Bihang K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 21 Afd. 3 (2): 29, pl. 1, figs. 31, 32. This species occurred only once and then it was rare. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 9 Burke (A-2198). Eunotia tautonensis Hustedt. This species, lacking any kind of description, is invalidly described by Hustedt, 1913, in A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diatomaceen-Kunde, pl. 291, figs. 1-3. Valvae arcuatae elongatae, 94-257 uw longae, 5-10 u latae, lateribus parallelis, apicibus cuneatis; striis 12-17 in 10 uw. As in Eunotia flexuosa the terminal nodules are distinct, and at one end of the valve there is a jelly pore. The striae vary from 12-14 in 10 p» in the center of the valve to 17 in 10 » at the end of the valve. Some of the speci- mens from Lost Lake, where the species was very frequent, had small spines 164 FArRLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 on the dorsal margin. However, this was not typically the case. No doubt this species is near to the genus Desmogonium. Monroe County: Lost Lake, 2020 Turner (A-2121); Pocono Lake Pre- serve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213). Eunotia tenella (Grun.) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mitteleurop., Heft 10: 175. fig. 220. Eunotia arcus v. tenella Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 34, figs. 5, 6. Pirate I, ric. 1 This species was first invalidly described by Hustedt, 1913, A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diatomaceen-Kunde, pl. 287, figs. 20-25. A small form of this species which corresponds to Hustedt’s illustration in A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diatomaceen-Kunde, pi. 287, fig. 25, was also found. It is 9.3 » long, 3.5 » wide, and the striae are 17 in 10 ». As it is quite different in shape from the usual F. tenella, I have illustrated it. This species was very frequent in the swamp at Greeley. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2016 Patrick (A-2113), 2018-19 Patrick (A-2118-19); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138). Pike County: 2188 Shulze (A-2234); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A- 2231); Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Eunotia trinacria Krasske, 1929, Bot. Arch. 27: 349. fig. 1. This species was present in only two habitats. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2017 Patrick (A-2115). Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Eunotia valida Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mitteleuropas. Heft 10: 178. fig. 229. This species was rare in one habitat where it might have been a contami- nation from some other habitat. Pike County: 130 Skulze (A-2221). Eunotia veneris (Kiitz.) De Toni, 1891, Sylloge Algarum, 2: 794. Himantidium veneris Kiitz., 1844, Bacill. p. 40. pl. 30, fig. 7. In 1854 Gregory (Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci. 2: 96) describes a diatom which he states W. Smith has named Eunotia incisa. He states that he has sent some of these specimens to Kiitzing who replied that they were dif- ferent from Himantidium veneris. Gregory further states that his species is very similar in shape to H. veneris, but that H. veneris does not have the notches close to the terminal puncta nor does it have striae as Eunotia incisa does. Obviously, if it belongs to the genus Himantidium, it has striae. As for the notches to which Gregory refers, they are the terminal nodules. I find that by careful focusing, this notch can be shown to appear and dis- appear. Unfortunately I have not seen any authenticated specimens of either Kutzing or Gregory. PaTRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 165 In some cases specimens were found with obtuse ends as Gregory shows as variety @. The striae in some of my specimens were coarser than is usually found in E. veneris. They were in some cases as few as 12 in 10 p. Perhaps these forms should be separated as varieties. This species was very frequent at Shohola Falls in a collection made from a dripping wall and in a collection from algae and moss in the brook. It was common in squeezings from plants (Elodea, Myriophyllum, etc.) in shallow water in Pocono Lake and Lake Popomoning, and in Spring Run. It is interesting to note that this species reached such good development in two habitats which were quite diverse in some respects. Pocono Lake has an average pH of 6.4. Analysis of the water shows calcium 2.37 p.p.m., and bicarbonates 15.6 p.p.m. Popomoning Lake has a pH of 8-8.1, calcium 8.82 p.p.m., and bicarbonates 33.6-34.2 p.p.m. In Pocono Lake the speci- mens had rounded ends, and striae about 14 in 10 p. In Lake Popomoning the specimens had acute apices and striae 17-20 in 10 w. Krieger (1929) states that this species is found in pH 4.5—5.5, which is lower than either of these two habitats. - Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015-16 Patrick (A-2111-13), 2018 Patrick (A-2118); Po- cono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2034— 37 Patrick (A-2144—-50), 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032— 33 Patrick (A-2140—-42); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). Pike County: 2188 Shulze (A-2233); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231), Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 10-14 Burke (A-2200-09). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). COCCONEIS (Eur.) CLEVE Cocconeis placentula Ehr., 1838, Die Infusionsthierchen als volkommene Organismen, p. 194. This species was of common or very frequent occurrence at Raymonds- kill Falls, Harvey Lake, Popomoning Lake, and Mountain Lake. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2177). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10-11 Burke (A-2201-02); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A- 2195); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-22 Burke and Patrick (A-2124-25). Cocconeis placentula v. lineata (Ehr.) Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 169. Cocconeis lineata Ehr. is first mentioned by Ehrenberg, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss., 1841, p. 369, but is neither described nor illustrated. It is first illustrated, I believe, in his Passat-Staub und Blut-Regen, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1847, and published separately in 1849, where it appears on pi. 5, J, fig. 10. 166 FaRLowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 This variety was very frequent at Shohola Falls and at Angels. In both these cases it was found attached to stones in shallow swift water. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192). Wayne County: Angels, 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). ACHNANTHES Bory Cleve has divided this genus into several genera. Hustedt prefers to use Cleve’s names to indicate subgenera or groups rather than to split the genus into several genera. Since Hustedt’s arrangement is the one most generally used today, and until I have studied the genus more critically, I shall follow it. On this basis three groups are recognized in this study. A. Transverse rows composed of very coarse punctae, the pseudoraphe usually excentric. y p ] d mee AY and AM. i. be acceaheas ap aeulee aaauniat ave rmeakddawews Achnanthidium A’. Transverse rows composed of very fine punctae, the pseudoraphe central. Microneis A”. Transverse rows composed of a double row of punctae......... Achnanthes ACHNANTHES subgenus Achnanthes coarctata (W. Sm.) Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 20. Achnanthidium coarctatum W. Sm., 1855, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd Ser. 15: 8, fig. 10. W. Smith cites Brebisson as the authority and gives as reference Kiitz. Spec. Algarum, p. 54. This is not a correct reference and I cannot find that Brebisson ever published such a name. The only habitat in which this species was found, was on the surfaces of dripping rocks which were outcrops of limestone. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 15 Burke (A-2211), 9 Burke (A-2198). MicroNEIS subgenus A. Rapheless valve with a horseshoe-shaped area well-developed on one side of the middle of the valve. See A’ and A”. B. Valve with raphe with the striae irregularly longer and shorter in the central area, More numerous on valve with raphe than on rapheless valve C. Valve elliptic with attenuate rostrate ends ....A. Peragalli C. Valve elliptic but ends usually rounded, not as above A. Oestrupii var. B. Not as above, striae about the same number on both valves A. lanceolata and vars. A’. Rapheless valve with striae broken so as to form a longitudinal line on each side of the pseudoraphe ....... 0... ccc cece cece cece ecceenanene A. Lewisiana A”. Rapheless valve without horseshoe-shaped area or longitudinal lines D. Valve with raphe with a well-developed stauros reaching to the edges of the valve Patrick: PocoNo DIATOMS 167 E. Stauros on one side of raphe having an area which appears to be raised, thus giving the stauros on that side a bifurcate appearance A. hungarica E. Stauros having the same appearance on both sides of the central nodule A. exigua — D. Valve with raphe with or without a stauros, if present not reaching to edges of valve, striae fine, over 20 in 10 u Pee Valvie line ate sais tke. cs) duns tlatsas S Oe ea stekoteparus A. linearis F. Valve with capitate-rostrate ends, striae usually slightly more distantly spaced at center of valve around central nodule A. microcephala F. Hard to distinguish from the above, but ends usually rounded or some- what rostrate, not capitate, striae not more distant at central nodule A. minutissima Achnanthes exigua Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): ale This species was found only once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). Achnanthes hungarica Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 20. Achnanthidium hungaricum Grun., 1863, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 13: 146. This species was only found once and then it was rare. It is characterized by the fact that the stauros appears to be bifurcate on one side of the central nodule, but close examination shows that this is not true. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Achnanthes lanceolata (Bréb.) Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 23. Achnanthidium lanceolatum Bréb. ex Kiitzing, 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 54. This species was very frequent in the shallow water of a small tributary of Mill Creek, from the surface of leaves of a very small puddle near Mill Creek, enmeshed in moss in the swift water of Mill Creek, and in the sur- face scum on rocks in Raymondskill Falls. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2177). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 15 Burke (A-2211), 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-24 Burke and Patrick (A-2124—29). Achnanthes lanceolata var. apiculata var. nov. PrateE I, Fics. 4, 5 Valvae elliptico-lanceolatae, 28 « longae, 10-11 4 latae, apicibus apiculatis. Valva superior ad instar soleae equinae effigiem in medio ostendens, pseudoraphe anguste lanceolata; striis radiantibus, 10-12 in 10 w. Valva inferior aream axialem angustam et aream centralem rotundatam exhibens; striis validis radiantibus, 10 in 10 yu. Type: Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190). A noteworthy feature of this diatom is that the valve with a raphe has much more strongly radiate striae than the valve without a raphe. It dif- 168 FARLow!IA, VOL. 2, 1945 fers from A. lanceolata v. robusta in that the ends are more apiculate than in robusta and the axial area is narrower and not granular. This diatom was only found in one geographical habitat, Shohola Falls, but it was well distributed in the various ecological habitats here. Pike County: Shohola Falls; 3 Burke (A-2190), 10-14 Burke (A-2201- 10). Achnanthes lanceolata v. rostrata Hust. apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mittel- europ., Heft 10: 208. fig. 306b. In this study this variety was only found in running water. It was very frequent in the surface scum on rocks in little pools in Raymondskill Falls. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10-11 Burke (A-2200-02); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Achnanthes Lewisiana sp. nov. PLATE I, Fics. 2, 3 Valvae lineari-ellipticae, 15 » longae, 4.6 uw latae. Valva superior pseudoraphem dis- tinctam exhibens; striis 15-17 in 10 ys; utrimque per lineam longitudinalem inter- ruptis. Valva inferior aream axialem ad valvae ipsae '4-™% latitudinem prope nodulum centralem exhibens; area centrale nulla; striis parum radiantibus, 15-17 in 10 uw. Type: Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2210). This diatom is named in honor of Dean Ivey F. Lewis with whom I did my graduate work at the University of Virginia. This species is particularly characterized by the interrupted striae on the rapheless valve. The most closely related fresh water species is A. Such- landti Hustedt. The resemblance of my specimen to this species is mainly in the interrupted striae of the rapheless valve, for it differs from it in shape of axial area, number of striae, and size. Both valves were seen and drawn from the same frustule. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2208, 2210). Achnanthes linearis (W. Sm.) Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 23. Achnanthidium lineare W. Sm., 1855, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2d ser. 15: 8. pl. 1, fig. 9. Though found in a great many habitats, this species was common or very frequent only in Davy’s Run. It was found in association with moss, par- ticularly Fontinalis, in running water. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2017 Patrick (A-2115), 2019 Patrick (A-2119), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, 2031 Hodge (A-2138), 2032 Patrick (A-2140), 2065 Pétrick (A-2182). Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10-14 Burke (A-2200-09). PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 169 Achnanthes microcephala (Kiitz.) Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 22. Achnanthidium microcephalum Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 75. pl. 3, figs. 13, 19. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174). Achnanthes minutissima Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 75. pl. 13, fig. 2c. This species was found only once and then it was rare. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Achnanthes minutissima v. cryptocephala Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 27, figs. 41-44. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42). Achnanthes Oestrupii v. parvula var. nov. Prate I, Fics. 6, 7 Valvae ellipticae apicibus parum rostratis, 12 « longae, 6 m latae. Valva superiot spatium hyalinum et in latere uno effigiem ad instar soleae equinae ostendens; striis parum radiantibus 15-16 in 10 w. Valva inferior aream axialem angustam et aream centralem transversam exhibens; striis 28 in 10 «, radiantibus, longis inaequaliter et ad nodulum centralem crassis. Type: Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2209). This variety differs from the species in that it is consistantly smaller in size. It also differs from the original description of the species in the num- ber of striae of the rapheless valve. This species was first noted by Oestrup and considered a variety of A. lanceolata. A. Cleve (Acta Forst. Fenn. 22: 53) first named it A. lanceolata v. Oestrupii. The illustrations of both authors indicate the striae number of the rapheless valve as 10—12 in 10 p. Hustedt raised the variety to specific rank, and states the striae number of the rapheless valve is “10-14 (measuring on the edge of the short striae forms) or 14-18 (measuring on the pseudoraphe of the longer striated forms).” My specimens have striae 15 in 10 » whether measured at margin or inner edge of striae. Both valves were seen on the same frustule. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10, 14 Burke (A-2200, 2209). Achnanthes Peragallii Brun and Herib. apud Herib., 1893, Diat. Auvergne, p. 50. pl. 1, fig. 4. This species was rare in the two localities where it was found. In both cases it was in running water. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2200); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). ACHNANTHES subgenus Achnanthes Stewartii sp. nov. 170 FarRtowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 Puate IT, rics. 1-3 Valvae ellipticae, 16 « longae, 7.5 « latae, area axiali angusta, costis tenuibus 14 in 10 u, serie duplici punctorum parvorum interpositu. Type: Pike County: Lake Wallen- paupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2194). This species is named in honor of Dr. Thomas S. Stewart, Curator of the Microscopic Department of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadel- phia, who has kindly made most of the photographs of diatoms which I have published. It is with some hesitation that I put this species in this subgenus. The costae are not very pronounced, but the presence of a double row of punctae between each two costae places it here. This species was only found in one locality, but as it is a very distinct species and of frequent occurrence I have described it. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2194-95). AMPHIPLEURA Kirzinc Amphipleura pellucida Kiitzing, 1844, Bacill., p. 103. pl. 3, fig. 52. Frustulia pellucida Kiitz., 1833, Linnaea, 1833: 543. pl. 13, fig. 11. This species seems to prefer circum-neutral waters. It was found only once in this study. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2043 Hodge (A-2162). VANHEURCKIA Bresisson The name Frustulia, sometimes applied to this genus, is invalid according to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature. Vanheurckia rhomboides (Ehr.) Bréb., 1869, Ann. Soc. Phy. Mic. Belge 1: 204. Navicula rhomboides Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 419. pl. 3, fig. I, 15. This species was very frequent in Lost Lake which is a strongly distrophic lake which contains a great deal of Sphagnum. It is found only in acid water, and usually in association with moss. Lackawanna County: Indian Lake, 2044 Hodge (A-2164). Monroe County: Lost Lake, 2020 Turner (A-2121) ; Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213); South Pocono Lake, 2010-11 Patrick (A-2101- 03). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 11 Burke (A-2202). Vanheurckia rhomboides v. amphipleuroides (Grunow) Navicula rhomboides v. amphipleuroides Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 47. pl. 3, fig. 59. Grunow places this species in the group Vanheurckia under the genus Navicula. This variety was found in shallow running water and was very frequent in a shallow tributary of Mill Creek. It was not found in the standing, strongly distrophic waters of some of the habitats studied. Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 171 Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shkulze (A-2231); Lake Wallenpaupek trib- utary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-22 Burke and Patrick (A-2124-25), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Vanheurckia rhomboides v. crassinervia (Bréb.) Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 17, figs. 4-5, text (1885) p. 112. Navicula crassinervia Bréb. apud W. Sm., 1853, Brit. Diat., 1: 47. Brébisson (Ann. Soc. Phy. Mic. Belge 1:204) later transferred this spe- cies to the genus Vanheurckia. This variety is the same as the invalidly published Frustulia rhomboides v. saxonica (Rabh.) De Toni. This variety was well distributed in the more acid waters of this region and was:of common occurrence in Davy’s Run, Lost Lake, Pocono Lake, and Lake Tamaque. Lackawanna County: Indian Lake, 2044 Hodge (A-2165). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2013-15 Patrick (A-2107-11), 2018-19 Patrick (A-2117-19), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Lost Lake, 2020 Turner (A-2121); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2034-38 Patrick (A-2144—-52), 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); South Pocono Lake, 2011-12 Patrick (A-2104—-05); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A- 2140-42); Lake Tamaque, 2039-40 Hodge (A-2154-56). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2234-36); Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2193), 10 Burke (A-2200), 12 Burke (A-2204), 14 Burke (A-2210). Vanheurckia rhomboides v. crassinervia f. capitata comb. nov. This form is the same as the invalidly published Frustulia rhomboides v. saxonica {. capitata (Mayer) Hustedt. Valvae elliptico-lanceolatae, ca. 45 « longae; apicibus rostrato-capitatis; striis sub- tilissimis, 34-36. in 10 w. This form is characterized by its capitate-rostrate ends. It is usually about 45 » long. This form was common in Pocono Lake from squeezings of Eleocharis, Dicranum, and Hypnum growing in one foot of water and was very frequent in scrapings of piles supporting the Emlen Dock in Pocono Lake. These two habitats were within fifty yards of each other. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2016 Patrick (A-2113); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2035-36 Patrick (A-2147-48), 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032- 33 Patrick (A-2140-42); South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2101). Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1623 Skulze (A-2231); Shohola Falls, 3—4 Burke (A-2190-92), 11 Burke (A-2202), 14 Burke (A-2208). Vanheurckia vulgaris (Thw.) Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 17, fig. 6, text (1885) p. 112. Colletonema vulgaris Thw., 1848, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 2d ser. 1, pl. 12. 172 FarLowla, VoL. 2, 1945 This species was found in several localities but was rare in each case. It was usually found in running water. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015 Patrick (A-2111); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2171); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: 2189 Shulze (A-2235); Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 14 Burke (A-2208). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A- 2124), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). CALONEIS CLeve Caloneis Lewisii sp. nov. Pirate II, Fic. 4 Valvae bis constrictae longae 27 w ad medium 8.7 uw apicibus cuneatae; striis trans- versis 19-20 in 10 w; area axiali angusto, nodulo centrali majusculo subquadrangularis signis lunatis duobus crasso. Type: Illinois, Du Page County, 2423 F. Drouet, P. C. Standley and J. A. Steyermark (A-2018). It is regrettable that the often used name, Caloneis trinodis, cannot be retained for this species. Caloneis trinodis is based upon the specimens of Lewis. Lewis misidentified his specimens as Navicula trinodis W. Sm. I have conferred with Dr. E. D. Merrill and Dr. Francis W. Pennell about using the name Caloneis trinodis, but they assure me that since this species is based upon the misidentification of Lewis, this cannot be done. In 1878 Grunow, apparently unaware of Lewis’ specimens, called this species Navi- cula Trochus var.? biconstricta. Unfortunately the name biconstricta is preoccupied in the genus Caloneis. Thus it seems that the best thing to do is to name the species after Lewis who found the first specimens. I do not believe it correct to consider it a variety of Caloneis Schumanniana as Cleve (K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand]. 26 (2): 53) and Reichelt (Archiv Hydrobiol. Planktonk. 1: 231-32) have done. In my recent paper (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. 95: 71) I have given Boyer the credit for the name Caloneis trinodis. This was a mistake as Meister first made the combination in 1912. However, as shown above, this name is invalid. Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Caloneis silicula v. alpina Cl., 1893, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 51. It is very interesting to find this variety in the Pocono Plateau. The identification of the variety has been checked with Cleve and Moller type no. 273. Hustedt stated that this variety is only found in the high moun- tains of Europe. In this study, the diatom was found only once, and then it was rare. From this I would infer that Davy’s Run is not the ideal habitat, and the specimens which I found might be contaminations brought in by birds, etc. from some other habitat. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110). PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 173 NEIDIUM PFITZER A. Striae more than 20 in 10 yu B. Ends of valve rounded, not at all constricted -C. Sides of valve parallel ............... N. bisulcata C. Sides of valve undulate .............. N. bisulcata v. undulata B. Ends of valve more or less constricted, from slightly rostrate to protracted rostrate ends D. Ends of valve only slightly constricted N. affine D. Ends of valve distinctly protracted and rostrate N. affine v. amphirhynchus A. Striae less than 20 in 10 » E. Valves linear PPP serOuUnGe dine 38.0 5 ti access wich we ae ee N. iridis f. vernalis Bo buds; wedee shaped .22. 6. i500 0s caseen N. iridis v. amphigomphus E. Valves linear-lanceolate GUebnds rounded 3.6... see ese Nath sea ies N. iridis © G@. Ends. subrostrate ccs nk be eee to N. iridis v. ampliata Neidium affine (Ehr.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 69. Navicula affinis Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 417. pl. 2, fig. I, 7. This species was rare in the two localities. In both cases it occurred in running water. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2013 Patrick (A-2107), 2019 Patrick (A-2119). Pike County: 1621 Shulze (A-2227). Neidium affine v. amphirhynchus (Ehr.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 68. Navicula amphirhynchus Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 417. pl. 3, fig. I, 10. This variety was rare in two habitats. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). Neidium bisulecatum (Lagst.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 68. Navicula bisulcata Lagst., 1873, Bihang K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1 (14): 31. pl. 1, fig. 8. This species was rare in the two localities where it was collected. Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215), 2188 Shulze (A-2234). Neidium bisulcatum v. undulatum O. Miill., 1898, Forschungsber. Biol. Stat. Plon 6: 62-63. This variety was rare in occurrence. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Neidium iridis (Ehr.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 69. Navicula iridis Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 418. pl. 4, figs. 1, 2. Though found in several localities, it was of frequent occurrence in none. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: 174 FarLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2109), 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Raymonds- kill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2177). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2234-36), 128-29 Shulze (A-2217-19); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 12 Burke (A-2204). Neidium iridis v. amphigomphus (Ehr.) Mayer, 1917, Denks. K. Bayer. Bot. Ges. 13: n.s. 7: 30. Navicula amphigomphus Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 417. pl. 3, fig. I, 8. This variety was frequent in a locality simply designated by Shulze as Pike County. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Shulze (A-2223). Pike County: 130 Shulze (A-2221). Neidium iridis v. ampliatum (Ehr.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 69. Navicula ampliata Ehr., 1842, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1842: 337. These specimens differ from the typical forms of this variety in that the sides of the valve are parallel and not convex. Pike County: 2190 Shulze (A-2236). Neidium iridis v. vernale Reichelt, 1897, Sitzungsber. Naturforsch. Ges. Leipsig 24: 8-9. This variety was only found once and then it was rare. Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217). DIPLONEIS EHRENBERG This genus was rarely encountered in this study. The two species listed below were only found twice and then they were rare. Diploneis ovalis (Hilse) Cl., 1891, Acta Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 8 (2): 44. pl. 2, fig. 13. Pinnularia ovalis Hilse in Rabenhorst, 1861, Algen Europa, no. 1025. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Diploneis Smithii (Bréb. ex W. Sm.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 96. Navicula Smithit Bréb. ex W. 5m., 1856, Brit. Diat. 2: 92. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). STAURONEIS EHRENBERG A. Ends of valve with septum, valves slightly biconstricted ...... S. Smithii A. Ends of valve without septum B. Raphe broad, striae usually less than 20in 10 u........ S. phoenicenteron B. Raphe linear, striae 20 or more in 10 u.............0.- S. anceps and vars. B. Raphe linear, striae about 30 in 10 mw, small forms usually less than 25 » long S. Kriegeri Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 175 Stauroneis anceps Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 306, 422. pl. 2, fig. I, 18. This species was found in several localities but was frequent in none. Lackawanna County: Indian Lake, 2044 Hodge (A-2165). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014-15 Patrick (A-2110-11), 2018-19 Patrick (A-2118-19); Mountain Lake, 2048 Hodge (A-2172); Pocono Lake Pre- serve, South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2102); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174); Wier Lake, 2046-47 Hodge (A-2169-70). Pike County: 2188 Shulze (A-2234), 128-30 Shulze (A-2217-21); Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2204). Stauroneis anceps v. amphicephala (Kiitz.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 148. Stauroneis amphicephala Kiitz., 1844, Bacill. p. 105. pl. 30, fig. 25. This variety is characterized by having the striae easily resolved into punctae. It was only found in one locality and then it was rare. Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215). Stauroneis anceps v. gracilis (Ehr.) Brun, 1880, Diat. Alpes et Jura et Région Suisse et Francaise des Environs de Geneve, p. 89. pl. 9, fig. 2. Stauroneis gracilis Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 423. pl. 1, fig. II, 14. This variety though found in several localities was frequent in none. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015 Patrick (A-2111); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2036 Patrick (A-2148). Wayne County: Angels, 2022 Burke and Patrick (A-2125). Stauroneis anceps v. linearis (Ehr.) Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, p. 69. pl. 4, figs. 7, 8. Stauroneis linearis Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 423. pl. 1, fig. I, 11. This variety was found only in one locality and then it was rare. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2036 Patrick (A-2148). Stauroneis Kriegeri nomen nova Valvae lineares 21 mu longae, 4 mw latae, apicibus constrictis capito-rostratis; striis radiantibus, 26 in 10 u, area axiali angusta; stauro lineari. This species was first observed by Krieger, who named it Stauroneis pygmaea (Beitrage zur Naturdenkmalpflege 13: 272. pl. 2, fig. 28 (1929)). However, this name is preoccupied by a species described by Castracana in 1886 (Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Botany 2: 25. pl. 29, fig. 7). As Krieger points out, this species may vary between 20-23 » in length and 4—5 » in breadth. He states the striae are 30 in 10 », but in my speci- mens they are 26 in 10 ». The stauros may appear broader on one side of the central nodule than on the other. This species is named in honor of Mr. Krieger. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2017 Patrick (A-2115). Wayne County: Angels, 2023 Burke and Patrick (A-2127). 176 FaRLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 Stauroneis phoenicenteron (Nitzsch.) Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: pl. 2, fig. V, 7. Bacillaria phoenicenteron Nitzsch. 1817, N. Schrift. Naturf. Ges. Halle 3: 92. This species was common in the squeezings from surface vegetation in shallow water of Wier Lake where the pH of the water was 6.6. It is also common in some collections by Shulze from Pike County. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262-63 Shulze (A-2223-25); Pocono Lake Preserve, South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2101); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2168). Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Pike County: 127-29 Shulze (A- 2215-19), 2190 Shkulze (A-2236); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2124). Stauroneis Smithii Grun., 1860, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 10: 464. pl. 4 (Grunow’s pl. 6), fig. 16. This species, occurring only in flowing water, was rare in the localities given below. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2018 Patrick (A-2117); Pike County: Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 11 Burke (A-2202). NAVICULA A. Punctae of striae forming longitudinal and transverse rows perpendicular to each OM ei iin wae ace ne aaeead Mane cnne ketene aciaa eases Naviculae Orthostichae A. Punctae of striae forming decussating rows ........... Naviculae Decussatae A. Punctae of striae not as above B. Striae transversely lineate ..........00eeeceeeas Naviculae Lineolatae B. Striae not transversely lineate C. Raphe enclosed in silicious rib, terminal nodule thickened Naviculae Bacillares C. Raphe not enclosed D. Central pores somewhat distant, axial area narrow or uniting with central area to form a lanceolate space Naviculae Entoleiae D. Central pores not distant E. Central area not distinct — small forms less than 20 pu Naviculae Minusculae E. Central area variously formed F. Striae radiate throughout G. Striae clearly alternately long and short at central area, valves more or less elliptic in shape ......... Naviculae Heterostichae G. Striae may be uneven but not definitely longer and shorter at central area — central area quadrate or forming a transverse fascia Naviculae Mesoleiae F. Striae not radiate throughout, median striae dis- tinctly more distant from each other than those in other parts of the valve Naviculae Decipientes PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS eit NAVICULAE ORTHOSTICHAE Cleve Valves usually elongate, lanceolate to linear. The median line with small or elongate central nodule, and with small or indistinct terminal fissures. Navicula cuspidata Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 94. pl. 3, fig. 24. Frustulia cuspidata Kiitz., 1833, Linnaea 8: 549. pl. 14, fig. 26. This species was present only in one locality. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2161). NAVICULAE DECUSSATAE Cleve Valves elliptical with attenuate rostrate ends. The punctae of the striae are arranged in obliquely decussating rows. There is only one species in this region. Navicula placenta Ehr., 1854, Mikrogeologie, p. 33. pl. 12, fig. 23. This species, though found in several habitats, was very frequent in only one, where it occurred on a wall dripping with water to the side of Shohola Falls. Pike County: 2188-89 Shulze (A-2234-35); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184), 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2208-10). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). NAVICULAE LINEOLATAE Cleve A. Terminal striae parallel or convergent B. Striae usually 15 or more in 10 yw; valves usually less than 50 u long C. Linear or slightly lanceolate with rounded ends, the median stria on each side of the central nodule often decidedly longer than the other striae about the central nodule ........ N. cincta and var. C. Central area more or less rounded D. Valve rhombic lanceolate ...... N. cryptocephala v. pumila D. Valve lanceolate with attenuate, rostrate ends N. cryptocephala D. Valve lanceolate with acute ends N. radiosa v. tenella B. Striae less than 15 in 10 u E. Valves 30 u or less in length F. Valves with strongly capitate ends, striae 8-10 in 10 u N. hungarica v. capitata F. Valves with slightly rostrate ends, striae 14 in 10 uw N. cryptocephala v. veneta E. Valves longer than 30 u G. Terminal nodule of valve expanded to produce a hyaline space N. globulifera G. Terminal nodule not so expanded 178 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 H. Ends of valve variously produced I. Ends of valve attenuate-rostrate and slightly capi- tate; valve lanceolate N. rhynchocephala I. Ends of valve cuneate; valve linear N. viridula v. linearis H. Ends of valve not produced; valve lanceolate N. radiosa A. Terminal striae radiate throughout J. Striae at central area equally shortened K. Central area more or less rounded L. Valve lanceolate, striae at central area more distantly spaced N. lanceolata L. Valve ovate lanceolate with attenuate, rostrate ends N. anglica K. Central area transverse, central striae not more distantly spaced N. dicephala J. Striae at central area irregular in length M. Striae at central area alternately longer and shorter and distinctly more distantly spaced than in the rest of the valve N. quadripartita M. Striae not distinctly more distantly spaced about the central area N. Striae 16-18 in 10 w; valve elliptical-lanceolate with distinctly attenuate rostrate ends ........ N. decussis N. Striae coarser; valve ovate-lanceolate, ends distinctly attenuate POSETSUO essa e5 ec aaSadakanes aor N. exigua v. capitata n. var. Navicula anglica Ralfs apud Pritchard, 1861, Syst. Hist. of the Infusoria, p. 900. This species was rare in two collections. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215). Navicula cincta (Ehr.) Ralfs apud Pritchard, 1861, Syst. Hist. of the Infusoria, p. 901. Pinnularia cincta Ehrenberg, 1854, Mikrogeologie, pl. 10, fig. I, 6. For further discussion concerning the authorities for this name see Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 95: 72. This species was found only in one habitat and then it was rare. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). Navicula cincta v. angusta (Grun.) Cl., 1893, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 17. Navicula angusta Grun., 1860, Verh. Bot. Zool. Ges. Wien 10: 528. pl. 3, fig. 19. This variety was rare in both localities. The specimens in Tobyhanna Creek were shorter than usual, being only 40 y» long. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2210). Navicula cryptocephala Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 95. pl. 3, fig. 26. Monroe County: Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2175); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Northamp- PatrRIcK: Pocono DIATOMS 179 ton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A- 2190), 4 Burke (A-2192). Wayne County: Angels, 2022 Burke and Patrick (A-2125), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Navicula cryptocephala v. pumila Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Bel- gique, pl. 8, fig. 6, 7. Grunow suggests this is a variety but questions it. However, later writers such as Cleve and Hustedt have given him credit for this combination. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2095). Wayne County: Angels, 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Navicula cryptocephala v. veneta (Kiitz.) Rabh., 1864, Flora Europaea Algarum, p. 198. Navicula veneta Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 95. pl. 30, fig. 76. This variety was rare in the one locality. Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Navicula dicephala Ehr., 1838, Die Infusionsthierchen als volkommene Organismen, p. 185. This species was rare in the various localities in which it was encountered. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: 2188 Shulze (A-2234); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231); Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2205). Navicula decussis Oestrup, 1910, Danske Diat., p. 77. pl. 2, fig. 50. My specimens are as Oestrup’s illustration except that the striae appear to be somewhat curved. Hustedt in A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diatomaceen- Kunde, pl. 398, figs. 36, 37, illustrates a diatom with curved striae and a punctum in the central nodule which he assigns to this species. I cannot be sure, from the descriptions and original illustrations, of the difference between NV. decussis and N. Thingvallae. I have not seen the types so will not try to make any critical evaluation of the two species. This species was not of frequent occurrence in any of the habitats. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123-24). Navicula exigua v. capitata var. nov. Valvae elliptico-lanceolatae, apicibus rostrato-capitatis, 29 mw longae, 10 yu latae; striis 14-15 in 10 yw, radiantibus, ad nodulum centralem longis inaequaliter; area axiali angusta; area centrali transversa. Type: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2200). The specimens vary in length from 22-30 y, in breadth from 10-11 u. Hustedt has illustrated in A. Schmidt’s Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde, pl. 398, figs. 24-26, specimens which seem to be the same as mine. He has placed them under the species name. However, if one examines the original figure and description of Gregory, it is clear that Hustedt’s specimens are not the same as the type. Gregory (Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci. 2: 98-99. 180 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 pl. 4, fig. 14) states, “its form is broadly elliptical with acute but not pro- duced apices — the striae are distinct and radiate.” Grunow in Van Heurck’s Synopsis des Diatomées Belgique (pl. 8, fig. 32) and in Cleve and Moeller Type Slide no. 261 indicates that this species has a transverse central area formed by the irregular shortening of the central striae. Otherwise his specimens are as Gregory’s illustration. The question as to whether Grunow’s and Gregory’s specimens are the same will have to await the study of type or isotype material since Gregory makes no state- ment concerning the central area. Pike County: 2188 Shkulze (A-2234); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 10-11 Burke (A-2200-02), 14 Burke (A-2210). Navicula globulifera Hustedt, 1927, Archiv fiir Hydrobiol. 18: 164. pl. 5, fig. 7. I believe this is the first record of this species in North America. My specimens are 37-39 » long, 5.8—7 » broad, and the striae are 12 in 10 p. Monroe County: Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2175). Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A- 2195). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). Navicula hungarica v. capitata (Ehr.) Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 16. Pinnularia capitata Ehr., 1854, Mikrogeologie, pl. 37, fig. HIT, 9. In 1848, Ehrenberg (Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1848: 18) just mentions this species. In 1838 Ehrenberg (Infusionsthierchen als volkommene Or- ganismen, p. 185, pl. 13, fig. 20) describes a Navicula capitata which is quite different from the species in question. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192). Navicula lanceolata (Ag.) Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 94. pl. 30, fig. 48; pl. 28, fig. 38. Frustulia lanceolata Ag., 1827, Flora (Bot. Zeitung) 10: 626. Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2177). Navicula quadripartita Hustedt, 1937, Archiv fiir Hydrobiol. und Planktonk. Suppl. 15: 263. This species is first published by Hustedt in 1934 in A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diatomaceen-Kunde, p/. 400, figs. 12-15. According to the International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature this is not a valid publication so the above later record is given. Hustedt states that this species is usually associated with moss. Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231); Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Navicula radiosa Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 91. pl. 4, fig. 23. This species was very frequent from the squeezings of the surface vegeta- tion of Mountain Lake. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042-43 Hodge (A-2160-62). Monroe PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 181 County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 10-11 Burke (A-2200-02). Navicula radiosa v. tenella (Bréb.) Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 17. Navicula tenella Bréb. ex Kiitz., 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 74. This species was of very frequent occurrence in certain habitats of Po- cono Lake, Trout Lake, and Shohola Falls. It seems to prefer shallow water and is associated with algae or moss. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042-43 Hodge (A-2160-62). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015 Patrick (A-2111), 2019 Patrick (A-2119) ; Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2035-36 Patrick (A-2146-48), 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2101); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174). Pike County: Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 10-11 Burke (A-2200-02), 13 Burke (A-2206). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). Navicula rhynchocephala Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., pl. 30, fig. 35. This species, though found in several localities was rare in all. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042-43 Hodge (A-2160-62). Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201). Wayne County: Angels, 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Navicula viridula v. linearis Hustedt This variety was first published in 1936 in A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diato- maceen-Kunde #1. 405, figs. 13, 14. No description was present. Later, 1937, Archiv fiir Hydrobiologie, Supplement 15: 264 a description in Ger- man was given. To date no Latin description has been furnished so I am including one in order to validate the name. Valvae lineares, 65-100 u longae, 12 u latae, apicibus cuneatis; striis 8—9 in 10 p, inter- mediis radiantibus, terminalibus convergentibus, distincte transverse lineatis. This species though rare in several localities was frequent in none. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). NAVICULAE BACILLARES Cleve Navicula americana Ebr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 417. At Shohola Falls a form only 38 » long and 7 » broad was found. In no case was this diatom of frequent occurrence. 182 FarLowiA, Vor, 2, 1945 Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215), 130 Shulze (A-2221); Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201). Navicula bacillum Ehr., 1839, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1838: 130. This species was found in only two localities and was frequent in neither. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2043 Hodge (A-2162). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). NAVICULAE ENTOLEIAE Cleve A. Frustules in filaments B. Valves lanceolate, striae marginal .................. N. Keeleyi B. Valve concave, striae not marginal.................. N. contenta v. biceps A. Frustules not in filaments. C. Valves concave, length of valve 20 uw or more, ends narrowed, rostrate N. concava C. Valves not concave D. Striae more than 20 in 10 u E. Valves swollen at center, about 15 «long . N. perpusilla E. Valves linear-lanceolate, not swollen at center of valve over 20 Ge MOUS spe etoendottie es dcouala ete neead bak N. poconoensis D. Striae less than 20 in 10 uw, ends of valve distinctly capitate N. hassiaca Navicula concava sp. nov. Prate II, Fic. 6 Valvae utrimque concavae, 21.7 » longae, 5 uw ad nodulum centralem latae; apicibus rostratis, area axiali late lanceolata; area centrali inaequali; striis 27-28 in 10 i, prope medium radiantibus in apicibus parallelis. Type: Pike County; Greeley, squeezings from Sphagnum in swamp, 2 Burke (A-2188). This diatom is typical of the members of the Entoleiae except the striae are parallel or only very slightly radiate at the ends. Cleve in describing the group states that the striae are radiate at the ends. However, as the species fits this group in all other respects, I think it well to include it until a more thorough study is made. This species occurred in only one locality, but was of frequent occurrence. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188-89). Navicula contenta v. biceps (Arnott) Van Heurck, 1885, Syn. Diat. Belgique, p. 109. Diadesmis biceps Arn. ex Cl. and MOll. no. 175. The determinations of these speci- mens were made by Grunow. This variety is rare in the two localities. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 9 Burke (A-2198), 14 Burke (A-2208). Navicula hassiaca Krasske, 1925, Abhandl. u. Ber. Ver. fiir Naturk. 56: 47. pl. 2, fig. 26. Pike County: Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 14 Burke (A-2210). PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 183 Navicula Keeleyi sp. nov. Prate II, Fic. 7 Valvae lanceolatae 19-30 u longae, 4-5 u latae, in fibris; apicibus capitato-rostratis, area axiali et area centrali late lanceolata; striis marginibus, 30 in 10 uw. Type: Pike County, Shohola Falls, scrapings from dripping rock face, side wall of gorge, above concrete bridge crossing road below falls, 7 Burke (A-2197). This species is named in honor of Mr. Frank J. Keeley who first called my attention to this diatom. He found it in wet moss at Flat Rock, Mont- gomery County, Pennsylvania. Mr. Keeley has also helped me in describ- ing the species. This species is very common in these collections. Its manner of growth in filaments immediately calls it to one’s attention. It is distinguished from the other filamentous forms of this group by its broad axial and central areas which form a lanceolate space. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 7 Burke (A-2196-97), 9 Burke (A-2198- 99). Navicula perpusilla Grun., 1860, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 10: 552. pl. 4 (Grunow pl. 2), fig. 7. Hustedt states that this species is found especially in mountainous re- gions. This species was very frequent on a dripping rock face at Shohola Falls. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 7 Burke (A-2196), 9 Burke (A-2198). Navicula poconoensis sp. nov. Pirate II, ric. 5 Valvae linearis-lanceolatae 26.4 u longae, 4.6 uw latae, apicibus late rostratis; area axiali lanceolata, area centrali rotundata; striis 31 in 10 yw, in apicibus parallelis. Type: Pike County, Greeley, squeezings from Sphagnum in swamp, 2 Burke (A-2188). This species, as V. concava, differs from other members of the Entoleiae in that the terminal striae are parallel instead of radiate, but it agrees in all other respects with members of this group. The species is most closely related to N. Flotowdi but differs from it in the size of the valve, the shape of the apices, and the fact that it does not form filaments. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188-89). NAVICULAE MINUSCULAE Cleve A. Valve elliptical in outline, striae about 30 in 10 wu B. Striae parallel or slightly radiate 1.1.1... 0... cece eee eee eters N. muralis B. Striae strongly radiate <2 sine. ert siete: oe ee cee N. atomus A. Valve linear-elliptic with rostrate ends, striae about 30 in 10 w. As seen through the microscope the striae at margin of valve are on a different level of focus than At raphe cs cu oss sacs Oe ey ocr oe hs N. festiva 184 FARLowIA, VOL. 2, 1945 Navicula atomus (Kiitz.) Grun., 1860, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 10: 552. pl. 2, fig. 6. Amphora atomus Kitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 108. pl. 30, fig. 70. This species was only found in one locality. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 11 Burke (A-2202). Navicula festiva Krasske, 1925, Abhandl. u. Bericht. Ver. fiir Naturk. Cassel 56: 47. pl. 1, fig. 16. The name Navicula vitrea (Oestrup) Hustedt cannot be applied to this species as it is preoccupied by N. vitrea Cleve, 1893, (K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 111). This species was of very frequent occurrence at Greeley, where it was found in association with Sphagnum. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Navicula muralis Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 14, fig. 27. This species was rare in the one locality. Monroe County: Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174). NAVICULAE HETEROSTICHAE Cleve A. Valve elliptical in shape, central area large and rounded... .N. scutiformis A. Valve lanceolate to rhombic-elliptical, central area indistinct .N. cocconeiformis A. Valve orbicular, central area indistinct, less than 20 u long. .N. pseudoscutiformis Navicula cocconeiformis Greg., 1856, Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci. 4: 6. pl. 1, fig. 22. This species was only found in running water, but it was not of frequent occurrence in any habitat wherein it was found. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110), 2016-18 Patrick (A-2113-18), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10-11 Burke (A-2201-02), 13 Burke (A-2206). Navicula pseudoscutiformis Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Die Siissw. Flora Mittel- europ., Heft 10: 291. fig. 495. This species was rare in the localities where it was found. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 11 Burke (A-2202), 14 Burke (A-2210). Navicula scutiformis Grun., 1881, in A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diat., pl. 70, fig. 62. This species was found in only one locality. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119). NAVICULAE MESOLEIAE Cleve The valve is symmetrical, linear to elliptical with usually obtuse or rostrate ends. The axial area is narrow or indistinct. The central area is Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 185 large, quadrate or a transverse fascia. The striae are fine, punctate and radiate throughout. The connecting zone is not complex. A. Valves with isolated stigma in the central area; valve often somewhat lanceolate in shape and may have rostrate capitate ends...............-.-- N. mutica A. Valves without an isolated stigma in the central area, ends of valve broadly rounded. B. Terminal nodules laterally expanded to form a clear area . N. pupula and vars. B. Terminal nodules not so expanded C. Terminal striae radiate and curved.............. N. bacilliformis C. Terminal striae not so formed D. Median striae at the central area approximately the same length so that the central area appears clear-cut but small N. minima var. D. Median striae of central area very irregular in length E. Very small forms, almost orbicular in shape N. subatomoides E. Valves over 12 u long, elliptical in shape F. Central area broad, somewhat rhomboidal in shape N. variostriata F. Central area narrowly rectangular in shape N. Rotaeana Navicula bacilliformis Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 44. pl. 2, fig. 51. This species was rare in the two localities cited below. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). ; Navicula minima v. atomoides (Grun.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 26 (2): 128. Navicula atomoides Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique pl. 14, fig. 12, text (1885) p. 107. Van Heurck Type Slide no. 219. This species was very frequent in the bottom vegetation in shallow water in Wier Lake and Davy’s Run and in scrapings from rocks at Shohola Falls. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2016-17 Patrick (A-2113-15); Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140); Pocono Lake, 2037 Patrick (A-2150); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2171). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2208). Navicula mutica Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 93. pl. 3, fig. 32. This species was rare. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2200). Navicula pupula Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 93. pl. 30, fig. 40. Though found in several localities this species was only frequent in the squeezings from moss collected in the spillway of Mud Run. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2109), 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2036 Patrick (A-2149). Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215). 186 Fartowia, Vor. 2, 1945 Navicula pupula v. bacillaroides Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sy. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 45. I do not believe as Hustedt does that this variety and var. rectangularis of Grunow should be united. I have seen Cleve and Moeller’s Type Slide No. 86 which has on it var. rectangularis. These specimens are quite distinct from those of var. bacillaroides. The sides of the valve are linear or some- what concave while those of var. bacillaroides are somewhat convex. Also var. bacillaroides seems to have a more robust structure than var. rectan- gularts. This variety was only encountered once in this study. Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Navicula pupula v. capitata Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mitteleurop., Heft 10: 281. fig. 467c. Though found in several localities this variety was always rare. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 11-12 Burke (A-2202-05). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). Navicula Rotaeana (Rabh.) Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 14, fig. 17. Stauroneis Rotaeana Rabh., 1852, Hedwigia 1: 103. pl. 13, fig. 7. Though found in many habitats this species was common only in Davy’s Run. Here it was often found associated with the mosses Hypnum and Fontinalis, Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014-19 Patrick (A-2110-19); Pocono Lake Preserve, Toby- hanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); Pocono Lake, 2035 Patrick (A-2147); Spring Run, 2037 C. Myers (A-2150); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195) : Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 13 Burke (A-2206). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). Navicula subatomoides Hustedt, 1936, in A. Schmidt’s Atlas der Diatomaceen-Kunde, pl. 404, figs. 33-35. As this species has not been validly described I am supplying the fol- lowing description. Valvae ellipticae 6-7 w longae, 4-5 mw latae, area axiali anguste, area centrali lata stauroneiformi; striis 44 in 10 yu, radiantibus. This species was very common in the squeezings from Hypnum and Fontinalis in Davy’s Run. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Navicula variostriata Krasske, 1923, Bot. Archiv. 3: 197. fig. 12. This species was rare in the localities in which it was found. Hustedt Patrick: Pocono D1aToms 187 states that it is especially found associated with Sphagnum. This did not seem to be necessarily the case in the habitats in which it was found in this study. Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1623 Skulze (A-2231); Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2209-10). NAVICULAE DECIPIENTES Cleve Navicula halophila v. minor Kolbe, 1927, Pflanzenforschung 7: 67. pl. 1, fig. 4. Kolbe states that this variety is a “mesohalobien.” If I am correct in believing that my specimens belong to this variety, then it should be noted that this variety also is found in somewhat acid, shallow, fresh water. I have not seen any authenticated specimens of var. minor, but a careful analysis of Kolbe’s figure would indicate that my specimens are the same. My specimens are about 17 u long, 6 » broad, and the striae are 19 in 10 p. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, South Pocono Lake, 2010 Pat- rick (A-2101); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 11 Burke (A-2202). Navicula semen Ebr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841: 419. pl. 1, fig. IT, 17-a?; pl. 4, fig. I, 8. This species was very frequent in two localities or collections of Shulze which were simply indicated as Pike County. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262-63 Shulze (A-2223-25). Pike County: 128-129 Shulze (A-2217-19). PINNULARIA EHRENBERG A. Striae distinctly separated from each other.................000-- Distantes A. Striae close to each other B. Striae short, perpendicular or almost so to the raphe C. Large forms, striae typically less than 15 in 10 uw... .Brevistriatae C. Small forms, striae more than 15 in 10 yw............ Parallelestriae B. Striae not perpendicular to the raphe nor typically short C. Raphe linear D. Valves with capitate or rostrate ends which are narrower than the rest of the valve, usually small forms..... Capitatae D. Valves with ends not distinctly narrower than rest of valve E. Striae somewhat radiant in the middle and convergent at the ends, larger forms, usually over 40 » long Tabellariae E. Striae strongly radiant in the middle and convergent at the ends, raphe at terminal nodules bayonet-shaped Divergentes C. Raphe broad Bs Simple sence seer ee sien tave cles aos ete eteects Maiores Fi Twisted aces gene tains earths ons 6 crane esis Complexae 188 FarRLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 DISTANTES Cleve subgenus Pinnularia borealis Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 420. pl. 1, fig. IJ, 6; pl. 4, fig. I, 5; pl. 4, fig. V, 4. This species was frequent on dripping rocks at Shohola Falls. Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217); Shohola Falls, 9 Burke (A-2198). BREVISTRIATAE subgenus A. Valve triundulate, ends rostrate-capitate, axial area granular P. nodosa A. Valves not triundulate B. Valves more or less swollen at center, ends capitate, axial area granular P. acrosphaeria and var. B. Valve linear, ends rounded, axial area clear....... P. brevicostata Pinnularia acrosphaeria W. Smith, 1853, Brit. Diat., 1: 58. pl. 19, fig. 183. This species, though found in several localities in Pike County, was never of frequent occurrence. Pike County: 2190 Shulze (A-2236), 128-130 Shulze (A-2217-21); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Greeley, 2 Shulze (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 13 Burke (A-2206), 14 Burke (A-2210). Pinnularia acrosphaeria var. turgidula Grun. apud Cleve, 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand]. 27 (3): 86. This very distinctive species was never of frequent occurrence. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2035 Patrick (A-2146); Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190). Pinnularia brevicostata Cleve, 1891, Acta Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 8 (2): 25. pl. 1, fig. 5. This species was only found once and then it was rare. It may have been a contamination. Pike County: 2190 Shulze (A-2236). Pinnularia nodosa (Ehr.) W. Smith, 1856, Brit. Diat., 2: 96. Navicula nodoso Ehr., 1838, Die Infusionsthierchen als volkommene Organismen, p. 179. pl. 13, fig. 9. This species was of common occurrence in a locality given by Shulze only as Pike County. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262 Shulze (A-2223). Pike County: 127-128 Shulze (A-2215-17); 2188 Shulze (A-2233); Bushkill Creek, 1621-23 Shulze (A-2227-31); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184); Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2205). PARALLELISTRIATAE Cleve subgenus Pinnularia fasciata (Lagst.) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mitteleurop., Heft 10: 316. fig. 569. Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 189 Navicula fasciata Lagst., 1873, Bihang K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1 (14): 34. pl. 2, fig. 11. This species was rare in one locality. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2210). Pinnularia sublinearis (Grun.) Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 74. Navicula sublinearis Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 6, figs. 25, 26, text (1885) p. 76. This species was rare in the one locality given below. Wayne County: Angels, 2017 Burke and Patrick (A-2115). CAPITATAE Cleve subgenus A. Margins of valve triundulate with central area forming a stauros P. mesolepta v. stauroneiformis A. Margins of valve not triundulate B. Valves lanceolate, axial area broad C. Valve 30 or more yu long, striae 11-12 in 10 uw P. Braunii v. amphicephala C. Valve 20 u long, striae 17 in 10 » P. Burkei B. Valves linear, ends of valve distinctly capitate D. Striae almost parallel, slightly radiate at middle and convergent at ends E. Central area a broad fascia P. Hilseana E. Central area only slightly broader than the axial area ~ P. subcapitata D. Striae distinctly radiate at center of valve, convergent at ends, central area rhomboidal sometimes forming a stauros P. interrupta B. Valves linear, ends subcapitate F. Striae gradually shortened to form a very broad fascia P. subcapitata v. paucistriata F. Striae usually abruptly shortened to form a transverse fascia P. subcapitata v. stauroneiformis Pinnularia Braunii v. amphicephala (Mayer) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw.- Flora Mitteleurop., Heft 10: 319. fig. 578. Pinnularia amphicephala Mayer, 1917, Denks. K. Bayern Bot. Ges. in Regensburg 13: ns. 7: 136. pl. 2, figs. 15, 16. This species was only found in one locality and then it was rare. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2109). Pinnularia Burkei sp. nov. Pirate III, Fic. 1 Valvae lanceolatae apicibus rostrato-capitatis, 19 « longae, 3 uw latae, striis 17 in 10 p, radiantibus, apice versus convergentibus. Type: Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2189). I place this species in the Capitatae with some hesitation. It has the characteristics of the species typically included in this group except for the 190 FaRLowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 axial area. Typically, this group has a narrow axial area. However, if we include Pinnularia Brauni v. amphicephala within it, I believe we are justified in including this species. This species is named in honor of Mr. Joseph F. Burke of the New York Botanical Gardens who has given me many diatom collections from Pike County. This species was only found in two localities. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188-89); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2210). Pinnularia Hilseana Janisch apud Hilse, 1860, Jahres-Ber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult. 36: 82. The identification of these specimens has been checked with Rabenhorst’s Algen. Sachs. resp. Mitteleurop. No. 953. This species was found only in association with Sphagnum. Because it has this very distinctive habitat as well as definite taxonomic characters, I do not believe it wise to consider it a variety of P. subcapitata, but think it should be kept as a separate species. This species was of very frequent occurrence in Lake Tamaque. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, South Pocono Lake, 2011-12 Patrick (A-2103-05); shallow ditch on way to Davy’s Run, 2013 Patrick (A-2108); Lake Tamaque, 2040 Hodge (A-2156). Pinnularia interrupta W. Sm., 1853, Brit. Diat., 1: 59. pl. 19, fig. 184. Though found in several localities this species was rare. Lackawanna County: Indian Lake, 2044 Hodge (A-2165). Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110), 2019 Patrick (A-2119), South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2102); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Pike County: Greeley, 1-2 Burke (A-2184-88); Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201), 12 Burke (A-2204). Pinnularia mesolepta v. stauroneiformis (Grun.) Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 76. Navicula mesolepta v. stauroneiformis Grun., 1860, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 10: 520. pl. 4 (Grunow il. 2) fig. 22b. This variety was rare in one locality. Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215). Pinnularia subcapitata Greg., 1856, Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci., 4: 9. pl. 1, fig. 30. This species, as figured by Gregory, has distinctly capitate ends and an indistinct central nodule. Certainly it does not form a stauros. Some workers have confused this typical species with its variety stauroneiformis. They have called specimens with a stauros and subcapitate ends by the specific name. A study of Gregory’s original plate will show that the diatom he was describing is distinctly different from the stauroid variety. Monroe County: Lake Tamaque, 2039 Hodge (A-2154). Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 191 Pinnularia subcapitata v. paucistriata Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 6, fig. 23. This diatom was only found once, but then it was of frequent occurrence. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190). Pinnularia subcapitata v. stauroneiformis Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 6, fig. 22. This variety was found in several habitats but was frequent in none. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Davy’s Run, 2056 Patrick (A-2180), Spring Run, 2037 C. Myers (A-2150). Pike County: Greeley, 1-2 Burke (A-2186-88). Wayne County: 2021 Burke and Patrick (A- 2123), 2024 Burke and Patrick (A-2129). TABELLARIAE Cleve subgenus In many instances it is very difficult to distinguish this group from the Divergentes. As I have not studied these groups critically, I shall follow the classification of Cleve and Hustedt. A. Valves with lunate markings on each side of the central nodule P. stomatophora A. Valves without such markings B. Valves linear, apices rounded, striae strongly radiate at center of valve, gradually shortened to form a stauros............... P. substomatophora B. Valves linear or linear-lanceolate with somewhat rostrate-capitate ends P. gibba and var. Pinnularia gibba Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: pl. 1, fig. II, 8; pl. 3, fig. I, 4. Pirate III, ric. 2-5 I have not been able to find the original reference to Pinnularia gibba. In the above cited article, Ehrenberg gives four illustrations of P. gibba. One illustration, Pl. 7, fig. 17, 3, Ehrenberg questions as being this species. The other three illustrations seem to refer to two distinctly different diatoms. Two illustrations, Pl. 1, fig. 17, 8, and Pl. 3, fig. I, 4, are more as the present concept of P. gibba. The third illustration, Pl. 2, fig. I, 24, is hard to identify as being any form recognized to-day. Ehrenberg also describes in the above reference, p. 423, Pl. 1, fig. II, 3, Stauroptera gibba. He states that this is in some ways like P. gibba, but is a doubtful form. I have included in my plates reproductions of Ehrenberg’s figures. Ehren- berg states the magnification is 300 times. As to my specimens, two diatoms were found which belong to the P. gibba series. One was like the specimens on H. L. Smith Spec. Typ. No. 275 which is probably the typical form. The specimens which I found were always in association with Sphagnum. This species was very frequent in a composite collection made by Mr. Frank Myers from Pocono Lake. Monroe County: Lost Lake, 2020 Turner (A-2121); Pocono Lake Pre- 192 FarLow1A, VoL. 2, 1945 serve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213), South Pocono Lake, 2011 Patrick (A-2103). Pinnularia gibba v. rostrata var. nov. Prate III, Fic. 6 Valvae lineares, 69 « longae, 10 u latae, apicibus rostratis; area axiali lata; striis 9 in 10 », intermediis parum radiantibus, terminalibus convergentibus. Type: Monroe County: Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213). Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2034 Patrick (A-2144), F. Myers (A-2213); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Pinnularia stomatophora (Grun.) Cleve, 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 83. Navicula stomatophora Grun., 1876, in A. Schmidt’s Atlas Diatomaceen-Kunde, pl. 44, figs. 24, 26. Though found in several localities this species was rare in all. Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217), 2190 Shulze (A-2236); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2208). Pinnularia substomatophora Hustedt, 1935, Archiv fiir Hydrobiol. und Planktonk. Suppl. 14: 160. pl. 2, fig. 14. This species is present in several localities but frequent in none. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A- 2213); Wier Lake, 2046-47 Hodge (A-2169-70). Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188); Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 13 Burke (A-2206). DIVERGENTES Cleve subgenus This group seems to be closely allied to the Tabellariae and in some cases it is very hard to decide in which group a species belongs. As I have not made a critical study of these groups, I have followed the classification of Cleve. A. Central area with a horseshoe-shaped thickening on each side of the central nodule P. divergens and vars. A. Central nodule without such thickenings B,. Edge of valve triundulate ..5:...dsdviwnsdesaveous P. legumen B. Valve linear, narrowed toward the ends C. Length less than 25 wi... eee eee eee P. obscura C. Length over 40m cc cisisseesaresicccasavaes P. Brebissonii Pinnularia Brebissonii (Kiitz.) Rabenhorst, 1864, Flora Europea Algarum, p. 222. Navicula Brebissonii Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 93. pl. 3, fig. 49; pl. 30, fig. 39. Kiutzing says that this species is the same as Frustulia bipunctata Breb. Cons, Diat., p. 18 (sec. specim.). Miss Hilda F. Harris has verified this reference for me, and states that no description or illustration is given. Therefore even if it is the same as Frustulia bipunctata, the name Pinnu- laria Brebissonii is valid. PaTRIcK: Pocono DIATOMS 193 Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A- 2213). Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217), 2188 Shulze (A-2234). Pinnularia divergens W. Sm., 1853, Brit. Diat., 1: 57. pl. 18, fig. 177. This species though found in several localities is frequent in none. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015 Patrick (A-2111), 2017-18 Patrick (A-2115-18); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213), 2065 Patrick (A-2182); South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2102); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140). Pike County: 2190 Shulze (A-2236); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184). Pinnularia divergens v. parallela (Brun) Freng., 1924, Anales Soc. Cient. Argen- tina 97: 102. Pinnularia parallella (divergens W. Sm. var.) Brun, 1895, Le Diatomiste 2: pl. 14, fig. 7. This species was found twice but was not frequent in either locality. Pike County: 129 Shulze (A-2219), 2190 Shulze (A-2236). Pinnularia legumen Ehbr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841: pl. 4, fig. I, 7. This species is also mentioned in the Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1843: 255, but is not described. There may be an earlier description which I have not found. I have checked this identification with Van Heurck’s Type Slide no. 69. This species was found only in one locality and then it was rare. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2205). Pinnularia obscura Krasske, 1932, Hedwigia 72: 117. pl. 3, fig. 22. In his description Krasske states that the striae are 10 in 10 ». In my specimen they are 12 in 10 yp, otherwise it is the same as Krasske’s descrip- tion. This species was found in only one locality but there it was very frequent. Pike County: Greeley, 2 Burke (A-2188). Mayrores Cleve subgenus Pinnularia Clevii sp. nov. Pirate III, Fics. 7-10 Valvae bis constrictae, 112 « longae, ad medium 16 yp latae; apicibus leviter rostratis ; costis 9 in 10 u, centro aliquid radiantibus, in apicibus convergentibus, area axiali lata, raphe simplice lata. Type: Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 263 Shulze (A-2225). This species was first observed by P. T. Cleve and for that reason I am naming it after him. In 1891 (Acta Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 8 (2): 24. pl. 1, fig. 3) Cleve referred this species to Pinnularia essox Ehrenberg. An examination of Ehrenberg’s original plate (Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: pl. J, fig. JJ, 4) shows clearly that these two spe- cies are not the same. Ehrenberg’s Pinnularia essox was no doubt the same as Navicula essox on H. L. Smith’s Species Typicae No. 272. This species 194 FARLowI1A, Vor. 2, 1945 really belongs to the genus Caloneis. I have included a copy of Ehrenberg’s and Cleve’s original figures. Also I have included a photograph of one of the specimens of H. L. Smith’s Species Typicae No. 272. This species was only found in one locality. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262-63 Shulze (A-2223-2225). Pinnularia maior (Kiitz.) W. Sm., 1853, Brit. Diat., 1: 54. pl. 18, fig. 162. Frustulia maior Kiitz., 1833, Syn. Diat., p. 547. pl. 14, fig. 25. This species was found in several localities but was frequent in none. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2016 Patrick (A-2113); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2234-36); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184). Pinnularia maior v. transversa (A. Schmidt) Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 90. Navicula transversa A. Schmidt, 1876, Atlas Diat., pl. 43, figs. 5, 6. This variety was rare in the localities where it was found. Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A- 2213). Pike County: 129 Shulze (A-2219), 2190 Shulze (A-2236). CoMPLEXAE Cleve subgenus A. Striae usually 5 or less in 10 u B. Valves broader at the middle and ends, thus producing a swollen appearance P. nobilis B. Valves linear with ends slightly narrower, but broadly rounded P. streptoraphe B. Striae usually more than 6 in 10 u C. Valves linear, with rounded ends; ends as broad if not broader than the rest OF THE Valve 5p cicaigegaew dosed teas ems a paeateegeeekie’ P. gentilis C. Valves linear or very slightly lanceolate, gradually diminishing in width to- wards the ends of the valve, thus producing in some cases a slightly elliptical effect, the band across the striae very variable as to its appearance P. viridis and vars. Pinnularia gentilis (Donk.) Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 92. Navicula gentilis Donk., 1870-73, Nat. Hist. Brit. Diat. p. 69. pl. 12, fig. 1. This species was very frequent in Jaggie’s Bog, Monroe County. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 262-63 Shulze (A-2223-25). Pinnularia nobilis Ehr., 1840, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 214. This species was very frequent in a collection made by Shulze which was simply designated as Pike County. It was also common in a collection from Jaggie’s Bog. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 263 Shulze (A-2225). Pike County: 128-29 Shulze (A-2217-19). Pinnularia streptoraphe Cl., 1891, Acta Soc. pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 8 (2): 23. This species was common in a collection made by Shulze which was simply designated as Pike County. Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 195 Monroe County: Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A- 2213). Pike County: 128-29 Shulze (A-2217-19); Greeley, 1 Burke (A-2184). Pinnularia viridis (Nitzsch) Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: pl. 1, aa ye rhe a Ub (cio fl see Bacillaria viridis Nitzsch, 1817, N. Schrift. Naturf. Ges. Halle 3 (1): 99. pl. 6, figs. 1-3. F This species was very frequent in a composite sample of collections made by Myers from Pocono Lake. Actually it may not be so frequent in any single habitat. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2013-14 Patrick (A-2107-10); Jaggie’s Bog, 263 Skulze (A-2225); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Pike County: 127-29 Shulze (A-2215-19), 2188-90 Shulze (A-2234-36); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 12 Burke (A-2204). Pinnularia viridis v. elliptica Meister, 1912, Beitrage zur Krypt.-Flora Schw., 4 (1): 150. pl. 23, fig. 4. This variety occurred only in one locality and then it was rare. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 263 Shulze (A-2225). Pinnularia viridis v. fallax Cl., 1895, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 27 (3): 91. This variety occurred only once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2017 Patrick (A-2115). Pinnularia viridis v. sudetica (Hilse) Hustedt apud Pascher, 1930, Siissw. Flora Mitteleurop. Heft 10: 335. Pinnularia sudetica Hilse, 1860, Jahres-Berichte Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cult. 36: 82. As this name is older than P. commutata for this variety it is the one that should be used. It is doubtful to me that this form should be con- sidered a variety of viridis because the raphe is simple instead of being complex as is characteristic for this group. However Grunow, Cleve, and Hustedt considered it to be. I have not as yet arrived at any definite conclusions. This variety was very frequent in Lost Lake which is a strongly dis- trophic Sphagnum bog. Monroe County: Lost Lake, 2020 Turner (A-2121). Pike County: 129 Shulze (A-2219). AMPHORA CLEVE Amphora ovalis Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 107. pl. 5, fig. 35. Frustulia ovalis Kiitz., 1833, Linnaea 8: 539. pl. 13, fig. 5. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201). Amphora ovalis v. Pediculus (Kiitz.) Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 1, figs. 6, 7, text (1885) p. 59. Cymbella pediculus Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 80. pl. 5, fig. 8. 196 Fartow1A, VoL. 2, 1945 This variety, like the species, was not often found in this study. It was rare and found in only two localities. Monroe County: Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2168). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Amphora perpusilla Grun., 1884, Denk. Akad. Wiss. Wien 48: 50. pl. 1, fig. 6. This species was rare in one locality. Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123). CYMBELLA AcarpH A. Central nodule with an isolated stigma or the median striae ending in an isolated punctum at the central nodule B. Stigma present C. Stigma on dorsal side, valve more or less naviculoid with the ventral margin usually swollen at the central area....... C. sinuata C. Stigma on ventral side of central nodule, valve cymbelloid C. tumida B. Stigma not present, ventral striae ending in isolated puncti, in valve view distinctly cymbelloid in shape..................2.0000- C. cistula A. Central nodule without an isolated stigma, ventral striae at central nodule not end- ing in isolated puncti D. Valve view distinctly cymbelloid, raphe excentric E. Raphe forming a straight line usually quite close to the edge of the valve F, Striae distinctly lineolate, ventral edge of valve straight or somewhat convex at central nodule.......C. turgida F. Striae not distinctly lineolate G. Terminal nodules distant from the ends of the valves, the fissure of the terminal nodule prolonged at a slight angle to the general direction of the raphe C. scotica G. Terminal nodules near the ends of the valve, fissure not prolonged as above................ C. ventricosa E. Raphe somewhat curved or arched, more distant from the ventral MOSTEI Laeieae ese ewan cava bade boa eoseaesciwls C. aspera D. Valve more naviculoid in shape, raphe usually only slightly excentric H. Small forms with indistinct central area I. Striae 24 or more in 10 yu................. C. microcephala I. Striae typically less than 20 in 10 uw, raphe more excentric C. amphicephala H. Larger forms with distinct central area J. Striae less than 10 in 10 yp, valve elliptically lanceolate C. Ehrenbergii J. Striae more numerous K. Ends of valve produced, apiculate. .C. cuspidata K. Ends of valve produced, capitate to rostrate C. naviculiformis K. Ends only slightly produced........ C. Hauckii Patrick: Pocono D1aToMs 197 Cymbella amphicephala Naeg. ex Kiitz., 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 860. This species was rare in the various habitats listed. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015 Patrick (A-2111), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140), 2033 Patrick (A- 2142); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Cymbella aspera (Ehr.) Herib., 1893, Diat. Auvergne, p. 69. pl. 3, fig. 10. Cocconeis aspera Ehr., 1839, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1839: 30. Though found in two of the acid lakes, this species was very frequent only in Mountain Lake in which the pH is 7.3. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Pocono Lake, F. Myers (A-2213); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Cymbella cistula (Ehr.) Kirchn., 1878, in F. Cohn’s Kryptogamen-Flora von Schles., 2: 189. Cocconema cistula Ehr. apud Hempr. and Ehr., 1831, Symbolae Physicae: Ani- malia Evertebrata Exclusis Insectis — First Series, no page number, pl. 2, fig. 10. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2167); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2175). Cymbella cuspidata Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 79. pl. 3, fig. 40. Though found in many habitats, this species was always rare. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131); Pocono Lake Preserve, South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A-2101); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032. Patrick (A-2140); Pocono Lake, 2036 Patrick (A-2149); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201), 12 Burke (A-2205); 130 Shulze (A-2221); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227). Cymbella Ehrenbergii Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 79. pl. 6, fig. 11. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119); Jaggie’s Bog, 263 Shulze (A-2225). Cymbella Hauckii Van Heurck in Hauck and Richter Phykotheka Universalis No. 147. (Reference checked for me by Dr. David H. Linder) Pike County: Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2204), 127 Shulze (A-2215), 128-130 Shulze (A-2217-21). Cymbella microcephala Grun. apud Van Heurck 1880, pl. 8, figs. 36-39, text (1885) p. 63. The identification of this species was checked with Van Heurck Type Slide 211. In both habitats in which this species was found, the water was approximately pH 7. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174). 198 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 Cymbella naviculiformis Auersw., 1861, in Rabenhorst Algen Europea, no. 1065. This species though found in several habitats was always rare. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2205), 127 Shulze (A-2215). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke (A-2124). Cymbella scotica W. Sm., 1853, Brit. Diat., 1: 18. pl. 2, fig. 25. This species is one of the most widely distributed of those found in this study. Its distribution in no way seems to be correlated with the acidity or alkalinity of the water. It was found in shallow water. It is of common occurrence only in Lake Pocono, and very frequent in Trout Lake. Lackawanna County: Indian Lake, 2044 Hodge (A-2165). Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042-43 Hodge (A-2160-62). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110), 2018 Patrick (A-2118), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, South Pocono Lake, 2010 Patrick (A- 2101); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); Pocono Lake, 2034-36 Patrick (A-2144-48); 2038 Patrick (A-2152), 2065 Patrick (A-2182). Pike County: 2188-89 Shulze (A-2234-35); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 4 Burke (A-2192), 10-12 Burke (A-2201-05), 14 Burke (A-2208). Cymbella sinuata Greg., 1856, Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci. 4: 4. pl. 1, fig. 17. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Wayne County: Angels, 2021-22 Burke and Patrick (A-2123-25). Cymbella tumida (Bréb.) Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 2, fig. 10, text (1885) p. 64. Cocconema tumidum Bréb. ex Kiitz., 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 60. The identification of this species has been checked with Van Heurck Type Slide no. 21. It was rare in the two localities given below. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Cymbella turgida Greg., 1856, Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci. 4: 5. pl. 1, fig. 18. This species was rare in the various localities. Monroe County: Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2233, 2236). Cymbella ventricosa Ag., 1830, Consp. Crit. Diat., part 1, p. 9. This species, though found in many different habitats in this study, was only twice of very frequent occurrence, in Mountain Lake and in Shohola Falls. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2014 Patrick (A-2110), 2016 Patrick (A-2113), 2018 Patrick (A-2117), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178) ; Pocono Lake Preserve, Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142); Mud PATRICK: PocoNo DIATOMS 199 Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2034—36 Patrick (A-2144—48), 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Ray- mondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2021); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A- 2174); Wier Lake, 2046-47 Hodge (A-2168-70). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215), 130 Shulze (A-2221), 2190 Shulze (A-2236); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 10 Burke (A-2200), 11 Burke (A-2202), 14 Burke (A-2209), 15 Burke (A- 2211), 2190 Shulze (A-2236), 127 Shulze (A-2215), 130 Shulze (A-2221); Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227). GOMPHONEMA AcArDH All of the species of this genus which were found in this study belong to that section of the genus which is characterized by having a punctum ending one of the median striae or present in the central area. A. Valve distinctly asymmetrical to the transverse axis of the valve, apices distinctly different B. Striae at center of valve alternately longer and shorter, thus producing a Taciate venecke amet sieepeiws se suck oa a fsa anda tus teapot G. constrictum B. Striae not alternately longer and shorter at center of valve C. Valve broadest at apex of valve D. Valve distinctly constricted just below apex G. acuminatum D. Valve gradually tapering to opposite apex G. augur C. Valve broadest below apex of valve E. Apex wedge-shaped, somewhat apiculate . G. turris E. Apex distinctly capitate................ G. sphaerophorum A. Valve, though asymmetrical to the transverse axis, with apices not so distinctly dif- ferent as above F. Apices of valve acute, the valve narrow and somewhat delicate in appearance G. gracile Es Apicessof valve obtusesss.% ss. secrete cee oe G. angustatum var. F. Apices of valve capitate, valve not over 30 uw long..... G. parvulum Gomphonema acuminatum Ebr., 1832, Abhandl. K. Wiss. Berlin 1831: 88. This species was rare in all localities cited. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2161). Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A- 2168). Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231); Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Gomphonema acuminatum v. coronatum (Ehr.) Rabh., 1864, Flora Europaea Algarum, p. 290. Gomphonema coronatum Ehrenberg, 1840, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 211. This species was only found in one locality and there it was rare. Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1621-23 Shulze (A-2227-31). 200 FarLowl!A, Vou. 2, 1945 Gomphonema acuminatum v. pusillum Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 23, fig. 19. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2167); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Pike County: 130 Shulze (A-2221); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2209). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Pat- rick (A-2123). Gomphonema acuminatum v. laticeps (Ehr.) Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 23, fig. 17. Gomphonema laticeps Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1841: 416. This species was found in one habitat and there it was rare. It may well be a contamination from some other locality. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Gomphonema angustatum v. obtusatum (Kiitz.) Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880 Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 24, figs. 43-45. Sphenella obtusata Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 83. pl. 9, fig. 1. Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Pat- rick (A-2123). Gomphonema augur Ehr., 1840, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840: 211, ’ This species was very frequent in the surface vegetation of Mountain Lake. The pH was 7.3. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2204). Gomphonema constrictum Ehr., 1832, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1830: 63. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, 2042 Hodge (A-2160). Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). Gomphonema constrictum v. capitatum (Ehr.) Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 23, fig. 7, text (1885) p. 123. Gomphonema capitatum Ehr., 1838, Die Infusionsthierchen als volkommene Or- ganismen, p. 217. pl. 18, fig. 2. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2010 Patrick (A-2102), 2015 Patrick (A-2111), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178): Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Tobyhanna Creek, 2032-33 Patrick (A-2140-42); Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166); Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2174); Wier Lake, 2046 Hodge (A-2169). Pike County: 2188-90 Shulze (A-2233-36): Bushkill Creek, 1621 Shulze (A-2227); Shohola Falls, 3-4 Burke (A-2190-92), 10-12 Burke (A-2200-04). Gomphonema gracile Ehr., 1838, Die Infusionsthierchen als volkommene Organis- men, p. 217. pl. 18, fig. 3. Though this species was found in several habitats, it was of frequent PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 201 occurrence only in Bushkill and Tobyhanna Creeks. My specimens cor- respond to those illustrated by Van Heurck in the Synopsis Diatomées Belgique, but they vary from the specimens on Cl. and Moll. Type Slide no. 274 in that the central areas of my specimens are more distinctly unilateral. Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Monroe County: Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142); Wier Lake, 2046-47 Hodge (A-2169-70). Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1621-23 Shulze (A-2227-31); Shohola Falls, 14 Burke (A-2209). Gomphonema gracile v. auritum (A. Braun) Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 24, fig. 15, text (1885) p. 125. Gomphonema auritum A. Braun ex Kiitz., 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 68. I have checked these identifications against Van Heurck’s Type Slide no. 212 and find that my specimens agree with this variety except in the structure of the central area. In my specimens the central area is more as v. lanceolata, but in other respects they seem to be v. auritum. No doubt they are an intermediate form. I refer to the specimens from Tobyhanna Creek. In the specimens from Bushkill Creek the striae are 9 in 10 p. Those on Van Heurck’s slide have 14 striae in 10 ». However, Cleve (K. Sy. Vet, Akad. Hand]. 26 (2): 182) states that this variation is possible. Monroe County: Tobyhanna Creek, 2032 Patrick (A-2140). Pike County: Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231). Gomphonema gracile v. naviculoides (W. Sm.) Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1880, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 24, fig. 13. Gomphonema naviculoides W. Sm., 1856, Brit. Diat., 2: 98. This variety was very frequent once and then in very shallow water on the surface of leaves in a puddle at Angels near Mill Creek. The tempera- ture of the water was between 50-60° F. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201). Wayne County: Angels, 2024 Burke and Patrick (A-2129). Gomphonema parvulum Kiitz., 1849, Spec. Algarum, p. 65. Sphenella ? parvula Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 83. pl. 30, fig. 63. Hustedt states that this species prefers standing water. In this study it seemed to reach its best development and to be of very frequent occurrence in shallow, cool, swift, flowing water of Davy’s Run and Mill Creek. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015-16 Patrick (A-2111-13), 2019 Pat- rick (A-2119), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Pocono Lake, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Pocono Lake, 2036 Patrick (A- 2148), 2065 Patrick (A-2182); Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142) ; Trout Lake, 2049 Hodge (A-2175); Wier Lake, 2047 Hodge (A-2170). Pike County: 127 Skulze (A-2215); Bushkill Creek, 1623 Shulze (A-2231) ; Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195); Shohola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 10-11 Burke (A-2201-02). Wayne County: Angels, 2021 Burke and Patrick (A-2123), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). 202 FaRLowlA, Vor. 2, 1945 Gomphonema parvulum v. micropus (Kiitz.) Cl., 1894, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand. 26 (2): 180. Gomphonema micropus Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 84. pl. 8, fig. 12. This variety was very frequent in only one locality, in Wayne County. The habitat was in very shallow water on the surface of leaves. The tem- perature of the water was between 50—60° F. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Wayne County: Angels, 2022-24 Burke and Patrick (A-2125-29). Gomphonema sphaerophorum Ehr., 1845, Ber. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1845: 78. This species was only found once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Gomphonema turris Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841: 416. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2201). CYSTOPLEURA Bresisson Cystopleura has to be used instead of Epithemia for the latter is pre- occupied by a genus of flowering plants. Species of this genus were rarely found in this study and those noted below were rare in each of the localities. Cystopleura turgida (Ehr.) Kuntze, 1891, Revis. Gen, Plant., 2: 891. Navicula turgida Ehr., 1832, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1830: 64. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Cystopleura Zebra v. proboscidea (Kiitz.) De Toni, 1892, Sylloge Algarum (Bacill.) 2: 784. Epithemia proboscidea Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 35. pl. 15, fig. 13. This identification has been checked with Van Heurck’s Type Slide no. 254. My specimens are like the specimens on this slide except the ventral margin of the valve is straight instead of being slightly arched in the center. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178). Cystopleura Zebra v. saxonica (Kiitz.) De Toni, 1892, Sylloge Algarum (Bacill.) 2: 784. Epithemia saxonica Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 35. pl. 5, fig. 15. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). RHOPALODIA O. MULLER Rhopalodia gibba (Ehr.) Miill., 1897, Engler’s Bot. Jahrb. 22: 65. pl. 1, figs. 15-17. Navicula gibba Ehr., 1832, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1831: 80. This species, though found in several localities, was always rare. Monroe County: Mountain Lake, 2051 Hodge (A-2178); Pocono Lake PATRICK: PocoNo DIATOMS 203 Preserve, Pocono Lake, 2035 Patrick (A-2146). Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). ‘ HANTZSCHIA Grunow Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehr.) Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 103. Eunotia amphioxys Ehr., 1843, Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841: 413. pl. 1, fig. I, 26. This species was only found once and then it was rare. Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217). Hantzschia elongata (Hantz.) Grun. apwd Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17: 104. Nitzschia vivax v. elongata Hantz., 1860, Hedwigia 2(6): 35-36. pl. 6, fig. 5. In the text the citation is as given above. In the explanation of the plate it is cited as Nitzschia elongata. This species was very frequent in Jaggie’s Bog. Monroe County: Jaggie’s Bog, 263 Skulze (A-2225). Pike County: 128 Shulze (A-2217); Shohola Falls, 12 Burke (A-2204). NITZSCHIA Hassati A. Frustule with middle part of valve spindle-shaped, ends long attenuate Nitzschiellae A. Frustule not so formed B. Keel punctae prolonged into ribs extending over the surface of the valve Grunowiae B. Keel punctae not forming ribs, valve usually not constricted in the middle, valve usually lanceolate ............. Dace lacdishs cnt. s Lanceolatae GRUNOWIA4E (Rabenhorst) Grunow Nitzschia sinuata v. Tabellaria Grun. afud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 60, figs. 12, 13, text (1885) p. 176. Denticula Tabellaria Grun., 1862, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 12: 548. pl. 18 (Gru- now’s plate 12) fig. 206. I have checked this determination with Grunow’s determination on Van Heurck’s Type Slide no. 386. This variety was frequent in a collection which was made by squeezing out plants of Elodea found in Popomoning Lake. Monroe County: Popomoning Lake, 2045 Hodge (A-2166). LANCEOLATAE Grunow A. Striae less than 20 in 10 yu, distinctly punctate......... N. amphibia A. Striae more than 24 in 10 », keel punctae 7-10 in 10 u... N. Hantzschiana and vars. A. Striae usually more than 30 in 10 yw, keel punctae 11 or more in 10 u N. palea 204 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1945 Nitzschia amphibia Grun., 1862, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 12: 574. pl. 12, fig. 23. This species was found only once and then it was very rare. Northampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Nitzschia Hantzschiana Rabh., 1860, Hedwigia 2: 40. pl. 6, fig. 6. Rabenhorst refers one to his Algen Sachs. resp. Mitteleurop. no. 943, but no description is furnished. He simply compares this species to others. This species was found only once but in that habitat it was common. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 15 Burke (A-2211). Nitzschia Hantzschiana f. subserians Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique, pl. 69, fig. 2. This form was found in only one locality, but it was common there. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 15 Burke (A-2211). Nitzschia palea (Kiitz.) W. Smith, 1856, Brit. Diat. 2: 89. Synedra palea Kitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 63. pl. 3, fig. 27; pl. 4, fig. 2. This species was found in several habitats, but was common in only one locality, Green Pond, a body of water which has a higher mineral content than the other lakes or bodies of water that were studied. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). North- ampton County: Green Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Pike County: Sho- hola Falls, 3 Burke (A-2190), 10 Burke (A-2200). Nitzschia palea v. debilis (Kiitz.) Grun. apud Cl. and Grun., 1880, K. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. 17 (2): 96. Synedra debilis Kiitz., 1865, Bacill., 2d ed. p. 65. pl. 3, fig. 45. This variety was found only once but there it was common. It was found associated with the species. Northampton County: Green*Pond, 2050 Hodge (A-2176). Nitzschia palea v. tenuirostris Grun. apud Van Heurck, 1881, Syn. Diat. Belgique pl. 69, fig. 31, text (1885) p. 183. This variety was found only twice and then it was rare. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 4 Burke (A-2192), 11 Burke (A-2202). NITZSCHIELLAE Rabenhorst Nitzschia acicularis (Kiitz.) W. Sm., 1853, Brit. Diat. I: 43. pl. 15, fig. 122. Synedra acicularis Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 63. pl. 4, fig. 3. The specimens found were smaller than usual, being 45 » long and 2.3 p wide. This species was only found in one locality, and then it was rare. Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10 Burke (A-2200). STENOPTEROBIA Brespisson Stenopterobia intermedia (Lewis) Van Heurck, 1896, Treatise on the Diatomaceae, p. 374. Surirella intermedia Lewis, 1863, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 15: 338. pl. 1, fig. 2. PATRICK: Pocono D1aToms 205 This species was rare in one collection which was designated by Shulze as Pike County. Pike County: 127 Shulze (A-2215). SURIRELLA Turpin A. Valves isopolar B. Wings clearly evident in valve view, caniculi 20 or less in 100 uw, valves linear HATICCOLALC) sire ayers pe eee Si hs cris Sei -cis: nee a taieenaey eran te S. biseriata B. Wings clearly evident in valve view, caniculi 30 in 100 xu, valves elliptical S. Moelleriana B. Wings not clearly evident in valve view C. Caniculi 50-60 in 100 yz, ends of valve rounded...S. gracilis C. Caniculi more than 60 in 100 g, ends of valve somewhat wedge-shaped S. angusta A. Valves heteropolar D. Wings not clearly developed in valve view, apparently marginal S. guatemalensis D. Wings clearly developed in valve view E. Frustule distinctly wedge-shaped in girdle view. ..S. splendida E. Frustule linear only slightly wedge-shaped in girdle view S. tenera and vars. Surirella angusta Kiitz., 1844, Bacill., p. 61. fl. 30, fig. 52. Though found in several localities it was frequent in only one which was from squeezings of moss in Mud Run. From this study it would seem that this species preferred running water. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2015 Patrick (A-2111), 2017 Patrick (A-2115), 2056 Patrick (A-2180); Pocono Lake Preserve, Mud Run, 2031 Hodge (A-2138); Tobyhanna Creek, 2033 Patrick (A-2142); Raymonds- kill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Shohola Falls, 10-11 Burke (A-2201-03), 14 Burke (A-2210). Wayne County: Angels, 2022 Burke and Patrick (A-2125), 2026 Burke and Patrick (A-2134). Surirella biseriata Bréb., 1836, Mem. Soc. Acad. Sci. Artes Belles Lettres de Falaise, 1835: 53. pl. 7. This species was found only once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Surirella gracilis (W. Sm.) Grun., 1862, Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien 12: 450. pl. 7 (Grunow’s plate 10) fig. 11. Tryblionella gracilis Smith, 1856, Brit. Diat., 2: 35. pl. 10, fig. 75. (Grunow ques- tions that this is the same.) This species was found only once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Surirella guatemalensis Ehr., 1854, Mikrogeologie, pl. 33, fig. VI, 7. This species has previously been reported from Massachusetts and Con- necticut. It was only found once or twice in the collection. However, since 206 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 it is such a distinct species and one not to be confused with any other, I have decided to include it. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Surirella Moelleriana Grun., 1870, Catalogue and “400” Type Plate of Moeller, 2-3-10. As indicated above this species is recorded as a new species in the cata- logue which accompanied Moeller’s “400” Type Plate. It is stated that these identifications are according to the classification of Grunow. It has been generally assumed that the identifications were made by Grunow. In some ways this species seems to be very similar to Surirella Amphioxys W. Smith, but until William Smith’s slide is seen, this problem cannot be settled. Smith does not give a figure and his description is not complete enough to be definite. This species was only found in one locality, but then it was of frequent occurrence, Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131-33). Surirella splendida Ehr., 1854, Mikrogeologie, pl. 2, fig. IIT, 16, fig. XIV, 35, pl. 35, figs. A-1, F-6. This species was found only once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2056 Patrick (A-2180). Surirella tenera Greg., 1856, Quart. Jour. Micros. Sci. 4: 11. pl. 1, fig. 38. This species was found only once and then it was rare. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, 2019 Patrick (A-2119). Surirella tenera v. nervosa A. Schmidt, 1875, Atlas Diatomaceen-Kunde, pl. 23, figs. 15-17. This species was rare in the two localities cited below. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). Pike County: Lake Wallenpaupek tributary, 5 Burke (A-2195). Surirella tenera v. Palmeri (Boyer) Hustedt, 1927, in A. Schmidt’s Atlas der Diato- maceen-Kunde, pl. 366, fig. 4, 5. Surirella Palmeri Boyer, 1920, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 47: 70. pl. 2, figs. 14, 15. This variety was fairly frequent in the one locality where it was found. Monroe County: Raymondskill Falls, 2025 Patrick (A-2131). ECOLOGICAL DISCUSSION In the consideration of the ecological relations of the species studied, I have thought it wise to consider in detail only those species which were very frequent or common in a given habitat. It is the purpose of such an ecological discussion as this one to correlate the presence of certain species to given ecological conditions. Therefore if a species or variety is not well established in a given habitat, it cannot be typically indicative of the con- ditions present. It is in the taxonomic consideration that the detailed PatTRIcK: Pocono DIATOMS 207 distribution of each species is given. The pH range given in parenthesis is that which Krieger ! has indicated for the species in question. A study of the various habitats shows the following relationships. Lackawanna County: Indian Lake, altitude 1960 ft., pH 5—5.2, bi- carbonates 8.5-11.6 p.p.m., calcium 1.54 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 10, length 0.7 kilometer. The flora was not very plentiful as to specimens or species in the collections made from this lake. Luzerne County: Harvey Lake, Catskill formation, altitude 1230 ft., pH 7, bicarbonates 21.4-32.9 p.p.m., calcium 7.64 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 10. Length about 4 kilometers. This is the largest natural lake in Pennsylvania. It is a deep body of water of irregular outline formed by glacial action and is surrounded by wooded moraine and farming country. The principal aquatics are Ceratophyllum demersum, Elodea canadensis, Fontinalis, disticha, Megalodonta Beckii, Najas flexilis, Potamogeton per- foliatus, Potamogeton epihydrus, Potamogeton crispus, Ranunculus tricho- phyllus. In the collections made from the bottom vegetation in shallow, still water, Cyclotella compta v. radiosa and Cocconeis placentula were the dominant forms. The collections made from the vegetation in running water at the outlet showed a more meager diatom flora. Monroe County: Davy’s Run, Pocono formation, is a mountain torrent arising on the Pocono Lake Preserve and emptying into Tobyhanna Creek. Its average pH is 5.8. The principal aquatic is Fontinalis dalecartica. The collections were made from several different habitats. In squeezings from Hypnum and Fontinalis growing in rapid water in deep shade, Achnanthes linearis, Eunotia Meisteri, Fragilaria virescens (pH 6.8-7.8), Gomphonema parvulum (pH 6.8-7.8), Navicula Rotaeana, N. subatomoides and Tabel- laria flocculosa (pH 3.5-5.6) were very frequent in occurrence. Squeezings from Fontinalis growing in full sun in running water yielded most frequently Achnanthes linearis, Eunotia pectinalis (pH 6-7.8), E. pectinalis v. minor, Navicula minima v. atomoides, N. Rotaeana and Vanheurckia rhomboides v. crassinervia (pH 4—-5.5). Though the observed average pH was 5.8, the species of most frequent occurrence had a minimum pH range of 3.5-6.8 and a maximum pH range of 5.5-7.8. In a spring fed ditch six inches deep which runs along the path in the woods which leads to Davy’s Run, Vanheurckia rhomboides v. crassinervia (pH 4—5.5) was commonly found. Sphagnum was also growing abundantly in the ditch. Lost Lake, Pocono formation, is a strongly distrophic Sphagnum bog. The temperature of the water in July was between 50-60° F. The well- developed diatom flora consisted of relatively few species. Those of very frequent or common occurrence were Eunotia robusta (pH 4.5-5.5), E. tautonensis, Pinnularia viridis v. sudetica, Vanheurckia rhomboides and V. rhomboides v. crassinervia (pH 4—-5.5). Noteworthy also was the fre- quent occurrence of Asterionella Ralfsii and the very frequent occurrence 1 Krieger, W. 1929. Beitrage zur Naturdenkmalpflege 13 (2): 233-300. 208 FARLOWIA, VOL. 2, 1945 of Eunotia Naegelii. The flora of this bog most nearly resembles that of Lake Tamaque which is also strongly distrophic. Mountain Lake, Catskill formation, altitude 600 ft., length about 0.5 kilometer, pH 7—7.3, bicarbonates 41.5—68.3 p.p.m., calcium 11.71 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 25. This is a narrow pond formed by damming Pond Creek and is surrounded by open farm country. The principal aquatics are Ceratophyllum demersum, Chara vulgaris, Elodea canadensis, Najas flexilis, Lemna minor, and Potamogeton epihydrus. In the collections which were made from the surface vegetation, a well-diversified flora was present. Those species which were very frequent or abundant were Cymbella aspera (pH 6.8-7.8), C. ventricosa (pH 6.8-7.8), Cocconeis placentula (pH 6.8— 7.8), Eunotia monodon v. major, Gomphonema augur, Navicula radiosa (pH 5-7.8) and Synedra ulna v. danica. Pocono Lake Preserve is in the Pocono formation at an altitude of about 1640 ft. This is a large area in the Pocono Plateau which has been set aside by the state in order to preserve the native flora and fauna. Mud Run is a small run on the preserve near Tobyhanna Creek. Squeez- ings from the moss growing in the spillway contained mainly Tabellaria fenestrata and T. flocculosa (pH 3.5-5.5). The pH at the time the collec- tions were made was pH 5.2. Pocono Lake, length about 5 kilometers, average pH 6.4, bicarbonates 15.9 p.p.m., calcium 2.37 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 40. Pocono Lake, surrounded by wooded country, is a long pond of irregular outline formed by damming Tobyhanna Creek. The principal aquatics are Drepanocladus exannulatus in large patches, Eleocharis acicularis lining areas of the shore, Fontinalis disticha, Fontinalis novae-angliae, Myriophyllum humile in large patches, Najas flexilis, Nitella flexilis in large patches, Potamogeton epihydrus adhering to submerged stumps and rocks, and Sphagnum subse- cundum. Several collections were made from the shallow water in the vi- cinity of the Emlen dock. The piles supporting the dock were also scraped. The diatoms of very frequent or common occurrence were Cymbella scotica (pH 4.5-5.5), Eunotia veneris (pH 4.5-5.5), Navicula radiosa vy. tenella, Tabellaria fenestrata, and T. flecculosa (pH 3.5-5.5), Vanheurckia rhom- boides v. crassinervia (pH 4-5.5), and V. rhomboides v. crassinervia f. ca- pitata. These findings according to the pH ranges of the species given by Krieger would mean a pH 3.5—5.5. Collections were also made from that portion of the lake known as South Pocono Lake. The principal aquatic plant is Sphagnum. The pH varies from pH 5.2-5.9 depending on the direction of the wind. The main diatoms associated with the Sphagnum were Eunotia robusta (pH 4.5-5.5) and Vankeurckia rhomboides v. crassinervia (pH 4—5.5). The two diatoms were also commonly associated with Sphagnum in Lost Lake. In Spring Run which empties into Pocono Lake, Eunotia microcephala and FE. veneris (pH 4.5—5.5) were commonly found. The water in this run is very shallow. Tobyhanna Creek is a rapid mountain stream from the damming of PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS 209 which Pocono Lake is formed. Below the dam the stream continues and empties into the Lehigh River at Stoddartsville, Luzerne County. Collec- tions were made from the shallow water near the banks a few hundred feet below the dam. The pH of the water was 6.4. The most common species were Tabellaria fenestrata, and T. flocculosa (pH 3.5—5.5). However a fairly diverse flora is present. The common occurrence of Tabellaria floc- culosa at this pH is somewhat higher than typical for the species. Perhaps there is some other more important factor than pH for the successful development of this species. Popomoning Lake (Sailor’s Lake) is in Chemung formation at an altitude of 660 ft., and is about 0.7 kilometer long, pH 8-8.1, bicarbonates 33.6— 34.2 p.p.m., calcium 8.82 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 15. This is a deep body of water, ovoid in shape, formed by glaciation and is surrounded by hilly wooded moraines. The principal aquatics are Elodea canadensis, Najas flexilis, and Potamogeton foliosus. Squeezings from the aquatics, particularly Elodea, yielded a fairly diverse flora with Eunotia veneris (pH 4.5-5.5) and Cocconeis placentula (pH 6.8-7.8) the principal species. Noteworthy was the frequent occurrence of Nitzschia sinuata v. Tabellaria. This was the only locality where this species was found in this study. The finding of Eunotia veneris in this lake was very contrary to expectations as far as pH is concerned. Lake Tamaque is in the Pocono formation at an altitude of 1800 ft., length about 0.4 kilometer, pH 3.8—4.2, bicarbonates 6.1 p.p.m., calcium 1.21 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 170. This round pond, surrounded by hills and low forest, is formed by the damming of Beaver Creek. It is strongly distrophic. The principal aquatics are Cladopodiella fluitans, Fontinalis disticha, Fontinalis novae-angliae, Myriophyllum humile, Sphagnum cuspt- datum, and Utricularia vulgaris. The flora is limited to a very few species. The most common is Vanheurckia rhomboides v. crassinervia, and of very frequent occurrence is Pinnularia Hilseana. In the collections taken from surface scum, Asterionella Ralfsti was also of common occurrence. Notable was the very frequent occurrence of Eunotia Naegelii. From this study it would appear that Asterionella Ralfsii and Eunotia Naegeli prefer strongly distrophic water. Trout Lake, Pocono formation, altitude 960 ft., length about 1 kilometer, pH 6.8, bicarbonates 12.2-15.8 p.p.m., calcium 2.57 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 10. Trout Lake is an oblong pond formed by the damming of Moun- tain Spring Creek and is surrounded by open farming land. The principal aquatics are Elodea canadensis, Najas flexilis, and Potamogeton epihydrus. The diatom flora was relatively richer in Navicula than that of other lakes studied. The flora was fairly well diversified. The most frequent species encountered were Cymbella scotica (pH 4.5-5.5) and Navicula radiosa v. tenella. The finding of Cymbella scotica at this pH is contrary to the find- ings of Krieger who lists this species under the name Cymbella gracilis, which I have previously shown to be an invalid name for this species. Wier Lake, Catskill formation, altitude 700 ft., length about 0.2 kilo- 210 FarLow!A, VoL. 2, 1945 meter, pH 6.6—6.8, bicarbonates 17.1-19.5 p.p.m., calcium 3 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 10. This is a roundish pond formed by damming Wier Creek which is surrounded by fairly level farming country. The principal aquatics are Elodea canadensis, Fontinalis antipyretica, and Fontinalis disticha. The flora is well developed as to species and specimens. In squeezings from the surface vegetation, Eunotia monodon v. major, Stauroneis phoeni- centeron (pH 6.8-7.8), and Synedra ulna (pH 6.8—7.8) were of common occurrence. In collections taken from the bottom vegetation in shallow water, Fragilaria bicapitata, F. elliptica, Navicula minima v. atomoides, and Odontidium hiemale v. mesodon were very frequent or common. Northampton County: Green Pond, Martensburg shale formation, alti- tude 400 ft., length about 0.1 kilometer, pH 8—8.1, bicarbonates 117.1- 137.3 p.p.m., calcium 35.8 p.p.m., color U.S.G.S. scale 50. This is a small roundish body of water which is formed from old wells and springs in the center. It is surrounded by open farming country. The principal aquatic is Najas flexilis. As seen by the water analysis, this pond has a higher mineral content than any of the other bodies of water which were analyzed. As might be expected, the diatom flora has a decidedly different aspect than that of the other bodies of water studied. The flora is less diversified and the dominant species is Nitzschia palea and its variety, debilis. Pike County: Bushkill Creek is located on the Catskill formation. As Bushkill Creek runs through both Pike and Monroe Counties it is doubtful in which county these collections were made. Mr. Shulze is dead and no one seems to know just where he collected. The collections were made in a spring on Bushkill Creek opposite the head of an island. A well-developed diatom flora is present. The genus Eunotia is the dominant genus, and the species of common or very frequent occurrence are Eunotia flexuosa, Euno- tia lunaris (pH 4-7.8), Eunotia pectinalis (pH 6—-7.8), and Eunotia pecti- nalis v. undulata. Thus it would seem from the diatoms that the pH was probably between 6-—7.8. The swamp at Greeley is on the Catskill formation. Collections from Fontinalis in the brook running through the swamp contained a flora fairly rich in Eunotia and Pinnularia. However, the only two species of very frequent occurrence were Fragilaria virescens (pH 6.8-7.8) and Meridion circulare (pH 6.8-7.8). Collections from Sphagnum were also rich in Eunotia. The most frequent species were Eunotia septentrionalis, FE. tenella, Navicula festiva, and Pinnularia obscura, The collections made at Shohola Falls, which is on the Catskill forma- tion, were from a variety of habitats offered by a pond, a brook, and a fall. Also just below the falls is a gorge in a limestone outcrop. The flora in the gorge is distinctly different from that found in the other habitats of this region. In collections taken from the edge of the pond above the falls, the following species were common or very frequent, Eunotia flexuosa, E. lunaris (pH 4-7.8), Melosira italica (pH 6.5-7.8), Tabellaria fenestrata, and Tabellaria flocculosa (pH 3.5-5.5). From the moss and algae in the brook Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 211 the following species were very frequent or common: Cymbella ventricosa (pH 6.8-7.8), Eunotia lunaris (pH 4--7.8), Eunotia veneris (pH 4.6—-5.5), Fragilaria crotonensis, and Synedra ulna v. danica, From the moss in swift water at the top of the falls, the species of very frequent occurrence were Cocconeis placentula v. lineata (pH 6.8-7.8), Eunotia pectinalis v. undu- lata, Navicula radiosa v. tenella, and Synedra uina v. danica. In the algae at the top of the falls, the species of very frequent occurrence were Eunotia veneris (pH 4.5-5.5), Meridion circulare (pH 6.8-7.8), and Navicula radiosa v. tenella. In the scrapings from dripping rocks to one side of the . falls the species of very frequent occurrence were Eunotia lunaris (pH 4-7.8), E. pectinalis, E. pectinalis v. undulata, E, veneris (pH 4.6-5.5), Meridion circulare (pH 6.8-7.8), Navicula minima v. atomoides, Navicula placentula, Tabellaria fenestrata, and T. flocculosa (pH 3.5-5.5). Below Shohola Falls there is a limestone outcrop. The diatom flora found here is different from that of other habitats and clearly reflects the differ- ence of its geological and ecological environment. Collections made from the dripping rocks facing the falls contained mainly Nitzschia Hantzschiana, and Nitzschia Hantzschiana f. subserians. Other collections made from dripping rocks of the side wall of the gorge further down stream but above the concrete bridge, contained as the dominant species: Eunotia lunaris (pH 4-7.8), Melosira roeseana v. epidendron, Navicula Keeleyi, and N avi- cula perpusilla (pH 6.8-7.8). Wayne County: Mill Creek, altitude 1800 ft. Mill Creek is a rapid mountain stream located in the Catskill formation, and empties into the Paupack Creek. Enmeshed in the moss growing in the cool, shallow, swift water in the middle of the creek, Achknanthes lanceolata (pH 6.8-7.8), Gomphonema parvulum (pH 6.8-7.8) and Meridion circulare (pH 6.8—7.8) were very frequent. Growing on the stones in the swift water in the middle of the creek was Cocconeis placentula v. lineatus which was of very frequent occurrence. In the slow running water of a shallow tributary of Mill Creek, Achnanthes lanceolata (pH 6.8-7.8), Meridion circulare (pH 6.8-7.8), Odontidium hiemale v. mesodon, Synedra ulna v. danica and Vanheurckia rhomboides v. amphipleuroides were of very frequent occurrence. From the surface of dead leaves in very shallow water, Achnanthes lanceolata (pH 6.8-7.8), Fragilaria virescens (pH 6.8-7.8), Gomphonema gracile v. navi- culoides (pH 4.5-5.6), Gomphonema parvulum v. micropus, Meridion circulare v. constricta and Odontidium anceps were very frequent. The temperature of the water was between 50-60° F. It is interesting to note that though geographically these habitats are relatively close together, the dominant species are so variable. This is but another indication of how dependent the luxurious growth of a diatom is upon its immediate ecological habitat. Thus the more accurate information we have as to the requirements of each species the more valuable the diatom will be as an indicator of water conditions. 21z FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 As pointed out by Hustedt,* certain diatoms seem to be found typically associated with moss. In this study Eunotia Meisteri, E. microcephala, Fragilaria virescens, Navicula Rotaeana and Navicula subatomoides were most often associated with Hypnum and Fontinalis. Those species which reached their best development in association with Sphagnum were Eunotia robusta, Vanheurckia rhomboides v. crassinervia, Navicula festiva, N. quad- ripartita and Pinnularia obscura. ‘This study supports the conclusions of Hustedt that they are typically aerophils as usually the moss was in a par- » tially submerged habitat. In this group of aerophils is Fragilaria bicapitata, but in this study it was not found typically associated with moss. Other diatoms found in this study which seem to flourish in moss on dripping rocks or in partially submerged habitats are Melosira roeseana v. epi- dendron, Navicula Keeleyi and Tabellaria flocculosa. The genus Vanheurckia is interesting as an acidophil group. Vanheurckia rhomboides and V. rhomboides v. crassinervia, and V. rhomboides v. crassi- nervia f. capitata are found in various habitats. V. rhomboides v. crassinervia is one of the few diatoms which seems to thrive in strongly acid or distrophic water. V. rhomboides v. amphipleuroides on the other hand reaches its best development in much less acid water. Three other diatoms which seem to reach their best development in strongly distrophic conditions are Pinnularia Hilseana, Asterionella Ralfsii and Eunotia Naegeli. On the other hand Nitzschia palea and Nitzschia palea v. debilis were only found under alkaline conditions. Likewise Nitzschia Hantzschiana v. subserians was only found in association with a limestone outcrop. It might appear that Melosira roeseana v. epidendron also prefers water of a high mineral content. However, Mr. F. J. Keeley tells me that he has found Melosira roeseana v. epidendron growing on crystalline rocks. He believes that it is the habitat of dripping rocks in association with moss that is the crucial point. Certain diatoms considered in this study were most typically found grow- ing on rocks in shallow water. Achnanthes lanceolatum, Cocconeis placen- tula v. lineata, and Gomphonema parvulum seemed to prefer rocks in swift water, while Navicula per pusilla reached its best development on dripping rocks. Interesting also was the very frequent occurrence of Synedra ulna v. danica in the running water of brooks. This variety has most often been reported in the flora of lakes or ponds. It will be noted that in some cases the water was studied from a chemical standpoint. These were the bodies of water which Myers (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 94: 251-287. 1942) studied particularly in his work on the rotifers of this region. The chemical analyses were made to determine the pH, the amount of bicarbonates, and calcium. The richest diatom flora as to number of species present was between the pH ranges of 6.4—7.3. Lake *Hustedt, F., 1934. Abhandlungen und Vortrage herausgegeben von der Bremer Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft. 8/9: (1934) 362-403. Patrick: Pocono DIATOMS 213 Tamaque with a pH of 3.8-4.2, on the other hand, had a well-developed flora consisting of only a few species. The same tendency as to fewness of species was also noted in Green Pond with a pH of 8-8.1. It is interesting to compare the floras of Green Pond and Lake Popomon- ing. Both bodies of water have a pH of 8-8.1, but the mineral content of the water of Green Pond, as seen by the bicarbonate and calcium deter- minations, is much greater. The diatom floras are also distinctly different. As might be expected this would seem to indicate that the type of diatom flora is more closely correlated to mineral content than to pH. As the waters considered in this study are mostly acid, it is interesting to compare them with the acid water floras of New Jersey. Though similar in many respects, certain apparent lacks are of interest. For instance the genus Anomoeoneis, so commonly found in New Jersey, was not found in this study. Also certain species of Surireila described by Lewis from the White Mountains and frequently found in New Jersey were scarcely present in this study. Also the diatom Tzbiella punctata, which is characteristically found in New Jersey was only found once, in Pocono Lake. This record was not included, as I believe it might have been contamination since the collection was made with apparatus often used in New Jersey. However, I must add that there is no reason so far as I know why it should not be found in the Pocono region. Interesting also to note is the occurrence of Eunotia tautonensis which was originally found in New England and to date has not been reported from New Jersey. Generally speaking the diatom flora is that of a cool temperate region. It contains more species common to northern or mountainous regions than to the more moderate temperate regions. SUMMARY In this study two hundred forty-eight nomenclatorial entities were con- sidered and studied. Fifteen of these are new. The names of three species and one variety were validated by supplying an adequate description. The ecological factors which seem to be beneficial to the development of the various species have been considered in the ecological discussion. As this study is mostly concerned with the study of the diatom floras in moss and more or less acid water, the genera Eunotia, Tabellaria, Van- heurckia and certain sections of the genus Navicula are most abundant from a quantitative and qualitative standpoint. The genus Pinnularia reaches its best development in collections from Pike County, particularly in those collections made by Shulze. However, two Monroe County habi- tats — Pocono Lake and Jaggie’s Bog — have a fairly rich Pinnularia flora. Several genera such as Achnanthes, Cymbella, Gomphonema, Neidium and Surirella are fairly well represented as to number of species present, but seldom are these species of very frequent or common occurrence in the flora. As might be expected, the genera Amphora, Diploneis and Nitzschia are 214 FartowiA, Vor. 2, 1945 not well represented. Species of the genus Nitzschia are common only in Green Pond and in moss at the limestone outcrop below Shohola Falls, which have a relatively high mineral content. It is interesting to note the complete absence of the genus Anomoencis, Tibiella, and some of the species of Surirella which are often found in acid water floras. Likewise some of the species of the genera Cystopleura and Rhopalodia, which are considered by some to be aerophils, are poorly represented. ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Vy an wie ay > ile set hice a eo Se " 216 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 PLATE I 1. Eunotia tenella (Grun.) Hustedt ....................... x2000 2,3. Achnanthes Lewisiana sp. nov. ...................... X2633 4,5. Achnanthes lanceolata v. apiculata var. nov. .......... x2500 6,7. Achnanthes Oestrupii v. parvula var. nov. ............ x2617 8. Navicula exigua v. capitata 2.0.00. 0... cee cece ee ees x2100 217 PATRICK: Pocono DIATOMS Cm, TT NX Qos Pri Ivars TAI” > EB \\ : WD Pp Ut ly SS ee) CO PLateE I 218 STO PW hh FARLow1A, VoL. 2, 1945 PLATE II Achnanthes Stewartii sp. nov. ......... 000 ccceceeeceees x3031 Achnanthes Stewartii sp. nov. ....... pleats eee aie eos 4 x1719 Achnanthes Stewartii sp. nov. .............0. eee eeaee x2200 Calonels Lewiell spe M00). jo cpreiic suse eee eater uedeents x2100 Navicula poconoensis sp. NOV. ...........0000 eee eee eee x2537 Navicula concava sp. NOV. 2.0... elec eee e eee x2036 Waviciis Kreleyi ep. 00. 2. cpccended. dss idevisawiains x2160 Pocono DIaToMs PATRICK f ee = cite PuraTeE II 220 — i, 2, 4 6 “i 8 9 0 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 PLATE III Polaris Buck 2p. ROG. ciisexvniesinisedecaneiwues x2526 3,5. Pinnularia gibba, Ehrenberg’s illustration ........... x300 . Stauroptera gibba, Ehrenberg’s illustration .............. x300 . Pinnularia gibba v. rostrata var. NOV. ........... 000. eae x1500 Pinnularia essox as on H. L. Smith’s slide ............... x800 . Pinnularia essox, Ehrenberg’s illustration ............... x300 . Pinnularia Clevei sp. nov. ...... 0.00. c eee cece ees x598 . Pinnularia essox as illustrated by Cleve ................. x500 7rd Pocono DiaToms PATRICK WTI eieeds itt 4a] — nonhionansmeat’ j : as asin! “ss # hia faa. He Nalin initia Stith i Wii lili A (ue pate Prate III 2(2):223-303 FARLOWIA Jury, 1945 THE BOLETINEAE OF FLORIDA WITH NOTES ON EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Il. THE BOLETACEAE (GYROPOROIDEAE) R. SINGER The Boletaceae are the largest family of the suborder Boletineae. Much attention has been paid to them since Linné’s day because of their edible qualities. In recent years the practical aspect has shifted to another prob- lem, their physiological relationships with forest trees, and the economic significance of mycorrhizal symbiosis in forestry. It is obvious that no actual progress toward practical evaluation of the complicated biology of the mycorrhiza will be made without a profound knowledge of the taxon- omy of the Boletaceae and extensive, accurate field observations concerning their ecological characters. The present paper is an attempt to contribute to the knowledge of the Boletaceae of the state of Florida. Being a continuation of the first part treating the Strobilomycetaceae of Florida,’ this article is based upon the same concept as the foregoing part, and the reader is referred to the in- troduction to that paper. BOLETACEAE R. Maire (1901) Characters of the family: Pileus scaly, fibrillose, mealy, tomentose, granulose, velutinous, or glabrous, often becoming tessellate-rimose, viscid or dry, small to large, the margin sometimes projecting; hymenophore tubulose, rarely lamellate (in Phylloporus); tubes short to long, decurrent or adnate to depressed around the stipe, or free; pores very small or closed when quite young to very wide and open from the beginning, sometimes lamellately arranged (“boletinoid”), and then not so easily separated from the context of the pileus, usually very easily separable from the context, in one genus (Ixechinus), all the single tubes free from each other, discolorous, or more frequently concolorous with the pores, whitish to sordid, or whitish to yellowish, or yellow to golden yellow, more rarely orange or red, the pores sometimes orange to red or reddish brown, at last often olivaceous or yellowish brown, sometimes becoming dirty livid or brownish or blue to green on pressure; spore print olivaceous to deep olivaceous, cinnamon, or fawn color to vinaceous pink, or ochraceous, or lemon yellow; spores usually not very richly colored under the microscope even when quite ma- ture (except in Xanthoconium where they are bright golden), most fre- 1 Singer, R. The Boletineae of Florida with notes on extralimital species. I. Farlowia 2 (1): 97-141. 1945. 229 224 FARLow1IA, VoL. 2, 1945 quently pale melleous to melleous or brownish melleous, or pale yellowish, even hyaline, always smooth with homogeneous walls which rarely reach 1 » in diameter, their length rarely over 20 yw, usually well below 20 y, without germinative pore, with globose, subglobose, short-ellipsoid, fusoid- subcylindric, fusoid-ellipsoid, ovoid-fusoid, or cylindric outline; basidia and cystidia usually comparatively small, more rarely large: trama of the tube walls more or less bilateral in youth, in some genera (Phyloporus, Xerocomus) subregular, without an interlaced hymenopodium; hyphae with or without clamp connections; stipe cylindric, attenuate or thickened toward the base, or ventricose to bulbous, smooth, and glabrous or orna- mented with glandulae, with furfuraceous floccons, with scabrous squa- mulae, or with reticulate lines, solid to hollow; veil often present, and then membranaceous, or membranaceous-floccose, or glutinous, or pulverulent (and then mostly yellow), either fugacious or persistent as an annulus on the stipe; habitat: on earth, more rarely on decayed wood in wooded areas, one species (Xerocomus parasiticus) parasitic on Scleroderma, the majority symbiotic with forest trees, forming mycorrhiza. Type genus Boletus Dill. ex Fr. It has already become a commonplace to state the desirability of a parti- tion of the once all-embracing genus Boletus into smaller units. Yet the existing schemes proposed by W. A. Murrill and E. Gilbert respectively (the remaining classifications are either stubbornly Friesian, or they have not been accepted by the mycologists, or they are merely variations of Gilbert's arrangement) were satisfactory only in a very limited way. Mur- rill’s classification was satisfactory at a time when a system had to be mainly workable, i.e. an easy road leading to a generic name. While Murrill’s classification was mostly original, Gilbert’s scheme is merely an emendation and modernization of Queélet’s classification (1886-1888). Although Gil- bert expressly detests the evolutionary approach, he is more alluring to the phylogenetically minded modern mycologist because, at the expense of clear-cut divisions, he reunites mostly natural groups, or, at least, seems to have the tendency to do so. The real test came when additional anatomical and also chemical * characters were used to check on its principles and on its definition of genera, and when more facts on the richer boletaceous flora of North America and other extra-European regions became available to test its value. It cannot be denied that after careful examination of the resulting data, most of Gilbert’s definitions and some of his genera have become untenable; others are complex or collective, and many of the species cited by him will have to be transferred to other groups than those desig- nated for them by that author. As a whole, Gilbert’s classification, quite in contrast to its author’s claim, is a locally limited or, more accurately, a European system. When checked merely with European material, and by using only the limited number of characters admitted by Gilbert, it does * Since chemical characters are not available for all species of the Boletaceae, they do not appear much in the keys of this paper. I expect them, however, gradually to take an important place in scientific keys to genera as well as to the sections and species. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 225 not reveal many weak points, however, and this is the reason why it has been adopted with some modifications by most French authors, by this writer in his “System der Agaricales,” and, in the absence of anything better, even by the most competent American specialist, W. H. Snell (Mycologia 33: 415. 1941). The first step toward a more universal solution, based not only on macro- scopical and spore characters but on all anatomical, chemical and physio- logical characters available, was made by this writer in his essay on a group of genera he had studied in Siberia and compared with European and North American species: Suillus (Ixocomus ), Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyro- don. Gyroporus is an easily defined genus. Consequently there was left mainly the genus-complex around Boletus sensu stricto, i.e. the genera Xerocomus, Pulveroboletus, Boletus, Tylopilus, Leccinum, and_ besides some genera that had more recently been described from the tropics and subtropics: Gastroboletus, Phlebopus, Ixechinus, Boletochaete, Phaeogyro- porus, and Xanthoconium. As for the genera Phlebopus, Phaeogyroporus, and Xanthoconium, the author was able to secure all data necessary to insert these genera in any new classification; the genera Gastroboletus, Ixechinus, and Boletochaete, however, are in need of one or two descriptive details in order to receive their place in the system. We have attempted to reorganize the species belonging to all the above-mentioned genera in order to make these genera more natural and, at the same time, provide a more precise, delimitation between them enabling the student actually to deter- mine the genus prior to determining the species. These determinations are not easy, for in order to get down to the name, it is necessary to provide many more data on a given specimen than was hitherto required. But, provided the data are available, no guesswork will be necessary, and the keys should lead smoothly to the correct genus and species. The delimita- tion of the genera will be more fully discussed in its proper place. In the end, no verbal justification will make a classification acceptable. The actual test will be in the laboratories and herbaria. In order not to com- plicate unnecessarily the determination of the genera of Florida boletes by providing one key to all known genera, we thought it wise to add a second key for use in Florida only. This latter key is partly artificial, and takes into consideration only the characters of species treated as occurring in Florida in this paper. SURVEY OF THE SUBFAMILIES AND GENERA OF THE BOLETACEAE A. Group of genera imperfectly known but admitted because of the presence of some important character or correlated characters. (See B1, B2, B3) B 1. Setae present in the hymenium. Africa and Asia. Boletochaete B 2. Tubes separated from each other, free. Madagascar. Ixechinus ’ Singer, R. Les genres Ixocomus, Boletinus, Phylloporus, Gyrodon et Gomphidius. Rev. de Mycol. 3: 35-53, 157-177. pl. 4. 1938. 226 FArRLow1A, VoL. 2, 1945 B3. At least part of the surface layer of the pileus and the stipe connected and including the young hymenophore like a peridium. South-China. Gastroboletus A. Genera completely known anatomically and chemically, not showing any of the characters indicated under B1, B2, or B3. C. Clamp connections constantly present except in occasional parthenogenetic forms, and easy to observe on at least a fair percentage of the septa * (Species with elongate spores and large incrusted cystidia, forming mycorrhiza with conifers, and macroscopically characterized by having boletinoid hymeno- phores, are not included in this subfamily.) Subfam. Gyrodontoideae D. Hymenophore depressed or subfree around the apex of the stipe, not arcuate-decurrent. E. Spore print yellow. 1. Gyroporus E. Spore print olive brown. 2. Phaeogyroporus D. Hymenophore more or less arcuate-decurrent. F. Veil present; cystidia rather distinct. 3. Paragyrodon F. Veil none; cystidia usually very rare and inconspicuous. 4. Gyrodon C. Clamp connections either not constant in a genus (Boletinus) or very sparse (not more than 1-10 clamps per 100 septa), or persistently lacking. G. Hymenophore either boletinoid (lamellately arranged, radiately elon- gate pores, adnato-decurrent or deeply decurrent), or covered by a viscid-membranaceous or glutinous veil, or stipe with glandulae, or at least pileus (not stipe except, possibly, for the veil) strongly viscid (this latter character has to be combined with small, pale melleous, elongate spores, large, incrusted cystidia and cylindric or subcylindric stipe; —if not showing these additional characters, the species is not included in this subfamily). All species exclusively connected with coniferous trees by mycorrhiza (species forming mycorrhiza with fron- dose trees, or not forming mycorrhiza with Gymnospermae only, are not included in this subfamily). Subfam. Suilloideae H. Veil none; stipe somewhat hollow; hymenophore more lamel- lately arranged near the margin than near the stipe; pileus not viscid. 5. Psiloboletinus H. Veil present or absent; stipe hollow or solid; hymenophore, if arranged lamellately at all, more so toward the stipe than at the margin of the pileus; pileus viscid or dry; fungi not com- bining the characters indicated for Psiloboletinus. I. Veil present; pileus dry, or rarely becoming viscid during its development, starting from the margin, fibrillose or scaly or floccose, these ornamentations or coverings being part of the cuticle proper, not the veil; stipe always with- out glandulae; hymenophore usually very strongly boleti- noid, never composed of fine (diameter 0.5 mm. and less) pores; clamp connections present in many specics. 6. Boletinus I. Veil present or absent; if there is a veil, the pileus is never scaly or squamulose, or/and the hymenophore is composed of fine pores; pileus always viscid; glandulae frequently present on the stipe, and sometimes on the “Use the mycelioid base of the stipe, or one of the cortical layers for examination. For further technical hints see Singer, Lloydia 5: 98. 1942. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. i pores; hymenophore boletinoid or not boletinoid; clamp- connections none. 7. Suillus G. Hymenophore not boletinoid; veil, if present at all, either glutinous or pulverulent and then yellow (yellow-green, reddish-yellow) and dry; stipe without glandulae; pileus viscid or not; species forming mycorrhiza with conifers or frondose trees; or possibly not forming mycorrhiza. K. Lateral stratum of the hymenophoral trama of the Phylloporus- type (its hyphae only slightly divergent, rather close, and only little paler, if at all so, than the mediostratum, often becoming irregular in age); hymenophore made up of lamellae, or of tubes, the tubes usually wide (about or above 1 mm. in diam- eter) ; spore print olive brown, never pinkish, nor ferruginous- ochraceous, nor avellaneous-ochraceous, nor cinnamon-isabel- line. Subfam. Xerocomoideae L. Hymenophore lamellate. 8. Phylloporus L. Hymenophore tubulose. 9. Xerocomus K. Trama truly bilateral-divergent (Boletus-type) when young, (lateral stratum loosely arranged, strongly divergent, much paler than the mediostratum, usually hyaline, but its hyphae becoming stretched from rapid longitudinal growth of the tubes shortly before full maturity, and then becoming parallel with the mediostratum) ; hymenophore always made up of tubes with either wide or small pores; spore print not always olive brown. Subfam. Boletoideae M. Stipe mot combining the following characters: tapering from the base or more rarely from the middle to a slender apex, of fibrous-hard context, with scabrous squamulae or furfuraceous dots which usually are darker than the remaining surface of the stipe, or becoming so in age; pores small or wide, red or concolorous, free or adnate; mycorrhiza with frondose trees or with conifer- ous trees, or possibly no mycorrhiza formed. N. Spore print consistently brownish with an oliva- ceous tinge. O. Veil present or absent; if the veil is present, it consists of a yellow (yellowish-green, reddish-yellow) pulverulence, or it is en- tirely glutinous; if the veil is absent, the stipe is viscid in fresh, young specimens, or the pileus is covered by a yellow pulveru- lence; rarely, in avelate forms, there is no pulverulence and the stipe is not viscid; in this case the cuticle of the pileus is viscid; in old or dried specimens the hymenophore often assumes a very deep golden yellow, or golden olive, or reddish orange color. P. Hymenophore a thin to medium thick layer of decurrent tubes, arcuate at least when young; stipe frequently swollen ventricose and sometimes furrowed at the base where it is con- tinued into a dense mycelial growth which often takes the shape of a 228 FartowlaA, VoL. 2, 1945 pseudomycelium; context frequently turning blue on exposure; veil none; size of the carpophores often re- markable. 10. Phlebopus P. Hymenophore consisting of rather long tubes, not decurrent, either ad- nate or depressed around the stipe, either applanate or convex beneath; stipe usually not swollen-ventricose, mostly more or less cylindric, or slightly thickened downwards; pseu- dosclerotium none; context rarely turning blue on exposure, and, if it does, there is a yellow pulverulent veil present. 11. Pulveroboletus O. Veil none; stipe not viscid; pileus not cov- ered with yellow pulverulence; if the pileus is viscid, or the base of the stipe covered with abundant yellow mycelium, the cuticle is made up of a trichodermium-pallisade or epithelium. 12. Boletus N. Spore print not showing a trace of an olivaceous tinge even if it is quite fresh.” Q. Spore print rusty-yellow; spores bright golden under the microscope, long-cylindric, bacilliform, and narrow; stipe smooth and glabrous; context white, unchanging, mild. 13. Xanthoconinm Q. Spore print deeper ferruginous, or wood brown, or fawn color, or pinkish vinaceous, not golden under the microscope, not ex- actly cylindric in their majority, or rarely so; stipe rarely smooth and glabrous as well; context rarely white and unchanging, and mild as well. 14. Tylo pilus M. Stipe (though somewhat variable in shape) mostly tapering upwards from the base or more rarely from the middle, beset with darker (or becoming darker) furfura- ceous or squamulose scabrosities, rather fibrous-hard in the larger lower part but tender-fleshy in the apex, the scabrosities consisting of dermatobasidia, dermatopseu- doparaphyses, and dermatocystidia, forming a terminal hymenium on a fascicle of parallel hyphae; pores very small, never red; tubes long, especially in the middle between the stipe and the margin of the pileus, deeply depressed-free around the stipe; mycorrhiza almost constantly with trees of the orders Fagales and Salicales. 15. Leccinum * * * ° The spore print should be examined immediately after a thick layer of spores on white paper — without the hymenophore of the specimen touching it — has been ob- tained, and the correct equivalent in Ridgway must be noted. Old spore prints change their color. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 229 KEY FOR DETERMINATION OF THE GENERA OF BOLETACEAE OCCURRING IN FLORIDA A. Clamp-connections present (choose this alternative even if they are very scarce). B. Hymenophore depressed around the stipe; spore print yellow. 1. Gyroporus B. Hymenophore decurrent; spore print brownish. C. Hymenophore lamellate. 8. Phylloporus C. Hymenophore tubulose. 4. Gyrodon A. Clamp-connections none. D. Veil present. E. Veil yellow, pulverulent. 11. Pulveroboletus E. Veil not yellow, and not pulverulent. F. Veil viscid in wet weather; pores not radiately arranged (i.e. not boletinoid) ; pileus viscid when wet; stipe with glandulae, rarely without them (and then the veil mostly rudimentary, only marginal). 7. Suillus F. Veil dry, even in wet weather; pores radiately arranged (boletinoid) ; pileus non-viscid; stipe without glandulae. 6. Boletinus D. Veil none. G. Hymenophore lamellate. 8. Phylloporus G. Hymenophore tubulose. H. Spore print brown with an olive tinge, or decidedly olive. I. Cuticle of the pileus with a distinct epithelium, consisting of several layers of spherocysts which are usually arranged in erect chains, later becoming free, and eventually often washed off; hymenophore depressed around the stipe, pores small, yellow; stipe more or less furfuraceous or squamulose- scabrous. 15. Leccinum I. Pileus without a distinct epithelium. J. Stipe fibrous-fleshy and rather hard, gray to black squamulose-scabrous on white to pale grayish ground; context white, changing to sordid lilac on exposure. 15. Leccinum J. Stipe not.scabrous and usually soft-spongy-fleshy; context white or colored, changing or unchanging. K. Pileus with a yellow pulverulence, or stipe with glandulae, or stipe viscid, or hymenophore arcuate-decurrent when young with the tubes rather short to barely medium long. L. Glandulae present on the surface of the stipe; mycorrhiza with Pinus. 7. Suillus L. Glandulae none. M. Hymenophore arcuate-decurrent in young specimens shortly be- fore full maturity, tubes rather short to barely medium long; spores small (5.5—-11 x 2.7-4.8 «) ; growing on pine trunks. 10. Phlebopus M. Hymenophore arcuate-decurrent but in primordial stage; tubes medium to long in mature specimens; spores usually larger than indicated above; not or only accidentally growing on pine trunks. 11. Pulveroboletus K. Pileus without yellow pulverulence in any stage; stipe neither beset with glandulae, nor viscid in any stage; hymenophore arcuate-decurrent but in primordial stage, tubes medium to long. 230 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 N. Pores wider than 1 mm. in diameter. O. Pileus viscid and tomentose at the same time; carpophore small (pileus 10-20 mm.) ; spores small (6—9.3 x 2.8-4.2 uw); trama of the Phylloporus-type. 9. Neroconus O. Pileus rarely viscid and tomentose at the same time; carpophore mostly larger than 20 mm. broad; spores larger than 9.3 pu, or at least some of the spores of a print larger; trama of the Phylloporus-, or of the Boletus-type; fungi not combining the characters indicated above. P. Surface of the pileus (if fresh and young) strongly reacting with NH: and NH,OH, becoming vivid blue, to bright bluish green; trama of the PAylloporus-type. 9. Xerocomus P. Surface of the pileus not reacting as indicated above; trama of the tubes of the Boletus-type. Q. Pores vivid golden yellow, remaining so on drying; stipe not very thick, subglabrous and smooth; context unchanging; pileus viscid when wet. 11. Pulveroboletus Q. Not combining the above characters. 12. Boletus N. Pores decidedly smaller than 1 mm. (if in doubt, or if pores around 1 mm. wide, see “O’’). 12. Boletus (but compare Pulveroboletus retipes) H. Spore print without an olivaceous tinge (‘Isabella color,’ some kind of vinaceous pink to wood brown, fawn color, etc., or a rusty brownish yellow). R. Spore print rusty brownish yellow; spores under the microscope bright and intensely golden yellow; context combining white (unchanging) color and mild taste; stipe combining smooth and glabrous surface; pileus not viscid, not scrobiculate. 13. Yanthoconium R. Spore print not rusty brownish yellow, at least not when fresh; spores under the microscope brownish melleous, vellowish melleous, pale melleous or subhyaline to hyaline; context not combining white (unchanging) color and mild taste unless the pileus is viscid or scrobiculate; stipe not combining smooth and glabrous surface unless the pileus is viscid or scrobiculate. S. Stipe with distinct or indistinct glandulae, usually cylindric and not very thick, rarely swollen; mycorrhiza with pines; spore print “ochraceous tawny” to “Isabella color”; hymenophore adnate-decurrent; pileus glu- tinous. 7. Suillus S. Stipe always completely devoid of glandulae (lens), usually cylindric and then very thick, or thickened at some part; mycorrhiza with pines or with other trees, never exclusively with pines; spore print not “Isabella color” (the nearest it may occasionally come to “Isabella color” is ‘colonial buff”) ; pileus viscid or dry. 14. Tylopilus Subfam. Gyrodontoideae Sing. subfam. nov. Hyphis constanter fibuligeris; sporis ellipsoideis vel globosis, brunneolis vel flavis. Characters of the subfamily: see key (p. 226) and Latin diagnosis. The type genus is Gyrodon Opat. The genera Gyrodon, Paragyrodon (tribus Gyrodonteae Sing.) on one hand, and Gyroporus (tribus Leucoporelleae (Gilbert) Sing.) on the other hand did not seem to be easily combined into one subfamily or tribe, not- withstanding their obvious similarities, that is not until the tropical genus SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 231 Phaeogyroporus was discovered. The latter represents a perfect connecting link between the two former tribes Gyrodonteae and Leucoporelleae which now become superfluous. 1. Gyroporus Quél., Enchir., p. 161. 1886, emend. Pat., Ess. tax., p. 124. 1900. Suillus Karst., Bidr. Finl. Nat. Folk 37:v. 1882, non S, F. Gray (1821). Coelopus Bat., Bolets, p. 12. 1908. Leucobolites G. Beck, Zeitschr. Pilzk. 2:146. 1923. Leucoconius (Reichenb.) G. Beck, Zeitschr. Pilzk. 2:146. 1923. Characters of the genus: Pileus non-viscid, glabrous to coarsely fibrous- subsquamose; cuticle made up of repent or subascendant elongate but sometimes rather short and thick hyphae with thin or thick walls; hymeno- phore tubulose with concolorous, small to more often medium to large pores, depressed around the stipe, rather long, white, pink, or pallid-stramineous; spore print yellow; spores stramineous-subhyaline to yellow, ellipsoid, rarely more elongate than twice as long as broad, of medium size but rather variable in this regard; cystidia present; trama of the hymenophore-walls truly bilateral; stipe hollow or solid, its surface glabrous or fibrous, not reticulate; context white or whitish, unchanging, or becoming bright blue on exposure; hyphae (except for rare parthenogenetic aberrations) con- stantly with clamp connections; the usual inorganic reagents causing very slight or no color reactions; said to contain no boletol. Growing on the ground in temperate as well as in tropical regions, possibly occasionally forming mycorrhiza but sometimes fruiting without mycorrhizal connec- tions. The type species is Gyroporus cyanescens (Bull. ex Fr.) Quél. This is also the type species of the genus Leucoconius Beck, and it is assumed that the logical type species of Suillus Karst. is the same species. The genus Leucobolites Beck is obviously framed around the characters of Gyroporus castaneus, the first species cited, and since this belongs in Gyroporus, all three genera are synonyms of Gyroporus. In the original sense of Quélet, Gyroporus contained several species which are now excluded from this genus, but Patouillard’s emendation leaves no doubt about the sense in which Gyroporus has to be restricted. The genus Gyroporus has been al- most unanimously accepted by mycologists at present though it usually is incorrectly (spore print “white’’) or insufficiently (no mention of clamps) characterized. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Pileus white, whitish cream color, stramineous, greenish, clay color, pinkish or umber. B. Context unchanging on exposure. C. Pileus “tawny olive,” “Isabella color,” “Saccardo’s umber” when fresh, strongly and coarsely fibrous and usually subsquamose, assuming a characteristic green color on drying if the specimens have been old, watersoaked and exposed for several hours before drying. 2. G. umbrinisquamosus 232 FarLowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 C. Pileus not as dusky colored as above, more white to pale stramineous, or pinkish, less strongly fibrous to completely glabrous, not assuming a green color on drying. 1. G. subalbellus B. Context strongly bluing on exposure. 3. G. cyanescens A. Pileus fulvous, fulvous-ferruginous, castaneous-fulvous, tawny, cinnamon to whitish cinnamon, or deep red, purplish carmine, or deep purplish violet. D. Pileus deep purplish violet. G. atroviolaceus D. Pileus not colored as above. E. Pileus deep red, purplish carmine. 4. G. purpurinus E. Pileus not colored as above. 5. G. castaneus 1. Gyroporus subalbellus Murr., N. Am. FI. 9:134. 1910. Suillus subalbellus Sacc. & Trott., Syl]. 21:252. 1912. Gyroporus roseialbus Murr., Mycologia 30:520. 1938. Pileus with a basic white color but sometimes flushed with “sea shell pink,” or “apricot buff,” the disc often “cinnamon buff,” and besides fre- quently with cinnamon or pale cinnamon dots, rarely pale yellow instead of white, frequently partly or entirely covered with a coarse but thin ‘colonial buff” fibrillosity reminiscent of G. cyanescens and then parts of the pileus or the entire surface shaded with this color, the disc, if fibrillose, even reaching ‘‘chamois,” the glabrous surface sometimes minutely tessellate, not viscid, the margin sterile and then incurved when young, or fertile, convex, frequently with more or less depressed center, (25)—35-100 mm. — Hymenophore white or whitish, becoming “cream color” to “mustard yellow” with age, about 4 mm. deep, depressed or rarely adnate to the stipe, unchanging on injury; tubes rather long, (3)—5-8 mm. long; pores con- colorous, rather small (2.5 per mm.) to medium wide (0.9 per mm.) ; spore print “colonial buff” with a hue of ‘straw yellow.” — Stipe white or some- what concolorous with the pileus, very frequently flushed with pink, “sea shell pink,” “shell pink,” “buff pink,” “light salmon orange,” frequently stained with ‘‘cinnamon buff” like the pileus, or with brownish, olivaceous or umbrinous spots near the base, the apex usually more white than the rest of the stipe, glabrous or somewhat furfuraceous to slightly tomentose- fibrillose, smooth, equal, or with enlarged base, rather frequently swollen and distorted, solid, becoming stuffed and finally with cavities or hollow, (25)—33-80 x (6)—-11-30 mm. — Context white, sometimes salmoneous in the cortex of the stipe, absolutely unchanging; odor none, or agreeable, reminding one of cinnamon; taste mild. Spores 7.5-13.8 x 4-5.5-(6) ym, short-cylindric-ellipsoid, ellipsoid, or ovoid, hyaline with a slight or bright yellowish tint, with suprahilar de- pression or applanation, smooth; basidia 28-33 x 8-11.5 pw, 4-spored; cys- tidia versiform, mostly fusoid; trama of the tube-walls truly bilateral as in G. castaneus; fibrillosity of the pileus and the stipe of strands of parallel hyphae, or of irregularly interwoven hyphae with often thick, yellowish walls, occasionally rather short members between septa, 3-18 yp. thick, the terminal ones usually clavate, more rarely subulate and more or less acumi- SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 233 nate; all kyphae with clamp connections, or at least a large percentage of them with clamp connections, in some rare depauperate forms all hyphae clampless. Chemical reactions: KOH negative (faintly sordid). —NH,OH and NH; negative. —HNOs; negative (faintly yellowish).— FeSO, faintly grayish-pallid, stuffing of old stipes pale green (weak reaction). — Methyl- paramidophenol in the fibrillose form in Highlands County negative, in the glabrous form in Alachua County distinctly and quickly positive (deep violet). — Phenol very slowly becoming more or less deeply chocolate. — Formol negative or almost so (rarely very pale grayish red). — Aniline negative. Habitat: Under oaks, and under pines in mixed and pure stands, on lime rock, gravel and sandy soil, outside the woods and in dense high, mesophytic and tropical hammocks, solitary, or more commonly in groups, fruiting from May to October. Distribution: From North Carolina to Florida and west to Mississippi. In Florida common in all zones. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., Gainesville, under oaks, August 1937, type of G. roseialbus (FLAS) ; also co-type and authentic material (FH), F 9292 (FLAS); F 19576 (FLAS); in and near Gainesville, R. Singer, F 2560a (FH); F 2021 (FH); F 2105 (FH); F 2147 and 2147a (FH); Sugarfoot Hammock, under oak, R. Singer, F 2570 (FH); Newnan’s Lake, Sept. 1941, under scrub oak, G. Weber, (det. Murrill) F 18577 (this is a forma depauperatus) (FLAS); Highlands Co., High- lands Hammock State Park, sandy roadside under Pinus palustris, August 1942, R. Singer, F 389 (FH); Marion Co. near Altoona, October 1941, W. A. Murrill, F 21541 (FLAS); Dade Co., Matheson Hammock, R. Singer, F 707 and F 707 a (FH); Brickell’s Hammock, R. Singer, F 1071 (FH).® — Miss., type of G. subalbellus (N.Y.) Murrill says that his G. roseialbus differs from G. subalbellus “in its rosy tints, glabrous surface, and solid stipe.” I did not find these characters correlated in any way. The type of G. subalbellus is partly fibrillose, but I have found more distinctly fibrillose specimens with pink stipe, and per- fectly glabrous specimens without a suggestion of pink. The solid stipe later becomes hollow, a phenomenon that can be observed at varying stages of development exactly as in G. castaneus. My number F 2570 has slightly furfuraceous pileus and is consequently intermediate between the glabrous and the fibrous form. Somebody may yet find it worth his while to erect formae for all these variations and combinations of unimportant characters. At present, I think we can do without them. The only character that gives some weight to the distinction between glabrous and fibrous forms is the reaction with methylparamidophenol; further tests will probably show that the reaction is variable in both forms. ® There is also an indication of this species from Seminole Co., Altamonte Springs (fide Beardslee). 234 FarLowlA, Vor. 2, 1945 Coker and Beers (Boletaceae, p. 14. 1943) mention a “form with un- changing flesh” of G. cyvanescens, There is no doubt but that this is G. subalbellus, Murrell’s number F 18577 is interesting because it represents an example of a depauperate (much smaller in all its parts), probably parthenogenetic form without clamp connections; the spores are normal, and the basidia 4-spored as usual. It belongs to the glabrous form. Murrill’s co-types of G. roseialbus (F 9887 and F 9288) are not cited here because they belong, at least partly, to Xanthoconium stramineum. The latter species and G. subalbellus are sometimes macroscopically similar but the shape of the spores, their color both under the microscope and in print, and, as a rule, the presence or absence of clamp connections help to identify them. G. subalbellus, like other species of this genus, does not seem to show any preference for specific forest trees. I have found it growing exclusively under Pinus australis at one locality, under Pinus palustris at another, and many times under various species of Quercus without any conifers nearby. 2. Gyroporus umbrinisquamosus Murr., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 66:33. 1939. Pileus “tawny-olive,” “Isabella color,” “Saccardo’s olive,” strongly fi- brous-tomentose-subsquamulose all over, more so on the margin, not viscid, convex, 55-75 mm. broad. — Hymenophore whitish becoming yellowish, deeply depressed around the stipe, tubes moderately long (about 6 mm.), pores concolorous, small (about 2.5 per mm.), spore print as in the preced- ing species. — Stipe concolorous with the pileus and covered with the same felt, more so toward the base, solid, soon becoming hollow, enlarged below, 50-85 x 12-25 mm. — Context white, unchanging; odor none, taste mild. Spores 9.5-16 x 4.5—-7.5 p, ellipsoid to rarely somewhat allantoid, with a suprahilar applanation or depression, smooth, yellowish-hyaline; basidia 25-28 x 9-14 yu, 4-spored; cystidia 35-38 x 6.3-10 », numerous, especially near the pores, hyaline, more or less fusoid, the thickest part in the middle or nearer the apex which is rounded or acute; trama not studied; the fibrous coating of the pileus and the stipe consisting of strands of parallel, cylindric, greenish-melleous hyphae, with slightly thickened walls, the ter- minal members cylindric, fusoid, or clavate, 7-15 ,» thick; Ayphae with clamp connections. Chemical reactions: Watersoaked, old material turns a characteristic green when dried slowly, this green color disappears later in the herbarium; reactives tested gave the same results as obtained with G. subalbellus. Habitat: In turkey oak woods (Quercus Catesbaea) and in high ham- mocks (with Quercus laurifolia and Q. virginiana), on sandy, humous soil, fruiting from July until October. Solitary and rare. Distribution: Known only from Alachua Co., Florida, U.S.A. Material studied: Fla. Gainesville, Sept. 1938, type (FLAS) ; July 1943, R. Singer, F 2776 (FH); West of Micanopy, Oct. 1939, W. A. Murrill (FLAS); Newnan’s Lake, July 1943, R. Singer, F 2911 (FH). This species is very closely related to G. subalbellus, and though the SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 235 color change of dried specimens which I have never observed in the latter species, as well as possibly the higher upper limit of the spore measure- ments, would seem to favor its distinction as a separate species, I have hesitated a long time to admit it as such. One of W. A. Murrill’s collec- tions (F 18461) looks exactly like G. umbrinisquamosus in dried condition, and at the same time, the color of the pileus was indicated as pale yellow, and it was determined by Murrill as G. roseialbus. One may be inclined to consider this as a transitional form, yet it is possible that a line between this latter form and the typical G. umbrinisquamosus will prove to be con- stant enough to maintain the latter as an autonomous species. 3. Gyroporus cyanescens (Bull. ex Fr.) Quél., Enchir., p. 161. 1886. Boletus cyanescens Bull. ex Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:395. 1821. Leccinum constrictum (Pers. ex) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 1:647. 1821. Boletus lacteus Lév., Ann. Sci. Nat. sér. III 9:124, pl. 9, fig. 1-2. 1848. Suillus cyanescens Poir. in Lam. ex Karst., Bidr. Finl. Nat. Folk 37:1. 1882. Gyroporus lacteus Quél., Enchir., p. 161. 1886. Gyroporus cyanescens var. lacteus Quél., Fl. Mycol., p. 425. 1888. Pileus stramineous-yellowish, subalutaceous, sordid or pale sulphureous, pale straw color, greenish yellow, or nearly whitish pallid, eventually often becoming a pale brownish umber, covered with a coarse fibrous felt, not viscid, pulvinate, usually becoming subplane or irregular, 35-120 mm. broad. — Hymenophore white, then yellowish, bluing on injury, depressed around the stipe, often almost free, tubes rather long (2.5-8 mm.), pores concolorous, irregularly polygonal or subcircular, moderately wide; spore print between “colonial buff” and ‘“‘straw yellow.” — Stipe cremeous-sordid, yellow, or otherwise similar to the pileus in color, paler (to white), or gray- ish white at the apex, rarely subglabrous, mostly covered with the same kind of felt as the pileus, smooth, solid or stuffed, then with several small cavities, or hollow, tapering upward, more rarely subequal, 30-120 x 10-30 mm.— Context of pileus white, strongly turning cyaneous (the blue of bachelor’s buttons) when wounded, sometimes somewhat reddish brown in the base of the stipe and palest yellow—stramineous in the rest of the stipe, becoming greenish blue on injury; odor none; taste mild. Spores 8-16 x 4-8 uy, ellipsoid to ovoid, most frequently 10-11 x 5-6 up, smooth, stramineous-subhyaline; basidia 25-40 x 8.5-12 p; cystidia 35- 52 x 8-10.5 p, cylindric-clavate, or cylindric-fusoid; trama truly bilateral; fibrosity of the pileus consisting of (5)—9-20-(25) y thick, cylindric, stiff, yellowish hyphae, the thin ones lemon yellow, most septa with clamp con- nections. Habitat: In woods and even on meadows of all kinds, most frequent on sandy soil and on sandy loam, also on clay soil; fruiting from July until November. Distribution: Europe, Caucasus, North America. In Florida very rare, only in the northern part. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., Gainesville, on the ground under pines, W. A. Murrill (FLAS). — Canada, N.B., July 1902, W. G. Farlow 236 FARLowIA, VOL. 2, 1945 (FH). —N.H., White Mts., Crystal Cascade, on ground near stump, Sept. 1891, W. G. Farlow (FH); Chocorua, Aug. 1904, W. G. Farlow (FH). — Mass. Newton, Sept. 1892, W. G. Farlow (FH); Waverley, Aug. 1897, W. G. Farlow (FH); Magnolia 1907, &. B. Blackford (FH).—N.Y. Ebor, Nov., C. #. Peck, (as Boletus variegatus) (217) (NYS).— Tenn. Great Smoky Mts., Chimney Trail, birch woods, Aug. 1939, D. H. Linder (det. Snell) (FH); Greenbrier, A. J. Sharp (det. L. R. Hesler) (FH). — Numerous fresh collections and specimens in European herbaria. — Cauca- sus, Abkhazia, Saken R., under roots of Fagus orientalis Aug. 1929, R. Singer (W); Malaya Laba R., Aug. 1935, L. NV. Vasilieva (KAZ). This species cannot be distinguished with certainty from the two preced- ing species unless studied in fresh condition. I have to rely on W. A. Mur- rill’s determination of the fresh material as far as the occurrence of this species in Florida is concerned. G. cvanescens is edible. It does not seem regularly to form mycorrhiza, at least no preference of any forest tree is shown, and sometimes fruiting bodies are formed far from any tree at all. The above description has been filed from notes on European and Cauca- sian collections of this author, except for the characterization of the trama which resulted from New England material, and strongly disagrees with the findings of Elrod and Blanchard who found it decidedly not bilateral. I can only repeat that it is essential to study young stages, just when the hymenium begins to sporulate, in order to be sure that comparable material of the species examined is at hand. If this is done, there is not the slightest difference in the structure of the trama of the various species of Gyroporus. 4. Gyroporus purpurinus (Snell) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus castaneus f. purpurinus Snell, Mycologia 28(5) :465. 1936. Prater I, ric. 1-4. Pileus “neutral red,’ “mineral red,” almost “bordeaux,” or “garnet brown” and “maroon,” or ‘‘deep vinaceous,” velutinous or punctate-subto- mentose, then somewhat furfuraceous, pulvinate-convex, then plano-convex, often with more or less depressed center, with obtuse margin, not viscid, 11-50 mm. broad. — Hymenophore white, eventually becoming ‘‘naphtha- lene yellow,” adnate-subdepressed, becoming deeply depressed around the stipe, convex beneath, pores small, then wide (1 to 3 per mm.), concolorous; spore print between ‘amber yellow” and “citron yellow,” i.e. brighter vel- low than in the G. cvanescens group. — Stipe concolorous with the pileus and occasionally slightly inclining to brownish, apex frequently white, entirely velutinous-subfurfuraceous, stuffed and with cavities, or plainly hollow, equal or tapering upward, 30-40 x 2.5-8 mm.— Context pure white, unchanging; odor none; taste mild. Spores 8.2-11.5 x 5.5-0.8 pw; basidia 21-27x 11.5-12.2 yp, 4-spored; cystidia at the pore mouths characteristically narrowly subulate, the apex acuminate-obtusate or subacute, hyaline, thin-walled, numerous, 23-43 x 3.3-4.7 w; trama of the tube walls truly bilateral, the mediostratum scarcely SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. . 237 hyaline; cuticle consisting of irregularly arranged, unequal hyphae, the terminal members of which are mostly erect to form (with 1-2 of their basal hyphae) a trichodermium-palisade, the terminal members cystidioid, subulate, ampullaceous or fusoid, rarely vesiculose, 40-100 x 5.3-20 yp, thin- or moderately thick-walled, filled with a purple cell-sap; a similar covering on the stipe; Ayphae with clamp-connections, but the clamps may be rather scattered. Chemical reactions: NH;, NH,OH, KOH and aniline-oil on cuticle and on context almost negative. Habitat: Shaded places under various trees, in tropical and low ham- mocks, and also in forest of a more northern type outside of Florida, in general growing under the same conditions as G. castaneus, but never as far from forest trees as the latter. Solitary to gregarious, fruiting from July until October. Distribution: North America from New York to Florida, and west to Michigan. In Florida widely distributed, moderately frequent in all zones. Material studied: Fla. Dade Co. Matheson Hammock, Sept.—Oct. 1942, under Bursera, Ficus, Nectandra, Quercus, R. Singer, F 878, F 1174 (FH); Oct. 1942, under Pinus caribaea, Casuarina spec., Quercus virginiana, R. Singer, F 1174. (FH); Alachua Co., Gainesville, July 1943, under Liquz- dambar, Ostrya, Carpinus, Prunus, Quercus spec., R. Singer, F 2623 (FH); Planera Hammock, July 1943, R. Singer, F 2885 (FH); July 1938, W. A. Murrill & Erdman West, F 7917 (FLAS). G. purpurinus is, in the author’s opinion, not a form or variety of G. castaneus but a good species. Aside from the constant and persistent dif- ference in color, this species is of slightly smaller average size than G. castaneus, and its surfaces have a much more pronounced tendency to become furfuraceous than in the latter species. This is by no means a color variant within the ordinary variation of G. castaneus since it is absent in parts of the north and west of the United States and in Europe, and it is also not a geographic race because it grows together with G. castaneus in some states of this country. This most beautiful species of the Gyrodon- toideae has first been validly described by W. H. Snell but it has also been collected by W. A. Murrill who filed it under an unpublished varietal name. 5. Gyroporus castaneus (Bull. ex Fr.) Quél., Enchir., p. 161. 1886. Boletus castaneus Bull. ex Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:392. 1821. Boletus cyanescens B fulvidus Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:395. 1821. Boletus fulvidus Fr. ex Fr., Epicr., p. 426. 1838. Boletus testaceus Pers., Mycol. Eur., 2:137. 1825. Suillus castaneus Poir. in Lam. ex Karst., Bidr. Finl. Nat. Folk 37:1. 1882. Gyroporus castaneus var. fulvidus Quél., Enchir., p. 161. 1886. Boletus rufocastaneus Ell. & Ev., N. Am. Fungi, 2nd ser., no. 2302. 1890, nomen nudum, Pileus “cinnamon rufous” to ‘‘Kaiser brown,” or “tawny” to “hazel,” or “‘Sanford’s brown” to ‘xanthine orange,” or “pecan brown” to “Rood’s brown,” rarely paler (‘‘cinnamon buff,” “pinkish buff,” or even “pale pink- 238 Fartowla, VoL. 2, 1945 ish buff”), usually lighter colored on the margin, pubescent-subvelutinous to finely tomentose, rarely subglabrous, not viscid, convex, then irregularly applanate, or with depressed center, or rarely entirely concave, (20)—30—80 mm. broad. — Hymenophore white or whitish at first, then becoming cream color to light yellow or light lemon yellow from the spores, sometimes stain- ing brown on injury, depressed around the stipe, or becoming so, tubes up to 8 mm. long; pores small to medium (1-3 per mm.); spore print as in G. purpurinus. — Stipe concolorous with the pileus, the apex usually paler, slightly tomentose-subvelutinous, not viscid, sometimes irregularly fur- rowed, tapering upward, more rarely subcylindric, solid, then stuffed, and eventually hollow, the hollow stage beginning at different stages depending on the individual, rarely stuffed even when quite old, 35-80 x 8-22 mm. — Context white or whitish and unchanging on exposure, the cortical layer of the stipe and sometimes under the cuticle of the stipe concolorous with the surface, firm and fleshy, later soft and brittle; odor none; taste mild. Spores 7-11 x 4.5—6 p, ellipsoid with suprahilar applanation, stramineous- hyaline to stramineous, smooth, many of them with an ellipsoid to sub- globose central oil-drop, with thin to rather thick, simple wall, non-amyloid; basidia 27-40 x 8-11.2 yw, 4-spored; cystidia on the pore mouths subulate, gradually tapering from the 4—6 » thick base toward the acuminate but rarely acute apex, 20-55 y» long, thin-walled, hyaline, numerous; on the side of the tube walls the cystidia are scattered, more or less fusoid, 38— 46x 7-11 p; cuticle of the pileus and the stipe consisting of rows of fila- mentous hyphae which are rarely shortened and irregularly vesiculose, their diameter 5—17.5 y, their septa with clamp connections (some clampless), with rather thick wall, with fulvous, yellow, or hyaline cell-sap, terminal hyphae often upright with rounded apex; trama of the hymenophore truly bilateral with distinctly divergent, looser lateral stratum in young speci- mens; the majority of the thin-walled hyphae with clamp connections. Chemical reactions: KOH and NH,OH very slight or no reaction; methylparamidophenol positive on context of very fresh material, reach- ing ‘“‘vinaceous-purple,” in less fresh material merely staining brown; phenol chocolate. Habitat: In mixed forests, coniferous woods, frondose woods, open places, low hammocks, mesophytic hammocks, and high hammocks, on lawns under oaks, on fields and pastures, on various kinds of soil, however rare or want- ing on strongly calcareous soil, very rarely on very decayed wood, fruiting from May till October. Distribution: With certainty known from Europe and North Africa, and, what appears to be the same species, in temperate North America, common in both dry-warm and damp-warm climates, also indicated in Australia but unconfirmed from there; in Florida common but not reach- ing the tropical zone. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co. Gainesville, det. W. A. Murrill (FLAS); R. Singer, F 2754 (FH); F 2145 (FH); F 2145a (FH); High- lands Co., Highlands Hammock State Park, R. Singer, F 51, F 51a, F 516 SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 239 (FH). —N.H. Shelburne, W. G. Farlow (FH).— Mass.: Bedford, W. G. Farlow (FH); Cambridge, W. G. Farlow (FH); R. Singer (FH); G. D. Darker (FH); Jamaica Plain, G. D. Darker, 5223 (FH); 6141 (FH); 6153 (FH); Wellesley, D. H. Linder (FH); Newton, W. G. Farlow (FH); G. D. Darker, 5364 (FH); Canton, July 1933, D. H. Linder (FH); Aug. 1933, id. (FH); Purgatory swamp, D. H. Linder & R. Singer (FH); Wake- field, D. H. Linder & R. Singer (FH); Nantucket Co., E. V. Seeler, 108 (FH). —N.J. Newfield, 1886, Ellis, Herb. Farlow ex Herb. Ellis (B. rufo- castaneus Ell., authentic) (FH); 1891 (FH); Ellis and Everhart, N. Am. Fungi, l.c. (type of B. rufocastaneus) (FH).— Spain, Catalonia, Aigua- moix Valley, Aug. 28, 1934, R. Singer (BA), and numerous collections of fresh material from France to the Caucasus; also abundant material in various herbaria. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Gyroporus atroviolaceus (Hoehn.) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 102. 1931. Suillus atroviolaceus Hoehn., Sitz.-ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 123:87; Fragm. 16 (834) :39. 1914. This species has been described from Java. The type (FH) shows ellip- soid hyaline-citrinous spores with a slight suprahilar depression, or applana- tion, 8.8-9.5 x 6.3-6.7 3; basidia 26.5-31.5 x 12-14 yp, 4-spored; cystidia fusoid, brownish, 41-75 x 7-16 p; cuticle consisting of elongate hyphae with cylindric, clavate, or broadly fusoid terminal members, the apices of which are frequently thickened, 25-90 x 9.5-21 », many septa with clamp connections; they are now brown, but Hoehnel, on fresher material, found them violet, and up to 140 x25 up. SPECIES INCOMPLETELY KNOWN Gyroporus Earlei Murr., Mycologia 13:60. 1921. Boletus Earlei Overh. in Seaver & Chardon, Sci. Surv. Porto Rico 8:156. 1926. This species, described from the West Indies, is preserved but not in a condition that would permit any conclusions. Gyroporus caespitosus Clel., Toadst. & Mushr. 2:186. 1935. This species, described from South Australia, cannot be considered as certainly belonging in this genus as long as no specimens are available. SPECIES EXCLUDENDAE Gyroporus rufus (Schaeff. ex) Quél. belongs in Leccinum. Gyroporus scaber (Bull. ex Fr.) Quél. belongs in Leccinum. Gyroporus porphyrosporus (Fr.) Quél. is Porphyrellus pseudoscaber (Secr.) Sing. Gyroporus asprellus (Fr.) Quél. is a doubtful species, hardly a Gyroporus. Gyroporus deflexus Murr. (Leucogyroporus deflexus Snell) is a young stage of some bolete but most certainly not a Gyroporus. 240 FarLowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 Gyroporus praeanisatus Murr. belongs in Tylopilus. Gyroporus pisciodorus Murr. is Tylopilus tabacinus (Peck) Sing. Gyroporus fumosiceps Murr. is Boletus fumosiceps Murr. Gyroporus Rhoadsiae Murr. is Tylopilus Rhoadsiae (Murr.) Sing. Gyroporus stramineus Murr. is Yanthoconium stramineum (Murr.) Sing. Gyroporus jamaicensis Murr. (Suillus jamaicensis Sacc. & Trott.) This species, described from the West Indies, shows some interesting char- acters. The spores of the type (NY) are ellipsoid, smooth, non-amyloid, about twice as long as broad, with suprahilar depression or applanation, thin- walled, subhyaline, with hyaline walls and faintly yellowish contents, asym- metric, 9.5-11 x (4)—-4.8-5.2 ; basidia 20-25 x 10-12 w; there are some hyaline cystidia with swollen base and ampullaceous apical neck, 20-30 x 11-12 p, the neck e.g. 10 x 2.5-3 w; trama of the hymenophore decidedly truly bilateral with a melleous, denser, more parallel-subinterwoven axillar mediostratum and a loosely arranged, strongly gelatinized hyaline lateral stratum with distinctly divergent hyphae; all septa are clampless; cuticle of the pileus consisting of hyphae which are little more than 1 ,» thick but toward the surface become broadened up to 12 » in diameter, and clavate; some clavate bodies of 6-8 » diameter were observed at the apex of the stipe. As long as nothing is known about the variabilities of the characters and the exact color of the spore print and the chemical reactions, I hesitate to transfer this species to any other genus. However, it is obvious that this is not a Gyroporus, and my guess is that it belongs in Tylopilus. Gyroporus albisulphureus Murr., Lloydia 7:325. 1944. I have seen only a small fragment of this species, and cannot say what it is. If it is not an abnormally colored form of some known species, it will probably be sought for among Pulveroboletus (if viscid) or Boletus where it would stand out because of its milk-white pileus. The microscopical characters which I could ascertain did not bear out the opinion of Murrill, who links it with Gyroporus. The spores are too elongate, not right in color, and the hyphae are without clamp connections. Gyroporus bisporus Murr., l.c. A small fragment of this species (FH), kindly sent me by its author, is insufficient to dispose of it. However, it can be said with certainty that it is not a Gyroporus. 2. Phaeogyroporus Sing., Mycologia 36:360. 1944. Characters of the genus: see key, p. 226, and the original description, /.c. The type species is Phaeogyroporus Braunii (Bres.) Sing, There are no representatives of this genus known to occur in Florida. However, in view of the taxonomic importance of this genus, and the possibility that at least one of its species may yet be discovered in the state, we add the descriptions of two extralimital species. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 241 Phaeogyroporus Braunii (Bres.) Sing., Mycologia 36:360. 1944. Boletus Brauni Bres., Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 6: XX XVII. 1890. Suillus Braunii Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 3°:535. 1898. Pileus olive becoming dirty brown, smooth, glabrous, convex, becoming partly concave, 80-150 mm. broad. — Hymenophore yellow, turning brown, attenuate-adnexed or emarginate-depressed around the tubes, applanate beneath, but concave near the margin, not decurrent except in youth, tubes 8-11 mm. long, pores small (about 2 to a mm.); spore print olive brown. — Stipe yellow turning dirty brown, subglabrous, smooth, solid, tapering upward or downward, or thinnest in the middle, 55—63—(100, according to Bresadola) x 20-42 mm.; mycelium dingy melleous. — Context cream color in both pileus and stipe, moderately juicy, firm in the stipe; odor and taste not recorded, probably not distinctive. Spores 7-8 x 5.3-6.3 yp, mostly 8x6 p, smooth, pale brown, ellipsoid; basidia 21-25 x 9-9.5 yw; cystidia 40-50 x 6-18.5 p, vesiculose, claviform, or subfusoid;-tvama of the hymenophore consisting of 3.5—9 » thick, often somewhat wavy-subinterwoven (in mature material) hyphae, and some laticiferous vessels of about 4 p» diameter; Ayphae of the cuticle of the pileus somewhat interwoven, with up to 7.7 » thick terminal hyphae which are clavate, hyaline, and usually thick-walled (about 1 » thick), with nu- merous large clamp connections. Habitat: Solitary on the ground, fruiting during the early rains. Distribution: Tropical West Africa, Camerouns to Liberia. Material studied: Liberia, Ganta, April 1939, G. W. Harley (det. Singer) 40 (FH). I have not seen the type collection. However, the few insignificant dis- crepancies between Bresadola’s description and our own, which is entirely drawn from Liberian material, do not seem to indicate that there is a chance of a mistake. The spores are considerably smaller in Bresadola’s diagnosis but young spores in our specimens are 5x4 ». The smaller size of Bresadola’s specimens and the shorter, subdecurrent tubes clearly indi- cate that the type was a rather young specimen, probably immature. Therefore Bresadola did not find basidia. What he thought were basidia, are probably cystidia according to the measurements given. Boletus suda- nicus Har. & Pat. seems to be close to this species, possibly identical; cf. Heim, R. Rev. de Mycol. 1:13. 1936. Phaeogyroporus tropicus (Rick aud Rehm & Rick) Sing., Mycologia 36:360. 1944. Boletus tropicus Rick apud Rehm & Rick, Broteria 5:223. 1905. Pileus yellowish brown, velutinous to minutely subtomentose-squamulose, sometimes areolate, usually smooth, semiglobose, later depressed in the center and more or less wavy at the margin, 30-100 mm. broad. — Hy- meno phore ochraceous, then with an olivaceous tinge, the lower surface not or not much concave under the margin of the pileus, the rest applanate to convex and deeply emarginate around the stipe. — Stzpe brownish yellow, 242 Fartowia, Vou. 2, 1945 smooth, glabrous, solid, cylindric, or tapering downwards or upwards, 25—40 x 8-24 mm. — Context whitish; taste and odor not recorded. Spores (6.3)-6.8-9.5-(11) x (4.9)-5.3-6.8 y, short-ellipsoid, smooth, light brown, without suprahilar depression; basidia 9.3 » broad, 4-spored; cystidia not seen but probably present; cuticular tomentum consisting of rich-melleous to golden-melleous, unequal or cylindrical, filamentous, often waved and nodose hyphae which often look like laticiferous vessels, 2.8-12 # in diameter, scarcely intermixed with much thinner and less opaque hyphae; most of the septa with clamp connections. Habitat: On the ground, the mycelium forming mycorrhiza with trees. Distribution: Brazil, south to Argentina, also in Liberia, Africa. Material studied; Brazil 1906, J. Rick, 31 (Boletus crassus but recog- nized as authentic material of Boletus tropicus by Rick in litt.) (FH). — Liberia, Ganta, G. W. Harley (FH). The above materials are identical with each other. P. tropicus differs from P. Braunii in being somewhat smaller on an average (though large specimens of the former may be as large or larger than small specimens of the latter) and also in the shape of the hymenophore and the size of the pores. P, tropicus may yet turn up in the lists of Central American or even Floridan collectors. P. Braunii is more accurately known at the time being, but the congenerity and the specific autonomy of both these species cannot be doubted. P. tropicus has been shown to form a mycelium-crust closely connected with the roots of Citrus spp. in Brazil covering the colonies of Pseudococcus Comstocki which attack the roots of these citrus after they have been car- ried there by an ant (Solenopsis saevissima var. moelleri Forel); these mycelial crusts of the Phaeogyroporus are called criptas by the Brazilian writers. The Pseudococcus living in symbiosis with the fungus is thought to be the immediate reason for the subsequent dying of the trees affected, though the action of an endophytic mycorrhizal fungus weakens the plants sufficiently prior to becoming subject to a fatal attack by the complex of fungus and Pseudococcus. This extremely complicated and _ interesting cooperation of symbiosis, epibiosis and parasitism has been described and illustrated, discussed and compared with an analogous case in Africa, v7z. the phthiriosis of the coffee tree in Cameroun, by C. R. Goncalves (Ob- servacgoes sobre Pseudococcus Comstocki (Kuw. 1902) atacando Citrus na Baixada Fluminense. Rodriguesia 4:179-198. fig. 1-39. 1940) and F. R. Milanez (Observagoes sobre uma estranha doenca das laranjeiras. Rodri- guesia 4:199-263, pl. 1-18. 1940). Since we have been able to state that P. tropicus occurs in Liberia, it would be interesting to find out whether or not it has anything to do with phthiriosis in Cameroun, or what precisely its biological rdle in Africa is. 3. Paragyrodon (Sing.) Sing., Ann. Mycol. 40:25. 1942. Gyrodon subg. Paragyrodon Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 5:7. 1940. Characters of the genus: see key, p. 226. Type species P. sphaerosporus SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 243 (Peck) Sing. (Boletus sphaerosporus Peck). Paragyrodon is not repre- » sented in the flora of Florida. 4. Gyrodon Opat., Comm. Hist.-Nat. Fam. Fung. Bolet., Wiegmann’s Areh, 2(1) 25,1836. Uloporus Quél., Enchir., p. 162. 1886 (proposed lecto-type U. livi- dus) Boletinellus Murr., Mycologia 1:9. 1909 (type B. merulioides ) Characters of the genus: Pileus not quite glabrous and inclining to be- come viscid in wet weather; hymenophore of irregularly arranged (gyrose) or boletinoid, or almost lamellate tubes or honey-combs, arcuate-decurrent; spore print brown or olive brown; stipe not reticulate, not hollow, not glandulose, avelate; context either changing color or unchanging on ex- posure; spores short-ellipsoid to subglobose, more rarely subcylindric- subreniform (but very short), smooth, brownish; cystidia not differentiated excepting cheilocystidia which are rather inconspicuous; hyphae with clamp connections. Habitat on wood or on the ground, and in the latter case often forming mycorrhiza with Alnus, Fraxinus. The genus is almost cosmopolitan. Of the six or seven species known, one occurs in Florida. The type species of Gyrodon is G. sistotremoides (Fr.) Opat., a synonym of Boletus sistotrema Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:389. 1821, which would appear to be the legal name of the plant. It has been argued (Kallenbach, Pilze Mit- teleuropas 1(15):113. 1935) that since Opatowski leaves Boletus lividus, the well-known European species of Gyrodon in the genus Boletus, and does not know Gyrodon sistotremoides himself, this latter may not be congeneric with G. lividus, and may rather be a rare deformation of some species with other affinities. It seems indeed that Karsten’s G. sistotrema is nothing but Suilus bovinus since he indicates the spores as elongate. Despite the fact that Fries cites this description of Karsten’s in his Hy- menomycetes Europaei, this does not necessarily mean that Fries’ species is likewise a Suillus. In fact, Fries cites at the same time “B. brachyporus Rostk.” as synonym, and this figure in Sturm’s Flora is considered to be a genuine Gyroporus lividus (see Gilbert, Bolets, p. 216. 1931). Konrad and Maublanc and other authors think that G. sistotrema and G. sisto- tremoides are synonyms of G. lividus, and judging from the description which is the only document we have, we admit that there is no good reason for eliminating this species from Gyrodon since it may well pass as an extreme form, G. lividus. It would thus become a form with more elongated stipe and “whitish” context, and the configuration of the hymenophore described by Fries would find its logical explanation when considered to be of the type observed in old stages of Gyrodon lividus rather than by look- ing for rare deformations in other genera. The secret of Gyrodon sistotrema will never be lifted in an absolutely conclusive way, and, as it seems to us, it would be best to let it go at that, and not cause nomenclatoral trouble by refusing “endorsement” of this species as a Gyrodon sensu stricto. The 244 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 general consensus appears to be rather to model Gyrodon along the char- acters of Gyrodon lividus even at the risk of having to conserve the generic name Gyrodon in this sense. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Spores medium to large (6)-6.8-11 x 4.7-9 w; pores wide, later becoming very wide, boletinoid or forming a hymenophore similar to that of Phylloporus rhodoxanthus. The American forms not combining bluing context with russet-staining stipe. Not connected with Alnus. B. Pileus “russet”; hymenophore nearly of the Phylloporus rhodoxanthus type G. intermedius B. Pileus olivaceous, sepia, or tan-clay-color, not reddish; hymenophore more or less boletinoid. C. Context and tubes not bluing on injury. 6. G. proximus C. Context and tubes bluing on injury. D. Stipe usually slightly eccentric to central; carpophores growing neither on fern-trunks, nor in association with Fraxinus ameri- cana. South American species. G. Rompelii D. Stipe usually strongly eccentric or lateral; carpophores growing either on fern trunks, or in association with Fraxinus americana. North America and Asia. E. Carpophores rather robust, stipe comparatively thick; growing on very decayed wood or on earth in (probably mycorrhizal) association with Fraxinus americana. North American species. G. merulioides E. Carpophores thin and small; stipe slender, growing on fern trunks. Javanese species. G. spec. A. Spores small: 4-8 x 3-5 ; pores rather small but elongate, later becoming irregu- larly elongate, of varying level, and therefore appearing as if toothed; context strongly bluing; stipe becoming russet-spotted, always associated (probably by mycorrhiza) with Alnus nigra, A. viridis, A. incana. G. lividus 6. Gyrodon proximus Sing. spec. nov. Pileo obscure fusco, dein biso vel umbrino, saepe pallescente usque ad alutaceum, tomentoso in centro, subviscido, margine incurvo, dein attenuato, convexo, denique irregulariter applanato, 20-115 mm. lato. Hymenophoro submerulioideo, dein boleti- noideo, poris tubulis concoloribus, immutabilibus, inaequalibus, flavis, subviridulis in vetustis ; sporis 7-9.5—(9.8) x 4.8-6.2—(6.8) qu, melleo-brunneis; hyphis fibuligeris. Stipite pileo concolori, ut minimum ad basin, gradatim vel subabrupte hymenophoro apicem versus concolori, solido, subglabro, sublevi, 20-63 x 9-15 mm. Carne superficiebus pal- lidiore, plus minusve alutacea, aeri exposita immutabili; odore subtili vel nullo. Habi- tatio: Ad terram et ad ligna in silvis humidis Americae subtropicalis tropicalisque. Pileus initially deep brown (‘mummy brown”) becoming “bister” or “Saccardo’s umber,” or “buckthorn brown,” in many specimens bleaching to alutaceous (“pinkish buff,” “cinnamon buff”) or argillaceous (“clay color”), frequently with still paler portions (‘cartridge buff”), tomentose, especially in the center, and often shining because of a tendency toward viscidity during heavy rains, with the margin incurved when young, later progressively thinning out and narrowly sterile in most specimens, convex, eventually irregularly flattened, 20-115 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “am- SINGER: FLorIDA BOLETINEAE II. 245 ber yellow” to “wax yellow,” or “aniline yellow,” assuming a greenish tinge - when old, deeply decurrent, tubes rather short, pores concolorous, un- changing, submerulioid, becoming more boletinoid, 0.5-1.3 mm. wide, on unequal level; spore print olive brown. — Stipe concolorous with the pileus, in the lower part, or at least at the base, gradually or somewhat abruptly paler and yellower toward the apex, usually reaching the color of the hymenophore just below the pores, both the stipe and the spores, or either of them exuding a chestnut colored watery liquid in some specimens, straight, or curved, eccentric to central, more rarely lateral, solid, 20-63 x 9-15 mm. — Context paler than the surface, more or less alutaceous, not changing on injury; odor slight, agreeable, or none. Spores 7—-9.5—(9.8) x 4.8-6.2-(6.8) p, short-ellipsoid, smooth, honey- brown, occasionally subreniform, with rather thin or medium thick walls, with a short-ellipsoid central oil-drop, or without it; basidia 21-43 x 9-9.5 p, 4-spored; cystidia on the pore-mouths (cheilocystidia) fusoid, bottle- shaped, or subulate, 15-17 x 4 m, neck, if present, 2 p in diameter; trama of the hymenophore truly bilateral, mediostratum slightly denser than the diverging lateral strata; Ayphae with clamp connections. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, deep chestnut, or brown, usually fading to ochraceous but with a dark ring; on context brown, — NH; on surface of pileus, lilac to deep brownish lilac. — NH,OH on sur- face of pileus, deep chestnut or blackish to lilaceous, with a brownish- lilaceous or lilac ring around the wetted spot; on the context and on the tubes, blue. — HNO3; everywhere light reddish brown, reddish brown. — H.SO, on surface of pileus, deep chestnut; on context, ochraceous brown, or negative; on tubes orange brown. —Formol on context, greenish or bluish. — FeSO, on tubes, green to blue-green. Habitat: In moist lime sink hammocks and near creeks in swampy or low hammock vegetation, also said to occur in high hammocks and oak woods, on decaying wood and on the ground, fruiting from February (British Guiana) and June (Florida) to September. Distribution: Known to occur in north Florida and British Guiana, probably also on Jamaica, apparently all over the Caribbean area. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., Gainesville, R. Singer, F 2649 (FH); W. A. Murrill, F 18174 (FLAS); Devil’s Millhopper, R. Singer, F 2425 (type), F 2425 a (FH).— British Guiana, Plantation Vryheid, D. H. Linder, 1005 (FH)." This species differs from G. merulioides in having unchanging flesh and tubes, being somewhat more variable in its habit (even more often sub- centrally stipitate than lateral), and showing somewhat different chemical reactions. It also differs slightly in the shades and distribution of the colors but this character is not quite reliable. In flat frondose woods, on the ground, it usually assumes the habit of G. Rompelit (from which it differs 7Specimens from Jamaica without notes cannot be listed as more than probably belonging here: Blue Mts., Morca’s Gap, Sept. 21-24, 1908, E. G. Britton (det. W. A. Murrill) (as Boletinus porosus ?) (NY). . 246 FarLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 in having unchanging context and hymenophore) whereas, on steep land- sides, banks, vertical surfaces of logs, etc., it tends rather to assume the general appearance of G. merulioides. The spores are definitely different from these of G. merulioides and G. Rompelii as well. However, the meas- urements and the indication of the shape would not clearly express the difference. The spores of all Gyrodon are variable in their proportions (Q=length : breadth), but in the bluing American species (G. merulioides, G. Rompelii), the spores with Q=1.35 and less are more numerous than in the unchanging species (G. proximus) where the spores with Q = 1.45-1.60 are very common. Besides, the bluing species of this continent have spores which frequently, though not always, reach larger figures in length and especially in breadth, than G. proximus. It is not clear what trees this species prefers, if any, and whether or not there is a mycorrhizal relationship between forest trees and the mycelium. There was in my original notes no comment made on a possible association with Fraxinus. The type locality has been made the subject of a second floristic analysis,* and the species of trees recorded then were: Liguidambar styraciflua (the decaying wood on which some of the specimens grew was likewise identified as belonging to sweet gum), Ostrya virginiana, Car pinus caroliniana, Quercus virginiana, also Evonymus and Toxicodendron were present. Ulmus alata, Magnolia grandifolia, Tilia heterophylla, Fraxinus americana, F. pauciflora were found farther away. Judging from the ex- periences with Gyrodon merulioides in the northern states, one would be inclined to think that Fraxinus is, here too, the mycorrhiza-tree of the Gyrodon. But, on the other hand, Fraxinus was definitely absent at least from one place where the Gyrodon was collected. Aside from this, Fraxinus does not occur in British Guiana, and is also not known on Jamaica. Since the specimens from British Guiana can hardly be anything but G, proximus, the association with Fraxinus, if ever existent farther north, must be flexible enough to allow replacement of this tree by some other species of the Oleaceae, or else the occurrence of the fungus is not necessarily restricted to the simultaneous presence of a mycorrhizal symbiont. In this regard, G. proximus seems to differ from G. merulioides. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Gyrodon intermedius (Pat.) Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:172. 1938. Phylloporus intermedius Pat., Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 11:86. 1895. Suillus intermedius Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 3°:535. 1898. Boletus intermedius Sacc., Syll. 14:165. 1899. Boletinellus intermedius Gilbert, Bolets, p. 105. 1931. The type (FH) from Madagascar has the spores 7.8-9.2 x 5-6.8 , and * A floristic paper (Lillian E. Arnold. A Field Trip to the Devil's Millhopper. Jour. E. Mitch. Sci. Soc. 52(1):77-90. pl. 7-10. 1936) dealing with this lime sink vegetation was of great help. The author divides the sink-slopes in four zones. In the higher two zones where my number F 2425 a (co-type) was collected, Fraxinus has not been in- dicated. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 247 the hyphae with clamp connections. No mention of the bluing of the con- text is made in the description. We also have West African material (Liberia, Firestone # 3, July 25, 1926, D. H. Linder (det. R. Singer) (FH) that belongs to this species because of the color of the pileus and the shape of the hymenophore, but the spores are slightly smaller (6-9.3 x 4.7-5.5 p, mostly 6.8-7.8x4.8-5 pw); basidia 26-28 x 7.5-11 »; hyphae with clamp connections. The specimens show larger and more central stipes like G. Rompelii, and the flesh turns blue on injury (when fresh) as in the latter. The pileus is “russet” and the hymenophore “lemon chrome” in fresh condition. For the time being, we do not think it wise to separate these forms specifically. Gyrodon Rompelii (Pat. & Rick) Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:172. 1938. Phylloporus Rompelii Pat. & Rick, Broteria 6:81. 1907. The type and authentic material (FH) has spores exactly as G. meru- lioides, (7.5-10.5 x 6-7.5 »), and the authors indicate that the fresh context turns blue when broken. The habit is the only visible difference between this and G. merulioides. There may be a difference in the chemical char- acters, and there is one in ecology, since Fraxinus americana, the constant accompanying tree of G. merulioides, does not occur in Brazil. Yet it may well be that, as indicated by this author in previous papers, G. Rompeli is not specifically different from G. merulioides. In fact, the author has seen specimens from the southern hemisphere with lateral stipe. The absence of Fraxinus at its habitats and the fact that, between the geographic areas of G. merulioides and G. Rompelii, a gap is noticeable with G. proximus replacing the northern and the southern species in the tropical belt, prevent me from reducing G. Rompelii to synonymy. Gyrodon merulioides (Schw.) Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:172. 1938. Daedalea merulioides Schwein., Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. II 4:160. 1832. Paxillus porosus Berk. in Lea, Cat. Plants Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 54. 1839. Boletus lateralis Bundy in Chamberlain, Geology Wisconsin 1:398. 1883. Boletinus porosus Peck, Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 8:79. 1889, incl. var. opacus. Boletinellus merulioides Murr., Mycologia 1:7. 1909. This species is so similar to G. proximus of Florida that a complete de- scription of our collections appears to be necessary for the comparison of these plants. Pileus olive brown or brown (“Isabella color” and “light brownish olive” in various combinations), often with darker portions or spots (“mummy brown” or deeper), also darker colored where handled, circular or elongate in circumference, dry, finely subflocculose or glabrous and like kid, or tomentose, or partly so, convex, eventually flattened or concave, 40-110: - mm. broad. — Hymenophore “old gold” with a flush of “Isabella color,” bluing where injured, becoming more brown or green when old or dry, boletinoid to submerulioid, some of the perpendicular walls not reaching the level of the radial (lamellose) walls, decurrent and forming an incom- plete or complete wide network of veins on the very apex of the stipe, 4-14 248 FARLowI1A, VoL. 2, 1945 mm. thick, pores irregular, angular, more radially elongate near the margin than farther inside, more than 1 mm. wide in middle zone (seemingly much wider than 1 mm. but the lower connecting walls inconspicuous, and there- fore often not taken in consideration) ; spore print slightly deeper colored than ‘Isabella color” when quite fresh, and slightly lighter than this in an old print. — Stipe “buckthorn brown” and “yellow ocher” at apex, abruptly concolorous with the pileus in the lower portion, and there eventually al- most black (“citrine drab” and ‘clove brown”) in some specimens, the very base again paler in some cases, subglabrous, almost smooth, almost constantly either lateral or eccentric, rarely only slightly eccentric-sub- central, curved or straight, solid, 10-34 x 8-18 mm.— Context “baryta yellow” to “pinard yellow” in the pileus, ‘‘fawn color” to almost “army brown” in the base, often pale brown almost throughout the stipe, becoming dirtier here, and slowly bluing in the pileus when exposed; odor none, or of raw potatoes, or slightly spermatic. Spores (6.8)—7-11 x 4.8-9.2 p, mostly 7.5—-10.5 x 5.8-9 u, short-ellip- soid, with well-colored, somewhat thickened walls, smooth: basidia about 25 x 10-10.8 », 4-spored, with 3.5-4.2 long sterigmata; cystidia rare, not very conspicuous, cylindric, up to 6.5 » broad; trama of the hymenophore truly bilateral; cuticle of the pileus of filamentous, 2-3.5 u thick hyphae which are incrusted by the pigment, 3—4 ,» thick in the cuticle of the stipe, some hyphae thickened up to 15 » in diameter, and filled with a yellowish sap; most Ayphae with clamp connections. Chemical reactions: KOH on the surface of the pileus, a dusky mahog- any brown; on context, light brown to very deep brown. — NH: on surface of pileus, “Rood’s brown.” — NH,OH on surface of pileus, very deep brown where it had been brown, more chestnut to paler tan where it had been more olivaceous; on context of pileus provoking the same color as the natural color of the context of the base of the stipe, or becoming dirty salmon color, or dirty gray; on tubes, “Mars brown” to “Prout’s brown” (somewhat more sordid than these).— H»SO, on surface of pileus, as with KOH; on context and tubes, subferruginous. — Phenol on context, more blue than by mere autoxydation, eventually becoming brick red. — FeSO, on context, olivaceous-green. Habitat: In open woods and shaded lawns under Fraxinus americana, or in its neighborhood, on the soil, or on decayed wood of various trees, usually gregarious, fruiting from June to October. Distribution: Common in most northeastern states, also in eastern Can- ada and south to Georgia and Alabama, west to Wisconsin. G. merulioides has been studied by the author in numerous dried and fresh specimens. D. H. Linder (in schedulis) first brought the Fraxinus- relation to the author’s attention, and then his own observations as well as W. H. Snell’s independent experiences (orally to the author) confirmed this relationship. However, in artificial conditions of the laboratory, it is possible that this species may form mycorrhiza with other species than the above mentioned. In fact, it has been shown recently that a fungus de- SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 249 termined as Boletinus porosus forms mycorrhiza with pines. This, however, if it happens in the laboratory, is not likely to happen in nature. Gyrodon spec. One of the undetermined boletes in the Hoehnel Herbarium (FH), col- lected near Tjibodas, Java, in 1909 on a fern-trunk, F. v. Hoehnel B.n. 1187 was examined by this writer, and found to belong in Gyrodon, more pre- cisely in the G. merulioides-Rompelii-group, differing from both G. meru- lioides and G. Rompelii in the slender, eccentric stipe, and the much thinner pileus. The spores are 7.8-10.2 x 5.5-6.8 y, short-ellipsoid, brownish, smooth. It is possible that the habitat is only incidental, and that there is Fraxinus near the place where it was collected (Fraximus does occur on Java). It may also be that the thin pileus and slender stipe do not normally characterize the Javanese form. Therefore, I do not think it wise to publish it under a new specific name but merely wish to call the attention of other mycologists to the subject. Gyrodon lividus (Bull. ex Fr.) Sacc., Syl]. 6:52. 1888. Boletus lividus Bull. ex Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:389. 1821. Boletus sistotrema Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:389. 1821, non Rostk. in Sturm. Boletus brachyporus Pers., Mycol. Eur. 2:128. 1825. Gyrodon sistotremoides Opat., Comm. Hist.-Nat. Fam. Fung. Bolet., Wiegmann’s Arch. 2(1):5. 1836. Boletus rubescens Trog, Flora 22°:449, 1839. Boletus lividus ssf. alneti Lindgr. ex Fr.. Hymen. Eur, p. 519. 1874. Boletus lividus ssp. labyrinthicus Fr., Hymen. Eur., p. 519. 1874. Boletus lividus var. rubescens Quél., Ass. Fr. Avance. Sci., 1885, p. 7. 1885. Uloporus lividus Quél., Enchir., p. 162. 1886. Uloporus lividus var. rubescens Quél., Enchir., p. 162. 1886. Gyrodon lividus ssp. alneti Sacc., Syll. 6:52. 1888. Gyrodon lividus ssp. labyrinthicus Sacc., Syll. 6:52. 1888. Gyrodon rubrescens Sacc., Syll. 6:52. 1888. ?Boletus gyrosus Pers., Mycol. Eur. 2:138. 1825. ?Boletus caespitosus Mass., Brit. Fung. Flor. 1:297. 1892. ?Gyrodon caespitosus Sacc., Syll. 11:81. 1895. ?Gyrodon Mikhnoi Karst. (descr. desid.) ex Gilbert, Bolets, p. 104. 1931. This is the only species known thus far from Europe but it has not been observed in America. For a description and plate see Kallenbach, Pilze Mitteleuropas 1:109. pl. 10, fig. 4-7; pl. 39, fig. 1-22; pl. 44, fig. 70-72, and for the microscopical characters R. Singer, Rev. de Mycol. 3:172. 1938. SPECIES INCOMPLETELY KNOWN Gyrodon purpureus (Beeli) Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:171. 1938. Favolus purpureus Beeli, Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 58:213. 1926. Boletinellus purpureus Gilbert, Bolets, p. 105. 1931. This species from the Belgian Congo has been admitted in Gyrodon by this author conditionally (“Si ce que M. Gilbert affirme relativement au Favolus purpureus est exact...”), on the authority of Gilbert who has seen the type. 250 FAarRLow!A, VoL. 2, 1945 Gyrodon Ledermannii Kallenbach, Zeitschr. Pilzk. 8:96. 1929, ad int. Described from New Guinea, this species is too incompletely charac- terized. SPECIES EXCLUDENDAE Gyrodon capensis Sacc. is Phlebopus capensis (Sacc.) Sing. Gyrodon castanellus (Peck) Sing. see under Xerocomus squarrosoides (Snell) Sing. Gyrodon Emilei (Barbier) Killermann, Denkschr. Bayer. Bot. Ges. Regensb. 16:22. 1925 is Boletus spec., probably B. aff. rubellus Krombh. Gyrodon filiae (Gill.) Sacc. & Cub. is Boletus edulis Bull. ex Fr. (a monstrosity) Gyrodon fusipes (Heufl. in Rab. Exs.) Sacc. is Suillus placidus (Bon.) Sing. Gyrodon immutabilis (Britz.) Sacc. & Trott. is a Boletus spec., possibly B. appen- diculatus; according to Killermann, it is Phlebopus sulphureus (Fr.) Sing. Gyrodon miramar (Roll.) Sacc. & Trott. is Suillus granulatus (L. ex Fr.) Kuntze (sec. Konrad & Maublanc) Gyrodon Mougeotii (Quél.) Sacc. is Boletus pulverulentus Opat. (sec. Konrad & Maublanc) Gyrodon Oudemansii (Harts. in Flor. Bat.) Sacc. is Suillus placidus (Bon.) Sing. Gyrodon placidus (Bon.) Sacc. is Suillus placidus (Bon.) Sing. Gyrodon rubellus McWeeney fide Rea is not a Gvrodon. Gyrodon volvatus (Pers.) Opat. is a parasitized or anomalous Amanita spec. Subfam. Suilloideae Sing. subfam. nov. Hyphis fibuligeris vel haud fibuligeris; hymenophoris boletinoideis (parietibus lamel- lose i.e. radialiter dispositis) aut velatis aut glandulosis (glandulis numerosioribus ad stipitem) aut — si characteribus his carent — pellicula viscosissima praesente et tunc sporis constanter minoribus, pallide melleis elongatis, cystidiisque plerumque incrustatis et majusculis, stipite plerumque cylindrico vel subcylindrico, hymenophoro plerumque haud distincte depresso circum stipitis apicem et tramate distincte bilaterali praedito; si autem his characteribus haud clare gaudet, tubuli ex integro rubidi sunt. Habitatio: Cum arboribus coniferis mycorrhizam formant. Characters of the subfamily: see key, p. 226, and Latin diagnosis. The genera Boletinus, Psiloboletinus, and Suillus have very decidedly a close and natural affinity notwithstanding the difficulties one experiences in briefly outlining the characters they have in common, as may be seen in the above Latin description of this subfamily. When working on these fungi one cannot fail to notice that there is a much closer relationship between all these genera than between any one of them and any other boletaceous genus. 5. Psiloboletinus Sing. gen. nov. A genere Boletino veli absentia et hymenophoro magis lamelloideo marginem pilei versus differt. Characters of the genus: see key p. 226 and the above Latin diagnosis. The type species is P. lariceti (Sing.) Sing. comb. nov. (PAviloporus lariceti Sing.) At the time of the discovery it seemed wiser to refrain from the erection of a new genus for what we then called Phylloporus lariceti. A more pro- SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE II. 251 found study of the affinities of this species, however, as well as of Phyl- loporus rhodoxanthus has become possible since then and, as a result, we now propose to base a new genus of Suilloideae on the former while the latter enters the subfamily Xerocomoideae as the type species of Phyl- loporus. The ecology and the chemical characters of P. lariceti and P. rho- doxanthus make this disposition necessary. Psiloboletinus does not occur in Florida. 6. Boletinus Kalchbr., Bot. Zeit. 25:182. 1867. Euryporus Quél., Enchir. p. 163. 1886. Type, E. cavipes (Opat.) Quél. Characters of the genus: Pileus fibrillose to squamose, or even squarrose, the fibrils or scales not superimposed upon a viscid layer and therefore not easily detersible as fragments of a veil, the surface decidedly dry even in wet weather except for Boletinus spectabilis when the pileus becomes viscid starting from the margin and gelatinizing inwards; spores comparatively small to medium (up to 13.2 » in our measurements) pale melleous with occasional darker spores, cystidia voluminous and mostly covered by a resinous colored incrustation; clamp connections potentially present in most species, i.e. at least some populations or carpophores of a majority of species have at least some scattered clamps while in some species a ma- jority of specimens does not show clamps at all, and in some species, clamp-bearing specimens have not yet been found; hymenophore more (in the majority of cases) or less (especially in B. amabilis and B. pictus) boletinoid, i.e. pores radiately arranged and rather long, the radial walls lamella-like, especially toward the stipe; stipe usually cylindric or sub- cylindric and constantly without glandulae (some glandulae might how- ever be seen on the pores if a lens is used); veil always present though not always persistent and not regularly forming an annulus, either simple or double; mycelium connected with certain conifers (Pinus, Larix, Picea, Pseudotsuga) with which all Boletini are associated, forming mycorrhiza. The type species is Boletinus cavipes (Opat.) Kalchbr. (Boletus cavipes Opat.). KEY TO THE SUBGENERA AND SECTIONS A. Stipe hollow, or, if solid, the pores comparatively extremely wide; mycorrhiza al- ways with Larix; clamps constant. Subgenus Eu-Boletinus B. Stipe hollow. Sect. Cavipedes B. Stipe solid. Sect. Palustres A. Stipe solid; pores medium-wide to wide, not as wide as in the sect. Palustres if the size of the pileus is considered; clamps either not constant, or very scattered, or even entirely absent in all the material studied thus far. Subgenus A porpiellus C. Veil duplex, the interior veil gelatinizing and forming a glutinous inner layer of the annulus and a viscid marginal zone in older specimens. Sect. Spectabiles C. Veil simple or double but neither layer gelatinizing with age. Sect. Solidipedes 252 FaRLowI14, Vor. 2, 1945 Subgen. Eu-Boletinus Sing. subg. nov. Hyphis fibulis numerosis constanter instructis; stipite interdum cavo; mycorrhiza cum larice. Characters of the subgenus: see key and Latin diagnosis above. Type species Boletinus cavipes (Opat.) Kalchbr. Sect. Cavipedes Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:163. 1938. Characters of the section: Stipe hollow; pileus squamose; hymenophore strongly boletinoid, pores wide but not as extremely wide as in the Palus- tres; veil not gray; gelatinizing surfaces absent; spores often small (smaller than 10 » in a majority of cases); clamp connections numerous and con- stant; context unchanging. The type species is B. cavipes (Opat.) Kalchbr. Another species is B. asiaticus Sing. None of these has been observed in Florida. Sect. Palustres Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:162. 1938. Characters of the section: Stipe solid; pileus squamose; hymenophore strongly boletinoid, pores extremely wide in comparison with the size of the pileus; spores small (smaller than 10 »); clamp connections numerous and constant; hyphae of the cuticle with a wall of about | diameter, grayish-fuscous in ammoniacal medium; context unchanging on the air but somewhat more readily reacting with chemical reagents, especially FeSO,.? Type species B. paluster (Peck) Peck. No representatives are known in Florida. Subgen. Aporpiellus Sing. subg. nov. Fibulis haud praesentibus in omnibus carpophoris (i.e. inconstantibus) et si adsunt, haud praesentibus in omnibus septis (ic. infrequentibus) ; stipite nunquam cavo; mycorrhiza cum larice et aliis arboribus coniferis. Characters of the subgenus: See key and Latin diagnosis above. Type species B. pictus (Peck) Peck. Sect. Spectabiles Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:157. 1938. Characters of the section: Veil duplex, i.e. interior veil membranaceous and gelatinizing in the annulus and on the margin of the pileus: exterior layer squamulose; hyphae of the pileus thin-walled; stipe solid; clamp connections none, or in some specimens present though very rare. The only species known is B. spectabilis Peck, forming mycorrhiza with larch, and therefore not occurring in Florida. "In B. paluster, the ““carmine” color of the scales becomes more vivid with formol which also provokes at times a very slight reddening of the context; KOH on surface of pileus black for about 1 second, then pale brownish; on context red for about one second, then lilac, then sordid; NH,OH on surface of pileus, darker and then quickly bleached; on context, darker yellow; FeSO, on stipe, greenish gray. The whitish vel- low to lemon yellow context of the pileus, and the pale orange context of the stipe, the more reddish context of the base and the “Isabella color” pores and tubes are not subject to autoxydation. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 253 Sect. Solidipedes Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:158. 1938. Characters of the section: Veil double or simple but not showing different consistency in age, the whole plant remaining dry, never viscid, or scarcely so; stipe solid, eventually sometimes slightly excavated; pores wide (about | as wide as in the sect. Cavipedes, or smaller), in two species (B. amabilis, B. pictus) not quite as distinctly boletinoid as usual in the other sections; veil frequently tending to be or to become gray. Type species B. pictus (Peck) Peck. This section is the one richest in species, and also shows the greatest variation in distribution and in ecologic requirements. The author formerly (Rev. de Mycol. 5:6. 1940) transferred Boletus Lakei to Ixocomus (i.e. Suillus) but further studies on this species and allied forms have shown that it belongs in Boletinus rather than Suillus. It grows with Pseudotsuga. B. Benoisti, B. grisellus, most forms of B. oxydabilis and B. ochraceoroseus grow with larch and B. amabilis has been indicated with Picea. Naturally, these species do not occur in Florida. Of the species associated with pine, B. pictus does not occur so far south, thus only B. decipiens is found in the pine woods of this state. KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Context distinctly and strongly (in young fresh specimens) changing color when bruised; annulus often gray or tending to become so; mycorrhiza with Pinus, or with Larix sibirica or L. dahurica; pileus ‘““Vandyke red” to “acajou red” when young, if growing with pine. B. Mycorrhiza with Pinus. B. pictus B. Mycorrhiza with Larix. C. Pileus deep raspberry-red to bright brick red; mycorrhiza with Larix dahurica. B. Benoisii C. Pileus merely with an occasional purplish brick color shade; mycor- rhiza with Larix sibirica. B. oxydabilis A. Context slightly changing color over very limited areas when broken, or indistinctly and inconstantly discolored after rather long exposure to the air, or not changing at all; annulus not gray; pileus never entirely ‘““Vandyke red” or “acajou red”; fungi forming mycorrhiza with Pinus, Larix (but not LZ. dahurica nor L. sibirica), Pseudotsuga, Picea. D. Mycorrhiza with Larix occidentalis and other species of Larix. E. Spores around 4-5 uw broad; pileus never pinkish. B. grisellus E. Spores around 3-3.5 w broad; pileus inclining to pink. B. ochraceoroseus D. Mycorrhiza with other conifers than Larix. F. Mycorrhiza with Pseudotsuga or Picea; western species. G. Spores around 4.2 w broad and (9.5)—11-(12.3) mw long. B. amabilis G. Spores around 3.5 w broad and (7)-8.5—(10.7) yu long. B. Lakei F. Mycorrhiza with Pinus; eastern species. 7. B. decipiens 254 Fartowia, Vor. 2, 1945 DESCRIPTION OF THE FLORIDA SPECIES 7. Boletinus decipiens (Berk. & Curt.) Peck, Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 8:78. 1889. Boletus decipiens Berk. & Curt., Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. II, 12:430. 1853. Suillus decipiens Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 3°:535. 1898. Boletinus Berkeleyi Murr., Mycologia 1:6. 1909. Boletinus floridanus Murr., Lloydia 6:224. 1943. Prater I, ric. 5-7. Pileus “maize yellow” or paler, with “cinnamon buff” or “clay color” scales, sometimes becoming somewhat “Verona brown” after rains, not viscid at any time, the scales irregular, rather small (1-2 mm. in diameter), appressed, the surface convex, not or indistinctly umbonate, 35-70 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “deep colonial buff,” nearing “honey yellow” when mature, typically boletinoid and very compound, adnato-decurrent, the decurrent tooth running down over about one third to one half of the stipe’s length, and this decurrent portion usually entirely covered by the veil, tubes moderately long, pores concolorous. — Stipe “cinnamon buff,” or, especially below, “pinkish cinnamon,” frequently with some “Sudan brown” below, with an incomplete and not quite constant network immediately below the fertile zone of the apex, solid, tapering downwards, 30-36 x 10-12 mm.; veil “pale pinkish buff” to “tilleul buff,” apical, dry, fibrillose, appressed, rarely forming a well-developed annulus; mycelium sordid. — Context of the pileus and the apex of the stipe ‘“‘pinkish buff,” of the middle of the stipe “straw yellow,” of the base “orange cinnamon,” most of the context unchanging but at places becoming ‘“‘vinaceous tawny” (reddening) in the pileus on prolonged exposure; odor agreeable but different from the agreeable odor of the Suilli, not strong; taste mild. Spores 7-10.5 x 3-4.2 p, mostly 8.7-9.5 x 3.5-3.7 , pale brownish or pale melleous, smooth, more or less cylindric to subfusoid or subellipsoid, decidedly asymmetric, with rather thin wall; basidia 24-30 x 6-8.5 up, 4-spored, the spores formed on sterigmata of the usual shape (half-sickle- shaped), 7 » long; cystidia up to 50x 13 p», usually clavate to subfusoid, incrusted by a ferruginous-fulvous, rarely hyaline incrustation; tramal hyphae without clamp connections, truly bilaterally arranged; hyphae of veil clampless, 1.5-8 » in diameter; Ayvphae of the cuticle in interwoven strands of parallel filaments, hyaline, with hyaline or brown punctate in- crustations or entirely golden-ferruginous at places, the terminal members often clavate, many with a mucilaginous incrustation, the walls very thin to moderately thick, the diameter 3-11 p», the septa without clamps. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, green-black; on context of stipe, green-black, almost black; NH on surface of pileus, pink and on context of stipe, “cinnamon russet”’; NH ,OH on surface of pileus, rusty- brown or after a short time becoming sordid blackish lilac; on context of stipe, “cinnamon russet,” then slowly almost black; HNO, on surface of pileus, negative; on context of stipe, “cinnamon rufous”; FeSQ, in all parts, slowly black. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 255 Gastroid condition: Some of the smaller carpophores of the same my- celium do not, at some localities, open up at all and remain indefinitely in a Gasteromycete-like condition; they are piriform with columella (stipe) and labyrinthiform loculi (hymenophore) confined to the underside of a pileate portion of the peridium (pileus), producing spores of the same size (7-9.5 x 3-3.8 »), shape, and color, on basidia of the same type as in the pseudoangiocarpous form. Habitat: On the ground in flatwoods and in sphagnose swamps under Pinus palustris, P. caribaea and possibly other species. Distribution: Southeastern states of the U.S.A. north to New Jersey and west to Kentucky (according to Murrill); occurring throughout Florida but rarely collected. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co. east of Gainesville, July 20, 1943, R. Singer, F 2840 (FH); Lake Co., Eustis, Oct. 1897, R. Thaxter (det. Singer) (FH); Dade Co., Addison Hammock, February 2, 1906) Je4K. Small (det. W. A. Murrill) (NY). S.C. type and authentic material from Society Hill and Santee Canal (1312) and Ravenel (401) (FH). Ala. Auburn, F. S. Earle (FH) ; other specimens in the herbaria consulted are not in good condition, and have therefore not been studied carefully, or they obviously belong to other species such as Xerocomus squarrosoides (Snell) Sing. or Gyrodon merulioides, etc. Peck correctly transferred this species to Boletinus. Whether his own collections belong to B. decipiens is not quite certain, but inconsequential. Specimens in the Curtis Herbarium, collected by Peck, are not too con- vincing, and may belong to B. pictus. Material from Maine may belong to B. cavipes. All Massachusetts material known to me is Xerocomus squar- rosotdes. The existence of gastroid forms is considered by this author as an addi- tional evidence of the affinity of the Boletineae and certain Gasteromycetes. These forms are fructifications with incomplete individual development, not reaching the second gymnocarpous stage characterizing Boletinus in general. If the Boletineae as a whole are, as this writer thinks, derived from certain Gasteromycetes such as Truncocolumella and related forms, it would follow that the gastroid forms of Boletinus decipiens are atavistic aberrations whose formation may be favored by climatic factors, e.g. sudden decrease in humidity during the fruiting period. Specimens were sent to Dr. S. M. Zeller of Corvallis, Oregon with the pointed question as to simi- larity with gasteromycetous genera. Dr. Zeller replied that “the gastero- mycetoid stage of Boletinus decipiens was received in good condition. It comes closer to Truncocolumella than any other described genus of Gastero- mycetes, I believe.” It ought to be noted well that this comes from: the author of the genus Truncocolumella, an undoubtedly gasteromycetous genus with the spores borne acrogenously on the sterigmata. It is worth remember- ing that this genus had been described, shortly afterward, as Dodgea by Malencon, and that Dodgea was the main subject of discussions on boleti- noid affinities by Malencon and this author. With these facts at hand, it 256 FARLOwIA, VOL. 2, 1945 would certainly not be a scientific approach to shut the eyes and talk of convergence. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Boletinus pictus (Peck) Peck, Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 8:77. 1889. Boletus pictus Peck, Ann. Rep. N.Y. State Cab. 23:128. 1872. Boletus Spraguei Berk. & Curt., Grevillea 1:35. 1872. Boletus Murraii Berk. & Curt., Grevillea 1:36. 1872. The pileus of fresh material is ‘“Vandyke red,’ margin “acajou red,” scales ‘‘burnt lake,” later ‘‘Pompeian red” with the scales “brick red,” and the yellow of the flesh showing through; pores somewhat paler and yel- lower than “‘old gold”; stipe “‘acajou red” above or ‘‘acajou red” to “brick red,” or with the base ‘brick red” to “Hessian brown” (actually this is the color of almost reticulate fibers which are appressed to the “antimony yel- low” to “light orange yellow” ground); mycelium dirty whitish; context of the pileus ‘straw yellow,” soon becoming clouded with pinkish to gray- ish, context of the stipe “mustard yellow,” of the base “ochraceous tawny,” soon becoming more “tawny” because of autoxydation; veil densely corti- noid-fibrillose, initially “light pinkish cinnamon” becoming “tilleul buff” and eventually gray in the outermost layer.— KOH on flesh of pileus, deep olive, becoming blackish olive to black; FeSO, on flesh of pileus, deep sordid olive; formol on flesh of pileus, incarnate; NH,OH as with KOH but reaction weaker. Boletinus Benoisii (Lebedeva ex) Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:159. 1938. Occurring under Larix instead of under pines, this seems to be specifically different from B. pictus, Boletinus oxydabilis Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:160. 1938. For the complete data on this species and its variety see the original description (d.c.) of the Siberian type. Boletinus grisellus Peck, Mem. N.Y. State Mus. 3:169. 1900. Described from Massachusetts, but rather profusely distributed, this species has been described by Peck (/.c.), Murrill (N. Am. Fl. 9(3):159. 1910), Singer (/.c. p. 162), and others. Type specimens are preserved (NYS, FH). Boletinus ochraceoroseus Snell, Mycologia 33:35. 1941. Described from Idaho, this species has later been proved to be associated with Larix (see Slipp & Snell, Lloydia 7:18. 1944). The type (FH) ap- pears to be different from B. Lakei and B. amabilis. Boletinus amabilis (Peck) Snell, Lloydia 7:17. 1944. Boletus amabilis Peck, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 27:612. 1900. Described from spruce woods in Colorado, part of the type is preserved SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. Zo7 at FH, and the spores were found to be decidedly larger than in B. Laket. Judging from what material I had, I found it difficult to believe that B. amabilis as described by Slipp & Snell (/.c.) is the same as the type of this species. The description fits much better in B. Lakei which actually is as- sociated with Pseudotsuga. Whether or not this and the following species are races or forms, cannot be decided with certainty. Boletinus Lakei (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus Lakei Murr., Mycologia 4:97. 1912. Ixocomus Lakei Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 5:6. 1940. Though the specimens received by this author in 1939 from Dr. Alex- ander H. Smith were identical with the type specimens (NY), they do not seem to belong in Suillus now that the related species, B. amabilis and B, ochraceoroseus, have been studied and found to belong in Boletinus. The section Pseudotsugini of Ixocomus is therefore to be abandoned as a synonym of the section Solidipedes of Boletinus. SPECIES INCOMPLETELY KNOWN Boletinus appendiculatus Peck, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23:418. 1896, from Washing- ton, D. C. Boletinus solidipes Peck, Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 167:38. 1912, from Maine. Boletinus subgrisellus Sing. ad int., Ann. Mycol. 40:27. 1942 nom. subnud. Boletinus glandulosus Peck, Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 131:34. 1909, from Nova Scotia. SPECIES EXCLUDENDAE Boletinus castanellus Peck. This is hardly a Boletinus. No type is preserved and the species, as understood by some is Gyrodon merulioides, or as understood by others, e.g. Coker and Beers, is Xerocomus squarrosoides (Snell & Dick) Sing. Boletinus flavoluteus Snell apud Snell & Dick is a Suillus. Boletinus merulioides (Schw.) Coker & Beers, is a Gyrodon, G. merulioides. Boletinus porosus (Berk. im Lea) Peck is also G. merulioides. Boletinus punctatipes Snell & Dick is Suillus punctatipes. Boletinus squarrosoides Snell & Dick is not a Boletinus. It can be considered as either a Phylloporus or a Xerocomus, X. squarrosoides (Snell & Dick) Sing. 7. Suillus Micheli ex S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 1:646. 1821 emend. Snell, Mycologia 34:406. 1942. Pinuzza Micheli ex S. F. Gray, l.c. (type Pinuzza flava (Bolt.) S. F. Gray) Rostkovites Karst., Rev. Mycol. 3:16. 1881 (proposed lecto-type R. granulatus (L.) Karst.) Cricunopus Karst., l.c. (proposed lecto-type C. luteus (L.) Karst.) Boletus Dill. ex Fr. sensu Karst., l.c. p. 17, non S. F. Gray. 258 FARLOWIA, VoL, 2, 1945 Viscipellis Quél., Enchir. p. 155. 1886 (proposed lecto-type V. lutea (L.) Quel) Versipellis Quél,, l.c. p. 157 1° Ixocomus Queél., Flore Mycol. p. 411. 1888 (proposed lecto-type I. luteus (L.) Quél.) Characters of the genus: Hyphae of the pellicle strongly gelatinized; spores usually small; cystidia usually rather large, incrusted; pileus more or less viscid to glutinous; pores small and round to very wide and boleti- noid; tubes adnate and rarely slightly depressed around the stipe, more often subdecurrent or decurrent; trama of the hymenophoral walls truly bilateral, of the Boletus- or Boletinus-type, not of the Phylloporus type; stipe usually more or less cylindric, with or without glandulae (consisting of fascicles of dermatocystidia, or consisting of hyphae terminating in dermatocystidia of two types, dermatopseudoparaphyses and dermato- basidia); spore print either between “ochraceous tawny” and “Isabella color” or a rather deep olivaceous; veil either present or absent. either en- tirely glutinous-gelatinous, or membranaceous and viscid when wet; mycor- rhiza with conifers only. The type species is S. /uteus (L. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray (Boletus luteus Linné ex Fr.). From viscid species of Pulveroboletus, this genus differs in several re- gards, either by the characters of the veil, indicated above, or by the more boletinoid hymenophore if the pores are wide, or by forming mycorrhiza with coniferous trees instead of frondose trees, or by a combination of characters like these. The presence of a viscid veil, or glands, or red hy- menophore, or boletinoid hymenophore on a species which is constantly associated with conifers suffices to consider it as a Suillus, if it is not a Boletinus (see key, p. 226). The only Pulveroboletus known to have a glutinous veil, P. corrugatus (Pat. & Baker)Sing. (Boletopsis corrugata Pat. & Baker) is a tropical Asiatic species, not associated with conifers. Similar characters or alternative characters or combinations of characters delimit Suillus from viscid species of other genera (Xerocomus badius, X. brasiliensis, Leccinum rubropunctum, L. chalybaeum, Boletus Frostii, Tylopilus plumbeoviolaceus, and others) of the Boletaceae, and Boletellus of the Strobilomycetaceae. The author has formerly divided the present genus into four sections, and though he has studied numerous additional species since then, he still sees no reason to change this very workable and natural arrangement. The largest section, Granulati, in fact the only one that occurs in Florida, has been subdivided by this author in two subsections. In the light of recent studies it appears that a third subsection should be added in order to take care of the species with weak alkali-reactions and deeper olive spore print, *Tt is here proposed to accept Murrill’s proposal to choose the first species of the genus Viscipellis, V. variegata, as type of the genus. Versipellis also contains elements of Xerocomus and Boletus, Phlebopus, etc. The same approach was also thought to be most practical in the case of the genus Rostkovites Karst. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 259 ie. S. hirtellus, S. punctipes, 5. cembrae. The sections and subsections of Suillus represent themselves, thus, in the following way: KEY TO THE SECTIONS AND SUBSECTIONS A. Stipe with a veil, without glandulae; mycorrhiza with Larix. Sect. Larigni B. Pores usually grayish or cinnamon-orange, rarely yellowish, more than 1 mm. in diameter, rarely about 1 mm. in diameter. Subsect. Megaporini B. Pores yellow to ochraceous-olive, less than 1 mm, in diameter, reaching 1 mm. only in old, large fruiting bodies. Subsect. Leptoporini A. Stipe either without a veil, or with glandulae, or, at the same time, without a veil and with glandulae; mycorrhiza with Pinus, Picea, Abies, Pseudotsuga, Tsuga, and possibly with other conifers, not with Larix. C. Glandulae present (except sometimes in S. brevipes where they may be so indistinct as to appear lacking) ; if they are seemingly absent, the stipe re- mains white for a long time. Sect. Granulati D. Spore print between “ochraceous-tawny” and “Isabella color”; pores. small to wide; context of the pileus with a distinct reaction with NHs (red or lilac) ; pileus without innate fibrils and squamulae. E. Pores more than 1 mm. in diameter or about 1 mm. wide; veil present but often either gelatinized and entirely glutinous, or reduced to a marginal veil that is rather fugacious. Subsect. Latiporini Pores small, decidedly below 1 mm. in diameter (some pores may become 1 mm. in diameter when old in very large speci- mens) ; veil well developed, or indistinct, or absent. Subsect. Angustiporini D. Spore print deeper olive; pores around 1 mm. in diameter, occa- sionally either less or more; context of the pileus with a markedly weak reaction with NHs (almost or quite negative at first, after very long exposure becoming sordid to gray or violet) ; pileus with an in- nate fibrillosity at least at first, or fibrillose-squamulose-hirtose. Subsect. Hirtellini C. Glandulae entirely lacking; stipe colored from the beginning. F. Pores and tubes not reddish in fresh condition. Sect. Bovini GC G. Pores large (larger than 1 mm. in diameter); pileus not squamulose; context with NHs dark rose, then red, and eventu- ally brownish vinaceous. Subsect. Euryporini Pores small to medium (1 mm. or slightly less in diameter) ; pileus squamulose; context reacting indistinctly with NHs (red- dish-lilac) Subsect. Stenoporini F. Pores and at least a portion of the tubes colored a dull red or rose-red in fresh condition. Sect. Piperati Sect. Larigni Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:38. 1938. Characters of the section: see key. Type species: Suillus Grevillei (K1.) Sing. (Boletus Grevillei K1.), also type of subsect. Leptoporini Sing. /.c. Subsect. Megaporini Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:41. 1938. Characters of the subsection: see key. Type species: Suillus aerugi- nascens (Secr.) Snell (Boletus aeruginascens Secr.). Other species: Suillus 260 FARLowIA, VOL. 2, 1945 flavus (With. ex Fr. sensu Bres., Nuesch) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus flavus With. ex Fr. emend. Bres., Zxocomus flavus (sensu) Sing.); S. tridentinus (Bres.) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletus tridentinus Bres.). None of these have been observed in Florida. Sect. Granulati Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:38. 1938. Characters of the section: see key. Type species: same as type of genus. Subsect. Latiporini Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:45. 1938. Characters of the subsection: see key above. Type species: Suillus flavidus (Fr. ex Fr.) Sing., comb. nov. (Boletus flavidus Fr.). Other spe- cies: S. sibiricus (Sing.) Sing. comb. nov. (Jxocomus sibiricus Sing.) ; S. americanus (Peck) Snell; S. subaureus (Peck) Snell; S. flavoluteus (Snell) Sing. comb. nov. (Boletinus flavoluteus Snell), and some more, none of them occurring in Florida. Subsect. Angustiporini Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:45. 1938. Characters of the subsection: see key above. Type species: S. granulatus (L. ex Fr.) 8. F,. Gray. KEY TO THE SPECIES” A. Glandulae manifest, in occasional forms with indistinct glandulae and then stipe elongate (longer than the diameter of the pileus) and mycorrhiza not formed with 2-needle pines (at least in nature). B. Veil present, forming a distinct and constant though not always persistent annulus. C. Stipe about six times longer than thick, or more, with numerous glandulae almost to the base; annulus small to medium sized, not very distant, and not broadly sheathing, pallid and frequently appressed, sliding down in some instances; mycorrhiza with 5-needle pines (Pinus strobus and P. monticola). S. subluteus C. Stipe and annulus not as described above; mycorrhiza with 2-needle pines (in nature). D. Context a warm yellow; annulus very strikingly sheathing and not distant in its free part; mycorrhiza with Pinus taeda, P. palustris, P. australis. 8. S. cothurnatus D. Context white to partially lemon yellow; annulus sheathing but widely distant in its free portion when normally developed in not too old specimens; mycorrhiza in nature with Pinus pinea, P. silvestris, P. nigra, P. montana, P. resinosa. S. luteus B. Veil absent or indistinct, never forming annulus. E. Pileus white or white for the most part and for a very long period; stipe elongate; NHs-reaction red in mature specimens; mycorrhiza with 5-needle pines. S. placidus ™ This key, as usual, takes into account all species known to the author, and will be useful to determine, in this particular case, those species occurring in the eastern United States, eastern Canada, and Europe. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 261 E. Pileus yellow to brown, more rarely initially white but soon with brown and eventually often with yellow shades, or pallescent from the center; stipe short or elongate; NHs-reaction not distinctly reddish in mature (though not too yellow) context; mycorrhiza with various sections of Pinus. F. Spores larger than 8.2 «. European and African races of S. granulatus. G. Central and North European form with elongate stipe, yellow to yellowish brown pileus, and concolorous glandulae which become darker only in some specimens and then very late; preferring calcareous soil; associated with Pinus silvestris and P. montana. S. granulatus ssp. typicus G. Mediterranean form with short stipe, white to yellow- ish brown or fuscous pileus, strongly colored grandulae, and preference for sandy soil, not growing with Pinus silvestris in nature. S. granulatus ssp. leptopus F. Spores smaller than 8.2 4; associated with Pinus strobus (and P. monticola ?), rarely with other conifers such as Abies. H. Glandulae conspicuous, not limited to the apex of the stipe; tubes adnate; veil rarely present. S. granulatus ssp. Snellii H. Glandulae minute, present only at apex of stipe; tubes decurrent; veil marginal, usually rather distinct. S. albidipes A. Glandulae very indistinct and small, pallid to brownish, confined to the upper third of the frequently very short stipe, or more often entirely lacking, at least to the unaided eye; mycorrhiza with 2-needle pines. 9. S. brevipes DESCRIPTION OF THE FLORIDA SPECIES 8. Suillus cothurnatus Sing. spec. nov. Puate I, ric. 8-10. Pileo approximate coloribus S. lutei gaudente, viscoso, glabro, levi, 16-63 mm. lato; tubulis ochraceo-alutaceis, olivascentibus in vetustis, poris subconcoloribus, exiguis; sporis 7.5-9.8x 2.7-3.5 , levibus, pallide melleis; stipite albido, griseolo, pallide aurantiaco-flavello, saepe fuscescente, glandulis pallidis fulvescentibus vel nigrescentibus adornato, solido, annulato, 23-40-(60) x 4-11-(13) mm.; annulo pallido, olivascente vel grisente, ample cothurnante, membranaceo, viscido; mycelio salmoneo; carne marmorata, aurantiaco-alutacea vel aurantiaca atque carneo-alutaceo-flammata, vel pallide alutaceo-maculosa. Habitatio: Prope pinus (Pinus australis, P. palustris, P. taeda) in Florida Americae Borealis. Distinguntur duae subspecies, ssp. aestivalis Sing. (subspecies typica) stipite elongato, et ssp. hiemalis Sing., stipite breviusculo. Ssp. aestivalis Sing.. (type subspecies), ssp. nov. Pileus “ochraceous buff” and “ochraceous tawny,” or “cinnamon buff” and “clay color,” or just “cinnamon buff,” viscid, glabrous, smooth, naked, sometimes marbled in these colors, subconic or convex-subumbonate, or eventually with flattened center, 16-40 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “ochraceous buff” to “colonial buff” towards the margin, more rarely all over, with “capucine orange” spots, or between “orange buff” and “light orange yellow” tending to “yellow ocher” when maturing, or near “honey 262 FARLoOwIA, VoL. 2, 1945 yellow” when mature, adnate with a more or less pronounced decurrent tooth; tubes about 4 mm. long; pores concolorous, irregular, some radially elongate and 0.5-1.0 mm. wide in radial direction but never wider than 0.5 mm. transversely. — Stipe brownish white to white, then sordid grayish white, or assuming yellowish or pale orange yellow hues, finally sometimes darkening to “hair brown,” glandulose, with the dots being all equally large or larger above the annulus (and then more scattered than below), brown- ish becoming badious, tawny, or vinaceous brown, inside solid, equal or tapering downward, 23-40 x 4-7 mm.; mycelium salmon color; veil con- necting the margin with the apex of the stipe and running down the stipe, initially white near the stipe and more glutinous-hyaline near the margin, disrupted in this latter zone, the inner, lower portion forming an annulus which sheathes the stipe and has a strong tendency to become inversely infundibuliform (wider below), becoming sordid-white and then gray on maturing, more rarely with an olivaceous shade, viscid when wet (the cov- ering gluten colorless), as high as broad or slightly reflexed-horizontal. — Context marbled “orange buff” and “light buff,” unchanging, soft and somewhat watery; odor as in S. punctipes (agreeable), or none; taste not significant. Spores 7.8-9.8 x 2.7-3.2 p, most frequently 8.3-8.5 x 2.8-3 p, pale mel- leous, smooth, ellipsoid-oblong to subcylindric; basidia 19-22 x 5.8-6.8 By 4-spored; cystidia 40-68 x 6.5-10.3 pw, strongly to moderately strongly in- crusted, mostly elongate-clavate to broadly clavate, more rarely more fusoid or cylindric, or varying frequency even on the pores; trama truly bilateral; pedlicle an “ixotrichodermium”; dots of the surface of the stipe consisting not only of the ordinary dermatocystidia of the Suéllus-type but also of hyaline structures recalling the scales of Leccinum (Krombholzia) stipe “dull Indian purple” or “deep purplish vinaceous”; on glandulae dark lilac. — NH; on surface and context of pileus and on pores little or slow reaction, especially in young specimens; on cortex of stipe ‘“vinaceous rufous” when quite mature. —NH,OH on surface of pileus ‘cinnamon drab”; on context of pileus “cinnamon drab” or indeterminably darkening; on pores and tubes lilaceous pink, becoming drab, old specimens “vinaceous rufous’? becoming ‘“‘testaceous”; on context of stipe lilaceous pink, in age slowly to “dark vinaceous brown,” middle portion more date brown. — FeSO, very deep olive to black. Habitat: On the naked or mossy ground and on mossy trunks in ham- mocks (low and high as well), more rarely in flatwoods and scrub, always in the neighborhood of either Pinus palustris or P. taeda though occasionally as far as 11 m. from the nearest pine tree, scattered or in small groups, SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 263 fruiting from May to September in north Florida, in central Florida until October. Distribution: North and central Florida. Material studied: Fla. Highlands Co., Highlands Hammock State Park, R. Singer, F 478, F 478 a, etc. (the type is F 478) (FH); Lake Co., Eustis, R. Thaxter (det. Singer) (FH); Levy Co., Gulf Hammock, W. A. Murrill, F 18751 (FLAS); Alachua Co., Gainesville, R. Singer, F 2164 (FH); near Dayville, R. Singer, F 3035 (FH); Tung oil-mill on Newberry Road, W. A. Murrill, F 17882 (FLAS); there were notes by W. A. Murrill at FLAS indicating the occurrence of what must be this form in Columbia Co. Ssp. hiemalis Sing. ssp. nov. Pileus between “wood brown” and ’tawny olive” or “sayal brown” when young, later “ochraceous orange” and “pinkish buff” or “clay color” mixed with “sayal brown” and “bister,” glabrous, smooth, naked, pulvinate, then convex with slightly depressed center, 50-63 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “antimony yellow” to “yellow ocher,” or “primuline yellow” to “aniline yellow” with a shade of “honey yellow” to “olive ocher” when old, adnate, decurrent or more or less shallowly sinuate with a slight decurrent tooth, or plainly adnate; tubes 7-8 mm. long; pores concolorous or with some glands of the same color as these of the stipe, small (up to 0.5 mm. in diam- eter) with some larger ones intermixed (up to 1 mm.), not quite round; spore print between “ochraceous tawny” and “Isabella color.” — Stipe pallid or whitish, becoming “light cinnamon drab,” on the base “light salmon orange,” eventually often with sordid shades or yellow portions, glandulose because of scattered to crowded glandular dots above and below the annulus which are concolorous with the pileus or paler, later becoming tawny or black (more often black), equal, solid, 30-35—(60) x 9-1 1-(13) mm.; mycelium salmon color; veil pallid, later becoming “citrin drab” to “deep olive” or gray, or some of these colors combined, or concolorous with the pileus, ruptured along a circular line near the apical surface of the stipe, and thus leaving an annular sheath on the stipe; annulus having the shape of a broad sheathing belt on the upper half of the stipe, tending to separate from the surface of the stipe at its lower white marginal rim, the outer (marginal) portion of the veil less persistent, eventually even the annulus which is fibrillose-membranaceous, and viscid to glutinous on its surface, collapsing or sliding downward, becoming yellow after freezing. — Context marbled “zinc orange” and “pinkish buff,” or “buff yellow” near the sur- face of the pileus and sometimes also near the tubes, unchanging; odor like that of S. punctipes (agreeable), or none; taste mild or very slightly acid. Spores 7.5-9.8-(12.3) x 2.7-3.5-(5) y, ellipsoid-oblong to cylindric, smooth, pale melleous; basidia 20-26 x 6-7 p, 4-spored; cystidia 34-90 x 4.7-11 », with castaneous or melleous incrustations, elongately clavate, not very numerous except at certain spots; trama and pellicle as in ssp. aestivalts. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus plumbeous-gray; same reaction on tubes and context. — NH; on surface of pileus almost negative; 264 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1945 ) on pores quickly “carrot red,” then ‘‘vinaceous rufous,’ sometimes even “Hay’s russet”; on context “carrot red” to “vinaceous rufous,”’ sometimes even ‘‘Hay’s russet,”’ sometimes bright and lasting pinkish red in the base. — NH,OH on surface of pileus slowly as with KOH; on pores as with NHs, then slowly as with KOH; on context as on pores. — H2SO, on con- text deep reddish brown, subferruginous. — FeSO, on context very deep olive to black (a very sensitive reaction). Habitat: On soil under Pinus palustris, P. taeda, and P. australis, fruit- ing in Florida from October (north Florida) or November to January, farther north apparently during the fall months. Distribution: From North Carolina to Florida. In Florida rather fre- quent in the north and probably also occurring in central Florida. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., Gainesville, December and January 1942-1943, R. Singer, F 1666 (type), F 1666 a (FH); Sugarfoot Ham- mock, January 1943 R. Singer, F 16666 (FH); Orange Heights, Novem- ber 1938, W. A. Murrill, F 19400 (FLAS); Gainesville, W. A. Murrill, 8778; from schedulae (with the specimens removed) at FLAS by W. A. Murrill, it would seem that ssp. Aiemalis also occurs in Marion Co. The chemical differences of these two subspecies are similar to those between winter (below freezing) collections and summer collections of Suilli in general. The carrot red with ammonia is a reaction due to low tempera- tures, but there is, besides, a more purple reaction with alkali in the summer form. This and a slight difference in the color of the pileus are, in addition to the relative length of the stipe, the main distinguishing characters in all three cases of genuine or spurious seasonal dimorphism in Suillus. Despite careful and prolonged observation during two growing seasons, we were unable to ever find any alternation of summer and winter fruiting bodies at the same station, and, moreover, such an alternation could not even be considered possible during the time of our observation since the fruiting bodies of the summer form failed to show up even in the neighborhood of the places where the winter form had been collected. It must therefore be assumed that there exist, in this species, two parallel races, each adapted to one of the two different growing seasons of northern and central Florida. This biformity may have developed up to this point from a start similar to that found in Flammulina velutipes (Curt. ex Fr.) Karst. [Myxocollybia velutipes (Curtis ex Fr.) Sing.| whose seasonally dimorphous forms may be a more primitive stage of differentiation than what we have observed in S. cothurnatus. This is the first time that anything like the classical sea- sonally dimorphous races of R. Wettstein has been discovered in fungi. It seems that Atkinson’s Boletus luteus belongs partly to S. subluteus, and partly (fig. 169) to what in North Carolina takes the place of the winter form of S. cothurnatus. It may also be suspected that S. cothurnatus, to- gether with similar forms, is hiding in Coker and Beers’ description of Boletus luteus. Parts of the description and likewise their pl. 5, fig. 2-3 suggest S. cothurnatus. I do not know whether in the Carolinas, so much farther north, with the biseasonal aspect of the mycoflora apparently in- SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE IT. 265 comparable with what is observed in Florida, or at least showing it in a much lesser degree, the distinction between ssp. aestivalis and ssp. hiemalis holds. It is quite possible that in another region another race occurs that shows less seasonal adaptation. It would be interesting to investigate fur- ther these things now that the distinction of S. cothurnatus from S. luteus has ceased to be a problem. S. cothurnatus differs from S. luteus in having the whole context of an entirely different color. The difference is striking for anyone who knows the true S. luteus. Seasonal dimorphism has not been observed and obvi- ously does not occur in S. Juteus. Some smaller differences may be added but the easiest way to identify S. cothurnatus in the field is by the warm yellow context. I suspect that the forms associated with the series Australes of Pinus are always S. cothurnatus, and those associated with the pines of the series Lariciones are always S. luteus. As for S. subluteus, commonly found under pines of the section Cembra, it is decidedly different from both S. cothurnatus and S. luteus. It is true that the glandulae of S. Juteus are mostly supra-annular though occasionally also showing below the annulus, while S. subluteus and S. cothurnatus al- ways have them both above and below the annulus, and more distinct at that. However, there is no need to stress this point since the main differ- ences between all these species lie elsewhere. S. subluteus differs from S. luteus much more evidently in its more elongate stipe, its less distant veil, and its different colors. S. subluteus differs from S. cothurnatus in the shape of the annulus and the colors. S. cothurnatus is edible, and as good as S. Juteus though rarely abundant enough to be of much use. 9. Suillus brevipes (Peck) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 3°:535. 1898. ‘ Boletus brevipes Peck, Ann. Rep. N.Y. State Mus. 38:110. 1885. . Boletus viscosus Frost, Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 2:101. 1874. Boletus pseudogranulatus Murr., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 67:63. 1940 (a variety). Var. typicus. Pileus in all colors occurring in S. luteus, viz. “fawn color,” “Mikado brown,” after cold rainy weather between ‘“‘Sanford’s brown” and ‘Mars orange” in some specimens, exposed portions soon bleaching to “cartridge buff,” “cream buff,” “chamois,” “honey yellow,” sometimes discolored to an indescribable drab (near “olive buff” or ‘deep olive buff”), often mar- bled in all these colors, or some of them, occasionally yellow showing through in frost-bitten specimens, with entire, rarely rimosely cracking, smooth, viscid pellicle which is easily entirely removable, glutinous in wet weather, naked and glabrous except for occasional appressed or fimbriate fibrils of the veil on the margin, often with narrowly sterile margin, with a dirty whitish covering all over in some of the veiled specimens, especially as long as they are young and grow in dry weather, convex, often somewhat depressed in the center, 40-105 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “baryta yel- low,” “‘straw yellow,” “lemon yellow,” eventually somewhat duller, adnate 266 FarRLowIA, VoL, 2, 1945 or mostly very slightly sinuate near the stipe; tubes 4-6 mm. long, i.e. rather short; pores concolorous, finally becoming “deep colonial buff,” small but of varying diameter, in average (2)—3 pores toa mm.; spore print between “ochraceous tawny” and “Isabella color.” — Stipe white, becom- ing yellowish at apex and brownish at base when old, but always pure white all over when young, without glandulae, or often with very small concolor- ous or pallid to pale brown glandulae which are not readily visible to the naked eye and are limited to the upper third of the stipe, or sometimes to the middle portion, better visible on well-dried stipes, non-viscid, solid, cylindric or slightly ventricose, remarkably short, sometimes even shorter than thick, 8-30 x 10-24 mm.; veil inconstant and not persistent, never forming a true annulus and only rarely forming a narrow belt, but often found on the margin of the pileus, membranaceous-fibrillose, sordid drab to white or with these colors mixed, more distinctly visible in dry and warm weather. — Context pure and uniformly white in both pileus and stipe, later yellowish above the tubes, and in very old, especially frozen material, sometimes yellowish in most parts (reaching ‘‘yellow chrome’’), soft and watery as in S. luteus; odor agreeable as in S. /uteus, or none; taste mild and slightly acidulous. Spores (6.7)—-7.5-8.8—(11) x 2.7-(3) p, pale melleous, subellipsoid-sub- fusoid to cylindric (more so from the profile), smooth, thin-walled; basidia 20-21 x 6-7 p, 4-spored; cystidia 55-83 x 8-10.3 p, numerous, strongly in- crusted, only a few of them non-incrusted or little incrusted, clavate with a capitate apex, rarely subfusoid-subcylindric; trama truly bilateral; pel- licle of the pileus consisting of an “ixotrichodermium”; stipe without der- matocystidia or with scattered ones but in those specimens with more or less distinct glandulae in dried condition, the latter are composed of fascicles of hymenium consisting of strongly incrusted clavate-capitate, or subfusoid, or clavate dermatocystidia, 27-67 x 8-14 p. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, dark gray; on tubes, sordid gray to nearly ‘bone brown”; on white context, dirty lilac becoming more grayish and in older drier material lilac for a very long time and then drab; in the yellow context of the stipe, dirty lilac, becoming more grayish. — NH,OH on the paler portions of the pellicle causing them to become darker, then ‘‘purplish vinaceous,” darker portions slowly “purplish vina- ceous”’; on context of older drier material, lilac then blue. — NH on sur- face of pileus reacting as with NH,OH; on white context, “alizarin pink” for a moment, then vanishing, in older and drier pilei “salmon pink”’; on yellow portions of the context of the pileus, between ‘cadmium orange” and “orange rufous,” becoming bluish-caesious; on tubes, ‘ochraceous salmon,” in older drier material reacting as with the yellow context. — H.SO, on the pellicle nil; on the pores, rusty ochraceous. — Methyl- paramidophenol very pale grayish hyaline (almost negative), except for the zone above the tubes and across the apex of the stipe where a slow vellow reaction takes place, not becoming violet anywhere. Habitat: In pine woods, under Pinus taeda, P. australis (in Florida; in SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 267 other regions with related species of pines), also in mixed woods under 2-needle-pines, gregarious, usually in large groups or rows, fruiting in Florida from October to May, farther north in fall. Distribution: North America, most common in the southeastern states. In Florida mainly in the northern part, not observed in south Florida. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., Gainesville, Dec—Jan. 1942-43, R. Singer, F 1646, F 1646 b, F 2044 (FH); W. A. Murrill, F 18440 (Bo- letus granulatus ) (FLAS).— N.Y. Karner (authentic material of Boletus viscosus Frost) (NYS); also several collections of Peck (authentic ma- terial of Boletus brevipes) (NYS). This species is very closely related to S. granulatus ssp. Snellii, and since material of this latter was the main source of information on S. granulatus in general available to Murrill, it is not surprising that he considered it as a synonym in North American Flora. However, when studied in Florida where S. granulatus ssp. Snellii and similar fungi except S. brevipes do not occur at all, the species seems to be quite constant in its characteristic features except for such definite varieties with longer or swollen stipe as shall be described below. These varieties show a limited though undeniable convergence toward S. albidipes. If it were not for some minor characters and the mycorrhizal association, these uncommon atypical forms of S. brevipes would seem to be indistinguishable from S. albidipes. This may lead to confusion in places where S. brevipes, S. albidipes, and S. granulatus ssp. Snellii occur simultaneously, and where mixed stands of conifers make the separation difficult. It is very probable that these seemingly convergent forms actually mark the evolutional starting point of the American group of species gravitating around S. granulatus. S. brevipes, then, would mark the stage of complete adaptation to 2-needle pines. Since S. brevipes and its varieties in Florida form a very definite group within the subsection Angustiporini, I do not combine it with S. granulatus as a subspecies, inas- much as others may feel that not only S. albidipes and S. brevipes but also S. granulatus ssp. Snellii and ssp. leptopus (S. Bellinit) should all be treated as autonomous species, rather than as subspecies of S. granulatus. While no argument pro or contra is offered here, the author thinks it necessary to call the attention of the specialists to this very interesting though compli- cated problem in order to get more new facts from different regions. The necessity to do so will arise still more urgently when western collections are compared with material gathered in the East and South. S. brevipes is, as also has been stated by Peck and others, a good edible species, providing large quantities of palatable food during the winter months for the few people who know it. Var. aestivalis Sing. var. nov. A typo differt stipite elongato et statura paulum minore. Sub Pinibus taedis in Florida Americae Borealis Junio-Augusto mensibus. Differs by a longer stipe than the type variety, and thus approaches S. albidipes but easily distinguished by the smaller size, the almost non- 268 FarRLowlA, VoL, 2, 1945 decurrent tubes, the white interior that becomes yellow with age (nowhere brownish red), and the mycorrhizal association with Pinus taeda. It is known only from the type locality in Gainesville, Alachua Co. Fla. where it grows infrequently in small groups. The microscopical and chemical characters are the same as in the type variety. Because of the longer stipe it corresponds to the seasonal dimorphous subspecies of S. cothurnatus and S. Airtellus but the difference seems to be less pronounced and less constant. We are still not entirely convinced that this is a summer race rather than a mere summer-adaptation alternating, on the same mycelium, with the winter fruiting bodies. As long as no more observations can be had, we shall have to term this a varietas in our sense (as a temporary nomencla- toral status). Var. pseudogranulatus (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus pseudogranulatus Murr., Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 67:63. 1940. Pileus “avellaneous” with a slight drab or cinnamon tinge, or rather tending toward clay color or umber, with paler places, viscid when wet, moderately shining when dry, smooth and glabrous, but sometimes with easily separable inconspicuous sordid patches of a thin membranaceous deep dirty-gray veil on the margin which is very acute, strongly convex and usually remaining so in the middle while the marginal part becomes flat- tened, or becoming subplane all over, thick even for a bolete, 60-110 mm. broad. — Hymenophore between “empire yellow” and “picric yellow,” somewhat irregular but not gyrose-merulioid, not quite readily separable from the context, adnate-decurrent, or decurrent and mostly continuing on the apex of the stipe as an indistinct narrow reticulated belt; tubes 4.5 mm. Jong in quite adult specimens, i.e. rather short; pores concolorous, small (about 2 to a mm.).— Stipe initially white but soon becoming “lemon chrome” and “light cadmium” at places and eventually entirely yellow, smooth or rarely very indistinctly rugulose near the base, glabrous or with very small, not very distinct pallid to blackish glandular dots as in S. bre- vipes var. typicus but often, at least on one side of the stipe, connected by very fine lines, and thus forming a network that may extend over a large portion of the stipe, or be confined to the apex, avelate or with a narrow, indistinct, soon disappearing annular belt which is deep dirty-gray, with swollen ventricose lower half which may again be tapering toward the very base, 30-60 x 26-40 mm. (near the middle or base), 17—24 mm. at the apex, solid; mycelium yellowish or yellowish white. — Context white, vellow in the peripheral parts of the stipe and in the base, often also toward the tubes, very thick and solid-fleshy in the pileus except for the swollen part of the stipe where it may be soft and spongy; odor as in S, luteus; taste mild or slightly acidulous. Spores (6.7)—7.5-9.5—(11) x 2.7-(3.3) jy, in shape and color similar to those of var. typicus; basidia as in var. typicus; cystidia 30-65 x 7.5-10.5 #, Numerous, strongly fulvous-castaneous or melleous from a resinous in- SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 269 crustation, oval or clavate above, more rarely fusoid or ampullaceous, with thin lower part. Chemical reactions: KOH on context and surface of pileus, drab; on context of stipe, grayish green becoming black; on pores, deep grayish brown. — NH; and NH,OH on the surface of the pileus, slate gray; on context of pileus, rosy pinkish then becoming slate gray; on pores and tubes, “‘vinaceous rufous,”’ then becoming grayish green, and same colors seen in the cortex of the stipe. — H»SOx, on the tubes a similar reaction as with NH;. — Aniline negative. — Formol negative. Methylparamido- phenol negative. Note: these reactions were obtained with quite mature fruiting bodies in cold weather. Habitat: In dense hammocks, under or near Pinus palustris, P. taeda, or P. australis, solitary, fruiting from October to April. Distribution: Known only from Alachua Co., Fla. Material studied: Fla. Type (FLAS); Gainesville, R. Singer, F 1704 (FH); F 1877 (FH). This species has not a distinctly elongate but rather a ventricose or in- versely claviform stipe. It is much more variable than may be assumed from Murrill’s description. The thicker stipe with decurrent tubes distin- guishes it from the type. The reticulation stressed by Murrill is an incon- stant character. In only one carpophore out of all I have seen, do I find a reticulation worth recording. The veil cannot serve as a distinguishing character since the same kind of veil is observed also in a certain percentage of fruiting bodies of the type variety, but these fruiting bodies do not differ from the avelate ones in any other way. Var. pseudogranulatus seems to be an aberration due to peculiarities of the habitat. It occurs in moister soil of hammocks where the carpophores are less exposed to the rain. Whether this is just a forma, or a constant race, cannot be decided immediately. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Suillus subluteus (Peck) Snell apud Slipp & Snell, Lloydia 7:34. 1944. Boletus subluteus Peck, Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 1:62. 1887. Since this species has been confused with S. luteus as well as with the Floridan S. cothurnatus, I think it is necessary to give a complete descrip- tion of S. subluteus, based on collections made by this writer in the Hunt- ington Wild Life Forest, Newcomb, N. Y. (FH, NYS) which were com- pared with the type of S. subluteus (NYS). Pileus more or less “chamois” (colored somewhat like the European S. flavidus), but sometimes more reddish than “chamois,” sometimes more olive, glutinous when wet, often slightly squamulose with indistinct, ap- pressed squamulae, convex, 57-63 mm. broad. — Hymenophore various shades of yellow with an olivaceous shade in age, adnate to slightly de- current; tubes medium long; pores decidedly smaller than 1 mm. in diam- eter, only in large, old specimens reaching 1 mm., somewhat angular, be- 270 Fartowra, Vor. 2, 1945 coming somewhat sordid on pressure, somewhat glandular-dotted; spore print between “ochraceous tawny” and ‘Isabella color.’ — Stipe concol- orous with the pores, more pallid near the base, beset with light brown, later, especially below, often with dark brown to almost black glandulae above and below the annulus, with watery, colorless, or watery-yellow droplets distilled from the glandular dots on the pores next to the stipe and on the apex of the stipe, annulate, solid, equal or slightly thickened down- ward, slender as compared with the usual shape of the stipes of S. luteus, about 60x 9 mm.; mycelium sordid-grayish; annulus pallid, appressed or somewhat distant in young specimens, not conspicuously broad-sheathing, and soon collapsing into a mere slimy belt, apical but sometimes sliding down to the middle, membranaceous but very glutinous when wet and even- tually sordid or concolorous with the remaining surface of the stipe. — Context white, very slightly and slowly turning sordid when exposed, in the stipe more yellowish when bruised; odor like that of S. punctipes but weaker; taste mild, slightly acidulous. Spores 9-10.7—(11) x 3.3-3.8 4, mostly 9.5 x 3.5 w, rather pale melleous, smooth; cystidia 38-120 x 5.5-7.5 yp, cylindric, obtuse at the apex, or clavate, almost constantly incrusted with a brown, resinous crust or gran- ules, glandular dots consisting exclusively of (20)—70-125 x (3.5)-7-9.5 p large, narrowly clavate, rarely fusoid and then often 6.5 » broad, incrusted dermatocystidia; Ayphae without clamp connections. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, dark sordid gray; on pores, dark reddish brown, — NH; and NH,OH on surface of pileus, red- dish brown; NH; on the context of the pileus, salmon pink; NH,OH on the context of the pileus, blue; on the pores, dark gray. — Methylpara- midophenol negative. Habitat: With Pinus strobus (and probably with other 5-needle pines) in woods, often together with S. granulatus ssp. Snellii. Distribution: Eastern States of the U.S.A., not reaching Florida in the south; the western limits of the species have not been established. The spores which are larger than those of S. cothurnatus and S. luteus, provide a good character to distinguish poor specimens or dried material of S. subluteus from S. luteus and S. cothurnatus. The chemical characters also seem to be different in these species (see also observations under S. cothurnatus). Suillus luteus (L. ex Fr.) S. F. Gray, Nat. Arr. Brit. Pl. 1:646. 1821. Boletus luteus Linné ex Fr., Syst. Mycol. 1:386. 1821. Ixocomus luteus Quél., Flor. Mycol. p. 414. 1888. Cricunopus luteus Karst., Rev. Mycol. 3:16. 1881. The description and figures given by Kallenbach, Pilze Mitteleuropas 1(8):45, pl. 19. 1928, should be compared with the foregoing descriptions of S. subluteus and S. cothurnatus. In order to make this comparison com- plete, I want to add some data on S. /uteus, either not contained in Kallen- bach’s account or mentioned there in a different manner: SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE IIT. 271 Spores in a very fresh print “ochraceous tawny,” under the microscope (6.8)—7.5-9-(10) x 2.8-3.3 », pale melleous, smooth, ellipsoid-subfusiform to cylindric. — KOH on surface and context of pileus, “‘slate olive” to dark dirty-gray; on the context, occasionally reddish at first; on the pores, “bone brown,” or reddish to brownish red and eventually becoming “bone brown,” at times passing through a lilac phase before becoming brown. — NH; on surface of pileus, negative to very pale pink; on context of pileus (where yellow), ‘salmon buff,” eventually with lilac shades; on pores and tubes, pale reddish to brownish pink or orange-tawny. — NH,OH on surface of pileus, little reaction, or slowly dark gray; on context of pileus, “slate olive” (where it had been yellow). — H2SO, on the yellow context of the pileus, “primulin yellow’; on pores, ‘ochraceous orange”; on surface of pileus, negative. Habitat: Under Pinus silvestris, P. montana, P. nigra, P. resinosa (also reported with P. pinaster by Kallenbach but this seems doubtful; in experi- ments, forming mycorrhiza even with Picea and Larix), i.e. in nature always with pines of the section Lariciones. Due to the erroneous identification of S. subluteus and S. cothurnatus as S. luteus, the author was for a while doubtful as to whether the true S. luteus occurs in America at all. However, a large collection of excellent fresh material growing under Pinus resinosa (coll. P. Gast, September 1944 in the Harvard Forest, Petersham, Mass.) proved the fact that a species entirely identical with the European S. /uteus occurs in this country. It is now diffi- cult to say whether this was originally imported with Pinus silvestris and then spread, or — more probably — if it is native in North America. It does not reach Florida. Suillus placidus (Bon.) Sing., Farlowia 2:42-43. 1945. Boletus placidus Bon., Mohl’s Botan. Zeitschr. 19:204. 1861. Boletus albus Peck, Rep. N.Y. State Cab. 23:130. 1873.” As for the discussion of this species see Singer, /.c. 1938, and l.c. 1945. The types of Peck’s have been compared with material collected by this writer in New York State. B. albus and B. placidus are most certainly identical. I do not think that S. placidus occurs in Florida. I have not collected white Suzlli in Florida at all. W. A. Murrill collected a specimen of what he calls Boletus granulatus (in his sense a collective species), adding, on the label (F 16407, FLAS) “white form.” It was more slender-stemmed than the usual S. brevipes but this would not mean much since it was col- lected in summer when the slender-stemmed summer form of S. brevipes is found. The glandulae are not too clearly visible. Schematically, this speci- men would have to be determined as S. placidus but it may also be a white form of S. brevipes var. aestivalis, or an exannulate form of S. acidus (Peck) comb. nov. (Boletus acidus Peck). * For a complete list of synonyms see Singer, Rev. de Mycol. 3:48. 1938. 272 Fartow!A, Vor. 2, 1945 Suillus granulatus (L. ex Fr.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 3°:535. 1898. The European type (ssp. typicus), the American (ssp. Snellii), and the Mediterranean (ssp. leptopus) race have been discussed in Farlowia 2:41- 45. 1945. When studying the western collections of Swili, the author came across an abundant collection of what is easily recognized as S. granulatus, but the determination of the subspecies causes difficulties. I cannot, with- out extensive study of fresh material, indicate whether this Idaho subspecies is identical with any known subspecies or represents an allied subspecies, but it probably is not ssp. Swellii. This partly explains the fact that Slipp and Snell find slight modifications in size and veil of Idaho specimens de- pending on whether the plants occur with Pinus monticola (sect. Cembrae) or P. contorta. The specimen shown in the illustration (Lloydia 7:41, pl. 4, fig. A. 1944) would suggest S. brevipes by its habit but it probably is the Pinus contorta form of S. granulatus. Good separate descriptions of these collections may help solve this problem. Suillus albidipes (Peck) Sing., Farlowia 2:45. 1945. Boletus granulatus var. albidipes Peck, Rep. N.Y. State Mus. 54(1):168. 1901. Boletus albidipes Peck, Rep. N.Y. State Mus. 65:22. 1912. This little known species is about intermediate between S. brevipes and S. granulatus ssp. Snellii. Since the summer form of S. brevipes or S. bre- vipes var. pseudogranulatus may be confused with S. albidipes, and also because of the lack of adequate descriptions of S. albidipes, we include here a description of it, obtained from material collected by this writer near Newcomb, N. Y. (FH) and compared with the type (NYS). Pileus “cinnamon rufous,” somewhat deeper colored when young, slightly tending toward ‘‘zinc orange,” with the yellow of the flesh showing through the pellicle of very old and watery specimens, darker and paler spots some- times tessellately alternating, usually slightly rivulose under the viscose surface, or areolate when old, pallescent from the middle outward in many specimens, the margin in very many of the young specimens with a white or pallid velutinous or fibrillose-tomentose band from an indistinct veil, convex, obtuse, 40-105 mm. broad. — Hymenophore flesh-whitish, then yellow as in S. granulatus ssp. Snellii, adnate-decurrent to strongly decur- rent; tubes as long and the concolorous pores as wide as in S. granulatus ssp. Snellii; spore print between ‘‘ochraceous tawny” and “Isabella color” (nearer to the latter). — Stipe pure white becoming somewhat lemon- yellow in the upper fourth to two thirds when old or in cold weather, usually stained with tan color in the middle, yellowish fibrillose at the base, indistinctly glandulose all over or with small scattered white, later pale brown glandulae at the apex (upper fourth to half), otherwise glabrous and smooth, non-viscid, solid, often becoming stuffed, cylindric or clavate (tapering upward), or tapering downward, or ventricose, straight or curved, 50-115 x 8-28 mm.; mycelium white. — Context white, later reddish or brownish (reminding one of Amanita rubescens in this regard) in the stipe, especially in the middle of the stipe, in the apex of the stipe rather becoming SINGER: FLoriIpA BOLETINEAE II. 273 bright lemon yellow than reddish, and also somewhat lemon yellow toward the tubes; odor as in S. luteus, but very slight; taste mild to slightly acidulous. Spores 6.8-9.2 x 2.7-3.2 p, mostly 7.8-8.5x3 p, pale melleous, smooth, cylindric, fusoid-cylindric, or fusoid-ellipsoid; basidia about 20x 5 yp, 4- spored; cystidia either hyaline and scattered, or more or less incrusted and in fascicles or scattered, cylindric-clavate or broadly clavate, their wall slightly thicker than the wall of the basidia, 42-72 x 6.5-11.5 »; trama and pellicle as well as glandulae as in S. brevipes. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface and context of pileus, dirty grayish, not violet; on pcres, deep dirty fuscous, becoming almost black, blackish fuscous. — NH; and NH,OH on surface of pileus, more grayish; on con- text of pileus, pink then lilac (‘‘pale brownish vinaceous”); on context of stipe, negative, only lemon-yellow places becoming deep orange-brown- rufous; on tubes, orange-ferruginous. Habitat; In open coniferous and mixed woods under or near Pinus strobus (sect. Cembrae), but occasionally, in regions where white pine is common, also growing with Abies balsamea. Distribution: From Massachusetts to New York, south apparently to North Carolina, but western limits unknown. This differs from S. brevipes in the elongate stipe, the reddish tones in the context, and the habitat; from S. granulatus in the reduced glandulosity of the stipe, a slight difference in the chemical reactions, and the reddish tones in the context. It may eventually be reduced to the status of a sub- species of the latter. Subsect. Hirtellini Sing. subsect. nov. Sporis in cumulo saturate brunneo-olivaceis ; poris circa 1 mm. amplis, interdum paulum amplioribus vel angustioribus; carne pilei ammoniaci ope vix vel tardive reagente (grisente vel violascente) ; pileo innate fibrilloso in juventute vel fibrilloso- squamuloso-hirtello. Characters of the subsection: see key (p. 259) and the above Latin diag- nosis. Type species Suillus hirtellus (Peck) Kuntze (Boletus hirtellus Peck). KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Context unchanging or at least not becoming blue on exposure; stipe only very slightly and gradually tapering toward the apex or almost perfectly equal. B. Stipe strongly thickened toward the base; pores brownish to brownish-olive, never clear yellow; glandulae crowded, often running into each other and making the stipe sticky; numerous non-incrusted fusoid cystidia present on the pores; spores (7.8)-8.8-11.5 x 3-3.7 mw; color of the pileus often about “Mars yellow”; mycelium white; ammonia (also vapors) on the surface of the pileus definitely negative. S. punctipes B. Stipe slightly if at all thickened toward the base; pores from the early im- mature to the final overmature stage showing a clear yellow, or more pinkish- ocher in youth and more yellowish-olive in age; glandulae though distinct and numerous not really crowded and not forming sticky patches; non- 274 FarLow1a, Vor. 2, 1945 incrusted cystidia infrequent, fusoid cystidia exceptional, or wanting; spores (6.8)-7.5-10.2 x 3-3.5 «; color of the pileus never ‘““Mars yellow”; mycelium not always white; ammonia (vapors) on the center of the pileus after long exposure “Persian lilac,” on the margin “acajou red”; ammonia water lilac, then carmine, then amethyst color around an eventually “cinnamon buff” spot. 10. S. hirtellus A. Context more or less bluing; stipe more or less thickened toward the base. C. Pileus and stipe golden yellow, then sulphur yellow to yellowish cream; mycelium white, “in seral association in the Thuja-Tsuga-zone” in Idaho. S. hirtellus var. mutans C. Pileus ocher brownish to orange brownish with darker squamulae; mycelium pink; in Larix-Pinus-Picea-stands of the northern slopes of the Altai Mts. associated with Pinus sibirica. S. cembrae 10. Suillus hirtellus (Peck) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 3°:535. 1898. Boletus hirtellus Peck, Bull. N.Y. State Mus. 2(8) :94. 1889. Ixocomus hirtellus Sing., Ann. Mycol. 40:30. 1942. Rostkovites hirtellus Murr., Mycologia 1:14. 1909. Boletus hirtellus var. siccipes Coker & Beers, Boletaceae, p. 83. 1943. Ssp. cheimonophilus Sing. ssp. nov. Mycelio plerumque manifeste albido, carpophoro majore, stipite breviore latitudine pilei, tubulis circum stipitem raro distincte depressis; sporis saepe elongatis, tenuibus, plus minusve cylindricis; forma hiemalis. Pileus ‘‘barium yellow” to “pinard yellow” with subconcolorous or some- what darker innate fibrils which form subappressed but hirtose squamulae on the disk, dry in dry weather, decidedly viscid in wet weather, occa- sionally showing a grayish band around the extreme margin (veil), convex, becoming subplane, 50-90 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “wax yellow” to “olive lake,” adnate to slightly depressed, not decurrent; tubes moderately long; pores concolorous but often with some brownish glandulae, medium wide (around | mm. in diameter), not exuding drops unless diseased; spore print rather deep olive. — Stipe yellow, pallid toward the base, beset with numerous pale brown, then testaceous-chocolate, eventually blackish glan- dulae over its entire length, solid, equal or at least equal in its upper two thirds, and then the base slightly thickened and again acuminate below, 40-70 x 5-20 mm., mostly 45-60 x 5-20 mm.; veil none on the stipe; mycelium mostly whitish. — Context pale yellow, unchanging; odor none; taste mild. Spores 8-13.5 x (2.5)—3-3.3-(3.7) 2, melleous, smooth, cylindric or sub- fusoid-cylindric, rarely subellipsoid with suprahilar depression, or without depression; basidia and cystidia as in ssp. thermophilus; trama and glan- dulae not studied. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus and stipe and on the pores and context, “‘bay” but somewhat deeper. — NH. and NH,OH on surface of pileus, negative for a long time, then assuming a vinaceous hue, then “cinnamon buff”; on pores, more sordid grayish olive, then becoming deep olive gray with a cinnamon ring; on context, an undefinable grayish tinge, then becoming pallid sordid brown. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 205 Habitat: On sandy soil under pines, in Florida under Pinus palustris, P. australis, and P. taeda, usually solitary, or in small groups, fruiting in Florida in December and January. Distribution: Florida (if the northern form is included, it is distributed from New York to Florida with the western limits unknown). Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., Newnan’s Lake, Jan. 30, 1943, R. Singer, F 1772 (FH); Magnesia Springs, Jan. 5, 1941, G. F. Weber, (indet.) F 19826 (FLAS). Ssp. thermophilus Sing. ssp. nov. TEXT-FIGURE 1. Mycelio plerumque manifeste roseolo; carpophoro minore; stipite longiore latitudine pilei; tubulis circum stipitem plerumque distincte depressis; sporis forma sua haud distinctis; forma aestivalis thermophila. Pileus initially cinnamon, soon becoming “baryta yellow,” somewhat “maize yellow” on the disc, then “Martius yellow” or “sulphur yellow,” or “light Chalcedony yellow,” subviscid, innately fibrillose and minutely hir- tose, the margin initially covered with cobweb-like to woolly remnants of the veil which in the primordia continues into an indistinct, glutinous, hyaline veil that disappears before full maturity, convex, soon flat around the umbo, but sometimes without an umbo (subumbonate or obtuse), 38-58 mm. broad. — Hymenophore between “deep colonial buff” and “olive ocher,” depressed around the stipe; tubes 5-8 mm. long; pores initially “capucine buff,” then “ochraceous buff,” then “barium yellow,” then “light ochraceous buff,” and eventually between ‘“‘deep colonial buff” and ‘“‘dark olive buff,” or ‘‘sulphine yellow,” small (2 toa mm.) to medium (7 to 5 mm. tangentially, or 4 to 5 mm. radially), up to 1 mm. in diameter; spore print deep olivaceous. — Stipe concolorous, the brightest portions about “primu- line yellow,” beset with glandular dots which are sparse to very numerous, initially white or cinnamon, later concolorous with the remaining surface of the stipe, or whitish, then becoming carmine red, brownish red or indefi- nitely remaining concolorous, the upper part of the stipe and also sometimes the pores guttulate (droplets consisting of a whitish, rarely avellaneous latex), entirely solid, cylindric (after having been thinner at the apex in very young stages) to subequal, or with a root-like tapering base, 50-60 x 6-9 mm.; mycelium mostly salmon color; veil none. — Context yellow, unchanging; odor none, or very slight, like that of S. /uteus; taste mild. Spores (6.8)—7.5-10.2 x 3-3.2 y, brownish melleous, some pale melleous, smooth, fusoid to ellipsoid, in profile cylindric to fusoid; basidia 26 x7 yn, 4-spored; cystidia 37—71 x 5.3-16 », with about 0.5 » thick walls (the often strongly developed resinous incrustation not included), most of them colored because of the incrustation, few hyaline, elongate-clavate, in fascicles; dermatocystidia of the glandulae of the stipe of one type only, viz. the incrusted, clavate (Suillus-) type, 17-77 x 6—-9.5 »; hyphae without clamp connections. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, deep brownish yellow or lilaceous brown; on pores, dirty brown; on context, various shades of 276 FarLow!A, VoL. 2, 1945 brown. — NH, little reaction immediately but if exposed long enough, the disc of the pileus becomes “Persian lilac,” and the margin “acajou red”; on pores, slowly drab; on context, negative or similar to the reaction on the surface of the pileus. —NH,OH on surface of pileus, lilac, then carmine, then amethyst color, then fading; on the context of the stipe, almost nega- tive, or slowly sordid; in the base of the stipe, rapidly drab. — FeSO, on the context, slowly olivaceous yellow. Habitat; In mixed stands of low hammock and in flatwoods under Pinus TEXT-FIGURE 1. Suillus hirtellus (Peck) Kuntze ssp. thermophilus Singer. Fresh specimens from Highlands Hammock State Park, Florida after pro- longed exposure to ammonia vapors to bring out the hirtose character of the pileus. x 34. palustris in small groups, fruiting from June to September, or perhaps October. Distribution: From Georgia to south Florida (not in the tropical zone). Material studied: Fla. Highlands Co., Highlands Hammock State Park, Aug.—Sept. 1942, R. Singer, F 543 (type) (FH); F 543 a, F 5436 (FH); Alachua Co., Gainesville, W. A. Murrill, (as B. granulatus) F 16526 (FLAS).— Ga. Vicinity of Talullah Falls, north bank of river above bridge, Sept. 1901, A. B. Seymour & W. L. Moss (det. W. H. Snell as B. hirtellus) (FH); Fern Valley, Sept. 1901 (FH); Fern Brook and Bad Branch, Sept. 1901 (FH). I am at present not in a position to decide whether the northern form, z.e. the type form, belongs to any of these subspecies or constitutes a sub- species by itself. From the specimens I have seen, and from the best de- scriptions available, I would guess that it belongs rather to ssp. cheimo- SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE II. Agi nophilus. More phenological observations, however, will have to prove this point. It is possible that the northern form is unadapted to any special season and shows some distinguishing character or characters that would make it advisable to separate it as ssp. typicus. We have examined authentic material of Boletus hirtellus var. siccipes Coker & Beers, J.c. The differences between this and the Albany specimens are so slight as to be considered negligible. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Suillus hirtellus var. mutans (Peck ex Snell) Snell apud Slipp & Snell, Lloydia 7:23. 1944. Boletus hirtellus var. mutans Peck ex Snell, Mycologia 33:26. 1941. Boletus tomentosus Kauffman, Pap. Mich. Acad. Sci., Arts & Lett. 1:117. 1921, non Krombh. Nat. Abb. Schw. 5, fl. 36, fig. 19-20. 1836 (year uncertain), nom. nudum; nec Boletus tomentosus Raddi ex Sacc. Syll. 23:346. 1925. I have seen only Henderson’s specimens (NYS) of Peck’s unpublished variety which may well be an autonomous species or a geographic race (subspecies) of S. Airtellus. If recognized as a species, it should be known under the specific epithet used by Kauffman, since the figures in Krombholz do not provide essential characters and do not give analyses as would be necessary to really understand this species. Art. 44 (3) of the International Rules is therefore not applicable in this case, and is, for that matter, very rarely applicable at all in groups where the color of the spores and their shape, the presence or absence of clamp-connections, the structure of the trama, the viscidity of the pileus or stipe etc. are essential characters while the characters shown in these early pictures are “essential” (if the meaning of the word is stressed) only if the painting is executed and reproduced so well as to leave no doubt about the identity of the fungus. This is not the case with B. tomentosus Krombh. The description given by that author later under another name, combines two tentative ‘new species” and is, consequently, useless as a descriptive basis for B. tomentosus. B. tomen- tosus Raddi is pre-Friesian, and was validated by Saccardo four years after Kauffman. The only way of ruling out Kauffman’s species is by proving it to be a synonym (of S. Hirtellus or a subdivision of it, or perhaps of Rostkovites californica), not a homonym. Suillus cembrae (Sing.) Sing. comb, nov. Ixocomus cembrae Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:49. 1938. Described from the Altai Mts. in Siberia, this is an independent species, close to S. punctipes (Peck) Sing. Suillus punctipes (Peck) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus punctipes Ann. Rep. N.Y. State Mus. 32:32. 1880. Ixocomus punctipes Sing., Ann. Mycol. 40:30, 1942. The data obtained through study of fresh and dried material in New York State show that this species, observed under Pinus strobus by this 278 FARLOwIA, VoL. 2, 1945 author, has white mycelium (not pink as S. cembrae), and that the context remains unchanged when broken. This, coupled with the difference in the mycorrhiza-host, indicates that these specimens are different. The chemical reactions of the New York material were: KOH on surface of pileus, brown; on context of pileus, immediately sordid lilac, then lilaceous brown: NH; on surface of context of all parts, negative; NH,OH on surface of pileus, negative; on context of pileus, slowly pale and sordid lilaceous; FeSO, on context of pileus, pale gray.— The spores are subfusoid-sub- elliptical in frontal view, subfusoid in profile, melleous, smooth, (7.8)—8.8— 11.5 x 3-3.7 w; basidia 20-28 x 6.5-7 y, 4-spored; cystidia broadly clavate to mostly elongate-clavate, or fusoid, either non-incrusted or more or less strongly incrusted, very numerous, especially near the pores, the walls moderately (0.5 ») thick, 30-70 x 4.5-10.5 , the incrusted ones more often clavate than fusoid and the non-incrusted ones more often fusoid. — This species is distributed in the northeastern States reaching south as far as North Carolina with the western limits unknown. Sect. Bovini Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:38. 1938. Characters of the section: see key, p. 259. Type species: S. bovinus (L. ex Fr.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 32:535. 1898 belonging in subsect. Euryporini Sing. l.c., p. 53. Another species, S. variegatus (Sw. ex Fr.) Kuntze, /.c. is the type of subsection Stenosporini Sing. l.c. None of these occurs in Florida, and even their occurrence in North America is, though claimed, not quite certain. Sect. Piperati Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:38. 1938. This differs from the preceding section mainly in having dull red or pink tubes. The viscidity of the pileus is not always as strongly developed as in the other sections, but the hyphae of the cuticle are remarkably loosely arranged and imbedded in a gelatinous mass. While in other sections the color of the mycelium usually ranges from white to dirty drab or from white to pink, it tends to yellow in the Piperati. Two species are known, the type species S. piperatus (Bull. ex Fr.) Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 32:535. 1898 with its variety amarellus (Quél.) Sing. and S. rubinellus (Peck) Sing. None of these has ever been found in Florida. SPECIES INCOMPLETELY KNOWN Rostkovites californica Murr., Boletinus flavoluteus Snell, B. glandulosus Peck are some species apparently belonging in Swidlus but not well enough known to this author. They have no bearing on Florida species, nor, like any other species that may enter into this category, do they have outstand- ing taxonomic significance. SPECIES EXCLUDENDAE Suillus castaneus (Bull. ex Fr.) Poir. in Lam. ex Karst. Suillus cyanescens (Bull. ex Fr.) Poir. in Lam. ex Karst. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE IIT. 279 Suillus subalbellus (Murr.) Sacc. & Trott. Suillus atroviolaceus Hoehn. All these species belong in Gyroporus, not in Suillus S. F. Gray. Suillus jamaicensis (Murr.) Sacc. & Trott. is not a Suillus in our sense, nor is it a Gyroporus, cf. p. 240. Suillus hygrophanus Rostr. can be almost anything. No specimens seen. Suillus cantharelloides (Jacobasch) Sacc. & Syd. is not a bolete. Suillus Maxonii (Murr.) Sacc. & Syd. This is a polypore, and, as the type (NY) shows, belongs in the genus Polyporus sensu str. The spores are hyaline, thin-walled, cylindric or cylindric-fusoid, 11-12 x 5 »; hyphae of the tube-trama interwoven-sub- parallel, trama not bilateral but subregular, walls thin, clamp connections numerous. It is described from Costa Rica, and should be known as Polyporus Maxonii (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Kuntze, Revisio Generum Plantarum 3°:535-536. 1898, amused him- self by transferring practically all known species of Boletus which he copied from Saccardo, to Suillus because of priority or what he used to call so. Personally, he has never seen any of them except perhaps Boletus edulis in his kitchen. Subfam. Xerocomoideae Sing. subfam. nov. Hyphis haud fibuligeris vel raro paucas fibulas gerentibus; sporis fusoideo-subcylin- draceis, olivaceo-brunneis in cumulo (numquam roseolis nec flavis nec ferrugineis) ; pileo subtomentoso vel tomentoso jove sicco, saepe viscidulo jove pluvio; hymenophoro lamelloso interstitiis venosis vel tubuloso et tunc poris plerumque amplis, irregularibus, compositis praedito, sed nunquam typice boletinoideo, adnato vel decurrente; cystidiis hyalinis vel melleo-incrustatis vel melleo-tinctis; tramate hymenophorali subbilaterali- subregulari (typi “phylloporoidei”) strato laterali vix laxiore quam mediostratum leniterque tantum divergente; stipite solido, cylindraceo vel subcylindraceo, rarius ventricoso-subbulboso, glandulis veloque carente. Habitatio: Ad terram et ad lignum sub variis arboribus. Characters of the subfamily: see key p. 227 and the above Latin diag- nosis. Type genus: Xerocomus Quél. Phylloporus Quél., Flor. Mycol., p. 409. 1888. This genus has all the characters of the first section of the following genus of this subfamily except for the different configuration of the hy- menophore. This is the only genus of the Boletaceae with gills instead of tubes. It can, however, be distinguished from all gill fungi by its char- acteristic bright and deep blue to green-blue reaction with ammonia on the surface of the pileus and the structure of the young gill trama. The hyphae are usually clampless but in some specimens some rare clamps can be ob- served if carefully and patiently searched for. The type species is P. Pel- letieri (Lév. apud Cr.) Quél. which in its turn is the same as P. rhodoxanthus (Schw.) Bres. ssp. europaeus Sing. Another subspecies of this species oc- curs in Florida. 280 FARLowIA, Vor. 2, 1945 11. Phylloporus rhodoxanthus (Schw.) Bres., Fung. Trid. 2:95. 1900. Paxillus flavidus Berk., Lond. Jour. Bot. 6:315. 1847. Paxillus pinguis Hook. fil. apud Berk., Hook. Journ. Bot. 3:41. 1851. Agaricus Pelletieri Lév. apud Crouan, Flor. d. Finistére, p. 81. 1867. (=ssp. euro- paeus Sing.) Agaricus paradoxus Kalchbr., Icon. Fung., p. 27. 1873 (=ssp. europaeus Sing.) Paxillus paradoxus Cooke, Grevillea 5:6. 1876 (=ssp. europaeus Sing.). Clitocybe Pelletieri Gill., Champ. Fr., p. 170. 1878 (=ssp. europaeus Sing.) Gomphidius rhodoxanthus Sacc., Syll. 511139. 1887. Flammula rhodoxanthus (sic) Lloyd, Myc. Not. 1(no. 3) :17. 1899. Paxillus sulcatus Pat., Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 5:7. 1909 (=ssp. americanus Sing. ?). Paxillus rhodoxanthus Ricken, Blatterp. 1:95. 1911 (formally ssp. americanus) Phylloporus bogoriensis Hoehn., Fragm. Mycol. 16(838) :41. 1914 (=ssp. bogori- ensis Sing.) Paxillus Pelletieri Velen., Cesk. Houby 2:356. 1920 (=ssp. europaeus Sing.) Phylloporus sulcatus Gilbert, Bolets, p. 88. 1931 (=ssp. americanus Sing.?) Phylloporus paradoxus Cleland, Toadst. & Mushr. 1:178. 1934 (formally = ssp. europaeus) Gomphidius foliiporus Murr., Mycologia 35:432. 1943 (=ssp. foliiporus Sing.) ?Agaricus Tammii Fr., Ofvers. K. Vetensk.-Akad. Forh. 18(1):24. 1861. ?Gymnocybe Tammi Karst., Hattsw., p. 412. 1879. ?Paxillus Tammii Pat., Tab. Anal. Fasc. 4:161. 1885 (descr. et fig. excl. quae=P. rhodoxanthus ssp. europaeus) ?Flammula Tammii Sacc., Syll. 5:810. 1887. PrateE I, ric. 11-12. Ssp. foliiporus Murr. l.c. Pileus when fresh between “maroon” and “claret brown,” or between “russet” and “hazel,” or “russet,” or “ochraceous tawny,” or “buckthorn brown,” when old (sooner in sunny weather) fading to between “buckthorn brown” and “Isabella color” or to between “Isabella color” and “chamois,” non-viscid, subtomentose or tomentose, in many specimens with soft wart- like projections, glabrescent with age, and often becoming rimulose or rimose (mostly concentrically), with the margin forming an obtuse angle (about 90°) in old specimens, convex, soon with flat or even slightly de- pressed center, margin eventually also flattening, 18-145 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “strontian yellow” or between this and “lemon yellow”, turning blue in fresh material where wounded, eventually more sordid- brownish, decurrent, lamellae broad (7-14 mm. broad), their edges never forming pores and only the bases (near the line of attachment to the con- text of the pileus) up to one third of the breadth of the lamellae, rarely higher up, connected by transversely or obtusely forking veins, the sides of the lamellae often transversely veined, the edges entire and somewhat darkening in age; spore print brownish olivaceous, becoming “chipmunk” (M. & P.) in older herbarium preparations. — Stipe reddish brown above (colors much like those of the pileus), at least the furfuraceous squamulae or farinaceous pruinosity of the apex, and also the thin ribs continuing the lamellae, besides with a belt of reddish brown below the apex in most specimens, otherwise more olivaceous below, or yellow (concolorous with SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 281 the hymenophore) above, the reddish-brown colors eventually gradually dis- appearing, grayish greenish pallid below from a tomentose-flocculose cover- ing, or, if glabrous, merely pallid there, not viscid, solid, equal or tapering downward, 16-55 x 2-40 mm.; mycelium either yellowish white or rich yellow; veil none. — Context yellowish white, pale yellow, or yellow, bluing when quite fresh and young; odor faint as in Xerocomus subtomentosus, X, illudens etc.; taste mild. Spores 11-15 x 4.5—5.8 », melleous, smooth, oblong-ellipsoid to subfusoid, often the upper half only tapering to the apex; basidia 29-42 x 8-14.5 yp, mostly 4-spored, only occasional 3-spored ones mixed in, which measure 31-36 x 7.5-8.5 , and very rare 2-spored ones exceptionally found (e.g. 43x 6.5 w); cystidia 51-95 x 7-20 p», fusoid, more rarely clavate, rarely cylindric, apiculate but obtuse at the tip, hyaline or with a melleous apex, rarely entirely melleous, and very slightly so in most cases, numerous, especially near the edges, the larger ones mostly found near the edges; trama consisting of a mediostratum of subparallel-subinterwoven hyphae that are more irregularly interwoven near the base of the lamella, and a lateral stratum of slightly though distinctly divergent (parallel with each other) hyphae which are not or not much more loosely arranged than the hyphae of the mediostratum and consequently also not or not much paler than these; kyphae in most carpophores without clamp connections, but occasional carpophores with a few clamped septa are observed. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, deep rich blue; on la- mellae, brown; on context brownish.— NH, and NH,OH on not yet discolored surface of pileus, quickly bright but intensely pure blue to green-blue, eventually reaching ‘““Hay’s brown” as everywhere else in the carpophore. — Aniline negative. — Formol negative. — Methylparami- dophenol negative. Habitat: On the ground in hammocks as well as in open woods, also on trunks of trees (Sabal, Quercus, Pinus) in frondose woods, mostly near Quercus spec., and also in coniferous woods, mostly near Pinus australis, solitary or gregarious, fruiting from May to November. Distribution: Florida. Material studied: Fla., Highlands Co., Highlands Hammock State Park, R. Singer, F 223/I and F 223/I a (FH), F 632 (FH); Sebring, R. Singer, F 439 (FH); Polk Co., Lake Alfred, A. S. Rhoads (det. Murrill) (FLAS) ; Alachua Co., Gainesville, R. Singer, F 2183 (FH); F 2629 (FH); W. A. Murrill, (authentic) F 17990 (FLAS); Sugarfoot Hammock, E. West, L. Arnold, W. A. Murrill, F 17747 (type) (FLAS, FH); F 17774 (co- type) (FLAS); F 15728 (FLAS); F 18157 a young stage, authentic F 18157 (FLAS); Magnesia Springs, £. West, L. Arnold, W. A. Murrill, (authentic) F 17991 (FLAS); Columbia Co., High Springs, W. A. Mur- rill, (authentic) F 15599 (FLAS); Dade Co., Brickell’s Hammock, Miami, R. Singer, F 940 (FH). P. rhodoxanthus ssp. foliiporus (Murr.) Sing. is found in two forms, one with yellow mycelium, and another one with whitish mycelium. It is pos- 282 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 sible that these are hereditary forms which however would be of negligible taxonomic importance unless coupled with some other character. We have not been able, thus far, to ascertain any correlation of this kind. When reading the diagnosis of Gomphidius foliiporus Murr., one may be impressed by the allegedly pallid lamellae and the dark spores. The speci- mens, however, including the type, do not show any appreciable differences, either macroscopical or microscopical, from the specimens determined by Murrill as PAylloporus rhodoxanthus. In fact, the latter as well as G. folitporus are identical. The common Phylloporus in and around Gaines- ville, Fla., always had yellow lamellae when young and fresh, never pallid ones, and the spores were of the ordinary color in the Xerocomoideae in print as well as under the microscope. Fries indicates spores of a different color for his Agaricus Tammii, but this should not have influenced the descriptions of P. rhodoxanthus because Fries’ indication is either an error, or A. Tammi is not a PAhylloporus but rather a Gymnocybe. This does not mean that G. foliiporus is a plain synonym of the northern P. rhodoxanthus. It is rather a geographic race of the latter. The difference between this and the other races of P. rhodoxanthus does not consist in the characters emphasized by Murrill but in the characters opposed to each other in the following key. KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES OF PHYLLOPORUS RHODOXANTHUS A. Context changing to blue (green), or “black” by autoxydation when wounded, at least lamellae bluing or “blackening” when quite young and fresh; tropical and subtropical races. B. Spores 11-15 x 4.5-5.8 «; American race. ssp. foliiporus B. Spores 7.5-11 x (3.5)-4-5 uw; East Indian race. ssp. bogoriensis A. Context unchanging or changing to reddish or brownish red when wounded; lamel- lae never bluing or blackening even when young and fresh. Temperate races. C. Anastomoses of the lamellae constant and broad (high), reaching half the breadth of the lamellae, or more, more rarely less; decurrent ribs at the apex of the stipe forming a proliferation of the lamellae, either absent, or rather indistinct, even if mycelium yellow. ssp. europaeus C. Anastomoses of the lamellae mostly vein-like, rarely higher and then only toward the margin of the pileus, or near the stipe, and even there not sur- passing half the breadth of the lamellae, sometimes entirely lacking; from the point of attachment of each lamella at the stipe, a longitudinal vein or rib runs down the apex of the stipe in all forms with yellow mycelium; American race. ssp. americanus Ssp. bogoriensis (Hoehn. l.c.) Sing. comb. nov. The examination of the type material (FH) makes it evident that this species is another race of P. rkodoxanthus. Aside from the somewhat problematic difference between bluing and blackening, we find the spores slightly smaller in all three collections from Java than they are in our Florida material; the basidia are about 35x 10.5 ,, 4-spored; cystidia either hyaline or brownish, cylindric, clavate, or fusoid, with 0.8 » thick SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 283 walls, bluntly rounded at apex, numerous, especially near the edge, 44-105 x 11-20 p; tramal structure as in ssp. foliporus; no clamps seen. Assuming as wide a variation of characters as is found in the Florida subspecies, it may be concluded that all three collections of Hoehnel’s are the same thing. Even the material marked “Tjibodas” and “Zwergexem- plare” is hardly different though it shows some similarities with material collected in Indo-China and China which rather belongs in ssp. americanus. Specimens without notes on color changes from the Singapore Botanic Garden were collected by Baker and remained undetermined in Patouil- lard’s Herbarium (FH). I think they belong to ssp. bogoriensis. Ssp. americanus Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:171. 1938. Lloyd has first mentioned the difference in the hymenophore of the American form, the type form of P. rhodoxanthus, and the European form. The specimens we have collected in this country and the specimens pre- served in the herbaria, as far as they have been found in North America, can be divided in two basic forms, one with whitish mycelium, and wanting ribs on the apex of the stipe, and one, usually larger, with yellow mycelium, and very distinct longitudinal veins or ribs on the apex of the stipe. The form with whitish mycelium has been found in New Brunswick, Canada, and in northern New England, while the form with yellow mycelium is known from southern New England to the Carolinas and perhaps Georgia. The type of P. rhodoxanthus ssp. americanus Sing. is, of course, the speci- men on which Schweinitz based his Agaricus rhodoxanthus, and this is obviously the form with yellow mycelium. It so appears that the form with white mycelium does not belong in the same subspecies with the typical ssp. americanus. However, more data are needed in order to make sure that this actually is another geographical race, and besides, it will have to be proved that it is not identical with any European form. The spores are rather variable in both American forms, in the white- mycelioid form varying from 10-11 x 3.3-4 » in New Hampshire material to 11.5-13.5 x 44.8 » in New Brunswick material; in the yellow-mycelioid form they usually are 10.5-12.5—(14.3) x 4—5.5 ; basidia 20-30 x 6—8.3 yp, with four 5 » long sterigmata; cystidia hyaline or in old herbarium speci- mens with a slight yellowish tinge, cylindric or cylindric-fusoid, also some- times clavate with 0.5—-0.8 » thick wall, rather numerous to very numerous, 50-111 x 6-19 y»; trama as in the other subspecies; no clamps found. Material from eastern Asia seems to belong here. The description given by Imai for Hokkaido material fits well. We have also examined Chinese collections with the spores 9.2-15 x 3.7-5.5 ys; basidia 29-32 x 7-9 yp, 4- spored; cystidia hyaline to very pale yellowish with 0.7 » thick wall, clavate or fusoid, also sometimes cylindric, 40-110 x 7-19 »; trama as in the other subspecies; clamps none; color of the mycelium yellow; ribs at apex of stipe distinct. Patouillard’s type (FH) of his Paxdllus sulcatus from Indo- China has 11-12.8 x 4.5-5—(6) » large spores (a few foreign spores from Boletellus, probably B. emodensis, have fallen onto the hymenophore of the 284 FARLOWIA, VOL. 2, 1945 type specimen); basidia and cystidia as in the yellow-mycelioid form of ssp. americanus. Lebedeva claims that she had P. rhodoxanthus from the Far-Eastern Province of the U.S.S.R. Thus this race probably occurs all through East- ern Asia from there through Japan and Eastern China to French-Indo- China. Ssp. europaeus Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:171. 1938. Good European material from St. Johann in Tyrol, v. Hoehnel, 1908 (FH) has recently been consulted by this author and the mycelium has been found to be yellow while the apical ribs were absent or very indistinct; the spores were 11-14 x (3.3)-4.2-5 1; basidia 35-44x 8.5 pw, 4-spored; cystidia yellowish-brownish to hyaline, 45-70 x (5.5)—10 y, fusoid; trama not studied, clamps none. SPECIES INCOMPLETELY KNOWN Phylloporus infundibuliformis (Cleland) Sing. comb. nov, Paxillus infundibuliformis Cleland, Toadst. & Mushr. 1:175. 1934. This is evidently a Phylloporus but not conspecific with P. rhodoxanthus, as far as can be concluded from the description. What is described as P. paradoxus by Cleland is a subspecies of P. rhodoxanthus, probably an undescribed one, or else ssp. americanus or ssp. bogoriensis. SPECIES EXCLUDENDAE Phylloporus malaccensis Pat. & Baker is Porphyrellus malaccensis (Pat. & Bak.) Sing. Phylloporus intermedius Pat. is Gyrodon intermedius (Pat.) Sing. Phylloporus Rompelii Pat. & Rick. This species is Gyrodon Rompelii (Pat. & Rick) Sing., and perhaps a variety of G. merulioides (Schw.) Sing. Phylloporus lariceti Sing. This species is here treated as the type of the new genus Psiloboletinus. Phylloporus squarrosoides (Snell & Dick) Sing. This species may very well be treated as a Phylloporus, but in the present arrangement it is transferred to Xerocomus. Xerocomus Queél., Flor. Mycol., p. 417. 1888. Xerocomopsis Reichert, Palest. Journ. Bot., Reh. Ser., 3:229. 1940. Pileus more or less tomentose or subtomentose, frequently with at least fragmentary trichodermium-pallisade; hymenophore not lamellate but oc- casionally subboletinoid, most frequently with rather wide and angular pores, adnate, often with a decurrent tooth, or arcuate-decurrent, more rarely becoming depressed around the stipe and then usually with the radial walls of the tubes forming a sublamellate ring around the apex of SINGER: FLorIDA BOLETINEAE II. 285 the stipe, not free, but sometimes separating in age; stipe usually cylindric or subequal and rather thin, more rarely some other shape, and very rarely ventricose-bulbous as in Boletus, sometimes with an ocher brown or yellow coarse network at the apex, never finely reticulate as in Boletus; veil none; yellow pulverulence none; spores variable in size but constant in shape, 7.e. always subcylindric to subfusoid, or oblong-ellipsoid to ellipsoid-subclavate, always olivaceous-brown in print (never yellow, ferruginous, pinkish- vinaceous etc.) ; trama of the hymenophore subbilateral of the Phylloporus- type, i.e. the lateral stratum scarcely (if at all) lighter colored, and scarcely (if at all) looser than the mediostratum, its hyphae though distinctly di- verging in youth, not strongly bent outward, and not distinctly imbedded in a mucilaginous mass, parallel with each other; hyphae without clamp connections; cystidia medium-sized to rather large, not strikingly incrusted or not incrusted at all, not in fascicles; setae none; mycelium white or yellow, not constantly forming mycorrhiza with conifers (except a few species which do not occur in Florida). — The type species is Xerocomus subtomentosus (L. ex Fr.) Queél.!® The genus Xerocomus is the one genus among the Boletineae that is most difficult to delimit, and yet it appears to be indispensable from a practical as well as theoretical point of view. It undoubtedly represents itself as a link between Phylloporus on one side and Boletus sensu str. on the other. As for its limits with PAylloporus, I have been tempted to redefine Phyl- loporus by introducing into that genus species with definite pores such as Xerocomus illudens and the related species showing the characteristic vivid blue ammonia-reaction on the surface of the pileus known also in Phyllo- porus. In fact these species are so closely related to Phylloporus that they almost form a continuous line, and the dividing line between PAylloporus and Xerocomus could as well have been drawn along chemical as along macro-morphological characters. Unfortunately these convenient and rea- sonably sharp characters are not entirely parallel, since the blue ammonia- reaction is found on some porous species. I finally chose the macro-mor- phological criterion for the distinction of the two genera for two practical reasons. First, this character has in its favor tradition as well as the greater convenience of immediate recognition in old, dry, or dried material. Second, a modification of the vivid blue reaction which is found in other species of Xerocomus either as a flash of black-blue or a livid-caesious ring around the stained spot, or a violet shade of blue, may cause confusion notwith- standing their obvious difference from the coloration observed in Phyllo- porus. This more conservative solution, leaving X. illudens and allied forms 18 Tt would mean to reduce Xerocomus to the status of a synonym of Boletus, if the first species mentioned by Quélet, Xerocomus impolitus were to be the type of the genus, as has been proposed by others. This latter proposal, however, was made as a conse- quence of a misinterpretation of the rules which do not prescribe the choice of the first- described species. Xerocomus, as conceived by its author, is the group centering around X. subtomentosus, and therefore this author in 1936 proposed this latter species as lecto-type. 286 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 in Xerocomus, has also the advantage of keeping within a single genus such species as X. illudens, X. spadiceus sensu Quél.=X. coniferarum and X. subtomentosus which were in the past even considered to be varieties of one and the same species. I may add, however, that there is not enough evidence to prove that X. illudens and X. coniferarum actually are more closely re- lated to the rest of the Xerocomi than with Phylloporus. On the other extreme of the genus Xerocomus are forms which apparently gradually approach the genus Boletus sensu str. In these, the pores are somewhat smaller than in the others, and the structure of the lateral stratum of the hymenophoral trama becomes more truly bilateral (Boletus- type). In fact, even macroscopically, no sharp line between these two genera can be drawn. If, however, the exact structure of the trama and the affinities of every single intermediate species are checked and weighed, a line between these genera will result that is somewhat hard to define but evidently leaves related forms together and makes both genera as natural as possible. Two important papers on the anatomy of the hymenophoral trama in the boletes have appeared recently. The first authors to mention the dif- ference between what we call the Phylloporus-type and the Boletus-type, were Lohwag and Peringer (Ann. Mycol, 35:295-338. 1937). Their results were checked by this author on the limited amount of material in 1938 and found to be correct. I may add that in my key to the genera of the Agaricales (Schweizer. Zeitschr. Pilzk. 17:7. 1939) I have for the first time used the two types of bilaterality for taxonomic purposes. In a later paper, Elrod and Blanchard (Mycologia 31:704. 1939) also published on the structure of the trama of the Boletaceae but did not arrive at the same results as their predecessors. In fact, they concluded that though there was plenty of difference in different species, this difference did not coincide with any classification based on other characters and can therefore not be used for taxonomic purposes. I have regretted that these authors did not publish precisely what structure they found in what species and at what stage. If they had, it would probably become more apparent that the differences they found cannot, in many cases, be used for taxonomic purposes because they do not exist between species but between stages. I have now checked on young and good material of most of the specimens available for this purpose (see descriptions and notes on extralimital material), and rechecked on my own findings in long and tedious investigations. If care is taken to use for these investigations nothing but comparatively recent collections and car- pophores just beginning to sporulate, it will be found that there is a bi- lateral trama in all Boletaceae with a single modification, that is the existence of the Phyiloporus- and Boletus-type of bilaterality. As soon as the tubes begin to elongate, the divergence of the hyphae of the lateral stratum diminishes slowly until it finally reaches zero i.e. the hyphae show a generally axillar direction, parallel with each other and with the medio- stratum. On the other hand, there is no bolete among the scores of speci- mens I have sectioned that does not show distinctly (though to a different SINGER: FLoRIDA BOLETINEAE II. 287 degree) divergent hyphae in the lateral stratum at a certain age. Even the difference between the Phylloporus- and Boletus-type is rather a quantita- tive than a qualitative one. It is only natural that, under these circum- stances, intermediate structures occasionally may be observed. An example is section Pseudoboleti with thus far one species, X. badius. Since the dis- posal of the species with intermediate structure has been taken care of in an arbitrary way, with the idea of keeping related forms together, the keys to the species of Boletus (now in preparation) take into account both species here considered as belonging to Xerocomus, and species considered as Boletus (sensu str.). KEY TO THE SECTIONS A. Spores short (Q=2, or less), or reaction of the surface of the pileus with ammonia an intense, vivid pure blue or green-blue (about “porcelain blue” or “dusky green blue”), not blackish blue, nor violet, livid, or caesious. Sect. 1. Pseudophyllopori A. Spores elongate and reaction with ammonia not as described above. B. Pileus not or scarcely viscid in wet weather; species growing entirely as saprophytes, or with northern forest trees, or parasitic on fungi. C. Not parasitic on fungi; spore production of the hymenophore abun- dant; context potentially bluing, or at least fresh tubes sometimes bluing. Sect. 2. Subtomentosi C. Parasitic on fungi (Sclerodermatineae) ; spore production not as active as in other boletes; context not or scarcely bluing, not even in the tubes. Sect. 3. Parasitici B. Pileus distinctly viscid in wet weather; either forming mycorrhiza with northern conifers exclusively, or connected with southern hardwoods, some- times in open places. D. Carpophores small; spores smaller than 10 «; context and pores un- changing; species never connected with conifer mycorrhiza. Sect. 4. Brasilienses D. Carpophores medium to rather large with medium (longer than 10 y) to rather large spores; context bluing; northern species, always con- nected with conifer mycorrhiza. Sect. 5. Pseudoboleti Sect. Pseudophyllopori Sing. sect. nov. Sporis breviusculis (quotiente e longitudine et latitudine vix superante 2) aut reac- tione NH; et NH,OH in superficie pilei provocata intense azurea vel viridulo-azurea. Characters of the section: Pileus not viscid; surface of pileus in the species studied turning immediately to an intense, vivid pure blue or green- blue (about ‘“‘porcelain blue” or “dusky green blue”), at least when young and fresh, neither water-soaked nor too dry; pores wide; spores either short (Q=2, or less), or of normal elongated shape; context bluing or not bluing; habitat on the ground or on wood in frondose and coniferous woods, ham- mocks, and in gardens near trees, never parasitic on fungi.’* — The type species is X. illudens (Peck) Sing. (Boletus illudens Peck). 14 Tt is not known whether these species form mycorrhiza. If they do, they evidently prefer frondose trees, especially oaks, hornbeam, and perhaps sweet gum and others. However, one species grows with conifers (X. coniferarum). 288 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1945 KEY TO THE SPECIES A. Spores with Q averaging around 2 or somewhat smaller. B. Pores large, subboletinoid, angular; spores 9-12 x 4.5-6 uw. X. squarrosoides B. Pores medium-sized, circular to oblong; spores 7.7-8.5 x 5 yu. X. Housei A. Spores with Q decidedly above 2. C. Stipe without a network in all specimens of a given group, 7.e. constantly smooth; spores 4-5 » broad or broader; growing with oaks (in Florida). D. Base of stipe distinctly bright yellow; mycelium yellow; carpophores small and thin. 12. X. hypoxanthus D. Base of stipe not distinctly vellow; mycelium yellowish white to white; carpophore large and thick (in Florida). E. Floridan species; carpophores large, thick, growing in scrub and in low oak woods; hymenophore a rich yellow 13. X. pseudoboletinus E. African species; carpophores rather small and rather thin, grow- ing at the base of termite nests; hymenophore pinkish cinnamon. X. Linderi C. Stipe with a network, at least at the apex in most specimens of a group (sometimes the network is incomplete, and replaced by a coarse brown punctation on yellowish ground, but the majority of carpophores shows them connected enough to form a well-distinguishable network); spores either about 4-5 w broad, or narrower. F. Pileus usually tapering down into the thin, frequently curved stipe, and thus the hymenophore distinctly arcuate-decurrent; tubes very gradually transient into the coarse network (ridges or punctation) of the stipe; mycelium white or yellowish white; spores 4-5 w broad; habitat around trunks in dense hammocks, more rarely farther away from the trunks on humus. 14. X. hemixanthus . Pileus not shaped as described above, and consequently the hymeno- phore either flatly adnate (though sometimes plainly decurrent on one side because of irregularity of growth), and only slightly decurrent with a tooth, the walls proliferating into the network of the apex of the stipe but not very gradually so; mycelium yellowish white or yel- low; spores 3.5—4.2 uw broad in eastern species, often broader in others; growing in small groups not arranged around the trunks of trees, usually in rather open stands of northern woods, or in partly cultivated hammock land, in gardens etc. G. In beech woods (Fagus) and in coniferous woods, in Europe, perhaps in North America; spores (3.5)—4-5-(6) w broad, most frequent sizes 11.5-13 x 4.8 4; mycelium yellow and then carpophores large and the stipe not tapering downwards, or mycelium white and then carpophores medium-sized to rather small with the apex of the stipe deeply reticulate. H. Stipe brown, very strongly reticulated, pallid near the base, equal or tapering downward; carpophores medium- sized, or perhaps rather small; in beech woods (accord- ing to Rostkovius). X. lanatus H. Stipe yellow with more or less deeply decurrent brown network; the base and the mycelium yellow, stipe sub- equal or tapering upward; large plant in coniferous woods. X. coniferarum SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II]. 289 G. In mixed oak woods and on lawns and in gardens under fron- dose trees other than beech, mostly oak in the eastern part of North America; spores 3.5-4.5 « broad, most frequently 10-11.7 x 3.5-4.1 yw; mycelium yellow and then carpophores medium-sized and the stipe distinctly tapering downward in most cases, or mycelium white or yellowish white, and then carpophores large with the stipe yellow and brown-reticulate. 15. X.illudens I. Mycelium white to yellowish white; carpophores large (pileus 63-123 mm. broad; stipe 40-60x 25-35 mm.) ; the brown network of the stipe usually reaching deep to- ward the base. Northern plant. ssp. typicus I. Mycelium yellow; medium-sized carpophores (pileus 43- 87 mm. broad; stipe 35-70x 8-18 mm.); the brown network of the stipe usually confined to the upper portion of the stipe. Known only from Florida. ssp. xanthomycelinus 12. Xerocomus hypoxanthus Sing. spec. nov. Pileo dilute brunneolo, ochraceo-brunneo-punctatulo (velutino-punctatulo vel fibril- loso-granulosulo) vel tomentoso, sicco, convexo, 26-66 mm. lato, ammonici ope vivide azureo; tubulis flavis, deinde subolivaceis, saepe tactu subvirescentibus, adnatis vel subdepressis; sporis 11-14 x 4.2-5.2 wu, brunneo-olivascentibus in cumulo recente; stipite flavo, deorsum pallido vel pallide flavo, sed brunneolo-granuloso-subsquamuloso, squamulis minutis subsparsis obtecto, aequali, mycelio flavo, 30-50x 4-10 mm.; carne alba vel albida, flavidula vel flava, laesa subtiliter caerulescente in pileo, inodora, miti. Habitatio: In dumetis subtropicis (“low hammock”) et silvis arenosis (“scrub”) prope quercus et arbores alias frondosas aestate in Florida Americae Borealis. Pileus pale brownish but appearing much more vivid brown because of a dense fibrillose-granular velvet or a tomentum that is ‘mahogany red,” “Brussels brown,” “russet,” “Mars brown,” or “ochraceous tawny,” and by side view (seen at an acute angle) usually rather “buckthorn brown,” non-viscid, only subviscid when wetted thoroughly, not reddening in cracks, 26-28 mm. broad but occasionally reaching 66 mm. in diameter. — Hy- menophore “strontian yellow” with a tinge of “oil yellow” or “pyrite yel- low,” adnate-subdecurrent or planely adnate, or slightly depressed around the stipe, or lamellately stretched near the stipe, and finally separating from it, pores concolorous and greening on pressure or unchanging, wide; spore print not obtained in thick enough layer but of about the same color as in the following species. — Stipe pallid to pale yellow or pale tawny and mostly more vivid yellow at the apex (“light cadmium” to “lemon chrome”’), and usually likewise yellow at the very base where the finely fibrillose bright yellow mycelium is attached, the yellow of the surface of the middle portion usually obscured by the “Argus brown” granular punctation or furfuraceous pustulation which becomes denser downwards but is usually sparse and the particles minute farther above, though occasionally it forms an annular belt of denser granulae (not a veil), non-viscid, solid, thin, subequal or equal, 20-32 x 2-4.5 mm. but sometimes reaching 50 x 10 mm. — Context white or with a very faint yellowish tinge in the pileus, reaching “Martius yellow” to “strontian yellow,” pallid to light yellow in the stipe 290 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 but often lemon yellow in the apex of the stipe and often marbled, the context of the pileus never becoming reddish in wounds or cracks, unchang- ing when bruised, or sometimes slightly bluing; taste mild; odor none or very slight, like that of Boletus edulis; taste mild. Spores (8.2)-11—14 x 4.2—5.2 , smooth, melleous, fusoid with suprahilar depression; basidia 26-41.5 x 8.5-11 p, most frequently 26-36 x 9.5-10 p, 4-spored, very rarely some few basidia 2-spored; pseudoparaphyses clavate with subcapitate apex, or basidiomorphous, e.g. 33 x (5)-8-11.5 p, not always present; cystidia 34-70 x 6.8-12.2 p, fusoid with the thickest por- tion in the middle or in the upper third, with the apex obtuse and often ampullaceous protracted, hyaline, rather numerous; trama of the tube-walls of the same general type as in X, illudens; all hyphae without clamp con- nections. Chemical reactions: KOH on pileus, dark and intense blue, in older and drier material “amber brown” to “Argus brown’; on the tubes, light brown to brown; on the squamulae of the stipe, deeper brown but ground color unchanged. — NH,OH on the surface of the pileus, deep and rich blue to green-blue when young and fresh, slightly bluish to negative when old or dry; on context, blue to bluish when fresh. Habitat: On trunks of palmetto between old petioles, on very decayed frondose wood, on the base of frondose trees, or on humus and débris in low and mesophytic hammocks, and on dry sand in scrub areas, from July to September. Distribution: From Georgia (and perhaps Virginia) south to Florida (except in the tropical part of the state). Material studied: Fla. Highlands Co., Highlands Hammock State Park, R. Singer, F 626 (type, FH); F 37 (co-type, FH); F 357 (co-type, FH) ; F 579/I (co-type, a large form of the scrub, FH); Alachua Co., Sugarfoot Hammock, R. Singer, F 2473 6 (FH); F 2590/1 (FH).—Ga. Tallulah Falls, A. B. Seymour (FH). The combination of characters in this usually small bolete is constant in all collections, and it does not seem to have been described before. 13. Xerocomus pseudoboletinus (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Ceriomyces pseudoboletinus Murr., Lloydia 7:324. 1944. Pileus “mahogany brown,” “Verona brown,” “russet,”’ later “sayal brown,” “Mikado brown,” ‘ochraceous tawny,” or with some ‘“Sanford’s brown,” or (because of the unequal development or partial lack of the cuticle) as pale as “honey yellow” in the center and “chamois” to “cream buff” on the margin, occasionally with some “pinkish buff” to “pinkish cinnamon” mixed in, sometimes more “cameo brown” at places, tomentose to subvelutinous, more tomentose toward the margin, partially and un- equally glabrescent and often areolate-squamose, the squamulae appressed, becoming more distinctly rimulose when old, the yellow of the flesh show- ing through the crevasses or squamulae, dry, rugulose to smooth, margin incurved and slightly projecting when young, the projecting portion pallid SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 291 underneath, pulvinate, then convex with an occasional depression in the center, 40-170 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “lemon chrome” or between ‘“Jemon chrome” and “lemon yellow,” or “sulphine yellow,” becoming “‘sul- phine yellow” or “lemon yellow” when older, then “citrine” with more “lemon yellow” pores, adnate or shallowly depressed; tubes 10-17 mm. long, the radial walls of the tubes often short-decurrent (1-6 mm.) and occasionally with anastomosing lines; pores on unequal level, radially elongate, at least near the stipe, 0.5-2.5 mm. wide, 3-5 pores to 5 mm. radially, and 5—6 pores to 5 mm. transversely; spore print brownish olive. — Stipe “naphthalene yellow,” “primulin yellow,” “strontian yellow,” or ‘ivory yellow” with “colonial buff” punctations, often at places almost white, often concolorous with the pileus near the base, or near the base or in the middle “onion skin pink,” “pecan brown,” or “walnut brown,” dry, not reticulate, without furfuraceous or reticulate brown ornamentations, even at the apex, but with occasional short longitudinal coarse ribs which are subconcolorous with the pileus and rarely show a slight anastomosis, otherwise quite smooth, but never really glabrous because of a minute, mostly yellowish or pale tan punctation all over its surface, though often seemingly subglabrous because the punctation does not show except when observed with a lens, subequal or tapering downward and frequently with a strongly enlarged apex, solid, 35-50 x 8-18 mm., the apex sometimes up to 40 mm. wide. — Context “pale lemon yellow,” “lemon yellow,” or “barium yellow” near the tubes and yellowish white to “naphthalene yel- low” or almost white with yellow stripes in the stipe, otherwise yellowish white to nearly white, often somewhat pinkish under the surface, either entirely unchanging in any part, or more rarely slowly and weakly greening in the deeper yellow portions of the context; odor of soap, or none; taste mild, submild, or scarcely bitterish. Spores 10.2-13.7 x 4-5.5 w, subfusoid or ellipsoid-oblong with suprahilar depression, more rarely without it, smooth, melleous; basidia 22.5-43 x 8.8-11.7 (larger in the dry scrub areas than in moist hammocks), hyaline to pale melleous, 4-spored; cystidia on pores and inside the tubes narrowly fusoid or broadly fusoid with long cylindric neck which rarely is subacute, and usually obtuse, hyaline to more rarely pale melleous, 37-56 x 4.5—-8 yp; cheilocystidia sometimes differentiated, versiform; trama of the hymeno- phore decidedly of the Phylloporus-type; hyphae without clamp connec- tions, hyaline. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, “amber brown,” then “Argus brown” or still deeper brown, later becoming paler; on context of pileus, brownish; on context of stipe, negative or almost so; on tubes, brownish; on surface of stipe, negative. — NH,OH (and also NH3 vapors) on surface of pileus (if fresh enough), becoming “porcelain blue” to “dusky green-blue,” less vivid on older caps, or in the old ones becoming “dull Indian purple” or duller, or deep brown on old, dry pilei, then becoming paler, the vapors usually reacting similarly’*; the portions treated with * In strongly cracked or squamose pilei, the reaction is likely to be indistinct. 292 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1945 FeSO, previously, and subsequently exposed to the action of ammonia show the same blue reaction as fresh young material, even if the material be rather old and dry (catalysis?) ; on context of stipe, negative except in some cases where the deep yellow portions of the flesh change to bluish green with ammonia. — FeSO, on surface of pileus, see under NH,OH; on context of pileus, slowly dirty greenish. — H»SOy, on surface of pileus, reddish fulvous; on tubes, rusty-ochraceous; on context of pileus, nega- tive then sometimes blue. — HNO, on surface of pileus, reddish fulvous; on the entire context, slightly reddish brown, generally causing a richer and brighter color.— Formol on context of pileus, negative and later somewhat blue. Habitat: Under scrub oaks (Quercus Chapmanii and other species) turkey oak (Q. laevis), water oak (Q. nigra), laurel oak (Q. laurifolia), live oak (Q. virginiana), with Q. minima, in the scrub, low open places, on lawns, and even in flatwoods, on dry sandy as well as on wet acid soil. Fruiting from July to October. Distribution: Florida (excepting the tropical part). Material studied: Fla. Highlands Co., Highlands Hammock State Park, in the scrub areas, R. Singer, F579 (FH); Alachua Co., near Dayville, southwest of Gainesville, near the pond, R. Singer, F 2540, (FH): F 3029 (FH); between Gainesville and Newnan’s Lake in flatwoods, R. Singer, F 2841 (FH); W. A. Murrill, F 19589, co-type, (FLAS, FH); Gainesville, R. Singer, F 2764 (FH); also less well-preserved material without notes, determined as B. illudens by W. A. Murrill (FLAS). This species has obviously been considered as B. illudens by Murrill and later has been described as a new species by him. It was already given as a new species in this manuscript when a sample of C. pseudoboletinus reached me. 14. Xerocomus hemixanthus Sing. spec. nov. Pileo brunneo vel brunneo-umbrino, castaneo vel ferrugineo in junioribus, fulvo- rubido vel ferruginascente in vetustis, tomentoso, pulvinato, dein applanato, 27-75 mm. lato; ammoniaci ope caerulescente; tubulis flavis vel flavo-melleis, in vetustus discoloratis, obtuse adnatis vel decurrentibus, plus minusve arcuatis, 5-11 mm. longis, poris con- coloribus, amplis at moderate tantum radialiter elongatis, 1.5-2 mm. in diametro in maturis; sporis 10.3-15.3x4-5 q; tramate typi Phyllopororum; stipite cremeo, ad apicem vel omnino castaneo-reticulato, aequali vel subaequali, saepe curvato, 30-60 x 5-12 mm.; mycelio albo vel lutescente-albido; carne aequaliter flava vel pallide flava, fracta frequenter caerulescente. Habitatio: In silvis densis frondosis (hammocks) circa et ad bases truncorum arborum, praecipue Ostryae aut rarius ad humum, Julio mense in Florida Septentrionali Americae Borealis. Pileus between “snuff brown” and ‘“Saccardo’s umber,” or “Dresden brown” when young, between “russet” and “auburn” when old, or similar in color through all stages and then between “chestnut” and “auburn,” tomentose, becoming faintly granulose or rimulose-tessellate, non-viscid, pulvinate, then flat, 27-75 mm. broad. — Hymenophore “amber yellow,” “honey yellow,” “Isabella color,” sometimes becoming as deeply colored as “Saccardo’s umber,” at last discolored golden brownish with age, broadly SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 293 adnate (with or without a decurrent tooth) or decurrent, more or less arcuate, tubes 5-11 mm. long, pores 1.5—2 mm. wide when mature, 7.e. wide but only moderately radially elongate. — Stipe “cartridge buff” to “cream buff,’ apex or entire surface adorned with anastomosing ribs or a perfect network, the ribs coarse and “chestnut brown,” rarely broken up into minute squamulae of the same color, solid, terete or compressed, equal or subequal, straight or more often curved, 30—60 x 5—12 mm.; mycelium white or yellowish white. — Context yellow or pale yellow in both pileus and stipe, occasionally slightly bluing, yellow in dried specimens; taste slightly acidulous or mild; odor none, in old specimens often recalling Roquefort cheese. Spores 10.3-15.3x4-5 yp, fusoid, melleous, smooth; basidia 25-31 x 7.5-11 pw, 4-spored; cystidia 27-38 x 6-17 p, rarely longer, always hyaline in well-preserved material, versiform, on pores fasciculate; hymenophoral trama of the Phylloporus-type; the lateral stratum little though undoubt- edly divergent and no differentiation in color or density between it and the mediostratum visible; terminal members of the cuticular hyphae upright and often rather short to even subglobose (13-34 yw in diameter), broadly rounded above, not forming an actual epithelium, the rich ferruginous- chestnut-brown pigment squeezed out and dissolved in ammoniacal prep- arations; hyphae without clamp connections. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, deep castaneous; on tubes, brown; on context, ochraceous tan. — NH on surface of pileus and hymenophore, blue. — NH,OH on surface of pileus, tan; on tubes, blue; on context, bluish. — HNO on surface of pileus, orange then reddish. — H.SO, on surface of pileus, orange then cinnamon; on tubes, orange- ferruginous. Habitat: On the bases of the trunks of Ostrya, more rarely of Liquéd- ambar, Acer, or Carpinus, usually on the trunks of living trees, rarely on dead trunks, sometimes on humous ground of mesophytic hammocks near Ostrya or Liquidambar; fruiting in July, gregarious. Distribution: North Florida. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., in and around Gainesville in meso- phytic hammocks, R. Singer, F 2473, F 2473 a, F 2473 b, etc. (FH). ‘This species is unmistakable when found typically developed. In its external appearance, it is much like X. kypoxanthus but differs in the color of the mycelium and the chestnut brown raised lines on the apex of the stipe; the spores are slightly narrower on an average but there are collec- tions where the spores are equally broad in both species. In X. squarrosoides which, at times, is also similar in stature, the spores are distinctly broader. 15. Xerocomus Uludens (Peck) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus illudens Peck, Ann. Rep. N.Y. State Mus. 50:108. 1897. Ceriomyces illudens Murr., N. Am. FI. 9:145. 1910. Ceriomyces alabamensis Murr., N. Am. Fl. 9:146. 1910 (a subspecies ?). Boletus alabamensis Sacc. & Trott., Syll. 21:242. 1912. Ceriomyces flavimarginatus Murr., Mycologia 31:110. 1939. (a subspecies), p.p. 294 Fartowisa, Vor, 2, 1945 Ssp. typicus. Pileus “tawny” to “cinnamon rufous” when fresh, middle portion with “ochraceous tawny” and “cinnamon rufous” or “russet’’ stains on generally “buckthorn brown” ground, margin becoming slightly more grayish fuscous than “ecru-olive,” center subtomentose, margin tomentose, non-viscid, con- vex, center sometimes depressed, margin thick and fleshy, 63-123 mm. broad. — Hymenophore mixed “strontian yellow” and “citron yellow,” becoming “pyrite yellow” at last, adnate-subdecurrent, tubes 9-15 mm. long; pores concolorous, sometimes slightly bluing on pressure, 0.8—3.0 mm. wide. — Stipe between ‘primrose yellow” and ‘‘marguerite yellow,” or between “ivory yellow” and ‘colonial buff,” with either concolorous or tawny brown (color of the pileus) very coarse, wide network of strongly raised, strongly anastomosing lines, most distinct at the apex but reaching down to the very base, with a concolorous or “light pinkish cinnamon” faint fibrillosity at places, or almost all over its surface, solid, decidedly tapering downward, 40-60 x 25-35 mm. at apex; mycelium yellowish white. — Context yellowish white with pale brownish pink portions to nearly “mas- sicot yellow,” somewhat brownish inside the stipe; odor none, or slightly like Boletus edulis but weaker and less aromatic; taste mild. Spores (8.2)-9.5-12.7-(13.6) x 3.5-4.5 ys, most frequently 10-11.7 x about 4.0 », melleous, smooth, ellipsoid-subfusoid to strongly fusoid; basidia 28-35 x 7.5-9.2 uw, (2)—4-spored; cystidia 42-56 x 6-11 pn, hyaline, non-incrusted, distinctly fusoid, thin- to moderately thick-walled; trama of the hymenophore not observed in proper condition, but of the general structure of the related forms; Ayphae without clamp-connections. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus, deep chestnut becoming “ochraceous orange” (but reaction weak and slow). — NH); on surface of pileus, deep green-blue. — FeSQ, on tubes, more greenish and more gray; on context, almost negative. Habitat: In mixed woods on the ground, from August to September. Distribution: From New England and upper New York State south to the Carolinas and probably Alabama. The above description is the result of the study of several good fresh specimens from Massachusetts, dried material from North Carolina (Alma Holland Beers 12523) and the type collection at Albany (NYS). Compare also Coker and Beers’ description (/.c. p. 55). We included this description in order to make the comparison with the Florida subspecies possible. Ssp. xanthomycelinus Sing. ssp. nov. A subspecie typica mycelio luteo nec non statura paulum minore differt. Sub Quer- cubus in Florida Americae Borealis. Pileus reddish brown to fulvous castaneous (“Mikado brown,” “auburn,” “chestnut’’), tomentose, or subrimulose-tomentose when mature, non-viscid, pulvinate to nearly applanate, 43-87 mm. broad. — Hymenophore about “strontian yellow” or somewhat paler, becoming more olive yellow with age, adnate or adnate-subdecurrent and continued in the reticulation of the SINGER: FLoripA BoLeTINEAE II. 295 apex of the stipe; tubes medium long; pores concolorous, unchanging, wide to very wide. — Stipe varying from pallid to yellow but if pallid it is cov- ered with numerous dense minute flocculae which make the whole surface appear yellow except for the brownish (testaceous-cinnamon to reddish brown) ridges or ribs that form, on the upper third or two thirds of the stipe, a coarse network from which longitudinal lines frequently run down- wards for some distance, solid, tapering downward from the very apex or from about the middle of the stipe, or only with a tapering base and other- wise subequal, 35-70 x 8-12—(18) mm.; mycelium light yellow to rich yel- low. — Context white with yellow portions above the tubes, or light yellow throughout the pileus, white or sordid pale yellow in the stipe, not changing anywhere, slightly paler than the surface immediately under the cuticle of the pileus; taste mild; odor almost none. Spores 9.5-14,2 x 3.5-4.5 w, most frequently 10-11.5 x 3.5—4 y, melleous, subfusoid-subellipsoid, smooth; basidia 24-30x 7-9 p, 4-spored, in few carpophores some 2-spored ones intermixed; cystidia 28-63 x 5.5—-11.5 p, fusoid or subfusoid, larger and more scattered in the tubes, smaller and more numerous on the pores, with rounded apex, hyaline, occasionally with long slender ampullaceous neck; ¢vama of the hymenophore of the Phyllo- porus-type; hyphae without clamp-connections. Chemical reactions: KOH on surface of pileus showing a nearly black ring around the stain. — NH; and NH,OH on surface of pileus, strongly and intensely greenish blue or blue, then fading to deep chocolate. Habitat: On lawns near oaks (Quercus virginiana and Q. laurifolia) and shrubs in small groups, successively but not abundantly fruiting during the summer (from May to July and probably longer). Distribution: Northern Florida. Material studied: Fla. Alachua Co., Gainesville, May 1943, R. Singer, F 2167 (type, FH); July 1943, R. Singer, F 2530, F 2612, F 2620 (co- types, FH). This subspecies replaced the type form entirely in Gainesville while I was collecting there. However, Murrill has determined a more yellowish specimen with thicker stipe from Alachua County as B. dludens (FLAS), and it would not be surprising if this species were neither the type nor the ssp. xanthomycelinus. Murrill’s Ceriomyces alabamensis belongs most prob- ably to one of the subspecies of X. iludens but I was unable to find out to which. The spores are not as small as indicated by Murrill but rather 9.5-11.5 x 3.7-4.2 » in the type specimens. EXTRALIMITAL SPECIES Xerocomus squarrosoides (Snell & Dick) Sing. comb. nov. Boletinus squarrosoides Snell & Dick, Mycologia 28:468. 1936. Phylloporus squarrosoides Sing., Rev. de Mycol. 3:170. 1938. The excellent description of this species given by its author makes it possible to dispose of this species taxonomically without knawing the 296 FaRLowIA, VOL. 2, 1945 ammonia reaction. There is abundant material at the Farlow Herbarium, authentic material as well as Farlow’s material from Providence, R. I. (Boletinus decipiens) and Stow, Mass. (Boletinus castanellus), and D. H. Linder’s collection (B. subtomentosus) from Canton, Mass., and besides a fine unpublished color plate (Br. 372). It usually has more boletinoid hy- menophore than other species of this genus and its color is less yellow or less uniformly yellow than in the others except X. Linderi. The spores are melleous-brownish, smooth, asymmetric, ovoid with tapering apex or oblong-ellipsoid, without a distinct suprahilar depression, 9-12 x 4.56 p, mostly about 9.8-10 x 4.8-5 yx; basidia 28-37 x (5.5)—7.7-9 y, 4-spored; cystidia closely resembling the cystidia of Phylloporus rhodoxanthus, either hyaline or melleous, fusoid with mostly broadly rounded tip, more rarely ampullaceous or clavate, 40-73 x 7.5-12.2 w; trama of the Phylloporus- type; hyphae without clamp connections. In 1938, the author placed this species in Phylloporus. In the present arrangement we take it with all other porous forms to Xerecomus. Xerocomus Housei (Murr.) Sing. comb. nov. Ceriomyces Houset Murr., N. Am. FI. 9:145. 1910. The type (NY, NYS) has the spores still shorter than Y. squarrosoides, ellipsoid-ovoid, smooth, melleous, 7.7—8.5 x 5 1; basidia 28 x 9.7 p, 4-spored; cystidia fusoid, narrowly clavate, or fusoid-ampullaceous, rather numerous 35—40 x (5)—9-9.5 ; cuticle with an interrupted trichodermium-palisade, the terminal hyphae fusoid or subulate, or capitate, 17-42 x 7-22 »; hyphae clamp-less. It seems that this North Carolina bolete, rarely collected and chemically not studied, belongs in section Pseudophyllopori. Xerocomus Linderi Sing. spec. nov. Pileo areolato, areolis fulvidis (“tawny 14”), subapplanato, 40 mm. lato, cuticula e trichodermio palisadiformi brevi-hyphoso nec non e catenulis suberectis sphaerocystarum consistente; tubulis carneo-cinnamomeis (“pinkish-cinnamon” R. in vivis), fractis caerulescentibus, amplissimis, angulatis; sporis subfusoideo-ellipsoideis, brunneolo- melleis, levibus, tenui-tunicatis, depressione supra-hilari praeditis, 11-12 x 4.7-5.2 yw; basidiis 30-38x 9-11 yw, tetrasporis; cystidiis versiformibus, saepius clavatis; stipite argillaceo-cinnamomeo (“clay color”) subtus, at ad apicem flocculis fuscidulis (“snuff brown”) furfuraceis obsito, solido, aequali, 45x 5 mm.; mycelio albo, ex hyphis 2.8—3.5 mM Crassis cylindraceis consistente; carne sordide ochracea in siccis, tenuiore, odore saporeque haud notatis. Habitatio: Ad basin nidi termitum prope Banga, Liberia Africae, Octobri mense D. H. Linder, 1211 (type, FH). This is apparently a Xerocomus but the section is somewhat difficult to determine. It is in so many ways similar to X. hemixanthus and X. squar- rosoides that we consider it as belonging in section Pseudophyllopori. Xerocomus lanatus (Rostkov.) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus lanatus Rostkov. in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., Pilze 3:77. 1844. Boletus hieroglyphicus Rostkov. l.c. 3:93. 1844. Boletus Leguei Boud., Bull. Soc. Mycol. Fr. 10:62. 1894. Suillus lanatus Kuntze, Rev. Gen. Plant. 37:535. 1898. Boletus subtomentosus var. Leguei Bat., Bolets, p. 19. 1908. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. 297 Xerocomus subtomentosus var. Leguei R. Maire, Publ. Inst. Botan. Barcelona, 3(4) :43. 1935. Boletus subtomentosus ssp. spadiceus var. lanatus Konr. & Maubl. Icon. Sel. Fung. 6:463. 1938. The author has seen material in Boudier’s herbarium at Paris. Accord- ing to Rostkovius it is found in beech woods, and according to Boudier, the spores are very broad, much broader than in X. dlludens. Xerocomus coniferarum Sing. nom. nov. Boletus ferrugineus Bres., Iconogr. 19, pl. 915. 1931, non Schaeff. nec Frost. This is also the B. spadiceus “Fr.” sensu Quél., Champ. Jura, p. 262. 1872, X. spadiceus (Fr. sensu Quél.) Quél., B. subtomentosus ssp. spadiceus (Fr. sensu Quél.) Konr. & Maubl. It occurs under fir in the Vosges Mts. in France, also in the Trentino, and the Caucasus. Sect. Subtomentosi Fr., Epicrisis, p. 412. 1838 (sect. gen. Boleti). Characters of the section: see key p. 287. Type species: X. subto- mentosus (L. ex Fr.) Quél. Other species: X. chrysenteron (Bull. ex Fr.) Quél., X. Zelleri (Murr.) Snell apud Slipp & Snell. It is possible that some tropical species belong in this section. One of the species which the author tentatively places here, is: Xerocomus Junghuhnii (Hoehn.) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus Junghuhnii Hoebn., Sitz.-ber. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Math. Nat. KI. 123 (I) :87. 1914. The type (FH) from Java which we have examined in order to be able to compare it with X. brasiliensis, shows very large pores in a very small carpophore. Hoehnel states that the pileus is dry. In one of the transparent bags containing type material, specimens of another species (a minute Boletus) are intermixed, but the descriptive notes seem to entirely cor- respond to the species which we take for the real X. Junghuhni. Even there, we find the spores very variable in size but not so much in shape. They are pale melleous (“pale yellowish in masses” says Hoehnel but he had no good spore print) under the microscope, smooth, and varying be- tween 9-10x3.8—-4.2 » in one mature specimen to (9.2)—10.2-13.3 x (3.8)—4.2-5.3 y» in another; basidia 23.8-25.3 x 6.8-8.8 4; cystidia versi- form, not always conspicuous, about 35-42 x 8.5-12.5 »; hyphae of cuticle with yellow cell sap; clamps none; structure of the trama not with cer- tainty decipherable. Sect. Parasitici Sing., Ann. Mycol. 40:43. 1942. Characters of the section: see key, p. 287. The only species known is the circumpolar X. parasiticus (Bull. ex Fr.) Quél. Massachusetts material (D. H. Linder & R. Singer, Greenwood, Sept. 1943), and Paris material (R. Singer, Bois de Meudon, Aug. 1935) show the following chemical char- acters: KOH and NHs on surface of pileus and on the yellow context 298 FaRLowiA, Vou, 2, 1945 castaneous; NH,OH on surface of pileus castaneous, eventually paler but with darker ring; HNOs on surface of pileus castaneous, eventually with a bright orange ring; FeSQ, negative. The trama of alcohol-material from Middlesex Fells, Mass., shows an undifferentiated mediostratum, the outer larger part of the trama diverging but only slightly so, the non-diverging portion rather more hyaline than the diverging one, the latter of rather densely arranged hyphae without clamp connections; both strata continu- ing around the bottom of the tube. The inverse coloration of the tramal strata as compared with the Boletus-type may be due to the preserving medium. In the same material some 1.5 mm. broad and 4.5 mm. high primordia have been sectioned by the author since they represented the youngest stage in which the beginning hymenophore could still be demon- strated. These primordia showed the presence of a distinct ring-hole which is in apparent contradiction to previous statements in the literature. I am at a loss to explain these facts unless the ring-hole in our preparations is also due to an alternating influence on the tissue caused by the preserving fluid. X. parasiticus has not yet been found in Florida, notwithstanding the abundance of its hosts, Scleroderma spp., in the state. Sect. Brasilienses Sing. sect. nov. Pileo tomentoso et viscido; poris initio parvulis, deinde amplis vel pro ratione amplissimis; sporis exiguis (6-9.3 x 2.8-4.2 wu); trama typi Phyllopororum; in tropicis et subtropicis. Characters of the section: see key, p. 287 and the above Latin diagnosis. 16. Xerocomus brasiliensis (Rick) Sing. comb. nov. Boletus brasiliensis Rick, Ann. Mycol. 3:235. 1905. Pileus pale or light yellow, felty tomentose and at the same time viscid, sometimes with narrow sterile margin, hemispheric to convex, 10-20 mm. broad, rarely broader. — Hymenophore greenish yellow, slightly depressed around the stipe, tubes of medium length, pores concolorous, wide when mature, inequal, irregular; spore print not obtained but judging from small deposits on the carpophore itself, probably olive brown. — Stipe pale mel- leous to yellow, smooth or almost so, sometimes mealy on top, solid, cylin- dric, about 21 x 3-5 mm., rarely larger. — Context subconcolorous with the surface, unchanging, odor none. Spores 6-9.3-(10) x 2,8-4.2 p, mostly around 8.5 x 3.5 p» with 0.4 u thick wall, smooth, melleous, subellipsoid-cylindric or somewhat variable in shape; basidia (13)—19-28 x (4)—6.5-8.8 », 4-spored with 4.5 long sterig- mata; cystidia inconspicuous and infrequent, hyaline, not or very little incrusted, fusoid-ampullaceous, e.g. 17.5 x 5.5 wu: trama very homogeneous, rather hyaline, of almost equal density and without an appreciably darker colored zone in the middle, of the Phylloporus-type; cuticle of the dried material available not showing any particular structure; laticiferous vessels present, melleous, all Avphae without clamp connections. Chemical reactions: KOH, NH,OH, NH, everywhere brown. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE IT. 299 Habitat: On the ground in open places and in dense subtropical woods (low hammock type) on humus and débris, even up to two feet on the living trunks of trees, never near conifers, solitary or in small groups, in Florida fruiting in August. Distribution: Florida (rare), Brazil (frequent). Exact limits unknown. Material studied: Fla. Highlands Co., Highlands Hammock State Park, R. Singer, F 641 (FH); Brazil: Near Sao Leopoldo, numerous specimens including parts of the type and authentic material in Rick: Fungi Aus- troamericani, 1909 (FH). The above description proves that this is a Xerocomus, and not related to Boletus fulvidus (i.e. Gyroporus castaneus) as suspected by Rick. This small and inconspicuous bolete has not been found, and, for that matter, not been looked for in the West Indies and northern South America. Sect. Pseudoboleti Sing. sect. nov. Pileo viscidulo at subtomentoso; tramate structura intermedia inter typum Phyllo- pori et typum Boleti gaudente; vaporum ammoniacalium ope brevissime caerulescente- nigrescit; in silvis coniferis borealibus. This is the section for the species with intermediate tramal structure that cannot easily be linked with any group within the genus Boletus, sensu str. In the type and only species, X. badius (Fr.) Kiihn. ex Gilbert (Boletus badius Fr.) the subhyaline lateral stratum is slightly looser than the medio- stratum and its hyphae moderately but distinctly divergent, touching each other and somewhat broader than in the mediostratum where the hyphae are regular-subinterwoven and somewhat (very pale) colored. The spores are in some specimens within the usual limits in Xerocomus, in others larger. Coker and Beers suggest that the American X. badius has the spores smaller than the European type. However, material collected by me near Lynnfield, Mass. (FH) has the spores 11.5—-18.5—(24) x 4-5 yp, and material from Austria (FH) has them 12.5-16.5 x 5—5.7 ». Some authors consider X. badius as a Suillus but aside from the habitat, and the subviscid pileus there are no other characters to support this view. The blackish-blue flush with ammonia on the surface of the pileus would rather support Gilbert’s proposal to consider it as a Xerocomus. It has not been observed in Florida. SPECIES INCOMPLETELY KNOWN Xerocomus Boudieri Sing., Ann. Mycol. 40:43. 1942. This species has not been studied thoroughly enough to decide whether it belongs in Xerocomus as redefined in this paper. The same is true for Boletus Roxanae and B. innixus Frost (at least authentic material at FH) which evidently are very close to X. Boudieri if not identical. Neither of these three species has been observed in Florida. Xerocomus lignicola (Kallenbach) Sing., Ann. Mycol. 40:43. 1942. Boletus lignicola Kallenbach, Pilze Mitteleur. 1:57. 1929. 300 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1945 With the data at hand, I am unable to decide whether this is a Xerocomus spec. or a form of Phlebopus sulphureus (Fr.) Sing. (Boletus sulphureus Fr.). Xerocomus tumidus (Fr.) Gilbert, Bolets, p. 145. 1931. Boletus tumidus Fr., Hym. Eur., p. 501. 1874. Fries’ species is dubious as its author states himself. Gilbert bases his treatment on Peltereau’s emendation but this also is insufficient for generic determination. SPECIES EXCLUDENDAE Xerocomus amarellus Quél. is Suillus piperatus var. amarellus (Quél.) Sing. Xerocomus gentilis (Quél.) Sing. This is treated as Pulveroboletus gentilis. The same disposal is made of Xerocomus auriporus (Peck) Sing. and X. flaviporus (Earle) Sing. In fact, the entire section Auripori has been transferred to Pulveroboletus. Xerocomus griseus (Frost) Sing.= Boletus griseus Frost. The section Grisei has been reunited with Boletus. Xerocomus impolitus (Fr.) Quél. is Boletus impolitus Fr. Xerocomus mirabilis (Murr.) Sing. is Boletellus mirabilis (Murr.) Sing. The section Mirabiles has been transferred to Boletellus. Xerocomus pulverulentus (Opat.) Gilbert. This species is here retransferred to Boletus. Xerocomus radicans (Pers. ex Fr.) sensu Quél. (non Kallenbach) is the same. Xerocomus rubellus (Krombh.) Quél. is here treated as Boletus. Xerocomus chrysenteron var. versicolor Quél., X. armeniacus Quél., X. pruinatus (Fr.) Quél., and X. versicolor (Rostkov. non S. F. Gray) Gilbert are forms of the same species. In this country, Boletus bicolor Peck and B. fraternus Peck belong in the same complex, but they have never been considered as Xerocomi. Xerocomus sulfureus (Fr.) Queél. is Phlebopus sulphureus (Fr.) Sing. Xerocomus spec. Heim, Bol. Soc. Broter. 13(2) :53. 1938 is Boletochaete spec. Xerocomus spec. Snell apud Slipp & Snell, Lloydia 7:50. 1944 is Boletus spec. 302 FaRLowlA, VoL. 2, 1945 EXPLANATION OF PLATE I All drawings of spores are at a magnification of 2000; all other drawings of micro- scopic structures at 1000; figs. 5-7 shown at natural size. Fig. 1-4. Gyroporus purpurinus (Snell) Singer 1. Structure of the cuticle of the pileus. 2. Cheilocystidia of the hymenophore. 3. Basidium. 4. Spore. Fig. 5-7. Boletinus decipiens (B. & C.) Peck 5. Gasteromycetous conditions of the carpophore sketched at natural size. 6. Longitudinal section of an immature carpophore (natural size). The veil closely applied to the surface of the hymenophore. 7. Longitudinal section of a mature carpophore (natural size), the remnant of the veil remaining as a relatively closely attached annulus. Fig. 8-10. Suillus cothurnatus ssp. thermophilus Singer 8. Part of the hymeniform fragments on the surface of the stipe that are found in and around the glandular dots. 9. Large dermatocystidia, another element of the glandular dots of the stipe. 10. Spore. Fig. 11-12. Phylloporus rhodoxanthus ssp. foliiporus (Murr.) Singer 11. Spores. 12. Cystidia of the hymenophore. SINGER: FLORIDA BOLETINEAE II. MANUSCRIPT Contributions from anyone will be considered, preference being given to papers deal- ing with phases of the taxonomy of the Fungi, Algae, Musci, Hepaticae, and Lichens. Contributors should strive for a clear concise style of ‘waeus: A limit of 100 printed © pages is set for any one article, but it is hoped that a paper of such length willbe so arranged. as to be divisible in two approximately equal parts. — ‘Writers are responsible for the accuracy of references to literature cited and to text finactrabioas: “Papers containing lists of citations and. descriptions of species should maintain a uniform and orderly arrangement of the parts of such citations, etc. Manuscripts must be typewritten, double spaced throughout, with a 134 inch margin on the left, on white paper, preferably 81% x 11 inches. Because of the cost of reproducing photographs, carefully made line drawings in black ink are preferred. For the same reason, as many figures as are consistent with clarity should be grouped together to make up a plate. Numerous small figures in the text are to be avoided. 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Illustrations of the Larger Fungi of Eastern North America. 103 colored plates by J. Bridgham and L. C. C. Krieger. Folio. 1929. Cloth. . . . 50.00 JOURNAL OF MYCOLOGY. vol. 5, nos. 2, 3, 1889; vol. 6, 1890-91; vol. 7, 1891-94. Unbound. Thelot. . ... . 17.50 PERSOON, C. H. Index Botanicus to his Mycologia Europaea, prepared by Dr. and Mrs. D. P. Rogers and Dr. E. V. Seeler, Jr. POA Pee en a A a 25 SEYMOUR, A. B. Host Index of the Fungi of North America. bop es OBR 0°50 See SO 07s Na en amr er MCR OE Maa ic CP Rae ees THAXTER, R. Contribution towards a Monograph of the Laboul- beniaceae. (Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci.) Unbound. Te: 2896: Gllumaged): 4. a oe Sa ee a BPs SUDO ee as ce ke a ae ee eS ey ee gee Pe POS pie Poe BS ae ee bee eae EV PB a eo a a Be 1 cle eee ae Vestas Poamrmess Ci ee EE anc THAXTER, R. Entomophthoreae of the United States, 1888. (Mem. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist.) Unbound . ..... . §.00 Postage extra Address the Librarian, Farlow Reference Library, 20 Divinity Ave., Cambridge 38, Mass. Vol. 2 JANUARY, 1946 No. 3 FARLOWIA Epiroriar, BoARD DAVID H. LINDER, Editor E. V. SEELER, Jr., Managing Editor J. R. BARTHOLOMEW R.SINGER .. E. B. BARTRAM F. VERDOORN N. F. Conant 5 W.H. WEston, Jr. H. F. Harris R. M. WHELDEN 3 PUBLISHED BY ~ FARLOW LIBRARY AND HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY 20 Divintry AvE., CAMBRIDGE, Mass. FARLOWIA Published semi-annually. Four numbers compose one volume of approximately five hundred pages. Subscription prices: Vol. 1, $5.00; Vol. 2, $7.50. Single numbers: Vol. 1, $1.50; Vol. 2, $2.25. Subscriptions and remittances should be addressed to FARLOWIA, 20 Divinity Ave., Cambridge 38, Mass., U.S.A. Numbers lost in the mails will be replaced if reported within a reasonable period. CONTENTS OF VOL. 2, NO. 3 Note on ARGENTINE CHarAsS. By Roy M. Whelden. . . . . New Mosses FRoM Tierra DEL Furco. By Edwin B. Bartram. . Tue Genus CUNNINGHAMELLA (Mucorares). By Victor M. Cutter, Jr... A ComPaARATIVE STUDY OF TORULOPSIS PULCHERRIMA AND TAPHRINA DEFORMANS mn CuLTuRE. By Catherine Roberis . THE CYPERICOLOUS AND JUNCICOLOUS SPECIES OF SCLEROTINIA. By H. H. Whetzel Vol. 2, No. 2 was issued on September 17, 1945. 305 309 321 345 385 FARLOWIA A JOURNAL OF CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY Vous2 JANUARY, 1946 No. 3 NOTE ON ARGENTINE CHARAS Roy M. WHELDEN It may be conceded that the Charophyte-flora, even in those countries most thoroughly explored botanically, is none too well known. In countries such as Argentina, large in area and varied in climate, our knowledge is very much less, and is based almost entirely on incidental collections of the plants made ey those who were primarily interested in gathering quite different material. The scarcity of Charophyte-material is clearly indicated by the paucity of papers mentioning any such plants from Argentina. Alexander Braun (1882) mentioned Chara foetida A. Br. as occurring in that country, and referred to a form of Chara Martiana from there also. Spegazzini (1883) listed, as occurring there, ten species of these plants (6 Nitella, 1 Lampro- thamnus, and 3 Chara, with several varieties and forms in addition), three being described as new species. It may be added that a few papers record the occurrence of additional species from the several countries bordering Argentina. All these suggest that despite the very small number of refer- ences to these plants they may be found to be of rather frequent occurrence there. The present note results from the study of a small collection of five folders of the genus Czara, collected in October and November 1938, and January 1939, by W. J. Eyerdam, A. A. Beetle, and E. Grondona. As is not unusual with this group of plants, much of the material was received in a badly fragmented condition; however, species determination of all speci- mens was easily possible. Three of the plants proved to be Chara foetida A. Br., noted above as occurring there. The condition of the specimens was such that determina- tion of varieties or forms seemed inadvisable. Indeed the question might be raised as to whether the present state of knowledge of Charas is suffi- ciently ample to justify the establishment of too many varieties. Certainly casual examination of the three plants might lead to a conclusion that one had before him at least two species and perhaps a variety of one, making allowances for the immature condition of one of them. Yet in every par- ticular — stem cortication, stipular crown, nature of branches, and fruit details — they closely vesemble each other, varying only in the amount of incrustation, in the nature of the bracts, and more noticeably in the size of the sess 305 306 Fartowla, Vor. 2, 1946 One of the two remaining folders was rather confusing on first examina- tion, owing to the presence of two distinct species, Chara Martiana A. Br. and fragments of what seemed to be an atypical form of Chara foetida A. Br. The Chara Martiana was a male specimen. The fifth folder contained a plant which proved to be a real puzzle. The plants were collected from “a still pond, in soft clay mud,” and were noted to have ‘fruit very malodorous.” The specimens (Fig. 1) were all small, the largest just over 10 cm. tall, of quite delicate appearance, and each of several slender spreading branches. The incrustation, present throughout the plant, was thin and inconspicuous, giving it a rather brownish-green color (dried specimens). The stems are rather irregularly tripli-corticate (Fig. 3b), and 0.5—0.62 mm. in diameter, the primary cells usually slightly more prominent than the secondary. No spine cells occur, but only small internodal cells. The stipular crown (Fig. 3a) comprises a single row of rather irregularly ar- ranged cells, twice the number of leaves at the node, each cell rounded or slightly elongate. Leaves 8-10 in a whorl, up to 1.3 cm. long, comprising 6—9 segments, the last of which is a very short, conical cell. Many leaves are completely ecorticate; in others, one, two, or the three lowest nodes may be corticated. The nature of the cortication (Fig. 2b) is in no way correlated with the node in which the leaf occurs, there occurring every conceivable variation from whorls of leaves all entirely ecorticate to those in which the lowest segments of every leaf are corticated. The bracteoles are likewise quite variable in number and in length, but occur only at the lower internodes, usually only on those bearing sporangia. Those sub- tending the sporangia are all cylindrical, with abruptly tapering ends, and may considerably exceed the sporangia in length. Those opposite the spo- rangia are much reduced, often to inconspicuous short conical cells. The antheridia, found only in the youngest leaves near the stem apex (Fig. 2c), are 280-320 » in diameter; they are soon deciduous. The sporangia occur on the lower two to three internodes, and are 820-860(—900) » long and 410-425 » in diameter. The odspores are dark brown, have 14-15 spiral ridges on the surface and are 600 » long and 325 p» in diameter. The wall between the ridges is quite plane. This plant has many points in common with Chara Curtisit T. F. Allen, Ch, delicatula Ag., Ch. hydropitys A. Br., and Ch. leptopityvs A. Br. From all these it is set off by the absence of spine cells, by its poorly developed stipular crown of a single row of scarcely elongated cells, and by the nature of the cortication of the leaves. From other described Charas it is much more completely separate. It is therefore now described as a new species. Chara leiopytis sp. nov. Monoica, tenera et flexilis, leniter incrustata 10 cm. longa; caule 0.5-0.62 mm. in diam., triplo-corticatis, aculeis nullis sed cellulis verruciformibus; corona stipulari du- plici foliorum numero, ex unica cellularum paullo elongatarum vel rotundatarum serie inaequaliter disposita; verticillis foliorum e foliis 8-10 compositis, 1.3 cm. longis, geniculis 6-9, articulis omnibus ecorticatis vel infimis 1-3 corticatis, corticatis ecortica- WHELDEN: ARGENTINE CHARAS 307 tisque saepe in eodem verticillo; geniculis infimis bracteiferis, bracteis inaequalibus, longis cylindricis, apicibus conicis vel breviter conicis; antheridiis 280-320 mw in diam. mox caducis; sporangiis solitariis, oblongis, 820-860(—900) yu longis, 410-425 uw in diam.; oosporis 600 w longis, 325 w in diam., 14-15-gyratis, inter gyros planis. Argentina: In stagnis ad argillam teneram, in Prov, Jujuy, Depto. San Pedro. Harvarp UNIVERSITY CAMBRIDGE, Mass. LITERATURE CITED 1882. Braun, A.. Fragmente einer Monographie der Characeen. Edited by O. Nord- stedt. Abhandl. K. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1882. 211 pp. 7 pl. 1883. Spegazzini, C. Characeae Platensis. Anal. Soc. Cient. Arg. 15: 1-14. 308 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1946 s SOO} Chara leiopytis Whelden n. sp. Fig. 1. Habit of plant. Fig. 2a. Two illustrations of successive whorls, showing irregularities in branch cortications. Fig. 2b. Three branches showing irregularity of cortication, of node length, and of bracteoles. Fig. 2c. Two branches near apex of stem bearing antheridia. Fig. 3a. Two stem nodes showing stipular crown. Fig. 3b. Details of stem cortication. Fig. 4. Sporangium and odgonium. Fig. 5. Detail of wall of o6gonium. The magnification of each figure is given by an appropriately numbered scale. 2(3):309-319 FARLOWIA January, 1946 NEW MOSSES FROM TIERRA DEL FUEGO EpWIN B. BarTRAM About ten years ago I had the privilege of studying an extensive collec- tion of mosses made by Dr. H. Roivainen in his capacity as botanist with the scientific expedition of the Finnish Geographical Society to Tierra del Fuego in 1928-29. All of the material was returned to Finland and sub- sequently I received a complete series of specimens including the types of many new species which resulted from the study, all of which are now in my herbarium. In 1937 Dr. Roivainen published the results of his bryological investiga- tions relating to Sphagnaceae, Andreaeaceae, Fissidentaceae, Ditrichaceae, Seligeriaceae and Dicranaceae.1 This was to be followed by treatments of the succeeding groups but since then the unsettled conditions in Europe and especially in Finland have not only prevented further publications but have made it highly uncertain when, if ever, we may expect to have the remaining results of Dr. Roivainen’s personal observations and studies. Meanwhile it seems advisable to record the descriptions of the new species, many of which are of the utmost interest. DICRANACEAE Chorisodontium sericeum Bartr. sp. nov. Caespites densi, aureo-lutescentes, inferne fusci. Caulis ad 2 cm. altus, haud tomen- tosus, ramosus. Folia caulina circa 5 mm. longa, superne falcato-secunda, ovato- lanceolata, concava, sensim in acumen artistatum planum apice denticulatum attenuata; costa pallida, ad basin 50 w lata, excurrente; cellulis alaribus distinctis, sequentibus linearibus, sinuosis, superioribus subquadratis vel oblongis. Folia perichaetialia e basi longe convoluta, subulata; seta 2.5 cm. longa, rubra, theca erecta, cylindrica; peristo- mium destructum. Caetera ignota. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Isle Clarence, Puerto Beaubasin, _ad saxa, No. 2297 type. While similar to C. lanigerum (Besch.) Broth., this species seems to. be constantly distinct in the flat, sharply toothed leaf tip, the narrower costa, and the stems almost devoid of either radicles or tomentum. POTTIACEAE Molendoa fuegiana Bartr. sp. nov. Sat robusta, dense caespitosa, olivaceo-viridis, inferne fuscescens. Caulis circa 1.5 cm. altus, ramosus, inferne tomentosus, dense foliosus. Folia sicca contorta, madida arcuato- * Roivainen, H. Bryological Investigations in Tierra del Fuego. Ann. Bot. Soc. Zool.- Bot. Fenn. Vanamo, 9(2) :v—x; 1-58. 1937. 309 310 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1946 patula, flexuosa, comalia stellata, ad 2.5 mm. longa, lineari-lanceolata, canaliculata, acuminata; marginibus erectis, undulatis, papilloso-crenulatis; costa valida, fusca, ad basin 100 wu lata, excurrente, mucronata, apice papillosa; cellulis superioribus rotundato- quadratis vel transverse dilatatis, chlorophyllosis, obscuris, dense papillosis, marginali- bus hic illic bistratosis, inferioribus linearibus, rectangularibus. Caetera ignota. Fuegia media: Lago Blanco, Puesto de los Indios, ad rupes, Nos. 162a, 163 type, 173. As compared with the description of M. boliviana Broth. and M. Herzogit Broth. the leaves of MM. fuegiana are appreciably longer while in M. andina Mitt. the leaves are narrower below and the upper leaf cells smaller and not transversely elongate. Didymodon ampliretis Bartr. sp. nov. Caespites compacti, virides, inferne fuscescentes. Caulis 1-1.5 cm. altus, pluries divisus, gracilis. Folia sicca parce contorta, humida erecto-patentia, ovato-lanceolata, canaliculata, sensim angustata, apice subobtusa; marginibus minute papilloso-crenulatis, medium versus anguste reflexis; costa valida, infra summum apice evanida; cellulis superioribus rotundato-quadratis, dense chlorophyllosis, obscuris, papillosis, marginalibus bistratosis, inferioribus rectangulis, pellucidis. Caetera ignota. Fuegia media: Lago Fagnano, punta Pizzaro, ad rupes, No. 1217 type; Fuegia bor.: Estancia Esperanza, No. 427. By comparison with D. diaphanobasis Card. of Mexico, the upper leaf cells of D. ampliretis are much more chlorophyllose and obscure while the basal cells are shorter with more firm, pellucid lateral walls. Tortula robusta Hook. & Grev. var. laxa Bartr. var. nov. Cellulis laminalibus laxioribus, 15-20 yu latis, grosse papillesis. Fuegia media: Lago Linch, in silva paludosa, No. 189; Lago Linch, Cerro Chico, in reg. alp., No. 1357; Estancia Cameron, Puesto Medio, in prato humido, No. 1895 type; Fuegia occidentalis: Fjordo de Agostini, Bahia Groth Hansen, No. 254; Fjordo Martinez, ad rupes sericiticas, No. 583. The collections referred here differ from typical 7. robusta, as I under- stand it, in the large, lax, thin-walled cells of the upper lamina which are coarsely papillose with C-shaped papillae. The costa is smooth to papillose on the back. The leaves are narrower than those of T. rivularis Dus. and not as strongly serrate, while the cells are appreciably larger than in T. pseudorobusta Dus. GRIMMIACEAE Grimmia scabrines Bartr. sp. nov. Autoica, caespitosa, sat robusta, fusco-viridis. Caulis prostratus, 3-4 cm. longus, ramosus. Folia caulina conferta, sicca appressa, humida erecto-patentia, ovato-lanceo- lata, concava, sensim in pilum hyalinum spinulosum attenuata, 2-3 mm. longa, 1 mm. lata; costa valida, in pilum producta, dorso papillosa; marginibus integris, toto fere longitudine late recurvis; cellulis superioribus rotundatis, altissime papillosis, hic illic bistratosis, margines versus 3-4 stratosis, inferioribus rectangularis, parietibus maximus incrassatis sinuosisque. Folia perichaetialia erecta, majora, costa angustiore; capsula immersa, breviter pedicellata, oblonga; peristomium aurantiacum, dentibus lanceolatis, integris; sporae lutescentes, laeves, diam. 8-10 wu. BartTRAM: MossEs FROM TIERRA DEL FUEGO Sl Chile: Prov. de Nuble, Recinto, Las Trancas, ad truncos Nothofagi antarcticae, alt. 1150 m., No. 1003 type. Readily distinguished from any of the forms of G. apocarpa and, in fact, from any of the species of the section Schistidium by the coarsely papillose leaf cells. A cross section of the leaf shows the papillae to the best ad- vantage but they may be clearly seen in profile on the roll of the leaf without sectioning. Rhacomitrium limbatum Bartr. sp. nov. Robustum, dense caespitosum, nigrescens. Caulis erectus, ad 4 cm. altus, irregulariter divisus. Folia conferta, sicca erecta, parce flexuosa, humida patentia, 3.5-4 mm. longa, ovato-lanceolata, sensim acuminata, superne carinata, toto ambitu limbo lato incrassato circumducta; marginibus integris, inferne reflexis, superne planis; costa valida, excur- rente; cellulis inferioribus linearibus, parietibus incrassatis, valde sinuosis, superioribus brevioribus, oblongis, costa versus bistratosis, margines versus 6—9 seriatis 3—4 stratosis. Seta 5-6 mm. longa; peristomii dentes rufescentes, ad basin divisi, papillosi; sporae papillosae, diam. 15-22 u. Fuegia occid.: Fjordo Finlandia, Brazo Aina, ad saxa, No. 502; Fjordo Martinez, ad rupes uliginosas, No. 594; Fjordo de Agostini, Bahia Groth Hansen, No. 2268; Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia occid., Monte Buck- land, alt. 500 m., Nos. 2084a, 2644; Isla Clarence, Puerto Beaubasin, ad saxa, Nos. 2313, 2316 type. This exceedingly fine and interesting species is immediately distinguished from any of the forms of R. crispulum, and also from any member of the genus with which I am familiar, by the broad, fleshy leaf border extending from the apex almost to the insertion. Rhacomitrium scabrifolium Bartr. sp. nov. Robustum, aureo-lutescens. Caulis ad 8 cm. longus, irregulariter divisus, ramis breviter ramulosis. Folia 3.5 mm. longa, sicca erecta, humida erecto-patentia, ovato- lanceolata, plicata, superne canaliculata, sensim in pilum hyalinum denticulatum pro- ducta; marginibus papilloso-crenulatis, reflexis; costa depressa, angusta, ad medium folii evanida; cellulis omnibus elongatis, linearibus, papillosis, parietibus incrassatis, lutescentibus, valde sinuosis. Caetera ignota. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia occid., Monte Buckland, alt. 500—700 m., No. 241; Puerto Yarton, Pico Nariz, reg. alp. No. 820; Fjordo Fin- landia, Brazo Aino, No. 1970; Fjordo de Agostini, No. 2068 type; Bahia Sarmento, No. 2465. The combination of plicate leaves and papillose leaf cells will separate this species from any of its Fuegian associates. In R. ptychophyllum Mitt. of New Zealand, the leaves are plicate but the short lateral branchlets are lacking and the leaf cells are smooth. FUNARIACEAE Funaria (Entosthodon) pungens Bartr. sp. nov. Autoica, pusilla, gregaria, lutescente-viridis. Caulis 3-5 mm. altus, inferne radiculosus. Folia ovato-oblonga, acuminata, concava, comalia 2.5-3 mm. longa; marginibus integris, erectis, saepe ad basin uno latere inflexis; costa tenui, longe ab apice folii evanida; 312 FarLowlA, VoL. 2, 1946 cellulis superioribus oblongo-hexagonis, ad 50 wu latis, inferioribus rectangularibus. Seta erecta, rubella, ad 18 mm. longa; theca erecta, pyriformis; peristomium simplex, dentes rufi, papillosi; sporae fuscescentes, diam. 25-28 wu. Fuegia occidentalis: Fiordo Martinez, Bahia Sarmento, No. 2358 type. This species will be distinguished from F. chiloensis Mitt. by the sharply acuminate leaves and the broader and laxer areolation of the upper part of the leaf. : SPLACHNACEAE Tayloria magellanica (Brid.) Mitt. var. gigantea Bartr. var. nov. Caules 18-20 cm. alti, dense compacti. This seems to be only an extremely robust form with densely tufted parallel stems, up to 2 dm. high, showing very clearly the zones of growth. The development is unusual and in this condition the plant is an excep- tionally fine one. Fuegia occidentalis: Fjordo Finlandia, prope Montem Nylandiam, No. 1745 type. BRYACEAE Mielichhoferia multiflora Bartr. sp. nov. Synoica; flores plures stipitati. Caespites compacti, superne lutescente-virides, nitidi, inferne dense fusco-radiculosi. Caulis erectus, ad 2.5 cm. altus, dense julaceo-foliosus. Folia erecta, imbricata, ovato-lanceolata, acuminata, carinato-concava; marginibus erectis, superne denticulatis; costa valida, infra apicem folii evanida; cellulis anguste rhomboideis, basilaribus rectangularibus. Seta 8-10 mm. longa, lutescente-rubra; theca inclinata, asymmetrica; annulus latus; endostomium pallidum, corona basilaris humilis, processus angusti, linea divisurali distincti; operculum depresse conicum, apiculatum; sporae lutescentes, diam. ad 20 uw. Chile: Prov. de Nuble, Cordillera de Chillan, alt. 2200 m., No. 1699 type. In some respects the details of this species closely approximate the de- scription of M. leptoclada C. M., but in M. multiflora the leaves are erect and closely imbricated and the segments of the endostome show a median line. The numerous stalked flower buds are conspicuous and may be a good diagnostic character. While the fertile flowers are synoicous, the remaining undeveloped buds are often composed entirely of antheridia. Either the archegonia in these buds are abortive or the inflorescence is heteroicous. Bryum (Cernuiformia) Roivaineni Bartr. sp. nov. Synoicum; caespitosum, caespitibus densiusculis, sordide viridibus. Caulis ad 5 mm. altus, basi fusco-tomentosus, innovando-ramosus. Folia ad 3 mm. longa, ovata, acuta, haud decurrentia, concava; marginibus anguste recurvis, integris; costa crassa, fusca, infra apicem folii evanida vel percurrente; cellulis oblongo-hexagonis, firmis, basilaribus rectangularibus, concoloribus, marginibus elongatis, limbum biseriatum, fuscescentem efformantibus. Seta circa 2 cm. longa, rubra; theca nutans, oblongo-piriformis, sicca deoperculata, haud constricta; exostomii dentes fusco-lutei, endostomum sordide luteum, papillosum, processus angusti, exostomio adhaerens; sporae 18-22 mw in diam. BaRTRAM: MossEsS FROM TIERRA DEL FUEGO ais Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia occid., Fjordo Finlandia, Brazo Aino, No. 2110 type. This species seems to be distinct from both B. austro-chilense and B. dicarpum in the broader, less sharply pointed leaves and the thick, strong costa. Bryum (Inclinatiformia) fuegianum Bartr. sp. nov. Synoicum; gracile, caespitosum, caespitibus mollibus, pallide viridibus, inferne fuscescentibus. Caulis erectus, 2 cm. altus, gracilis, innovando-ramosus, innovationibus erectis, circa 2 cm. longis, base radiculosis. Folia sicca erecta, contorta, humida erecto- patentia, spathulata vel obovata, breviter acuminata, usque ad 3 mm. longa, 1.5 mm. lata; marginibus inferne reflexis, integris; costa infra apicem folii evanida vel percur- rente; cellulis laxis, teneris, oblongo-hexagonis, basilaribus rectangularibus, rubris, marginalibus elongatis, limbum 3-4 seriatum efformantibus. Seta tenuissima, rubra, 5-6 cm. longa; theca nutans; exostomii dentes fusco-lutei; endostomium hyalinum, papillosum, processus angusti, superne dentibus adhaerens, cilia 0, sporae 25 mw in diam. Fuegia media: Puesto Medio de la Estancia Cameron, in palude, No. 8 type. | Bryum (Cernuiformia) austro-chilense Bartr. sp. nov. Synoicum; caespitosum} viridibus, inferne fuscescentibus. Caulis ad 1 cm. altus, basi fusco-tomentosus, innovando-ramosus. Folia sicca erecta, contorta, late ovata, breviter acuminata, carinato-concava, circa 1.5 mm. longa; marginibus anguste reflexis; costa fusca, percurrente; cellulis laxis, oblongo-hexagonis, basilaribus rectangularibus, con- coloribus, marginalibus elongatus, limbum biseriatum efformantibus. Seta ad 2 cm. alta, rubra; theca nutans, pyriformis, 3 mm. longa; exostomii dentes fusco-lutei, apice hyalini, endostomium pallide luteum, processus angusti, superne dentibus adhaerens, cilia 0; sporae papillosae, 25 uw in diam. Chile: Prov. de Nuble, Cordillera de Chillan, alt. 2000-2200 m., Nos. 1042, 1043, 1693 type. Perhaps near B. obscurum Card. & Broth. but in comparison with the description of this species, the leaves of B. austro-chilense are smaller, the costa percurrent and the leaves of the innovations not comose at the tips. Bryum (Cernuiformia) dicarpum Bartr. sp. nov. Species precedenti forsan affinis sed costa infra apicem folii evanida, sporis majoribus et theca pendula, microstoma. Synoicous; similar in habit and vegetative characters to B. austro-chilense but the leaves slightly larger, up to 2.5 mm. long with the costa ending just below the apex; setae constantly two from the same perichaetium; capsules pendulous, small-mouthed; spores 32-35 yw in diam. Fuegia bor.: Hotel Bouqueron, in loco paludoso, No. 317 type. Bryum (Inclinatiformia) macrosporum Bartr. sp. nov. Dioicum; caespitosum, caespitibus densis, viridibus. Caulis erectus, 3-5 mm. altus, superne comoso-foliosus, inferne fusco-tomentosus. Folia comalia late oblongo-ovata, acuminata, carinato-concava, sicca erecta; marginibus integris, anguste reflexis; costa rubra, in aristam usque 300 u longam, levem excedente; cellulis rhomboideis, basilaribus rectangularibus, rubris. Seta circa 2 cm. alta, rubra; theca pendula, 1 mm. longa, oblonga; exostomii dentes lutei, apice hyalini, endostomium hyalinum, processus 314 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1946 angusti, fenestrati, ciliis interpositis 3, parum brevioribus, haud appendiculatis; sporae lutescentes, papillosae, 30 » in diam. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia media, Lago Fagnano, Punta Piz- zaro, No. 1211 type. By the dioicous inflorescence this species is allied to B. vernicosum Dus. and B. Hatcheri Dus. but is distinct from both in the well-developed cilia of the inner peristome and the larger spores. Bryum (Pseudotriquetra) brachycarpum Bartr. sp. nov. Dioicum; caespitibus densis, pallide viridibus, intus fuscescentibus. Caulis erectus, innovando-ramosus. Folia ovata, breviter acuminata, limbata, ad 2.5 mm. longa; marginibus inferne anguste revolutis, summo apice minute denticulatis; costa inferne rubra, percurrente vel breviter excedente; cellulis rhomboideis, basilaribus oblongis, rubris, marginalibus elongatis, limbum 3—4-seriatum efformantibus. Seta 5—6 cm. longa, tenuis, rubra; theca pendula, 2.5 mm. longa, piriformis; cilia appendiculata; operculum convexum, apiculatum; sporae lutescentes, diam. 18-20 x. Fuegia media, Estancia la Marina, in palude, No. 677 type. This species is apparently near B. zeballosicum Card. & Broth, but is clearly distinguished from this and any of the allied group by the much longer setae and the short, pyriform capsules with the neck only about half as long as the sporangium. Bryum (Caespitibryum) pauperculum Bartr. sp. nov. Dioicum; caespitosum, caespitibus densis, superne lutescenti-viridibus, intus fusces- centibus. Caulis vix 1 cm. longus, inferne fusco-radiculosus. Folia sicca appressa, humida erecto-patentia, triangulari-lanceolata, ad 2.5 mm. longa, sensim acuminata; marginibus fere ad apicem revolutis, integris; costa valida, in aristam laevem excedente; cellulis oblongo-hexagonis, basilaribus rectangularibus, rubris, alarabis laxis, marginali- bus elongatis, limbum indistinctum efformantibus. Seta circa 2 cm. longa; exostomii dentes pallide lutescentes, endostomium hyalinum, papillosum, cilia appendiculata ; sporae minutissime papillosae, fuscae, diam. circa 30 p. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia occid., Cabo San Pablo, Nos. 658 type, 670. This species evidently stands in close proximity to B. caespiticum but the leaf outline is different, the margins and the arista are entire and the spores twice as large. Bryum (Rosulata) pseudothyridium Bartr. sp. nov. Dioicum; robustum, caespitosum, caespites densi, pallide lutescente-virides, nitidius- culi. Caulis erectus, dichotome innovans, dense rufo-tomentosus, ad 4 cm. altus. Folia ad apicem innovationem congesta, sicca erecta, flexuosa, spiraliter contorta, humida erecto-patentia, oblongo-obovata, apiculata, late limbata, ad 5 mm. longa; marginibus fere ad apicem revolutis, apicem versus remote denticulatis; costa crassa, basi rubella, in apiculum laevem excedente; cellulis ovato-hexagonis, basilaribus rectangularibus, infimis rubris, marginalibus linearibus, multiseriatis, limbum latum distinctum effor- mantibus. Seta ad 2.5 cm. longa, rubella, flexuosa; theca nutans vel pendula, oblongo- cylindrica, brevicollis, circa 3 mm. longa; operculum conicum, apiculatum; exostomil dentes fusco-lutei, apice hyalini, 0.6 mm. alti, endostomium pallide luteum, papillosum, corona basilaris alta, processus angusti, rimosi, cilia 3, valde, appendiculata; sporae minute papillosae, diam. 12 wu. BARTRAM: MOSSES FROM TIERRA DEL FUEGO S15 Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia occid., Puesto Yarton, loco uliginoso, No. 893 type; Fuegia media, Rio Bueno, Nos. 386, 1089. An unusually handsome moss which is distinct from B. Lechleri C. M. and B. andicola Hook. in the more elongate and robust stems and the broad leaf border, up to 150 » wide in the upper half of the leaf and composed of 8-15 rows of narrow linear cells. BARTRAMIACEAE Philonotis luteola Bartr. sp. nov. Caespites compacti, pallide lutescente-virides. Caulis 5-6 cm. altus, inferne parce radiculosus, ramosus, ramis gracilis, laxifolius. Folia erecta, oblongo-ovata, breviter acuminata, haud plicata 2-2.5 mm. longa; marginibus planis, superne serrulatis; costa lata, male limitata, infra apicem dissoluta, dorso superne papillata; cellulis omnibus laevibus, laxiusculis, superioribus rhomboidalibus, inferioribus longioribus, marginalibus haud distinctis. Caetera ignota. Fuegia media: Estancia Vicuna, Puesto 20, Cerro Fuentes, reg. alp., No. 734 type. The unbordered leaves, broader costa and absence of any differentiated marginal cells at the basal angles will at once separate this species from any of the forms of P. vagans. It is distinguished from P. acicularis (C. M.) by the plane margined leaves and from both P. varians Card. and P. parallela Dus. by the costa ending below the apex. Breutelia angustiretis Bartr. sp. nov. Caespites densi, nitidi, superne lutescente-virides, inferne fusci, dense rufo-tomentosi. Caulis 4-5 cm. altus, irregulariter ramosus. Folia erecto-patentia, subflexuosa, e basi ovata, plicatula sensim longissime cuspidata, ad 4.5 mm. longa; marginibus integris, e basi anguste recurvis, superne planis; costa angusta, percurrente vel excurrente ; cellulis omnibus anguste linearibus, laevibus, parietibus incrassatis, lutescentibus, infimis bre- vioribus, rubellis, parietibus sinuosis. Fructus ignotus. Fuegia occidentalis: Fjordo Martinez, Bahia Pluschow, Nos. 592 type, 1136; Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Isla Dawson, Puerto Valdez, in silva humida, Nos. 1326, 2563. This species a B. chrysura (C. M.) Broth. are closely allied to B. integrifolia (Tayl.) Jaeg. “A critical study of this group may show that the specific characters are too unstable to afford any practical basis for classi- fication. ORTHOTRICHACEAE Macromitrium (Teichodontium) coriaceum Bartr. sp. nov. Laxe caespitosum, lutescente-viride, intus fuscescens. Caulis repens, dense ramosus, ramis suberectis, usque ad 1 cm. longis, ramulosis. Folia sat densa, sicca erecta, contorta, humida erecto-patentia, lanceolata, plicata, breviter acuminata, superne carinata, 1.5—2 mm. longa; marginibus superne denticulatis; costa sub apice evanida ; cellulis superiori- bus ovalis, incrassatis, laevibus, basilaribus anguste f fanrulbribus, valde incrassatis. Seta erecta, laevissima, 7-8 mm. longa; theca laevissima, oblongo-cylindrica, exothecio coriaceo; exostomium circa 30 m altum, dentibus inter se concretis, papillosis, endos- tomium exostomio majus, processus 32, lati, obtusi, dense papillosi; calyptra nuda, laciniata; sporae papillosae, diam. 50-60 pu. 316 FarLow1a, VoL. 2, 1946 Chile: Prov. de Chiloe, Puerto Barroso de la Penins, Tres Montes, Nos. 1563, 1570 type, 1588, 1628. Clearly distinguished from M. Rusbyanum E. G. Britt. and M. macro- sporum Herz. by the longer segments of the inner peristome and the naked calyptrae. LEMBOPHYLLACEAE Camptochaete arbusculans Broth. ex Bartr. Dioica; caespitosa, lutescente-viridis. Caulis sublignosus, bipinnate ramosus, ramis teretibus, saepe flagelliformiter attenuatis. Folia conferta, concava, imbricata, latissime ovata vel obovata, minute apiculata, 1.5 mm. longa, 1 mm. lata; marginibus erectis, superne denticulatis; costa variabilis, nunc simplex et fere ad medium folii producta, nunc brevis et binis vel nulla; cellulae anguste rhomboideae, laevissimae, apicales breviores, alares sat numerosae. Chile: Prov. de Nuble, Recinto, Las Trancas, alt. 1200 m., No. 1600; Chile australis in montibus Cordillera de la Costa supra Angol oppidam in truncis arborum, Dusen No. 338, Nov. 11, 1896, type. Roivainen’s No. 1600 is exactly similar to Dusen’s No. 338, issued as Cam ptochaete arbusculans Broth. which has been made available for com- parison through the kindness of M. Theriot. The species is included by Brotherus in Ed. 2 of the Pflanzenfamilien but as the description seems never to have been published it may be validated by the above brief diagnosis. The stem and branch leaves are not clearly differentiated. The leaves are very broadly ovate or obovate, minutely apiculate, alar cells rather numerous, upper cells small, parenchymatous, rhomboidal, median and lower cells narrower; margins erect, denticulate above; costa variable, short and double or even lacking, often single and extending nearly to mid-leaf. The variable costa is an anomalous character in Camptochaete but the plants are otherwise characteristic so I believe they may be included here under Rigodiella sect. nov. characterized as follows: Folia caulina et ramea vix diversa; costa maxime variabilis, nunc simplex et bene evoluta, nunc binis et brevis vel nulla. HOOKERIACEAE Sauloma tenella (H. f. & W.) Mitt. Fuegia media: Rio Bueno, in silva Nothofagi, No. 2008. New to South America. The broad distribution of so many austral types which are common to New Zealand and the tip of the South American con- tinent is again emphasized by the occurrence of this species in Fuegia. AMBLYSTEGIACEAE Hygroamblystegium: I think Reimers (Hedwigia 66:71. 1926) is entirely justified in transferring the following species to H ygroamblystegium. They are certainly better placed here than in Pseudoleskea. BARTRAM: MOosSES FROM TIERRA DEL FUEGO 317 The group is a very intricate one and the distinctions so slight and inconstant that I doubt if they can be resolved into definite specific identi- ties. The large series collected by Dr. Roivainen seems to be separable into two fairly distinct types as outlined in the tentative key presented below. Leaves closely appressed EGosely (usecase Plants © arier nae ek Maina cues cnet H. filum Densely tufted plants, stems parallel ............- H. filum var. compactum Leaves spreading or secund Habit rigid, leaves strongly secund, uncinate at tips H. fuegianum var. secundum Habit lax Costa short excurrent Were SICHOCTADIABUSi tee 85 Grants sas te ge H. fuegianum var. gracilis More robust plants ‘ Leaves erect-spreading or secund ........ H. fuegianum Leaves widely spreading ...............- H. fuegianum var. Skottsbergii (Gusta done sexCOITente Ae eRe aah ONS sche ce oe H. fuegianum var. excurrens Hygroamblystegium filum (C. M.) Reim. Hygroamblystegium filum var. compactum Bartr. var. nov. Caules elongati, ad 10 cm. longi, dense compacti, cellulae superiores breviter hexa- gonae. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia media, Lago Linch, Cerro Chico, reg. alp., No. 1380 type. An unusual form with long, parallel, densely ied stems and short upper leaf cells. Hygroamblystegium fuegianum (Besch.) Reim. The following sporophyte characters are taken from No. 1016 which is in good fruit. Seta slender, reddish, smooth, about 2 cm. long, twisted to the right when dry. Capsule cylindric, curved, constricted below the mouth when dry, urn 2 mm. long; peristome large, pale yellow; lid not seen; calyptra pale, early deciduous; spores smooth, 10-12 » in diam. Hygroamblystegium fuegianum var. Skottsbergii (Card.) Bartr. comb. nov. Pseudoleskea fuegiana (Besch.) Card. var. Skottsbergit Card. Hygroamblystegium fuegianum var. excurrens (Card. & Broth.) Bartr. comb. nov. Amblystegium excurrens Card. & Broth. Hygroamblystegium fuegianum var. gracilis (Card. & Broth.) Bartr. comb. nov. Pseudoleskea fuegiana (Besch.) Card. var. gracilis Card. & Broth. Hygroamblystegium fuegianum var. secundum Bartr. var. nov. Caules rigidi. Folia saepe fortiter falcato-secunda. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia media, Lago Fagnano, Punta Piz- zaro, No. 1213 type. Very different from any of the allied forms in the rigid, rather robust stems, uncinate at the tips and with the leaves clearly falcate-secund. Calliergidium austro-stramineum (C. M.) Bartr. comb. nov. Hypnum austro-stramineum C. M. t 318 FaRLowIA, VoL. 2, 1946 Dr. Grout (Moss Fl. N, Amer. 3(2): 100. 1931) has advanced what seem to be adequate reasons for separating this group from Drepanocladus. Calliergon sarmentosum (Wahlenb.) Kindb. Very similar to the plants of the northern hemisphere in every way except that the apical leaves of the young branches and stems are more closely imbricated to form a terete tip ending in a cuspidate point. BRACHYTHECIACEAE Brachythecium longidecurrens Bartr. sp. nov. Autoicum; lutescente-viride, nitidulum, Caulis irregulariter ramosus, ramis arcuatis. Folia dense conferta, scariosa, sicca imbricata, humida erecto-patentia, caulina e basi longe decurrente latissime cordato-ovata, in acumen breviusculum constricta, 1.5-1.7 mm. longa; marginibus inferne reflexis, superne planis, fere e base minute denticulatis; costa valida, ad 4/5 folii evanida; cellulis linearibus, inferioribus brevioribus et latio- ribus, alaribus rectangularibus, pellucidis, Folia ramea angustiora, sensim acuminata. Folia perichaetialia ecostata, in acumen patulum subito constricta; seta rubella, 2 cm. longa, superne scaberula; theca horizontalis, sicca arcuata, 1.5 mm. longa, fusca. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia media, Rio Bueno, in silva, Nos. 2018 type, 2025, 2063. These plants have something of the habit of B. rivulare Bry. Eur. but are immediately distinguished by the acuminate leaves, the longer costa, and the setae which are smooth below. Brachythecium (Julacea) micro-collinum Bartr. sp. nov. Autoicum; tenellum, pallide viride. Caules intertexti, depressi, irregulariter pinnati, ramis curvato-patulis. Folia minuta, sicca imbricata, humida erecto-patentia, concava, ovato-lanceolata, acuminata, haud decurrentia, circa 0.5 mm. longa; marginibus toto ambitu denticulatis; costa valida, ad 4/5 folii evanida, extremitate dentiformi; cellulis linearibus vel lineari-rhomboideis, basilaribus laxioribus, rectangulis, infimis ovalibus vel breviter rectangulis. Folia perichaetialia enervia, e base subvaginante in acumen abrupte constricta, marginibus ad_ basin integris, superne argute denticulatis; seta rubella, 6-7 mm. longa, laevissima; theca horizontalis, 1 mm. longa. Chile: Prov. de Nuble, Recinto, in silva umbrosa, alt. 750 m., Nos. 954, 955 type. Near B. collinum (Schleich.) but much smaller in every way and witha stouter, longer costa ending in a spine on the back. B. arenarium Card. & Broth. is described as having the stem leaves ending in a long, subulate acumen. This character, if constant, should preclude any confusion with B. micro-collinum. PLAGIOTHECIACEAE Plagiothecium nitidum (Hook. f, & Wils.) Bartr. comb. nov. Leskea nitida Hook. f. & Wils. I have outlined elsewhere (Manual of Hawaiian Mosses, p. 224. 1933) my reasons for thinking that Catagonium is a poorly defined genus. The above species does not appear to be generically distinct from Plagiothecium. BARTRAM: MOSSES FROM TIERRA DEL FUEGO 319 Calliergonella complanata Card. & Broth. To judge from a fragmentary specimen of the type collection consisting of two stems and a few detached leaves which I have seen through the kindness of Dr. Linkola, is apparently one of the forms of Eucatagonium politum (Hook. f. & Wils.) with the leaves not clearly distichous. SEMATOPHYLLACEAE Sematophyllum aureo-nitidum Bartr. sp. nov. Dioicum? Caespites depressi, sat densi, lutescente-virides, nitidi. Caulis ad 3 cm. _ longus, irregulariter ramosus. Folia conferta, falcata, e basi ovato-oblonga abrupte longe acuminata, ecostata, circa 2 mm. longa; marginibus planis, inferne integris, superne denticulatis; cellulis anguste linearibus, incrassatis, infimis lutescentibus, admodum porosis, alaribus 3-4, oblongis, vesiculosis, hyalinis vel lutescentibus. Folia perichaetialia ovato-oblonga, breviter acuminata; marginibus superne irregulariter denticulatis; seta rubella, laevissima, circa 12 mm. longa. Caetera ignota. Chile: Prov. de Magellanes, Fuegia occid., Fjordo Martinez, ad rupes, No. 579; Fjordo Martinez, Bahia Sarmiento, No. 2351 type. More robust than S. callidum (Mont.) Mitt. from which it also differs in the more glossy leaves hooked at the tips of the branches. The description of Hypnum leucocytus C. M. suggests something similar but Dixon remarks (Studies in the Bryology of New Zealand, Pt. VI, p. 309. 1929) that this species is not glossy while S. aureo-nitidum is characterized by a lustrous, almost metallic sheen. POLYTRICHACEAE Dendroligotrichum squamosum (Hook. f. & Wils.) Broth. Numerous collections of this species show the end cells of the lamellae in cross section are either two-parted or single and the lamellae 4—5 cells high. The end cells have two lumens when two-parted and are scarcely suggestive of Polytrichum commune to which Dixon (Studies in the Bryology of New Zealand, Pt. IV, p. 235. 1926) indicates that it may have some affinity. BuUSHKILL PIKE Co., Pa. 2(3):321-343 FARLOWIA ‘January, 1946 THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA (MUCORALES) Victor M. CutTTER, JR. The opportunity has recently arisen to examine a number of isolates of Cunninghamella from various localities in North America. The confused synonomy and overlapping specific descriptions available in the literature have proved most troublesome in attempting to identify these isolates. It is the author’s opinion that at the present time the accurate identification of species of Cunninghamella is practically impossible. This situation arises in large part from the failure of earlier workers to employ a standard re- ‘producible culture medium in their studies, and in part from the fact that the known species have not yet been studied comparatively. Our expanding knowledge of the physiology and genetics of the fungi makes it evident that in such a plastic group as the Mucorales, specific concepts can be formulated only from isolates grown on rigidly standardized media under carefully controlled conditions. Descriptions based upon field collections and gross cultures are of little value to the mycologist interested in accurate determinations. Unfortunately for the advance of mycological science, the precision of technique employed by physiologists in their studies of growth and variation in fungi has too rarely been carried over into taxonomic investigations. METHODS In common with most fungi, Cunninghamella species are very sensitive to the most minute variations in the culture medium, and the same isolate grown upon different media may present a completely different aspect. This plasticity is no less evident at changing levels of temperature and humidity. Any key to this genus can be of practical value only when the material to be identified is handled under exactly comparable conditions. Therefore the standardization of cultural techniques is imperative, and towards this end the procedure described below is suggested as a standard to be followed in the identification of species of Mucorales. It is not claimed that the medium employed represents the best possible choice for cultural studies or maintenance of mucoraceous fungi. Rather the medium is de- signed to be easily and inexpensively reproduced and, when formulated with CP chemicals, to be as uniform as possible. To date approximately 150 species of Mucorales have been grown upon this medium with good results in all cases. In connection with this procedure it is understood that all cultures should originate from single spores. This is easily accomplished, in the case of Cunninghamelia, by any of the usual techniques. The medium used in this study is designated as M.D.A. agar and is made up according to the follow- ing formula, and adjusted to pH 4.2 with 0.1 N HCl. yal 322 FaRLow!A, Vor. 2, 1946 Mexirase: (4c. 4a02 5 40.00 gr. thiamine chloride . . . 0.5 mgr. asparagine ....... 2.00 gr. agar flakes >. 0... o.:; 15.00 gr. ROO hie eee ot a DF, distilled water . . . . 1000.00 cc. PIgSOg 5 fs 'é oes 0.25 gr. All reagents used are of CP grade. The thiamine used is Merck’s synthetic, the asparagine is Bacto-Difco, and the agar is Bacto-agar flakes prepared by the Difco laboratories. In the routine of identification, isolates are grown upon M.D.A. agar at 25° C. and 40° C. Specific descriptions are based upon material cultured at 25° C. At the 40° C. level, cultures are recorded merely as growing or not growing. Smaller intervals of temperature than these have not proved practical for the sharp delimitation of species. No attempt is made to record degrees of growth since quantitative methods are rarely practical in a taxonomic treatment, and do not lend themselves to rapid identification. Material for microscopic examination is mounted in a solution of equal parts of phenol crystals, lactic acid, glycerin and distilled water to which a detergent, ‘‘Tergitol’’ Penetrant 7, is added in the ratio of 3 drops per 50 cc. of solution. To this mixture 5 percent Sudan III is added, which furnishes an easy method of distinguishing chlamydospores and hyphal bodies from conidia since the former rapidly accumulate the stain whereas the latter remain unstained. The color of conidia and other spores is de- termined by mounting them in water. In connection with conidial measurements in this genus a word of cau- tion is necessary. The shape and dimensions of conidia can not be accu- rately determined until they are mature and have fallen from the vesicles. In situ their shape is frequently obscured or distorted by crowding, in most mounts only immature conidia remain attached to the vesicles, the mature conidia being readily deciduous. Many of the aberrant measurements found in the literature as well as the statements concerning supposed differences in size and shape of the conidia of the terminal and lateral vesicles are directly attributable to the failure to recognize this fact. The term “vesicle” is used here in reference to the capitate structure terminating the conidio- phores after the conidia are detached. The age of cultures determines to some degree the type of branching displayed by the conidiophores and since cultures are rarely mature until six days after inoculation, all observations are made at this time. Under the discussion of each species the original description is repro- duced, followed by an emended description of the species based upon monospore cultures grown at 25° C. on M.D.A. agar six days after inocula- tion. The key to species is compiled from these emended descriptions. Technical color terms cited in quotation marks are those of Ridgway (26). The accession numbers given under the heading ‘‘material examined” refer to cultures and permanent mounts filed in the author’s herbarium at Cornell University. CuTTER: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA . aco HISTORY OF THE GENUS The genus Cunninghamella was established by Matruchot (18) in 1903 upon C. africana collected in the French Sudan. At this time he failed to provide a generic description which was later supplied by Saccardo (30). Thaxter (36) shortly pointed out that in reality C. africana only repre- sented a redescription of his Oedocephalum echinulatum, and that the spe- cies should therefore be known as C. echinulata. Matruchot had postulated that in spite of its purely conidial reproduction in the asexual phase, Cun- ninghamella should be placed in the Mucorales, and supported his claim with a series of ingenious experiments showing that Cunninghamella will serve as a host for species of Piptocephalis which are parasitic exclusively upon the Mucorales. He further indicated that the usually aseptate my- celium favored the inclusion of Cunninghamella in this group. His opinion was subsequently confirmed by Blakeslee (5) who discovered the zygo- spores of C. echinulata in 1904. In the following year Saito (31) described the genus Actinocephalum based upon A. japonicum. Fitzpatrick (11) has pointed out that this genus is undoubtedly synonymous with Cunningham- ella. In 1907 Lendner (14) described C. elegans in Swiss soil, and later, in 1927, he (16) described C. Blakesleeana from North American material sent to him by Blakeslee. Stadel (32) in 1911 founded C. Bertholletiae upon a strain from decaying Brazil nuts, and discussed certain aspects of its growth and development upon various substrates. Shortly thereafter Bainier & Sartory (2), apparently unaware of the existence of Cunning- hamella, erected the genus Muratella upon M. elegans collected in France. Torrey (37) showed that this species was synonymous with Cunningham- ella echinulata Thaxter, and investigated the development and morphology of the conidia in some detail. Naumov (20), however, on the basis of its consistently spherical conidia, considered Muratella elegans distinct from Cunninghamella echinulata and erected the new combination C. Bainieri to include it and several of his own isolates. Ling-Young (17), on the other hand, considered Muratella with its curious giant conidia to be distinct from Cunninghamella and maintained it as a valid genus. Paine (22) in 1927 described C. verticillata from the United States. This species has been reported several times subsequently, but appears to be synonymous with C. Blakesleeana Lendner, which had been described and published three months before. Pispek (23) in 1929 discussed a series of isolates from Yugoslav soils and erected four new species, C. ramosa, C. dalmatica, C. polymorpha and C. echinata. None of these species has been subsequently reported and all of them seem conspecific with previously described forms, although PiSpek’s meager descriptions make positive identification uncertain. In 1930, Fitzpatrick (11) briefly summarized the work on Cunninghamella to that date. Zycha (38) in 1935 presented the first comprehensive survey of the genus and the first key to the species. He retained the six following species: C. microspora, C. albida, C. elegans, C. 324 FarLowIA, VoL. 2, 1946 ramosa, C. Blakesleeana and C. echinulata, and presented descriptions of these compiled from the literature. All other described species were reduced by him to synonomy. This treatment has served as a standard for most subsequent work. Alcorn and Yeager (1) in 1938 published a monograph of the genus with emended specific descriptions of species collected by them in Idaho. This work contained a key to the species based in part upon the literature and in part upon their own observations, as well as numerous inaccuracies in the translations of original descriptions. While their mono- graph purports to cover the entire literature on Cunninghamella, in reality a number of species are not treated, in particular those of PiSpek and of Zycha. The latest treatment of the genus is that of Naumov (20) in 1939. He presents a descriptive key to all the known species compiled from the original descriptions and his own observations. He retains all the pre- viously described species and erects the new combination C. Bainieri to include Muratella elegans. He has stated that this key is only tenta- tive and the future studies will show that many of these species are not valid. Our knowledge of the sexuality of this genus and of the zygosporic stages is largely confined to the works of Blakeslee (6), Burger (9) and Blakeslee, Cartledge and Welch (7). The last named authors have shown that C. ele- gans, C. Bertholletiae, C. Blakesleeana and C. echinulata are heterothallic forms and are sexually dimorphic, a conclusion contrary to that advanced by Burger on the basis of experiments with C. Bertholletiae. Blakeslee (6) had previously described and figured the zygospores of C. echinulata, and Lendner (16) supplied the same information for C. Blakesleeana. The sexual stages of other described species are as yet unknown. All these authors have indicated that zygospore formation is usually initiated at temperatures above 25° C, The systematic position of Cunninghamella has been treated in various ways by different authors. Matruchot (18) considered it to belong in the tribe Choanephoree in company with Choanephora. Lendner (15) places it in the family Chaetocladiaceae in the suborder Conidiophorae. Fitz- patrick (11), Zycha (38), Christenberry (10) and Ou (21) place it in the family Choanephoraceae, with Blakeslea and Choanephora. However, Nau- mov (20) creates the family Cunninghamellaceae to include Cunningham- ella, Thamnocephalis and Sigmoideomyces. At the present state of our knowledge the latter disposition seems most natural since this group of genera forms a coherent unit well separated from Choanephora and Blakes- lea by the complete absence of sporangia and the presence of echinulate globose conidia. Furthermore, the dark colored rough-walled zygospores set Cunninghamella apart from Blakeslea and Choanephora, which have thin-walled, smooth, more or less hyaline zygospores. It must be pointed out in connection with the validity of the name Cun- ninghamella that this genus was founded upon the conidial or imperfect stage of C. africana by Matruchot in 1903. The perfect stage (i.e. the zygospores) was not discovered until 1904 by Blakeslee who described the CuTTER: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA 625 zygospores in C. echinulata. These two species are synonymous. If the strictest interpretation of the International Rules of Botanical Nomencla- ture is followed (i.e. Art. 57) Cunninghamella must be attributed to Blakes- lee, who, however, failed to give a generic description with his report of the perfect stage of this fungus. On the other hand the International Rules fail to define exactly what constitutes the perfect stage of a Phycomycete of the mucoraceous type. Under proper conditions in homothallic species, and in the case of heterothallic species such as Cunninghamella, in the presence of two compatible strains, the gametangia and zygotes are borne upon the same mycelium which gives rise to the asexual reproductive structures. Since the perfect and imperfect stages are thus inextricably mingled it will be seen that while these fungi are pleomorphic in regard to their life cycle, there is no certain way of separating the two stages for taxonomic purposes. This situation is somewhat different from the case of certain heterothallic Ascomycetes and Basidiomycetes having pleomorphic life cycles where the perfect and imperfect stages are clearly distinguishable. Bisby (4) has pointed out other instances where the strict application of Article 57 to the Phycomycetes creates nomenclatural problems of this nature. In the Mu- corales dogmatic adherence to this rule would necessitate a large number of changes in the author citations, and redescription of genera and species, because the great majority of forms have been described in their imperfect stages. Consequently in this and subsequent work on the Mucorales, Bisby’s suggestions will be followed, and the first valid name applied to genus or species will stand irrespective of whether it was applied in cases where the zygotic stage was not known or described. Cunninghamella Matruchot, Ann. Mycol. 1: 47-50. 1903; — Saccardo, Syll. Fung. 17: 508. 1905. Actinocephalum Saito, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 19: 1. 1904. Saitomyces Ricker, Journ. Mycol. 12: 61. 1906. Muratella Bainier & Sartory, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 29: 129. 1913. Fungi with erect or ascending conidiophores, abundant submerged sterile mycelium, aseptate when young, becoming septate in age, hyaline or light colored. Conidiophores variously branched or sometimes simple, each branch terminating in a capitate vesicle covered with minute sterigmata bearing conidia. Conidia unicellular, globose to ellipsoid, echinulate, asperulate, or smooth, deciduous. Sporangia absent. Chlamydospores oc- casionally present, intercalary, spherical to ellipsoid with granular or oily contents. Rhizoids present in some species at base of conidiophores or indiscriminately arranged on aerial parts. Gametangia isogamous. Zygo- spores globose or doliform, dark-walled, tuberculate or roughened. The known species are heterothallic and saprophytic on a wide variety of substrates. The type species is Cunninghamella echinulata (Thaxter) Thaxter. 326 FaARLOwIA, VoL. 2, 1946 KEY TO THE SPECIES OF CUNNINGHAMELLA (i eeeMen Uma ACs Ce ci eee ek te Rae Sots Buh ais gins eg met a ta or aed bs 2. Colonies “Smoke Grey”; branches of the conidiophores sympodial, cymose or irregular, not verticillate; conidia predominantly spherical with long echinula- tions; giant conidia absent pepe ett BMPs irs =e Mean eee .1. C. echinulata. 2. Colonies “Gull Grey,” branches of the conidiophores verticillate; conidia pre- dominantly ovoid to ellipsoid with short echinulations. ...4. C. Bertholletiae. Be GT een at a” Ae ete ts Vg 0 dad eure ee ee eae ce 3. Giant conidia present; colonies “Smoke Grey” to “Pale Olive Buf”; conidia predominantly spherical with long echinulations or sometimes smooth. 2. C. Bainieri. 3. Giant conidia absent; conidia predominantly ovoid to ellipsoid with short re AVE PE LEW | te gee RSE AL ge a Re eR ROT Ai re Joh rare ane ee 4, 4. Colonies “White”; branches of the seueliantaes dichotomous, sympodial or verticillate ; shteoidal tufts apparent macroscopically; conidia up to 35x 25 pw. 3. C. Blakesleeana. 4. Colonies “Gull Grey”; branches of the conidiophores always verticillate; conidia up to 16x 12 w; rhizoidal tufts not apparent macroscopically. ....... 5. 5. Chlamydospores usually present; mycelium containing much oil; habitat | ig Tap LT dp ee ree ie Oe SC ae On EEN 4. C. Bertholletiae. 5. Chlamydospores absent; mycelium mostly lacking oil; habitat soil and seeds. 5. C. elegans. 1. Cunninghamella echinulata (Thaxter) Thaxter, Rhodora 5: 98. 1903. Ocedocephalum echinulatum Thaxter, Bot. Gaz. 16: 17. 1891. Cunninghamella africana Matruchot, Ann. Mycol. 1: 47-50. 1903. Prate I, A-I “White becoming slightly yellowish. Sterile and fertile hyphae not clearly differen- tiated, the latter more or less irregularly and indefinitely branched. The fertile heads nearly spherical to obovoid, very variable in size, more or less distinctly areolate: maximum 45-65 uw: average 28-35 uw. Spores oval to elliptical, finely echinulate: average 10x 12 #; maximum 18-25 uw.” — Thaxter (1891). On M.D.A. agar: Colonies up to 1.5 cm. high, spreading rapidly, “Smoke Grey,” powdery in appearance; growing at 40° C. Sterile mycelium smooth-walled, much- branched, mostly aseptate, up to 20 » in diam.; rhizoids occasional; chla- mydospores occasional upon submerged portions, irregular in shape and size. Conidiophores dichotomously or cymosely, never verticillately, branched; each branch terminated in a swollen vesicle, broadly clavate to subspherical, up to 60 p» in diam., average 25-40 » in diam.; smooth or faintly areolate, no conspicuous difference in shape of lateral and terminal vesicles. Conidia globose to ovoid up to 20 x 18 », average 11-14 yw in diam., thickly beset with very fine spines up to 4 » in length, the immature conidia sometimes smooth. Zygospores described by Blakeslee (6) and not sub- sequently reported. Gametangia isogamous or heterogamous; zygospores nearly opaque, 46-80 x 40-63 p, average 70 x 58 yu, thickly beset with long heavy tubercles. Zygospore formation taking place only at temperatures above 25° C. TYPE LOCALITY: On cheese and cheesy paper, Massachusetts. Thaxter. CuTTER: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA PAT DISTRIBUTION: Camel dung, French Sudan, 1903, Matruchot; dried flowers, Venezuela, 1905, and Puerto Rico, 1905, horse dung, Philippines, 1905, Blakeslee; Brazil nuts and soil, (18 races), New York, 1921, Blakes- lee, Cartledge & Welch; soil, Dalmatia, 1932, Johann; soil, Bastrop Co., Texas, 1932, Morrow; soil, Cuba, South Carolina, North Carolina, Louisi- ana, 1940, Christenberry; decaying flowers of Cucurbita pepo, Szechuan, China, 1940, Ou. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Panama, C. Z., date and substrate unknown, Weston (Acc. no, 110) ; locality unknown, via Harvard Cult. Coll. (Acc. no. 127); Ontario, peas, 1941, Groves, (Acc. no. 152); Arnprior, Ont., peas, 1943, Groves, (Acc. no. 294); Ithaca, N. Y., contaminant in culture, 1943, Cutter, (Acc. no. 345); locality unknown, from Brazil nuts, Blakeslee, (Acc. nos. 374, 375); locality, date and substrate unknown, Blakeslee, (Acc. nos. 376, 377, 378, 379). The type of branching is the most important character separating C. echinulata from the other members of this genus. The descriptions and figures of Thaxter and Matruchot indicate that they were not dealing with a form having verticillately branched conidiophores. Plate I, A, B, D, and E shows the typical cymose branching encountered in vigorous cultures. In old cultures, pseudoverticillate conidiophores may be developed through the production of secondary conidiophores on the primary conidial head. A similar situation may occur if the conidiophores are submersed, as in the example shown in Plate I, G. This is, however, an abnormality. The author does not follow Zycha (38) in considering Muratella elegans Bainier & Sartory, and C. verticillata Paine as synonyms of C. echinulata inasmuch as these two forms are described and figured with verticillately branched conidiophores while a study of the present material of C. echinulata indi- cates that it is remarkably constant in its cymose branching. Some slight discrepancies exist between Matruchot’s description of C. africana and Thaxter’s description of Oedocephalum echinulatum, chiefly in the dimensions of the conidial heads, which in C. africana are said to reach 100 » in diameter. However according to Thaxter (36) the two forms are synonymous and in general the descriptions coincide well. Nau- mov (20) retains C. africana and makes C. echinulata a synonym of it, which is an untenable disposition when Thaxter’s opinion that C. africana merely constituted a redescription of his O. echinulatum is considered. Alcorn & Yeager’s description of C. echinulata contains the statement that the vesicles are areolate, an opinion which probably arises from a liberal interpretation of Thaxter’s more cautious statement that the heads are sometimes faintly areolate. In the cultures studied here the areolate con- dition could sometimes be discerned but it certainly was not present in the majority of isolates and it was usually characteristic only of immature vesicles. ie C. echinulata is the only species of Cunninghamella which in this study consistently showed growth at temperatures above 40° C. This character- istic, and the absence of the peculiar giant conidia described below, distin- guish it clearly from the following species. 328 FaRLOWIA, VOL. 2, 1946 2. Cunninghamella Bainieri N. Naumov, Clés des Mucorinées, Paris, 1939. Muratella elegans Bainier & Sartory, Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 29: 9. 1913. Muratella sp. Ling-Young, Rev. Gen. Bot. 42: 744. 1930. Prate I, J-O “Conidia all spherical 14-17 » in diam. armed with bristles 2 w in length; sterigmata 0.5-1.4 « long; colonies dirty white, 1 cm. high or more; verticils of 3-8 elements, accompanied as well by longer branches of the conidiophores; swellings of 28-58 u in diam.” Naumov. On M.D.A, agar: Colonies 0.5—-3 cm. high, ‘Pale Olive Buff” to “Pale Smoke Grey,” pow- dery in appearance, not growing at 40° C. Sterile mycelium much-branched, up to 30 » in diam., aseptate when young, in the submerged portions fre- quently swollen into vesicular shapes; true chlamydospores absent. Co- nidiophores erect, usually verticillately branched below the terminal head, sometimes with several whorls of branches, lateral branches usually less than 50 » long. Vesicles up to 60 » in diam., average 40 p, lateral vesicles usually smaller than the terminals. Vesicles bearing normal conidia gen- erally smooth, sometimes verrucose when young, vesicles bearing giant conidia markedly verrucose. Conidia of two sorts, predominantly spheri- cal, sometimes broad ovoid; normal conidia hyaline 5—15 p in diam. with slender sharp echinulations up to 3.5 » long, giant conidia yellow to brown- ish, thick-walled, 15-27 » in diam. with stout sharp echinulations up to 2 w long or sometimes smooth, giant conidia usually borne on verrucose subterminal vesicles developing in older portions of the colony. Zygospores unknown. TYPE LOCALITY: Dead wood, France, Bainier & Sartory, 1913. DistriBuTion: Soil, France, 1930, Ling-Young. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Hibiscus flowers, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1940, Cutter (Acc. no. 29) ; locality and substrate unknown, 1942, via American Type Cult. Coll. (Acc. nos. 348, 352, 354); locality, date and substrate unknown, C. B. S. via Blakeslee (Acc. nos. 386, 387). This species, which is closely related to C. echinulata, may be easily distinguished by the presence of numerous giant conidia in older cultures, as well as by its failure to grow at 40° C. Bainier & Sartory (2) give its optimum temperature range as 25—27° C, Ling-Young (17) has discussed the morphology of the “conidies tardives” or giant conidia, of this species, and states that they are always borne upon specialized lateral heads. This contention is not strictly borne out in the material studied here where the giant conidia are frequently interspersed with smaller conidia on both ter- minal and lateral vesicles. However, Plate I, N shows the usual condition where these structures are confined to certain lateral vesicles. A study of Ling-Young’s illustrations show that they were based upon immature conidiophores which may account for the peculiar distribution of his “conidies tardives.” These structures have not been encountered in other species of Cunninghamella., CuTTER: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA 329 3. Cunninghamella Blakesleeana Lendner, Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneva 19: 234. May, 1927. Cunninghamella “A,” Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch, Bot. Gaz. 72: 185. 1921. Cunninghamella verticillata Paine, Mycologia 19: 253. Sept. 1927. Cunninghamella echinata Pigpek, Acta Bot. Inst. Univ. Zagreb. 4: 101. 1929. Prate ITI, A-D “Conidiophores branched, terminated by swollen heads; heads minutely verrucose, 30 w long by 28 w wide, bearing ellipsoid conidia with finely echinulate walls. Branches of the conidiophore verticillate or solitary, lateral branches bearing spherical, hyaline to yellow conidia; zygospores spherical to doliform, dusky black, 40 « in diam. up to 48 uw long by 49 w wide.” Lendner. On M.D.A. agar: Colonies 2 to 3.5 cm. high, spreading rapidly, “White,” at maturity be- coming tinged with yellow and compactly matted, not growing at 40° C. Sterile mycelium at first dichotomous, later irregularly branched up to 20 p in diam., aseptate, bearing prominent tufts of rhizoids or outgrowths visible macroscopically upon the aerial portions, occasionally forming vesicular swellings containing much yellow oily material upon the submerged por- tions; true chlamydospores lacking. Conidiophores erect, sometimes di- chotomously or sympodially but usually verticillately branched. Lateral branches of the conidiophores variable in length and number, usually less than 50 » long. Vesicles variable, subglobose to broadly clavate up to 65 p in diam., average 30-40 y» in diam., lateral vesicles usually smaller than terminal vesicles, verrucose to smooth. Conidia hyaline, predominantly ovoid to ellipsoid with smaller subspherical conidia interspersed, up to 35 p long x 25 » wide, average 5-18 » long x 4-12 p» wide, with very short widely spaced echinulations or sometimes smooth. Zygospores not seen. TYPE LOCALITY: Unknown. DISTRIBUTION: Brazil nuts purchased at many localities in eastern U.S.A. (all nuts presumably from S. America), 53 races, 1921, Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch; soil, Iowa City, Iowa, 1927, Paine; soil, Colorado, 1930, LeClerg; soil, Grobnik, Krk Island in Adriatic Sea, 1929, PiSpek. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Brazil nuts bought in eastern U. S. A. (all nuts presumably from S. America), 1919 (7 races) Blakeslee (Acc. nos. 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366). Cunninghamella Blakesleeana was described by Lendner (16) in 1927 with no data given concerning the substrate or locality from which it was collected beyond a brief note to the effect that the material had been for- warded to him by Blakeslee. Previously Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch (7) had investigated and discussed the sexual condition in an undescribed species which they designated as Cunninghamella “A.” At this time they pointed out that in many respects Cunninghamella “A” was intermediate between C. echinulata and C. Bertholletiae, the appearance of the colony recalling C. echinulata, but the aspect of the spores and conidiophores more closely approaching C. Bertholletiae. Lendner’s description of C. Blakes- leeana emphasized this situation, and at the start of this study it was as- sumed that Cunninghamella “A” and C. Blakesleeana were synonymous. 330 FaRLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1946 Recently in a personal communication Professor Blakeslee has informed the author that his material of Cunninghamella “A” did indeed constitute the type material of C. Blakesleeana. The cultures studied here which were obtained from the Blakeslee collec- tion agree well with Lendner’s description except that the conidia of these isolates reach somewhat larger dimensions than those given by Lendner. It is not unusual to encounter outsize conidia up to 35 » long. Furthermore, in this material certain outgrowths of rhizoids or sterile mycelium upon the aerial hyphae were very apparent, a feature not mentioned in Lendner’s description. The presence of these rhizoidal tufts upon the mycelium in the aerial portions of the colony imparts a very characteristic appearance dur- ing the early stages of growth, and in conjunction with the pure white color of the colonies provides an easy macroscopic method of distinguishing this species from C. elegans and C. Bertholletiae. The frequently irregular or pseudoverticillate branching of the conidio- phores and the more heavily echinulate conidia are further differences between C, Blakesleeana and the above-mentioned species. Conidial meas- urements and shapes of these forms tend to overlap and do not seem re- liable criteria for their separation. The data presented by Blakeslee, Cart- ledge & Welch based upon a study of the sexual conditions in this form and in C. elegans and C. Bertholletiae indicate that it is physiologically distinct from the latter species. The zygospores are described by Lendner and are said to differ from those of C. echinulata and C. elegans in the shape of the segments of the epispore which are somewhat depressed or hollowed in the center, rather than flat as in C. elegans or tuberculate as in C. echinulata. Cunninghamella verticillata Paine (22), described three months after C. Blakesleeana, corresponds so closely with it that it must be incorporated here. The description of C. echinata Pispek fits C. Blakesleeana so well that it seems probable the two species are synonymous although Pi§pek’s de- scription leaves much to be desired. Since C. echinata has never been re- ported subsequently and since there are no significant differences between the description of it and of C. Blakesleeana, PiSpek’s species is here reduced to synonymy. : In common with C. Bertholletiae, this species occurs predominantly upon substrates with high oil or fat content, as is indicated by its repeated isola- tion from Bravil nuts. A detailed study of a large series of isolates from this and other substrates may reveal strains intermediate in character between this species and C. Bertholletiae and C. elegans which will necessi- tate the combining of this complex into one inclusive species. On the basis of our present knowledge it pRESa desirable to maintain them as distinct entities. 4, Cunninghamella Bertholletiae Stadel, Dissertation, Kiel, pp. 1-35. 1911. PrLateE I], E-G “Colonies white, yellow to light olive, dense with interwoven mycelium, up to 2 cm. high. Conidiophores verticillately branched, the laterals sometimes showing secondary CuTTER: THE Genus CUNNINGHAMELLA shat branching. Conidiophores 9-19.2 w thick, with heads up to 70 w in diam., average 40-50 «; swellings 5x4 u up to 30-55 uw in diam. Conidia oval or having the form of a cucumber seed, echinulate, 16-25 x 10-12 yu, or spherical, more nearly smooth 8-9 wu in diam. Sterigmata up to 2.75 x 0.8 uw. Chlamydospores present, up to 30-40 uw in diam. Oily material usually present in mycelium, conidiophores and conidia. Species showing an affinity for oily substrates.” Stadel. Zygospores have been reported by Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch (7) but never described. On M.D.A. agar: Colonies up to 2.5 cm. high, spreading rapidly, “Gull Giey? somewhat compacted, sometimes growing at 40° C.; sterile mycelium much branched with some spherical to ovoid chlamydospores up to 35 » in diam. containing much oily or granular material; conidiophores erect, verticillately branched at some distance below the terminal heads, with as many as five whorls of lateral branches; laterals usually more than 50 p» long; vesicles subglobose to clavate, when young tuberculate or verrucose, in age becoming smooth, up to 65 » in diam., at times filled with large oil globules; conidia character- istically lacrymoid, sometimes subspherical or ellipsoid, with prominent apiculus, up to 16x12 yw, average 9x7 yp», hyaline, echinulate with very short spines or asperulate: zygospores not seen. TYPE Locality: Nuts of Bertholletia excelsa, Brazil, 1911. Stadel. DISTRIBUTION: Brazil nuts, Massachusetts, 1919, Burger; New York and localities in eastern U.S.A., 81 races (all nuts presumably collected in S. America) 1921, Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch; soil, Moscow, Idaho, 1937, Alcorn & Yeager. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Brazil nuts, locality unknown via American Type Cult. Coll., 1943, (Acc. nos. 95, 96, 353); via Blakeslee coll., 1943, (Acc. nos. 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373). Lendner (16) calls attention to the fact that this species is very close to C. elegans, and considers them synonymous. Zycha (38) follows this treat- ment, whereas Naumov (20) and Alcorn & Yeager (1) retain C. Berthol- letiae as a specific entity. In this connection it should be recalled that Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch (7) in their extensive work on the ‘sexuality of Cunninghamella apparently experienced no difficulty in separating the two species and obtained no evidence that they were conspecific. Further- more with the exception of Alcorn & Yeager’s record, C. Bertholletiae has been reported only from decaying Brazil nuts while C. elegans is predomi- nantly a soil inhabiting form. In the case of the race of C. Bertholletiae collected from Idaho soil by Alcorn & Yeager, their emended description does not coincide at all well with the original description. Furthermore their translation of Stadel’s description contains certain inaccuracies which may arise from the fact that they cite as the source of this diagnosis not . Stadel’s own work, but only a review of it prepared by Leeke (13). There- fore the only valid evidence that the Idaho form is actually C. Bertholletiae is the fact that it was reputed to form zygospores when contrasted with a 332 FARLowIA, VoL. 2, 1946 minus race of this species in Blakeslee’s laboratory. Under the circum- stances this record must be viewed with some scepticism. When cultured upon M.D.A. agar there are certain minor differences between the two species. C. Bertholletiae usually develops chlamydospores, whereas these structures are lacking in C. elegans. In all the material ex- amined here the mycelium of C. Bertholletiae was consistently filled with granular materials or oil globules, a condition not seen in C. elegans. The conidia of the former are more consistently apiculate than are those of the latter, and the lateral branches of the conidiophores of C. Bertholletiae are on the average somewhat shorter and stouter. It must be emphasized, how- ever, that these are not reliable criteria for the separation of the two species and are useful only in connection with a large series of isolates. Perhaps the most significant difference between the two species is the ability of certain strains of C. Bertholletiae to grow at 40° C. No strains of C. elegans were encountered which could endure this temperature. Four of the ten cultures of C. Bertholletiae studied here exhibited this peculi- arity. This variability between morphologically identical strains cannot be satisfactorily accounted for at the present time. However, all the cultures studied had been grown upon artificial media for a number of years before they were tested, and it is possible that during this time certain of them lost the ability to grow at higher temperature levels. While this speculation is in no sense conclusive, the temperature growth relationships of these species may prove very significant in effecting a satisfactory separation, and should be investigated in greater detail with freshly collected cultures. The only other species of Cunninghamella consistently able to grow at temperatures of 40° C. or higher is C. echinulata. In the key presented above C. Berthol- letiae has been so placed that it may be identified in either temperature category. In the light of the results of Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch, and the fail- ure in the present study to obtain zygote formation between oppositely sexed races of these two species contrasted under favorable conditions of temperature and nutrition, it seems reasonable to conclude that they are at least physiologically distinct. Consequently C. Bertholletiae is retained until more cogent proof of its conspecificity with C. elegans is presented. 5. Cunninghamella elegans Lendner, Bull. Herb. Boissier (II) 7: 250-251. 1907; Les Mucorinées de la Suisse. Berne, 1908. PLATE II, H “Colonies white to light ashy, mycelium differentiated into two regions, the sub- merged region very compact, in age becoming pseudoparenchymatous and cartilaginous, dichotomously several times, aseptate, verticillately branched at a distance below the terminal head. Verticillate branches variable in number, terminated in heads. Terminal heads up to 60 w in diam., lateral heads 18-20 uw in diam. Conidia of the terminal head ovoid, apiculate at point of insertion, 16x 12-14 w up to 14x22 mw, armed with very short spines. The lateral conidia smaller and more nearly spherical, 8-10 « in diam. The conidia impart a pale ashy blue color to the colony. After dissemination of the o CuTTER: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA 335 ‘conidia the surface of the heads is echinulate with short tubercles, very evenly distributed, marking the points of insertion of the conidia.” Lendner (1908). Zygospores reported by Blakeslee, Cartledge & Welch (7) but never described. On M.D.A. agar: Colonies up to 3.5 cm. high, spreading rapidly, “Gull Grey,” not growing at 40° C., in age becoming compacted. Sterile mycelium much branched, up to 20 » in diam., aseptate when young, gradually becoming septate in the submerged portions, frequently forming oidia and swellings, true chla- mydospores not observed. Conidiophores erect, verticillately branched at some distance below the terminal head; lateral branches arranged in a number of successive whorls about the primary conidiophore, laterals usu- ally more than 50 » long and comparatively slender. Terminal vesicles subglobose to broad clavate, up to 60 p» in diam., lateral vesicles pyriform, subglobose or clavate, up to 40 » in diam.; vesicles for the most part very closely verrucose or tuberculate, sometimes smooth. Conidia hyaline, pre- dominantly ovoid to ellipsoid, occasionally lacrymoid, up to 14-16 p» long x 10-12 p» broad, echinulate with very short spines, asperulate, or smooth. Zygospores not seen. Type Locality: Garden soil, near Geneva and Vuache, Switzerland, Lendner. DistTRIBUTION: Soil, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., (42 races) 1921, Blakes- lee, Cartledge & Welch; Germany, 1929, Janke; South Slavia 1929, PiSpek; Evanston, Illinois, 1929, Swift; France, 1930, Ling-Young; Bas- trop Co., Texas, 1932, Morrow; Germany, 1935, Zycha; Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, 1914, 1917, Povah; Moscow, Idaho, 1937, Alcorn & Yeager; Canada, 1938, Bisby; North Carolina (several localities), 1940, Christenberry. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Peas, Wellington, Ont., Arnprior, Ont., Brittania Bay, Ont., Canada, 1943, Groves (Acc. nos. 141, 312, 316) ; flaxseed, Richmond, Ont., Saskatoon, Sask., Winkler, Man., Canada, 1943, Groves (Acc. nos. 209, 224, 296); locality and substrate unknown, via American Type Cult. Coll. and S. A. Waksman, 1943 (Acc. nos. 349, 355, 357) ; locality and substrate unknown via Blakeslee Coll., 1943 (Acc. nos. 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385); parsley seed, New Haven, Conn., and Gilroy, Calif., 1942, Groves (Acc. nos. 388, 390) ; lettuce seed, Philadelphia, Pa., and San Francisco, Calif., 1942, Groves (Acc. nos. 389, 398) ; spinach seed, Toledo, Ohio, and Milford, Conn., 1942, Groves (Acc. nos. 395, 396); pepper seed, Toledo, Ohio, 1942, Groves (Acc. no. 391) ; pumpkin seed, Milford, Conn., 1942, Groves (Acc. no. 392) ; celery seed, Detroit, Mich., 1942, Groves (Acc. no. 393) ; muskmelon seed, New Haven, Conn., 1942, Groves (Acc. no. 394); carrot seed, Minneapolis, Minn., 1942, Groves (Acc. no. 397). This species is common in seeds and soil throughout the temperate re- gions of the world. As yet no tropical records are available. The small, asperulate or shortly echinulate conidia and consistently verticillate branch- ing of the conidiophores, with long, slender, Jateral branches, make Ce elegans easily distinguishable from all other described species except C. Bertholletiaec. The distinguishing features of these two species have been eh. 334 FartowiA, Vor. 2, 1946 previously outlined. Lendner has described the peculiar vesicular swellings formed in liquid media by this species. The same phenomenon is exhibited by all isolates of Cunninghamella under unfavorable conditions. It must be recognized that these structures are not true chlamydospores, which in the material examined by the author occur only in C. echinulata and C. Berthol- letiae. These chlamydospores are thick-walled resistant bodies, intercalary in the mycelium, while the vesicles merely represent thin-walled swollen portions of the submerged mycelium, DOUBTFUL SPECIES Cunninghamella albida (Saccardo) Matruchot, Ann. Mycol. 1: 56. 1903. Oedocephalum albidum Saccardo, Michelia 2: 288, 1881. — Haplotrichium albidum Saccardo, Michelia 2: 288. 1881 and Fungi Italici: fig. 805. 1881. “Sterile mycelium repent, much branched, aseptate, hyaline. Conidiophores erect or decumbent similar to the sterile mycelium, aseptate and hyaline, simple or occasionally giving off lateral conidiophores terminated by finely muriculate vesicles. Conidia arising from the tubercles of the vesicles globose to globose elliptical (not concatenate) 2-10 uw in diam., hyaline white to pale vellow.” Saccardo. In dead and decaying roots of Citrus Limonii Salo, Italy, 1874. As far as is known this species has never been collected since the original report. There seems little doubt that Saccardo was dealing with a species of Cunninghamella but the figure and fragmentary description given offer little possibility of future identification. Zycha and Naumov have inter- preted C. albida as having unbranched conidiophores and use this character to separate it from other species of Cunninghamella. This interpretation arises from a liberal translation of the original Latin description. On the other hand, Saccardo’s illustration shows a form with verticillate and dichotomously branched conidiophores, as well as several young unbranched conidiophores. Were it not for the smooth-walled conidia the species would conform well with C, Blakesleeana. However, in the absence of further in- formation concerning the essential dimensions of this species, any specula- tion in regard to its synonymy appears unwarranted. It is therefore retained as a provisional species but not included in the key. Actinocephalum japonicum Saito, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 19: 1. 1904. Saitomyces japonicus (Saito) Ricker, Journ. Mycol. 12: 61. 1906. “Turf grayish, mycelium irregularly branched covering the substrate; sporangiferous hyphae erect, lacking basal rhizoids, in general verticillately branched, branches termi- nally inflated, vesicles 25-55 w in diam.; conidia globose or sometimes oval, 20 by 18-21 yw, inserted individually on sterigmata, hyaline, echinulate, zygospores and chlamydospores unknown.” Saito. TYPE Locaity: Air borne, Musashi Province, Japan. This species placed in Cunninghamella by Fitzpatrick (11) and subse- quently by Zycha (38) and Naumov (20), appears identical with C, Bai- niert. Zycha and Naumov consider it synonymous with C. elegans Lendner, but the short verticillate lateral branches shown in Saito’s illustrations and Cutter: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA a5 the large finely echinulate subspherical conidia are not consistent with the concept of C. elegans. In the absence of the original material it will prob- ably never be possible to determine its specific affinity. Cunninghamella dalmatica PiSpek, Acta Bot. Inst. Univ. Zagreb. 4: 100. 1929. “Colonies brownish white, 1 cm. high, conidiophores mostly verticillately branched immediately below the apex, terminal heads 28-52.5-56 mw in diam., lightly verrucose; lateral heads 14-24.5 w diam.; conidia globose 7-8 « diam. to opal 7-14 wu long by 7-10.5 « wide.” PiSpek. TYPE LOCALITY: Cultivated soil near Jesenice, Dalmatia. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Locality, date, and substrate unknown, C.B.S. via Blakeslee (Acc. no. 386). The incomplete description given by PiSpek will not allow this species to be positively identified. The culture received under this designation from Professor Blakeslee’s collection is believed to represent a subculture of Pigpek’s type. Upon examination it proved identical with C. Bainieri. This cannot be accepted as conclusive evidence that these two forms are synony- mous because of the possibility of contamination during transfer of the cultures. On this basis, and because of the incomplete diagnosis furnished by PiSpek, there is no justification for maintaining C. dalmatica as a valid species. Cunninghamella ramosa PiSpek, Acta Bot. Inst. Univ. Zagreb. 4: 102. 1929. “Colonies yellow-brown, 2 cm. high, externally resembling certain Absideae. Conidio- phores in the middle of the culture for the most part simply branched, frequently inflated at the base, those on the outer periphery of the culture abundantly sympodially or irregularly branched; terminal heads for the most part verrucose 42-59-77 yw in diam.; lateral heads 14-38 « wide; spores mostly globose, very large, yellowish, granu- lar within, not echinulate, 10.5—24.5-35 mw in diam. or globose and pyramidal, 10.5-14 u long by 7-9-10.5 «4 wide; chlamydospores not seen, zygospores unknown.” PiSpek. TYPE LocaLity: Rich pasture soil near Kraljevo (Serbia occid.). On the basis of PiSpek’s description this species appears closely related to C. Bainieri. The only significant differences are the irregular branching of C. ramosa and its predominantly smooth-walled conidia. However, Plate I, M shows an irregularly branched conidiophore of C. Bainieri and smooth-walled giant conidia are not infrequently found in this species. The large dimensions of the conidia of PiSpek’s isolate certainly indicate a close connection with C. Bainieri. This species has never been reported subse- quently, and until more information can be accumulated its validity must be questioned. Cunninghamella polymorpha Pispek, Acta Bot. Inst. Univ. Zagreb. 4: 103. 1929. “Colonies brownish white, dense, 2 cm. high, conidiophores very diversely branched; terminal heads verrucose, 32-49-55 yw in diam.; lateral heads 10.5-17.5-25 mw in diam.; spores globose 7-14—(17.5) mw in diam., or ovoid to ellipsoidal 7-10.5—(14) « wide by 7-10-(17) yw long, hyaline or yellowish; chlamydospores not seen, zygospores un- known.” PiSpek. 336 FarLowlé, VoL. 2, 1946 TYPE LOCALITY: Soil between rocks on Mt. Puvarov, elevation 1300 metres, Croatia. MATERIAL EXAMINED: Locality, date, and substrate unknown. C.B.S. via Blakeslee (Acc. no. 387). The isolate of this species received from Professor Blakeslee’s collection was identical with isolates of C. Bainieri. The description furnished by PiSpek indicates that the measurements of his type isolate overlap those of C. dalmatica, and he presents no significant data which will permit the separation of these two species. On the basis of his description positive identification of C. polymorpha is impossible. EXCLUDED SPECIES Cunninghamella microspora (Riv.) Matruchot, Ann. Mycol. 1: 56. 1903. Gonatobotrys microspora Rivolta, Dei Parassiti Vegetali, p. 490. Torino, 1873. Prachtflorella microspora (Riv.) Matruchot, Ann. Mycol. 1: 56. 1903. This species, placed in Cunninghamella by Matruchot, has been incor- porated in the genus by all subsequent authors, although as far as can be determined it has been reported only by Rivolta in 1873 and by Berlese in 1889. Rivolta’s description consists of the single line “La Gonatob. micro- spora. — Ha le spore piccolissime.”, and the single figure given is too frag- mentary to give any real concept of the species. Knowledge of the form is therefore confined to the descriptions and figures presented by Berlese from material encountered on dead and decaying bark of Morus alba in Northern from any of the forms discussed above. The restricted nature of the colony, the extremely small dimensions of the mycelium (2-3 » in diam.), and particularly the presence of unbranched conidiophores with intercalary spore-bearing nodes are characters not associated with the original concept of Cunninghamella as outlined by Thaxter and Matruchot. Furthermore, the elongate, basally apiculate, smooth conidia do not correspond well with the usual conidial type in Cunninghamella. Matruchot’s comments on the relationships of C. microspora and his proposal of the alternate name Prachtflorella microspora indicate that his disposition of it was provisional, and subsequent studies have not yet confirmed his opinion. In the absence of any knowledge of the sexual stage of this species it seems advisable to exclude it from Cunninghamella. Cunninghamella mandshurica Saito & Naganishi, Bot. Mag. Tokyo 39: 285. 1913. This species has been shown to belong in Choanephora by Fitzpatrick (11). The longitudinally striate conidia exclude it from Cunninghamella, although the type of branching is in some respects intermediate between the two genera. Zycha (38) considers the species synonymous with Choanephora cucurbitarum. CuTTER: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA oon ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to extend special thanks to Dr. J. Walton Groves of the Canadian Department of Agriculture for the contribution of a large series of cultures which made possible this study. Acknowledgment is also made to Dr. D. H. Linder and Dr. W. L. White of the Farlow Herbarium, Harvard University, and Dr. S. A. Waksman who have contributed cultures and made many helpful suggestions. The curators of the American Type Culture Collection have most generously cooperated by making available all cultures of Cunninghamella in their collection. Dr. Kenneth Raper has extended valuable aid by donating many cultures from the Blakeslee Col- lection. Finally the author wishes to acknowledge the aid of Miss Shirley Weinstein, who assisted in the cultural studies of this material. DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY CoRNELL UNIVERSITY Irmaca, N. Y. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Alcorn, G. D., & C. C. Yeager. A monograph of the genus Cunninghamella, with additional descriptions of several common species. Mycologia 30: 653-658. 1938. 2. Bainier, G., & A. Sartory. Etudes morphologique et biologique du Muratella elegans n. sp. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 29: 129-136. 1913. 3. Berlese, A. N. Fungi Moricolae. Padova, 1889. 4. Bisby, G. R. Who is the author? Trans. British Mycol. Soc. 25: 434-435. 1942. 5. Blakeslee, A. F. Sexual reproduction in the Mucorineae. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci. 40: 205-319. 1904. 6. ——————. Two conidia-bearing fungi. Cunninghamella and Thamnocephaiis, n. gen. Bot. Gaz. 40: 161-170. 1905. : 7. Blakeslee, A. F.. J. L. Cartledge & D. S. Welch. Sexual dimioxphist in Cun- ninghamella. Bot. Gaz. 72: 185-219. 1921. 8. Briquet, J. International Rules of Botanical Nomenclature. Jena, 1935. 9. Burger, O. F. Sexuality in Cunninghamella. Bot. Gaz. 68: 134-146. 1919. 10. Christenberry, G. A. A taxonomic study of the Mucorales in the southeastern United States. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. 56: 333-366. 1940, 11. Fitzpatrick, H. M. The Lower Fungi; Phycomycetes. New York, 1930. 12. LeClerg, E. L. Cultural studies of some soil fungi. Mycologia 22: 186-210. 1930. 13. Leeke, N. Review of, Stadel, O. Uber einen Neuen Pilz Cunninghamella Berthol- letiae. Dissert. Kiel, 1911. Mycol. Centralbl. 1: 218-219, 1912. 14. Lendner, A. Sur quelques Mucorinées. Bull. Herb. Boissier. ser. II, 7: 250-251. 1907. 15. ——————. Les Mucorinées de la Suisse. Berne, 1908. 16. ——————. Une nouvelle espéce de Mucorinée, le Cunninghamella Blakesleeana _ Lendner. Bull. Soc. Bot. Geneva 19: 234-238. 1927. 17. Ling-Young, M. Etude biologique des phénoménes de la sexualité chez les Mucorinées. Rev. Gen. Bot. 42: 722-752. 1930. 18. Matruchot, L. Une Mucorinée purement conidienne, Cunninghamella africana. Ann. Mycol. 1: 45-60. 1903. 19. Morrow, M. B. The soil flora of a pine forest. Mycologia 24: 398-402. 1932. 20. Naumov, N. A. Clés des Mucorinées. Paris, 1939. ya ogee FaRLOwWIA, VOL. 2, 1946 . Ou, S. K. Phycomycetes of China I. Sinensia 2: 427-449. 1941. . Paine, F. S. Studies of the fungous flora of virgin soils. Mycologia 19: 248-267. 1927. . PiSpek, P. A. Edafske mukorinje Jugoslavije. Acta Bot. Inst. Bot. Univ. Zagreb. 4: 77-112. 1929. Povah, A. H. W. Helicostylum and Cunninghamella: two genera of the Muco- rales new to the state. Ann. Rept. Mich. Acad. Sci. 17: 152-155. 1915. . Ricker, P. L. Second supplement to new genera of fungi published since the year 1900, with citation and original descriptions. Journ. Mycol. 12: 60-67. 1906. . Ridgway, R. Color Standards and Nomenclature. Wash., D. C. 1912. . Rivolta, S. Dei Parassiti Vegetali. Torino, 1873. Saccardo, P. A. Fungi veneti novi vel critici v. mycologiae venetae addendi. Series XII. Michelia 2: 241-301. 1881. . Fungi Italici Autographice Delineati. fig. 805. Patavii, 1877-1886. . Syll. Fung. 17: 508. 1905. 1. Saito, K. Actinocephalum japonicum nov. gen. et nov. spec. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 19: 36-38. 1905. . Saito, K. & H. Naganishi. Eine Neue Art von Cunninghamella. Bot. Mag. Tokyo 29: 285-286. 1915. . Stadel, O. Uber einen neuen Pilz, Cunninghamella Bertholletiae. Dissert. Kiel. 1-35. 1911. . Swift, M. E. Contributions to a mycological flora of local soils. Mycologia 21: 204-221. 1929. . Thaxter, R. On certain new or peculiar North American Hyphomycetes. I. Oedocephalum, Rhopalomyces and Sigmoideomyces n. g. Bot. Gaz. 16: 14-26. 1891. . A New England Choanephora. Rhodora 5: 97-102. 1903. . Torrey, G. S. Les Conidies de Cunninghamella echinulata Thaxter. Bull. Soc. Mycol. France 37: 93-99. 1921. . Zycha, H. Kryptogamenflora der Mark Brandenburg, Pilze II, Mucorineae: 1-264. Leipzig, 1935. ll 340 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1946 EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. All figures drawn with the aid of a camera lucida at a magnification of x1300 and reduced in printing to an approximate magnification of x325. A-F. Cunninghamella echinulata. Types of conidiophores and conidia produced on M.D.A. agar. G. Cunninghamella echinulata. Conidiophore and conidia produced on liquid me- dium, showing attenuated lateral branches and long echinulations on conidia. H-I. Cunninghamella echinulata. Vesicles and chlamydospores formed on submerged mycelium. J—M. Cunninghamella Bainieri. Types of conidiophores and conidia. N. Cunninghamella Bainieri. Conidiophore showing arrangement of giant conidia on specialized lateral branch. Cunninghamella Bainierit. Types of conidia. CuTTER: THE GeNuS CUNNINGHAMELLA 341 342 FarLowlia, Vout. 2, 1946 EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. All figures drawn with the aid of a camera lucida at a magnification of x1300 and reduced in printing to an approximate magnification of x325. A-D. Cunninghamella Blakesleeana. Types of conidiophores and conidia. E-G. Cunninghamella Bertholletiae. Types of conidiophores and conidia. H. Cunninghamella elegans. Conidiophore and conidia. 343 CuTTER: THE GENUS CUNNINGHAMELLA 9 A On O | 08 ©} ‘ol) 2 Qo PurateE II 2(3) :345-383 FARLOWIA JANUARY, 1946 A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF.TORULOPSIS PULCHERRIMA AND TAPHRINA DEFORMANS IN CULTURE '* CATHERINE ROBERTS INTRODUCTION The concept of a morphologic or phylogenetic relationship existing be- tween the yeasts and the fungi comprising the order Taphrinales (or Exoascales) is not of recent origin. Reess (1870), De Bary (1884), and Hansen (1904) all expressed such an opinion, based upon macroscopic and microscopic resemblances in culture between the two groups of fungi. At present, two widely used schemes of mycological classification, that of Giumann and Dodge (1928) and that of Bessey (1935, 1942), differ radi- cally in regard to the relative positions of the Taphrinales and the yeasts. From a phylogenetic point of view, Gaumann and Dodge place the two groups in the primitively simple Hemiascomycetes, but separate the yeasts from the Taphrinales by relegating the former to the order Endomycetales. On the other hand, Bessey regards the yeasts and the Taphrinales as being widely separated, the latter representing an offshoot of the Pezizales (which he assumes to be primitive), while the yeasts are regarded as ‘“‘the ultimate degree of simplification in the Class Ascomyceteae” and are therefore placed at the end of this group. In 1937 Guilliermond concluded that “. . . les Exoascées que la plupart des mycologues modernes s’accordaient a séparer radialement des levures et 4 rattacher aux Ascomycétes supérieurs .. . nous apparaissent, au contraire, beaucoup plus proches des levures qu’on ne le pensait et l’on en revint ainsi aux anciennes conceptions de Reess, de Bary et Hansen.” These concepts were based on similarities evident in culture, but it should be emphasized that only one phase in the life cycle of Taphrina — the saprophytic, budding stage — has been found to be readily capable of ‘development on artificial media. The parasitic, mycelial stage of this genus, involving sexuality, has resisted all attempts at culture, exclusive of scat- tered reports in the literature to be referred to later in more detail. In brief, the life cycle of Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul., the causal agent of peach leaf curl and the species investigated in this study, is as follows: Asci are formed in the spring and summer on the surfaces of in- fected leaves, and each normally produces eight haploid ascospores which are discharged in a group. The ascospores fall to various parts of the host plant and initiate a yeast-like budding or sprout conidial stage, in which 1 Portion of a thesis submitted to the Graduate Division, University of California in partial satisfaction for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, October, 1943. The valuable advice and criticisms offered during the course of the investigation and in the prepara- tion of the manuscript by Prof. J. T. Barrett, Dr. H. N. Hansen, Dr. E. M. Mrak, and Prof. M. W. Gardner are gratefully acknowledged. 345 346 FartowiA, VoL. 2, 1946 form the organism overwinters, In the following spring when the leaf buds are expanding, infection occurs through penetration by an infection hypha produced by germination of the sprout conidium. It is believed (Eftimiu 1927, Fitzpatrick 1934, Martin 1940) that the occurrence of nuclear divi- sion without cross-wall formation in this germinating cell is responsible for the origin of the binucleate or dicaryon condition which is evident in the cells of the intercellular mycelium subsequently developing throughout the leaf tissue. From this mycelium is formed a subcuticular layer of rather thick-walled binucleate cells, the ascogenous cells. Karyogamy occurs in these, followed by the extrusion of the cell wall to form the ascus, which in its development ruptures the cuticle. The diploid fusion nucleus divides mitotically, one of the daughter nuclei passing into the ascus, which is then cut off from the ascogenous cell by a cross wall. Meiotic and mitotic nuclear divisions then occur, resulting in the formation of eight haploid ascospores, and the cycle is completed. In investigations of other species of Taphrina by Wieben (1927) the origin of the dicaryon was reported to occur through the copulation of physiologically differentiated ascospores or their derivatives, but in T. deformans only rare instances of copulation have been noted (Mix 1929), and it is generally believed that this species is homothallic. As a group, the yeasts are readily culturable and may be maintained for long periods of time on various types of artificial media, both natural and synthetic. The majority of the yeasts are saprophytic organisms, but para- sitic forms exist, both on plants and animals. Yeasts fall into two main groups — the sporogenous or sporulating and the asporogenous or non- sporulating forms. The sporulating yeasts pass through complete life cycles in culture, and although the types of sexuality involved are greatly diversi- fied, the formation of ascospores within asci at some stage in development is a constant occurrence in all those organisms investigated. Those yeasts which have never been known to produce spores in culture are known as the imperfect yeasts and have been regarded by some as perfect yeasts which have lost their sporulating ability. They are placed among the Fungi Imperfecti, and, as would be expected, no attempt to relate them one to another in a natural system is made, but they are merely classified for convenience in identification. Their development in culture lacks any type of sexuality or alternation of haploid and diploid generations and con- sists merely of a predominantly budding type of vegetative reproduction, which often exhibits a pseudomycelial tendency. The genus Torulopsis is classified with the imperfect yeasts in the family Torulopsidaceae and the sub-family Torulopsidoideae, the latter being characterized by the absence of pseudomycelium, or, if present, by a very primitive type (Lodder 1934). An important contribution to our knowledge of the imperfect yeasts was made by Lodder in 1934. As a result of a detailed study of the physiology and morphology of these organisms (exclusive of the pseudomycelial- forming Mycotoruloideae), she erected a scheme of generic and specific determination which has since been recognized as the standard scheme of ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 347 classification for these non-sporulating forms. From the standpoint of the problem of the relationship between the yeasts and the Taphrinales, this work is significant because of the fact that if this key is used, the genus Taphrina, as represented by its saprophytic budding stage in culture, will fall into the genus Torulopsis. The importance of this can hardly be over- emphasized, for it is possible, therefore, that isolates of Taphrina may be identified as belonging to the genus Torulopsis. The differences in the natural habitats of these two groups of fungi are not so great as to preclude their being isolated from similar or identical material, for, although the budding stages of the parasitic species of Taphrina are quite closely asso- ciated with their hosts, the species of Torulopsis are quite widespread and have been isolated from a great variety of living and non-living material. In this connection, the investigations of Koch (1934) on the overwintering of parasitic and saprophytic fungi on fruit trees stress the actual difficulty involved in the identification of isolates of Taphrina deformans. Koch states, “Among numerous other fungi appearing in isolations from buds and bark of Prunus persica, an organism resembling Taphrina deformans appeared on five occasions . . . as this organism is somewhat difficult to distinguish from certain ‘budding’ saprophytic fungi, many of which appear consistently in isolations from the bark of peach trees, it was necessary to prove the identity of the organism by inoculation.” Studies of the general cultural behaviour of species of Taphrina have already been referred to, but some recent investigations of Torulopsis spp. in culture are worthy of mention at this time. Punkari and Henrici (1933, 1935), through the employment of single cell technique, studied the cultural variation occurring in several generations of Torulopsis pulcherrima (Lind- ner). Saccardo and noted striking dissociation into pigmented and non- pigmented colonial areas, The white variants, although showing a tendency to “breed true,’ were never completely stable, and the authors concluded that these phenomena could be explained by the occurrence of ‘“‘mutation- like changes” which, in a few cases, appeared to be reversible. Three years later, Porchet (1938), although apparently unaware of Punkari and Hen- rici’s contributions, also reported the occurrence of dissociation in T. pul- cherrima. Her results, based upon mass transfer technique, indicated that the formation of the pigmented and non-pigmented types may be a re- versible phenomenon. In 1936 there appeared a paper by Todd and Herr- mann dealing with the life cycle of a yeast which is known as the causal agent of yeast meningitis. This organism had been known as Torula his- tolytica Stoddard and Cutler until Lodder (1934), considering the generic name Torula Turpin to be invalid, designated it as Torulopsis neoformans (Sanfelice) Lodder. Todd and Herrmann, however, on the basis of priority, adopted the name Cryptococcus hominis Vuillemin and described the oc- currence of heterogamous copulation and the formation of single-spored, thick-walled asci in this organism. This. constituted the first report of sporulation in the genus Torulopsis. Because of the transformation of the zygote into the ascus, and the formation of only one ascospore per ascus, 348 FartowlA, Vov. 2, 1946 Todd and Herrmann designated the perfect stage of C. hominis as Debaryo- myces hominis (Vuillemin) Todd and Herrmann. A complete life cycle was then formulated for this species, but it should be pointed out that it was based on isolated observations of various types of morphological structures, the actual sequence of events in the developmental life cycle of individual cells not having been observed. Confirmation of Todd and Herrmann’s observations on the formation of single spores in this yeast was reported by Giordano (1938-39) and Henrici (1941), the latter also citing a paper by Redaelli, Ciferri, and Giordano (1937) in which sporulation was described. In 1938 Windisch described for the first time heterogamous copulation and subsequent ascospore formation in Torudopsis pulcherrima, apparently occurring in response to the effect of a Penicillium contaminant in the cul- tures. In this organism, four spores were produced per ascus. Two years later Windisch (1940) in a lengthy paper supplemented by drawings and photomicrographs described in detail the life cycle of T. pul- cherrima (in pure culture) with particular emphasis laid upon the method of sporulation. In addition, observations were made upon another imperfect yeast, Candida tropicalis (Castellani) Berkhout 2 and a discussion of the relationship of these fungi to each other and to the Taphrinales was in- cluded. Through actual observation of the developmental sequence of individual cells in hanging drop cultures, Windisch was able to formulate a life cycle for T. pulcherrima which, in brief, is as follows: Large thick- walled cells containing large oil droplets (typical “pulcherrima cells’’) which were interpreted as ascus mother cells (ascogenous cells) occurred in old cultures; these gave rise to bud-like protrusions into which passed a portion of the oil droplet and in which were subsequently formed four ascospores; rupture of the wall of this protrusion (or ascus) liberated the spores, the empty ascus wall remaining attached to the ascus mother cell; copulation occurred between cells derived from germination of the asco- spores and resulted in the subsequent formation of large thick-walled “pulcherrima cells.” Nuclear staining revealed a binucleate condition in all vegetative cells as well as in the ascus mother cells. These phenomena, which were also similar to those of Candida tropicalis, were interpreted by Windisch as being indicative of a definite relationship with the Taphrinales. He therefore proposed that T. pudcherrima be incorporated in the genus Candida as C. pulcherrima and “alle candidoiden Pilze mit gleichartigen Entwicklungsgangen zusammenzufassen in der neuen Familie der Candi- daceae, die in der Ordnung der Exoascales einzureihen wire.” ‘It should be noted that these proposals of Windisch were based upon a comparison of the cultural behaviour of T. pulcherrima with previous de- scriptions in the literature of the culturable as well as the parasitic stages of Taphrina, especially those of Wieben on the heterothallic species, 7. * The genus Candida is placed in the family Torulopsidaceae but because of abundant production of pseudomycelium is included in the sub-family Mycotoruloideae, rather than with Torulopsis in the Torulopsidoideae (Lodder 1934). ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA - 349 epiphylla Sadeb. and T. klebahni Wieben. Windisch made no comparative studies on the behaviour of Taphrina spp. in culture. In the present investigation, a study of the comparative cultural be- haviour of one isolate of T. pulcherrima and several isolates of T. deformans was made in order to obtain additional information which could be used either in substantiation or rejection of the proposals of Windisch in regard to the relationship between 7. pulcherrima and the genus Taphrina. T. deformans was chosen for this purpose because its economic importance has attracted the attention of a large number of investigators, whose cumu- lative efforts have resulted in this species having become the best known representative of the Taphrinales. It is, of course, obvious that a compara- tive study of any two species based upon observations of only one or a few isolates from each will not give a complete picture of the range of existing differences or resemblances. The present results, therefore, are considered of necessity only preliminary, but it is hoped that they may be used as a basis for future comparative studies of these or similar organisms. MATERIALS AND METHODS SOURCES OF CULTURES The strain of Torulopsis pulcherrima used in this investigation was kindly supplied by Dr. E. M. Mrak of the Division of Fruit Products, University of California, and had been isolated by him from the surfaces of ripe Con- cord grapes obtained in Walnut Creek, California. This particular isolate had been maintained in culture for several years prior to the present investigation. Isolates of Taphrina deformans were secured from infected leaves of peach trees growing on the Berkeley campus and in Piedmont in April and May, 1941, and in the Kirkman Nurseries in Bethany, California, in April, 1942. The peach trees from which isolations were made consisted of ~ ornamental types of unknown variety as well as the commercial varieties, Yunnan and Shalil. The usual method of obtaining Taphrina spp. in culture was employed (Martin 1925, Mix 1935). This consisted of attaching, by means of melted wax, fragments of infected leaves containing actively discharging asci to the underside of a Petri dish cover which was then placed over the lower half containing solidified agar. Ascospores in groups of eight were subse- quently discharged upon the agar surface, and when transferred to agar slants, each individual group budded readily, producing a colony which represented a single ascus culture. In obtaining single spore cultures of T. deformans, the eight ascospores derived from a single ascus were sepa- rated one from another by means of a micromanipulator which is described below. Stock MEDIA The cultures of both T. deformans and T. pulcherrima were maintained, for the most part, at room temperature (20°-25° C.) on potato dextrose 350 Fartow1a, VoL. 2, 1946 agar with a pH range from 5.6 to 6.0. In addition, the vegetable agar of Mrak, Phaff, and Douglas (1942) which consists of equal parts of carrots, beets, cucumbers, and potatoes with 2% agar at a pH of ca. 5.7 was em- ployed. Limited use was made of a medium composed of a juice extraction from leaves of susceptible peach varieties, with the addition of 2 % dextrose and 2% agar. Liquid media were not used for maintaining stock cultures. SINGLE CELL TECHNIQUE All single cell isolations of both organisms were carried out by means of a locally made micromanipulator attached to the stage of a Leitz compound binocular microscope. A single glass needle, the tip of which varied from about 10 to 17 » in diameter, was clamped in the holder of the micro- manipulator in such a position that its tip was between the low power objective and the object in focus, at a magnification of 100x. Three dif- ferent motions of the needle in two planes were made possible by three screw adjustments. The culture to be used was streaked across a plate of potato dextrose agar and incubated at room temperature. When growth was evident macroscopically, a block of agar, 10 to 15 mm, square and containing on one edge a portion of the margin of the streak, was cut out and transferred to a sterile slide. This was placed under the low power objective of the miscroscope, and the margin of the colony and the tip of the glass needle were brought into focus. By moving the needle, a single cell at the margin was then separated from the colony by being drawn or pushed along the surface of the agar. Plate I, Fig. 1 shows a single cell separated in such a manner from the margin of a colony of T. deformans. After the cell had been moved to a distance of 2 to 5 mm. from the colony, its position on the agar block was designated by making an indentation in the agar around the cell by means of the tip of the needle. Four or five isolations were made on each agar block, which was then placed in a sterile moist chamber, and after one to seven days, depending upon the growth rate of the organism, a small colony derived from the single cell was usually evident under the dissecting microscope (Plate I, Fig. 2). Transfers were accomplished by touching the colony with the tip of a sterile needle and transferring the adhering cells to an agar slant. It was found possible, after some practice, to make twenty-five to thirty single cell isolations with the micromanipulator in an hour. The dilution plate method of isolating single spores as described by Hansen and Smith (1932), although possessing the advantage of greater rapidity, was not satisfactory for the fungi studied because of the comparatively small size of the cells which did not permit them to be easily distinguished under the dissecting microscope from nu- merous particles apparent in the agar. A definite advantage of the micro- manipulator method over the dilution plate method is that the use of the compound microscope with its higher magnification made possible the isola- tion of any individual cell desired, as well as its positive identification as a thin-walled cell, a thick-walled cell, a rod-shaped cell, etc. A similar tech- nique was used to obtain monosporous cultures of T. deformans from dis- ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 351 charged groups of eight ascospores, only that here the ascospores were separated one from another by drawing them out with the micromanipulator needle in radial directions from the center of the group. STAINING METHODS Most of the observations on cellular morphology were made from un- stained living material in water mounts. In a few instances, a stain of cotton blue in lactophenol was used (Rawlins 1933), a .025% solution being found the most satisfactory. For demonstrating the nuclei in the cells of T. pulcherrima, Laustsen’s modification of the Feulgen technique (Winge 1935) gave fairly satisfactory results, as had previously been noted by Windisch (1940) for the same organism. The method consists of smearing the organism on a clean slide by means of a cover slip, immersing in chloroform for thirty seconds, im- mersing in cold water for two minutes, hydrolyzing in IN-HCI at 60° C. for five to fifteen minutes, washing in water, and staining in alcoholic fuchsin for three hours. This method was not found to be satisfactory as a nuclear stain for the cells of T. deformans. The iron-alum-haematoxylin schedule of Rawlins (1933) gave only fair results, while the use of Mayer’s haem-alum (Chamberlain 1932) was somewhat more satisfactory. This later method consisted of smearing the organism on a clean slide which had been coated with a thin film of albumin, fixing in formalin-acetic-alcohol No. 2 (Rawlins 1933), washing in water, staining in Mayer’s haem-alum overnight, and counterstaining with either erythrosin or eosin for one-half minute. PHYSIOLOGICAL TESTS The comparatively few physiological tests undertaken were performed in accordance with the methods described by Lodder (1934) in her mono- graph on the imperfect yeasts for the determination of fermentative ability, the determination of sugar assimilation by non-fermenting strains, and the determination of nitrogen utilization. PHOTOGRAPHY The majority of photomicrographs were taken with a Zeiss Contax camera with a Miflex attachment. In printing, the microfilms were enlarged 2x. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION MACROSCOPIC VARIATION IN CULTURE The general appearance of the growth of T. deformans on potato dextrose agar showed a striking resemblance to that of T. pulcherrima on the same medium. Colonies of both organisms may be characterized by the phrase “veast-like growth,” which, although not specific, is nevertheless frequently employed as a descriptive term for the budding stages of various unrelated fungi. S32 Fartowla, VoL. 2, 1946 After several weeks at room temperature on potato dextrose agar both T. deformans and T. pulcherrima produced colonies which were smooth, dull (sometimes slightly glistening), dry, slightly convex, and with predom- inantly entire borders. The most important distinguishing character be- tween the appearance of the two fungi in culture was in the pigment forma- tion. Although both organisms normally develop reddish or pinkish pigment of a non-carotinoid nature (Lodder 1934), that of T. deformans is non- diffusible, while that of T. pulcherrima readily diffuses into the surrounding medium. In addition to the diffusibility of the pigment, the two organisms were also distinguished by the actual color of the pigments produced. The pinkish color of the normal colonies of T. deformans was identified as pale grayish vinaceous by using Ridgway’s color standards (1912), but sectors of greater or lesser intensity of color frequently occurred. The normal colonies of 7. pulcherrima produced varying shades of red, characterized according to Ridgway as vinaceous russet, avellaneous, sorghum brown, and army brown. In the unpublished description of this strain made at the time of isolation, E. M. Mrak had characterized the colony color as “pale pinkish buff” on wort agar, while Mix (1924) had described the appearance of colonies of T. deformans on potato dextrose agar as “moist” and “shin- ing” and their color as “pale vinaceous pink.” The occurrence of cultural variation in the form of sectors was very fre- quent in mass and single cell colonies of these organisms, and in addition to the colors described above, T. deformans frequently produced mustard or Naples yellow sectors as well as white or non-pigmented sectors which darkened with age. 7. pulcherrima likewise produced abundant non- pigmented sectors which darkened with age to colors characterized as Tilleul-buff and vinaceous buff. Thus, the usage of the term “non-pig- mented” as descriptive of white colonies or sectors for comparison with red pigmented colonies is not a completely accurate one, for the white areas may darken with age to shades of pale brown or buff. Likewise, the term “red” is used with reservations, for no distinction is made among the previously described varying shades of red developing in old cultures with diffusible pigment. Although smoothness appeared to be a normal character of the surface of colonies, both young and old cultures of 7. deformans at times produced roughened areas, some of which were in the form of sectors. These areas, usually of the papillate type, were found to develop sporadically and seem- ingly bore no relation to the colony color. Rough surfaces, both papillate and crateriform, were also found in cultures of T. pulcherrima but were usually confined to non-pigmented cultures which had darkened with age. The papillate type was much more common in this organism than was the crateriform. These preliminary observations demonstrated the close resemblance between the cultural appearance of T. deformans and T. pulcherrima, suggesting the possibility of confusion in identification, especially if Lod- der’s recent generic key for the determination of the non-sporulating yeasts ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 353 is used. Differentiation of the genera on the basis of a diffusible pigment is, of course, possible, but because of the production in culture of non-pig- mented variants of both organisms, such types may be isolated directly from nature.. ANALYSIS OF SINGLE SPORE CULTURES OF T, DEFORMANS With a view toward making a more detailed study of the cultural varia- tion of T. deformans, single spore cultures were obtained in 1941 from discharged groups of ascospores in the manner previously outlined. From a total of 215 ascospores discharged, 179, or approximately 83%, were recovered, each being used as the starting point of a monosporous culture. Each culture was designated by three symbols: a Roman numeral indicat- ing the location of the host plant, a letter indicating the individual ascus, | and an Arabic numeral indicating an individual ascospore discharged from that ascus. As an example, X—A-—8 represented a culture derived from one of eight ascospores which had been discharged from a single ascus pro- duced on an infected leaf of a peach tree growing on the Berkeley campus. Thirty-three discharging asci were used in these isolations, and of that num- ber twenty-five discharged a complete set of eight spores, the other eight asci discharging six or seven spores. Eight complete sets of monosporous cultures out of the twenty-five were actually established in culture, while of the remaining seventeen, two to seven ascospores from each ascus were recovered. The 179 established cultures, kept at room temperature on potato dex- trose agar slants, were observed closely after several months’ time in order to determine the extent of variation among the monosporous isolates from individual asci. With reference to the findings of Wieben (1927) on the segregation of sexually differentiated ascospores in the asci of the hetero- thallic T. epiphylla and T, klebahni, both Mix (1935) and Fitzpatrick (1934) have shown that in T. deformans the eight ascospores from one ascus are sexually undifferentiated, although instances of “occasional” and - “incomplete” copulation between cells from different monosporous cultures were observed by Mix. This suggests that the fungus may possibly be heterothallic, and it is conceivable, therefore, that segregation of other factors could occur in the division of the diploid nucleus which might be evident macroscopically as a definite ratio of cultural types among the eight monosporous cultures derived from one ascus. No such ratio of variants appeared, however, in any of the series of monosporous cultures investigated, nor was there any evidence for the occurrence of definite ratios of morphological or physiological variants. The fact appears to be well established, therefore, that neither segregation of sex nor of other factors occurs at the initiation of the haploid phase in the life cycle of T. deformans. It is not to be inferred that variation was absent in the 179 monosporous cultures, for it did occur, and quite abundantly, but not in any definite ratio among the eight cultures derived from one ascus. The cultural varia- tion observed was in the form of variously pigmented sectors arising 354 FarLOwIA, VoL. 2, 1946 sporadically, and often more than one type of sector would appear in the same colony (Plate I, Figs. 3, 4). These cultures were maintained as stock cultures on potato dextrose agar for a period of two years, during which time they were transferred every TABLE I : me NORMAL SECTORS COLOR CULTURE DATE OBSERVED ee : a b c d — XIL-P4 1942 x x 1943 x x XIII-P2 1942 x 1943 x XIII-O2 1942 x PAS 1943 bs XITI-H1 1942 x x 1943 x = x XTII-S4 1942 x x 1943 x x XIII-l1 1942 x x x 1943 x = XITII-T1 1942 x x x 1943 x XIITI-P8 1942 x x 1943 x XII-01 1942 x x 1943 x x XIII-K3 1942 be x x 1943 x XITI-K1 1942 x 24 1943 x x x XITII-G4 1942 x 1943 x XIII-E3 1942 x = 1943 = oA VI-B1 1942 x = 1943 x x Variations in pigmentation apparent in single spore cultures of 7. deformans in 1942 and in their sub-cultures in 1943. (a, pale grayish vinaceous; b, modifications in inten- sity of a; c, white; d, mustard or Naples yellow.) three or four months by mass inoculations from the colony, irrespective of the sectoring. In 1942 recorded observations on the sectoring apparent in each culture were made. This was repeated in 1943 on sub-cultures of approximately the same age, and Table | is a tabulation of fourteen repre- sentative cultures with comparative observations for the two years. It will be noted that in three cases, the 1943 culture had the same macroscopic appearance as did the 1942 ancestral colony, while in eleven cases, the ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 355 1943 culture showed more, or less, or a different type of, variation than did the ancestral colony. Because of the technique of transfer, these results are of no significance in regard to the constancy of the variant types, but they are regarded as evidence of the abundant production of varied types of sectors in T. deformans maintained in culture. ANALYSIS OF SINGLE CELL CULTURES OF T., PULCHERRIMA Studies on the transmission * of the cultural variations observed in this organism were undertaken by means of the single cell technique already described. The original stock culture, which had been maintained on vegetable agar at ca. 13° C. for several years, exhibited striking dissociation into red and white areas after several weeks at room temperature on potato dextrose agar. From both the pigmented and the non-pigmented areas of this colony, mass transfers were made. The resulting colony from the white sector developed no pigment, while that from the pigmented area again produced a red colony with white sectors (Plate I, Figs. 5, 6). In all sub- sequent work on variation, which involved nearly 350 individual isolations during a period of 18 months, single cell technique was employed, and the cultures were maintained on potato dextrose agar at room temperature. The extent of this phase of the investigation makes it impossible to indi- cate clearly all results on one chart, but Figure 1 represents diagram- matically certain portions of the work. In these charts, each numeral rep- resents an individual colony, and each group of numerals enclosed in a bracket indicates all or part of a series of single cell colonies derived from that portion of the parent colony at which the arrow originates. The actual appearance of each colony is indicated by the letters W or R, the former signifying a pure white or non-pigmented colony, and the latter signifying a red or pigmented colony. When W and R are placed together under one numeral, the colony so indicated was pigmented with one or more white sectors. Figures 1A and 1B are examples of the most characteristic and frequent type of transmission of cultural variants found in T. pulcherrima. It will be noted that in Figure 1A, single cells derived from an entirely white colony give rise to pure white colonies. It will be noted in Figure 1B that cells derived from white sectors also give rise to entirely white colonies; in addition, Figure 1B shows that cells taken from the pig- mented portions of colonies with white sectors will give rise to pigmented sub-colonies which again produce white sectors. It should be emphasized that these colonial phenomena — the stability of the white variants and the instability of the pigmented areas —— were found constantly, without deviation, in 302 distinct single cell isolations, or in nearly 90% of the total number isolated. (Plate I, Figs. 7, 8.) Consequently, the formation of pure °“Transmission” is used here and elsewhere in this paper in the sense of the reap- pearance of a cultural type in single cell sub-cultures. It is used in order to obviate any confusion which might arise over the use of the word “inheritance” with its connotation of sexuality. 356 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1946 white colonies or of red colonies with white sectors usually could be pre- dicted merely upon the basis of the portion of the parent colony from which the single cell originated. The abundant production of totally white colonies developing on the same medium which supported the growth of pigmented on Gee Le aa ae 2 ge ES W W | W W-. &@ W W W Cy a ao es ee eS Oe ae ee as a ee ee kas 8 W Ww W W W W W W W W W W W WwW W W A. ‘S ~ Je 20! WR WR WR ‘se 8 7 gl W W W WR WR B. we WR Sone Geet eee er as Sa a eS Se ar aa ae WR W WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR Cc. Fig. 1. Occurrence and transmission of cultural variants in single cell colonies of Torulopsis pulcherrima, (Explanation in text.) colonies indicates that the chemical composition of this substratum ap- peared to play no role in pigment production (Porchet 1938), although Beijerinck (1918) and Castelli (1940) have advanced the idea that the formation of pigment in 7. pulcherrima is dependent upon traces of iron salts in the medium. However, three distinct exceptions to this phenomenon of variation were found to occur in about ten percent of the cases. In the first type, twenty- ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 357 four single cells, each derived from the marginal area of pigmented portions of parent colonies, gave rise to wholly pigmented sub-colonies which failed to develop any visible white sectors. One of these pure red colonies was subcultured, the five derived single cell colonies also being pigmented and failing to show any variation. Further subculturing from one of these re- sulted in five more completely red colonies. Thus, the red cultural type was not found to be completely unstable, although the possibility exists that these apparently constant red types may have produced white sectors in portions of the colony other than the surface layers,and consequently were not apparent to the eye. The second exception to the normal type of variation was the production of two small brownish sectors in the red portion of a sectored colony de- rived from a single cell. Single cells isolated from these brown sectors gave rise to colonies of the normal red color. It is concluded that the brownish sectors were merely temporary variants, the formation of which, therefore, presumably did not involve a mutational change (Snyder and Hansen 1939). The final type of irregularity in cultural behaviour involved the appear- ance of a red pigment in single cell colonies which were derived either from the white sectors of pigmented colonies (Figure 1C) or from pure white colonies. It should be noted, however, that a preliminary examination in- dicated that this pigment was perhaps not identical with the normal type in that its color was usually a deeper red and it appeared to lack diffusibility. This type of variation, although of comparatively rare occurrence, is never- theless of utmost significance in regard to the interpretation of the results of this study of cultural variation in T. pulcherrima as will be noted in the following discussion. In attempting to explain the occurrence and transmission of cultural variation observed in single cell colonies of T’. pulcherrima, emphasis should be placed upon the distinctive nature of the dissociation, in that white to white and red to red and white appeared to be the normal behaviour. This is in confirmation of the work of Punkari and Henrici (1933, 1935) who state, ‘‘. . . red is much less stable than white. It has been possible to maintain pure reds through three generations in 2 lines by selective sub- culturing. But white sectors appear so frequently in red colonies that we believe it will be impossible, under the conditions of this experiment to maintain a pure red line indefinitely.”’ The lack of sporulation in their cul- tures was justifiably regarded by Punkari and Henrici as proof of absence of sexual reproduction, and they therefore concluded that the observed dissociation bore no relation to hybridization or to any other phase in a life cycle involving sexuality. , A possible explanation for the observed variation may lie in the investiga- tions of Hansen (1938) on the dual phenomenon, in which a dual fungus is regarded as one which is composed of two distinct cultural homotypes, M (mycelial) and C (conidial), which may not be recognized until their separation from the heterotype MC is accomplished by single spore or single cell technique. Hansen stated that ‘the dual phenomenon is due to hetero- 358 FartowlA, VoL. 2, 1946 caryosis, i.e., that individual cells and individual spores of dual fungi con- tain two genetically distinct types of nuclei,” and he further stated in 1942 that “two factors or mechanisms operate against the possibility of the uni- nucleate condition being continuous or permanent,” the two factors being mitosis and anastomosis. Heterocaryosis is believed to be initiated by ‘“‘(1) mutation within a plurinucleate entity, and (2) by fusion or anastomoses between cells having genetically unlike nuclei.” Hansen and Snyder (1943) in discussing the relationship between the dual phenomenon and sex in a species of Hypomyces found that in many cultures an M homotype of extreme stability arose de novo in C homotypes with great frequency and regularity and that the M type never reverted to the C type. They con- cluded, as a result of crossing behaviour, that “the change of C to M is a true genetic mutation, that it is a unidirectional one, apparently common to fungi in general. . . .,” and “that this mutation may be the cause of the dual phenomenon in all fungi where this condition occurs.” Although the regular appearance of white sectors in red colonies of 7. pulcherrima is certainly indicative of a unidirectional mutation, the actual proof of this assumption would necessarily lie in crossing experiments involving the in- heritance of the factor for white sectors. Although this has not been demon- strated in this organism, it is nevertheless obvious that the stable white variant obtained in culture may be considered analogous to the mutating C homotype of these authors. In view of the uncertainty in regard to the nuclear condition in this species, the designation of the original mass isolate in regard to M and C would be a matter for speculation. However, the exception to the normal dissociation involving the produc- tion of red from white does not support the interpretation of the variation in this organism as being an expression of the dual phenomenon because of its reversibility. Rather, it is indicative of Punkari and Henrici’s ‘‘reversion to ancestral forms” (1933), in which they found that a pure white colony derived from a white sector gave rise to a mixed red and white subcolony. However, if this pigment arising in white colonies is found to be of a differ- ent nature than the normal type, the concept of reversion would not apply, and the normal dissociation could then be regarded with a degree of cer- tainty as an expression of the dual phenomenon. Studies on this phase of the problem are now in progress. One further point in regard to the production of pigment, regardless of its nature, in colonies derived from white sectors is of significance. Actual dissection of a three-month-old sectored colony revealed that the sector did not extend throughout the entire depth of the colony. The relatively small size of the colony and its sector made this relation rather difficult to deter- mine, but further evidence of its existence was obtained by making mass transfers of cells from different portions of the dissected colony. It was found that transfers of cells from the base of the colony directly underneath the white sector gave rise to subsequent pigmented colonies, indicating that the white sector did not actually extend to the bottom of the colony. It is conceivable that if a transfer needle were plunged rather deeply into a sector RoBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 359 of this type, the cells transferred could be a mixture of both the non- pigmented and the pigmented types, and that single cell isolations could therefore give rise to both types. Further dissection of other sectored colonies of both T. pulcherrima and T. deformans revealed that the depth of the sectors may range from superficial layers of cells to an entire wedge of the colony, emphasizing the fact that accurate interpretation of results may be dependent upon the actual depth to which the transfer needle is inserted into the sectored portions of the colony. In this connection, Christensen (1940) has stated, “Sectors are not necessarily pure for type because mutants may grow either over or under the parent, and subcultures from such sectors may consist of the mutant plus the parent line.”” Whether or not these facts may be correlated with the apparent reversion noted from white to red is unknown, since the dissections were made on sectored col- onies from other series; these facts are offered, however, as a possible explanation, although, of course, they would not apply to the production of pigment in colonies derived from pure white cultures. Thus, it appears that because of the possibility of the occurrence of reversibility, the dual phenomenon may not be the correct explanation for the cultural variation occurring in T. pulcherrima. Regardless of inter- pretation, however, the observed facts still point to this variation as being of a distinctive type in that it has been found to be predominantly uni- directional, stable, and predictable, and, as will be discussed later, is asso- ciated with significant differences in cellular morphology. ANALYSIS OF SINGLE CELL CULTURES OF T. DEFORMANS The previously noted variants occurring in the form of colonial sectors in monosporous cultures of T. deformans were subjected to a single cell analysis similar to that made for T. pulcherrima in order to obtain addi- tional information in regard to their transmission and stability. Because of the number of monosporous isolates on hand, a series of single cell isola- tions, each involving one or more generations, was made from each of six monosporous sectored cultures; whereas in the analysis of the cultural variants of T. pulcherrima, a single sectored colony had been used as the basis for all subsequent single cell work. The single cell colonies obtained in this manner exhibited, as a group, the same range of variation in pigmentation which had been observed in their ancestral monosporous cultures, as well as a sporadic tendency to produce roughened surface areas which appeared to bear no relation. to the pigmentation, and which were characterized by numerous small papillae. Transmission of two (white and yellow) out of the three variants ob- served was noted, while the third type, which was characterized by various modifications in intensity of the normal pink colony color, did not appear to be transmissible. It should be noted, however, that this third type was often evident only as a slight deviation from the normal color, pale grayish vinaceous. Consequently, although quite evident in its original appearance as a colonial sector, its later recognition in sub-cultures involved some 360 FarLowiA, VoL. 2, 1946 difficulty. In spite of this, it should be emphasized that no positive evidence was obtained for the transmission of this sector type (designated as d), because all single.cells derived from 6 sectors gave rise to colonies the color of which appeared to be essentially similar to the normal type (a). It is Uxrrt-x6 | ad, a 5! a A. Pal ee. a Be pS gs ies ee ae a,b a a a a c 6 o.4: ce ¢ ¢,a CT 2. ot E i a a,d a,d a c c c B. Fig. 2. Occurrence and transmission of cultural variants in single cell colonies of Taphrina deformans. (Explanation in text.) therefore concluded that sectors of the b type were temporary variants which consequently were not. produced by mutational changes. Transmission of the other two variants is shown in Figure 2 which diagrammatically represents the single cell analysis made of two mono- sporous sectored colonies, XIII-E6 and XITI-L1. In these diagrams, as in those for T. pulcherrima, each numeral represents an individual colony, ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA - 361 and each group of numerals enclosed in a bracket represents a series of single cell colonies derived from that portion of the parent colony at which the arrow originates. The actual appearance of the colonies is indicated by the following symbols: a, the normal color, pale grayish vinaceous; 5, modi- fications of a either by greater or lesser intensity of color; c, non-pigmented or white; and d, mustard or Naples yellow. When these letters are com- bined under one numeral, that colony consisted of the color indicated by the first letter, with sectors of the variant type(s) so designated. Figure 2A exhibits three points worthy of note: (1) the transmission of the yellow variant d; (2) the incomplete stability of d, as seen by its dissociation in one colony to an a variant; and (3) the sporadic production of 6 variants in the normal a type. Figure 2B exhibits similar phenomena: (1) the transmission of the white variant c; (2) the incomplete stability of c, as seen by its dissociation into a variants; and (3) the sporadic production of variants 6 and d in the normal @ type. These observations point to the main distinction apparent between the cultural variation of T. deformans and T. pulcherrima — namely, the regu- larity with which the latter produces a single variant as contrasted with the sporadic production of two variants by the former organism. In addition, the apparent reversion of the white variant te the parent type as observed in T. pulcherrima was of comparatively rare occurrence when contrasted with the abundant reversions to the normal type occurring in the variants of T. deformans. The two organisms are similar with respect to the produc- tion of temporary variations in the form of non-transmissible sector types —namely, the D variant of T. deformans and the brown variant of T. pulcherrima. It is therefore concluded that, while the observed cultural variation in T. pulcherrima may possibly be regarded as an expression of the dual phenomenon, no such interpretation can be inferred from the evidence obtained from T. deformans. As has been previously noted, the regular occurrence of the white variant in the red cultural type of T. pulcherrima is indicative of a true mutation, but actual proof from inheritance studies is lacking. Likewise, crossing experiments are not possible with the homo- thallic T. deformans, so that the inheritance behaviour of the variants are unknown. In addition, the single cell analyses performed with T. deformans were not so extensive or of such long duration as to preclude the possibility that the yellow and the white transmissible variants may also be only temporary. As Snyder and Hansen (1939) have pointed out, “They (tem- porary variations) may result from some factor in the environment .. . and eventually revert to the parent type with the return of original con- . ditions. Reversion, however, may be slow and the variants give a semblance of permanency.” However, if they are to be regarded as true mutants, and. the fact that they arose from monosporous cultures derived from haploid uninucleate cells is good evidence that they may well be (Christensen 1940), it should be emphasized that their spontaneous and unpredictable occur- 362 Fartowla, VoL. 2, 1946 rence would seem to preclude the possibility of their being an expression of the dual phenomenon. Microscopic EXAMINATION OF CULTURES The general morphology of the cells of both organisms in culture was found to be essentially similar to the descriptions given by previous in- vestigators, such as those of Mix (1935) on T. deformans and those of Lodder (1934) on T. pulcherrima. Young cultures of both fungi maintained on potato dextrose agar at room temperature were composed of round to oval, thin-walled cells which re- produced vegetatively by typical budding. Both organisms produced cells of similar shape, although those of 7. pulcherrima showed a tendency to become more globose than did those of T. deformans. The range in cell size was found to be similar to that previously reported for T. deformans (2.4-6.3 x 3.6-8.6 u, Mix 1935) and for T. pulcherrima (3:0-4.5 x 3.5-6.5 wu, Lodder 1934), although somewhat larger cells were occasionally found in young cultures of the latter. The main distinction in cellular morphology between young cultures of the two organisms appeared to be in the produc- tion of oil (or fat) globules in the round cells of Torudopsis and their absence in the cells of Taphrina. These oil globules, although showing quite a range in size, were characteristically quite large, often occupying almost the entire cell. Such round cells containing a single large oil droplet have been desig- nated by Lodder as typical “‘pulcherrima cells,” and, according to her, were noted in the original description of the species by Lindner (1887). Nu- merous other investigators (Beijerinck, 1918; Grosbusch, 1915; Punkari and Henrici, 1933) of this organism have also noted them. In the present to be much more abundant in older cultures, as will be discussed below. Old cultures (one to three months) of both fungi were, in general. quite similar microscopically and showed few significantly distinguishing char- acters. In addition to the normal type of vegetative cells (Plate I, Fig. 9), the abundant production of large, thick-walled, globose cells was noted in both, those of 7. pulcherrima appearing as typical “pulcherrima cells,” while those of T. deformans, although of similar shape, were often larger and typically contained more than one oil globule (Plate I, Figs. 10, 11). The size of these cells varied considerably in both organisms, but all were larger than the vegetative budding cells, and some reached a diameter of 12 to 15 ». As previously mentioned, the occurrence of these large thick- walled cells in T. pulcherrima has been noted by many investigators, while Pierce (1900), Fitzpatrick (1934), Mix (1924, 1935), and Martin (1925, 1940) have observed them in 7. deformans. Their significance will be discussed later. SPORULATION Previous reference has been made to the work of Windisch (1938, 1940), in which sporulation was reported for the first time in T. pulcherrima. The ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 363 results of the following microscopic investigation of this organism are offered in partial confirmation of Windisch’s observations. As previously noted, large thick-walled cells containing a single oil globule were observed to be extremely abundant in old cultures of T. pulcherrima on both potato dextrose and vegetable agar. In addition, it was found that many of these cells possessed what appeared to be the attached remnant of a cell wall. In view of Windisch’s interpretation of similar structures representing stages in the life cycle of this organism, it was decided to in- vestigate the species more fully for the occurrence of sporulation in culture. It will be recalled that Windisch had observed in ‘‘pulcherrima cells” the formation of bud-like protrusions into which passed a portion of the divided oil globule and in which four spores were subsequently formed. The rupture of the protruded daughter cell liberated the spores, the remnant of this cell remaining attached to the mother cell, often for long periods of time. Copulation between cells derived from the budding of the ascospores oc- curred and resulted in the eventual formation of the large, thick-walled “pulcherrima cells.” Although not all stages in this life cycle were found, the following struc- tures, believed to represent the sporulation process, were noted in both mass and single cell cultures (Plate I, Figs. 12-14; Plate IT, Figs. 1-5): Thick-walled “pulcherrima cells” with 1) papillate protrusions 2) attached daughter cells, some of which contained oil globules 3) attached daughter cells which contained one to three spore-like bodies 4) attached remnants of ruptured daughter cells Although not clearly evident in the photomicrographs, the small bodies occurring in the attached daughter cells were readily distinguished from oil globules by the fact that they were less refractive. In addition, a small dark area, interpreted as a small oil droplet, is apparent in these bodies. It is concluded that these structures are actually spores, and that all of the structures listed above represent phases of the sporulation process. In this connection, it should be noted that the morphology of these structures was essentially similar to that described and illustrated by Windisch. _ Windisch’s observations on the budding of the ascogenous cells were also confirmed. He states, ‘“Die Mutterzelle sprosst wieder aus; noch wahrend der erste Ascus aufsitzt, kann sie durch Sprossung eine oder mehrere Toch- terzellen hervorbringen, von denen sich nicht sicher entscheiden lasst, ob sie nun auch Asci werden oder Sprosszellen bleiben sollen.’’ Such a phe- nomenon is illustrated in Plate II, Fig. 6, which represents the development in twenty-four hours of a “pulcherrima (ascogenous) cell” with attached, empty daughter cell (ascus), both of which had been separated together from the margin of a colony by the micromanipulator. It will be noted that in this particular case two cells have been formed from the ascogenous cell at the opposite side from the empty ascus. No further growth occurred. 364 Fartowia, VoL. 2, 1946 Figure 6 of Plate IT is also of significance in that it reveals a morpho- logical distinction between normal buds and those buds which are believed to represent asci. It will be seen from this figure that the two vegetative cells are somewhat constricted at their bases, while the assumed ascus has a comparatively large, unconstricted base. This distinction between typical buds and asci was quite characteristic in the cultures examined and was used as a basis for differentiation in the absence of spore-like bodies. Unfortunately, the isolate of T. pulcherrima used in these studies had been maintained as a stock culture for several years prior to the present investigation and appeared to be losing its sporulating ability. As a result, comparatively few spores were found, and it was not possible to study the actual sequence of events in the sporulation process of individual cells, as did Windisch. Also, Windisch had found quite consistently spores in groups of four, while in the present study, three spores were the most found in one cell. Spore discharge and germination were not observed. A few indications of copulation of vegetative cells were noted. One non- pigmented colony was found to consist of cells which appeared to be copu- lating with the formation of conjugation tubes (Plate IJ, Fig. 7). In an- other non-pigmented colony, two cells were seen which were in such a position as to be indicative of the copulation process. Windisch observed sporulation in T. pulcherrima and subsequently sug- gested the relationship of this organism to members of the genus Taphrina on the basis of the latter’s sporulation as it occurs on the host plant. In view of this fact, it was decided to make an intensive study of the cellular morphology of 7. deformans in culture in order to determine whether ° Windisch’s views on the similarity of the two organisms could be further substantiated. One- to three-month-old cultures of the fungus on potato dextrose and vegetable agar were examined microscopically and revealed the presence of large thick-walled cells containing one to many oil globules, with, in addi- tion, attached structures similar, if not identical, to those noted above for T. pulcherrima (Plate II, Figs. 8-10; Plate I, Fig. 11). The similarity of these structures to those observed in old cultures of T. pulcherrima is readily seen from the photomicrographs, and it is believed that the bodies occurring in the attached daughter cells of Taphrina may also be regarded as spores, and that likewise the attached structures may represent phases of the sporulation process. As in 7. pulcherrima, it will be seen that each of the spore-like bodies contains what appears to be one or two small oil globules. The discharge of these bodies was not observed. The occurrence of this apparent sporulation in T. deformans in culture has two significant aspects — first, it lends support to Mix’s report of the occurrence of the diplophase of 7. deformans in culture, and secondly, it further substantiates Windisch’s conception of a relationship between T. pulcherrima and the Taphrinales. In 1924 Mix observed large, thick-walled cells in old cultures and desig- nated them as “‘resting spores.” He noted that in germination they ‘‘may RoBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 365 burst, allowing the escape of a thin-walled protoplast, a behaviour similar to that of the ascogenous cells found in the leaf,” and, in agreement with Pierce (1900), he suggested that “the resting spores developed in culture may indicate an approach to the ascigerous stage.” In 1929, he reported in an abstract that the resting cells are believed to be ascogenous cells and that “structures believed to be imperfect asci have also been found.” In 1935 further emergences from the germinating resting spores were noted and interpreted as asci, some of which were found with “2 and 3 fully formed spores.” Other workers, such as Martin (1940) and Fitzpatrick (1934) have noted similar large, thick-walled cells in culture, but have not ascribed to them the character of ascogenous cells, for no structures re- sembling asci were found. Although Mix’s assumed asci were comparable in size and shape to the normal asci occurring on the host, it is believed that the smaller attached daughter cells containing spore-like bodies noted here may. also be regarded as imperfect asci with ascospores, and that conse- quently the large, thick-walled mother cells may be interpreted as ascoge- nous cells. It is interesting to note that the large thick-walled cells were found in both mass and monosporous cultures of T. deformans, indicating, as Martin (1940) has recently pointed out, that “their formation is evi- dently not dependent upon conjugation.” It will be recalled that Windisch interpreted the ‘“pulcherrima cells” of T. pulcherrima as ascogenous cells and the bud-like protrusions developing into daughter cells as asci in which ascospores were formed. The similarity between these structures occurring in culture and the ascogenous cells, asci, and ascospores of species of Taphrina was then pointed out, and resulted in the conception of a close relationship between T. pulcherrima and the Taphrinales. It is believed that the results of the present study provide further supporting evidence for this view, because of the fact that quite similar types of cultural sporulation in both T. pulcherrima and T. de- _formans have been observed. COMPARATIVE CELLULAR MoRPHOLOGY OF THE CULTURAL cyees or TL. PULCHERRIMA Both Porchet (1938) and Windisch (1940), although aware of the varia- tion in pigmentation occurring in T. pulcherrima, worked with mass rather than with single cell cultures and consequently failed to obtain a complete separation of the two pure cultural types. As a result, their observations on cellular morphology were undoubtedly made, in part, on mixtures of cultural types and are therefore of little significance in a study of the com- parative cellular. morphology of the pigmented colonies and their non- pigmented variants. On the other hand, Punkari and Henrici (1933, 1935) by means of single cell technique were able to separate the white variant from the pigmented portion, and, as a result of microscopic examination, concluded (1933) that “no morphologic differentiation could be established between red and white variants.” The evidence obtained from the present investigation of this phase of the problem indicates, to the contrary, that 366 ¥ FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1946 some differentiation on the basis of cellular morphology is apparent between the two cultural types. Microscopic investigations were made of all of the single cell colonies used in the work on cultural variation, each colony or sector being exam- ined after it had been growing on potato dextrose agar for one month or longer. The results of this study showed that the red pigmented cultural type produced abundant thick-walled cells, often containing oil globules (Plate II, Fig. 11), while the white variants, both in the form of sectors and entire colonies, often lacked this tendency and consisted, for the most part, of smaller, thin-walled cells reproducing vegetatively by typical budding # (Plate II, Fig. 12). This phenomenon was first noted in the original mass sectored culture on potato dextrose agar. The results of subsequent microscopic examinations of single cell colonies derived from this ancestral culture are tabulated as follows: Number of Cultures Containing Large Number of | Number of Cultures Thick-walled Cells Cultures Containing Large with Attached Examined Thick-walled Cells Daughter Cells Red Cultural Type 44 40 31 White Cultural Type 141 10 ; 3 Total “185 50 34 It should be noted that some cellular structures occurring in both the red and white cultural types were rather difficult to classify because of transitional stages in size and shape, due, it is believed, to the age of the culture and the portion of the colony from which the cells to be examined were taken. Furthermore, oil globules were not always apparent in the large cells, and for this reason they have not been designated as “pulcher- rima cells” in the above tabulation. It is believed, however, that the large, thick-walled cells observed, either with or without oil globules, may be regarded as similar to those cells interpreted by Windisch as ascogenous cells, for many of them were found to possess attached daughter cells. Likewise, the attached daughter cells are considered to be asci, for several of these were found to contain spore-like bodies. Because of the occurrence of large, thick-walled cells and attached daughter cells in some of the white variants, this tabulated evidence cannot “In 1918 Beijerinck, working with mass cultures, noted that certain cells of Saccharo- myces pulcherrimus (Toruopsis pulcherrima) failed to produce fat globules. This was considered to involve a mutational change; and such variants were designated as S. pulcherrimus secundarius. Although fairly constant, these so-called mutants were found to show in some cases a tendency to revert to the normal condition and were apparently not related to any constant directional change in pigmentation. Hence it is believed that this behaviour is not comparable to that which has been found in the present study, although the possibility exists that the results would have been similar if Beijerinck had employed single cell technique. ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 367 be regarded as implying a definite, constant distinction between the two cultural types on the basis of cellular morphology. It can be regarded, however, as indicative of different morphological tendencies in the two types. In view of Windisch’s interpretation of these cellular structures, this evidence raises interesting implications in regard to the relationship between the life cycle of this organism and its cultural variation. Certainly, a tendency for the sexual stage to occur more frequently in the red cultural type is indicated here, but the complete answer to this problem must await the results of further investigations. Although some secondary papillae and roughened surfaces were evident in several single cell cultures of T. pudcherrima, no detailed study of them was undertaken. It should be mentioned, however, that one pure white single cell colony produced two large craters, and microscopic examination of cells from both of them revealed the presence of long, septate mycelial strands. This is in confirmation of Punkari and Henrici’s investigations (1935), in which they noted that craters were only observed in white colonies and stated that ‘“. . . microscopic examination of colonies with craters always showed the presence of mycelium, which was not found in smooth colonies.”’ In addition, twelve white colonies or sectors, when examined micro- scopically, were found to consist of polymorphic cells, or of cells exhibiting a pseudomycelial tendency, and it was further noted that these were always associated with a roughened surface characterized by the formation of numerous small papillae. COMPARATIVE CELLULAR MORPHOLOGY OF THE CULTURAL TYPES OF T. DEFORMANS Similar microscopic investigations were carried out on all of the single cell colonies of JT. deformans in order to determine whether any variation in cellular morphology existed, and if so, whether it bore any relation to the formation of the four cultural types previously designated on the basis of pigmentation as a, b, c, and d. All colonies were examined after they had been growing on potato dextrose agar slants for one month or more, and recorded descriptions were made of the general appearance of the cells, including the occurrence of large, thick-walled cells either with or without attached daughter cells. In view of the fact that spore-like bodies were found in several of these attached daughter cells, these cellular structures were regarded as being indicative of the sporulation process and were con- sequently interpreted as ascogenous cells, attached asci, and spores. As in the microscopic investigations of T. pulcherrima, some difficulty was en- countered in accurately interpreting all structures observed because of the occurrence in some colonies of cells of transitional shape and size. In general, it can be stated that these cellular structures indicative of sporulation occurred as abundantly as in T. pulcherrima, being found in 62 out of a total of 159 cultures examined. (Compare with tabulation totals for IT. pulcherrima, page 366.) In contrast to the observations on Torulopsis, 368 FaRLowlA, VoL. 2, 1946 however, no evidence was obtained in this study for a differentiation of the cultural types on the basis of cellular morphology, for these structures were found in representatives of all four cultural types. They appeared to be somewhat more abundant in the normal a type, but it is believed that they were found in sufficient numbers in the variants 6, c, and d to preclude any generalization as to a constant relationship between sporulation and pigmentation. These results seem to indicate, therefore, that in T. deformans cellular morphology, with regard to the occurrence of structures indicative of sporulation, appears to be more constant than in T. pulcherrima, in the sense that it shows no clear-cut differentiation into two types, each associ- ated with a distinct pigmented cultural type. On the contrary, in Taphrina, the occurrence of cells indicative of sporulation may appear in any culture regardless of its pigmentation. It is possible that their occurrence may be correlated with the age of the culture, but this is offered only as a theo- retical consideration, for no detailed study was made of this phase of the problem. A tendency for mycelial production in culture, which is believed to be more pronounced than has previously been reported, was also noted in T. deformans. Long, septate hyphal strands very similar in appearance to the intercellular mycelium of this organism in host tissue were observed (Plate IIT, Figs. 1, 2). This tendency was noted in the normal type, as well as in the } variant and was not found to be associated in every instance with a roughened surface. Other cultures of T. deformans were composed of elongated, rod-shaped, or otherwise irregularly shaped cells which were either single or in pairs. In addition, the formation of primitive pseudomycelium in the form of short chains was noted by both the normal and irregularly shaped cells. These pseudomycelial and polymorphic tendencies occurred in the normal pigmented type as well as in the 6 variant and were found either in asso- ciation with roughened surfaces or independent of them. A tendency to produce elongated or rod-shaped cells was also noted in some of the smooth colonies of the yellow variant d. NUCLEAR CONDITION Considerable difficulty was encountered in obtaining a satisfactory nuclear stain for T, pudcherrima. The most successful stain employed was Laustsen’s modification of the Feulgen technique, as described by Winge (1935). Windisch had apparently obtained very satisfactory results with this method, although no photomicrographs of stained preparations were included in his paper. He states (1940): “Kernfarbungen nach Winge- Feulgen mit Fuchsin erwiesen die Zweikernigkeit aller vegetativen Formen sowie der Ascusmutterzellen.” In the present study, cells from young, active cultures were the only ones stained satisfactorily by this method, and consequently no information as RoBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 369 to the nuclear condition of the large, thick-walled cells (ascogenous cells or ascus mother cells) occurring in old cultures was obtained. However, it was found that all vegetative cells, whether from mass or single cell, pigmented or non-pigmented cultures, were stained in such a way that they exhibited what is believed to represent a constant uninucleate con- dition. This is in direct contrast to the binucleate condition caganien by Windisch. Although some differences in interpretation of the stained bodies could be made, it will be seen from Plate III, Figs. 3, 4 that these stained prep- arations cannot possibly be regarded as being indicative of a binucleate condition, for each cell contains a single, deeply stained body. The difficulty in interpretation appears to involve the nucleoli and the nuclear membranes. A comparison of Plate III, Figs. 3, 4 with Figs. 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 of Plate II in Winge’s paper (1935) shows a definite similarity in the results of employing this staining procedure, notwithstanding the fact that two different yeasts were involved. Winge interprets, without question, the deeply stained bodies as nuclei, but it is possible that the stained bodies in our preparations may be nucleoli, because of the fact that some of them appear to be surrounded by a definite, clear area which is not apparent in Winge’s photomicrographs. This clear area may possibly represent the extent of a single nucleus and the enclosed stained body, the nucleolus, but because no membrane is visible at the periphery of the clear area, this interpretation is doubtful. Regardless of the interpretation of the nuclear details, the results of this staining method clearly indicate that the young vegetative cells of T. pulcherrima are uninucleate. In contrast, all of Windisch’s stained preparations revealed a . binucleate condition of the cells. Consequently, he believed that the uninucleate, haploid phase of the life cycle must be of very short duration, the deriva- tives of the ascospores copulating very soon after spore discharge, resulting in the establishment of the binucleate stage. Windisch actually observed this fusion of ascospore derivatives (which appeared to involve dissimilar partners and therefore can be considered as heterogamous copulation), but - it should be emphasized that although this plasmogamy was found to result in the dicaryon phase, the actual point in the life cycle at which karyogamy occurred was not ascertained. Windisch had consistently observed a bi- nucleate condition in the ascogenous cells and believed that these two nuclei corresponded to the nuclear pair observed in the vegetative cells. The possibility that the two nuclei were diploid daughter nuclei of a zygote nucleus was offered, but because, under certain conditions, the ascogenous cells could reproduce vegetatively by budding instead of forming asci, led Windisch to prefer the assumption that the two nuclei in the ascogenous cell were haploid. Because uninucleate ascogenous cells were never ob- served, Windisch proposed the idea that karyogamy in T. pulcherrima may occur in the ascus, and as evidence of a similar occurrence in the Taphri- nales, he referred to the statement of Kniep (1928) that in Taphrina 370 FaRLowIA, VOL. 2, 1946 nuclear fusion occurs in the ascus. However, it has recently been definitely established by Martin (1940) that karyogamy in T. deformans occurs only in the ascogenous cells, a fact which has been generally regarded as typify- ing the genus as a whole (Eftimiu 1927, Gdumann and Dodge 1928). It is therefore believed that Windisch’s assumption of a similarity be- tween T. pulcherrima and Taphrina spp. based upon the nuclear condition in the life cycles of these organisms is incorrect. The possibility exists, of course, that karyogamy does occur in the ascogenous cells of 7. pulcherrima and that’ Windisch had failed to observe it; but until this fact is actually known, a concept of a relationship between Torulopsis and Taphrina on the basis of the nuclear behaviour known at present does not appear to be justified. . The Laustsen modification of the Feulgen technique was not found to be satisfactory for demonstrating the nuclei in cells of T. deformans. None of the stains employed was found to be completely successful, although the use of Mayer’s haem-alum demonstrated the presence of a single stained body in some of the sprout conidia from young cultures. Although no detail was apparent in any of these bodies, they were regarded as being indicative of a uninucleate condition, in view of the fact that sev- eral investigators (Fitzpatrick 1934, Martin 1940, Mix 1935) have found this to be the case in the majority of cells from young cultures of T. deformans. Because, as in Torulopsis, only active cells from young cultures were successfully stained, no information on the nuclear condition of the larger, thick-walled cells (ascogenous cells) was obtained, although Mix reported them as being either uni- or binucleate (1935). In addition, Fitzpatrick (1935) observed some binucleate sprout conidia taken from fairly old cul- tures, while Wieben (1927) found in TapArina spp. binucleate conidia fol- lowing copulation. In the present study, no binucleate cells were observed. PHYSIOLOGICAL TESTS Although comparative observations of the microscopic and macroscopic appearances of the two fungi in culture represented the main problem in the present investigation, a limited number of tests were performed in order to determine some of the physiological differences between the two organ- isms as well as between the variant cultural types of each organism. One of the most important distinctions between the physiology of T. de- formans and T. pulcherrima is that the former has been reported to lack the ability to produce alcoholic fermentation (Mix 1924), while 7. pul- cherrima is a species capable of fermenting glucose, fructose, and mannose (Lodder 1934). Mix in 1924 used 10% solutions of dextrose, sucrose, and maltose in potato broth in his fermentation tests and had obtained com- pletely negative results. Confirmation of this work was obtained by the failure of active mass and single cell cultures of JT. deformans to produce any fermentation of 2% solutions in yeast juice of galactose, glucose, eae | ROBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA Spl maltose, lactose, and sucrose. In addition, the three variant types, 8, c, and d were found unable to cause fermentation of any of these sugars.® Because of this lack of fermentative ability in Taphrina, tests were per- formed by means of the auxanogram method (Lodder 1934) in order to determine what sugars this organism was capable of assimilating under aerobic conditions. Positive results were obtained with glucose and sucrose, and negative results with galactose, lactose, and maltose. T. pulcherrima, on the other hand, was found to be capable of fermenting a 2% solution of glucose. In addition, the appearance in some of the sucrose solutions of a few gas bubbles was noted, which may be regarded as being indicative of a slight tendency of this organism to ferment this sugar. However, the explanation for the occurrence of gas bubbles in the sucrose solutions may lie in the method of sterilization of the liquid media. As Mudge (1917) pointed out, disaccharides may. become hydrolyzed by sterilization in both the autoclave and the Arnold sterilizer, resulting in the formation of monosaccharides in the medium. Mudge found this to be the case with maltose and lactose, and the possibility exists that the sucrose solutions used in the present tests were sterilized for a length of time suffi- cient to induce a partial breakdown into the monosaccharides glucose and fructose, both of which are fermented by this organism. It should be noted, however, that, although Lodder in her standard work on generic and specific determination of the imperfect yeasts lists glucose (fructose, mannose) as the only sugar fermented by 7. pulcherrima, Grosbiisch (1915) found that a strain of Torula rubefaciens (Torulopsis pulcherrima) was able to cause a very slight fermentation of sucrose. Galactose, lactose, and maltose gave negative results in all fermentation tests with T. pulcherrima. In addition, no differences in fermentative ability were found between the red and the white cultural types. Nitrogen utilization tests were undertaken by means of the auxanogram technique. Both the red and the white cultural types of T. pulcherrima were found capable of utilizing only asparagine and peptone, although Lodder had obtained, in addition, positive results with ammonium sulfate and urea. In this connection, it is worthy of note that in the original un- published identification of this isolate of T. pulcherrima, ammonium sulfate was found by E. M. Mrak to be slowly utilized, while urea was not utilized at all. No positive results for the utilization of any nitrogen-containing sub- stances by T. deformans were obtained by means of the auxanogram method. In view of the fact that peptone is generally utilized as a nitrogen source by yeasts, as well as ammonium sulfate (Henrici 1941), these results are surprising. Moreover, in the sugar auxanograms, ammonium sulfate was the only nitrogen source available in the basal medium and therefore must have been utilized by T. deformans as evidenced by its growth in the ®° According to the well-known “Kluyver-Dekker laws” (as cited by Henrici 1941), any yeast which can ferment glucose can also ferment fructose and mannose. For this reason, fructose and mannose were not included in the fermentation tests. 372 FARLOWIA, VoL. 2, 1946 presence of glucose and sucrose. It is concluded that the complete explana- tion of these negative results must therefore await the results of further investigation. ; In general, the physiological tests, although limited in scope, appear to point to two facts worthy of consideration: 1) 7. pudcherrima can be dis- tinguished from T. deformans on the basis of its ability to ferment certain sugars, and 2) on the basis of these tests, no differences in physiological behaviour were found between the two cultural types of T. pulcherrima — and among the four cultural types of T. deformans. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS As evidenced by cultural similarities, the results of this investigation point to the apparent interrelationship of a saprophytic yeast, Torulopsis pulcherrima, and a parasitic fungus possessing a yeast-like saprophytic stage, Taphrina deformans. It will be recalled that this comparative study was undertaken with the hope of obtaining additional information which could be used either in substantiation or in rejection of Windisch’s concept of a relationship be- tween T. pulcherrima and the genus Taphrina and his proposal to incor- porate 7. pulcherrima in the order Taphrinales as Candida pulcherrima. This proposal was based upon the similarities between the observed life cycle, including sporulation, of T. pulcherrima and of C. tropicalis in cul- ture and the previously described life cycles of Taphrina spp. in their para- sitic, non-culturable stages. Windisch made no recorded observations on the cultural characteristics of any species of Taphrina. In the present study, the genus Candida was not investigated, and while T. deformans was the only species of Taphrina used, it is believed to be representative of the general cultural behaviour of the genus as a whole. For purposes of comparison, the information obtained from a study of | the two fungi in culture may be tabulated as follows: That the two fungi are, in general, quite similar in cultural behaviour is clearly evident from the above tabulation. In both organisms cultural variation may occur in the form of variously pigmented, transmissible or non-transmissible growth types; cellular morphology is of a similar type, pseudomycelium or true mycelium may be found, and cellular structures indicative of sporulation frequently occur. This latter fact is regarded as one of importance for the following reasons: 1) it confirms Windisch’s report of sporulation in T. pulcherrima and consequently justifies the re- moval of this organism from the imperfect yeasts; 2) it supports Mix’s observations on the occurrence of the diplophase and sexuality in T. de- formans in culture; and 3) it offers additional support for the view of a general relationship between 7. pulcherrima and the Taphrinales. More- over, the finding of pseudomycelium and true mycelium in T. pulcherrima is indicative of the fact that it does not properly belong in the sub-family Torulopsidoideae as defined by Lodder (1934). RoBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 373 T. pulcherrima T. deformans Character of cultural growth Characteristic color of colony Occurrence of variation in pigmentation Occurrence of transmis- sible variants Occurrence of temporary variants General appearance of cells from young cultures General appearance of cells from old cultures Occurrence of cellular structures indicative of sporulation Occurrence of differences in cellular morphology among the various cul- tural types Occurrence of a mycelial tendency Nuclear condition of young vegetative cells Fermentative ability Occurrence of physiologi- cal differences among the various cultural types Yeast-like Red — non-carotinoid, diffusible pigment White, brown Predictable occurrence of white sectors Unpredictable, rare occur- rence of brown sectors Oval-globose, thin-walled, budding cells and “pul- cherrima cells”’ Mainly “pulcherrima cells” Abundant in old cultures and interpreted as asco- genous cells, attached asci, and ascospores Evident in red and white cultural types Present Uninucleate Ferments glucose Not evident Yeast-like Pink — non-carotinoid, non-diffusible pigment White, yellow, and vari- ous modifications of pink Unpredictable occurrence of yellow and white sectors Unpredictable, frequent occurrence of sectors of various modifications of pink Oval-globose, thin-walled, budding cells Similar large, thick-walled cells but with many oil globules Abundant in old cultures and interpreted as asco- genous cells, attached asci, and ascospores Not evident Present Uninucleate Incapable of fermenting glucose or any other sugar Not evident fee It will be noted from the above tabulation that the chief distinguishing points between the two organisms appear to involve the type of pigmenta- tion and the fermentative ability, but it is known that both fungi may produce a non-pigmented growth type and that the genus Torulopsis con- tains several species which lack the ability to produce alcoholic fermentation (Lodder 1934). T. deformans, although customarily isolated from its host by means of discharging ascospores, also may be isolated in its overwinter- ing, saprophytic stage from peach bark or buds; it is possible that confusion in identification would result if such isolates were studied according to the present methods for the determination of yeasts, without the use of inocula- tion tests. Thus, in partial support of Windisch’s views, it can be said that the 374 FarLowIA, VoL. 2, 1946 cultural similarities evident between T. pulcherrima and T. deformans are indicative of their interrelationship, an assumption which is believed to be further justified by the sporulation phenomenon, which was previously reported for T. pulcherrima by Windisch (1938, 1940) and which, in the present study, appears to have been confirmed for that species, and, in addition, to have been found in 7. deformans. However, certain other facts, as yet unexplained, have been revealed by this comparative investigation which do not lend themselves to a complete substantiation of the proposals of Windisch. Specifically, all of the evidence obtained in this study is indicative of a constant uninucleate condition in the young vegetative cells of both T. deformans and T. pulcherrima, in contrast to Windisch’s report of a con- stant binucleate condition in T. pulcherrima (exclusive of an assumed, very short, uninucleate phase). This discrepancy, coupled with Windisch’s belief that karyogamy in this fungus occurs in the ascus, does not support the concept of a relationship between Torulopsis and Taphrina based upon nuclear behaviour. It is believed that perhaps the explanation for this discrepancy may lie in the use of single cell technique in the present study, and the subsequent distinctive type of variation in pigmentation which it revealed. It was found, in contrast to the investigations of Punkari and Henrici, that dissociation in T. pulcherrima into the two cultural types, regardless of whether it is an expression of the dual phenomenon, was apparently correlated with variation in cellular morphology, and that these distinct morphological tendencies seemed to bear some relation to the sporulation process, and therefore to sexuality. Consequently, until further cytological investigations of this organism reveal the complete facts sur- rounding the nuclear cycle, it seems unwise to point to the observed uni- nucleate condition of both Taphrina and Torulopsis in culture as being indicative of their interrelationship. Thus, it is believed that these preliminary cultural investigations lend support to the ideas advanced by numerous investigators in regard to a general relationship between the yeasts and the Taphrinales. It is further believed that they also support the recent, more specific proposal of Win- disch in regard to a relationship between the Taphrinales and T. pulcher- rima, as well as the removal of the latter from the imperfect yeasts. How- ever, because our knowledge of the cytology, sexuality, and variation of T. pulcherrima is still in an imperfect state, it is believed that. further investigations of a wide number of isolates of this species are needed before it can be placed with certainty into any of the present schemes of classifica- tion of the perfect fungi. It is therefore concluded that, although our present knowledge points to a relationship between T. pulcherrima and the Taphrinales, until the life cycle of the former has been completely worked out, especially with regard to the nuclear behaviour and the relationship between sexuality and cultural variation, the similarities recognized at present are not sufficient grounds for adopting Windisch’s proposals of transferring T. pulcherrima to the RoBERTS: TORULOPSIS AND TAPHRINA 375 genus Candida and of incorporating it in the Taphrinales in a new family, the Candidaceae. It should be added that no evidence was obtained from either organism which would fully support the findings of Todd and Herrmann in regard to their assumed life cycle of Cryptococcus hominis (Torulopsis